Monday, October 31, 2016

Wanna Know

Once again, we have discovered that Hillary is not a saint, she is a politician, and she is human with frailties as well as fortunes. We know what are her favorite colors, her shopping habits, her daily personal life. We already knew of her commendable work as First Lady, NY Senator, and Secretary of State. We know she has used a private server as have many of her predecessors, as well as the minions of Republican Congress People who love to chastise Clinton as they hypocritically do the same thing. (Just like the guys who wanted to impeach Bill Clinton for his affair, as they were either playing with their mistresses or young boys). We know she plots and plans just like probably 99% of anyone seeking public office. We know Hillary has wavered in support for the LGBT community, but has come forward with all due respect and equality for this demographic. We know Hillary is a female and being so, she actually does not have to play the woman card. We know Hillary’s background in working with people of color. We know the Benghazi hearings were nothing but a propaganda tool used by the GOP who had admitted so; as well as finally admitting that because of the lack of funding set forth by the GOP majority in the Congress security at all embassy's needed improvement. We know Hillary’s income tax, we know Hillary’s medical health. We know that Hillary wants to become president of the US. Thank goodness we don’t know, at least not yet, how often she poops each day! But than knowing that would be about a bunch of stupid shit!

The only true thing we know about Trump is that he is running for president. We truly know nothing else, because, Trump refuses to share. We know from Trumps actions that he inspires others to remain racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic, bigoted and never pleads for them to stop hating. We know that Trump has applauded the Wiki-Leaks hackers and promised us there would be more. We know that at least a dozen of females have come forward regarding Trumps inappropriate behavior toward women. We know Trump has lied over and over again as we re-watch the video and re-listen to the audio of Trump contradicting himself. We know nothing more and if trump is as cunning as he has been, we will probably never know any truth about him until after, God Forbid, he is elected.

Now, I want to know, what the hell has happened to this nation! I want to know why there is still any question regarding Hillary’s appropriateness to become president, while disregarding all of the reasons why Trump should never step one foot closer to the Oval Office! I just want to know!

Horror Films

Horror movies, were my favorite type of film as a kid and now as an adult. I loved the 1950’s black and white movies about UFO’s and little green men, or haunted houses with the possibility of ghosts, vampires and creatures so ugly that even one glimpse would send the nightmare train to your brain, followed by sleepless nights and of a course a night light to keep the monsters away. Horror movies helped my imagination to grow and the questions of what if, or what might always creeped and crawled in my head. 

However, as much of a fan as I was and am, there was and is always one common thread in most horror films that nags at my enjoyment. It is a premise that fits well with the genre of horror films; the one character who sees the warning signs of impending doom and is either told to shut up about it or is completely laughed at or ignored. Now I know, that if the character who is aware of the facts of the how and why the creature will continue to attack, is believed there will be no movie, but somehow I am always frustrated that NO ONE seems to listen to the truth until it is too late!  If only anyone would have believed that the signs of immediate doom were all like low hanging fruit, the demon would not be able to possess the souls o the innocent!

For me, this 2016 presidential election year started out as a farcical comic book perhaps written by MAD Magazine. Maybe, even some of the writers for the Onion Magazine or even SNL all got together and said lets write a maddening parody for the public. But the mood of the election did turn from the ridiculous to a full fledged horror flick. And like themes of the scary movies, this years election cycle did come with warnings that, if no one takes heed the monster will decimate the village, the demon will possess the bodies of its prey, and the ending will only spell death and destruction. We know everything about Hillary. We know nothing about Trump. Lots of characters are telling us beware of Trump, but instead we perseverate about everything Hillary, ignoring everything regarding Trump. Now that is a scary thing!

Sunday, October 30, 2016


The winner of the latest round of a rigged election belongs to FBI Director James Comey. Any American citizen concerned about the fairness in our democratic system should be quite upset with Director Comey’s partisan interference, but with all that has happened this election year no one should have been surprised!  The smart, but always smarmy tool used by the current crop of Republican shysters, has mostly been the OOPS, MY BAD schtick. Director Comey has perfected this method of lying first and pretending to apologize when caught in the LIE. FBI records state that the FBI knew about the Weiner emails a few weeks ago, yet instead of actually seeking justice for our country, Director Comey followed the golden role of the GOP; which states, love of Party before even liking Country.  And WE all should have known something like this was going to happen, because Trump informed us of it when he shouted to the Deplorable Masses, the election is rigged. Trump’s narcissistic tendencies are so troubling and overwhelming for him, that he ALWAYS lets us know what scheme is next by using words such as lying, crooked and most recently rigged.

This pisses me off, because once again as the news media, only concerned with brazen headlines, or actually creating the news rather than reporting on it, brings on one talking head after the other to debate Comey’s act of treason, discussing once again anything Hillary; no one is pressing Trump for his tax returns, his relationship with the leaked emails, and of course his financial marriage with Russian oligarchs. And folks, we know everything and anything about Hillary.EVERYTHING! And folks we know nothing factual about Trump. Shouldn’t we at least be as bold and brazen toward Trump as relentless and ridiculous and crazed we have been about Hillary? Of course this election ha been rigged. It has been rigged by the Republicans, from witch hunt committees, to voter ID laws, to the hypocrisy of almost every GOP politician swearing they don’t like Trumps words but will vote for him anyway.

If FOX News had been in operation, during J Edgar Hoover’s reign of terror at the FBI, I am sure once he was found to be a usurping traitor of the American way, he would have had his own talk show. I am just as sure, if our government does the right thing and tells Director Comey you are fired for your anti-American behavior, that starting in January we will find, Mr Comey on FOX, having his own propaganda hour most likely in the same hour as the defunct Megyn Kelly show. Yep, this IS a RIGGED election!

Saturday, October 29, 2016


We know nothing about Trump’s taxes, we have no real report about Trump’s health. We have knowledge of campaign managers and campaign support personal having business deals with the Russians while working on Trumps presidential campaign. We hear about how great Putin is and how he deserves more respect as Trump tries to con his audience into thinking Trump will be the peace maker. We see hacked emails ONLY being hacked from the Democrat Party and only from the Democrat candidate, all of which has been praised with promises of more from Trump and his surrogates. We have accounts of clothing and steel being purchased from China for Trump businesses, undocumented workers working for any operation owned by Trump.

And yet, Paul Ryan, Republican Speaker of the House the number three man in this nation in line for the presidency, makes the statement that Hillary should no longer be given privy to any more State Department briefings. We have Representative Jason Chaffetz, the ranking Committee Chairman of the House Oversight Committee insisting that another witch hunt will be necessary to once again define Hillary as an anarchist. We have an FBI Director sending out half empty notices regarding Hillary, while never mentioning an iota of Trump or his surrogates connections to the Russian hackers or to the Russian government.

We have so called news outlets ready to be the news then report the news. The media rushes to conclusions regarding anything Hillary, whose whole life story has been delved into so deep we have finally reached the core of the Earth; yet glossing over and details of all the hidden materials about Trump. Maybe Trump is correct when he says the election IS RIGGED!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Gotta Wonder

You gotta wonder, honestly wonder…if the Republican majority in Congress really felt that the security of this nation is teetering due to Hillary’s email’s…and the GOP’s immediate reaction to some newer emails being investigated has been to both condemn her as a traitor and to stop Hillary from receiving more classified briefings…BUT the same GOP calling for a Salem Witch Trial against Hillary HAVE TURNED A BLIND EYE toward Trump and his close association with the Wikileaks hacking, his ex-campaign managers personal relationships with the Russians and Trumps refusal to provide his tax returns…you gotta wonder, if you have any ability to use your brains…where is the same outrage toward Trump!

The GOP decided the day of Obama’s inauguration, that anything Obama would be reused. States run by GOP Governors and Legislatures create an over does of voter ID Laws, cut back in voting hours and polling places The GOP has admitted that they denied increased funding for US embassy’s across the globe.The GOP has refused to obey the outline of the Constitution and vote up or down on replacing a Supreme Court Justice. The GOP has cut back any budget request for better mental health care for Vets. GOP Senators are now touting just how obstruction they will place on any President Hillary Supreme Court nominees.  You gotta wonder, honestly wonder, when politicians place Party and political careers before country…is it really Hillary who is unfit to govern this nation…or just maybe every single Republican currently in office!

Jason Chaffetz

Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee (The same Committee pretending that the deaths in Benghazi was conceived and covertly executed by Hillary) cited his wife and daughter as motivations for retracting his endorsement of Trump. The congressman also said at the time that Trump’s apology was insufficient and that he could not think of a reason why he would ever reconsider his decision. (NCT). Kinda cool, huh, a male Republican actually placing real family values before Party.

But then, as it always happens, the fine print becomes HUGE, and now the same man who could never reconsider supporting Trump had a change of heart, as he Tweeted: “I will not defend or endorse Donald Trump, but I am voting for him.” Why, you ask, well Chaffetz continues to state in the same Tweet, “HRC is that bad. HRC is bad for the USA.” To hell with his daughters, to double hell with his wife, to triple hell with family values to quadruple hell with anything; except but Chaffetz’s own needs. Ah, hypocrisy, the current drug of choice for Republicans who place their own needs above not only country but family.

Jason Chaffetz is a liar, he had admitted publicly that the whole GOP witch hunt regarding Benghazi was a publicity stunt just to wreck the presidential chances for Hillary. Jason Chaffetz is a phony. He is not a bit concerned that the Russians have interfered with our election process, because as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee he could raise the issue of a Trump/Putin relationship. Jason Chaffetz is coward, so very afraid of the anarchists, white supremacists, racists who now make up a large chunk of the GOP. And most of all Jason Chaffetz is a sham to his constituents, his country and even more importantly the women in his life! 

what the hell

Hey John McCain, what the hell have you become?! One time in your life you understood valor, you believed that country came before self. You were a hero! Now John McCain you are heretic!! Your decline into anarchy began when you decided to not vet Sarah Palin, thinking that it would not matter if the country elected a bigoted, ignorant idiot; just as long as you could become president. Your emergence into irrelevance continued as you decided holding a grudge against President Obama because HE became president and NOT you, was a dignified approach to help govern this nation. And now you act as a treasonous spoiled old man who not only hates this country, but will get even with the citizens who DID NOT want you to be president in the first place. 

John McCain you have become THE poster boy for Term Limits in the Senate. At first I thought how dare you declare that you and your Fascist GOP senate buddies will NOT permit Hillary to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, but then I remembered that ever since you and another over the hill senator, Mitch McConnell had your secret meeting to NEVER say yes to Obama, my dismay was just a futile waste of American time. You smell of garbage left to bake in the Arizona sun. Your scheming to deny democracy, your spoiled sycophant attempt to ignore the Constitution, and your disdain for decency are a disgusting overview of a man in government who believes the only thing owed is to himself.

I would add how do you look at yourself in the mirror, but I realize part of the 21st Republican Party platform is ignoring the truth. You are a pathetic shell of an American, John McCain. Instead of the history books celebrating your love for country during the Viet Nam War, you become a footnote acknowledging you as one of the foot soldiers fighting for the demise of democracy! What the hell have you become, John McCain!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Poor Megyn Kelly

Poor Megyn Kelly! First she is taken to the woodshed by an impotent, insecure guy, who loves his gals subservient, and sexy. She dared ask the kind of questions, a true lady would never consider, and had the audacity to challenge this dude’s delirium, demanding he man up to his groping, grasping clutching, pinching! Her price to pay for attempting to play at professional journalism, was to be told she is a bleeder, and no one wants to be around those kind of ladies while all that icky stuff falls from every orifice of her body.  Poor Megyn Kelly however, decided that she would tuck her tail behind her, return to her work place, where her CEO (Roger Ailes), another impotent male, played his own kind of lady parts game. This head honcho, likes his babes to be the bimbo, the kinda gal who knows her place, and places herself at the heels of of men who truly lack any power at all.

Most recently, poor Megyn Kelly, still working in an environment where most of her male co-workers, are as impotent as their ex-CEO, and not afraid to brag about their female conquests, had to interview a crusader for Republican values and morals. Nothing says leadership within the GOP then bragging about your third or fourth marriage, and delighting in having adulterous affairs. Leading the way for Republican hypocrisy, was none other then Newtie Gingrich! Newtie and his clone Rudy Giuliani have had it with ANYONE even inferring that their master could be a sexual predator. Poor Megyn Kelly, trying out her woman’s card, asked Newtie about all of the accusations regarding Donnie. Newtie, knowing his way around an affair or two, demonstrated his fake hissy fit and denounced Poor Megyn Kelly for languishing in the dirty world of sex.

Poor Megyn Kelly, became a recipient of her own disillusioned style of interviewing as condoned by FOX which is to lay a trap, deny the facts, and find your own fiction to prove a point that can never proven. Poor Megyn Kelly, thought she could be insulated behind her 7 figure salary, remaining a stalwart in her faux news tower, always willing to exaggerate the truth, as only FOX entertainers know how; Poor Megyn Kelly finally has found herself in Opposite Land twice. Poor Megyn Kelly frustrated that she is being called the liar, the villain, the wrong kind of American. Poor Megyn Kelly, discovering that even at FOX she is MERELY ONLY A WOMAN!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I have often wondered if the act of doing something is the same, or different than the intention of doing something. Is the demonstration of self, sufficient enough, even if the meaning of that action is filled with lots of blank spaces? Are we more about the show then we are regarding the tell? Is it more about watch what I say; rather then, please listen to what I said?

Big political battles have been brewing regarding our National Anthem. Many of us are dismayed that any American would have the audacity to kneel as the Star Bangled Banner plays loud and plays proud. Our first go to argument is that this song carries the weight of the US Constitution, followed by the second defense for standing; how dare you insult the Troops and the First Responders. We are a nation who incites symbols to help define our patriotism, and disgust easily when any of those symbols are disrespected. We recently have judged the love for this country and decided those who stand, stand because they ARE the true Americans, while those who kneel are nothing more but contrite traitors. 

If I am an American, carrying my Confederate Flag, wearing my white hood and white robe, preferring my black and red Nazi uniform and I DO STAND for the National Anthem, do I represent the glorious qualities of the USA, more then those who kneel, insisting that equality for all is not EQUAL for some? If I stand, swearing that this country is a Christian nation, filled with the values and morals found only in a Christians Bible, and to be a true American you must convert to this supposedly national religion; am I more of a true American then those who kneel doing so to argue that this nation was created with a divide between church and state?  Throughout my life I have never understood, why, many times, what we see seems to trump what we know; or why we take to heart the images rather than the intent?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Old Adage

It was the mid 1940’s and my mother suddenly was a widow with two young daughters. Her first husband had died. In the USA in the mid 40’s, a young widowed female with two children had very few choices to consider as, what to do next. Even though my mothers family surrounded her with love and comfort, the questions of how to find the income to support her children filled my mother with angst, creating a very nervous and jittery environment for her. My grandmother and aunts urged my mother to seek the help of the family physician, hoping he could provide a little something to keep her nerves from collapsing. My mother sought the services of the doctor, and his approach was to provide my mother with a pack of Pall Mall cigarettes, telling her nicotine would soothe her worries and permit my mother to be the best single parent ever. Doctors were considered to be as close to Gods and if the wisdom they shared was to smoke tobacco, then there were no questions to be asked. After all, ALL of the scientific studies proved the healing powers of the cigarette. Later on in life, my mother would, with a disgusting smirk appearing on her face, tell her now adult children, the shakes and the craziness diminished when she huffed and puffed, but she had no idea she was blowing down her health.

I love to watch old movies filmed in black and white, with serious background mood music. Watching the actors gavotte inside spectacular night clubs, igniting romance at posh cocktail parties, or siting in a convertible hatching the next plot planning to steal away into the night. No matter where the characters of the movie ended up, it seemed ALL of them, were smoking. With black and white film, just watching the puff of smoke float into the air, provided the audience with a sense of intrigue, a moment of interlude, an immersion of mystery. And of course, the inhaling of tobacco permitted some kind of realism to the drama, letting us know, these characters could be just like us; enjoying our cigarettes. Nothing was more American, except perhaps apple pie. We were told by the government, who were lobbied and paid by the tobacco companies that smoking was perfectly fine, and to even argue with this American past time, was nothing but ONE MORE communist plot against a free and Christian nation. No one could argue against, God, Country and Cigarettes. 

America was and as I believe, IS, a nation mired in traditions, and as Americans we often times become dismayed when ANYONE, disputes or repudiates our history of doing things, just because we always have. When my mother passed on, and one cause of her death listed was emphysema, I wondered just how many of the executives from the tobacco industry also suffered from this horrendous ailment. I wondered if, as they actually lied to the public, with the assistance of their paid and bought for politicians, these same people ever worried that they might succumb, health wise to the same lies they promoted, just so, while they were alive, they could remain wealthy. Did these individuals really think their money could salvage them from the same destructive demons they promoted? I now wonder if the CEO’s and shareholders of petroleum/coal, and their paid for puppet politicians who deny that these products are causing global warming and climate change, ever consider the fact that their children and the next generation of their families will surely suffer or even die from the pollution in which they continue to gain wealth. I DO wonder, also, if these billionaires disagree with the adage that when you die you can’t can’t take your wealth with you. Or is it just greed! 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Highway 67

It seemed I just stared to travel Route 66. I set my navigation, on October 21, 2015, ready to enjoy the adventures sure to come my way. I knew it would take a whole year to complete this part of my life’s journey, but a year used seem a long, long time, and I was going to relish every 52, 5600 minutes of it. Then before I knew it, or maybe realized it, I took an exit and somehow landed on Highway 67. Lots of the same scenery, but I know that mystery awaits, mayhem will mingle with magic. Surprises, suspense, will find me both sure footed, confused then confident. We seek a horizon, but can never be content knowing there is so much more at the ready for us to attain. So glad to have my family and friends at my side as I place one foot in front of the other, on my newest journey.

Thanks to everyone for the love and support!

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Dear Ivanka Trump Kushner,
Today I felt a about two seconds of empathy for you, understanding that you are the daughter of Donald, and in that capacity feel the need to defend your dad. My two seconds of empathy, Ivanka diminished, however when you began to speak, with the sincerity of a woman who had grown up in a delusional reality; one which you supposed was the norm but in reality was and still is dysfunctional. I am sure it causes you a bit of wonderment having the lower 47% of us even imagining that growing up in gilded rooms and ivory towers could be dysfunctional, but Ivanka, REALLY, have you noticed that your dad cheated on your mother and then cheated again. You say you REALLY know your dad, but Ivanka if that is true, have you been raised with your father’s lack of morals and values? And the other thing Ivanka, how many fathers call their daughter a “nice piece of ass”, and suggest if they were not his daughter’s he fathers would date her? Does you husband Jared speak that way about your daughter?

Your step mom, calls Donald’s, arrogant and ignorant comment about women, locker room talk, but when your father mentioned he could press his body and lips upon any woman he wants (Even if they are married) Donald was not in a locker room. You insisted that Donald apologized, for that remark, but exactly to whom, did he actually , say I am sorry? Did he call up the women personally he tried to molest? Ivanka, you say you have a plan for making women equal in the work place, really, have you read your own corporation’s policies regarding working women and maternity leave. Wait, let me guess, you learned to lie just like your father, so any truth does not matter.

Finally, Ivanka, you decided to convert to Judaism, Mazol Tov, religion is a personal matter, and it is something I am sure you embraced with love and commitment. But Ivanka, have you been listening to the myriad of threats, anti-Semitic Tweets, and sterotyping of the BAD Jews, the money lenders, your fathers brigade of bully’s have embraced? Ivanka, your daddy Donald has never, EVER condemned ANY of these slanderous and dangerous communications. Maybe Ivanka you have been lulled into believing if you have tons of money, no one hates you. I was not in your conversion class, but wonder, if your Rabbi taught you about the Jews of Berlin, during Hitlers reign. Many believed that their fortunes favored them. They were not like any other of the poor Jews. In the end, Ivanka, many became the same riff-raff they were sure their wealth would not permit. For two seconds Ivanka, I felt empathy for you, now all I feel is sympathy for just how selfish you really are! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Geologists have been warning us that the San Andreas Fault is over do erupt. Scientists have been studying the San Andreas Fault for decades and understand the warning signs, and the causation for this big quake. The scientists and geologists know the San Andreas Fault will blow, but no one has the ability to really know when. In California, we are all being asked are you prepared, and most to many of we Californian’s most likely answer, kind of, sort of, or worse I am sure it won’t erupt in our life time. BOOM!

The internals of Trump’s conscience are void of anything but desperate insecurity and villainous ego. Like the San Andreas Fault, Trump  has also demonstrated signs of a soon to be eruption, one which could do as much harm to this nation as the San Andreas. Little tremors have erupted from the spineless soul of Trump, calling Mexicans rapists, women pigs, blacks unable to to raise families and a not so smart race and Muslims as terrorists. Plumes of smoke have erupted from the belly of the Trump beast at his rally’s insisting that the 2nd Amendment is necessary and we should jail and political opposition as well as ban the media. The earth has shaken around Trump similar to the small quakes around the San Andreas Fault. He has now decided that revolution is smarter than the democratic process, and that the ballot box is the enemy. We all ring our fingers many of with angst and anger. The GOP politicians, insist they can live through a Trump presidency because, it is NOT really about the man, it is about the Justices of the Supreme Court.  Many Californians insist, that the commotion surrounding the San Andreas Fault is a lot of hooh-hah, don’t be so worried.

Trump provides this nation with clues regarding any of his actions, his plumes of smoke can be detected when he calls someones else CROOKED, a LIAR; suggesting that Hillary is on drugs, or HER health is of great concern. Trumps ego is like the magma inside the bottom of the San Andreas Fault, it needs to be expressed. He desires to let the world know what a GREAT conniver he is. His latest ploy into mass destruction is a comment he made on Monday/ “Perhaps I will meet with Putin right after MY inauguration.  Consider, all the secrets and plans Trump will have already been given privy to; then wonder what his blackmailing friend Putin will do with it. BOOM!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Cowards create conspiracy theories about themselves. The Ides of March somehow has swept into the odious oddity that has become October, and an empty vessel running for president has decided to fill his mindless minions with tales from the Crypt.  The democratic system is rigged, it is ruined and it will remain tarnished according to Trump. And one by one the rhetoric from Republican politicians, trying their best to please pubescent public known as their base, walk a tight rope to mock Trump or mimic him. This nation is a true form of democracy say some, the same some who have invented uncalled for voter ID Laws, or restrictive hours to vote, it is not true. And then the die hard Republicans who are only in office due to their gerrymandered tampering of the democratic way shout HEIL to the Chief, insisting Trump may have a point!

Conspiracy theories, HUH! How about this diddy, you Republicans (who have already made it clear that if Hillary is elected you will continue to be as obstructionistic as you were with President Obama), your Party’s candidate is about to show you just how he dances to the tune of Russian rubles.

The DNC has been hacked, anything Hillary has been hacked, Roger Stone, the Dennis the Menace of the alt-right, has admitted his close relationship with Vlad and company. Russian oligarchs have spent millions on anything Trump. Money, fame and fortune filled Donald’s body where there never was a conscience. Vlad is a coward in the same manner as Trump, but he is a lot more sophisticated in the Art of the Con. Vlad knows there ain’t no red, white and blue in Trumps eyesight, just golden letters blazing as the sun rises, spelling TRUMP. Vlad may have is nuclear bomb option, but too much radiation with that. Instead, he explains to Donald (for a few million rubles here and there) that creating an uprising, a revolution from the self victimized vagabonds who only see themselves as the victim will cause such instability in this nation to stop us from keeping the US’s eye on the international scene; providing some easy targets, for the Russians. Vlad is smart enough to realize, Trump is a junior sized buffoon, whose only nourishment is money. Trump may win or lose, but like termites, settling into the frame of a house, all it takes is a shaky foundation before the whole house implodes. Now this is a conspiracy theory I can believe in! 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Rig This

Almost a year of covering the shenanigans, name calling, fiction formed as fact, all of which Trump’s campaign paid little in dollars but reaped rewards of acknowledgement, Donald, on the losing streak of popularity, based on words and actions he has actually spoken and acted upon, Donnie is pissed that NOW the media is covering all of that. As any bully and coward, once caught, instead of owning up to responsibility, the cry is I have been fowled, or better yet to stir up the insecure, insane and inane…IT’s RIGGED!

Just days after a complaint was made to FBI alleging that Roger Stone was colluding with Russian hackers and WikiLeaks to try to sabotage the 2016 election on behalf of his longtime friend Donald Trump, Mr Stone, always out for a fast buck and saving his own skin, not matter the consequences to others is about to spill the truth beans about his buddy Trump. Stone had advance access to the illegally-obtained information which WikiLeaks and Russian hackers, suggesting that he’s been in league with them on behalf of the Trump campaign (something Stone essentially admitted this week).

Two Donald Trump supporters flashed their firearms outside a campaign office in Virginia on Thursday night, in what they said was an effort to protest Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. For nearly 12 hours, the men lingered in front of the Palmyra-based congressional campaign office of Jane Ditmar, Democratic nominee for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. Trumps’s campaign, now being led by the bogus boys of Breibart, the creators of phony scandals one has to wonder why a GOP headquarters had ben bombed in North Carolina with the words Nazi also splattered on an adjoining wall. The immediate  Tweet from Trump "animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning.”

Then of course to provide evidence that Trumps insidious rhetoric has merit… “This whole election is being rigged,” Trump told the crowd in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Friday. “The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix.” And of course the media is actually questioning if the election is rigged! “OY.”

the Russians are coming

Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican Chairman of the current “Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been A Communist Committee, is considering yet one more tax payer funded, GOP marketing ploy with a resurgence of the “Aha, We Got You This Time Committee". This committee is designed to solely try and embarrass Secretary Clinton and a desperate move to try and take insightful eyes off of their “Now We Support Him Now We Don’t Support Him, Trump! No worries that the Bush/Cheney administration deleted 2 million emails, no need to be concerned that Colin Powell and Condi Rice also used private servers, they are Republicans; and we ALL know a good Republican politician is the only one to keep America safe and off course thrive on hypocrisy as Vampires survive by drinking blood.

Representative Jason Chaffetz and his band of pitch fork carrying GOP congressional members do not at all seem al disturbed that somehow, the emails of the Democrat nominee have been hacked. Not to mention that any server with the words Democrat Party have also been hacked. Representative Jason Chaffetz and his tar and feather gang laugh it off as just the toss of the dice regarding the current hacking of everything Hillary. The Russians, no way, Trumps relationship with Putin, come on now; none of these things have anything to do with national security. Nothing to see here, say Chaffetz and his bevy of buffoons, Hillary is the ONE who is dangerous to this nation!

If you are voting Republican, and you do not fin d the lack of interest by the GOP majority in Congress toward Trumps Russian connection, you might want to wonder what happens if your candidates get elected. You really think that even though it is ASSUMED (and we all know what that means) the Republicans are the true Patriots, maybe you might want to start rehearsing the lyrics to the Russian national Anthem, cause that might be the future test of patriotism.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

He had it coming

He had it coming, he had it coming
He  only had himself to blame
If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it
I betcha you would have done the same (Cell Block Tango/Chicago/Fred Ebb)
Sung by 6 female characters, all accused of murdering their MEN, all 6 females trying so hard to defend their actions. All 6 admitting they did it and all complaining that you would have done the same. 

The Cell Block Tango as sung by Donald J Trump and his misfit band of douchebags: SHE had it coming, SHE had it coming, She only had HERSELF to blame. If you’d have been there, if you’d have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same.

Part One: I didn’t do it! “Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you,” “They have no witnesses,” Trump said. “There’s nobody around. ... Some are doing it for probably a little fame. They get some free fame. It’s a total setup.” “When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said, ‘I don’t think so.’” “She is a liar,” Trump said on Friday. “Check out her Facebook page, you’ll understand.”

Part Two: You would have done the same!”You know, it really doesn’t matter what they write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass. But she’s got to be young and beautiful.” "It must be a pretty picture," he said to her. "You dropping to your knees.” “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”“And I moved on her very heavily... I moved on her like a b----, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”

Republican Family Values at its Broadway best!

Friday, October 14, 2016


INDIGNANT, totally outraged, a bevy of Republican politicians HAD enough of the misogynistic, defaming and derogatory dialogue spewing from the insecure mind and mouth of Donald Trump. So, INDIGNANT were these (WE RESPECT WOMEN) elected Republicans, that they, By God, rescinded their support for Trumps candidacy. That was, UNTIL, these same INDIGNANT phonies realized (that once you acquiesce to a bully there is no turning back), and realized that minions of the mindless had tar and feather at the ready to burn down the futures of anyone NOT TRUMP. WE STILL RESPECT WOMEN, but not respect them enough to act upon our moral code, they now sheepishly say, as they place self, before country, self before their own daughters and wives and in the case of the female Republicans, they place Trumps before themselves.

INDIGNANT, yes ma’am, very, but once the discussion of women’s vaginas and other body parts is no longer the insane commentary regarding Trump, it seems the current crop of (ONLY WE CAN KEEP AMERICA SAFE) Republicans don’t seem too INDIGNANT regarding how only every thing Hillary, everything DNC, everything democratic party has been hacked. The God Blesses the Republicans in America group, ready for war at any moment, don’t seem INDIGNANT about the slimy connection between Wikileaks, Russian Hackers and the Trump Campaign. Not too many Republicans seem that INDIGNANT, about the BFF relationship Putin and Trump share. Hmmm, one just might wonder how many American secrets Vlad and Don will share over some vodka and caviar. 

INDIGNANT, really? Republican Conservative voters are always in a hissy a fit about marriage being forever, except when Donald tries it three times. INDIGNANT, when the average Joe is not experiencing the American dream, except when Donald decides he doesn’t have to adhere to his labor contracts. INDIGNANT, when when we the minorities, and those living below the poverty line don’t pay their taxes, except when Donal brags, not paying taxes makes him smart. INDIGNANT when it suits your own purpose, a real Republican way to govern! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ivanka, dear

Dear Ivanka,
Dear Ivanka Trump Kushner, you don’t know me, but during this election I have become very familiar with you. I worry about you Ivanka, my concerns stem from being a father and having children of my own and discovering how your father raised you and your siblings. My concerns Ivanka, dear, are in regards to your upbringing and your assumption (as many COMMON people assume), that the family dynamics in which you were nurtured have been misconstrued as seeming functional, when in fact they ARE observed by the norm as disturbingly DYSFUNCTIONAL. I know you are the mother of three children, and Ivanka, dear, I worry, that you might actually try to implement the same alarming habits you learned from your father onto your own kids. I am thinking about you Ivanka, dear, and of course the future of your children.

Ivanka, dear, fathers should love ALL of their children, and certainly feel proud of each and every unique feature his child possess. But Ivanka, dear, lets be clear, there comes a time when sitting on daddy’s lap and licking at his neck while he caresses your butt cheeks, is kind of yucky and a no-no (at least in the 20th and 21st centuries.) A newly pubescent girl does not need ANY one fondling her breasts or ass; especially if that any ONE is called DAD. Now, many a dad will brag about how attractive his daughters are, but Ivanka, dear, I am not sure there are many fathers who would brag about dating his own daughter if she was not his OWN daughter! AND Ivanka, dear, the only fathers who have called their own daughters a “Piece of Ass,” are most likely in jail or live in a very monitored environment.

I worry for you Ivanka because living in an Ivory Tower is not always the safest place to reside while growing up. But I worry even more Ivanka, dear, and here is why! Often times we hear that many daughters marry men who have the same traits as their father. I am hoping and the evangelicals (who seem to love your dad say) I pray that Jared does not copy all the traits of your father. I worry, Ivanka, dear, for all of your children, but mostly for your daughter. And one more worry Ivanka, dear, i am sure your father has no time for your son’s (after all they are Jewish boys), but do you permit your father alone time with your daughter?????

Monday, October 10, 2016

Mrs. Paul Ryan

Dear Mrs. Paul Ryan,
Today, your husband stated that he: “won’t rescind Donald Trump endorsement, but won’t defend or campaign with GOP nominee.” I am curious, Mrs. Paul Ryan, how exactly will you explain your husband’s cowardly act toward your one daughter and two sons? Will you tell your daughter that her father prefers to have a Republican in the Oval Office caring more for a political party than the welfare of an entire nation? Will you explain to your daughter that even though she is a female, being a female in the United States comes with consequences, and living a subservient life is part of the American way for her? Will you communicate with your daughter, that women are possessions of men, objects of lust?  Will you tell her she is able to achieve certain levels of power but must flirt and acquiesce and willingly accept the inequity because she is JUST a female?

Mrs. Paul Ryan, what is the message you will relay to your sons. Will you tell them that being a hypocrite is the masculine thing in the United States? Will you give your sons a high five because of their dad, supposes that pretending Trump’s actions is the moral high road? Will you encourage your sons to always keep their locker room conversations in the locker room even as they disparage, their sister, and you Mrs. Paul Ryan? Will you explain to your sons, that politics trumps, decency, equality, fairness? Mrs. Paul Ryan, will you proudly hold your son’s father as the standard for men who refuse to be true to themselves, but prefer being true to their career?

Mrs. Paul Ryan, are you not the slightest embarrassed as your husband pretends that by not saying the word Donald Trump, it makes Donald Trump less of a misogynist? Mrs. Paul Ryan are you not humiliated, AT ALL that your husband has no backbone to speak the truth out loud and just say, he can not support and will not vote for Donald Trump, because in doing so he would be degrading the two women in his life, your daughter Liza, and his wife? Mrs. Paul Ryan, are you not angry that your husband lacks moral fiber, so much so that the only message he provides for your sons Charlie and Sam are that women are secondary humans, so treat them as chattel. Mrs. Paul Ryan, shame on you! 

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Hmmm, Trump is now angry with the Republican’s who suddenly found their conscience and are now pretending they had no idea Trump could be such a schmuck. Something tells me, actually a Russian something, tells me we might see a few RNC computer hacks in the near future. Nothing says loving then revenge.

Not so fast

Not so fast America! The GOP has not suddenly become the valiant crusaders for women, just because certain politicians, terrified that their chances for re-election may be doomed because of Trump. Nope, many of these men and women have terrible track records demanding stronger anti-abortion laws, the criminalization of doctors who perform abortion and of course the ever popular shutting down of ALL Planned Parenthood clinics. The majority of these suddenly (I AM SO OFFENDED) GOP politicians seemed delighted in government control of a woman’s body. AND actually were more offended that women had the audacity to take control of their OWN REPRODUCTIVE rights.

Not so fas America thinking that Trump should stand down and permit Pence to become the Party’s nominee. Pence is as big a misogynist as Trump, the only exception being that Trump wants to grab women’s vagina’s in public, while Pence wants to grab them in the doctor’s office and the privacy of their own bedrooms. Even if Trump loses the WOMAN CARD, Pence has a whole other deck from which he intends to play! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Lady Parts

Since Evangelical husbands, sons  or brothers, don’t mind that Donald Trump was married three times had a baby out of wedlock, I am sure none of them really care if Donald Trump, grabs their wives, mothers, or sisters by their LADY PARTS. I might then suggest that Evangelical women have no problem with the kind of adultery in which Trump has parlayed, and certainly ALL of those Evangelical women must be A+ babes to support Trump. I also imagine that every Evangelical Mother, Daughter, or Wife thinks grabbing a female by her LADY PARTS is something Jesus condones, as he is the same God they proclaim supports Trump! Glory to God!

Walk in a bar

A  Trump Jew, A Trump Black, A Trump Woman, A Trump Gay all walk into a bar carrying Trump/Pence signs. All four order drinks and as they offer a cheer to one another they all say out loud, “Screw being PC, It is a Clinton code word for Communism.” All three of the males pat each other on the back, then pat the Woman on her butt. All three of them tell the Jew he should pay for the drinks. They spill their drinks and all three of them tell the Black to go sweep it up. All three of them witness a father and son walk into a bar and look at the Gay saying Pedophile. All four of these people walk into a bar on November 8, 2016. (Election Day)

On January 20, 2017 Inauguration Day, carrying, Trump/Pence “we won signs”, A Jew, A Black, A Woman, A Gay find the same bar in which they had all met during the presidential campaign, and attempt enter, once again to celebrate. Standing at bar is guy wearing a Trump suit, of course made in China, he puts his hand out and says to the Woman, too ugly, find another bar. He says to the Black the help entrance is in the back. He says to the Jew, there will be a cover charge of $100. He says nothing to the Gay, but has two other men carrying crosses along with a Bible and handcuffs, say, sinners not welcomed.

Friday, October 7, 2016

an afternoon constitutional

I have a kind of ritual in the morning, waking up to tell my husband I love him, give some kisses to our pup, brush my teeth, do my daily constitutional and blog about Trump/His Surrogates/and his willing henchmen and women the GOP. Five tasks to help me greet the day (actually four as anything Trump is like pooping). I usually feel relieved and can carry on. It is 2:50 in the afternoon in LA and by some unusual occurrence I had the TV tuned to CNN (I used to love CNN when they were a serious new outlet), thinking it was MSNBC (some questionable opinions about that outlet also). And low and behold between the CNN meteorologists who prefer to be the news (standing stupidly in the winds and rain, rather than reporting the news), were two CNN NEWS STORIES, which made me stop, yell at the TV, and realize just how un- professionally journalistic of a nation we have become.

The first NEWS UPDATE from CNN was a story that Donald Trump (this time at least they used the word, ALLEGES) that Hillary is resting instead of prepping for the so-called debate on Sunday (if you are of any intelligence and have either attending a high school or college debate, you certainly know the difference between pure entertainment and a debate) So, now we are NEWS ALERTED to Donald Trump’s machinations. (We all should know by now, again, a question of intelligence) that any time Trump alleges anything about another person it is ONLY because he is such a narcissist, that all he is actually doing is admitting his own behavior out loud. The second Trump NEWS ALERT, was about a conversation he had with some wanna be entertainment host bragging about kissing women, inviting them to his apartment and of course being a KISSING MAGNET, for only the HOT BABES. I guess this time around he listened to one of his marionettes, and did the 2010’s political version of an apology saying, “If I offended anyone, I apologize.” But being Trump he then added, “…my comments were mild co pared to what Bill Clinton told me on the golf course.” I usually enjoy twice daily constitutional but after hearing all of the CNN BS, I head to the bathroom.

A PS to this BS. I began thinking about all of the Evangelicals who praise Trump as a gift from God. In particular, my thoughts traveled to the Cruz family and in particular Teddy and Heidi’s two daughters. I am sure when Teddy decided that his political career was more important than morals or values he told his daughters that sometimes while carrying his assault weapon Jesus, proclaimed that hypocrisy is a virtue. But I really have to wonder what Heidi and Teddy will tell their daughters regarding the misogynistic man named Trump. Two young women, and their Mommy and Daddy support a PIG to be president. I wonder how they will explain what Jesus would do about this! 

Whenever a FACADE

Whenever I listen to the quasi-journalists and-and entertainment reporters pretending to understand politics, clamoring about who was victorious in something called a presidential or vice-presidential debate, (which in fact is nothing but a side show of a very poorly run circus), I have to make sure that indeed no food found footing in my stomach for at least the five previous hours. To even hear some self-important cable news folk declare Mike Pence was the winner of the VP burlesque show is puke-able (nothing worse than dry heaves). For me there is only two reasons anyone might consider Pence a winner; he looks a white-haired clone of Ronald Reagan, seemingly the handsome GUY for the job AND, his lies were crisp, pristine, precise, and danced demeaning to anyone with intelligence. Tim Kaine, had facts, ideas, and common sense, but he looked like the guy you might cheat off of in chemistry exam. It is about the facade regarding politics in the US in the year 2016.

Whenever I hear reports that THIS time, Donald Trump is studying hard for the next variety show between he and Hillary, I have to make sure no food or drink is in my mouth as it would certainly fly like shrapnel from my lips to anyone around me. I begin to imagine, the study material for Trump to include: old Henny Youngman jokes, Fart Jokes for the Potty, Treasured quotes by Adolph Hitler, How to Pick Up a Babe in Three Easy Steps, Parade Magazine’s Best Lies of the Twentieth Century, Notes from the Marque De Sade, and the lyrics to the Russian National Anthem. I also avoid any kind of food, due to the high percentage of joking it could cause me, when Trump’s marionettes tell, the talking heads from ANY News Network, he is now Trump 2.0. It is about the facade, the bling, and that porch light shimmering on a summer night, attracting overzealous bugs!

Whenever I hear about Ted Cruz talking to Jesus, yet once again and deciding after he prayed to Jesus he has the Christian wherewithal to support Trump, I am glad I fasted, for not only would I be puking my guts out I would also be demonstrating a whole lot of diarrhea. And then I think about Mrs. Senator Ted Cruz, Heidi. I first thought how humiliated Heidi must be to think that Jesus crept into her bedroom whispering to her that ONLY Teddy was the anointed one. How flummoxed Daddy Cruz must have felt because before Jesus visited Heidi, he had some happy hour cocktails with Raphael, reminding Raphael that his son is the next coming of the Lord. Then I thought NOPE, the three of them are all Cons, and this got out-conned by King of Snake Oil sales. And then I read that if Teddy Boy wants to run for anything from Texas, he had better sell his soul(If there is anything left of it) to the Trump Campaign. A facade, a crumbling, creepy, corrupt FACADE!

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Katie, was one of my students, when I student taught at Point Park College’s Lab School. The demographics of this classroom included many of the faculty’s children and a large group of children who lived within a 10 mile radius of the college; which at the time was close to two predominately African-American neighborhoods. To say the least the classroom was eclectic, to brag a bit, it was very much a mini version of the city of Pittsburgh. Katie, came from a very affluent family, her grandmother being the Dean of Education at the time. Katie’s grandmother who had asked me to student teach, did explain to me two things; the first was do not be intimidated that one of the students is my granddaughter, and the second was, Katie can be quite stubborn. This was the early 70’s and at the time creativity, self awareness and it takes a village to raise a child were popular themes in education. I was excited, teaching was in my blood, and having had experiences working as a counselor for many years,I was ready! Oh yeah and I certainly could handle stubbornness.

Katie never liked it, when other students would criticize her for being selfish with some classroom toys or games, Katie was never satisfied if someone she wanted to play with did not want to play with her. AND Katie, felt she was the boss of things because her grandmother owned the college. My lead teacher’s philosophy was that whenever there was a disruption between students, it called for a discussion between students. To communicate was the calming factor. The TRUTH, my lead teacher would tell the students, is what matters is the truth, and the truth is something that can never change, no matter how much you don’t like it. My lead teacher lesson to me was that educators can be nothing if they first do NOT trying to find the truth regarding their students. Compromise is a wonderful word, she would say, but there is no compromise regarding what is truthful and what is fallacy.  Katie had difficulty with the truth and after one semester of working with Katie, I discovered, that in Katie’s situation her fear of the truth was simple; it might diminish who she was in the real world so preferred living in her world. I also discovered having everyone focus on the same truth is hard.

Tuesday night, we once again witnessed the avoidance of truth, almost watching two parallel universes clashing. The one universe in which Mike Pence deliberately ignored any evidence of his and Trump’s bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, and racism. The other the audio, video of Trump/Pence telling the world we hate people of color/women/LGBT’s and Mexican “things”. I have certainly blogged about my disappointment within the Republican leadership to fully lambast the lies and fallacies of their candidates. I am at the point of my life regarding American politics that I wonder what will be deemed real and what will not. All of this made me think about Katie, and I worried, has she ever discovered that the truth matters, or has she matter of factly made up the truth?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lie Deny Refuse

Above all else, lie. Lie with a pouty face, Lie by just shaking your head slightly to the right or left. Lie, but before you lie, say a few words about Jesus. Lie then recite some of the words from Pledge of Allegiance. Lie loudly and with vivid color as you wave the flag. Lie knowing that too many other people have no time for the facts either. Lie because truth no longer matters.

Deny, above all else deny. Take on a stern face, a moody look that insinuates how insulted you have become by others who accuse you of your denials. Insist, as a four year old kid might,by saying “if that’s what I am how about you?” Deny, do your darnedest, with that smirk of self righteousness and pretentious add the rolling of the eyes telling the world how dare you imply I have denied the truth. Deny even when there is audio or video and claim its the crooked media or any other name on the tip of your tongue, who is in denial.

Refuse. Refuse to answer a question because you are too busy spewing propaganda, perpetrating more slander, innuendo and of course blame. Refuse a simple question knowing just how complex your real answer might be turning you into nothing but a sham. Refuse and play the victim stating the only reason this question is being asked is because every one is out to get me. Refuse, saying that its too silly, its a sinister ploy or a plot and if the interviewer really cared that question would have never asked in the first place. Then of course LIE, DENY to yourself that you have been conned and then REFUSE to understand just how stupid you have become to vote for a Trump/Pence ticket.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


We fought hard in this nation, trying our scientific and medical best to eradicate childhood diseases. Back in the day, when a child’s life, (not just a fetus), actually mattered, and especially the quality of that life, our government took action and we developed vaccines. It was important for this nation to give its children a boost, a fighting chance to grow older. ( I remember the years when I was in elementary school when the polio vaccine was tested, having shot days and that icky smell of alcohol and screaming kids voices coming from the gymnasium.) What mattered was common sense and even in the very black an white segregated days of the 1950’s at least some semblance of community. We tackled most childhood ailments and generations of American youth knew at least they would get a terrible debilitating illness.

Then somebody told somebody, someone wanted 15 minutes of fame, the Internet became a medical school, religious doctrine became confused with science, and science suddenly was just a choice in life, take it or leave it. Lo and Behold we saw a rise in measles. Parents thinking their only concerns, stemming from unscientific entertainers and wanna be scientists, were for THEIR children, told the rest of too bad, its about me and my family; and smugly kept their kids from receiving certain if not all vaccinations. Talking heads, emerged with books, with lecture series, providing dubious materials insisting that the government was poisoning our kids with magic potions. We had to fight a battle that was once won, and to this day is still not over. Knowledge was replaced with emotion. Emotion disagreed with scientific facts. Facts were useless, considered opinions. Opinions became knowledge. Then, too late for some very young lives, non vaccinated kids got very ill and some died. Parents were horrified, but it was too late for them to change the past.

Donald Trump has lied, he has blamed, he has not paid taxes, he has sent jobs to China and has many of his products made overseas. Donald Trump has conned the middle class laborer, has called various ethnicities racist names, has dealt with Iran, Cuba and Russia. We thought when we elected Barack Obama, some of the stupid and ineptness of the Bush/Cheney presidency was over. We knew the first black man elected president would have a difficult time, and the majority of Republicans in the Congress have proven that correct. We, as a nation were once again going to rid this nation of a disease. But the Internet, conspiracy theories, FOX News and Limbaugh radio, just like the parents of non-vaccinated kids, have some kind of magical evidence, proving Trump to be a Christian, a Patriot, A Successful Businessman. When the parents of non-vaccinated kids reeled in remorse wishing they had paid better attention to the real facts, they beat their chest in despair. Imagine what might come of this nation when this next outbreak of a life threatening disease takes foot hold!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

New Year

This Eve, is a reminder for many Jews, that we can begin again. Not exactly start all over, but to ponder our propositions of the past, reprioritize them and redefine our future. It may take form as a treacherous road full of redemption or a boulevard wide with potential and promise. It is OUR journey, but a lesson we must learn in life, is that WE never truly travel alone.

Tradition, for many Jews is that on Rosh HaShannah, a new Book of Life is opened, the prologue perhaps filled with the memories of the past, with flurries of what if’s, why not’s and how come’s. For some it is a mystery, clues abound but no solution to the struggles which came before, so how can we even consider what comes after. For some, it seems repetitive, I did, I wished I had, I know I had, I think I can do it again.  For others the emptiness of the first chapter intrigues imagination, and entices empathy, sympathy, and harmony.

Religious or not, reliant on God or a higher power, or not; we all need to be able to reflect, inspect, and remember who WE are in this life, and how we impact the millions of lives around us. We can ask for forgiveness from others, but we must first understand our intentions before WE can make amends. Shana Tova!  

Saturday, October 1, 2016


If Donald Trump, reality star wakes up at 4:30am in a hissy fit to Tweet, because his narcissistic insecure self felt that his masculinity was being called out, imagine what a President Trump might do, if some world leader dared to call him a coward or incompetent, especially if that world leader was a female. Of course we supposedly have controls in place before an actual nuclear war begins, but Trump has nothing in place when he experiences his latest mental implosion to a shallow and suffering ego. We will probably never know Donald’s true medical history (Why should we, if he were running for president it might make sense, but no one questions the health of a dictator), but I am VERY worried about his mental capacity, and want to know how mentally ill he is (Think not!  He has demonstrated too many psychotic behaviors).

Wake up America, especially those of you who pretend you are still undecided. BS, unless you are just a pompous, holier than thou individual who believes your integrity is being questioned when asked who you will be voting for. And that your personal BS is more mighty than the many consequences befalling the rest of us. Do even think your pious views won’t hinder the hope for the rest of your family and the generations to follow. You despise Hillary because she alone caused Benghazi, because she is too comfy with Wall Street, because she stayed with her philandering husband, because she deleted some emails. Your still not sure if Trump WON”T get your vote because , trying to sell his product to Cuba, calling women pigs and sluts, not paying taxes, trying hard to never pay for the work done by middle class laborer’s, building walls, and thinking nuclear weapons are so cool everyone should have them…just doesn’t paint a fair picture of the man.You need to contemplate! Contemplate nuclear acid as it continues to seep in your lungs!

When will enough be enough. Its not about the lesser of two evils, when Trump IS the EVIL. You are still an undecided voter, how much more selfish can you be? Either join the White Supremacists, the Neo Nazi’s, the KKK, the Evangelicals who have the audacity to think Jesus loves him some Trump, or do something really civic minded and vote for Hillary. You think once Trump wins he is going to give a shit about your personal mantra? Wake up, its not about you anymore, its about the rest of the citizens of this nation and the next generation of Americans. Wake Up!