Christian Crusader and Holy Hypocrite Pence and his “Mother”, (his wife Karen )..he thinks the term “Mother” is endearing, but it sounds more like a perversion, thinking you are married to someone you refer to as mother…but I digress…is all about keeping the Gays from enjoying freedoms and equalities. His most current adventure, aside from supporting his “Mother’s” new job working at a homophobic Catholic school with discriminatory rules against those nasty LGBTQ’s is insisting that adoption agencies should and could deny any same-sex couple/Jewish couple/Muslim couple from adopting Christian children. Let those kids just waste away and linger in limbo, before they might be adopted and find themselves living within the confines of a loving family. But Christian Crusader, Defender of the ever so seemingly sensitive and Jesus, has forgotten that people named Ivanka, Donald Jr and Eric Trump were raised by a heterosexual Christian couple, that Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, Mama, and Papa, are waiting for the next available cross so they can become the next martyr, that Jerry Falwell Junior’s dad assumed the title of tax collector for Christ while he was living…those are just a mere few Christian raised kids, whose day to day existence is anything but Christ-like, and whose day to day self-serving, lying, con artistry are PERFECT examples of how Christian families fucked up their responsibilities as parents. But then Christian Crusader and Holy Hypocrite Pence and his wife “Mother,” are too busy living their own lousy lives to care.
And then we have Melania Trump, a mother, and supposedly a Christian parent in a heterosexual relationship. The first lady's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told NPR the upcoming announcement will focus on several challenges facing American children, among them social media, health, and addiction in communities. Cool, huh…Melania cares…But her heterosexual husband (for now) has established a policy unlike that of Adolph Hitler, which separates children from their Christian families, orphans for life some of those children from Christian parents, and who has no intention of providing any safe space for those children from Christian families to find refuge, solace or peace. And Melania Trump, a heterosexual wife, married to Donald Trump (wonder what the wording was like in that pre-nuptial) supports a man who closed the government and in doing so delayed payment for food assistance/and the ability to seek medical help in clinics.
I got tired of ranting about the Imposter, Compromised, Agent for Russia, hacked into office not only by Putin’s puppets but enabled by the also Putin bribed Republicans, who by ALL means, BY NOW should have been removed from office for a litany of crimes and mental illnesses, because after a while it all has been said…and sadly we are still saying it…but the rise of all kinds of hate is at flood level due to the MAGA maniacs and minions, and people like Pence and his band of Christian Crusaders feel too free to flaunt their bigotry and bias and think that somehow that kind of shit just doesn’t smell. Their odor, the anti this and that MAGA maggots sometimes is more suffocating than the newly polluted environment in which we live due of course to the lack of EPA rules, by that heterosexual Commander-In-Chief Trump!