easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.
behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.
fucked-up. offensive slang. 1 : thoroughly confused, disordered, or damaged.
an extremely offensive expression that means so confused, unhappy, or mentally ill that it is hard to live a normal life. Words used to describe someone's psychological state: stable, well-balanced, unstable... an extremely offensive expression that means completely broken or in a very bad state.
compromised people скомпрометированные люди
In Russian culture, kompromat, short for "compromising material is damaging information about ... The term kompromat is a borrowing of the Russian KGB slang term компромат from the Stalin era, which is short for "compromising ... Compromising videos are produced long in advance when in need of leverage of people.
It was the emails, no, it was Bernie or Bust, no it was her personality, no, it was time to drain the swamp…let’s see, we knew everything about Hillary…but only took Trump’s word, and after all, without any paperwork to prove it, no tax returns, no business statements, he told us he was the greatest…It was his embrace to Make America Great Again…never told us how, and somehow we decided that America was really not great, ANYWAY…Was it how well he spread fear of the other…perhaps it was his appeal that clean air was dirty economics, or that fair and equal only pertained to the real American, the Caucasian Evangelical Christian whose life had become miserable because people of color or of Muslim belief, or those Gays trying to convert our children…or that if wealthy people who deserved a higher amount of respect got wealthier, than money would trickle down to the low hanging fruit, that either deserved to be on the bottom rung or needed the tidbits from the rich to live a good life…
Maybe it was FOX News and the Conservative Anarchists, the demons who truly understood, that there were enough Americans who were: gullible, credulous, stupid or fucked up…or maybe, the entire plot and scheme were to keep from being blackmailed and keeping his façade all shiny and new, paid for with the rubles, stolen by Putin…
And along the way the Republican Party, so afraid of fair and honest, who liked the luxury life of Oligarchs, so they became enthralled, and enablers…all falling prey to the same blackmail that Trump figured no one would figure out…and here we are: a mad man is Commander-In-Chief, and his minions a minority, albeit changing the future of this American Life…