Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 A Picture Of Donald Trump's Face Being Two Completely Different Colors Is Going Viral For Obvious Reasons (BuzzFeed)


Back in the days of the Roaring Twenties, some things were not quite as roaring, significantly when white entertainers would darken their faces with makeup; it was called BLACK FACE. Somehow, folks found it cool to watch white men pretend they were black men, then add a whole bunch of bogus racist mannerisms with their voices and physical movements. It was crude, it was ignorant, and it was hateful, intentionally so! It was as if these white folk desired to become somebody else, someone they seemed to despise, yet someone they assumed could help them with their career.


And now, we have the ORANGE FACE. The old man TRUMP is pretending to be some kind of Anita Bryant of Florida, selling sunshine and orange juice. Between his dyed hair and his overly orange-sprayed flesh, this creep, who is anything but natural and someone who never lives in reality, has been conning the crowds. He looks like the role model for SPRAY TAN GONE BAD. Of course, he denies that he does hair and makeup, but there is a perfect photo of the Orange Man showcasing a messed-up spray tan job. Apparently, his makeup artist needed to remember to wear their glasses.


BLACK FACE was a disguise used by insecure entertainers, and now, ORANGE FACE is used by this insecure entertainer!

Monday, October 14, 2024


Some FEMA operations paused in North Carolina after reports National Guard troops saw ‘armed militia’ threatening them. Aid to several communities impacted by Hurricane Helene was temporarily paused in parts of North Carolina over the weekend due to reports of threats against Federal Emergency Management Agency responders, amid a backdrop of misinformation about responses to recent storms. (CNN)




Reading this article made me sick to my stomach, and I am so tired of being sick to my stomach whenever any article is written about the perversion, the bizarre, the truly sadistic machinations of TRUMP and his cold-blooded Republican sycophants. And even more disgusting are the creatures of the MAGA Cult, the sociopaths, the psychopaths, the insidious minions are self-loathing men and women who seem to feast on the pain and sorrow of others.


I ask this question, understanding that there is no answer, “WHEN WILL THIS NATION WAKE UP AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”


He is no friend

 Harris and Trump vie for Jewish voters unsettled by Israel-Gaza conflict. “People aren’t saying: ‘I never will vote for Democrats,’” Michael Schwartz, who oversees Pennsylvania volunteers for the Jewish Democratic Council of America. “It’s more, ‘You need to convince me, because some trust has been lost.’ This is a small trend, but it’s out there. The question is how big it is.” (The Washington Post)

I am an American who was raised and nurtured in a Jewish family. My entire professional career has been working in the Jewish Communal world. I am proudly an American, and I am just as proudly an American Jew. I firmly believe in the state of Israel, and I just as firmly believe that Jewish people living anywhere in the world have the right to exist, the right to equality, and the right to live in peace. 


When I read about the super-wealthy Jewish donors supporting TRUMP, I become nauseated. Somehow, this demographic of Jews seems to believe that Trump's so-called affection for Israel makes him some king of the Jews. This same demographic of Jews in America too quickly forgets Trump’s anti-Semitic tropes and his disparaging of Jews living not in Israel but in the United States.  TRUMP made it very clear that there are good people on both sides, as in the stating that Nazis are fine folks.          


Trump's disdain for any minority is apparent and appalling. Trump’s association with Project 2025 clarifies that he supports an Evangelical Christian Nationalist America. Yes, the Jewish people living in Israel should live in peace, but Trump has demonstrated that Jews living in America do not deserve the same fate. Have the Jewish voters who either still support Trump or the so-called undecided Jewish voters pretend that there is no difference between Harris and Trump ever read history books? Trump hates, Trump loathes, Trump is a con. Trump is not a friend, a cohort, a believer in the Jewish people. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

It takes more

 It just AIN’T Trump. Of course, Trump is the anal opening of the Elephant; beware of the shit he expels, but watch out for the brains and tusks of that elephant; their bite and their aims are much more precise and deadly.


Take Steve Bannon; he espouses some weird, distorted concept of Popularism, a kind of country reminiscent of the “Wild West days,” where power was having the quickest hand on your rifle and bullying anyone you figured did not deserve to share your land. Steve Bannon Has Called His “Army” to Do Battle—No Matter Who Wins in November Bannon, a self-declared general of global populists, wants to break the world order. And he’s tapped into something much bigger than Trumpism. He unabashedly brags about the philosophies of such autocrats as Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, and the ex-autocrat from Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro barred from running for office for 8 years and Nigel Farage, the right of right-wing Britain, who promoted Brexit.


“Traditionalists aspire to be everything modernity is not,” Teitelbaum wrote. “To commune with what they believe are timeless, transcendent truths and lifestyles rather than to pursue ‘progress.’ ” (Vanity Fair). Traditionalists believe that the natural order of things meant men ruled over women, and whites and Aryans were above blacks, Jewish, and Arab people.  In other words, Racism, Bigotry, and Hate of the other are natural and are necessary for those who are not Black, Jewish, Arab, and Women to be truly free!


Steve Bannon is in jail for a four-month sentence on contempt charges for defying a subpoena in the congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol attack. Also, Bannon faced a federal case that began in August when New York federal prosecutors charged him and three others with defrauding donors of more than a million dollars as part of a fundraising campaign purportedly aimed at supporting Trump’s border wall. But TRUMP, of course, found nothing illegal about that and pardoned him.


A con, a thief, a criminal, a self-serving prick, an enemy of “fair and equal,’ Steve Bannon pretends he is a Populist, your all-American bud…Bannon is a part of the TRUMP Cabal of enemies of the state, all of whom are keeping TRUMP on life support.





In the final weeks of the presidential campaign, Trump has leaned into an anti-immigrant message. Earlier this week, he suggested that undocumented immigrants who commit crimes have “bad genes.” While speaking here Saturday, Trump described the border as the top issue and continued to portray undocumented immigrants as criminals, even as federal data shows that the vast majority of people arrested at the southern border do not have criminal convictions. There’s little evidence that undocumented immigrants commit more crime than U.S. citizens. (The Washington Post)



"We," that is the democracies, "are not in a position to take in the Jews." Yet in these empires there are not 10 people to the square kilometer. While Germany, with her 135 inhabitants to the square kilometer, is supposed to have room for them!

2. They assure us: We cannot take them unless Germany is prepared to allow them a certain amount of capital to bring with them as immigrants.

The world has sufficient space for settlements, but we must once and for all get rid of the opinion that the Jewish race was only created by God for the purpose of being in a certain percentage a parasite living on the body and the productive work of other nations. The Jewish race will have to adapt itself to sound constructive activity as other nations do, or sooner or later it will succumb to a crisis of an inconceivable magnitude. (Extract from the Speech by Adolf Hitler, January 30, 1939/World Holocaust Remembrance Center)


I know that Republicans prefer that the masses do not read history. Still, you can bet that the current crop of American Fascists read every detail, every fact, every event history provides! The folks who surround TRUMP, those who plan for their own form of Dictatorship, understand the lessons history has taught, and they engorge themselves on all of the heinous, horrific, and horrendous iterations possible.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

are you now?

 A question used by US government officials working for the Permanent Subcommittee of Investigations under Senator Joseph *McCarthy. The committee carried out a campaign against supposed communists, and questioned citizens on their suspected membership of the Communist Party: ‘Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?’... ... (oxfordreference.com)


Right from the start, McCarthy had prominent critics. But almost the entire political establishment was afraid of him. You could fight him, in which case he just made your life harder, or you could ignore him, in which case he rolled right over you. He verbally abused people who disagreed with him. He also had easy access to money, much of it from Texas oilmen, which he used to help unseat politicians who crossed him. To his supporters, he could say and do no wrong. Tye quotes the pollster George Gallup, in 1954: “Even if it were known that McCarthy had killed five innocent children, they would probably still go along with him.” His fans liked that he was a bully, and they liked that he scandalized the genteel and the privileged. (newyorker.com)


History is a great source of repetition, and when its tales of the past are ignored, History will not fade away; rather, it will grow in force and power and, like a tornado, destroy anything in its wake that had not been heeded.


In the 1950s, the GOP created a much-needed villain: the so-called Communists. With nothing else to seize upon and very little else from which they could mount any honest effort to sell to the American public, Joe McCarthy created the Red Scare. Funded by the wealthy and supported by the rich, McCarthy was able to divert the public's attention. In 2024, TRUMP has become the new Joe McCarthy and IMMIGRANTS the new Communists. Fear. Loathing and Xenophobia are always the ingredients in producing SNAKE OIL!


Weekend at Bernie's

 It tells the story of two young insurance corporation employees who discover that their boss Bernie is dead after arriving at his house in The Hamptons. Two young men are trying to make their way in a corporation. One on charm, the other on hard work. When they go to President Bernie with a serious financial error on a printout, he is thrilled and invites them to his beach house for the weekend. But when Bernie is killed, the boys end up having to pretend Bernie is still alive. as the frustrated hit-man tries time and time again to complete the job. (‘Weekend at Bernies’/written by Robert Klane)


“And, it’s so simple, I mean, you know. This isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land,” Trump said. “Or, he gets the … engines back—that was the first I realized, I said, ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming—cylinders, no wings, no nothing—and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace, with a circle, boom!” (The New Republic)


“They got these big, ugly suckers hanging down. They’re rusting and rotting,” Trump said. “Half of them weren’t spinning, and the ones that were were going so slow. They were going, it’s not too windy, but y’know, they’re going like slow. The other ones were just dead. But they’re all rusting and disgusting looking.” (HuffPost)


Trump then appeared to lose his train of thought as he complained about Democrats opposing the SAVE Act, a longshot Republican bill that would require proof of citizenship to vote in a presidential election—something that is already mandated by the federal government. (The New Republic)


Fiction becomes fact. Compare the efforts and energies used by the Trump Republican First Lieutenants to try and keep the façade of Trump being in perfect cognitive condition alive and well. Day after day, the GOP Fascists come up with one more excuse denying a very telling decline in Trump's mental facilities. TRUMP is no longer the ventriloquist but more so the DUMMY, as he demonstrates not the art of the deal but the art of talking out of his own ass. In the movie, ‘Weekend at Bernie's,’ Bernie is a convenient prop for two wannabes to gain power. In the year 2024, the same ploy is used to keep TRUMP around, as to keep the possibilities alive for way too many self-serving ENEMIES OF THE STATE!