“The theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!” (Trump Tweet)
The White House must always be a safe and special place. Not a place for the office of an admitted Bigot/Racist/Anti-Semite/misogynist your Strategic Planing appointee, Steve Bannon. You have been rude to women/the disabled/ Muslims/Mexicans, when exactly have you apologized Trump? Your cast of Anarchists have been very rude to Barack Obama who is a very good man. Apologize! (Gerry Buncher Tweet if he ever tweeted)
The United States must always be a safe and special place. Not an isolated island for Caucasians only, who wear white robes, swaztika’s, waving the flag of a rogue nation which declared war against America. The supposed cast of Cabinet members, like Jeff Sessions (who thinks a little pussy grabbing is just fine. Mike Flynn (who sat at the same table to celebrate Putin’s award for his propaganda television station/and Flynn’s love for waterboarding) Pam Bondi, (your gal pal who loves a good bribe) Jerry Falwell Jr (the man who knows God hates the Gays and the only education necessary is the New Testament), Myron Ebell (the man who loves to deny climate change and global warming), just to name a few, are already rude to those of us who believe that America deserves equality/freedom/a clean environment/civil rights/an actual wall between church and state. Your cast of kiss ass surrogates, all who refuse to admit the Emperor (You) has no clothes, owe those of us who are not you or your family, an apology! Resistance, a new musical, Trump, the sane among us will be singing its symphonies for the next four years!