OH MY GOD NO….make them stop, PLEASE, my EARS are on FIRE! It seems the the media we find on television has decided to ask the questions:What didn’t we know about the 2016 election…Why didn’t we see it coming…and of course What should we consider in the future…NO, I plead, just go away Media, you are nothing but BLING, FACADES, EMPTY BOXES dressed in a some shiny poofy stuff. You are the Roach Motel, and ALL of us have entered and NOW we cannot escape from your lack of insight, sad indifference, and salivating to be the news. And NOW you have the audacity to question WHAT THE HELL happened on your watch! Where is the ghost of Edward R Murrow to haunt the living daylights out of each and every news department!
YOU covered every fart, burp, schtoop, piss and poop Donald Trump enjoyed. YOU never questioned his erratic, bizarre habits, you permitted him to be a douchebag of YOUR choice, kind of a flavor of the month. YOU scorned his every move with a chuckle and a wink (wink, wink), and while doing so, sent more cameras to follow him then you probably even owned. YOU cut him every break…YOU catered to his prejudices, his acrimony, his lack of knowledge. YOU coddled him, deciding that he was the dumb one, so standards needed to be lowered. AND WORST of all, YOU pretended to be fair and balanced, just like that REALLY fake news outlet. Whenever Trump was wrong, you ALL had to discover reasons Hillary was just as wrong, EVEN WHEN they DID NOT exist! He was your ratings GIANT, Media! He was a creation by supposed professional journalist and reporters who actually NEVER questioned him on ANYTHING of importance.
NOOOO….don’t ask us now what happened! YOU know what took place, you were there with audio and video… Four years ahead of the election the GOP fearful of truth, decided to make up stories about Hillary, you aired them…The DNC, HRC’ servers were hacked, you NEVER made an effort to follow the trail…Trump lied and all YOU did was shake your heads, furl your brows, looking angst ridden when his surrogates made you look like Junior High reporters…The connection the Trump campaign had with the Russians was IN FRONT OF YOUR closed yes…AND NOW on top of everything you did wrong, MEDIA, you have the gaul to ask why didn’t we see this coming. OH MY GOD, this must be Dante’s Inferno level 666…TV/Cable MEDIA, REALLY!