Friday, September 30, 2016

If you think

If you cheat on your wife, have a child out of wedlock, as long as you also disparage the Gays and swear over your dead body will the 2nd amendment be overturned, the evangelicals will laude you, love and linger with you. If you made payments to the Cuban government, insist that only stupid people pay taxes buddy up with some Russian dictators or Russian mafioso, as long as you create a rift between us and the rapist Mexicans or us and the ex- slaves of this nation, the good ole’ red white and confederate guys and gals will adore you and name you numero uno (oops I mean number one). As long as you ask who should be kicked out of a rally composed of a majority of Baptists, suggesting that those non-baptists identify themselves, infer that your genes are superior to, lets say anyone else’s, but swear that to be emperor you must be live in a gilded cage, never pay for work you deemed shoddy and confuse those self anointed Patriots that the Constitution has an amendment stating best, better, and huge is your right, you will parlay your bull shit into votes from enemies of the state, all lily white of course.

If you are a female and consider body shaming a cool kind of romanticizing from men, or understand that riding on the back of harley is where you belong…If you are a female and love being owned, like an assault weapon, a refrigerator, or even a John Deer electric lawn mower…If you are a female and understand that a man is only behaving as a man should demanding sex whenever he wants even if you don’t…If you subscribe to any of the above and are a female electing Donald Trump will fulfill all of your self loathing goals in life.

If you are a member of the Log Cabin Gay Republicans insisting that there is more to this election then freedoms or equality…If you are an African American and love when you hear Trump calling you one of his blacks…If you are of Latin descent perhaps coming from Cuba on a boat but insist that was okay because of persecution or bias against you in your homeland and love the idea of a wall to keep the riffraff out, then it makes sense to say si to Trump…If have never passed a civics test, or have read the US Constitution, and get pissed the the 2nd amendment is number two instead of number one…If you get angry because the police should never be questioned about their tactics, or not pledging allegiance to the flag and standing for the National Anthem should be a crime worth jail time…If you are any of the above voting for Trump is just like apple pie, a picket fence and motherhood. If you believe lying is okay, that bullying is the true spirit of America, that division the hallmark of America…just wait, WAIT until Trump becomes president, because everything you believe in will be blown away by a buffoon who is smart enough to con you into giving up everything that you think makes you so special! 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Black Hole

Trumps’ narcissism is so huge, that it almost swallows him up, just as a black hole ingests all of the energy that it comes across. Trump is so overly bloviated, that to fill any void, he loves to project his own acts of ignorance upon others. Trump is so full of his own ego, he needs to channel his irrational actions believing that if he accuses others of doing the same evil things he has enjoyed, he still gets the credit he desires knowing the dumbest of people will just pay attention only to his accusations. He can lie, and still swear he never spoke. He can cheat but play the victim. He can ridicule but just says he is honest. And so far, even with the grossest of actions and words, he is the bling for those bodies who believe if it is shiny it is BEST.

I find it hard to believe that SOME undecided voters are conned into thinking that a Trump 2.0 version waylays any racist, misogynistic, bigoted indignities Trump 1.0 has lounged and luxuriated in. Are there that many insecure people, who self victimize and seek others as an excuse for their own shabby and shoddy lives? Is this nation THAT stupid as to even consider Trump a viable human let alone candidate for president? Yet, we hear that crucial states like Ohio, Florida, Iowa, and Nevada are leaning toward a Trump victory.

No one has told Trump he is wearing no clothes. Trump threatens to embarrass Hillary with the misogynist behavior of Bill; yet has no idea of his own hatred toward his wives. Trump declares that Hillary is hiding something with the deleted emails; yet we have no tax returns. Trump moans that Wall Street will own Hillary; yet we have no idea how many Russian and Chinese bankers, mafioso, and Communist leaders are pulling his strings. And I have yet to hear one professional journalist respond to Trumps liars regarding any of those issues as they use Trumps glorious hashtags of lyin’ cheatin’ corrupt to define Hillary. If history books will still be written, and facts still be considered the truth once this nightmare is over, what will the words of the wise actually teach us? And, NOPE, Hillary is not the lesser of two evils; unless your scruples match those missing from Trump.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


When my kids were young, of course I had worries when they would leave the house, any parent worth their parenthood would and should. But NEVER in my kids lifetime did I EVER have to recite to them to put your hands up, or just hold on to the steering wheel if you are stopped by the police. I can not imagine the fear that would have gripped me and the paranoia that would have crippled my kids, if each and every day they left for school, or friends or work to remind them that even they are innocent, the police might think otherwise. My kids are white.

I am conflicted NOW regarding police authority in this nation, currently as it relates to African-Americans. My father was a police officer, I grew up respecting ALL police officers, even though my father reminded me and my sisters, that wearing a uniform and badge and having a gun does not make you a hero. How you use all of those items and how you act and react to others is the true sign of anyone being a hero. There is no argument that police are in the line of fire and are many times first responders, but there must be SOME discussion as to why if there are so many good Cops, WHY don’t they stop those who are Bad Cops from destroying a very important profession. 

Is it just coincidence, that when a white person shoots at federal marshals, or local police he/she are never shot to be killed. If they are shot it is to wound them. Is it just coincidence that every time an African-American is shot the first response from police and sadly the white community IS that the Black guy had a gun, he was jacked on drugs. I am not a bleeding liberal, I am an American and I believe I am watching a type of genocide in this nation toward a demographic of our population. Why is it un American to criticize abuse, murder in this nation? Why is NOT American for ALL of us to come together and say this is not just a police versus black problem, this is a problem emphasizing the lack of racial understanding and then trying to solve that problem.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


For his role in spearheading a protest movement and amplifying an ongoing discussion about racial inequality in America, Colin Kaepernick has been rewarded with death threats. “To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way,” he said. “There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” (Huffington Post)
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Terence Crutcher was simply checking out his car that had broken down, when cops found him. Police claimed that Terence “failed to follow repeated commands” and reached into his car.  “There was a Taser deployment and a short time later there was one shot fired,” Tulsa police Jeanne MacKenzie told reporters. However, no weapon was found. In fact, Terrence had his hands up walking towards the police in the video, and the second he put them down, cop Betty Shelby fired.(The GED Section)

Sorry folks, it is not about dishonoring the flag, or the anthem or not being a patriot. It is about a bunch of Americans who happen to be black. Its not standing at attention as so many people claim, to honor the service of the police, if in fact some of the police continue to stand together and dishonor people’s lives. My father was a Pittsburgh Police Sargent, I spent many summer vacations attending the Fraternal Order of Police conventions. I met hundreds of good Cops, but my dad also reminded me that just because they have a badge, a uniform and a gun, NOT all of them are the good guys. Respect their authority he told my sisters and I. But be aware they are human and humans are sometimes frail and make wrong decisions.

We are living in a delusional world, currently we all know it. We let Trump who spews racist, anti-semite, mysogynistic venom slither freely as if he IS the guy who God chose to be president. We permit an entire Cable news network to lie, lie and lie again about facts. We are enthralled by witch hunts because someone’ last name is Clinton. The media feigns innocence by not confronting the lies of a presidential candidate. And we yell and scream that if you really care about this nation you will not question police murdering black people, but conspire with death frets because a black man kneels for the national Anthem. COME ON America lets stop pretending we are not part of then problem.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Addiction: A strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something. Addict: To devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively. Enabler: A person who enables or encourages negative or self destructive behavior in another. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Donald Trump is ADDICTED to the welfare of Donald Trump. He is an ADICT who must lie, insult, demean any one who IS not Donald Trump; knowing his insecurity will smother him if he does not act the belligerent bully. His narcissism is his drug of choice, and it must be fed almost 24 hours a day. He is aware of his hiding behind his self made facade, and is always on guard to keep any one other than his own dominion of demons from wanting behind his empty storefront of a personality. There is NO debate as to this addict’s obsession with self, he has demonstrated ad-nauseam, just how low, how deceptive, how deceitful he will go to shoot up his own ego.

Cable New/The Press/ Faux Reporters are ENABLERS for the ADDICTION of the ADDICT, Donald Trump. Misrepresenting professional journalism, the Media, has played the WE ARE just doing our jobs card, lamenting that they MUST be partisan in reporting on politicians. They have agreed that Donald Trump’s political prowess is of a low standard and the Media decided to relegate Trump’s presidential quest to be that of a first grader running for president of his elementary school class. The Media has two standards, so it seems, regarding anything Trump: Have he or his surrogates lie it improves the ratings, OR be the news instead of reporting it (Pretending you shocked and appalled). Often times, the only way for an ADDICT to recover from his ADDICTION is for the loving ENABLER to first understand that hard love is necessary and that they can no longer provide the ADDICT  with his choice of ADDICTION.

Imagine, if every time Trump or his surrogates don’t answer a question without blaming someone else, and the Media asking the question one more time say to the ADDICTS, if you can not answer this question the interview is over. Imagine when Trump and his surrogates lie, and the Media, inform the ADDICTS of their lies, saying if you do not stop lying this interview is over. Imagine if Trump can’t get his fix, how diminished he would become.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Just Say No

Ah, the poor perplexed media once again conned and ridiculed by the master of everything smoke and mirrors, Trump. Poor pitiful media only interested in sound bytes, glittery photo ops, the chance to be the first to report one more fallacy and lie by the Trump campaign. Poor pathetic bunch of men and women more interested in rating carrying less about rants, ruminating over ridiculous innuendo and fabrication, pretending they are just being partisan by-standers. Once again, Trump has the last laugh as he invited this pack of wolves to yet one more HUGE, BEST, GIANT shell game. Instead of saying anything of substance and for that matter truth, Trump got the gaggle of main street media (Maybe Palin was right in calling them ‘lame street’, media) to promote one more Trump scheme, his hotel in Washington. And now the rest of us Americans are supposed to feel sorry that a bunch of phony professionals got duped-YET AGAIN.

Good Ole’ Nancy Reagan, while reading horoscopes and using her Seer of all things cosmic to help poor sick Ronnie run our government, tried to tell Americans to “Just Say No” to drugs. (Avoidance of truth had been a hallmark of the the Co-Presidents, Nancy and Ronnie, but nonetheless it served them well). But maybe this time, “Just Say No” may actually have a chance to do some good. Instead of keeping people from being addicted to drugs, the “Just Say No” campaign if used correctly may stop the addiction and love affair the ‘Lame Street Media has with the ever ready to cause a riot Trump campaign. Imagine the respect most of the educated American public would have for the Press (And maybe the Press would discover self respect also), if they would only “Just Say No” to the Trump campaign, unless the trump campaign provide an agenda of what was really going to be said at his next HUGE press event. Imagine if when arriving at that press event the Press “Just said NO, when confronted with the real agenda of self promotion, and walked away. And imagine if the Press when asking a yes or no question from a Trumpet-eer surrogate and started to get just anti Hillary talking points if the Press “Just said NO” and stopped the interview? 

Cancer cells thrive when they are not stopped from eating healthy cells. Imagine using that idea to stop the fabrications, falsehood, diversions and lies from Donald and the dumbasses speaking for him!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Because, I said so

Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” tells TODAY that Donald Trump showed him “a comprehensive summary of a battery of tests” on the show that contained “typical things” about a patient’s health. “The records I got indicate that he is healthy enough to be president,” Oz says, cautioning that he did not take the tests summarized himself. But Dr Oz said so and for millions of Americans who believe via the magic of television reality shows, they can be cured of any disease, Dr Oz sealed the deal that Trump is hugely healthy. These are the same people who believe mental health issues can be cured by Dr Phil, issues of morality solved with by Grandpa Duck Dynasty, drug addiction cured by Dr Drew, and the road to Heaven is paved by paying Pat Robertson. Reality TV is real for too many Americans. 

The media pretending to be professional claiming that they were only doing their duty early on, by not calling out the lies of Donald Trump,insisting they were acting as non-partisans as collectors of information have also joined the fanbase of Reality Shows. Be it all of FOX News entertainers or the supposedly main stream journalists, those reporting of anything Trump, fearing to ask him difficult questions, to most of the elected Republicans insisting that they might condemn some of what Trump says but they will still vote for him, no matter who, it is the Reality Star still shines brightest because he delivers the most bang for the buck.

Because I said so, thats all we seem to need in this nation. Because I said so, with absolutely no facts but lots of innuendo and here-say. Because I said so and why would I lie to you. Because I said so and you know I only say so because you can’t say so. So, now the issue of Trumps’ health has become a non-issue, why BECAUSE our beloved Dr Mehmet Oz, discovered by our beloved Oprah, can do no wrong BECAUSE we let Dr Oz into our homes everyday, and if we can trust him in our living rooms, we can trust him regarding Donald Trump’s health. How pathetic of a nation have we BECOME!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Sham and Shame

Perhaps I should stop reading news articles, watching videos regarding news, and let the news anxiety I feel take a hike. But I CAN’T, as this year the outcome of all the news about Trump and Clinton and the presidential will impact my life, my children’s lives and many generations of lives to come. I am amazed, (That is probably to weak of a word choice), at the dozens and dozens of times I have read that this latest report on Trumps, health…university…taxes…real-estate… misogyny…embrace of White Supremacists…love affair with Putin…will be the end of his campaign. It seems there are at least a dozen reasons Trump should have been fined, arrested, in jail but none of them being the LATEST illegitimate, illegal, irresponsible have made a dent in Trump’s campaign.

Now of course it doesn’t hurt Trump that most Republicans in office have not become so disillusioned as to go on TV and tell Americans, that democracy is on the verge of collapse, if Trump is elected. Many of these cowards, who have voted for un-democratic last, such a voter ID, gerrymandering and supported Citizens United have already placed democracy on a teeter-tarter board, so electing a dictator may not be that important to them. It does hurt Trump when anyone acting a moderator discussing issues with Trump cowers in the corner, permitting Trump to pile more bull shit on top of them. And it doesn’t hurt Trump that most so called professional journalists and reporters keep on inviting Trumps surrogates to sit beside them, permitting them to continue to spew lies. (I might think if these so called professionals really cared about honesty, they might say at the beginning of the interview, if you do not answer my question I will end this discussion, and if you do answers my questions, I will not invite you back. BUT RATINGS ARE RATINGS, and news just an annoying thing to be tolerated.

There is no reasoning with Trump or his surrogates, and definitely no rational behind his supporters, who care less about Trump facts. Trump is a genius at the Con, he did it with the GOP, he is doing to the democrats, he is successful in doing it to the media; and much to my dismay, it looks like he may well be able to play his biggest con against the very shaky form of democracy we still have left in this nation. In Reality TV, smoke and mirrors, shiny objects, and concocted story lines regarding the most evil of personalities is a winning package. I suppose this years election is exactly the same, what a sham and what a shame!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Is the action of, more important then the message? There are many men and women, Americans, who stand as the Flag is flown and place a hand over their heart while the National Anthem is played, many of these Americans don’t want to provide services to the LGBT community, believe that this is a Christian only nation, and carry a Confederate Flag in their pocket or have one flying high on their homes. Some of these Americans who Pledge Allegiance, and stand for the Anthem, hate people of color even those who volunteer for the military, insist that Muslim soldiers and their families are terrorists, still refuse to respect the law permitting Gay and Lesbian’s from no longer being quiet about their lives. And yet, ALL we hear is that it is UN-American and Un-patriotic  to question what the Flag and the Anthem stand for. 

Are we to assume that no matter how much you hate other Americans, refuse to truly understand how both the Constitution and democracy work, still believe that the Confederate States of America are the true winners of the Civil War, as long as you stand for the Flag and the Anthem, YOU are more of an American then those who don’t? Is the action of playing a true American, more important then acting as a true American? Are we to assume that just saying “Love It or Leave It”, is the only viable response, when in fact to love this nation is to question.

Why is it that we ALL insist that NOT standing for the Anthem is insulting the Troops, when prior to volunteering to be a member of the military, People of Color are insulted, racism abounds, and lack of respect very evident. But suddenly, because they are wearing a uniform every thing is hunky dory, of course when they return take off the uniform and just look like every other Person of Color who is hated. Why do we want to avoid the truth and rely on a fantasy? Freedom of speech is for those of us who stand for the Anthem and those of us who question what is wrong!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


“I always get, what I aim for / And your heart and soul, is what I came for. / Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets / Take off your coat, Don't you know you can't win…” (Whatever Lola Wants-Richard Adler, Jerry Ross). Now, Donald trump is arguing how much he wants to debate Hillary, but since he is so sensitive a human, he cannot stand on stage if the debates have a moderator. He REALLY, REALLY wants to debate, but those nasty news people will treat him badly. Knowing that Hillary will not permit the stupid to flow from Trump’s mouth, understanding that it is only Trump and Clinton on the stage so there is time to ask, re-ask, and ask the same question again, Donald is worried; not that he might lie, but this time actually be called a liar. Lets sit back and witness his newest con, lets watch how now, that Trump has questioned the fairness of the moderators of the debate, now that Trump has presented yet one more laughable issue…watch how each and every news outlet will pick this up as election news and hire as many talking heads as possible to DEBATE, the DEBATE!

Like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, the guy hired in 1284 to rid that town of rats…and then due to the town NOT paying him his wages for that act, decided to play his flute and lure the children of the town into a mountain never to be seen again; Donald Trump has been hired by the RNC and the many of the Republican voters to represent their party. Trump does not need a flute to misdirect his followers, instead all he needs to look all puffy in the face raise his index finger to his thumb, pucker his lips and say great people have told me this information and all I am is the messenger sharing it with you. All Trump needs is that and his perspective on conning self loathing, angry, I was victimized, and a bunch of Republican’s who believe Voter ID Laws are the democratic process, this is a Christian nation, and somehow Jesus has chosen Mr Trump above the other men and women who used to speak to Jesus in his dreams. And like the Pied Piper, Trump has been excellent at blowing up lies permitting his clueless band of  cultists to follow him off a cliff, one of course he, himself will bypass.

Today’s symphony from Trump is Hillary’s health, and of course those devious debate moderators, and playing that Trump symphony are all the so called “Journalists/Reporters who love nothing more than to be the ones announcing the next scandal. AH-MAY-ZING !

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12

We Americans are creatures of habit; so much so that often, we go through the motions without honestly thinking why. The most recent occurrence of our habits took place yesterday, on the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11. We shared our thoughts on one of the saddest anniversaries finding its way to our shores. Sorting through pictures, videos, first hand accounts, remembering the exact space in time we found ourselves recalling, as this horrendous display of devastation dominated our hearts and minds, sadly remembering those injured and deceased; then proudly stating we are all Americans. We do the same for Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day and the Fourth of July, we SAY we are ALL Americans. The special day is done, and suddenly as if a tsunami blanketed our souls, we forget the words we spoke about ALL of us being Americans, and rely on our default, claiming that NOT ALL OF US ARE AMERICANS IN THE SAME WAY. 

It seems, many Americans prefer saying the right words, but acting upon those right words, is a bit more difficult an activity from which to participate. We don’t want to learn from history, that is too tedious a task, causing the act of reflection which is too timely, rather than, we prefer to react, to ridicule and to reduce any thing different from our own norms to be bad, villainous and of course Un-American. We become infuriated if a differing opinion is expressed, love it or leave it we say, denying any legitimacy to the those with an expression of opposition. Although all ethnicities, gender, sexual identities, and religions have fought for our freedoms, after the National holidays or memorials are finished, we would rather deny the fact, that yes indeed ALL Americans did their best and exclaim that if you AREN’T like me, you AREN’T a real American.

I just read a Conservative blogger’s page where he displayed caskets of our Military draped in the American Flag, then referencing  Colin Kaepernick’s protest regarding the National Anthem. The blogger stated, correctly that we don’t know the color of skin, the religious affiliation, (he of course left out that we don’t know their sexuality, nor gender), but to his point, we don’t know, nor should we care. HOWEVER, the reality is that WE DO CARE about differences when these people are alive. Another holiday or memorial will arrive, we will become on nation, it will end, and once again…

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11

For many, September 11, 2001, will be the moment in time, when, at once, we can remember where we were, what we were doing, with a sense of dread and doom, from which we might never recover. Images of horrors more grotesque than in the scariest of movies, surrounded all of our senses not only providing us with fear, but with little understanding of why and what comes next; causing our imaginations to act as ghosts hidden in the shadows. Madness beyond any comprehension visited our nation, innocents were slaughtered, reasoning seemed useless, mayhem immediately became a part of our culture. We watched, we waited, we guessed, we gathered, we coalesced, we changed…we became different, trying to be defiant, but still living in an aura of denial.

We found enemies, we reacted, we tried to look inward, but felt stronger facing outward, needing to demonstrate to the bully that we were not cowards. As is often the case when humans suffer loss, response is created from the gut, while the brain tries its best to understand; sometimes the two never quite catch up with one another. We declared a war, we thought we knew our enemy, but soon discovered the enemy did not think between the lines, was not a nation with conscience, cared less about our perceptions of right and wrong, and had us reacting, often times without reason or rhyme.

It is September 11, 2016. Our enemies overseas, remain the same, only their names have been changed; an army of no nation, warriors for a self serving God, and people playing on fear and loathing. But in the course of 15 years, we as a nation have also decided that there are enemies of the state, from whom we must guard ourselves, and whom, we decided don’t love this nation as much as WE do. On September 11, 2001 we came together finding common ground, and compassion, WE were ALL Americans. On September 11, 2016, ALL of us are no longer the WE, we once so proudly proclaimed.  After the terrorist attack on our nation, it took common sense to come together and be inclusive; 15 years later we find ourselves as a nation running away from one another hoping that excluding the OTHERS will make us greater. I have to wonder, is our memorial to those who lost their lives in 2001, a loss of liberty in 2016? 

Saturday, September 10, 2016


“We reveal most about ourselves when we speak about others.” ― Kamand Kojouri:— Vladimir Putin is a suddenly a role model, he is a dictator, a murderer of innocents, a homophobe, but he has suddenly emerged as the GUY for both Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Trump demonstrates his narcissism often times by projecting his intentions via cheap talk or Tweets. The idolization of a dictator as being a very strong leader, should make those of us, who still have active and alive brain cells, wonder what kind of president Donald Trumps would be. Of course dictators are powerful people, they have no need for government checks or balances,no desire for fair or equal, and demonstrate little ability to be concerned with anyone but themselves.

“A storyteller makes up things to help other people; a liar makes up things to help himself.” ― Daniel Wallace, The Kings and Queens of Roam:—Because he says he is GOOD age reading people’s non-verbal actions, Trump has proudly announced that the members of the intelligence community, really dislike Hillary and President Obama. Because he says that he knows more about ISIS then the generals, Trumps is suddenly the foreign policy expert. Because he says that due to an ongoing IRS audit he won’t share his financial records with the voting public, but since he is a billionaire why would that matter anyway. Because he CAN, he lies, and because hardly anyone has confronted him directly-eye to eye about his lies, he will continue to get away with his lies.

“Once a thing is set to happen, all you can do is hope it won't. Or will-depending. As long as you live, there’s always something waiting, and even if it’s bad, and you know it's bad, what can you do? You can’t stop living.”—Truman Capote, In Cold Blood:—How do things happen in the country of ours? Why are we such idiots when it comes to NEVER learning from history? How is it that hypocrisy has become part of the US Constitution? When did truth become a lap dog to purposeful lying? We sigh, stammer and seem surprised that someone like Donald Trump is feet away from the Oval Office, yet many of us, instead of confronting the monster, cower in a corner and hope and pray he will go away! 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Who Owns

I have to wonder sometimes, who owns the American National Anthem and the American Flag? Are those owners the people who have decided the right and wrong way to participate while one is being played and the other is being flown? Seriously, who ARE the people who know what is right and wrong regarding the Anthem and the Flag. Are they the people who wear white hoods, swaztika’s on their shirts? Are they the people who believe the Confederate Army was the greatest army ever, and that the soldiers fighting for that army were the truest Americans? Are they the people who look the other way when minorities are denied basic human rights, or the LGBT community forbidden to love the way they were created to do? Are they only FOX viewers, untrusting of people who don’t have sex like they do, are of a different skin color then they are, don’t speak in language they do? Who are the owners?

Are the owners of the right way and wrong way, the same voters who don’t mind that Trump and his side kick Pence believe that Putin is a greater leader than Obama? That a dictator a man who has no respect for democracy is cooler then our president? Who owns the Flag and the Anthem, seriously. Are they the people who delight in saying love it or leave it, because only THEY truly understand the meaning behind behind the Flag and Anthem? Are the owners , the people who think the First Amendment only pertains to their desires and speech? Are they the people who think our Troops have only fought for people who Pledge Allegiance, the same people who believe this is a Christian nation only! Are they the people who think that the Troops are only white, so when bigotry, racism and hate is vented toward people of color of Muslim faith or atheists,standing for the National Anthem while discriminating is okay?

I stand while the National Anthem is played, I cross my heart over my chest as I pledge allegiance, I do so because until the chance that Trump is elected I believe in the possibilities of this nation. But I realize had it not been for Americans who disagreed with our government policies…the rights of women… freedom for slaves…the strife of workers before unions…the LGBT community fighting for the ability to love whom they want to…the soldiers who upon returning from wars good and bad asking for their fare share! Had it not been for those Americans who said standing for the Anthem and saluting the Flag mean nothing if we ALL can’t participate in democracy, NOT standing for injustice, we might have nothing at all.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Reports Of

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” (Mark Twain)

Again and again, if you follow news stories regarding the Trump Campaign, you will read headlines of one more reason his campaign broke the law, one more lie told, one more lawsuit, and one more REASON, THIS TIME, ITS CURTAINS, for his campaign. And yet, no one has been arrested, no one has gone to jail, and everyone continues as if NOTHING has ever happened. And it is one more day where we are told THIS TIME will mark Trump’s doom.

For all Trump IS NOT, he is still running a close campaign. For all Trump can never be, he is still inciting and exciting crowds. For all the reasons Trump should NEVER be permitted to even enter the White House, let alone sit in the Oval Office, he is STILL the delight of the minions and many of the media.

Something is very wrong. It is like taking your car to the dealer and complaining there is an annoying sound (creaking or scratchy sound) every time you use your car; only to be told by the repair person, he or she does not hear it. You hear it and it annoys the shit our of you, nonetheless you still drive the car because no one know how to fix it. We all hear the lies, we all see the pandering to the racists, and bigots, of Americans, we witness the double standards and hypocrisy of the media and the GOP, but somehow NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX IT. The reports of the death of the Trump Campaign have sadly been greatly exaggerated, and that is a worrisome thing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Good Americans

Ah, yes, the good ole’ “Love It or Leave It”, response whenever someone questions the values of the American Flag or Anthem. We pride ourselves to be a land of free speech, but make great exception if we speak too negatively about anything red, white and blue. We become self defined Patriots at the ready to protect symbols of freedom, never truly understanding that without substance those symbols are nothing but facades. 

Colin Kaepernick is now an enemy of the state, as he kneels when the National Anthem is played; explaining that until justice is evenly spread for all colors of the American public, the Star Spangled Banner is just a piece of music. Mr Kaepernick is deemed the bad guy, he must love America, but if he doesn’t love it, he MUST leave it. But then we have a bunch of people, waving the Confederate Flag, screaming that the South never lost the Civil War, or citizens of certain states clamoring to secede from the Union, who stand for the National Anthem, all insisting that this nation should not be an inclusive place, and somehow, there is nary a word directed at them, questioning their Patriotism.

Kind of confusing at the least, at least for me, as to who IS the enemy of the state and who isn’t. Does standing for the Flag or Anthem, supersede hate, bigotry, racism and resentment toward demographics of this nation? As long as you stand, that makes you a good American? So the act of standing is all you need to be a GOOD AMERICAN?