VICTORY: conquest and triumph mean success in a competition or struggle. victory is used for a win over an opponent or over difficult problems. Doctors won a victory over disease. conquest means the act of overcoming and gaining control over someone or something. SACRIFICE: the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone. : an act of killing a person or animal in a religious ceremony as an offering to please a god. RETRIBUTION: punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. recompense, reward. 2: the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter. 3: something is given or exacted in recompense especially: punishment. REVENGE: reprisal, retribution, vengeance suggest a punishment or injury inflicted in return for one received. Revenge is the carrying out of a bitter desire to injure another for a wrong done to oneself or to those who are felt to be like oneself: to plot revenge.
Pick your word America! Go ahead decide, for now, at least until the next deadline established, which word you might feel most comfortable with at the moment? We are NOT dealing with a Commander-In-Chief with empathy, compassion, and certainly one who decides that a victory for someone else or the sacrifices made by others are HUGELY terrible things for himself. As fact (the real ones, not MAGA manufactured or FOX fiction) has demonstrated, the only thing Trump understands IS retribution and revenge. We already heard the voices of the self-proclaimed Conservative movement, more a day like a Communist movement, who have dissed their Donald…and we ALL KNOW too well, that an insecure narcissist, whose total existence is based on the Fairy Tale Sleeping Beauty in which the witch constantly asks “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who’s the fairest one of all…that the voices of dissent lay heavy on Trump and his fragile impotent image sags, even lower than his made in China Trump ties.
If you listened to any of the naysayers from the ALT-RIGHT, listen again to the one guy who is truly our Secretary of State and Defense, Sean Hannity…he reminded us that Trump never caves, and this AIN’T over. Now, if ever, and God knows there have been a whole lot of if ever…is the time for the worried Republican’s (not about the welfare of the American public, but for their own political futures) to finally OVERRIDE McConnell and Trump and end this tug of war and this Trump for President in 2020 Campaign roller coaster ride. Trump remains in the White House, and that should make everyone worry, and NEVER EVER think even a small win for the country means a damn thing!