Kids are dying…kids are still remaining in cages…some kids have newly discovered that although their parents are alive, these kids in particular of various hues of brown skin are NOW orphans. More kids will soon realize that food is not a necessity because the Republican leadership under the tantrum-filled tenure of Trump have closed down the government, and the Food Assistance Program is considered a perk…and as some true Christian Republican lawmakers have stated, (you know the ones who consider this nation a Christian Theocracy), if your parents are too poor, then suffer their consequences!
Federal employees are deemed slave labor, expandable worker bees expected to sweat and labor for the government, the same government who could give one shit whether these worker bees can afford rent, mortgage, food or health payment of bills. Who needs a big government anyway…let the bridges collapse, let the air quality suffocate you, let the rich have all the lavish lifestyle toys they need, let the Earth smother? Who needs any more experiments into lifesaving drugs and medications? Farmers have silos, silos are tall, let all of the rotting fruits and vegetables piled up inside those dark dank palaces of mold and mildew. This IS Trumps America, and making it better again, means fucking it up so badly that anything will seem more perfect, such as a useless egotistical wall built to assure the 33% of bigots and backward blowhards, that the real enemy speaks Spanish and not the current language is spoken by most Trump Administration and Crime Family members…Russian.
And now, ALL we hear is WHO will run for President from the Democrat Party…who the fuck cares about 2020, when in fact 2016-17-18 were so terrible and crime-ridden that it does not matter what WE do RIGHT now on this second day of 2019. Government is closed…but, of course, the guys and gals who closed it still receive paychecks and the perks of becoming the Royals of this nation. Trump acts like an Imperial President, threatening fear and fermenting threats to each and everyone from within the cowardly Republican party who might discover his or her backbone. The Talking Heads, speaking from their Ivory Tower perches, laugh and giggle, place bets but never fully speak for the people who suffer the consequences of fools. I am so tired of the games the media plays of polling, of who’s on first. Our nation is suffering, RIGHT NOW, and has been for the past two years…let’s take care of the HERE and NOW, right now… If you have a rash, they say don’t scratch it…but it itches, so what you need is some action to stop the itch and not grand words with little meaning!