Saturday, October 31, 2009

lies, loathing and low life

Scooter Libby, seems to have forgotten if he ever mentioned the name of Valerie Plame to his boss Dick Cheney, even though the two of them were having a conversation about Ms Plame's husband Ambassador Joe Wilson. "Tricky" Dicky Cheney, when asked by the FBI if he had ever spoken about Valerie Plame being a CIA agent who needed to be outed due to the criticism her husband Joe Wilson shared with correspondents, said he too did not recall, could not recall, just seemed to forget if he ("tricky") mentioned Valerie Plame's occupation as a CIA operative. BUT, Mister Cheney is damn sure of every other detail he speaks of when he is critical of the President and the direction Obama is taking America in the wars against terrorism.

Liz Cheney speaks proudly poured in colors of red white and blue when she criticizes the President for visiting the coffins of those armed services individuals brought to Dover Air Force Base. She pontificates about how irresponsible it is of President Obama to visit the bodies of the dead with a cadre of reporters abound. Lizzie continues her harangue by adding when President Bush went to visit the same air force base no reporter covered the event. Miss Information Cheney never added the important fact that during the entire reign of the Bush/Cheney dictatorship, the rule from Washington was NO COVERAGE EVER of any bodies returned to the U.S. And by the way the Cheney daughter forgot to mention her dad not once paid his respects in person to any family members for HIS war and HIS paranoia. BUT Liz Cheney gets front page attention without ever being asked for the facts behind her lies.

Sarah Palin, the blogger turned author writes a "Rougie" kind of autobiography with the help of a ghost writer and she is offered over 1 million dollars for the literary masterpiece. Sarah Plain who never quites finish a sentence with fact but just feeling, who never claims blame for any mistake she made but claims others have misinterpreted her is revered and made role model. Sarah Palin with a litany of ethic and morals charges leveled, who tells her daughter about abstinence and not what might happen when abstinence is ignored, is the face of VERY conservative right wing xenophobic throngs who believe she is the future for America.

George W. Bush is paid $100,000 to motivate the average Joe and Jolene. He is back on stage to recite stories of his Presidency that are to be filled with wisdom and sense. He is out on the circuit imparting his deep thinking, his wealth of experience, his compassion for the world, and he is making tons of dollars doing so. No one asks the President about the Iraq War the war in Afghanistan, the melt down of Wall Street, the largest recession since the the depression and the ever famous tax breaks for the rich. And Mister President sits on the stage behind the podium and laughs about scooping up dog pooh, and never mentions about all the dog pooh he left all over America.

And it seems in America in 2009 it matters not the truth you tell. It matters not the honesty you elude. It matters not the reality you live in. It matters not your morals or ethics.

But it seems in America of 2009 as long as you spew hate, fear, fabrication and disdain for others, you are one hell of a celebrated celebrity.

Wonder what happens in 2010?

Friday, October 30, 2009

and we have been told

We were told that smoking a cigarette was, if anything, as American as apple pie. When incredulous "commies" started talking jive about the unhealthy features of cigarette smoking, we were once told by those in CHARGE, not to listen. We were told that any studies created to undermine the quality of good tobacco was just a bunch of unhappy hippies trying to ruin a good thing. We were told by elected officials of tobacco producing states that anti American forces were behind some kind of anti American conspiracy to undermine the sensibilities of good all American Americans. And why would the Government allow any American to smoke "tobaccy", if it weren't darn right good for them.

We were told oil was our destiny. We were told that the bigger the car, the better a man felt. Not just any man but an American man. We were told that more was better in size and less was bad when it came to miles per hour. We were told by those in CHARGE that Americans deserved the kind of car they dreamed of and if that dream meant less gas per miles per hour than no one should raise any standard for better mileage. We were told by ELECTED officials of oil producing states, and car manufacturing states, that the American way was fast with brightly lit BIG cars. That Americans needed roomy and more. That Americans owned the world and all of its resources. We were told those foreign tiny vehicles were not patriotic expenditures, and that buy American, no matter what you are buying was the correct expenditure.

We are told that any Public Option is truly an expense this country can't afford. We are told that there should be no Government competition when it comes to health insurance. It is not necessary because the Health Insurance Cartels can and should handle the health matters of Americans. We are told that a Public Option is bad, but never told what we should do for all of those uninsured or under insured. We are told by those in CHARGE that the Government has no right to run a health insurance program, even though it runs the Senate and House of Representatives Health Plan and and Medicare. We are told by by ELECTED officials that we should leave well enough alone and not meddle into the the life liberty and pursuit of happiness part of the Constitution, at least the part of the Constitution that does not directly and immediately relate to those we ELECTED. We are told by those ELECTED Senators and Congress people who have received substantial campaign gifts from lobbyists of the Pharma-Conglomerates and the Health Insurance Cartels and who many times have spouses working for same "industry folk", that the American thing is competition unfettered. Leave the American way, just that American.

We have and are being told over and over again rhetoric, never based on sound judgement, just the sound of dollars being tallied up in the campaign coffers of our ELECTED officials. We have been told and are being told anything and everything to scare us, fool us and lull us into a false sense of safety and comfort.

And when we by chance find out that those ELECTED officials and those in CHARGE never meant a word of truth or never really cared, we have been told are told by the same carnival characters, "I never said that", "it wasn't me", "you must have heard something else."

And in most cases we believe the liars and fabricators and reward them with four more years, six more years, book deals, guest appearances and libraries.

When do we finally get OUR voice back and tell the ELECTED officials and those in CHARGE where to go and how to get there?


Thursday, October 29, 2009

have "ya"

Have "ya" seen the latest photographs from our Representatives all decked out in their finest on the front lawn of Congress? All lined up for a photo-opt to celebrate the fact that there is FINALLY some semblance at least they thinks so, of a a bill for Health Reform.

Have "ya" seen the boys and girls of the Senate in front of the MSNBC, CNN, FOX cameras all dressed up in their men and lady suits, puffed up hairdos, all smiley and yacky,just ready to tell the certain reporters why this will work or why that won't work. All ready with verse and innuendo, tag line, hate line, misinformation line, to stall or pretend not to stall any passage of the Health Reform bill?

Have "ya" seen our ELECTED officials once and for always hemming and hawing while nothing seems to get done except more payoff or bribes or lobbyist money running through their private bank accounts?

Have "ya" seen the American public being stymied, and lied to and patronized. Have "ya" seen the red, white and blue colors stream through the commercials from the Health Care Cartel explaining why competition is bad, but never explaining why without real competition so far ALL of the Health Care Insurers can jack up prices, create sudden existing conditions, drop your health insurance with merely no justification at all?

Have "ya" grown tired of anyone with seemingly any power or authority of not really caring about anyone but themselves?

Have "ya" wondered how many people will die an early life from lack of health care insurance? Have "ya worried how many people will suffer because they can't afford to pay for prescriptions? Have "ya" even considered what your life would be like if maybe the sky fell and you had NO health care coverage, or could not see the specialist, or had to settle for some stupid explanation as to why the best treatment, was not best for you?

I have!

I have. I have for a long time.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

shame stopped mattering

So Joe, you just can't allow debate on a health reform bill for America.
You claim its because of taxes or some cost associated item, you are never quite sure what it is, except that you in all good conscience can not even allow debate.
But in all your argument, Joe, you never mention the amount of money you receive from the health insurance industry in your state of Connecticut. And no where in your fevered argument do you even mention how your wife has profited from your lack of concern for health care reform for Americans. She profits from working for the big Pharmacies who work in conjunction with the Insurance cartel.
Hey Senator Joe Lieberman (I) of Connecticut how do you even look at yourself when you shave in the morning. Must be scary to think how greedy, how evil, how SELFISH one man can be.

Hey Evan, how much money did you make on the stock you and your wife earned from chumming up to the health insurance cartel? Or maybe you made some more money from having your wife sit on a few Boards of the Pharma-Conglomorates.
You are busy expounding good traditional American values, when in reality you just seem to be lounging in good old what's good for me politics.
So America does not need the same options or choices you and your family have when it comes to health insurance. No, Americans should continue to pay high premiums so you and the Mrs. can live the good life. Wonder how you can even look at one another, Senator Evan Bayh (D) from Indiana with feeling the slight bit nauseous.

Joe and Evan, I suppose ethics, morals, standards and conscience are not necessary when you receive untold amounts of money from the Phara-Health Insurance Cartels. People like you are sinful and shameful. But any name I call you just melts off your lobbyist proof suits you wear.

Wonder how many people will suffer, or die because of your unconscionable behavior in serving only your needs and not the needs of the people.

Shame on you Joe, shame on you Evan. But I supposed SHAME stopped mattering when the dollars started rolling in.

when, when, when?

When comes the time, for honesty, dignity, and conscience? How much more do we have to wait for those we place in charge, those we deem responsible, those we ELECT to once and for all do unto others as they seem to always do for themselves?

When is too little too late really wrong? When is one for you, two for me just selfish and inhuman? When do we finally say thank you for a job well done, for us and not please sir/madam may I have some of what you have? When do we stop kidding ourselves that what a Politician says is not what he/she does? When do we live in hope, harmony, happiness?

When will priorities mentioned by Politicians be priorities you and I have actually scribbled down on a piece of paper as meaningful and memorable for us? When does a kickback not go into the pockets of slimy, self serving usurping Republicans and Democrats, but an honest attempt at honorable heroism find its way at our front doors?

When does enough become ENOUGH? When do we take back a direction for our lives and not count on the gluttony of grubby goons who only seem to want more and never settled with ENOUGH? When is OUR turn?

As the debate over health care churns on and on, as the debacle of facts seem to drift into endless space, as the decibels of name calling, lies told and facts removed revolve like a spinning top, as nothing gets done for the many, just for the few, when do we finally take control?

How much more money do the Senators need from lobbyists to make sure their bank roles are solid, while almost every American citizen goes broke trying to stay healthy? How much more "payoffs", do our Representatives need to make their careers in Government even more "cushy", while average Americans only hope that they never have to decide pay for medical coverage or food?

When does this stop? How loud do sane people have to scream or shout above the noise of those with no conscience?


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Frustration! It just seems to get worse than better, the frustration I feel when it seems justice is not served, honesty is discarded, and gluttony and greed prevail!

So now George W. Bush is a motivational speaker, getting paid, rumor has it at least $100,000 a speech. Seems the Ex-President, took a little time off from the spot light thinking that the public might forget a few blunders, lies, unconstitutional acts and embrace him a man with honest intentions non-self serving motivations, and once again a man of the people. And by God they did!

On Monday October 26, 2009 Mister Ex President Bush, spoke to a crowd of over 15,000 people in Fort Worth, Texas. He told that gathering, " can you be President without relying on the Almighty..." He added that " of the amazing surprises of the Presidency was the fact of all the peoples prayers offered to me..."

(If God spoke to George W. Bush, then I in particular am glad the God that speaks to me has nothing at all to do with whatever false Deity is calling George's name.)

And he was cheered, not jeered, he was hooted at and hollered, not screamed or shouted, he was applauded and not panned. He was a new man, and all the slimy, skanky, sinister mess he created, controlled was completely forgotten.

He was a motivational speaker!

I am frustrated because this man had reeked havoc, created chaos, helped kill thousands of people, hid behind fabrication and falsehoods, and has not once apologized for changing the lives of every American forever and always. Changing us not for the good of all but changing us for the greater good of the few, the select.

I am frustrated because so many Americans refuse to look back and wonder why George W, got away with tumult, treachery, and treason, and just ignore history.

I am frustrated because it seems to me bad is good. I am frustrated because selfish is sufficient. I am frustrated because evil as long as it seems is being done to others is okay.

George W. Bush a motivational speaker. Almost like calling on the devil to deliver a sermon.

I am frustrated because so many of us are feeling the wrath of the Hell, Mister George w. Bush, motivational speaker had placed us in while he is just floating on a money laden non conscience consequence cloud.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

bad guys winning

In the movies, there is an unwritten code that the bad guys never really win.

The writers or the directors always provide the audience with a bit of foreshadow, cautionary music, a pause in the action or some tricky dramatic effect that tunes in the audiences "uh huh" mechanism and we know somewhere somehow the bad guy will not win.

Do you ever wonder why in real life, we don't have the capabilities to find out when the bad guy will lose? Don't you wish that suddenly a crescendo of cascading chords could call out and remind us that this Congressman, this Senator, this Vice President, this President, this CEO this Wall Street Banker, Broker will finally get the same crap blown all over he/she as he/she has plummeted the average American with, over and over? I sure do!

Instead, the bad guy in this current American culture of wrong and greed, gluttony and no conscience, gets a book deal, dances with the stars, charges half a million dollars for the lecture circuit, retires with a golden parachute, and never once admits to anything bad. Never!

In the movies we know there is a beginning a middle an end. We know as we sit eating our popcorn, sipping our soft drinks, staring into the darkness, that eventually the agony will end, the torment will cease, the madness will putter out, the just reward will find its way to the just recipient. We know this and are comforted when it happens.

In real life, we are sitting by, by the skin of our teeth, by the sheer energy of angst, by the strings of a puppeteer. In real life we seem to think we have little to no choice in finding an ending to our story the way we prefer. Not the way our Politicians, or lobbyists, or crazy right wing conservatives or dogmatic unmovable religious zealots would like. We sit silent at times just hoping and praying, waiting and wishing. Why?

We can, if we really want, to write our ending, and let the bad guys pay the price, get their just reward, realize the consequences of their selfish, self loathing, actions. We can!

We have to stop the bad guys from winning.


Friday, October 16, 2009

and so it goes

And so it goes, and seems to go.

We hear stories about the recovery, but who is recovering? Wall Street is still doing well, and the bonus brigade finds it path to the CEO's of brokerage firms, bankers and bad ass boys and girls who get rewarded for never saying I am sorry!

And the Politicians still fight about who is right and who is wrong. None of them ever look back or even consider that their inaction's caused the current actions and the reactions are raunchy, rough and wasted.

We still finger point, and pout. We still fight and furiously feign any responsibility for anything remotely wrong.

And we still say vote for us cause we didn't really do you wrong!

And the hosts of news shows never ask the tough questions, and when thy do they settle for the silly answers, the mundane, the mindless babble of I didn't do it!

And we point fingers to all those who are not us. Those who might solve the problem. Those who might pose an answer to a dilemma which doesn't mount to hate and bigotry. We begin to
segregate from the truth and integrate into the slime, the sludge the sorry state of simple.

And so it goes. And as long as we placidly sit by and wait for someone else to solve the situation we allow our future to be dissolved into the past and all we are left with is a present sad, short and smothering.

When does it stop? And who stops it? So it doesn't go and go!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

tick tick tick tick tick

Let's start a common citizen count up clock. A clock that counts up how many things happen while our ELECTED OFFICIALS don't do much of anything but talk, lie and pretend.

Let's ask the American tax payer to pull his/her resources and buy a clock that ticks forward, that counts up that tells us how many bad things can happen while our ELECTED OFFICIALS pontificate, collect lobbyist kickbacks, quote the Bible, look the other way, deny any wrong doing, fabricate the truth, and simply take care of their own selfish needs.

Let's keep track of how many times someone is quoted, in telling a lie only to deny the existence of the lie we have on video tape. Only to insist the quote of hate or bigotry or misinformation was taken out of context, even though the entire content is played over and over again.

Let's keep track of the hypocrisy of behavior Senators, Governors, Congress People participate in while preaching moral values, correct cultural actions, and religious dogma for everyone else but them. How they, our ELECTED OFFICIALS continue to commit adultery, infidelity, and embezzle and steal while warning all Americans of the evils of anti American anti Christian activities of OTHERS.

Let's keep track of how many visits our ELECTED OFFICIALS make to their Government sponsored, Government run, Government paid for Health Care providers, while many other Americans get sicker from lack of good coverage, die from lack of no coverage, choose food for prescriptions, and just settle for the pain because there is not much else to do.

Lets keep track of how much and how many ELECTED OFFICIALS collect money from special interests groups. How often they pass a bill or don't pass a bill due to "outside obligations". How often our ELECTED OFFICIALS tell their constituents they voted with their conscience and for the good of the people they represent. How often the only thing represented is their private bank accounts or their out of this world personal professional gains.

Lets have the clock tick up the totals of the times a promise is made, a tear is shed, a look of amazement, a denial of fact, a payoff is garnered, a fool is had by our ELECTED OFFICIALS.

And then lets have the clock tick up the amount of times we vote for the fools who have made a fool of all of us. How many times we re-elect the robbers, the thieves, the gluttonous, the greedy, the speak -no-truth ELECTED OFFICIALS to office over and over again.

Lets start that citizen count up clock, and count up how long it takes until we the American people start wondering what is in all of this for us? Start worrying that those with no conscience or care are causing chaos. Start wishing that we take back an America we deserve, not one dumped upon us by the ELECTED OFFICIALS.

Lets buy that clock. But then the way most and many of us just let our ELECTED OFFICIALS get away with whatever they wish or want,... for whom would we buy the clock? The fools or the foolish?

Tick, tick, tick, tick tick.....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

fame..i'm gonna ...

Isn't it all about the 15 minutes of fame Andy Warhol claimed controlled the minds and psyches of most humans? Isn't it about making the headlines and claiming the title? Isn't it about the glory of being grand? The ability to grandstand and get absolutely nothing done. Just make the news doing nothing. Nothing at all.

Isn't it about laying claim to making a difference, but finding out on the way of making that difference the only difference that counts is how you benefit, become, believe? Isn't it about how it fits me at the expense of how it hurts you?

Senator Max Baucus (D) of Montana held the cameras steady as he insisted that his plan for Health Care Reform would make the best difference. Not necessary to include a Public Option, but drone on and on about how as long as we discuss the whole thing it will eventually work itself out.

Senator Olympia Snow (R) of Maine, held us spellbound and captive as she pondered the need for a Public Option for Health Care. How she knew in her heart of hearts that the longer she contemplated the concept the more insight she would receive, as if manna from Heaven.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R) of Iowa, stomped and stammered, pomp(ed) and circumstanced about the death panels, about the socialist take over of the Health Insurance Industry, about any possible negative reaction that might, could, maybe happen if the Health Insurance Mega Corporations did not continue to enjoy free reign on the lives and ways Americans receive Health Care.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D) of California found time to appear on the Rachel Maddow show and did an imitation of a "give 'em hell Harry" routine. She pouted and sighed, she made a fist, allowed a few veins in her neck puff and swell up and told all of us, if those nasty Senators refuse to pass the Health Care Reform, Ms Boxer will, ...well she will call them out by name and ask them why their Government paid plan is good for the Senators but not anyone else.

And so we wait. We wait while there is the wringing of the hands, the waterless tears are shed, the willing -less "won't do's", "won't try's", "won't cares" whittle away and WON't make an effort to make anything happen at all.

But while we wait, all the characters get their 15 minutes of fame. They speak to CNN to MSNBC, to FOX. They set their quotes, they state their opinions, they say nothing and get a whole lot time and fame in doing so.

And while the Politicians wail and whistle, lament and labor, hesitate and huff and puff and huff, fewer people are left living a healthy and pain free life. Fewer people are left able to get their prescriptions, a second opinion, a first opinion an examination, a second lease on life. Let alone THEIR 15 minutes of fame.

What price FAME! Or is it what price SHAME?

Monday, October 12, 2009

forward never back

Why is it that when it comes to Politicians we all are supposed to have no long term memory, and never look back? Why is that whatever they might have said, might have passed legislation for, said for the record, or vehemently spoke as the truth, must be forgotten or ignored. Why is it they get to move forward never once owing up to mistakes, untruths, fabrications or misdeeds, and we the unwitting public need not remember or remind?

Mark Sanford and John Ensign both scolded President Bill Clinton on his indiscretion with Monica, and said on their holier than thou pulpits that if they ever found themselves in HIS predicament, they would do the Christian thing and resign from office. But now when reminded of those statements we are told to move on in life. What once was just IS NOT now

Senator John McCain, was all for the invasion of Iraq, saying that we should muddle through Afghanistan because, Iraq was where the real threat to America lived. Now the Viet Nam war hero, says Afghanistan is the real war zone and we wasted too much time in Iraq. When asked about his lack of interest in Afghanistan originally, he pouts and says can't you guys move forward?

The Republican leadership, the good ole boys and girls of the Congress and the Senate, talk about how this President is spending too much of the American taxpayer dollars. They oppose more and more money being drained into causes, that just seem like a bottomless pit. When confronted about the Iraq war and Haliburton, and all the war time vendors who never had one contract looked at or reviewed, they just shrug and say that is so yesterday.

Why do we all allow this irreverence and ignorance of facts from the past to be ignored. Why do we permit selective amnesia to invade the bodies and minds of Politicians? Why do we continue to walk a road as if the path was never stomped upon by wrong ideas, bad judgements, and selfish behaviors.

When do we take back America from the inept, the ignorant, the blatantly vile and self serving men and women called Politicians? The ones who say they want to better America for us, but only find joy and happiness and lots of extra money in satisfying themselves. The ones who never want us to look back, but face forward to avoid the evil trail they leave behind?


Sunday, October 11, 2009


This has been and currently is a weekend full of righteous movement and vigorous commentary on the perceived, prescribed and promised plans for the LGBT community. The President spoke to the HRC fund raiser crowd, talking about how the time is now for change within the LGBT community. And all day in Washington D.C. hundreds of thousands of Americans are gathered in front of the Capitol listening, wishing, and contemplating to the words and choruses of speakers promoting a better way a fairer way a more just and equitable way for the LGBT community.

We take from this weekend's stirring words, striking commentary, satisfying statements on how we MUST precede forward and how we MUST not let the mistakes of the past confuse our direction ahead. We take from this weekend a call for action. But whose action do we call upon?

It has been 40 years since the riots of Stonewall, when the drag queens in a NYC bar could no longer take the discriminatory bigoted behaviors of the police and rebelled. It has been 30 years since the murder of Harvey Milk and his promise to make all Americans equal. And it has been 5 years since Massachusetts legalized same sex marriage, permitting at least the citizens of that Commonwealth to share in the rights that all citizens who chose marriage, have provided for them.

It has been in my life time 60 years to come to an understanding of who I am, and of the many variations on my life, and the many aspects and aspirations I seek and have sought. My coming out was arduous and angry begrudging and beckoning, and thank God finally beautiful and bright.

And now I do not want to stop the momentum. Nor do I want to allow others to deny me from all and anything I can achieve and deserve. I used to think I was less than, sinful, and sick. I USED to think all of that. But I took actions in my life to change all of THAT.

I grow tired of hoping others will permit me to live an equal life. I grow weary of waiting for the MAJORITY to consider if my life life meets their standards. I grow angry when ignorant, Biblical based bigots, uneducated self loathing lemmings contemplate my future based on the short comings of their lives. I grow impatient when told after 40 years of fighting back, it is not the time for LGBT Americans to be full and equal.

Who are YOU to deny ME the same joys, the same pains, the same misery the same hope?

This is and has been a weekend of standing on soap boxes, before a podium, on a stage, in front of an audience with words spewing about NOW is our time. And how we will NEVER AGAIN permit the sins of the past to be renewed.

Good words, but dead words without any action to follow.

So, as I finally found the gumption and the guts to come out, I encourage all of us to find the same resilience, the resolve and the readiness to take the actions and force the issue of equality for all Americans. Each time we become a little more free, all of us benefit. And in this Human Race we all should be running for the same finish line.

Friday, October 9, 2009

anything goes and goes

In the song"Anything Goes" music and lyrics by Cole Porter, there are a few phrases which when sung say, "...the world has gone mad today, and goods bad today, and blacks white today, and days night today..." The song talks about the crazy days on an ocean liner in the 30's. The time when the world seemed to change. and all the known rules were turned up side down.

In the song now being sung by the Republican party leadership, the not so neutral Republican Right Wing "entertainment haters, the lyrics go,"... anything the President does is bad", "...anything that means help to the poor is wrong", "...anything that includes fair and equitable and seems to be in favor of the average American is Un-American", and "...anything that can be said no to is worth agreeing with."

When have we lived in a time of American history when we are told that the President receiving a Noble Peace Prize is laughable and a losing proposition for America. When do we witness a group of people applauding at the loss of an invitation to host the Olympics, and pride ourselves in not bringing the world to America. When do we proudly lie about facts and truth and decide that if the fabrication is about the President it doesn't matter; because even though he was elected fairly and squarely in a democratic process, the results don't count and we can over look the Man and the Office.

Anything goes it seems in this country this time around. Anything goes so it seems because it seems not many people in the position to stop anything from going, are even trying.

As bad as the Republican spin machine and the mechanics who make that machine work seem to be, the spineless, back boned less, no guts less Democrats just let the machine spin and spin.

One lyric which seems to hold true, from the song Anything Goes, "...the world has gone mad to today and goods bad today..." Kind of scary when sung out loud!

What is happening to America? And why are we not trying to stop anything from going?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

short blog

This is a short blog. It is not due to lack of concern or care. I care so much I sometimes can't sleep.

But I wonder when will WE take back our country, when will WE win the war against hate and hostility. When will WE say yes to those who readily say NO.

Lets start complaining, lets start letting our elected officials they work for us. Lets become the best we can, not the worst others wish.

A short blog, long with worry.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


YOU told me that the states should make up their own minds regarding the Institute of Marriage. YOU said that the Government is too big and does not understand the needs and the passions and the values of the citizens in each state.

Then YOU told me that the Federal Government should ignore the rights of the individual states and permit concealed weapons to be carried by all Americans because it is their right to do so above and beyond what each state might legislate.

YOU told me that if we did not support President Bush during a time of war we should leave this country because only anti American communist loving individuals would not support a President during war.

Then YOU told me that we should not pay attention to anything President Obama says or does, even though we are still at war. You told me that good citizens should rebut this President and being at war right now is not sufficient cause to support him.

You told me that a Public Option is not necessary. You told me that if I am sick I should go to an emergency room. YOU told me if I run up an array of outrageous medical bills I should go to a public charity and ask for assistance. YOU told me if I find I have not enough enough money to pay my medical bills, but not poor enough to live of the dole, I should then sell all my possessions quit my job and then become poor enough to receive whatever Government money is available for the poor.

Then YOU told me that your Government run health care plan is just perfect for you and your family needs, and for some of YOU it has been that way for over 30 some years. YOU told me that what YOU have in health insurance is good enough for some but not for me.

YOU lie and any one who believes YOU is stupid. YOU have double standards and care only about the gifts you receive from lobbyists for your political campaign. YOU say you are in politics for the American people, but YOU refuse to include all Americans in most decisions made.

How do YOU sleep at night? How do YOU live with yourself? How do YOU live YOUR life without a conscience?


Monday, October 5, 2009


And now the madness really begins. According to the Republicans and their henchmen names like Limbaugh, Beck, Malkin, Hannity et. all, a fair election is not a true election. Democracy does not work when the person elected is not of the Republican ilk, and also if by chance his skin does not match the hue of those from good families of the South and Midwest.

The President is now supposed to be ignored and assumed a stooge. He is a man who really did not win the election but stole it. A man who not only is NOT an American citizen, but a clone from the worst of the worst of Fascists, Communists and even Nazi's.

We are told that for the next 4 years being a true Patriot is being anti-American. We are told that if the President thinks it is good for America, it is bad for real Americans. Whatever the President's plan for change it will only create havoc and a hailstorm of human rights disappearing and drown down the drain of rotten Obama hell.

We are told based on the truth of innuendo, fabrication, here say and rumor that believe what I say, not what I do, and believe that if we say it, it IS true. And truth, the kind spewed by fear mongers, hooligans, gluttonous goons, greedy and generous only to themselves individuals is real.

And the dumber, the unintelligent, the lemmings, the loathing losers who blame everyone else for their stake in life, just bathe in this baloney and hate, hate, hate.

And it is, fair to undermine the President, the Flag, the Constitution, the democratic policies, until the masses understand that Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Corporations are the true inheritors of this Nation.

And now the madness, which, if we had seen as a screenplay, we would wonder what warped mind created it, is taking on its own life. And as it breathes air into its lung, it depletes my oxygen, and yours. And this madness is becoming a monster. Do you want to wait around as it terrifies and takes away sanity?

Maddening isn't it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I went grocery shopping today. I live about 12 blocks from the nearest chain store and about 6 blocks from my favorite Trader Joe's. The walk is usually a "no brainer" as I have my recycled bags in hand and my I Pod in my ears and comfortable sneakers and the wind behind my back.

But today was a cooler and dryer day in LA with he sun peaking behind the clouds and I thought why not listen to the noise I usually ignore and see what I usually miss by hiding behind my own music.

It was quite an interesting adventure.

As I left my apartment, I ran into, literally ran into two dog walking middle aged women whose 12 foot long retractable leashes did not retract. Instead, the leashes intertwined as the one miniature something or other chased the toy poodle and both dogs in the heat of the chase were tied up in knots.

Try as I might to walk around the dogs in question, each step I took to avoid them took me a step closer to their uncontrollable knot making dance. The two owners did very little to untie the dogs but just stood standing there saying how cute this little mishap looked.

I did not look cute as I tried to get out of the way with no assistance from the the owners. The leashes were now surrounding my legs and the game of dogie tag was growing tiresome. I asked the ladies if they could move the dogs from tying me up and their response was flat and full of disgust. What's your hurry one said, they are just having fun. And the other one said, under her breath, but in the way most passive aggressive individuals mutter, ""

I, as directly as possible and as evil looking as I could said move them or I will. Finally the one woman, who I think never bent from the waist down sighed a demeaning sigh and pulled on the leash and said the "MAN DOES NOT LIKE YOU SWEETIE", and yanked he leash helping he dog to fly about two feet in the air. "There", she said, "are you happy"?

"You bet I am sweetheart". And as I walked away, both women snarled, he must hate women and he certainly hates dogs." I felt the blood rush from my heart to my head, felt the muscles in my fists harden, and felt my lungs about to burst. I turned to the two women, a dramatic turn I must admit, the kind that requires background music from Wagner, and said, "hate women, nope, not at all. I hate selfish people who think that life is all about them and their needs. I hate people who make the world always about them. I hate people who find everyone else to be the blame for their own inability to change bad to good. I hate people who think everyone else around them is invisible. I hate people who just take, take, take, take. And oh by the way I suppose since both of you are women, right now I hate women like you.

By this time, the heavier of the two, the one who clutched her supply of dogie poop bags in her Versace Dogie Poop Bag holder looked pale and wane. The other, I think was about to open her over the shoulder baby diaper bag and look for the pepper spray to mist all over me if I came any closer. They both were in the grab and run position with their dogs, ready to run and call the police. But as dramatically as I turned to face them I swiftly changed direction and began my trek up the hill to complete my intended errand. the music playing would have been something from Randy Newman.

Perhaps I over reacted, perhaps not. Perhaps I just grew tired of being around people who seem to think the world stops and starts with them. Perhaps the politics of the nation and my involvement with the unfair, imbalance, lies and deceits of those making policy has taken its toll on me and I feel that every wrong needs to be addressed.

Perhaps next time I leave my apartment I need to play my IPod let the internal music smother the outside noise. Dogs on a leash are not the problem its the people who hold those leashes. Its the people with the power and the power to then abuse. Perhaps I feel that the "just say no" Republicans, and the beholden to Big Pharma Blue Dog Democrats, and the spineless other Democratic Senators and Congresspeople have me on the leash and just let me and the American people go in circles, pulling us three feet in the air whenever they want.

And perhaps I have just had enough! Perhaps!

Friday, October 2, 2009

my america

There seems to be two America's in these United States.
There seems to be the land of lies, misdeeds, no conscience, greed and gluttony.
And there there is MY America. Still a place for hope, heart, help and hero's.

There seems to be two America's where democracy means nothing if you are not the one to win the election.
There seems to be two America's where disregard for anyone different or educated or informed or intelligent must be destroyed.
And then there is MY America where wisdom weighs more than ignorance and wise trumps wicked.

There seems to be two America's where once you mud sling, or hate or rebut any logic or law you are deemed the good guy.
There seems to be two America's where slander and slop, hypocrisy and hate, loathing and lies come above anything else.
And then there is MY America where human and kind, nurture and knowledge, real and right mingle and manage to overcome evil and vile.

I will no longer allow the lemmings, the losers, the lost to have control and soil my red white and blue with dingy and dirt disgust and doom.
In MY America I will fight as hard as the bad guys to take back a place I call home.

From this day forward no bully or hooligan, no bigot biased buffoon will set the priority.
No more, no more.
This MY America!