Friday, February 28, 2014


For my Grandma Braff it was about the truth (der emes) No matter how difficult, painful or awful, if you forgot the truth in what you had to say to others, no matter the amount of breath used to try and explain, it amounted to nothing (gornisht). In the heat of a family poker night when the peach schnapps was running roughshod and the creamy toppings of three different desserts were dripping like molasses on the plates Grandma Braff would focus on the one relative who was anything but honest and say in Yiddish; bik drek neyn eysek vi disguised shtiks (it was not until I was about 12 when that was translated into bull shit no matter how disguised still stinks). Grandma would mockingly stand up from her chair move her hands to the right then to the left clap twice in both directions and hum some silly melody for about two minutes then sit down. The second she sat she would point the index finger of her left hand, the one that the Devil tries to control toward the culprit and state clearly you can dance around the emes all you wish but it provides you with gornisht (nothing). Depending on exactly who the offense of lying was addressed most of the relatives would either find the nearest glass of schnapps raise it high say the person’s name and drink whatever liquid there was. If in fact the villain proved to be a popular member of the family there was a bit more silence and my Grandma Braff having nothing of it would say in the clearest English I heard her speak, “…they may protect you but your lies seep through your skin and soon you will melt”; always adding her pooh, pooh, pooh for a dramatic conclusion.

To hear the self defined Christian Conservatives, falsely citing the Constitution as they try to chip away the rights of a minority demographic of this nation pretending that religious freedom is anything but religious homophobia is both frustrating and fearful. Listening as those who tried to bully their bigoted beliefs into a law now cry foul insisting that they are the persecuted, the victims is pathetic and sad. Trying to legitimize the denial of civil rights, fair access, equality in any aspect of American life by pretending your God, not my God but your God told you so is hypocritical, phony and so opposite of the democratic principles upon which this nation was founded. And not admitting that all you are doing is acting like a homophobe based on nothing but selected passages from a Bible and the babble from men and women who hate, provides you with gornisht and is far from the emus. 

Thank goodness hate backfired, this time. Sadly the mere fact that American liberties were attacked was not enough fodder to stop this heinous attempt to deny civil rights, instead it was the reaction of those worried about the economics of it; but the actions of inequality and prejudice were halted. The bully was held at bay but for just how long? What truth was told that all men are created equal in the eyes of a nation based on democratic principles or that all men can be created equal if the bottom-line and those in control of the bottom-line permit it? Grandma Braff would say holding her glass of schnapps, “…they may protect you but your lies seep through your skin and soon you will melt.”

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The 'F' Word again

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday said that the people criticizing an Arizona bill which would allow discrimination against LGBT people had gone too far, and that “fascism” was the only explanation for forcing businesses to treat everyone equally.
Tucker Carlson describes himself as a critical conservative thinker, a man who sees America the way the Founding Fathers did, not the same Founding Fathers perhaps we studied in history, but the guys who fought the Revolutionary War with General J. Christ. Tucker Carlson defines himself as a Conservative who sees through the murky nonsense of liberal ideas,  the communist swamp grass of progressives, the lurid details of those who read the words of the Constitution We the People, instead of the preferred  We Some of the People. Tucker Carlson’s reality takes him from Wall Street to FOX studios dinners with the 1% and through a supply of hatred for anyone not like himself. Tucker Carlson thinks that denying all Americans free commerce is Americanism at its best while demanding that all people have free access to the markets is Fascism…Tucker Carlson is dumb, a bigot, bogus and not so bright. Just holding on to the Constitution does not make you smart, reading it, not just the parts you like, but all of it makes you smarter. 
“Everybody is always invoking that,” (referring to not wanting to serve blacks) Carlson complained. “It’s ludicrous. There is, what, 3,000 years of opposition to gay marriage. This is not my view, but I think it’s important to acknowledged that you can oppose gay marriage and not be a Klansman.”(Tucker Carlson).
When blacks were freed from slavery some Southern whites insisted that over 3000 years of history could not or would not be erased even if the North had won the Civil War. In fact the Klansmen helped interpret or is the correct word misinterpret this lesson on racial history. Clergy men found profane passages within Bibles created from hate to prove that a white God, (the only kind there is) always intended the Negro to be less then. There was God’s word that Negros were not equal and that no one in America should treat them so. Later on the same Christians hung signs that stated No Negro’s No Jews No Dogs No Service. Then when interracial couples who loved one another (and had no idea of the color of their skin) wanted to marry, the same Klansmen and their religious crusaders found more passages from some bizarro history book and a white mans Bible to prove that God, and thus our Founding Fathers never intended to diminish the white race with black blood opposing interracial marriages.
Tucker Carlton is a fool who is given time and money to continue being a fool by a communications corporation who wishes to incite unAmerican activities and disguise their own bigotry by calling everyone else names like Fascists. Facts for the modern day conservatives count very little, flaws, falsehoods, carry more weight because none of that nonsense ever has to be proven; especially by an audience as insecure, indifferent and Fascist minded as those who prefer listening to men like Tucker Carlson.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

jan brewer, huh!

Hey Jan Brewer, if you really wanted to to the right thing because you had a conscience and knowledge of Constitutional law and the American way you would have immediately vetoed your Tea-Publican led anti Gay discrimination bill the minute it landed on your desk. This bogus I have till Saturday to think things over attitude is not only a sham but shameful coming from a Governor who supposedly represents all of the citizens of Arizona.  You have demonstrated your ability to be a tough Governor, remember when you irreverently pointed your fingers in the face of the president of the Untied States on the tarmac. When you wish to make a point with the cameras rolling and the tea-Publicans closely watching you certainly know how. Why is it that making a point about civil rights, equal rights is seemingly so damn difficult for you?

Hey Jan Brewer how nice it would have been to demonstrate a real American value by permitting those who want religious freedoms to just do so in their halls of religious bigotry and stating that in any other place it has no place to trump  American freedoms like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It could have a slam dunk for equality Jan Brewer you immediately saying discrimination of any kind based on the bogus and banal bullshit of religion has no place in the state in which you are Governor. But nope Jan Brewer you are pretending that thought must be given to something as UnAmerican as colored only water fountains, McCarthyism, no Jews no catholics no dogs allowed and the frisking of anyone of color.

Now you are in a bind, instead of acting like an American who read the Constitution not the abridged kind or selected passages from the New Testament and truly believed that God has a place but not in the halls of justice or your mansion in Phoenix, you would have stood strong IMMEDIATELY and said this religious freedom bill is all about bigotry and bias. But as is the case you were waiting acting more like a politicians than an American citizen and the pressure now mounts from the corporations and businesses who pretend to care about the rights of minorities but only worry about their bottom lines. So, now instead of considering the rights of the LGBT community you have the worries of a Superbowl and some might high rollers who will be pissed as hell if you agree to be a bigot. You could have stood proud Jan Brewer, you motivations to the right thing  would have been heralded for their simple and sane qualities. now Jan Brewer you nothing more then a sniveling imp of a Governor kowtowing to either the demands of fearful Christians who think Jesus is weak or a bunch of corporate bosses who fear that their profits may fall. America certainly has a history of electing the dumbest people with little depth, you have proven that Arizona is the leader in stupid. Jan Brewer had you any morals or values you would have IMMEDIATELY vetoed this bill saying no discrimination is permitted while you are Governor. Jan Brewer you could have been contender now no matter your decision you just a loser trying to figure how to lose less.

Monday, February 24, 2014

what IS important

And in the Christian nation state known as Arizona the question has arisen after the fact regarding the anti-Gay discrimination bill passed by the Tea-Publicans as to whether or not it was a good idea. Sadly, the merits of this bigoted Bible trumps the US Constitution bill don’t arise about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, nope it has arisen because of all things holy, the anticipated Superbowl for 2015 might have to be moved from Arizona. The question of the anti Gay discriminatory bill has not been challenged due to its very unAmerican democratic tendencies but rather just what kind of negative impact it might have on tourism and the profits of businesses throughout the Christian nation state known as Arizona. The lives, livelihood, equality and degradation of Americans is not questioned but instead what kind of economic impact will this homophobic religious zealotry cost the Christian nation state of Arizona. In America the beautiful sometimes the only pretty things seen are greenbacks, profits, corporation bottom lines. In America the Beautiful racism, misogyny, homophobia and bigotry are never measured by the horrible effects it has on the victims but just how victimized the businesses and corporations might find themselves after creating their own monsters. I suppose we need to be real and realize that fair and equal, justice and democracy equate to very little unless of course there is a profitable bottom line attached to them. This is beyond sad, perhaps pathetic!

Here is what happens

Here is what happens when dumb people pretend to be smart or try to either play God, claim God has spoken to them or act as pious and pompous as one of those birds that fly around a hippopotamus to catch the drool or poop falling from the hippo’s mouth or asshole.. You get a Tea-Publican band of jihadists trying to overturn the US Constitution in preference for selected passages of a Bible of their choosing, Pat Robertson describing in greater detail then most Gay men do homosexual sex or Bill O’Reilly claiming the Girl Scouts are just a bunch of Lesbians. You get men running for the governor of Texas, siding with a self proclaimed country singing child molester who calls the president a mongrel. You get Ted Cruz pontificating that once Adam says I do to Steve all Biblical truths will be demolished avoiding the fact that the truth about the US Constitution states clearly all people are created equally. You get once jailed ‘Dancing with the Stars’ alum and creator of all thing gerrymander Tom DeLay standing upon a soap box saying Jesus in fact did write the Constitution. 

Here is what happens when the scared really really scared folk of this nation afraid of their own failures, who have learned foul lessons of bigotry from mama and papa as they sat around the Confederate flag, decide that the nastier the puppet of the corporations is, the closer to God he must be thus the better politician to elect.. You get Sarah Palin peeved that the Bible is being ignored in regards to promoting Gay rights but ignoring the portion of the same Bible she swears to ignoring that her daughter Bristol be stoned for carrying a bastard child. You get Mike Huckabee in the lead to run for president from the Tea-Publican party as he demeans any American who is female, of color, poor and of course a homosexual. You get FOX news lying about the victims of Obamacare over and over again never once finding a single American whose life has changed for the worse since acquiring health care.

Here is what the outcome looks like when fear, hate, theocracy demagoguery, hypocrisy become the norm for one political party paid for by the 1% of wealthy people who find that corporations are people but sometimes even more important.. You get cut backs in voting times, restrictive voter ID laws, southern states destroying unions, the re-instatement of the Confederate Flag as a staple of their states motto, unemployed left with no income, no homes and of course even less jobs, stand your ground laws but only if you are white. You get income inequality, work place discrimination of wages if you are a female, abolishment of health providers for ALL of women’s needs, and a group of politicians who never ever have to worry about not getting elected because they come from a district that has been hacked highjacked and formed into a bastion of dim witted, lemming like polling places based on either the Spanish Inquisition or any Fascist country found though out history.

Most of us are not blind, deaf or dumb to ignore the charades of politics taking place in 2014, but many of us prefer to look the other way insisting this is just a phase or saying that the dumb are really not that smart to pull off a revolution. What has happened is just the opposite, in fact the dumb are making the rules, regulations and removing most of the wonders that made this nation great. Pretty soon we just may be saying here is what happened how the Hell did it happen!

Friday, February 21, 2014

goodbye freedom

“When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.” ― Yevgeny Yevtushenko
South Carolina’s House Ways and Means Committee voted 20-1 on Thursday in favor of a 2014-15 budget that cuts funding from two colleges in the state, as punishment for assigning LGBT-themed books as required reading for freshmen;the books, "Fun Home" by Alison Bechdel, a bestselling memoir detailing the lesbian author’s relationship with her father, who she later learned is also gay. And, “Out Loud: The Best of Rainbow Radio,” a collection of stories from South Carolina’s first gay and lesbian radio show, in a required course for all freshmen. The Tea-Publicans sighting Christianity before citizenship are angry that perhaps in the Christian nation known as South Carolina there is an undermining of wholesome and normal. These theocrats posing as American politicians don’t want any discussion of the possibilities of educating South Carolinians on anything else but the selected passages of the New Testament chosen to discriminate and alienate. It’s not just about the word of God anymore but the words of folk acting like God.
“All these people talk so eloquently about getting back to good old-fashioned values. Well, as an old poop I can remember back to when we had those old-fashioned values, and I say let's get back to the good old-fashioned First Amendment of the good old-fashioned Constitution of the United States -- and to hell with the censors! Give me knowledge or give me death!” ― Kurt Vonnegut
The Republican-controlled Arizona state Senate voted along party lines Wednesday to pass Senate Bill 1062, a measure that would allow businesses to reject service to any customer based on the owners’ religious beliefs. In a twisted yet useful self serving manner the author of the bill said "This bill is not about allowing discrimination," "This bill is about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith.” The United States constitution founded in which no state run religion, no particular religious beliefs no punishment for any or all of its citizens to find freedom from religion persecution is not of importance to the Tea-Publicans in the nation state of Arizona, nope for these Crusaders/Jihadists freedom to deny, divide is the greater good. For these theocrats discrimination is a determination as to just how American you can be.
“If God was so insignificant as to fear anyone expressing themselves, with truth, honesty and dignity then why would anyone want to believe in something so frail and fearful who acts so human? - Howard Buncher 

So now in the various nation states of the once United States inclusion is no longer important. Freedom of religion is begging for attention and freedom from religion is an unnecessary torment. Those who either say God has spoken to them, God was a General in the Revolutionary War, or God carries a concealed weapon find that their God is afraid of most humans. Their God (and lets be real the God of Evangelical/ Southern Baptist’s) is like the Wicked Witch when it comes to water; the more gays love, women have control of their bodies, people of color gain responsibility or poor people are at least given boots by which to pull themselves up he melts and becomes insignificant. The All Mighty Savior needs saving from Gays, Women Blacks, Browns and the Poor. Day by day by day the Tea-Publican Crusaders of anything but Democracy are denying life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom crying that all of these dirty deeds are being done to save God, not America. “Be afraid, but more so be aware and wary and worry as none of the machinations of the so called virtuous are anything more then vitriol and venom.”-Gerry Buncher

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


A Mormon Grandmother from Utah, Kathryn Skaggs, author of the "A Well-Behaved Mormon Woman" blog, has penned a lengthy post blasting the movie “Frozen".  She is disturbed that the Disney movie “‘Frozen’ normalizes the practice of homosexuality.” This Grandmother is perturbed that too many many mothers will permit their children to watch this propagandized movie causing their children to PRACTICE homosexuality. Dear Mormon Grandmother, one may practice law, one may practice medicine, one may practice the flute or piano and one may practice the Mormon rituals to become married in a Mormon Temple, but Hon, no one practices homosexuality. Practice does make perfect they say but being a homosexual myself I would say I am far from perfect but for that matter further from imperfect. I wonder Mormon Grandmother Skaggs do you practice how to hate? Do you practice how to teach your grandchildren at a very early age about bias and bigotry? 

Mormon Grandmother Skaggs when you use terms to discriminate or alienate you sound dumb. More then that Mormon Grandmother Skaggs you make other Mormons sound dumber if in fact any of them believe there is a homosexual PRACTICE. Mormon Grandmother Skaggs take some time away from the selected chapters of the Book of Mormon and read any selected medical journals or psychology annuals. Take some time and walk up to a homosexual and ask he or she how long they practiced to be Gay.  Look them in the eye and ask if they have a license for the practice of loving someone of the same sex? Then Mormon Grandmother Skaggs look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how long did it take you to practice to be a homophobe? 

Just because you place the word Grandmother before your name makes you anything but grand, unless you add grand fool, grand uninformed, grand pooh bah! Mormon Grandmother Skaggs love, fair, equality, justice are beautiful words from God, any God from any religious practice. Why would you assume the God in which you believe would actually believe in you when all you do is mutter misinformation based on  maligned and mismanaged hate for others. Mormon Grandmother Skaggs people practice how to hate, it takes time to use ignorant words, harsh statements, foolish irrelevant examples. Mormon Grandmother Skaggs are you pleased that you PRACTICE  a form or irreverent religious actions when you pretend to act for God but end up acting as only human. Try this Mormon Grandmother Skaggs PRACTICE understanding, tolerance inclusion and acceptance and I bet you will be rewarded for those actions.

Monday, February 17, 2014

religious liberties

In the South back in the day, it was quite common for men wearing hoods and some just wearing the arrogance of a Bible in their hands to hang a Negro from a near by tree because the Negro either looked lecherously at a white woman or was assumed to have had intercourse with her. Mostly in the dark of night these lynchings took place, but often times with the right kind of bribes and of course a preacher’s accusations that it was God’s will the hangings took place in the bright light of a Sunday. When asked why and how these atrocities took place the answer was simple, it was about religious liberties. Simply said good Evangelical Christians read their Bible placing those selected words above the forgotten words of the Constitution.Somewhere in some concocted passage God said Negros were less then whites and thus their life less important. For these Crusaders of Christ religious liberties were paramount to civil liberties and of course America was founded to regard freedom of religion above freedom from religion. 

Gary the owner of Gary’s Chicaros a restaurant in Oklahoma has decided it is his Christian religious liberty to serve who he wants and who he doesn’t want. He hates everyone who is not a white, straight Christian — and he even hates some of those! If you own your own business you are free to stop by, but if you are black, gay, disabled, on welfare, on food stamps, or otherwise inferior in the eyes of the proprietor you just have to go! Coming to his aid and support are the regular religious liberties clan like Focus on the Family, American Values and Family Research Council. It seems Gary and a large majority of his patrons find it less disturbing to ignore Democratic and Constitutional liberties when religious liberties are at stake. God’s words, as interpreted by those who say God speaks to them on a regular basis, seems to carry more weight then the words of the Founding Fathers of this nation.

Bobby Jindal (the I am sure this time I will be running for president) Governor of Louisiana recently came to the aid of Hobby Lobby a business which does not like women purchasing contraceptives or even considering abortions and is not a supporter of the Affordable health care Act.“Hobby Lobby is nothing less than an all-American success story … They’ve committed to honor the Lord by being generous employers,” Jindal argued “None of this matters to the Obama administration. … The Obama administration’s argument ignores these beliefs and treats them as little more than an inconvenience to its ever-expanding regulatory state.” The prospective presidential candidate, forgetting his reading of the Constitution providing for freedom from religion, prefers the reading of the New testament and its insistence that freedom of religion reigns supreme.

The newest argument from those who either say God speaks to them, that the Founding Fathers founded a Christian only nation, that the Lord, not any Lord but their Savior Jesus Christ who prefers guns, hates assertive females, detests people of color and who of course spits on the homosexuals is that the only liberty that counts in this nation is religious liberties. Equality, choice, fair or just are not priorities for this newest brand of Crusaders and in their path of holy war plan to eliminate anything that seems the norm of a democratic nation. Not worried, this is just a phase get ready for the first American pogrom coming to your town.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Not in Kansas anymore

In the state of Kansas, based on nothing more than perceived bias and bigotry of the Bible, the Legislature is about to begin a pogrom of apartheid and discrimination. Ignoring the U.S. Constitution, forgetting the U.S. history of inclusion and integration the Legislature of Kansas, pretending that they are a Christian nation governed by a Theocratic body the Kansas state House advanced a bill on Tuesday aimed at granting public and private employees the right to deny services, including unemployment benefits and foster care, to same-sex couples on the basis of religious freedom. The Bible instead of the U.S. Constitution was also preferred as law when the South decided that slavery was God’s will,when Virginia decided that integrated marriages was frowned upon by God, when Southern states as well as some in the mid west decided that the Bible stated clearly women should not vote and when the state of Texas decided that sodomy was a sin of Biblical proportions.

Using the argument that religious freedom to discriminate has more power then the the democratic principle of all men and women being equal, the Tea-Republicans of Kansas want to have a straights only platform of laws very similar to the whites only segregation. Straights can do all they want while homosexuals are restricted. In the Christian nation of Kansas the Constitution is a useless piece of paper, the founding of this nation to permit freedom from religious persecution, the denial of equality are proud principles pontificated by elected politicians serving no one but misinformed, uneducated, bigots, racists and homophobes using God as their scapegoat for their own human frailties. 

During the rise of Tea Party hypocrisy, somehow freedom of religion has become more important then freedom from religion. There is a big difference however between freedom of religion and freedom from religion. The first permits access to God any God. The later wants to permit God any God from being the sole decider of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in this nation. No one denies how you pray and to whom you pray. No one denies what book you read to abide by in a spiritual, emotional manner. But recently where there has been denial is in how a nation built on fair and balanced seems to want to limit your freedoms. In Kansas freedom seems to ring true to those who call themselves Christians and no one else.

Look closely at the laws in Kansas and don’t be fooled that what is happening there will not try to escape to other country/states in this nation. Freedoms have been challenged in states by limiting voting rights, denying medical coverage, cutting back nutritional needs, access for women to receive reproductive care. Freedoms have been limited or restricted in other states not based on what the Constitution of this nation says, but what a bunch of insecure, self-serving religious zealots  have interpreted from a Bible. Pretty soon this policy of religious segregation will not be in Kansas anymore.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Purge: an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people from an organization or place. synonyms: removal, expulsion, ejection, exclusion, eviction, dismissal, sacking and ERADICATION.

In 1692 the good Puritans afraid that their Lord and Savior was not up to snuff or tough enough to take on women gathering in groups who seemed to be dispelling religious mythes, decided to PURGE New England of assumed witches. The good Puritans felt it necessary to cleanse their homesteads and using God as scapegoat for their own human facilities tortured, tormented and burned the witches assuming that by doing so it would defeat the devil and keep their environment pure.

In 1866 the Ku Klux Klan created a run on sheets and masks and boldly under these white garments sought out to keep the Colored from ever being more then the beast of burden he was born to be and of cords to keep the US of A all white. Garnering more momentum in 1915  the KKK felt it was the Lord’s blessing for them to stop the Negro from raping white women, owning a business or land especially in the South so they empowered themselves and the cowards who once again used Jesus as their scapegoat of bias and bigotry and tried to PURGE the black folk from the the Mason-Dixon line south.

In the 1920's Anti-Immigration Organizations that had been founded in the latter parts of the first decade of the twentieth century began to receive much larger and an increasingly influential following. The Immigration Restriction League was one such group, it claimed to have 'scientific' evidence that the new immigrants from Southeast Europe were racially inferior and therefor posed to threaten the supremacy of the USA. They believed strongly in WASP values and certainly did not wish to see them become polluted by other religions from minorities like Catholics and Jews. It was both the American way and of course the Protestant Jesus’s way to PURGE these heathens from fomenting any foothold in America. Signs appeared in neighborhoods stating No Jews, No Catholics No Dogs allowed.

In 2014 a new candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee wants gays "purged" from the GOP and claims homosexuality is a "perversion" created by Satan himself. Mary Helen Sears claimed that homosexuals prey on children, argued that "Satan uses homosexuality to attack the living space of the Holy Spirit" and advocated that Republicans "as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent.”
America has not always been the place referred to in the song ‘America the Beautiful’, in fact our history has showcased some bleak and ugly decades when certain types of people were never considered true citizens. The purest part of history we are told is that once it has happened we are to learn from it and make the future the next bit of history to happen much better much healthier. Each time a group of self-proclaimed Christian Americans felt threatened by nothing more then their own insecurities a PURGE became the norm, the PURGE replaced morals, values, decency and of course the Constitution. And because no one really tried to stop these Theocrats from their terrorist actions all they did was succeed. Here we go again, I fear!

Friday, February 7, 2014

at the ready

At the ready to pontificate just how immoral it would be to assist the long term with unemployment insurance, the Tea-publicans refuse to spend any sanctimonious moments in trying to create new jobs.Describing the unemployed as losers, unAmerican freeloaders at the ready to take from the government while never ever willing to work harder or work at all, the Tea-Publicans spend hours on end not finding resolution to the unemployment situation preferring to languish in the rhetoric of accusation and acquittal. 

At the ready to insist life begins the moment the egg and sperm meet, clamming that no matter how the moment of birth happened, incest, rape abuse, the Tea-Publicans fight on telling their minions each and every birth deserves a chance. Yet when the babies are born into poverty, living in neighborhoods with poor public schools, lack of quality public health, parents uneducated in raising children, the Tea-Publicans look the other way saying it ain’t governments business to interfere in family matters. Have that baby, its God’s plan shout the Tea-Publicans, but finding the resources to do so is your own responsibility. 

At the ready to still fight the Affordable Health Care Law, the Tea-Publicans scream Socialism, unAmericanism, a government too far reaching. Attempting at least 35 times to repeal the ACA, trying to shut down the government in hopes of destroying the ACA. Always at the ready to dissuade the public into participating in the ACA, the Tea-Publicans, never offer their own plan but would prefer those who can afford health insurance pay for it no matter the cost of premiums and those who can’t to either die or suffer before they die. Once again in the eyes of the Tea-Publicans if you can afford it you deserve it, if you can’t don’t go crying to Uncle Sam for help.

Always at the ready, be it the environment, where the Tea-Publicans insist that self regulations work (hows that drinking water in West Virginia and now North Carolina suit you)? Be it immigration reform, where the Tea-Publicans seem to think it was Southern rednecks who originally lived on this continent. Be it an equal wage for the same job no matter if you are female or male or a livable wage, (women should always be in the kitchen or pregnant, and if you are not of the 1% you should be happy you can afford a McDonald’s meal); the Tea-Publicans are there to find fault and not solutions. During the rise of the Tea-Publican jihad/crusaders the denial of fair and equal, pursuit of happiness, quality of life has declined. The mid term elections will soon be upon us and there is talk that the Tea-Publicans will maintain a majority in the House and have a good chance of regaining the majority in the Senate. If the idea of that that doesn’t scare you you must either already be dead or an offspring of Mitt Romney. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

nasty stain

Utah attorneys seeking to overturn a federal court decision that struck down a state ban on gay marriage have argued in appeals papers that prohibiting same-sex unions is crucial to safeguarding the best interests of children. The court brief argued that risks to children from same-sex marriage include the emotional toll of growing up without a father or mother because their parents would be of the same gender. It also suggested birthrates in Utah might decline due to adults opting for same-sex unions instead of procreating. (Huffington Post)
Dressed in a white robe one for your heterosexual wife and of course you the heterosexual male, with the letters KKK emblazoned on your sheet as you prance around with pitchforks and nooses in your hands surely is a perfect way to raise your children. Having your heterosexual wife pretend she is Eva Braun while you with that slight mustache and combed to the side haircut wearing the SS insignia is a delightful addition to your heterosexual parenting. Shouting to your heterosexual children and their heterosexual offspring that God hates Fags is always the exact dialogue to use in creating a safe place for the children. Insisting that God will not love your children if in fact they find themselves loving others of the same-sex is truly a healthy representation of family values.
Deciding that marriage is cool but raising a family is not if you are of the opposite sexes is never an issue  in the decline of the institution of marriage. Being an abusive father or mother, a cheating spouse demonstrating for your children that honesty and love matter little is somehow overlooked and accepted as perfectly perfect if you happen to be a heterosexual. Finding little time to actually raise your offspring instead working 80 hours, or sending little John or Mary to prep or boarding school, or hiring the nanny because you are just too busy with your own life seems to never endanger the quality of life if you are straight. Having a dozen kids and relying on the oldest to handle the chores of raising the youngest is just Gods command and seldom ever is problem in being a committed parent if you are a heterosexual.

The risk for any child is the lack of love, trust, emotion by one mom or two moms, one dad or two dads. The projection of your own phobias foibles, biases and bigotries is the common thread in undermining the safeguards in raising children. Having kids because society insists you do even when you don’t is the real fear providing an empty, depressing household environment. Lying about your own inability to accept others not like you is where the void lies toward the best interests of children. The politicians from the state of Utah are homophobes plain and simple. Heterosexual or homosexual if you lack true intent to provide health, hope and harmony to your kids then none of you have any God given right to be a parent. Hate is so ugly, not God given nor very American. The state of Utah whose foundation began with families having one father and a dozen mothers needs to look inward before casting anymore stones outward to the rest of their citizens. Hypocrisy is a nasty stain that never goes away. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

not an eating disorder or such

"Your body is made to eat, otherwise you will starve; with homosexuals, your body is not made for the kind of relations they have, it’s made for heterosexuality,” Harvey said, before adding, “We’re basically all heterosexuals.” She then suggested that LGBT people, like those with eating disorders, are “deluded.” (Linda Harvey, Mission America Founder, Compares Homosexuality To Being Anorexic). A 5 second portion of and ad for Coca Cola featuring two Gay dads and their daughter and the Conservative media finds reason the downfall of democracy and the death of Christianity. (Breibart media unleashes the crusaders). The Disney Channel broke new ground last week when writers for the popular family sitcom "Good Luck Charlie" made the decision to feature a lesbian couple on the program. One Million Moms had a hissy fit saying “… conservative families need to urge Disney to avoid controversial topics that children are far too young to comprehend.” 
I am a Gay man, and have struggled throughout my life to come to terms defining my identity as such. I have been hidden for convenience, I have been silent for survival, I have ignored my urges for fear of retribution and I have played the game of conformity because it seemed easier. Not any more! I am a Gay man not out of choice but out of chance. I discovered a pride in many of my attributes, quirks, character and will NEVER EVER be denied the freedom of being me. I am not an eating disorder, the anti-christ, a topic too difficult to share with your children. I am not greater then God nor pretend to be not even when the religious fanatics try to make me so. I did not cause the greedy bankers to screw America, the 1% to stop paying their fair share of taxes, George Bush to declare war in Iraq, nor the NSA to spy on the world. I did not cause heterosexuals to cheat on their spouses, beat their spouses, or divorce their spouses. I am a man, a father, a husband, a professional, an American not more then you but NOT AT ALL LESS.

I am tired of those with low esteem and self loathing to blame me for the fact that they hate themselves. I am tired of being the scapegoat for insecure infidels who use God as a scapegoat for bias and bigotry, all man made creations. It is no longer humorous to hear morons blame me for everything from tornadoes, drought to the decline of the institute of marriage. I can no longer laugh when I hear religious heretics point to me for the decline of their twisted form of religion. I am tired of a few angry champions of nothing but hate and fear pretending that what they say is anything but contempt for human life. “Once you stop others from defining you and you are able to take paper to pen and write your own introduction is the time you are free.” Look deeply not at the mirror others place in front of you but rather the one you have held in your own hand since you were born.” (Howard Buncher, my Dad).