Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I can NOT

I can NOT in good conscience pretend that the election is over and that I should move on. Too much is at stake for me to pretend that having Trump become president is something I must tolerate. It is as if Trump and those who support him are individuals with whom I should use the term, “let bygones be bygones.” The cadre of extremists, bent on diminishing my ray of freedoms, and equality are too dangerous for me to look the other way. This is not a reality show, or and adventure movie, Trump’s questionable election is a wary reminder that justice and democracy have been tinkered with, as if someone punctured the brake lining of a car, asking America to drive it anyway. We all know the lack of consideration Trump has for the rest of us, we know this by HIS words, HIS actions, and HIS inactions. 

The DNC and Hillary’s servers were hacked. The GOP hypocrites in Congress, just sighed and shook their heads saying, “Shit happens.” These same Pay too Play Congress People spent millions of dollars to lie and destroy Hillary Clinton basing their theories on nothing but propaganda, but have not moved an inch on demanding answers regarding the hacking of a political party and its candidate. And I am supposed to lie dead and regard THEIR inaction as a normal day in democracy! The GOP has gathered as a Coven of Witches would, already stirring up potions to rid this nation of women’s rights. LGBT rights. immigrant rights, and the ability to even afford our own boots from which we are expected to pull our straps to get ahead.

I can NOT, watch as at least 2 million more popular votes for Hillary add up and NOT wonder how savvy the team of hackers were to fool this nation out lull this nation into thinking, we would permit a man like Trump to become Commander and Chief. I believe the RNC, chair and a Trump knew that twerking a few thousand votes in a select group of states which seemed close, would be a great ploy. I wish I had the power to DEMAND a re-count. Trump never lies when he uses words in his Tweets. He never lies because as a narcissist, he must let the world know what he is about to do. He was quite correct when he said the election is RIGGED. I want my country back!