Monday, November 14, 2016


So tell me NOW, right NOW how we are supposed to act like good obedient citizens and WAIT until Trump is sworn in as president. All of the people who wanted change, and believed that Hillary, alone, was the only politician to use a private server…all the people who thought Jews/LGBT friends and family would not have to worry because you just HAD to show how pissed off you were with Obamacare/less unemployment/less wars/a cleaner environment/. So tell me how those damn ruffians protesting Trumps Electoral College win…are disrespecting the DEMOCRATIC way…I dare you..cause here is the REAL deal..Steve Bannon is an admitted anti-Semite and racist…Mike Pence wants his private emails to be kept private…Jason Chaffetz, the ring leader of the Hillary E-mail witch hunt has been using a private server…Not one Republican has said word one about the Russian hacking of the DNC and HRC websites…Roe V Wade is not such a sure thing anymore…Wait, I read, come ON, the guy needs some time…So tell me NOW why I should wait to protest, protest, PROTEST!