Casey At The Bat: a Poem by Ernest Thayer…A baseball team from the fictional town of "Mudville" (implied to be the home team) is losing by two runs in its last inning. Both the team and its fans, a crowd of 5,000, believe they can win if Casey, Mudville's star player, gets to bat. However, Casey is scheduled to be the fifth batter of the inning, and the first two batters (Cooney and Barrows) fail to get on base. The next two batters (Flynn and Jimmy Blake) are perceived to be weak hitters with little chance of reaching base to allow Casey a chance to bat.
Surprisingly, Flynn hits a single, and Blake follows with a double that allows Flynn to reach third base. Both runners are now in scoring position and Casey represents the potential winning run. Casey is so sure of his abilities that he does not swing at the first two pitches, both called strikes. On the last pitch, the overconfident Casey strikes out swinging, ending the game and sending the crowd home unhappy.
Lets, all calm down America, shall we: So, Trump announced the temporary end of HIS intentional Government Shutdown. If, in fact, this lunatic with great memory loss issues, plus issues named Ann Coulter/Laura Ingraham/Rush Limbaugh/and Sean Hannity, causing him to easily decide he never agreed to anything, especially after he reads the Tweets from his MAGA maniacs. If we know anything about Trump it is his inability to remain in the present and to give a shit about any promise he made. And, in ALL honesty, where is the victory, if, in fact, we have a mere few weeks until this puppet of Putin can act out and provide America with another three-year-old temper tantrum. Until the Republicans, not just the handful more worried about their looming elections in 2020, decide to find their backbones and override Comrade Mitch, this game of gotcha’ will go on and on.
And sadly, the real issue, is that Trump thrives on front and center of the cameras…and he sop DESIRES his State of the Union, where he can lie, lie and lie and receive applause from the paid to play GOP politicians who receive large sums of money from Russian Oligarchs. And remember this America, before we pat ourselves on the back, thinking Trump backed down…he still threatens that he has other means to get what he wants…other means, mean very terrible consequences for this nation and possibly the demise of democracy. I celebrate this brief victory, but I have learned that placing Trump in the corner is a dangerous dilemma, and Mr. Putin has spent too much money on his personal pet!