On March 9th, 1954, Edward R. Murrow—who was then perhaps the country’s most highly revered journalist—devoted an entire episode of his CBS program “See it Now” to the words and deeds of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had already done much to earn his notorious place in history. Using McCarthy’s own statements, Murrow painted a picture of a man whose recklessness with the truth and ugly attacks on his critics had contributed to a climate of deep fear and repression in American life.
“This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy’s methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.” Edward R. Murrow
It happened, a bully pulpit, caressed, catered to, conveniently prepared by an insecure politician who prayed on the insecurities of those who would rather look outward for blame, away for guilt, and amongst any one but themselves for fault. Standing at the bully pulpit was a man claiming to be the EVERYMAN. Joe McCarthy claimed his blood was the reddest, his skin was the whitest, and his knowledge of the woes of this nation were deeper than anyone could sing the blues. Rid the nation of the evil so the purest can rise. Never trust the OTHER, they will rob you of your freedoms. Follow me as I am the only one who understands your strengths. I can make you stronger. America did, and one by one we began a foray into a frightening future where anyone was suspect and no one seemed to be able to stop this lats form of the Inquisition!
For me, the election IS not over, because if I was to become silent and sedentary, and not demand more of this democracy, my actions would be nothing more then a footnote, stating “I was only following orders.” I will become a part of the RESISTANCE, making sure I have been pro-active in trying to stop the tyranny gripping MY country. I will give thanks on Thursday, that I still have a voice to do so!