When the other candidate for President wins the majority of Americans votes by over at least three million (imagine if we actually counted the votes that had not been tampered with by the GOP lead state polling states. When the current Guy sitting in the Oval Office only led the contest by a dubious number of only some 80,000 votes providing just enough Electoral College Votes for a close victory (imagine if we got to have a recount of every vote and count the votes that had been hacked)…when the Republican candidate relies on some dark black hole of something considered BASE VOTERS, a minority of minions…when the truth of democracy is filled with deceit…when NO ONE felt it necessary to question the Finances, and Income Taxes of the GOP candidate, just rely on blunder, the propaganda of fiction by both a Fake News Network, and even more Fake Evangelical leaders whose hypocrisy of right and wrong, good and bad, and justice is skewed in favor of a Jesus has gone bad…when the NRA, the symbol for all anarchists to pretend that the Constitution was written for one reason alone, the ability for General Jesus to permit the citizens to commit murder at their whim and pleasure…
When enablers like McConnell, Nunez, Gowdy, Pence, Cornyn, and Ryan refuse to hold their offices as balance as in checks and balance…when Campaign workers with last names as Manafort, Cohen, Papadopolous, Flynn, and gates either have been charged with Felonies or Indictments, and no one seems to find the common thread between their actions and names like Jarod, Ivanka, and Donald Junior…when words like Compromised, Asset, Stooge are used as both nouns and adjectives to describe the Guy named Commander-In-Chief…and when Russian Oligarchs, are considered Good Americans who just want to buy a politician and are considered able to drop their Dark Money just like Mercer Family/The Koch Brothers/ and Sheldon Adelson are considered…and when policies are created by names like Hannity/Ingraham/Limbaugh and Coulter, and Cartoon Characters known as the dumb ass dummies calling themselves FOX and Friends…when all of that HAS happened
When all of that shit is like a hurricane of diarrhea, falling upon the average American, daily with pieces of hail in the forms of racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogynism, knocking us out of breath with statements like “Good Nazi’s,”…children are in cages because parents had the audacity to seek asylum to better the lives of their children…Trump did not really say what he said, but if he said it, he was just saying it to use it as an example of what we would never say or do…When all of the above, plus more Cabinet Members being called out for stealing from the public and laundering taxpayer dollars…NO FUCKING WONDER, there is a Government Shut Down…
Anyone with an IQ of over 10, once they remove their MAGA hats understands, that the power to OPEN the Government can be an OVER-RIDE Veto by the Senate, if McConnell permits a vote, or if the GOP along with the Dems decide to fire McConnell as Majority Leader, or for some reason for one split second someone injects trump with a dose of EMPATHY…A month, and Talking Heads lament, Cable News permits the insane and inane machinations of mentally disturbed men like Rudy rant and rave as if it was a very bad act at some Burlesque Theater…Trump has followed every marching order provided, no demanded by Putin…the next, move, and this, I wish was just a plot from some APOCALYPTIC DYSTONIA SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE, will be the chaos of no paychecks, no food supplements, no safety inspectors at the airports, the food processing plants and the abrupt end to some life-saving health studies… Please Dems running for the office of president in 2020, forget about a year that may never find fruition for Americans, gather all of your forces all of your might and as a collective each and every day fight harder and harder against the lies, corruption, and state ALL of Crimes committed by the Trump Mafia Family, and stop waiting until somehow the Mueller Investigation is going to make thing right again…WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!