Wednesday, January 12, 2022



Biden vows to end filibuster ahead of voting rights bills ‘that will mark a turning point’ in U.S. history…“The next few days, when these bills come to a vote, will mark a turning point in this nation’s history,” Mr. Biden said. “Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? I know where I stand. I will not yield, I will not flinch.” (The Globe and Mail)


While there were relatively few examples of the practice before the 1830s, the strategy of “talking a bill to death” was common enough by mid-century to gain a colorful label—the filibuster. Derived from a Dutch word for “freebooter” and the Spanish “filibusteros”—to describe the pirates then raiding Caribbean islands—the term began appearing in American legislative debates in the 1850s. “I saw my friend standing on the other side of the House filibustering,” commented Mississippi’s Albert Brown on January 3, 1853. A month later, North Carolina senator George Badger complained of “filibustering speeches," and the term became a permanent part of our political lexicon. (United States Senate).


With no actual surprise, on my part, nor sense of shock, and ONLY as a mere CITIZEN, I stand helplessly by, as the “Boys Club, and perhaps some Girls) pretends to actually concern themselves with what might be right or wrong, good or bad for America and the Americans living here. The Senate, as I see it, has become nothing but a Playground, a Partisan Pious Snake Pit, for Politicians wanting only to find their own careers to blossom and grow, while destroying the dreams and desires and the promises of true Democracy! Voting Rights in America should be a NO BRAINER, as in DUH, certainly let’s make it easier for Americans to cast a one person, one vote!


I am not naive now, nor have I ever been, ever since the day I realized that POLITICS is not a CUSTOMER-FRIENDLY Profession, (and let’s be REAL honest, for a long time being a POLITICIAN has become a self-centered/self-righteous/ self-serving profession, just like becoming a Tele-Evangelist Pastor), BUT it is in EARNEST I beg the question, how, and when, with what energies and pressure, can the average citizen, take back the mechanics of our government, and make FAIRER, More HONEST, and Full of Integrity???