Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

It is Memorial Day, many of us as Americans honor the Troops who have risked life, limb, and their own mental health to help secure our freedoms. When we think of Memorial Day and the Veterans and the current members of the Armed Services, we somehow never distinguish the white ones from the darker skin ones, the Christians from the non-Christians or non religious believers. We never selectively honor the service of the heterosexual versus the homosexual, the virgins or the adulterers, the perceived sinners versus the perceived saints. When we think of Memorial Day, we become inclusive, we say thank you to all of the men and women for serving their country.

Somehow this year, 2016, Memorial Day has arrived and with its arrival this country has become confused,as to who is a true American. The freedoms, equality, and national pride of this country are no longer of priority, instead divisive, disruptive, disingenuous excuses are the order of the day. Immigrants go home, how many immigrants died in the past wars? People of color remain subservient, how many people of color have been wounded mentally and physically from past wars? Non Christians repent, how many non Christians have given their last breath during the past wars? Do the people who actually believe this is a white, Christian, God fearing nation really believe THEY would still be able to exercise THEIR freedom of speech and hate, if the multitude of colors, religions, non-religions, heterosexual,and so called sinners had not said MY Country First?

It is Memorial Day, we can wave our flags, we can honor the deceased, but if we do that out of one side of our mouth and on the other side insist that this only a white Christian nation, our salutations and declarations are immoral and meaningless. It is Memorial Day, just think about the variety of Americans who have permitted to celebrate!

Sunday, May 29, 2016


The Republican leadership knows that Donald Trump is a creep. The other creeps who had tried to outlast him in the Republican primary race stated very clearly what kind of narcissist, hypocrite and over all empty fool Trump is; they all knew and know Trump is only in the race for his own personal gain. But as asinine a group of men and women the GOP leadership are they do one thing with a bit of smarts, they have their eye on the White House. For the GOP let it be all about Trump for president, but make it all about the Republicans having the means to shape the destiny of this nation for generations beyond by keeping a majority in the Congress and then a majority within the Supreme Court.

The Democrats are a different kind of politician. They say the right worlds about inclusion, equality, freedoms and rights, but they find it difficult to coalesce around any candidate because no one seems to say those words the same way. And when the Democrats discover that two or three people say the same words but recite them differently there is disagreement as to who REALLY is speaking the truth. The Democrats are all about revolution, but sometimes confused the goal of the revolution replacing it with a General; moving from purpose to a person. Senator Bernie Sanders has become Trump like in the recent weeks. He will slyly say he has nothing to do directly with he Feel the Bern Movement, but he also has found it difficult to dismiss some of the negatives relating to that group. The Republicans to a person, I am sure are disgusted with the selfishness of Trump, but they play his game anyway. The Democrats, unlike the Republicans, forget the White House is the prize and instead would rather lose the prize for some kind of contentious principle, (That may never see fruition).

If the Sanders team, with their lawyers, and demands and their disregard for anyone but the Feel the Bern Movement continue baiting the Democrats and Hillary in particular, the Republicans can sit back until the Democrat convention (If there is one) and laugh their asses off as the infighting by the Dems grows from worse to worser! I am not anti the ideas Bernie has espoused, but I am more and more getting frustrated and worried that Senator Sanders is becoming bigger then the principles he insists upon. If Bernie wants a revolution, let him do what the GOP did the day President Obama was elected, fight Hillary (if she). But to begin this revolution now when the losing result is a President Trump demonstrates a selfish man whose ideals will never become ideas. Our government needs a shakeup, but if Bernie does not begin to call off the attack dogs against the Democrats, he will be very responsible for President Trump sitting in the Oval Office.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Burn

At first I was intrigued, Senator Sanders was running for president. Cool I thought a very Progressive man who might take the dems from center left to a little more left. Senator Sanders said we needed a revolution, I agreed. At first I didn’t take the Senator seriously, thinking he has some great ideas but will America be ready for this. I was and am a Hillary fan, but thought Senator Sanders will push Hillary’s thinking and may help her become more flexible. Never a problem with a revolution, when the cause is to help ALL the people in a crisis rebound and renew.

I never felt the Bern as so many of my friends had, but I understood the need to fight the battles which for way too long have been attempted but never achieved as victories. New ideas, new perspectives, new choices let it happen I thought. Perhaps I had underestimated the steam by which Senator Sanders was moving. Then a few things happened, and suddenly not only did I not feel the Bern, but instead as a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat I began to feel burned. I watched as Donald Trump was successful in his scorched earth approach within the Republican Party and watched as the biggest fell. There was not much pity on my behalf for this years contingent of wanna be Republican candidates, but what really dismayed me was how well Trump’s revolution took hold and his fans became his foot soldiers. The GOP citizenry and now the supposed leadership are kowtowing to a man and not his ideas.

I now worry about Bernie’s goals and his methods. It seems very much like Trump, Bernie is making the cause about him. Most revolutions begin with the concern of the average person, but when a revolution goes sour it is often times because the goal changes and the momentum is no longer on a cause but a person.Trump is dangerous, too dangerous to pretend he is stupid, he is a moron, he is a jerk, is a narcissist…we are way beyond feigning all of that, Trump is good at one thing and that is marketing, not an idea, but himself. Bernie, for me, seems to be following in a trumps narcissistic demeanor, no longer looking at the big picture as he had when he wanted a revolution, but not acting like the election is all about him. Hillary is not the lesser of the three evils, there is one evil and that is Trump. The evil will encroach on all of our lives unless Bernie begins to see a bigger picture then himself. I want to feel the Bern, but not get burned.

Friday, May 27, 2016

I am so tired

I am so tired of hearing “But Hillary’s negatives are almost as high as Trump’s” on most every supposed to be newscast. Compare the negatives for me, please…wait, let me try…Is it because Hillary stayed with her cheating husband and Trump left his wives to cheat on more women…Is it that Hillary is aggressive, and assertive, like Trump, but she is JUST a woman…Is it because FOX News in conjunction with a very gerrymandered Tea-Bagging Congress has tried to lie about Benghazi while letting the lyin’Trump go on lyin’…Is it because Hillary says words like inclusive, equality, fair pay, freedom for everyone, while Trump limits the scope of democracy for his chosen few…

I am so tired of hearing about anyone but Hillary from the GOP…Tell me why…wait let me try…is that the GOP understand the real power of this woman…Is it that to stay in power the GOP will settle for a bigot, someone who knows even less about the Constitution then the majority of GOP Congress People…Is it the fear that a continuation of a sane and knowledgable will happen demonstrating to the American public just how poorly the GOP have governed this nation…Is it because current Republican partisan divide isn’t as good until a real dictator is sitting in the Oval Office…

I am so tired of hearing the people who support Bernie insist that if doesn’t get the Democrat nomination they will either not vote of vote for Trump…Tell me why…wait I think I know… Is it because the revolution they talk about can only happen with Bernie…Is it that they are shortsighted to not notice that any vote against Hillary will certainly let the Trump revolution thrive… Is that all or nothing actually solves and problems…

I am so SCARED of the people who let will a hypocrite, bigot, ignoramus, reality star, buffoon become president; an individual who cares only about his welfare, his ratings, his image and will shake up the this nation with so many cracks it may never, ever be repaired. I SCARED of the Bernie or Bust, the Spineless Republicans, and I am scared for the people I love and the generations to follow. I am so tired…

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Razzle Dazzle

Razzle Dazzle, (Chicago) Lyrics by John Kander
Give 'em the old razzle dazzle
Razzle Dazzle 'em
Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it
And the reaction will be passionate
“I am bigger,better, your life will be greater, look at all of my towering buildings, casinos,why I fly in a plane much better than Air Force One.” My current wife is a babe!”
“Give 'em the old hocus pocus
Bead and feather 'em
How can they see with sequins in their eyes?”
“Mexicans are rapists, Elizabeth Warren is Pocohontas, Bill and Hillary are murderer’s,”
Political Correctness is and offense to the Caucasian Race, Sure I have a Bible, but The Art of the Deal trumps that book”
What if your hinges all are rusting?
What if, in fact, you're just disgusting?
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they;ll never catch wise!”
“Women love me, that’s why I can pick and choose, isn’t three a charm. I will set tariffs so jobs can come back to America, after the Chinese finish my Trump clothing line, but don’t expect a minimum wage salary, this is America if you haven’t inherited your fortune, you are lazy. We don’t need ugly women, disabled useless people, Jews who run and ruin the media. And lets make America safe again eliminating gun free zones in schools.”
“Give 'em the old three ring circus
Stun and stagger 'em
When you're in trouble, go into your dance
Though you are stiffer than a girder
They'll let you get away with murder”
“Kick them outta here, isn’t it just like haters to pick on a true American. If you go to jail because you sucker punched one of THEM, I will pay for your jail fees. I am never wrong, nor owe anyone an apology. She is fat, he is a jerk, they are unpatriotic” I could shoot someone in the middle of the street and still have thousands of my fans rooting me on.”
“Give 'em the old Razzle Dazzle
Razzle dazzle 'em
Show 'em the first rate sorcerer you are
Long as you keep 'em way off balance
How can they spot you've got no talents?
Razzle Dazzle ‘em”
“Screw my 5 bankruptcies, only the jealous talk about that, I will place world leaders in a room and no one leaves until they agree with me. Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Casino’s, not my fault that haters made me lose money. I can’t remember what I said the first time, so sue me. Those videos of me saying one thing and me flip-flopping its the Dems I tell you.”
Dazzle Dazzle them and they’ll make you a star

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

TRUMP wins

Until the media, and any politician in the way of Trump responds to Trump using his language, his sound bytes, his Tweets, and his innuendo, NO one but Trump wins. Until the media stops telling us that Hillary’s negatives are the same as Trump’s, but quite never compare the facts, Trump wins. Trump is loved by the insecure, by the people who need a bad guy to make them feel good about just how bigoted they are. Until we stop letting Trump play by his own rules, Trump wins. 

Trump talks about the misogynistic behavior of Bill Clinton, and how Hillary enabled him. No one asks Trump’s current wife, why she would marry a man who cheated on two previous wives and had a child out of wedlock. If Hillary was enabler what do we call Melania? Trumps pretends to care about the Vets, yet his track record of supports lacks any kind of support. So every time Trump tells the world he is the man who will make Vets lives easier, why not ask him if you haven’t done it so why should we believe you will later? Trump talks tough about dropping nuclear bombs or taking out dictators; Trump has two sons each able to handle weapons when they are on a safari, so ask trump why his sons might not enlist and show the military some leadership skills. Until we stop walking away from the lies, the BS, the propaganda that IS Trump, Trump wins.

Everyone is so appalled at Trump and Co’s behavior, but everyone reports it as if it is not unusual. Trump lies it becomes a fact. Trump lies, suddenly talking heads are on stage debating the relevancy of his stupidity. Who is more stupid, Trump or the people who actually talk about the stupid as if it is legitimate. We know the majority of Republican leadership is more concerned about their party’s future then the future of America so none of the GOP is going to really Stop Trump, so Trump wins. We hear the Dem’s bash one another swearing that if Bernie doesn’t win they won’t vote or if Hillary doesn’t win they will stay home, so Trump wins. Trump wins how does that make any sense at all?

Friday, May 20, 2016


Today as I was about to rant, rave and ruminate about yet one more injustice encroaching upon the lives of Americans, and our co-inhabiters of this Earth, my brain went on strike. As I normally do, I sat in front of my computer, at the ready to furiously peck at the keys and as Harry truman once said “…Give ‘em Hell…” BUT nothing but the word OVERWHELMED flashed across my eyes and a note scribbled by my brain cells saying “I’ve gone fishing”. (I hate fishing). Then as if there was a power surge (The kind that happens after a severe thunder storm) my head twisted and turned, rotated left and right (Like Linda Blair in the Exorcist), and I actually think the top of my skull exploded (Like the Roadrunner when one of his ACME box of tricks backfires on him). What seemed to be two years of my life (In actuality maybe 2 minutes), I stood up from my desk, paced the hallway of my house, sighed and thought WHY!?

There was so much I needed to express, yet which topic should become my priority. Oklahoma may make it a felony for abortion doctors to practice their legal right and assist a female with her own private choice. A Senator from Arkansas believes we need more prisons. Bathrooms are now the new catch phrase for What Would Jesus Do. People debate that we either should be giving more to Vets, rather then to immigrants, when in fact there is money to both. The Speaker of the House has decided that feeding kids living in poverty diminishes their chance for hope in the future. Anti-semites love themselves some Donald Trump and the hypocrite that is Trump has yet to say out loud my daughter and grandson are Jewish. People are dying in Flint, kids will now live with life long, life threatening illness, and Governor Snyder is still in office. Which of these should we worry about the most.

Today as I began my ritual to express my outrage against the hypocrisy, ignorance, selfishness, all eager to vent, my brain went silent. Are we all just too stupid to care, are we all just too narcissistic to worry about anything but ourselves, are all too terrified to take a stand? Life starts out so simple, what is it about our nature as humans to take the simplicity of living and turn it into something so OVERWHELMING!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Donald IS

Donald Trump IS good. When it comes to conning anyone, he is the King, why he is the God of Grifters! Donald Trump IS so good that he can out con the most ruthless of Con Artists, the current gaggle of GOP politicians. The newest con by Donald and Company is to pretend that the list of potential Supreme Court Justices all fall in line with the kind of activist Justice’s the Republican’s jerk off over. Donald’s mode of operating is to promise the worst, be a supporter of the most evil, buy the votes of those who self loathe and create more townsfolk to carry pitchforks and fire. (Now, to be fair Donald has not truly conned all of the GOP Con Men and Women, there are still some who know they must support Trump but they need a real excuse for their own insecure behavior. By stating that a vote for Donald Trump is vote for partisan activists Justices makes sense. This group GOP flim-flam fools can pretend that although Donald is a racist, misogynist, all around bigot, that those qualities can be overlooked because after all a Fascist Supreme Court his the best thing for this nation.

Donald Trump knows full well that no matter what he said in the past will not be important in the future because HE is Donald Trump and the ignorant, uneducated reality show viewers will undyingly rush to his aid and insist the Liberals made up those lies in the first place.  The news media has already taken the bait, bringing in those really cool talking heads to actually discuss, Donald’s list of Justices. Donald IS good, because now, once again the media will somehow make Donald’s fiction into fact. We will now watch fake news reporters debate just how Conservative Donald’s list really is, while forgetting that all Donald is doing is buying more time to avoid asking him ANYTHING of substance.

Donald Trump IS good…or maybe it is that everyone is bad…bad at doing a good job of journalism…bad at doing any insightful reporting on the truth… is bad at understanding just how good Donald Trump is as a Con Man, a Flim Flim, a Grifter, and a Manipulator. Damn!

A Horse's Behind

Oh Megyn Kelly, wearing the back end of a horse costume can be funny at least one time, maybe twice. When Lucy and Ethel partook in that schtick on “I Love Lucy”, it was hilarious, nothing funnier then being considered the ass. But as I recall, Megyn Kelly, there was never another episode on “I Love Lucy” which was written for anyone playing the rear end of a horse. Somehow Megyn Kelly you have managed to be the tail end of of the horse when it comes to Donald Trump, AGAIN! Is it that you have no self respect, is it that FOX News just pays you too much, is it that respect for women isn’t your thing? Donald did it to you again Megyn Kelly with your latest…”Let’s rediscover the softer side of Donald Trump interview.  

As you tried so hard to confront this misogynist regarding his lack of respect for women, and his lack of respect for YOU in particular, all you got in response, was either his lyin’ lips saying meaningless words, like “I did, who me, or the best line being and I paraphrase Megyn Kelly, “I am sure you have been called some names in your life that were worse then BIMBO… You sat there Megyn Kelly demurely, smiled as Donald Trump did it to you again. I hope the pay check was well worth the insults, the lack of integrity, and the obvious lack of respect for or toward you. As I questioned at the beginning of my embarrassment for you, how many times can one person play the ass of a horse?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

If only

If only we had a liberal media press. If only we had a group of journalists who were neither, ex-reality stars/failed politicians/ good to look at with nothing of substance behind that photogenic face/talking head filled with helium BUT professionals who cared more about the truth then ratings. If only, but this is America 2016 and bottom lines for both Network and Cable corporations is ratings built on bytes, sound bytes based on BS, and enough BS to fill the pockets of the six to 7 figure salaries of the media CEO’s.

Whenever there is a crisis, the news channels usually have some kind of theme music, a quick perky title, and a countdown. Earthquake Day 7, Tsunami Day 12, mass shootings Third Day, each and every event becomes a paltry attempt at making it seem that the Networks care, by presenting a Soap Opera in which the viewer never quite discovers finality in the plot. Of course there are the paid for talking heads, with their own special bias, many of whom just make the rounds sounding, looking and seeming to know what it is they are pontificating about. 

Donald Trump who believes he is above the laws, rules, and the facts, is now acting like the brat he is (And a smart brat who knows he can away with almost thing he so desires), and has told the American public, his tax returns are no one’s business. He somehow can’t remember saying on video that he would be glad to show is tax returns, but that video feed was manipulated and just a propaganda tool, created by his enemies. (Remember how the disgraced video of Planned Parenthood and the sale of baby parts a knowingly fraudulent piece of garbage was considered real, even after the fact it was known it wasn’t). So, if we had a liberal press, or for that matter a press concerned about the truth and how politicians try to avoid it, I think this should happen. Pick a theme song maybe “We’re in the Money” from 42nd Street, begin by showing the various videos of Donald Trump touting that his tax returns will be greater, grander and best, then end this little montage with Day One, Day Two Day 111 if needed and after how many days have gone by get the tag line to appear that says, AND STILL NO RETURNS. #Cheatin’ Trump! Oh if only!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Trump Ish

Learning a language and speaking the language correctly often times are not the same exact thing. When I was in highs school in Pittsburgh, my Spanish language teacher spoke with a very thick Pittsburgh accent. Nothing wrong with the Pittsburgh accent, but if you are not from that city often times words spoken seem foreign even in America. My Señorita, in high school, knew the Spanish language, but her inability to infuse the native Mexican intonation left a lot to be desired.  

Donald Trump speaks his own language, I call it Trump-ish. Donald’s language consists of simple words, most of the time words like bigger, better, best and of course they like me, and I am wonderful. If yo,u watch any interview with Trump you can glean almost immediately that if you DO NOT speak his language he will either speak over you, ignore you or change the subject. Often times when we had a larger bevy of Republican buffoons running for president from the GOP, they would try to speak Trump-ish, but of course to no avail. (My best friend in the world is of Mexican heritage, and he knows what I am saying when I try my words in Spanish, but he smiles knowing that I sound a bit off). So any other candidate, even the loathing, and lying Ted Cruz, as mean as he could be, never got close to hurting Trump’s fragile ego, because even ted Cruz was trying to speak Trump-ish, but with a whole different accent.

Donald Trump is a fragile lotus petal and because that is the only self awareness he has he understand that ALWAYS being on the offense is the greatest protection of all. To speak TRUMP_ish  with the same robust posturing, and pompous emptiness as Donald you must follow some rules. Immediately go for the jugular, instead of asking Trump[ when he will release his tax returns  speak Trump-ish and say #Tax cheat Trump, #No money Trump, #poverty stricken Trump. When Donald sprouts idiotic references regarding other countries just speak Trump-ish and say #geographically challenge trump, #flunked geography Trump. When he speaks about tariffs this is an easy Trump-ish word #suit from China Trump. Trump-ish is trying to cut your opponent to shreds by speaking as an adolescent might, ad an angry alcoholic might and of course as very, very, very insecure individual might. So for all you Stop Trump Republicans and Democrat pungent and talking head, learn the language as the native speak it in this case Donald Trump and you will reap rewards.

Thinking out loud

Sheldon Adelson is a billionaire. Sheldon Adelson appreciates the fact that in the United States, money equals power, enough power to purchase politicians. Sheldon Adelson is in the Gaming business and has used his status as financier of politicians to make sure HIS Gaming interests need no laws from which to be governed by, nor any restrictions Sheldon Adelson believes might be a detriment toward his own fortunes. Sheldon Adelson, is a Jewish man and strongly believes in the survival of the State of Israel, and the continuation of Jewish life. Sheldon Adelson’s newest acquisition is Donald Trump. Sheldon Adelson is willing to invest up to 100 million dollars to own the Oval Office.

Donald Trump is adored by American Neo Nazi’s and White Supremacists. Donald Trump pretends to NEVER know the names of the swaztika wearing or white robbed and hooded adorned supporters who say loudly Donald Trump is the man who best conveys their hatred of the Jew. Donald Trump, may feign ignorance, but will not say publicly that he abhors the anti-semitism speed by these hate groups. 

Sheldon Adelson is a hypocrite and very well can afford to be one. There is very little consequence to pay being a hypocrite within the Republican Party, that is the common bind that keeps their selfish hearts alive. Sheldon Adelson might to want consider the lives of the Jews in this nation as well as he does the Jews living in Israel before he purchases Donald Trump. One might ask Sheldon Adelson to ask, (or perhaps with 100 million dollars, Tell) Donald Trump, disavow the hate groups that so viciously despair People of Color, Minorities and especially the Jews. Just thinking out loud…

Friday, May 13, 2016

Taxing the Truth

Why in the world is anyone surprised that Donald Trump will not release his tax returns, He has from the very start of his campaign played by his own rules, made a few up along the way and had forgotten others. We all know he is not a man of his word, and we all know what a liar he is and was. As a reality star and child of privilege, Donald doesn’t have to deal with the truth. He has built a cult of people who also don’t rely on the facts just a big mouth, lots of bragging, and volumes I am better, and you are not.

If the Republicans actually cared about honesty they would hound Donald on becoming more transparent, but when you have Republican state legislatures, who insist voter fraud is happening with no proof and thus enact more Fascist restrictions to vote, you know none of them will say a word. One more con game Donald Trump will get away with. Oc course the media (useless as reporters but great marketers for Donald Trump will pretend to be indignant. They will have talking heads debate the real value of issuing your tax returns, which automatically provides Donald Trump with more exposure and nothing else.

The biggest fear Donald Trump is that he will be found a fraud. But so far no one of substance or influence has been able to demonstrate that. Tax returns, I am sure Donald’s response to that question, will be mine are great, the best! And we will move on to anything else but the facts. 

Birds of a feather

On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Paul Ryan became one more stooge to submit and stated that he would INDEED support Donald Trump’s candidacy. In his pronouncement, the Speaker of the House identified TWO reasons for his “Go Get-em’ Donald speech. The first thing Speaker Ryan said was “…We need to beat Hillary Clinton…” The second thing said by Paul was “…This will help unify the GOP… I found it more interesting what the Speaker of the House did not say in his tepid endorsement of Trump. He did not say …this man is of fine moral character…this man’s values are what is best for America…this man will treat ALL Americans as equals…this man cares about the nation… Paul Ryan who has gone on record repeating fiction, pretending it is real, providing misinformation as if it was based on anything but his imagination and indulging in half the truth NEVER before has had difficulty in lying. He is so good at the lie that he can actually look straight into the camera to make his lies seem plausible. But Thursday, even Paul Ryan, (who knows keeping them stupid, keeps them voting Republican) could not use the words Moral,Value, Equality, Fair, or Honest in describing his new Republican bud, Donald Trump!

It might be difficult for a person who says he prides himself on the American way to support Donald Trump’s bid for president, but as i recall the past actions of Paul Ryan, perhaps he is not the hypocrite i suppose for NOW endorsing Trump. Congressman Ryan, believes that feeding poor kids free lunch while they are in school gives the starving kids less incentive go out and pull themselves up from a worn out boot strap. Congressman Ryan has stated that poverty is the fault of the person who is poor. Government hand outs for housing, or food is like doing drugs, as Nancy Regan so stupidly said, “Just say no”, and Congressman Ryan  insists if you say no being unemployed, or poor, it will magically change your life. And now Speaker of the House Ryan, is still demanding that Affordable Care is just an excuse for people to remain healthy, I imagine according to Paul Ryan, if you ain’t got the bucks you are out of luck.

On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Paul Ryan gave the -O-key-doe-key to Donald Trump, not because his becoming president will enhance the American the American nation, but as most “drink the kool-ade GOP tea party terrorists believe, it is not about what is best for this nation but is best for the personal careers of the republican politicians. I was not surprised about Ryan’s endorsement, and the flood of other that will follow,nope it is very consistent with the Republican motto of screw you before you can screw us!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Say It Ain't

Say It Ain’t so…
Oh no Jesus you have abandoned the Republicans who…
…Said if only you and your Disciples had assault weapons things, would have turned out differently, with all that New Testament plot line stuff!
…Who lovingly believe the NRA when the NRA insists that, Only good guys have guns, and secondly Guns don’t kill, stupid, and neither do Toddlers!
…Who understand your gifts don’t always come with ribbons and that sometimes Daddy’s, Brothers and that nasty guy from the other side of the railroad track, who want to Rape women, Is just Jesus saying, look what I have done for you now, Do, I hear a Hallelujah!
…Who want that zygote to have an Attorney, and defend that little egg and sperm’s civil rights, forgetting about once the baby is out of the womb that food, health, housing are no Christian issues.

Say It Ain’t So…
Oh no Jesus, you have abandoned all of those who…
…Swore on your name that you crept into their bedroom and urged them ALL to run for office, was it just indigestion?
…Insisted that you were THE General who brought us a new nation, of course declining the presidency as it was too time restrictive.
…May not have actually been around to see for themselves, when you were roaming the streets of Jerusalem, but have a very good idea what you meant to say.
…Think divorce is the prerogative of good Christian’s, bigotry a lost book of the Bible, People of color your little punk’d you joke, and self proclaimed Christian visionaries who insist paying them will get prayers to you faster.

Say It Ain’t So…
Oh no Jesus you have abandoned all of those…
…Liars, hypocrites, deniers, selfish, scheming Christians and selected a man who never needs to repent, never needs to apologize, never is wrong, and never can be trusted.
…Who pretend you really are a misogynist, racist, anti-semite, who can disparage women, people of color Jews, Muslims.
…Who loathe the poor, believe you were a banker, know you were white, are paid to know that climate change is liberal BS.

You, Jesus abandoned all of the above for Donald Trump. Wait a minute here, that REALLY wasn’t You!  ALL of those people who have been talking to you or repeating your word, have been played. Indeed, I think that fallen angel of yours the one supposedly who has a tail and horns has been playing this local barnyard of Republican hypocrites animals for fools. Say It IS so…

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hashtag Donald

We all know Donald Trump IS not a lot of things decent, but you must give him kudos for being a successful con artist, grifter, and reality star. But above all else we all know that the one thing that keeps Donald both exhilarated and scared is the fact that he is an insecure man who just to survive, needs his infusion of narcissism. We read his passive aggressive Tweets and EVERYONE knows the the media repeats them and repeats them. We listen as news department after news department dwells on the latest adolescent ranting and raving Donald and his team have dug up. And of course, since the current crop of news organizations are more concerned with sound bytes rather sound facts, we have endless hours of talking heads (By even the mere discussion of these idiot responses) giving  great credence to each and every inane and insane Tweet by #Donald.

I amaze at the fact that NO one seems to understand how Donald plays. He is a coward, a bully and we all know that both types of those personalities hate confrontation. It seems all we do is react to Donald’s tantrums, and the more we do that the more insistent his cult members become in defending Donald’s brash, seemingly brave and bogus bull shit. Hey, Democrat political operatives, and Stop Trump Republicans, use your common sense; play the Trump Game by the same insincere savvy as The Donald does. Here are some examples: Donald likes to call people lyin’ or cheat’n based on nothing but the fact that the media catches on and is duped into repeating it (So for the FOX viewing and Limbaugh listening morons it becomes fact), so why not come up with a few hashtags like #Adulterous Donald, #Bankruptcy Boy, or #Deferment Donald. Superman has one weakness and it is Krypton, Donald’s once major weakness is truth, USE IT.

Donald knows that the stupid must remain dumb, he is so good at understanding what to feed the dumb, and he or is Campaign comrades understand that old lies and innuendo are just the ticket to keep his presidential ticket alive. Now Donald and Company have decided to attack Hillary for not stopping Bill at the time or even now disparaging her husband for his heinous, self serving, male entitlement misogyny. ALL of the main street news outlets as well as the cable so called news organization just love to devote hours and hours on that subject. Again, Democrat Operatives and Republican Stop Trumpers, play the Trump Game as Donald does so well. Why not wonder aloud, as Donald loves to do when he Tweets, and ask Melania (Trump wife #3), how she could demean herself by marrying a man who had two other unsuccessful marriages, who cheated on both wife #1 Ivana and wife #2 Marla. Ask Melania if she has no backbone, no self appreciation knowing that her current husband is such a philanderer. As Trump has so far successfully blamed Hillary for her husband being a douchebag, why not quiz Melania about the douchery of her man? We all know Donald’s Achilles Heel is any truth spoken about him and yet all we seem to do is let Donald Trump play his game and win! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Senator McCain

Senator McCain,
What has happened to you? You served your country in Viet Nam, fought in a war that we were told was to stop Communist domination in Southeast Asia. Viet Nam was referred to at the time, as a valuable domino that must not teeter or fall, as if it did the “Red Chinese” would over take the Eastern Hemisphere and democracy would die a slow death. You were brave Senator McCain, and despite machinations of the Industrial-War machine at the time, in-spite of the propaganda of the Presidents, and their cohorts in the Congress, despite the lies told about yet one more war for profit, you did what was expected of an American and served your country. No one can or should take your dedication to country at that, time for granted. And no one should ever consider you anything but a hero suffering some of the worst conditions in the ‘Hanoi Hilton’. 

No one should call you anything but a hero, but in fact Senator McCain, the presumptive candidate for your party, the GOP, has in fact told America just how much of as loser he thinks you are. He likes his Troops NOT to be captured. Mr Trump insulted your efforts in Viet Nam, (and remember he had 5 deferments), called you a loser because somehow it was your fault you got captured, and now Senator McCain you have decided to support Mr Trump. So tell me Senator McCain, you were fearless as a fighter for liberty, but suddenly a man who is nothing but a reality celebrity scares you? This is not the first time Senator McCain that you placed your priorities before the rest of the country. In your quest to become president, again from the party of NO, the GOP, you selected as a running mate a person, with very little vetting, a person whose knowledge of anything at the time was beauty pageants and ordering police captains to chauffeur her family around Alaska, and a person who had not performed anything for the public but a talent contest. You didn’t care Senator McCain at the time that what you were doing was bad for America, nope, your handlers said, lets get a female, lets get Christian, lets get a “Purty Lady” to woo the Evangelical’s. It was John McCain first and screw America if they got in your way.

So, now you are once again running scared as a politician. Your state of Arizona home of Jan Brewer and Sherif Joe Arpaio has decided that Donald Trump is the go to guy. You want yet one more run at the Senate and have become the coward that Donald Trump defined you as. No backbone anymore John, no sense of Patriotism, John, no awareness, John  (just as when you selected Palin as your running mate) Remember Senator McCain how hard you fought for America, once when you were a Soldier. But now that you are a politician all bets are off, and the only person you will fight for is yourself. I never thought I would be agreeing with Donald Trump on anything, your selfish, self-serving, disinterest in anyone but yourself has made you quite the loser.

Monday, May 9, 2016


The Irreverence toward Relevancy, or scratching that cold sore on your lip and spreading the herpes virus, or putting out an electrical fire with water…Or permitting Sarah Palin’s idiotic rantings and musings to be heard seen or published…Or thinking that the Republican’s not supporting Trump have a conscience…Or trying to squash anything Trump with the truth as if his supporters care…Or being a Kardashian and running out of anymore nude pictures or places to perform plastic surgery. Disregard for the Real and insisting that if it has the word reality in front of it it is real…Like the Benghazi Committee falsifying anything Hillary…Like the Stop Planned Parenthood Committee using fake videos as substance…Like saying Gay marriage is evil but looking the other way when the Duggar Family are part of a cult which believes that Jesus said that once the young girl of 14 or 15 develops breasts, she should be auctioned off to use her virgin body to get regnant…Like Scolding Bill Clinton for his misogynistic ways while you are either molesting kids, having an adulterous affair or just loving you some Prostitutes.

The Bliss of Ignorance, or thinking fair and balanced is really not deceit and lies, or scratching that poison ivy rash knowing that will stop it from spreading, or wiping your butt but not your hands. Or listening as Rick Perry says he will be the best VP for Donald Trump…Or watching as John MCCain states Donald Trump will be good as president knowing that he said the same thing about Sarah Palin for VP…Denial of Truth, Like If it ain’t Bernie I will not vote…like being told that the 28 missing pages from the 9-11 Report don’t matter…Like being a true Patriot is denying that the South lost the Civil War and the Civil War was never about slavery…Like Donald trump eating taco’s and saying his best friends are Mexicans

We live in a country so enticed with sound bytes, with news casters trying to invent the news, with elected officials who have no idea what the Constitution says and who most could probably never pass a new citizens test. We live in a country where the smart seem to shy away from being heard, the stupid multiply like maggots on a dead slab of meat, and no one believes that compromise is anything but a plot from the Devil. We live in a country where tomorrow for the first time in this nations history may either never come or be the entrance to the Twilight Zone. How damn scary!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

I Would Ask

I am so tired of hearing about percentages, about what if’s about the next big primary, and I am so disgusted with people we have relied on from all the major Cable networks who are not journalists, but entertainers working hard for ratings. It would be so nice if a real Journalist or reporter or perhaps an ordinary citizen could have an hour show even once a week and ask some relevant questions. Pick me, pick me…

…I would ask Marsha Blackburn Chair of the newly formed anti Planned Parenthood, women’s right to her own biology and body of the GOP, how much money does your committee have budgeted to dismantle an organization and the lives of women who only seek quality health care and to be better educated regarding their bodies? Then I would follow up and ask, why is it that the GOP seems to have tax payer dollars to eliminate Planned Parenthood based on a bunch of videos produced without one ounce of truth, but always seems to fall short on income to pay for The School Lunch Program, Day Care for those families earning minimum wage and  Food Stamps for families living just on the or below the Poverty Line. When Representative Marsha Blackburn hems and haws I would then suggest perhaps if she insists her committee establish laws against abortions why can they not establish laws to protect the children already alive. you know the ones starving, uneducated and with very poor health care.

…I would ask Chairman Trey of the BENGHAZI committee a few questions about the members of his committee and his own behavior. Perhaps my first question would be you have stated off camera that this committee was established as one more bit of propaganda to dissuade Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy, is that heresy or just the truth? Then I would add why do you think you had the authority to change the information you received from the CIA regarding Secretary Clinton during the time before and after BENGHAZI, are you above the established laws of the land? And finally i would ask Chairman Goudy, how much is in your budget for this political witch hunt and do you think that maybe a percentage of the millions of dollars you spent just to try and derail Clinton’s presidential run and place those dollars into the health and welfare of Veterans, you know the group of guys for whom you wave the flag, but usually end up giving therm nothing but the finger?

…I would ask Donald Trump about one of his fan’s remarks regarding Jews. If Donald trump would insist he may have heard about David Duke, but JUST doesn’t know him, I then play two pieces of audio for Mr Trump. The first would be David Duke’s endorsement of Trump and follow that with David Dukes rant about Jews being the reason for the anti-Trump movement. When Donald still refuses to acknowledge the truth about his relationship with David Duke I would finally ask him, what do you think your daughter who converted to Judaism and your news grandson who is Jewish would think about this?

…I would ask Mika and Joe from MSNBC how they define Journalism. and how it seems that providing easy answers, the kind that are just mushy and cozy to Donald Trump makes  either of them to be considered legit? I would ask that if you felt this compassion and allegiance to Donald Trump off camera why were neither of you honest ON camera to let your audience you paved the way for a less stressful and honest interview with a man who may become the next President.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Send In the Clowns

Hillary Clinton is a female and because of that minor detail, Donald Trump has announced she is using the Woman Card. Donald Trump is a moron, because of that major detail is he using the Stupid Card?…The Anti, let me Pee or Poop as I please Crusaders are all aghast that the wrong gender might be using restrooms without their God given plumbing intact. So they have decided to send in the Troops, Troops of men in the ladies room to inspect; wonder who the real pervert is?…If you are deciding to run for political office and you insist Jesus has urged you to do so while you were asleep, perhaps you need to speak with Ted Cruz or see a psychiatrist.

Donald Trump speaking about John McCain said, “I don't like losers,” “He's a war hero because he was captured.” John Mccain was one of the first Senior members of the Republican party to endorse Donald Trump for President, makes you wonder just how brave Johnny has become?…David Duke ex-Grand Wizard of the Klan and supporter of everything Trump said, “Opposition to Trump shows Jews are the real problem”, I wonder if David Duke was pissed because Donald did not send him an invitation to his grandson’s Bris?… To show that the tainted water in Flint, Mich., is safe when filtered, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says he will be drinking it for the next month when he's at home and at work. Cool, but suddenly the Governor has more pressing problems and must spend a week in Europe. Guess the EU is in need of an Executioner!

“Isn’t it rich…isn’t it queer…losing my timing this late in my career…And where are the clowns…”(Stephen Sondheim, ‘Send in the Clowns.’). Just curious how so many of us permit the insanity to seep into our lives. It is as if 2016 is nothing but a Reality Show we hope will not be renewed; but as awful as it IS we continue to tune in for more. I worry that the smart will pretend this all a nightmare and think if they wake up it will be over. I worry that the stupid know it is a nightmare and cannot wait for more. “Send in the clowns…don’t bother they’re here” (Stephen Sondheim)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Oh, Lord

So, it seems once again, when Jesus comes to your bed and speaks to you as you sleep and you wish to be a politician, often times not just a politician but President of the United States, you might want to question if indeed that was Jesus discussing the US Constitution or perhaps the result of eating too much too late at night. We all have been privy to Republican politicians, all who have had the desire to become president, all who have told us it was Jesus who prompted their foray into the presidential field, and all of them stood no chance in winning their party’s nomination. Just ask Palin, Santorum, Gingrich, Perry, Huckabee, and now Cruz. I have to wonder if in fact someone was acting as a political pundit while these characters were sleeping, who might that have really been?

What a quandary, having Jesus urge you run for office then abandoning you for a thrice married man, an adulterer, a man of gluttony and a guy who swears he need not ask Jesus for forgiveness, EVER. Now I am not a Christian, but living in America I have certainly been privilege to the wonders of Christianity, the good, the bad and most recently the ugly. I suppose anyone can believe in their God as they see fit. Sarah Palin knows that teaching sex education is against her God’s belief, and also knows that no matter how many times you have unprotected sex, one day abstinence will find you, Sarah has stated that Jesus will give Bristol as many chances as she needs. Ted Cruz was told by his dad that he will be the next Prophet, because the Jesus Raphael Cruz believes in hates those homosexuals, is nervous about who is pooping and peeing, and of course loves himself a man who has disdain for truth and loves him a good lie or two or fourteen hundred. Of course Jesus does talk to wanna be presidential candidates, like Paul Ryan because the Jesus, Paul (Eddie Munster) Ryan believes in thinks poor people are lazy, kids from families of poverty should not eat school lunches if they cannot afford them and of course give to the rich first and wait, and wait, and wait for their wealth to trickle down.

As a man who happens to be Gay, Jewish, and a Senior Adult, who happens to be have friends of color, a daughter, sisters and great female friends, who has worked with people with disabilities, whose friends served in the military, I have been quite cognizant of how often Jesus has been used as a scapegoat for supposedly “Christian” Folk bigotry and bias. I have listened as it was because of Jesus that Ministers, never wanted the colored to marry the white, how Jesus insisted that poor people are takers, how if Jesus had a gun in his robe he would not have been crucified. I have been lectured that war is a Christian value, that marriage is between a man and a woman so pay not attention to the adulterers because they will be born again, and again. I have heard that history is all wrong indeed this was and is a Christian nation. So, when I hear politicians posturing and pretending Jesus choose them to run for President, I wonder, again how come he choose Donald Trump? 

Trump Dashian

For her it was a picture of her butt, a feigned but rehearsed how dare they, and she began her career as someone who was to become an icon for the masses, an empty vessel able to float on the waters of stupid, insincere and of course those with nothing in their lives. For him it was just being an ass from head to toe. Loud with the insincerity of someone so insecure, he needed narcissism transfusions just get through the day. He could tell you bigger, sell you better and lie about best; and never ever be begged his pardon by anyone asking are you sure? PT Barnum, a carnival barker, the con man in expensive suits, a facade with neon he was like that elusive bulb on the front porch of a summers night a beacon for all the creatures of night. She is Kim Kardashian, he is the probable nominee from the GOP, Donald Trump.

Pop culture is a fascinating phenomena, it can and should present opportunities for growth, for change, for the possibilities of what else, but in the 20-teens it has only provided the world with too lazy to learn, too selfish to wonder, and too empty to care. Kris Jenner is a savvy marketeer, she knew that the more shallow you became the more popularity you gained. Be about nothing but showcase that nothingness with diamonds, nudity, scandal, and of course vague and venom and although you are truly  the dredge of the Earth you will reach great heights. Donald is the master of now you see it, then you won’t. He appeals to people he would squish like a bug, but he is smart enough to spread the rancid food on the floor watch them gather and pretend he is actually feeding them when in fact they will all die from his poison. Donald Trump can function without empathy but is so good at pretending to be sympathetic toward those who think gluttony is contagious, greed is courageous, and fiction will set you free.

We are witnessing The Repub-Kardashing of our nation. Say nothing of substance, get as much press for being nothing but a putz, pretend you are relevant by showing up, use lots of adjectives, face the camera always accuse someone, and of course entice an already ratings first media, to follow your every burp, fart and absurdity. No one should be amazed that the Kardashians were voted the first family of America by Vanity Fair Magazine, they were smart enough to know how to improve their bottom line. And no one should be surprised that Donald Trump is the probable nominee from the Republican Party, all he did was say out loud all of the racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, misogynist, xenophobic rubbish the GOP had been whispering for years. We live in a society that texts on our phones while walking into anyone or anything, a population that can only speak in abbreviated text speak, a population that believes reality stars are in fact journalists, that true heterosexual love can be found on the shows like the Bachelor and Bachelorette, that being a Confederate is a true patriot, and that Jesus actually speaks to people like Palin, Perry, Bachmann, Beck, Cruz and Robertson. Hmmm,I know, there  will be a ticket of Trump/Kardashian and their motto fool you once and again, and again and again!