Saturday, January 29, 2022

Sarah and Michelle

 Sarah and Michelle, back again, be it for the BUFFONARY, the blatant abundance of BULL SHIT, begging for 15 Minutes of Shame, OR just SHAMING themselves because in America the year 2022 is to be known as the YEAR OF THE COMPLETELY DUMB AS SHIT!


Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin should be “commended” for dining out in Manhattan this week while infected with contagious COVID-19, insisted onetime GOP presidential contender and avid Donald Trump supporter Michele Bachmann.

Palin is to “be commended because she’s trying to act like a normal human being in the greatest city in America,” the former Minnesota representative said on Fox News’ “Jesse Watters Primetime” on Friday. (HuffPost).


I only want to provide enough oxygen for these two DESPICABLE Douchebags, to let them know, how wrong, ridiculous, insatiably Satan like, human beings have morphed into, and to wonder aloud, are they both true believers in ASSISTED SUICIDE, and or PRE-MEDITATED MURDER! Michelle, I thought had burrowed up her own ass, fitting so snuggly as to never see the light of day…I was wrong! Sarah, I thought wandered into some crevice hundreds of feet below any habitable area on Earth…I was wrong. So, it seems both THUGS have decided to spread rot and ruin, hoping that with the rate Republicans enjoy either spreading disease or death, the two might become POPULAR again. Being DUMB AS SHIT, is a talent, so it seems both THUGS enjoy, so I suppose acting out DUMB AS SHIT, just makes sense for them!



Friday, January 28, 2022

You're so Vain


Recently, ex-President Donald Trump proudly declared, "What's happening with Russia and Ukraine would never have happened under the Trump administration. Not even a possibility!"

So, yeah, given Trump's predilection to hug Russia and blackmail Ukraine -- a fledgling democracy -- it's probably a good bet that Russian President Vladimir Putin wouldn't be pulling these particular tricks right now. I mean, Trump was his guy. When Bill O'Reilly pointed out to Trump that Putin was a killer, he demurred. "There are a lot of killers," Trump said. " ... You think our country's so innocent?" (CNN Politics)


“You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

I bet you think this song is about you

Don't you don't you? (You’re So Vain/Carly Simon)


Nope, this blog is not about TRUMP, (although in this day and age, it is hard to discern what IS and IS not about TRUMP) but this blog is about that floating fart and its arduous odor which still permeates as dreadful and damning as the ozone level in the atmosphere! So, as expected, for those who will not purchase the Brooklyn Bridge, or pick up the phone and actually purchase a car warranty from a Snake Oil Salesman, VLAD the TRUMP Puppet Master, is still indulging deliciously in dividing this nation; knowing better than most how racist/bigoted/bloated and damn stupid, at least 40% of Americans remain regarding true Democracy and truer Freedoms.


TRUMP is not gone, nor are his strings being pulled by Putin. The Third World War, I believe was initiated once Putin certainly chose his STOOGE, TRUMP, to play a dangerous game of FUCK OVER THE UNITED STATES. UKRAINE, easy, make Biden the Boogie Man and seemingly say TRUMP was such a seeker of CO-EXISTENCE with Russia (as in letting the Russian Diplomatic Staff have access to the Oval Office, and God only knows whatever else EXECUTIVE Privileges) that UKRAINE would have been A-OK with the TRUMP faux Administration. So now that once thought of HARDCORE AMERICAN FIRST GOP, is joining forces with Putin and taking a giant dump on Democracies both internal and external! 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

We're In The Money

 “We're in the money,

We're in the money;

We've got a lot of what it takes to get along!

We're in the money,

The sky is sunny…” (We’re In The Money/Harry Warren)


Spotify is in the process of removing Neil Young’s music two days after Young posted a letter on his website demanding that his catalogue be removed in response to “fake information about vaccines” on the platform. “I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform,” the letter continued. “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.” Rogan, who helms one of the most popular podcasts on Spotify, has repeatedly spread misinformation about the coronavirus vaccines to his estimated 11 million listeners per episode, of which he typically posts four to five a week. In April, for example, he came under fire for suggesting healthy, young people shouldn’t get vaccinated. (Washington Post).


And Joe Biden seems to receive the blame for COVID still being COVID. Vaccinations…Science…Medicine…Facts…Masks…whatever it might take (as in a Village) no longer seems to matter as long as parts of the public remain STUPID, parts of American CAPITALISTIC Money Grubers remain SELFISH, and parts of Politicians remain SELF-SERVING. Why tell a truth when the lie seems to generate more interest, and of course resulting in more PROFIT!


So Neil Young, took a stand, for morals and values, and oh yeah respect for all human life…BUT, lo and behold, Spotify Executives and Shareholders, find all of that just nonsense and not even worthy of concern. PROFITS my friend, this is the American way…if lies are told and more people tune in and pay up, then who should even question the values of life, when indeed it is the value of the bottom line that matters. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

License Plates

 Back in the day, and being 72, there are, thank goodness, a whole lot of days to count; our family vacations consisted of visiting my Aunt’s family, who lived in Youngstown, Ohio. We lived in Pittsburgh, and although Youngstown was maybe 1.5 hours away, the mere fact we had to take the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and eventually connect to the Ohio Turnpike, was one wonderful adventure. To think that we would leave one state and arrive in another, was true excitement; I mean that was so cool!


My mother was the best ever cook and baker. No one else’s Mom could compare, but somehow as we approached Howard Johnson’s Rest Stop during this arduous trip, the mere idea of sumptuous homemade sandwiches and cupcakes seemed less appealing than some plastic-wrapped day-old sweet dessert, or a most likely overly grilled hot dog, served by Howard Johnsons. The moment my sister and I read the “Next Howard Johnson’s 26 miles, bring your taste buds inside,” advertisement, we began begging, pledging just his time if we stop we will never ask again! After the usual “we have three different kinds of sandwiches, a dozen cupcakes in the car, you don’t need anything,” monotone rebut from my mother, my father would say, “okay, just this once!” AMAZING aromas, various flavors of ice cream, and the plumpest EVER hot dogs dazzled our senses, and this made the 1.5-hour VACATION, a real VACATION!


We did not travel out of town a whole lot, but when we did, we played the License Plate Game. You know, the game when you identify strange colored License Plates from states you only saw on a map. And then we played, the game listing all of the states in which there was a License Plate not only on the back of the car but on the front (OMG, why didn’t Pennsylvania require that!) And back in those days, it seemed that each state had a unique color, an identifiable color scheme!


I write this rant, to make a point about the absurdity of Pathetic Acts of Patronizing Patriotism. After 9/11, most states immediately decided that they would change their state License Plates to some sort of Red, White, and Blue. Old Glory was everywhere, this IS our country was the message. I got it, WE WERE ATTACKED, our Democracy encroached upon. January 6, this nation was once again ATTACKED. But have you noticed, since that attack the only Flags that seem to be waved are the Confederate Flag, The Nazi Flag, and the Gadsden Flag, “Don’t Tread On Me.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Dam Is Cracked

 Newt Gingrich thinks members of the January 6 committee should be threatened with jail time (CNN)…

Few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise. During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction. Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence. (The Atlantic) 


It is not that I have thought about Gingrich for a while or might ever give one shit about a pile of turd as IS this self-serving and hypocritical, Gingrich (kinda’ like not thinking of Palin, who recently was in the news for suing the New York Times but had to wait to make a court appearance due to her testing positive for COVID. She was unvaccinated and actually bragged she would rather die of COVID than have the government insist she becomes vaccinated) BUT, the thing IS, that in today’s baseless and fact less and feckless world of CONSPIRACY, morons and hero’s, someone as useless as Gingrich, becomes USEFUL to those who hate American Democracy, and those who think TRUMP was sent here by GOD! So his reappearance on the 15 minutes of fame circuit, is worrisome. More lies, more bull shit, and even more concern that if the GOP wins majorities during the Mid-Terms, whatever remains as American Democracy is DOOMED!


Remember, that fable about a little boy, who sees a small crack in a dam. He knows that if no one fixes this leak, the crack will grow bigger, and the dam will break. This would cause many people to die. He decides to stop the leak by putting his finger in the hole in the dam. Despite the cold weather, he stays there all night until adults find him and fix the hole. WELL AMERICA there is a HUGE DAM, and instead of little boys or girls trying to plug any cracks, BIG BOYS AND GIRLS are trying their best to let the ENTIRE THING FLOOD!





Monday, January 24, 2022


 Justice Thomas ignores basic ethics where wife's activism, lobbying conflict with cases. Jane Mayer, chief Washington correspondent for the New Yorker, talks about her new reporting on the activism and paid affiliations and lobbying of Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, that Justice Thomas does not acknowledge conflict with cases before the Supreme Court from which he should recuse himself. (MSNBC). Ginni Thomas, a longtime conservative activist, last week signed an open letter calling for the 6 January committee’s two Republican members to be ousted from the House GOP conference.

Her husband was the sole Supreme Court justice to vote against releasing Donald Trump’s White House documents about the riots at the US Capitol in an 8-1 decision on Thursday. (MSNBC)




Clarence Thomas wants the United States laws to be interpreted HIS way, and no other way. From his early days of questionable habits and attitudes toward women, to his SUBJECTIVE views on law and order, good from bad, to his mis-definitions of conservatism as a vehicle of discrimination, this POLITICAL PUPPET has made freedom and honor, truth, and honesty just a bunch of PATSYS! And now, Mrs. Clarence Thomas, GINNIE, has demonstrated a loathing for democracy, the common decency of respecting voting rights, has determined that the “BIG LIE,” whose sole intent as I see it is to bring and AUTOCRATIC form of FASCISM into the lives of ALL Americans, to be HER motivation to help overthrow a legitimate government.


Clarence Thomas should be held accountable by his peers, and the rest of this nation for his ARROGANCE, in NOT RECUSING himself, in a case by which his OWN wife has provided enough evidence to be held accountable for the actions and reactions of January 6! How does America IMPEACH A JUSTICE? CAN AMERICANS IMPEACH A JUSTICE? And as an aside, on a personal note as an American, who among many other attributes, happens to be GAY, the audacity of the man to deny SAME-SEX MARRIAGES, stating somehow the Constitution did not have that type of marriage in mind…You know the same Constitution which never had the Negro and the White ever marrying, and in which state laws demanded was ILLEGAL. But for Clarence,(my way and not your way), he had no problem speaking in the typical verbiage of HYPOCRITCAL! 

Sunday, January 23, 2022



Anti-vaccine activists march in D.C. — a city that mandates covid vaccines — to protest mandates… Some were white-haired; others were being pushed in strollers. Most were White and many wore gear with slogans supporting former president Donald Trump. A group of men in front of a cart with a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag started a chant of “Let’s go Brandon” and “F--- Joe Biden” at around 10:30 a.m. to cheers. The few who wore masks risked the tirades of a man screaming “Take those masks off!” and “It’s all a lie!” “This is not a political thing,” Robertson said. “If you want to get the vaccine, get it.” (Washington Post)




Lindsay Mikus, 38, traveled from Westchester County, N.Y., to oppose the mandates. Her 14-year-old son lives with his father and is vaccinated, she said, but her 7-year-old daughter — whom she home-schools — is not.

“I have children and I believe they should live in a free country,” Mikus said.

Mikus and Robertson said they are not vaccinated.

“I would die first," Robertson said. (Washington Post)




Some commenters on the group’s page have compared vaccine mandates to the Holocaust and urged people not to get tested for the virus.



Rosy Retrospection

 Rosy retrospection is a cognitive bias that causes people to remember past events as being more positive than they were in reality…Diclinism is the belief that a certain entity, such as a country or a company, is declining, and is potentially headed toward a future collapse…Because rosy retrospection causes people to believe that the past was better than it actually was, it can cause the present and future to appear bad in comparison, which is why rosy retrospection can often lead to diclinism. (Effectiviology)


Growing up in Pittsburgh, during the decades when Spring could include snow showers until Easter then immediately evaporates with 60-degree weather. When Summer was the time to always be on the lookout for thundershowers scary enough for all the mothers living on our street to shout in unison “get inside now, and then, immediately unplug all electrical plugs in the house. When Autumn approached and the Jewish Holidays fell right after Labor Day and even though the weather outside was still SUMMER HOT, you had to wear wool, because it was after Labor Day, and the year you wore your BEST-EVER Halloween costume, All Hallows Eve was victim to lake Effect Snow, and not even your mask was seen due to that damn scarf! And when Winter lasted from October to May, and you invented at least 50 shades of GREY, which from the unprofessional eye just looked GREY. It was the 50’s. My 1950’s and I still remember them with perhaps Rosy retrospection.


Today, I was driving home from the gym. Just a 12-minute ride from Provincetown. I was listening to the ’40s and Beyond channel on Sirius FM. The song, ‘As Time Goes By’ was playing, sung by a singer named Arthur “Dooley” Wilson. Suddenly as I was driving, I pictured myself lying on the living room couch, snow flurries playing tag outside the Picture Window, falling on the already three times shoveled sidewalk, by ME, the boy in the family. It was about 4pm, you know Midnight in Pittsburgh back then in the winter. I remembered I was watching KDKA, Channel 2’s Saturday Afternoon Million Dollar Matinee.’ I did the “Rabbit Ear,’ ritual moving the antennae this way and that, adjusted the vertical and the horizontal and ran back and forth to the sofa to make certain that the sound was just perfect.  For the next three hours no parent, or siblings home, and lying beneath my Grandma’s hand-crocheted afghan, using the plump pillows usually taboo unless company was expected, for my head to rest, I was set for a Black and White movie treat, as Casablanca was the featured film.


Maybe all of that happened as I have written, if not, I am CERTAIN, most of that happened. I was about two miles away from my home, and Glenn Millers Moonlight Serenade began playing, and of course, I remembered my mother telling me it was her favorite of Big Band music. I arrived home, and by mistake hit the button for CNN Radio, and I heard the words, Manchin, Sinema boycotted, McConnell swearing he is not a Racist, Biden was full of too many promises, and TRUMP! I sighed, saddened that my ROSY RETROSPECTIVE had been shattered by a too real DECLINISM! 

Saturday, January 22, 2022


 The Princess Diaries is a 2001 American coming-of-age comedy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and directed by Garry Marshall. Based on Meg Cabot's 2000 young adult novel of the same name, the film was written by Gina Wendkos and stars Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews, with a supporting cast consisting of Héctor Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo, Mandy Moore, Caroline Goodall and Robert Schwartzman. The film follows Mia Thermopolis (Hathaway), a shy American teenager who learns she is heir to the throne of a European kingdom. Under the tutelage of her estranged grandmother (Andrews), the kingdom's reigning queen, Mia must decide whether to claim the throne she has inherited or renounce her title permanently.


THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2022: 1/6 committee calls on Ivanka Trump. The Jan. 6th committee invites Ivanka Trump to speak with the panel about her father’s actions the day of the Capitol attack. (MSNBC) Mr. Graham has said that he didn’t text with Mr. Meadows on January 6, but told CNN’s Manu Raju that he spoke with Ivanka Trump and asked her to send a message to her father to “tell his people to leave”. “I want to see what Jared and Ivanka were texting to Meadows,” Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson tweeted on Monday. (Independent).


The Princess Ivanka, an American Horror Story, it ran for about 4 years, unstoppable, a pathetic factual story created from fictitious, feckless, fart-worthy, failures, to keep real people with real ideas and ideals from ever working in a White House, painted red by the ever-present Putin Puppet Master and his cadre of The Matryoshka Doll (the wooden or nesting doll- where one smaller doll fits inside a larger doll, and at least a dozen dolls can be found). Seems like the dolls, Putin managed to hide one Russian spy after another. Princess Ivanka, her emails, her texts, her lies and deception, this PRINCESS DIARIES 2022 should make for a blockbuster presentation, painful for some BUT ENJOYMENT for others!





Friday, January 21, 2022

And Just Like That

 “AND JUST LIKE THAT,” The women of "Sex and the City" transition from the friendship they had in their 30s to a more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s. Fans or not, the catchphrase “JUST LIKE THAT,” seems to be the common term used to describe events that somehow we knew could occur, YET, when they ACTUALLY find fruition, we seem a bit shocked, and dumbfounded…as if our actions never really have consequences.

In what counts as the longest press conference in presidential history, President Joe Biden spent nearly two hours Wednesday defending his first year in office. But the very first question neatly summed up the problem that Democrats face ahead of what’s set to be a punishing midterm election race: “Did you overpromise to the American public what you could achieve in your first year in office?” (Newsweek)


Dear America, (or at least those of us who understand, planning a COUP, lying about it, then covering up the lie, and still encouraging those who acted as SEDITIONISTS) IS NOT AN AMERICAN IDEAL, get over yourselves. Yes COVID is still a THING, and yes, because no one really knows, yet the cover-to-cover details of COVID, the scientific and medical communities will sometimes move ahead only to take five steps back…AND NO, it is not Joe Biden’s fault. Joe Biden is limited by the HYPOCRITES pretending to be Conservatives, sitting on the Supreme Court, and has little to power, over the Governors of Death who refuse to try and stop COVID from spreading in their states, most likely because none of them want to be primaried. And Joe Biden has fought hard for Voting Rights, but once again, NO ONE KNOWS the real motives of Sinema and Manchin, as to why they seem to HATE Democracy, and EVERYONE should know by now, that Moscow Mitch and HIS GOP Cultist Senators will do everything in their power to REMAIN in power! And BTW, America, TRUMP, and his TREASON-loving FASCISTS still remain an evil force whose goal, America, is to stop letting AMERICA REMAIN AMERICA! So, PLEASE, don’t be “JUST LIKE THAT,” and imagine none of the SHIT presented by TRUMP his KLAN, and the GOP still remain!



Thursday, January 20, 2022

BYE, Mis America Pie!

 The exception to ANY rule of law seems to be Clarence Thomas. How much hate and loathing can one person have in the demeaning of our DEMOCRACY! Be it Clarence or his wife Ginny, both TREASON loving spouses, have little desire to protect DEMOCRACY from fading into FASCISM, and somehow the adage “GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER” (The murder of DEMOCRACY) fits both TRUMP supporting and TRUMP enablers Ginny and Clarence Thomas. But the biggest danger and doom is that Mr. Thomas is called a Supreme and he can decide our fates for the entirety of his life, while our welfare dies!


The Court ruled 8-1 to uphold a lower court decision that the former president was unable to exert executive privilege in order to shield records the Select Committee has been seeking. Matt Fuller of The Daily Beast wrote: "Clarence Thomas thinks the former president can exert executive privilege over the current president, and other reasons the Supreme Court is broken." Norm Ornstein, a contributing editor for The Atlantic, said that Thomas should have recused (disqualified) himself and cited the justice's wife, Ginni Thomas, who recently signed an open letter critical of the two Republican members of the House Select Committee, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. (Newsweek)


And YET more bad news on the once DEMOCRACY of the United States. Sinema, Manchin, and ALL 50 Republicans, (YA know, like Aunt Bea Collins, Mittens Romney, retiring Portman, the only African American, Scott, Trump's nemesis, Murkowski, and the rest of the KLAN. Seems if you are living in a Red State, it will become BRIGHT RED in 2022, if you happen to be a person of color, except white, you become a non-person, and if you are white, hold on tight because you too, may be denied the right to vote because God Forbid you are a Liberal or Progressive. Talk about the Day The Music Died, and we said “BYE, BYE ISS AMERICAN PIE!”


Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked President Biden’s voting rights measures, handing Democrats their second high-profile setback in as many months. Among other things, the voting rights bills would have expanded voter registration with automatic and same-day registration, increased access to the polls by expanding early and absentee voting, and created new criteria for determining which states must receive preapproval from the Justice Department or U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia before enacting laws that would affect voting rights. (Los Angeles Times)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 Senate Democrats force debate on voting rights reform. (MSNBC)


A good friend of mine, Bonnie posted a message on FB, and it was, for me, a Whack On the Side of the Face, kind of UH-HUH moment. Bonnie wrote that all the HUB-BUB about begging Sinema and Manchin to actually embrace Democracy and support Voting Rights, IS NOT ANS SHOULD NOT be the only focus of decent mined Americans. WTF (I added that part), there are 49 Republican Senators who have a role to play in saving Democracy COUNT-EM FORTY-NINE! Bonnie is correct.


Now my two cents worth of SHAME ON YOU GOP…Where the Hell are the so-called moderates (MODERATES MY ASS), like Mitten Romney (who somehow was offended that President Biden didn’t call him and ask Mittens in helping to support democracy…OR Aunt Bea, Susan Collins, always one beat behind in pretending she cares, and always two beats behind to never apologize for not caring…And Lisa Murkowski, the Alaskan Lady shunned from the TRUMP FREAK SHOW (Hey Lisa, give a real shit and get real with the voting rights of the lower 48) And then there is  Senator Tim Scott (the only African American Senator, who one might wonder, why wouldn’t he want to encourage other African Americans to pull themselves from their bootstraps and at least vote)


These are just four Senators who are so good at pretending they care…Let's ALL begin calling out these HATERS of Democracy, along with the best two Political Puppets ever…Manchin and Sinema!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

A Musical Comedy

 1967! Off, off, off, off-Broadway found on the stages of Taylor Allderdice High School and the Y-IKC of Pittsburgh. From a Lost Boy and Choreographer in ‘Peter Pan’ to Bobby Van Husen, the “Terribly rich and good-looking bachelor in the ‘The Boyfriend’ I discovered the magic, majesty, magnificence, and mirage of Musical Comedy.  Could I sing on key, no way, but I could dance like nobody’s business. Could I act, well back then if a guy could dance, who cared about his acting! But I IMMEDIATELY became mesmerized by the sheer indulgence of creativity, escapism, captivated by the music, imagination, storytelling with always a happily ever after ending, and the feeling of flying into the clouds! On stage you could be whatever you desire, you could climb higher and higher, and higher, and the audience, WELL, they applauded, and appreciated the sparkle and shine, performance and personality, and willingness to entertain!


Real-life called, actually came knocking, and my dreams of going to Broadway melted into the reality of “…get a job, keep that job until you retire, make certain that whatever you do for a living, keeps you living a life you can afford…” Luckily I could direct, produce and choreograph for the next decade, and even playwright my own Musical, called ‘Hey Kidd,’ and for a while remain safe and sound on a stage where bad guys were booed, good gals applauded, sadness cured with a song, chorus numbers always had high kicks, and lost souls were eventually found.


How I wish, NO, how I WANT life to become a MUSICAL COMEDY. How wonderful it would be to break out in a torch song, suddenly do the soft shoe, do a diamond step, have all the people around me SING in unison only to bring the curtain down in a smashing first act, and raise that same curtain for more pizzazz, promise and purpose anticipating a show-stopping, encore producing a second and third and fourth act! I want real life to morph into a MUSICAL COMEDY, and we all receive APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE!

Monday, January 17, 2022


 “A winter's day, In a deep and dark December…” *

EXCEPT, it is January, and the gloom and grey haunt the horizons with whispers of Anarchy, Chaos, and the Demise of Democracy.


“I've built walls, A fortress deep and mighty. That none may penetrate…” *

EXCEPT, there are Divides, enriched by Hate for the Other, enhanced by Racist Obscenities, encouraged by Repulsive Republicans, relying on the Fiction that thrives with Arrogance, survives on generations of Ignorance handed down as if it was a recipe, a poisonous, gluttonous, gelatin of Lies and Deceit.


“Don't talk of love Well I've heard the word before; It's sleeping in my memory I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died…” *

EXCEPT, Love for the way too many Trump Seditionists, the QAnon, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, the Snake oil Sales Folk of FOX demands that one alienate from society, creating a smokescreen to filter out facts, science, and medicine. That Love can only loom in a Cult-Like environment, where drinking the sacrament of burning books, denying the vaccines, insisting that the only freedom is YOUR ability to place your needs before the welfare of others.


“I am alone…I am a rock I am an island…” *

EXCEPT, I want to Protest, Fight Back, Act Up, Speak Out, Be Louder than the bully, the traitor, the treasonists…But I worry the time for TRUTH is running out of time!


*Lyrics/ I Am A Rock/Paul Simon











Sunday, January 16, 2022

what, me worry!

 Antiabortion Supreme Court Justices Draw the Line at Government Making People Get Vaccinated. The Supreme Court’s conservatives are suddenly all about bodily autonomy…. Brett Kavanaugh indicated he wasn’t concerned with the idea of precedence, which is very much not what he said during his 2018 confirmation hearing. Samuel Alito compared abortion to racial segregation. Neil Gorsuch, among other conservative members of the court, insinuated Roe had been wrongly decided. Amy Coney Barrett suggested abortion doesn’t need to be a legal right because women who don’t want to have a child can simply carry them to term and put them up for adoption, no muss, no fuss. Clarence Thomas has been trying to overturn Roe v. Wade for years. (Vanity Fair)


So, let me ask this question, you know, about who decides WHO should live and WHO should die. Let me start with the ever-convenient Aunt Lydia of the Supreme Court, Amy (my church says that MAN is the decision-maker), Coney Barrett. Seems Aunt Lydia Barrett, believes in Adoption Agencies as the quick-fire answer as to why NO FEMALE, (Raped by a stranger or Raped by her father or brother or uncle) needs to have an abortion.  So with your latest foray into DOOMS-VILLE, Aunt Lydia Barrett, would you suggest that all of the kids who might be left as orphans due to YOUR faux approach to EVERYONE’S health (of course who IS NOT PREGNANT… insisting that avoiding COVID-SCHMOVID is no big deal) that those children like the non-aborted fetuses be placed in Adoption Agencies? Easy Peasey Aunt Lydia Barrett!


And the rest of the Conservative Bro’s of the Supremes, (Let's call them members of THE REPUBLIC OF GILEAD) you all say Abortion is bad, but somehow leaving an already out of the womb child to suffer as their Parents die from COVID is, well OKEY-DOE-KEY! Keep those kids born, don’t necessarily concern yourselves with their welfare or health, and hey if it ain’t in the womb, it's every KID for HIMSELF OR HERSELF, OR THEMSELVES! So NO VACCINE MANDATE for workers stuck in tight places, because being a CONSERVATIVE SUPREME in the REPUBLIC OF GILEAD means never having to say you’re sorry!


PS, AUNT LYDIA, and REPUBLIC OF GILEAD courtesy of Margaret Atwood’s insightful nightmare of Handmaid’s Tale!

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Name Game

 "The Name Game" is an American popular music song co-written and performed first by Shirley Ellis as a rhyming game that creates variations on a person's name. Ellis recorded the song in 1964. The name game. Shirley! Shirley, Shirley

Bo-ber-ley, bo-na-na fanna

Fo-fer-ley. fee fi mo-mer-ley, Shirley!


The Name Game 2022 Style: Lindsey, Lindsey bo-na-na fanna, Lindsey… FASCIST! Yep, Little Lindsey has insisted that the Republican Party follow the authoritarian demands of TRUMP, you know the guy who planned a COUP! For Little Lindsey, the only way forward is to go back to the days of Nazi Germany…Marsha, Marsha, bo-na-na fanna, Marsha…RACIST! If you are a white guy accused by a slew of females of sexual harassment, and rape, there is truly nothing to see, so become a Supreme Court Justice, but for Marsha, if you are a Negro, and you have a speeding ticket or two, you got a bad Rap Sheet, and should be nowhere in a court of law. Rand, Rand, bo-na-na fanna, Rand…QUACK! Dandy Randy is never one to let science and medicine get in the way of his diagnosis, when he was ineligible to get Board approved as an Ophthalmologist by a REAL BOARD that CERTIFIES the professional capabilities, the dude invented his own, called “National Ophthalmology Board,” which finally dissolved as a fake BOARD in 2011. YET Dandy Randy still likes to practice PRETEND medicine and insists that the public ignore CDC as COVID surges!


And then of course the Name Game IS BI-Parisian. On the Democrat side, we have Manchin, Manchin bo-na-na fanna, Manchin…PAWN. Seems Joey Da’Dude’ Manchin hates Fair Voting, Equal Access to Vote, One Person One Vote. One has to wonder how this multi-millionaire Senator from a very poor state, West Virginia is the second-poorest U.S. state, with a $48,850 median household income and a poverty rate of 17.54%, can live the lavish life, and keeping his constituents from attaining even a fraction of his own income…unless that income is derived by kickbacks, payoffs, and playing a political puppet! And then we have Sinema, Sinema, bo-na-na fanna, Sinema…Snake Oil Salesperson! “I've been concerned at the push that happens in both parties, this push to have no disagreements. To only have unity or to only speak with one voice. And some will say, ‘Oh, that is our strength,’” Sinema said. “Having some disagreement is normal. It is real, it is human. And it's an opportunity for us as mature beings to work through it.” Sinema believes that even though McConnell has pulled the rug out from under President Obama, with a no vote on a Supreme Court Justice, McConnel’s, own definition of a Filibuster, using it to fit his needs; that somehow everyone should continue to play fair. Fuck Voting Rights, it seems for Sinema, we need a Kumbaya Moment, even as the GOP takes America into a new Dictatorship!


Friday, January 14, 2022

no health for you!

 By a 6-3 vote, with liberal justices in dissent, the supreme court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine-or-testing mandate for large employers.

The supreme court concluded that permitting Osha to regulate here “would significantly expand Osha’s regulatory authority” without clear congressional authorization. The Republican-appointed majority of the supreme court is intent on gutting the authority of regulatory agencies to interpret federal laws.

Their target is the so-called “Chevron deference”, a 38-year-old precedent holding that courts should respect agency interpretations of laws enacted by Congress, even if Congress has not directly spoken to the precise issue at hand. Judicial deference is appropriate if the agency interpretation is reasonable… By ruling otherwise, the supreme court’s conservative majority today signals it’s willing to strike down hundreds of regulations protecting the health and safety of Americans. (The Guardian)


I find it quite interesting (and disgusting) HOW, in the USUAL Republican manner of PARTISIANSHIP these SUPREMES identifying as Conservatives, seem oblivious to the health and welfare of the average American, AND how these same SUPREMES, have no concern that their rulings are mired in the muck of HYPOCRISY!


So it seems that the SUPREMES want less control and power by Federal Government Agencies because those agency bureaucrats WERE NOT ELECTED by the people…YET each and every member of the SUPREMES has NOT been elected by the people. I find it disturbing that somehow the quality of lives, the earning of livelihoods is just a “TOO BAD, DUDE, like it or leave it, COVID, like SHIT, HAPPENS, GET OVER YOURSELF!” Somehow CONSERVATISM never cares for the public welfare at large, but ALWAYS and EVER concerns itself with a Woman’s Reproductive Health and seems to DESIRE to control HER!





Thursday, January 13, 2022

onion is an onion and it stinks

 An ONION is an ONION is an ONION, no matter how many levels you peel away, it still STINKS! 

Better hurry. You have 11 days to secure the headgear last sighted on Melania Trump on the balcony of the White House during Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron’s state visit to Washington in 2018. Yes, the Former Flotus Fedora — originally the finishing touch to a white tailored ensemble by Michael Kors — is available to the highest bidder on For those who dared to think that it was over for the Trumps after the presidential election of 2020 — be that politically or sartorially — here comes further soul-shrinking evidence that it is not…. Former first ladies do not normally hock their cast-offs. Indeed, it’s an unprecedented act. Instead — if they have been worn on an occasion of state — they are bequeathed to the National Archives. The website states that “a portion of the proceeds derived from this auction” will go to charity, but a request by The New York Times for clarification on this matter from Melania’s office has not as yet been answered. (The Times)


Really? Sen. Marsha Blackburn Is Trying to Disqualify A Black Judicial Nominee for Speeding Tickets. He currently works for Butler Snow LLP and has been nominated by President Biden to serve as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. Despite that long list of accolades,  Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) had the nerve to say she had serious concerns over Mathis’ nomination for a few reasons. According to Huffington Post, there was just one: n. Marsha Blackburn Is Trying to Disqualify A Black Judicial Nominee for Speeding Tickets.

Andre Bernard Mathis is a bad brotha. He was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. He is a lawyer who got his bachelor’s degree from the University of Memphis in 2003 and graduated cum laude from the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law in 2007. Mathis has served on the Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel for the Western District of Tennessee and on the Sixth Circuit’s Federal Defender Evaluation Committee. 

 Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) had the nerve to say she had serious concerns over Mathis’ nomination for a few reasons. According to Huffington Post, there was just one: “He has a rap sheet with a laundry list of citations, including multiple failures to appear in court,” said the Republican senator. “In Tennessee, we expect our judges to respect the law. If Mr. Mathis thought he was above the law before, imagine how he’ll conduct himself if he’s confirmed as a federal judge.” … Those horrible crimes? Mathis got three speeding tickets more than ten years ago, one of which was going five miles over the speed limit. Mathis explained to the committee he forgot to pay them and didn’t realize his license had been suspended until he got a notice in the mail from the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles. Once he received the notice, everything was paid and resolved. (The Root)


So MELANIE (I still call her that name because if her husband had referred to her by that name, I guess it is good enough for me), has gone back to GRIFTING…she was never one to be a role model as First Lady, so I suppose her selling her attire for a big buck is just part of her SHAM or is it SHAME…Like Husband like wife, two Snake Oil Perfectionists! And then we have Marsha, Marsha, Marsha Blackburn feigning righteous indignation about appointing judges, in this case, who happen to not be white. Marsha had no problem confirming Brett Kavanaugh and his silly White Frat Boy antics like accused sexual harassment. No Brett was totally innocent and never mind the bevy of women who declared to differ. And Marsha had NOOOOO problem in supporting TRUMP, who has been accused of breaking almost every civil and Federal law possible!




if it is in the womb

 The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration's rule requiring larger businesses to ensure that workers receive the Covid vaccine or wear masks and get tested on a weekly basis. "In the face of a still-raging pandemic, this court tells the agency charged with protecting worker safety that it may not do so in all the workplaces needed," the justices wrote. "As disease and death continue to mount, this court tells the agency that it cannot respond in the most effective way possible. (NBC News)


BUT, if you are a female and decide on an abortion, living in Texas, you have NO REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, and must adhere to the rules established by the State Government of Texas. So, Ladies, your decision on your health is of concern of your own; because according to the same Conservative Activists’ Judges of the Supreme Court, when it comes to zygotes, fetus and your womb, TOUGH SHIT!


SO, I wonder… Let's say a FEMALE is pregnant and works in a larger business, and that LARGER BUSINESS, no longer requires a Covid Vaccine or even the idea of wearing a mask…YOU, the FEMALE, get COVID and actually die, which means that the zygote or fetus you were carrying (even if the father of zygote or fetus is your own father, brother, uncle, or some ass wipe who decided to rape you), sadly also perishes, and for now you live in Texas (soon to be flowed by other RED STATES), should the state place the owners of the LARGER BUSINESSES in jail for the aborted zygote or fetus!

suddenly sinema

 “While I continue to support these [voting rights] bills, I will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country,” said Sinema, a first-term Democrat from Arizona.

“We must address the disease itself, the disease of division, to protect our democracy, and it cannot be achieved by one party alone. It cannot be achieved solely by the federal government. The response requires something greater and, yes, more difficult than what the Senate is discussing today.”

Sinema’s speech comes at an extremely perilous moment for US democracy. Republican lawmakers in 19 states have enacted 34 new laws, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, that impose new voting restrictions. They have also passed a slew of bills that seek to inject more partisan control into election administration and the counting of votes, an unprecedented trend experts are deeply concerned about and call election subversion. Many of those measures have been passed in state legislatures on simple majority, party-line votes. (The Guardian)


Senator Sinema of Arizona, somehow thinks that the how and what and which way the Republicans have abused Democracy, have stripped away fair voting for all Americans, have undermined fair and equal elections is not so much THE DISEASE, as having the Democrats try and make this nation a MORE PERFECT UNION! What a fucking FOOL, what a hypocrite, what an imposter! One has to wonder, which big money Puppet Masters have decided to buy this SENATOR. 


Either Senator Sinema is too blind as to witness the scales of justice being usurped, too deaf as to NOT listening to ALL of the minorities, and Democrat voters becoming disenfranchised, or just too STUPID, as to believe, any political party under the leadership of McConnell, McCarthy or TRUMP ACTUALLY seeks to cure the so-called disease she describes. Shame on you SINEMA, you had the power to heal, but instead, you decided to kill DEMOCRACY!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022



Biden vows to end filibuster ahead of voting rights bills ‘that will mark a turning point’ in U.S. history…“The next few days, when these bills come to a vote, will mark a turning point in this nation’s history,” Mr. Biden said. “Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? I know where I stand. I will not yield, I will not flinch.” (The Globe and Mail)


While there were relatively few examples of the practice before the 1830s, the strategy of “talking a bill to death” was common enough by mid-century to gain a colorful label—the filibuster. Derived from a Dutch word for “freebooter” and the Spanish “filibusteros”—to describe the pirates then raiding Caribbean islands—the term began appearing in American legislative debates in the 1850s. “I saw my friend standing on the other side of the House filibustering,” commented Mississippi’s Albert Brown on January 3, 1853. A month later, North Carolina senator George Badger complained of “filibustering speeches," and the term became a permanent part of our political lexicon. (United States Senate).


With no actual surprise, on my part, nor sense of shock, and ONLY as a mere CITIZEN, I stand helplessly by, as the “Boys Club, and perhaps some Girls) pretends to actually concern themselves with what might be right or wrong, good or bad for America and the Americans living here. The Senate, as I see it, has become nothing but a Playground, a Partisan Pious Snake Pit, for Politicians wanting only to find their own careers to blossom and grow, while destroying the dreams and desires and the promises of true Democracy! Voting Rights in America should be a NO BRAINER, as in DUH, certainly let’s make it easier for Americans to cast a one person, one vote!


I am not naive now, nor have I ever been, ever since the day I realized that POLITICS is not a CUSTOMER-FRIENDLY Profession, (and let’s be REAL honest, for a long time being a POLITICIAN has become a self-centered/self-righteous/ self-serving profession, just like becoming a Tele-Evangelist Pastor), BUT it is in EARNEST I beg the question, how, and when, with what energies and pressure, can the average citizen, take back the mechanics of our government, and make FAIRER, More HONEST, and Full of Integrity???


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

just DAMNED tired of it


When an anti-vaxxer dies of COVID, is that cause for glib, ironic satisfaction? When Kelly Ernby died of COVID-19 this week at age 46 (unvaccinated, of course), her death set off an ugly public debate, reflecting all the bitterness, polarization, and frustration in American pandemic society. A resident of Huntington Beach, she suddenly became a symbol rather than a person, a blank slate onto which we could all project our harshest gut reactions (LA TIMES)


A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit by Los Angeles police officers challenging the city's COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandate, rejecting their claims that it violated their constitutional rights. (LA TIMES)


Abigail Breslin posted a photo of herself with others, all clearly enjoying themselves on a Las Vegas roller coaster Monday, captioning the joyful photo, "Vegas, Baby." Of the five people in the photo, only the "Scream Queens" actor had a face covering on. 

"Who’s the pathetic loser wearing a mask?" a user going by the name chesty1987 wrote in comments. Big mistake. Huge. You see, Breslin lost her father, Michael Breslin, to COVID-19 last February and just wrote about her grief in an emotional Christmas Eve post. Breslin wrote back to chesty1987, "that pathetic loser would be me, someone who lost their dad due to someone not wearing a mask and giving him Covid. You can kindly go f— off now." (LA TIMES)


I HAD to write this BLOG, today, Tuesday, January 11, 2022. HAD TO, because I grow sick and tired as I read, watch, listen to a CULT Like Lunacy demand that somehow, the death of others is of no concern to their own selfish, self-serving, either based on bigotry, bias, bull shit, misinformation, arrogance, self-indulgence, delusional misconstrued thinking. Yep, I have a gut-wrenching reaction when Anti-Vaxxers pretend that not all lives are equal and that somehow those who died from COVID, just pulled the shortest straw, but too bad dude, because someone had to die. I do find a macabre delight knowing that anti-vaxxers seem to never realize the consequences of their self-centered ignorance until they succumb to COVID. And Constitutional rights, exactly what are those for the way too many who suddenly think spreading disease is American as Apple Pie. And what really pisses me off is that of the 838,000 Americans who have died from complications of COVID, don’t get a chance to stand on an ANTI-VAXXER Soap Box, go to courts demanding that their civil liberties are being ignored, or with all the emptiness of the shallowest of humans call names to those who believe in science, medicine, and have EMPATHY. 



UN-WHAT, now?

 Cut me a fucking break! Somehow it seems that subpoenaing a member of Congress, by any current sitting member of Congress, to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth regarding the January 6 Insurrection is considered UNPRECEDENTED. WTF, plotting a COUP, an act of treason, is UNPRECEDENTED! ACTS OF SEDITION are UNPRECEDENTED. And the idea that NO American is above the law is UNPRECEDENTED. (One might imagine that the politicians work for the voter, but then nowadays, that is just a bunch of ancient history BS, because either the current crop of politicians work for the 1%/Corporations, or in the case of Trump and his cohort of Republican elected officials, they work for Putin)


Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, announced on Sunday that he was refusing to cooperate with the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, joining a growing list of allies of former President Donald J. Trump who have adopted a hostile stance toward the panel's questions. (Rachel Maddow Blog) Jordan joins another MAGA CAVE DWELLING COUP CONSPIRATOR, Scott Perry of PA, deciding that it “AIN’T NOBODY’S BUSINESS, what he knew or did or texted during TRUMPS attempt to overthrow the US Government. Add to that the FEAR and FRANTIC machinations by the Republican Leader of the House McCarthy, and it seems “Law and Order,” “Concerns for the Constitution,” and “Keeping Democracy Alive,” are nonessential phrases and actions and should go the way of the other contemporary regulations keeping our nation FREE!


What I want to know, is what the rest of Americans can and should do, to let the TRUMP Anarchists and Fascists know, the power WILL remain with the people, not the Cultists!





Monday, January 10, 2022

to vote or not to vote

 The Freedom to Vote Act (FTVA) and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (JLVRAA).

This transformative legislation sets national standards to increase access to the ballot box, neutralizes partisan and racial gerrymandering, protects our elections from interference, increases transparency in campaign finance to prevent dark money from buying our politicians, and more. (Blue States)


Back in the spring of 1866, It was the opinion that three-fourths of the States of this Union could not be induced to vote to grant the right of suffrage . . . to the colored race.” 1920: White women are able to vote1924: Native American women earn the right to vote1943: Chinese women are able to vote1965: Black and Latinx women are able to vote1975: The Voting Rights Act is amended to protect “language minority citizens”

The landmark legislation was amended to include protections for Americans who had a “history of exclusion from the political process” because of the primary languages they spoke, including Native Americans and immigrants from Latin America and Asia. The proposed 26th Amendment passed the House and Senate in the spring of 1971 and was ratified by the states on July 1, 1971. The drive to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 grew across the country during the 1960s, driven in part by the military draft held during the Vietnam War. ... A common slogan of proponents of lowering the voting age was "old enough to fight, old enough to vote".


As I write this blog, all around me, seems to be the worst of the worst, the vile of the most venomous eager, able, ready, and willing to swipe right and erase all, and sadly, ANY traces of liberty and justice for all, and the mere fact that one vote one by each and every American is how America is supposed to work…not necessarily how it once was…BUT how it NOW is! We have been the most perfect union, but IN SPITE of the arrogant, the ignorant, the selfish, the self-serving, the insecure, the inept, the despots, the snake oil salespeople, the white-collared criminals, the shysters, the wannabe kings, and queens…the rest of Americans have tried and TRIED to pursue unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”




Sunday, January 9, 2022

Save this space

 For much of the world, Saturday was just another weekend day filled with all of this planet's problems and perils. The Omicron-fueled pandemic raged around the globe. New York emerged from its first snowstorm of the season. Turmoil continued in Kazakhstan and elsewhere

But in space. In space. On Saturday, in space, there was a great triumph.

After a quarter-century of effort by tens of thousands of people, more than $10 billion in taxpayer funding, and some 350 deployment mechanisms that had to go just so, the James Webb Space Telescope fully unfurled its wings. The massive spacecraft completed its final deployments, and, by God, the process went smoothly. (ars technical).


I remember during the race to space era, when the USA and the then U.S.S.R, were playing the propaganda game, and also the potential for an arms race in space spectacle, sending up satellites, space ships, and all sundry sorts of space gadgets, my father would often lament the fact that it was somehow easier flying into space, then driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, or driving on the hilly streets of Pittsburgh during winter. He would add, that if NASA ran the government like it did the space program, we all might find peace, happiness, and the potential for creating a life worth living on Earth, rather than a planet so hateful! Why is it my father would ask, one of the Jerry’s at the Jerry and Son Barber Shop, we can send men into space, but have such a difficult time maintaining any space between men on Earth? No one really ventured an answer, there was a pregnant pause, a deep sigh, and then if it was summertime, the conversation would immediately go to the Pittsburgh Pirates, or in the winter the Pittsburgh Steelers. I would listen intently, trying to figure out why going so far away was easier than doing anything closer, and honestly even back in the day, just considering ALL of this caused me great angst.


Mazol Tov to those who so diligently and brilliantly created the James Webb Space Telescope, congrats on imagining it, developing it, and setting it to sail into the void of the universe. I am in awe, but in shock that while all of that HAPPENED, we are still permitting the unintelligent, to dictate the health and welfare of Americans during COVID, we are still polluting our environment for the sake of Capitalism and Profits, we are still at war, either waging it or threatening it, internationally or domestically, we are using poisons to feed the crops, water is still unsanitary in parts of the world, and urban and rural locations of our own nation and medical care is considered a luxury, something to be earned. I still trying to avoid thinking too hard or too long about the successes of SPACE adventures, all the while, while back on this space called Earth, each day the doomsday clock ticks closer and closer to Midnight!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

still, still, still

 In a brief filed Friday, Meadows, who is facing a potential criminal contempt charge for failing to comply with the House January 6 committee's subpoena, argued that the Supreme Court should allow former presidents to have a say in the secrecy of the executive branch and that the high court should put limits on what he claimed is an ever-expanding approach to congressional investigations. (CNN)


Saturday, January 8, 2022, two days after the one year anniversary of the attempted Coup, acts of Sedition, and attempts to install a Dictator as President of the United States, and I, as just your regular citizen, remain sick and tired, thoroughly disgusted, completely frustrated, and mad as Hell, that most of the Politicians, the Court Jester of Clowns of the Trump administration, and Trump himself, are still able to move freely around this nation, even bragging about running for future offices! How IS any of THIS even a THING? The media still permits the INSURECTIONISTS to tell their stories, the Courts somehow want to follow some “witch doctor version” of the Constitution, seemingly protecting Traitors, all the while, comforting those for whom the Constitution is nothing but a pain in their Fascist asses. And the voices of Republicans always seem LOUDER than any voices of REASON!


And what consequences, have those Enablers like the FOX Entertainers who have acted like Tokyo Rose, Benedict Arnold, John Walker Jr, Joseph McCarthy, EVER faced. And how is it that Rupert Murdoch, the Owner of and major Manipulator of said Enemies of the State, just seems to slumber in oblivion, when in fact he is truly an Evil Puppet Master? Are WE ALL at the mercy of the maniacs at FOX, and if so WHY THE FUCK, SO? Most recently The Pathetic Putz, named Cruz, who has demonstrated his ability to sell out his wife, father, and children to maintain his ego, had to replace his own head up his ass, as he placated Tucker Carlson, pleading for MERCY. And exactly how close to knowing State Secrets was one of the vilest villains, Sean Hannity, as reported calling Trump on a daily basis. I, as just one of the 329.5 million Americans, just want law and order, justice, and liberty to return, BUT DAMN, if I even know if and when!

Friday, January 7, 2022

what now?

 Vaccine mandate for large employers: Here’s what to know as SCOTUS decides its fate: How the justices rule will ultimately determine if the administration’s strategy for ending a pandemic that’s killed almost 1 million Americans must be rethought. Most Americans have already chosen to get vaccinated, but Biden has said these numbers aren’t high enough. The White House’s plan hinges on the idea that mass inoculation across all workplaces is the best way of beating COVID. “Too many people remain unvaccinated for us to get out of this pandemic for good,” Biden said in November when he announced the mandates. (Fast Company).


Uh -Huh. Just as a point of information: The Supreme Court has been closed to the public for nearly two years because of the pandemic. Only court staff, lawyers in the cases, credentialed reporters, and justices’ law clerks are allowed to attend oral arguments, and all m must be masked and possess negative test results for Covid. (Washington Post).


We are to believe, from the questions asked by Conservative Justices, that a matter of personal liberties is at hand, and somehow, the Executive Branch is treading on individuals personal freedoms, by demanding proactive measures for halting the spread of COVID. The same Justices who somehow forgot to consider the personal freedoms and liberties by and for the Females of the Republic of Texas, by permitting the 6-week abortion ban to stay in effect, HAVE SUDDENLY decided that SOME PERSONAL FREEDOMS are not the same OTHER PERSONAL FREEDOMS. And if my liberties are important, why can’t people decide to sit in the Supreme Court Chambers and NOT get vaccinated?

Thursday, January 6, 2022

mischaracterization of the event, HUH!

 Some Georgia Republicans planned to spend the anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol praying — not just for those killed or hurt during the Jan. 6 riot but also or the “‘J6 Prisoners” and “J6 Patriots” who stormed the building in a futile attempt to keep President Donald Trump in power. But after bipartisan blowback, the Cobb County GOP on Wednesday canceled what it had been calling a “prayer vigil,” citing “mischaracterization of the event.” (Washington Post)


One more Anniversary, January 6th. One more BIZARRO splot on the calendar, surrounding my grand appearance into this world back in the day, (26,296 days to be exact). One more day when TRAUMA, TERROR, HORROR, HEARTSTOPPING, ANGST, AND ANXIETY, not only made my cup feel half empty but filled my cup with a poison if sipped, even a half an ounce of it, would cause DOOM/DESTRUCTION/and possibly DEATH! 


I had to consider, what I might write about on January 6th. I have read, watched, conversed, and ruminated over this Pox on our nation. Lots of speeches with tons of “Never Again, COUP, Treason, Traitors…” Democrats outraged, along with a very small handful of Republicans, Most Republicans acting the coward to not even show up to work, except for Twiddle Dumb and Twiddle Dumber (Greene and Gaetz). And then I read this article about Georgian GOP, wanting to praise Seditionists, Fascists, (you provide the name for Enemy of the State), but what really PISSED ME OFF, was the excuse the Georgian’s used when actually called out… they said it was just a “mischaracterization of the event.” And that pushed ME over the edge, because the excuse that bad people doing bad things is not a BAD thing, just a mischaracterization of the event, IS exactly what everyone from McCarthy, Cruz to FOX, to almost every damn Republican elected official has claimed. The truth, left to die, not only is gone, but as it dies, way too many other lives suffer!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Stupid Superhero

 “I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people,” Dave Bateman, co-founder of Entrata, a property management software company, wrote Tuesday, KSTU first reported. “I believe the Jews are behind this,” he added. The email also included antisemitic and false claims that the Jewish people conspired to make a vaccine that would weaken immune systems to kill off billions of people and that for 300 years “Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top.” (Washington Post) … They stormed the Capitol. Now they’re running for office. At least 57 individuals who played a role in the day’s events — including some who were arrested on charges related to the Capitol attack — are running for office in 2022. (POLITICO)… With the virus raging in the Sunshine State, now might be a good time for the leader of that state to step up and, um, lead by example, right?

Well, that's not the approach that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken. Exactly the opposite in fact. DeSantis has been extremely cagey when asked direct questions about his vaccination status. (CNN).


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. -Albert Einstein… “It didn't occur to either of them that lives would be lost, that the world they were to defend would shift under their feet and never be the same again. They only dreamed of the adventure.” - Author: Adriana Trigiani… I don't want to be totally repetitive and doing the same thing over and over again for the rest of my life. I don't want to do that at all. - Author: Alex Pareene.


January 5, 2022. The day before America witnessed the approved version of Sedation, Treason, Insurrection, Civil War, and a COUP, by one Donald Trump, his staff of idiots, his family of fools, his court jesters, and a magnitude of MAGA minions minus the intelligence and wherewithal to actually know, they were all lemmings asked to jump into an abyss! January 5, 2022, and as scared and afraid as I am regarding the TRAGIC anniversary of another day that will live IN INFAMY, I am also struck by the headlines which, somehow, remind me that this nation, has not learned a single lesson from history, current, and of the ages! Jews are now the real culprits for COVID and those VACCINATIONS… One can cause a COUP and be permitted to run for office, thus ensuring future Fascism, and a Governor prefers to let his political ambitions trump, the health, and welfare of the common person. I hesitated in writing this blog, actually not certain how the current events of January 5, 2022, would play out, BUT I should have learned a sad lesson about America and way too many Americans… STUPID is a SUPERHERO!








Tuesday, January 4, 2022

and why NOT

 With hospitals in crisis, it’s time there were consequences for vaccine holdouts (opinion/Globe and Mail).


When is enough, enough? Is that my wisecrack rhetorical voice? Is that a naiveté expression of total disbelief? Am I honestly acting flabbergasted and reaching for straws? Am I even being disingenuous in asking a question for which the answer should be obvious? And while I am at it…what are the reasons the majority of Republican politicians on a Federal, State, or Local Level for promising the stupid the potential of death, destruction, and doom, forsaking any morality for the sheer delight of remaining PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS? Has the GOP leadership in this nation taken on a mantra of Assisted Suicide for their followers, just NOT TO BE PRIMARIED during the Mid-Terms? And while I am poking a very dangerous Virus made from Human Selfishness, why the fuck are a majority of Evangelical Christian men and women religious leaders of their so-called God, doing this by aiding and abetting pain and suffering; by ignoring science for their own self-gain?


Why has this nation permitted the underbelly of society to act as the brain and muscle of decision making, allowing the Ignorant, Racist, Bigoted, Dumb As Shit, Hateful, to lead the way? I am tired of reacting to Death Chant’s from the Republican Right Wing, the Q-Anon, the Hypocritical Entertainers from FOX, the Wanna Be Fascists! With hospitals in crisis, it’s time there were consequences for vaccine holdouts (opinion/Globe and Mail).




Monday, January 3, 2022

What will be Left


Joe Biden faces the prospect of a primary challenge from the left-wing of the Democratic Party amid unrest over his age, poll ratings, and failure to push through his legislative agenda.

The president has entered 2022 in a vulnerable position, with polling indicating the Republicans are well-placed to seize control of the House of Representatives in November’s midterms.

Biden was dealt a serious blow last month when Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator from the conservative state of West Virginia, all but doomed the flagship “Build Back Better” plan, which had been the linchpin of his domestic agenda. Adding to the uncertainty surrounding the White House is Biden’s age: he will be 82 shortly after the 2024 presidential election. (The Times/The Sunday Times)


There have been lots and lots, perhaps TONS and TONS, of reasons for me to worry about the future of MY Country, My Country’s Democracy, and MY Country’s seemingly deaf dumb, and blind response to all of the terror, trauma, pestilence and putrid attacks on Law and Order/Freedoms/ and Justice. I despise the Hypocrisy, Histrionics, Arrogance, Lies, and Intentional dismantling of Democratic principles, by the GOP, and try my best to call them out any time the poison of Insurrection and Authoritarianism becomes as rancid as an abandoned unflushed toilet located on Old Route 66! BUT, when the hear the Democrat Party’s Left-Wing begin their own crusade to punch holes in an already fragile Democracy, I just want to SCREAM, WHAT THE FUCK! Right now, we are on the edge of COLLAPSE in maintaining Democracy, we are inches away from a Right-Wing Dictatorship, and instead of supporting President Biden wholeheartedly, it seems the leadership of the Democrat Left, has joined partnerships with Moscow Mitch, MAGA Cruz, Pathetic Pence, and the House of Representatives America First Caucus, (which somehow when looked at seriously is anything BUT America first or second or last) Come on DEMOCRAT LEFT, right now, there is no real Democrat Majority in the Senate, the House is nothing but EGO Manic wanna be Politicians. Americans are still uncertain of each day, and somehow the Democrat Left has piled on Biden, adding to disarray and dangerous dismantling of the promise to finally bring this nation, MY nation off the brink of collapse. As disgusting and disingenuous as the Republicans ARE, at least THEY have a common goal, to WIN. It seems to me, the Democrat Left right now is more concerned with how many followers they have on TWITTER and Facebook! Don’t agree then read the following headlines from the Media!


With Donald Trump lurking, is the U.S. sleepwalking toward calamity? (editorial/Globe & Mail) … If we are to save our democracy, there must be a reckoning for the Jan. 6 attack (opinion/Washington Post) … A majority of Americans believe U.S. democracy is in crisis, according to a poll released Monday… The survey, conducted by NPR and Ipsos, found that 64 percent of adults in the U.S. believe American democracy is in crisis and at risk of failing, while 19 percent of those polled said they disagree with that sentiment. (The Hill)


Oh YEAH, for the record, I am a PROGRESSIVE VOTER. I am a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. I understand the need for more EQUALITY/FAIRNESS/INCLUSION. But for the record, until the entire wound from the 4 years of TRUMP, and the aftermath of the November 2 Big Lies, and the INSURRECTION AND ATTEMPTED COUP on January 6 is hermetically sealed, and the infection completely cleaned out, having a war within the Democrat Party will do nothing but bring back the TRUMP YEARS of DESPERATION AND DOOM!