Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Occupation

It is January 1, 2019, and as the blue skies of LA, invaded by the winds from the Santa Ana Mountains shown in a dazzling umbrella of bright and cherry, the Occupation of the United States was at the beginning of the third year. Celebrations, from the EVE, before heralded in the new year, lovers embracing one another as the magic mirrored ball dropped, and low and be behold Gay men actually still were given permission to be the first to say Happy new year, on the television. From the glitter and the grandeur of the televised commotion one might never think that the White House had been corrupted by an enemy agent of the Russians, or that the majority of the Congress, being Republican had high tailed it out of town to avoid making any difficult moral decision’s, because they might offend a very odd base of people who, seem to own the Republican Party starting way back in 2016.  The Occupation was still very alive, however, many American laborers working for the Federal Government were considered slaves, working but not being paid, working, because their master, the Congress, just walked away from any responsibility of over-riding the King, the Orange King with a large stain Russian Red painted on his body! It seems that the Royal class can shut down the government, they themselves, being considered Civil Servants by the public, but in reality, a class above the common man or woman. The Orange King, using his tiny hands and even smaller brain lamented that he and only he was suffering, because he stayed in the White House, his secondary palace (the real Palace called Mar-A-Largo) to pretend he had any real concerns for the people of this nation), as he Tweeted to the nation, using few characters and fewer words to communicate on issues of GREAT concern.

It seems, now, that those who rely on Food Assistance, the very poor, will have to just either diet or go hungry, because in the Shut Down of Government, during this Occupation, the department that processes claims for people to eat, is down in operation by 95%...but that is not the concern of the Orange King, it is the terrorists of the color brown ready to revolt at the Southern Border…Fools we are, because if anyone was really paying attention, we would notice that all of the Occupation of this land of ours has arrived from Russia paid for by Saudi Arabia and financed by China!  The Occupation has been relentless in dismantling some archaic form of democracy called checks and balances. No use for one branch of government to be the checkmate to ensure less criminal activity, nope…the Occupation and the enablers of the Occupation have made certain, the King wins at no matter the coast.

Oh, yeah, and the laughable Resistance, who had declared war against the Occupation, has already begun to inflect rot and ruin upon themselves, as they usually have in the past, by deriding, degrading and destroying the character and purpose of anyone brave enough to try and take leadership. The Resistance has no idea that 2020 is still a year away, and that it IS THE IMMEDIATE, the here and now that needs attention and not the dreams and desires of some has been’s or wanna be’s to tell us what they will do if elected the next King or Queen! Children are prisoned, battered and some have died…the cost of health care is teetering on the high end, the climate is in dire straits, the infrastructure dwindling in strength, we are still debating on good or bad Nazi’s, crimes have gone unpunished…and worst of all tyrants and dictators are writing the foreign policies of this nation. Ans still each and every day, and even on this first year of a New Year, the Occupation IS still in command, the Occupation’s Propaganda Machine made up of right-wing idiots whose only requirement to work is how much they hate and who they hate is still deciding on freedoms and equality, and the blackmail of many of the Occupation Enablers is still intact. It’s a New Year, but one has to wonder, does it make a difference that we are now saying 2019 instead of 2018?