Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Trump Reveals First Targets on Military Hit List in Shocking Interview.

----So, this reporter uses the words shocking, as in hearing Trump state his intentions to become a tyrant. There ain’t nothing shocking regarding Trump; instead, the term to be used is “HE HAS GONE EVEN LOWER.” 


Donald Trump admitted during a Fox News town hall that he has specific names in mind for his plans to have the military go after the “enemy from within.”

----The old Republican ploy to invent an enemy from within. Senator Joe McCarthy succeeded in doing so, claiming everyone who disagreed with him was a Communist. And more recently, the Republicans pretended that ANTIFA was a real organization and that somehow being Anti-Fascist was a bad thing!          


At a Fox News town hall on women’s issues in Georgia taped Tuesday evening, Donald Trump spoke further of the “enemy within” that he wants to use the military against, specifically naming Democratic Representative Adam Schiff as well as former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family. 

---Where else but at the Immigrant’s, Rupert Murdoch, propaganda channel could you find a gaggle of gals who somehow think that they will never be affected by the draconian misogyny intentions of Trump and his cadre of “Burn the Witch at the Stake,” insecure males. The worst kind of misogynists are the insecure females who, day after day, must feel inferior to other women.


“It is the enemy from within. And they’re very dangerous. They’re marxists and they’re communists and they’re fascists and they’re sick.” Trump said to Fox’s Harris Faulker. “I use a guy like Adam Schiff. They made up the Russia Russia Russia hoax.” (The New Republic)

---Once again, the Trump projection “tricky dicky” routine. Identify what is true, then say it ain’t so, LOUD enough and LONG enough, hoping to convince the morons and minions that if you protest on and on, so, they will believe your lies. But be enough of a narcissist to brag about all of the fucking shit you have created.                



Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Rachel Maddow calls the bluff of Trump supporters who claim to be making a 'business decision' (MSNBC)

Over the last couple of months, a neighbor of ours has been upping her sign game. In addition to the usual stuff—“Law and Order,” “Not My President,” “No Legal Rights for Illegal Immigrants,” and so on—she’s added “Democrats Are Communists and Terrorists—ARE YOU?” and “The Democratic Party HATES AMERICA—DO YOU?” (The New Yorker)


Be it the Jewish American pretending that somehow Trump’s so-called love for Israel means he is not an Anti-Semite. Is it the LGB Log Cabin Republicans pretending that there is more to voting for a candidate, like their economic well-being, than his homophobia? Be it the Uber wealthy billionaires who are happier with freedom from taxation than freedom and liberty for all. Be it the Latin community, feeling snug and smug because somehow, they arrived in this nation safely, rather than the current immigrants who want the same security but are constantly harassed and victimized. Be it the Black community, who somehow pretend that KKK, White Nationalists, and Neo Nazis will only demonstrate Racism and Bigotry to other people of color who choose to vote Democrat. Be it women, who think that being raped, having miscarriages, being a victim of incest, or having pregnancies that endanger both the embryo and mothers, only happens to the wrong kind of female. Be it so-called non-committed voters who stand on their high horse insisting that this year both political parties are the same, that both candidates for President are the same, that not voting somehow makes taking a stand relevant.            


So many demographics are pretending that their shit does not stink like THE OTHERS. Pretending that once a dictator gains power, he or she will kindly relinquish that power. Selfish and self-serving are those LGB Americans, Jewish Americans, Latin Heritage Americans, African Americans, and Females who think they are shooting THE OTHERS in the feet, ALL THE WHILE pointing the gun at their own feet!                  


 DeSantis administration warns local TV stations to remove ads about abortion ballot measure.

The Republican administration is pressuring Florida stations to take down an ad that promotes a “yes” vote on Amendment 4, which would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. (MSNBC)


In the United States, we have witnessed the purge of democracy and the rise of either Christian Nationalism or plainly stated American Fascism. Not covertly, not under the cover of darkness, but with this inclination for authoritarian rule, dictatorship, to be honest, the MAGA/Republicans proudly pronounce a war on Democracy.


DeSantis is despicable, dangerous, and dead set on denying personal freedoms to others if he perceives those freedoms as a challenge to his own power and political gains. DeSantis bans books because he has read enough of those banned books himself to understand the real power that knowledge provides. History is full of facts, and DeSantis understands that past realities can correct present and future irregularities. An educated citizen with an understanding of what came before is a dangerous foe for megalomaniacs like DeSantis.


Threats, harassment, denial, government blackmail all of these are screaming notifications of a dictatorship; all of these are screaming warnings that a “strong man” refuses to respect your freedoms. And yet, in the Banana Republic of Florida, right before our very eyes, FASCISM is alive and well!

once again a hypocrite

 Disaster loan program fully ‘exhausted’ with Congress still out of town

Without congressional action, the Small Business Administration can’t make new loan offers to people trying to rebuild after disasters like Hurricanes Helene and Milton. (POLITICO)


Mr. Jesus loves me. Speaker Mike Johnson, the self-professed HERO OF PRO-LIFE, is at it again, praying not to his professed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but to the true love of his life, Donald Trump. This pathetic political sycophant, apparently, has placed his personal, professional political career above and beyond the welfare and the well-being of the human lives living in America.


Quickly and simply as Speaker of the House, Douchebag Johnson could have immediately called the House back into session and, just as immediately, sent to President Biden’s office the much-needed and necessary money to IMMEDIATELY be sent to the people whose lives have been decimated and devastated by hurricanes, Milton, and Helene. (And by the way, the money needed has affected a whole bunch of MAGA-majority communities.)


But lo and behold, TRUMP, the selfish, insidious, evil-minded, what’s in it for my pig, and his Fascist Gestapo of court jesters had decided that assisting the people is not as much a priority for TRUMP. Instead, what counts for TRUMP and his Legion of Doom is the pretense that the Biden Administration does not care. The optics of it all is the goal here for the Republicans: no substance, no empathy, no iota of truth or honor. And Speaker Mickie Johnson, once again, plays the part of a spineless eunuch!



Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 A Picture Of Donald Trump's Face Being Two Completely Different Colors Is Going Viral For Obvious Reasons (BuzzFeed)


Back in the days of the Roaring Twenties, some things were not quite as roaring, significantly when white entertainers would darken their faces with makeup; it was called BLACK FACE. Somehow, folks found it cool to watch white men pretend they were black men, then add a whole bunch of bogus racist mannerisms with their voices and physical movements. It was crude, it was ignorant, and it was hateful, intentionally so! It was as if these white folk desired to become somebody else, someone they seemed to despise, yet someone they assumed could help them with their career.


And now, we have the ORANGE FACE. The old man TRUMP is pretending to be some kind of Anita Bryant of Florida, selling sunshine and orange juice. Between his dyed hair and his overly orange-sprayed flesh, this creep, who is anything but natural and someone who never lives in reality, has been conning the crowds. He looks like the role model for SPRAY TAN GONE BAD. Of course, he denies that he does hair and makeup, but there is a perfect photo of the Orange Man showcasing a messed-up spray tan job. Apparently, his makeup artist needed to remember to wear their glasses.


BLACK FACE was a disguise used by insecure entertainers, and now, ORANGE FACE is used by this insecure entertainer!

Monday, October 14, 2024


Some FEMA operations paused in North Carolina after reports National Guard troops saw ‘armed militia’ threatening them. Aid to several communities impacted by Hurricane Helene was temporarily paused in parts of North Carolina over the weekend due to reports of threats against Federal Emergency Management Agency responders, amid a backdrop of misinformation about responses to recent storms. (CNN)




Reading this article made me sick to my stomach, and I am so tired of being sick to my stomach whenever any article is written about the perversion, the bizarre, the truly sadistic machinations of TRUMP and his cold-blooded Republican sycophants. And even more disgusting are the creatures of the MAGA Cult, the sociopaths, the psychopaths, the insidious minions are self-loathing men and women who seem to feast on the pain and sorrow of others.


I ask this question, understanding that there is no answer, “WHEN WILL THIS NATION WAKE UP AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”


He is no friend

 Harris and Trump vie for Jewish voters unsettled by Israel-Gaza conflict. “People aren’t saying: ‘I never will vote for Democrats,’” Michael Schwartz, who oversees Pennsylvania volunteers for the Jewish Democratic Council of America. “It’s more, ‘You need to convince me, because some trust has been lost.’ This is a small trend, but it’s out there. The question is how big it is.” (The Washington Post)

I am an American who was raised and nurtured in a Jewish family. My entire professional career has been working in the Jewish Communal world. I am proudly an American, and I am just as proudly an American Jew. I firmly believe in the state of Israel, and I just as firmly believe that Jewish people living anywhere in the world have the right to exist, the right to equality, and the right to live in peace. 


When I read about the super-wealthy Jewish donors supporting TRUMP, I become nauseated. Somehow, this demographic of Jews seems to believe that Trump's so-called affection for Israel makes him some king of the Jews. This same demographic of Jews in America too quickly forgets Trump’s anti-Semitic tropes and his disparaging of Jews living not in Israel but in the United States.  TRUMP made it very clear that there are good people on both sides, as in the stating that Nazis are fine folks.          


Trump's disdain for any minority is apparent and appalling. Trump’s association with Project 2025 clarifies that he supports an Evangelical Christian Nationalist America. Yes, the Jewish people living in Israel should live in peace, but Trump has demonstrated that Jews living in America do not deserve the same fate. Have the Jewish voters who either still support Trump or the so-called undecided Jewish voters pretend that there is no difference between Harris and Trump ever read history books? Trump hates, Trump loathes, Trump is a con. Trump is not a friend, a cohort, a believer in the Jewish people.