Tuesday, November 15, 2016

YOU know that

Why is that so many people are saying, “there is nothing we can do, what is done is done” in regards to the Electoral College Election of Trump. Mostly it is the Dems/Liberals/Progressives who seem to want to find a Kumbaya moment. We must honor the results of this election, they insist, forgetting that on the day President Obama was inaugurated, the GOP leadership took an oath to NEVER permit anything Obama proposed, as law, take effect. Why is it that once again the Dems/Liberals/Progressives are supposed to let bygones be bygones, to turn the other cheek, to grin and bare it and just move on, the one’s responsible for making things nice. Why is it that the Dems/Liberals/Progressives are supposed to be the good guys and follow the rules; when most of the time it has been the Evangelical Conservative Christian/Tea Party/GOP who have always declared “to hell with the rules?’ How much longer are the Dems/Liberals/Progressives supposed to be the dupes, the dumb, the patsy? NO…we have tried all of that before and have gotten nowhere by playing along with a political party, selfish, self serving and sinister. 

AND of course with straight faces, with just enough puckered left or right side of their guilted lips, if we look close enough, we see the sneer, that a hides! Just buy OUR BS, we can’t lie much longer! I want the non KKK/Aryan Nation/Sons and Daughters of the Revolution Voters to wake up from their stupor and demand that the bigotry/stupidity/lying/crooked/nasty/hombre and his cohort of freaks stop aborting our freedoms/rights/equality.  AND oh yeah it will be too late, to do so pretty soon…YOU know that!