Little Lindsey Graham is a BIG LOSER…He needs to grab back his balls and backbone, from both Trump and the Putin paid Russian Oligarchs…Tweeting, today, Little Loser Lindsey tells Trump to declare a National Emergency, when in fact this nation is in a national emergency, bought and paid for by all of the spineless Republican Senators who fear, yet loathe the mentally deranged dictator named Trump visa vie Putin.
Hey Little Loser Lindsey, the Constitution provides the Senate with the ability to override the malicious and anarchist methods of any President, by enacting VETO power. You know this Little Loser Lindsey…so instead of your tweet telling Trump to JUST invoke a National Emergency…you should have been more Patriotic and less Putin like, and tweeted to your Majority Leader Mitch (Comrade McConnell) to take up both of the House of Representatives’ bills to OPEN the GOVERNMENT, pay the workers, and fund the Departments necessary for normalcy, and as most democracies attempt to debate the long lost issue of immigration.
But that would be too easy Little Loser Lindsey, because then you and your empty vessel GOP puppets, would have to take responsibility for your inactions and worse your anti-American careless arrogance. Putin wants this nation to fall into chaos…Trump believes in chaos can come to Martial Law…with Martial Law, any existing semblance of democracy dies…Little Loser Lindsey, your Tweet is bull shit…the Senate can VETO any president, who is exacting revenge, and paranoid behavior toward this nation…BUT you Little Loser Lindsey are such a weak sad sack of a soul, you would rather pretend that somehow you are powerless…And to the voters of South Carolina, who not only found it normal to have voted Nikki Haley into office…but continue to support this spineless, shyster snake oil salesman, owing much of his victory due to the funding of Russian Oligarchs…get your own head out of your asses, find some daylight and truth, and vote this jerk out of office…The days of democracy are numbered, because of stooges like Little Loser Lindsey Graham!