What, huh? 5 MASS shootings within a week, in the United States, no way! Yep, and on top of that all of the murderers were white, Fuck, no way, it’s the Southern Border, it’s the Caravan, it’s the brown folk we must worry about. Guns don’t kill, especially guns in the hands of white folk…must be FAKE NEWS…okay, umm, all of the most important leadership of all of the main Intelligence Agencies sat in front of an open session of Congress, and announced that in fact, Russia, China, are using very sophisticated cyber warfare on the US, the Troops must stay in a very unstable and dangerous Syria, assisting our Kurd Allies…that ISIS has not been defeated, that North Korea has made NO motion or intention of eliminating their nuclear arsenal (and adding a few more secret sites) Iran, in fact, has been abiding by its nuclear commitment, each and every man and one woman disagreeing with Trump’s appraisal that none of the above except for Iran is our enemy or to be afraid of…what’s that, NO WAY, cause FOX News says it ain’t so, and Trump always touts just how smart he is when he talks to himself…
Well now, Mitch McConnell insists that making November 6, Election Day a National Holiday, where workers get a paid day, will only create havoc and diminish the economy of the nation…but borrowing another trillion dollars for all of the GOP Tax decreases for the wealthy is not a good enough reason for higher deficits. Comrade Mitch, somehow thought he was still on the line speaking with Putin when he also stated that having Election Day is a very undemocratic proposition…NO, cause Mitch is ALWAYS looking out for the common man, you know, like promising Clean Coal, taking away Pre-Existing conditions for health insurance, and not even permitting a bi-partisan bill to keep the government open to have a vote, a vote in which with enough Senators agreeing WOULD override Trump’s veto! And, oh yeah, the purveyor of democracy, Little Lindsey Graham, trying on the Trump extra-long tie, so he too can pretend to be more of a MAN, is all hissy once more about how the FBI handles its raids on criminals who participate in crimes against the national security of this nation, and who act as agents for Russia, like Manafort and Stone…can't be, huh…cause Lindsey was a BFF of the Maverick McCain and both men were great defenders of our democracy!
And now, as usual, the DEMOCRATS, having learned nothing, let me say it again HAVING LEARNED NOTHING at all from the Trump fiasco, are infighting regarding ideological policy, which really relates to the very wealthy Dems not happy with the not so wealthy Dems, and instead of looking at the entire Democrat voter and finding common ground, are eating each other up, a job was usually done by the Republicans…NO WAY, not the Dems, not the Party which won over 3 million for votes in 2016, not the Party that has the goods on the Russian interference, and the Trump Campaign being fools fodder for Putin…Yep, YEP…Please say that ain’t so…but fucked up is how the Dems work, usually…what a year so far and it is still January!