Tamika Mallory is one of the Chairs for the Annual Women’s March, an event in which I had proudly participated, but something has gone array this year, something tremendously ANTI, which had been the purpose and reasoning for the March in the first place…It seems Tamika Mallory has decided that Louis Farrakhan’s negative, homophobic and anti-Sematic remarks are nothing to be concerned about. Ms. Mallory, was even asked, about her decision to support Mr. Farrakhan’s hate and bigotry on the View ( a worthless telecast but one, like oh so too many TV shows from which an average American thinks news is being told), and Ms. Mallory refused to call out Farrakhan’s anti-Homosexual and Jewish rants… Ms. Mallory was defiant in saying she does not agree with everything Farrakhan had disparaged, but will not call him out for being a bigot… and that in its self is just an admittance that she DOES agree.
The shame of this whole mess is that when I marched, I believed that the purpose to protest, was to define all Americans as equal, as the same, as human. I among the many attributes in my life happen to be Jewish and a Gay man. Maybe a long time ago it was okay to defile how I was born and the religion I believe in, but it AIN’T THAT WAY ANY MORE…no one, let me repeat that NO ONE, no matter how noble a cause they pretend to believe in CAN or WILL have my permission to consider me less than…From Trump to Steve King, to the KKK, to the good Nazi’s to Louis Farrakhan to Ms. Mallory…no one is going to try and take away my dignity due to their own sad, insecure, and self-serving life…
There are so many things to get upset about, and there can be so many GOOD outlets to rant and rave and riot about…I am sad that this year I CANNOT support the Women’s March due to the stupidity, arrogance, ignorance anti-semitic, and homophobia of idiots like Farrakhan and Tamika Mallory. Change is inclusion, not at the exclusion of fools!