To no one’s surprise, Trump who a) has no idea how the Government has been established, naming the Speaker of the House the third in secession to the presidency b) no respect for any parts of the Constitution, c) is nothing but a petulant temper tantrum prone puppet of Putin and d) enabled by the also compromised Republican Leadership, is treating Nancy Pelosi with same shameful disrespect he handled the lacky known as Paul Ryan. To no one’s surprise, Trump and insecure mentally ill man reacts and due to his constant fear of being found a fraud thinks he can retaliate toward his perceived enemies and not be held accountable for his actions…so far with Comrade Mitch McConnell and his light in loafer BFF Lindsey Graham, Trump has been given permission to destroy democracy piece by piece bit by bit…Oh those Russian Oligarchs, they and their checkbooks, and their box of blackmail know exactly how to charm the self-serving GOP.
But here is the twist to this sad but true situation… Nancy Pelosi and not Paul Ryan is House Speaker with the BALLS. Sad sack Paul Ryan so enamored with Ayn Rand and her anti-Government propaganda and so afraid that his donor base might leave him high and dry NEVER stood up or stood against Trump…Paul Ryan had no backbone, spine, and sadly no BALLS…
So, Trump, as did Dick Cheney, another Republican hell-bent on destroying democracy announced a top-secret mission (remember Valerie Plame) by Nancy Pelosi, and let the public and the enemies know she was supposed to visit the Troops and allies in Brussels…and spiteful Donnie did so last minute…nothing says mature more than a three-year-old yelling “You Are Not the Boss of Me”… But this time the Madame Speaker of the House as opposed to the Man Speaker of the House has some balls and will NOT permit Trump to walk all over her, as did Paul Ryan…as Nancy Sinatra once lamented…these boots were made for walking…and they are gonna’ walk over you!”