Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Bone Spurs of the Brain


You can cheat on your spouse, lie in the same bed with an anarchist, do every dirty bit of work you wish for the enemy of the state...you can launder money, have a mistress or two...you can claim only you have the word of God and charge others to pray to HIM, via the check you just paid to do so...you can pretend Jesus has anointed you the next child of God, only to find he choose someone even slimmer than you... you can play sports, yet decide, suddenly you have bone spurs, so fighting for our nation is one sport in which you will not participate, then immediately go back to playing the less murder some games...You can celebrate a foreign asset as Commander-In-Chief, a compromised agent, compromised by an indulgent, belligerent, dictator, whose compassion for anyone but himself is null and void... you can do all of that all of those supposedly THOU SHALL NOT BULL SHIT items listed on your invisible tablets, and feel that you are a Crusader for Jesus...a protector of a God, who it seems is quite unprepared and has very little power to do anything but make you drink the Kool-Aid and become a hypocrite cultist...But be a Transgendered Individual, a person who finally has become aware of the gendered nature intended, and you be that Individual willing to serve your nation and join the Military, proudly so, with all the thrill and vigor that a true patriot musters....but somehow in this DYSFUNCTIONAL, inferiority filled nation of insecure men and women who only distrust their own being, their own miserable lives, NOW, with a President who has committed Felonies and all sorts of Crimes, supported by a homophobic and Racist VP, enabled by a Political Party of blackmailed Republicans, scared of something referred to as a BASE...a small portion of hate-filled bigots...if you are a Transgendered person your services to fight for this nation are relegated back to the days when signs on lawns read, no Jews, no Blacks, no Catholics, no Dogs...and back in the days when lynching was a cool sport, and colored drinking fountains were a necessity so no white person could dare drink the same water...American democracy...no American decency has died today!