It is called Veto Power, or in Senate terms an Over-Ride, our Founding Father’s provided the Senate with the ability to act as equals, and the power to create legislation…if what the Executive Branch deems a priority caring less and less about its consequences toward the average American…the Senate can call up a two-thirds majority and VETO a President’s Veto… It is not done via sound bites, or exaggerated consternation…it is not done by permitting the Press a two-minute fly by in the hallway, begging for an honest answer…and it is not done by speaking out of one side of your mouth to the public, while with the other side of your mouth kissing the ass of a Tyrant, under suspicion of being an Agent for a Foreign Enemy…
If the GOP Senators honestly cared about the furloughs/the unemployed workers/the farmers/the security at the airport/the security in actually how the planes fly/in the food supplies to the poor and elderly/for the farmers…you know for all of the people who the Senate is supposedly working for (no not the Donor Class)…then then they would demand that the arrogance and enabling of Mitch McConnell cease IMMEDIATELY! To pretend you are concerned does not make you a hero, it makes you a lap dog toward a man who is not only a lap dog, is a clear and present danger to this nation…
As was once spoken, “the truth is out there”…this hyped and hypocritical shut down is a two-part plan to upend democracy in this nation. Civil unrest/disenfranchisement/division all domestic…parlay an indifference toward America’s ally’s/snuggle closely to dictators-despots/be beholden financially to enemies of the state…and above all be so narcissistic, that not even a drop of empathy flows through your neurons.
A crazy man is running this nation…a crazy man with proven ties to a foreign enemy is running this country…a political Party is enabling the crazy man because they too have been compromised…not scared, then you must have already turned into a Putin Zombie!