Few words are necessary, anymore, to describe the conditions of this nation, and fewer words can be found that hasn’t already been expressed to describe the condition of Donald Trump. Each day, that Trump is permitted to remain in office…each day that McConnell decides to ignore his obligations to the citizens of America…each day a newer lie is replaced with a previous lie…each day that Trump pontificates, lecturing the American people on subjects of which he is both uneducated and ill-informed…each day we permit the bigots and racists from men like Stephen Miller, the FOX and Friends, Conservative Entertainers and the Evangelical Christian Crusaders get the last word embedded into the empty space that is called Trumps brain or conscience…Each day we pretend that because the title of President in front of the name of Trump IS supposed to be respected, even though every action taken by the man named Trump is offensive, obnoxious and mostly illegal and the myriad of questions still remain as to how many laws were broken to hack him into office…each day, Trump remains like a wild animal out to destroy anything and everybody in his way…
Now we have at 800,000 Americans on the brink of debt and desperation…we soon will have people without the ability to receive the most modest of food and nutrition…we soon will have our financial systems shut down…and VERY, VERY soon the possibility of some imagined NATIONAL EMERGERNCY… a fake, a phony, a feckless tantrum perpetrated by a real perp, to salvage a ratings game with a group of his cultists who have no idea the world is round, that the Russians have invaded our nation and that IN FACT ALL NAZI’s are BAD!
And to top it off, the Trump Administration is pouring gasoline in the forms of lies and misinformation as to just why suddenly there are terrorists, rapists, diseased people coming by the thousands though our Southern Border…when in fact the dangerous, the MOST dangerous of terrorists have arrive by plane to the via the private planes owned by the Oligarchs of Russia who have invaded the offices and homes of the Trump Crime Family and the Republican National Committee Crime Family owned and operated by one Mitch McConnell. And the side-show of whose penis is bigger continues while the rest of America suffers…and oh yeah you idiot MAGA men and women the plague that you think is only going to hurt the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats…that disease is going to eat away at you, most likely sooner than later…and all we do is talk and talk and talk! I have already used more than just a few words…