Monday, December 31, 2018

Far Fetched OR

So, I thought, as I pondered the past year, wondering what the FUCK, just happened to the American landscape, and especially what happened during a period of history in which I was well aware of the consequences of fools running amuck…was it all a dream, a terrible nightmare in which ominous omens not only hid behind clandestine shadows but peppered the sunlight with the scariest of sounds and sights, ever imagined and worse the unimaginable…then it came to me…this was all a game called Far Fetched or Full of Shit. As I write my last rant of a year so dire and desolate of morals and values, I need to better understand, exactly what had happened…

A lunatic, a known liar, loose with the ladies, a loser among those for whom ethics and empathy matter, a madman whose machinations from announcing domestic and foreign policy via Twitter, to describing himself as smarter than, more brilliant than and someone who talks to himself because only that kind of conversation has true meaning…was that FarFetched or just Full of Shit. Christian Crusaders, ready to sew the Scarlet Letter A on the women deemed unfit to own their own bodies, place men who love men in prison, pretend that families matter except if they are brown skinned and speak Spanish, who call out adulterous behavior as blasphemy except if performed by a Con Artist and Snake Oil Salesman who has dealt private deals to transform this nation into more of a Theocracy…was that FarFetched or Full of Shit! Good Nazi’s, Foreign Policy created by cartoon characters calling themselves FOX and Friends, Blackmailed Republicans, Cabinet members, almost every single one stealing taxpayer money for their own perks and pleasures, a Royal Family named Jared and Ivanka, running around with murderers like Crown Prince’s or dictators, making business deals on the deaths of innocent journalists…was that FarFetched or Full of Shit! A spiteful, insincere racist surrounded by selfish, sycophants delighted to denigrate and disenfranchise anyone and everyone…was that FarFetched or Full of Shit!

I could go on…but then my gut will explode, the acid will flow to my throat, my throat will contract, making it hard for me to breathe, which will affect my heart, causing it to implode, leaving me brain dead…so I close, while my sanity is still trying its best to survive. The sad thing is that all of the above plus about 8 million other things from MAGA minions to Putin’s puppets, to the level of stupidity and hate which has risen above flood levels, are not a game, and they are not Far Fetched but honestly and sadly Full of Shit!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

some nerve

Any deaths of children or others at the Border are strictly the fault of the Democrats and their pathetic immigration policies that allow people to make the long trek thinking they can enter our country illegally. They can’t. If we had a Wall, they wouldn’t even try. Donald Duck…oops I mean Donald Trump

So, if you were born into this country legally, perhaps, like Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, all sur names I am certain, having little to do with Guatemala, El Salvador or Nicaragua…OR your name is Maria Butina, or Vladimir Putin, Tayyip Erdogan, Mohammed Bin Salman, not your basic Latin sounding name, or even if your last name is Mercer, or Koch, or is not a matter of immigration or protection from a wall, that will permit you to FUCK up the democracy of our Motherland (again oops, that was a Term the Nazi’s used) I mean our Homeland, without ever using our Southern Border (again, a whole new xenophobic bit of jargon to scare the minions wearing MAGA hats) All you have to be or do is have blackmail material on Trump, purchase your way into the Oval Office, or just break a few laws, tell a bunch of lies or threaten innocent victims using as man Mafia style tactics that any mobster knows and loves!

“We are not talking about isolation. We're talking about security. We're not talking about religion. We're talking about security. Our country is out of control. People are pouring across the southern border. I will build a wall. It will be a great wall. People will not come in unless they come in legally. Drugs will not pour through that wall.” David Dennison…oops again, wrong again, I mean Donald Trump

800,000 Federal Employees, nope, 800,000 American citizens with no pay checks, services soon for health and welfare of millions of Americans, TDSA workers and Secret Service staff to serve and protect the Administration working but only with a promise of eventually getting paid…our economy on a brink almost daily of teetering into recession or smacking its head into a deep dark depression…and Trump the Ignorant, Trump the Tantrum tormented mentally ill treasonous jerk, tries to pander that the only bad the only danger is coming from the asylum seekers of Central America.

Everything wrong with the security of this nation has little to do with our borders or building a wall…but much to with THOSE (and add in the names of Ryan/McConnell/Graham/Ingraham and Hannity) who are here legally, have security clearances and access to the most insecure and dangerous demon to ever sit in the White House. Stop, AMERICA, enough of Trump’s made up, mixed up maddening machinations…the real enemy, the real fear, the real monster IS anyone and anything TRUMP! 

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Cardboard Boxes

Tiny Dancer was playing from my earbuds, one of my favorite songs from Elton John’s album “Madman Across the Water,” I was excited because I knew, very soon my second favorite Elton John song, Levon, would soon smother me with reminiscent days gone by, when I felt giving anything one more try could and would actually make the difference. It was Friday, yesterday, December 28, 2018, actually 7 am in the morning and I was headed for a walk to see my doctor for my physical. The holiday season is still in full swing in LA, and the noise of the city, muffled of course by, Elton singing, “Jesus freaks out in the street Handing tickets out for God Turning back she just laughs The boulevard is not that bad”, helped hush any hubbub hanging around. It was one of those really windy Santa Ana winter wind conditions, leaving the sky bluer than the color blue had ever intended to be, but the wind also reminded any Angeleno out and about just how much gunk, and junk and wasteful items linger on the ground, until the heavens huff and puff and blow it all around. I left my house, and almost immediately witnessed a large cardboard box airborne hiding due north, almost with instinctive radar to smack me in my face. Someone must have purchased a 50 inch super deluxe extra special magic TV because, as this empty cardboard box was zooming in towards me I saw flashes of color advertising not only the content of the box but warning me to duck and cover. I luckily did and the cardboard box found a nesting place on the fence of yet another new McMansion being built on my street. Damn, that was close, I thought, but all this instant drama cause me to stop listening to Elton finish singing Tiny Dancer! But alas alack, to my rescue I heard the lyrics to Levon.

The wind continued, relentless in velocity, but with each gust, the sky seemed richer in color, and even with the clamor of the wind, it felt good to be alive, in LA. And then I hit Beverly Boulevard and was greeted with almost a half dozen cardboard boxes, this time, none of them flying objects of war, but all of them, products of a war on the poor, the mentally ill, and the injustice of just trying to exist. There is a small part of Beverly Boulevard, where old carpets, some torn tarp, stolen shopping carts, lots of plastic bags bulging at their seams, and human beings find shelter during the night, using cardboard boxes as either a make-believe roofer carpeted floor, or a wall to keep the rest of the world from their few moments of peace. “Levon, Levon likes his money. He makes a lot they say. Spends his days counting. In a garage by the motorway.”; those lyrics were crooning through my earbuds, as I encountered this row of cardboard box villas. Once again, albeit just in theory and not actual physical harm, I was hit in the head with the sight of cardboard boxes, on a very windy day in LA. 

I am never certain how injustice begins, and I truly understand that many of us have both our own definition of injustice, and our own opinions as to the causes and the effects. When the album “Madman Across the Water first debuted in 1971, there was a war in Viet Nam, the words Black Power were scary to hear, if you smoked marijuana you were going to Hell, and hippies were the antichrist; poverty was still around, but there were bigger fish to fry and be afraid of. I made it to my doctor's office, and with the journey home, the wind had died, the sky began to glow a duller blue, and there was not a cardboard box in the sky or on the ground.

Friday, December 28, 2018

so sad and pitiful

He told the troops he was fearful, for first himself, of course, then when he noticed Melania had traveled with him, he added he feared for the safety of The First Lady. In Iraq, with men and women who travel on roads filled with the hint of bombs and landmines, through alleys where then enemies of the US might be ready with weapons used to murder the troops instantly, and speaking to men and women who had completed or were about to complete life or death missions in countries filled with adversaries of the US…this “bone spur”I only fire the best people via Tweet or on some reality TV show, compromised Commander-In-Chief …had the audacity, which for him is nothing more than the blood that runs through his orange veins…to tell the Troops he feared for his life.

Still in office…still sharing the secrets which used to keep America a bit more secure from its enemies like Russia or China…still sharing best bud stories with authoritarians like Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, or Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, still touting his lack of knowledge of the Constitution, lying so frequently that totaling his inaccuracies has become boring…still able to decimate any remains of democracy, this perverted unstable, narcissistic ENEMY of the STATE, treasonous, criminal…continues to undermine, the pursuit of happiness of each and every American unless of course their last name is Trump.

Fuck the Federal worker he says, screw the asylum seeker, he screams, fair and equal, bull shit he stammers…I am cool, I am KING and I will hold my breath until everyone else around me dies! And as we continue the shut down, the sharing of top secrets, the too numerous to mention criminal acts, the mounting pressure that Vladimir Putin had declared war on this nation and is winning, and the fact that NO Republican politician has found the decency, the moral fabric, the values, the patriotism to stop this man with the power of checks and balances is the saddest part of the entire nightmare which was 2018 and may continue to be 2019! 

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Journey and horizons

The journey home, begins, again, as Joe and I begin the arduous task of packing our bags, anticipating the medieval routine at the airport, the sardine can situation of riding on a plane, unless you are one of the special perks of people paying more than enough to at least find head, arm, and leg room…but most profound, will be the farewells, the last looks, the final touches, and the words of true human wisdom, of we, will see you again, we love you…never goodbye, but a so long FOR NOW!
“The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

I sort of kind of began my less new detox while visiting my other family… Joe’s siblings, and parents and their spouses and kids… how could I possibly experience the Christmas spirit, which aside for the love of the Bruno family brought us to Buffalo…but detox is difficult and I had not the true strength to ignore the world in which I live, because I NEVER want to remain silent…I learned via the AIDS crisis and before that the Final Solution by the Nazi’s that silence DOES indeed equal death, so I continued to rant and rave, perhaps less actively than my usual angst permits…but still made myself aware…another innocent child has died in the custody of the Customs and Border Control and the Director of our Homeland pretends she is not the premeditated murderer. The Government is shut down, and some people who need food stamps to just eat one hardy meal will be without that benefit, and of course Trump lied to the Troops about pay raises, and his loyalty to them (he has no loyalty, except to the man who owns the video and audio and the loan money, Putin), There is more but I must refrain from all of my anger. Oh yeh, when Joe and I head for the airport, we will be greeted by TSA workers, working on a whim and a promise they will be paid…some day! 
“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.”Franklin D. Roosevelt

I am blessed with family and friends, who insist that hope is still alive, at least specks and sparks of it thrive. They assure me, with the wisdom of a human heart, and strength of a human soul, that certainly bad cannot triumph over good. Bad is pretty good at breaking rules, bending the truth, and being the bully, they say, but good, perhaps is like the tortoise who slowly, methodically, but surely wins the race…in this case not against the hare, but a monster so great in stature that at times he blocks out the sun. But, I am reminded by Joe, the sun will rise, Trump or no Trump! So we head home, this journey’s end…and the newest one to begin, again in LA
“And so we remained till the red of the dawn began to fall through the snow gloom. I was desolate and afraid and full of woe and terror. But when that beautiful sun began to climb the horizon life was to me again.” Bram Stoker

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

some kind of wonderland

Our country is witnessing a decline in morals, intelligence, values and the pursuit of happiness, for all of us who are not either the 1%, The Trump Crime Family or the list of politicians on a long list of people, mainly Republicans to be blackmailed. The foil that is Trump, the intention to deceive which was Putin and McConnell, and the blatant drive to lie, slander and establish rumor and innuendo which is FOX News; aside from the hacking of polling places with the assistance of Republican operatives in a half-dozen states has been a blessing for those who hate America, and in particular those who anyone perceived as different. Perhaps some, at the time of the 2016 election was dazzled by the bright shiny object identified as Trump, but like the bulb lighting the porch on a summer’s eve, attracting insects, eventually the closer the bug gets to the light and the longer the light remains lit, most any living thing coming close to it either suffers a hideous torture or a long lingering death! We, the People, the ones who do not wear MAGA hats, the ones who understand that the South lost the Civil War, the people who understood that winning WWII meant freedom and equality, and those who know that democracy even at its worst is better than living under the rule of a dictator…have finally woken from the nightmare, many of them created…and KNOW that Trump IS dangerous, delusional, a criminal and finally described as a ROUGE president. Isn’t it time We the People finally take to the streets and DEMAND the resignation, the impeachment, the prison time for a man whose mental illness IS so great as to deter his ability to remain Command-In-Chief. If not now when?

Lewis Carroll wrote the stories of Alice in Wonderland-Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Alice and the Mad Hatter. His characters were filled with bizarre identities, and even stranger beliefs and actions. At times I MUST also wonder if this era of Trump and the Treasonous Republicans is not one more Lewis Carroll novel, involving the weirdest of creatures and a not so wonderful wonderland in which these creatures thrive. So, I have lots a few quotes which cause me to pause, concern and an immediate correlation between fiction and fact. And yes Kellyanne facts matter, and no Rudy, a lie is not a good lie or bad lie, just a lie…the same as the only kind of Nazi is a bad Nazi…

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Alice-
“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” The White Queen-
“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.
“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”-The White Queen
“Curiouser and curiouser!”-Alice
“Off with her head”-The Queen of Hearts

We the People have been tumbling, spinning and falling deeper and deeper in a hole. Let's begin IMMEDIATELY to climb back to our reality, not the agenda of Putin/Trump/and McConnell

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

memory, today

Pizzellle, yep, the snow is falling in Buffalo, as if the lint filter in the dryer has decided to explode and the tiny pieces of Kleenex and other never to be left in the laundry pieces of easily shred white stuff has found its freedom and is slowly but surely drifting to the ground. The aroma of Pizzelle’s is wafting through the Bruno household, as Joe and his mother are preparing an Italian dessert, often too tempting to wait for dessert to chomp, chew and swallow. The exciting thing for me is that this is the first time Joe and his mother are baking Pizzelle’s together. The thing about this aside from stomachs growling, and tongues begging to taste this Italian treat is the memory that is taking place this moment, because never before, for any Christmas, have Joe and his Mom, stood in the kitchen and shared the energy and emotion of baking. And to complete holiday perfect picture, Joe’s dad is coaching both wife and son along, and of course providing the taste test, which we all know is an important responsibility! I watched and recalled the moments when my mother began her culinary magic, way back in the days of phones hanging on kitchen walls with extensions long enough to actually answer the front door while talking on the phone…and the days when CBS, had live coverage of Mary Martin, playing Peter Pan, and even if you could see the wires holding her up as she and Wendy flew, it was a miracle. My point, is that in this day and age, with all of the evil, all of the intentional bad will, all of the demeaning, dictatorial like behavior of the man sitting in the Oval Office, and his cadre of American communist con artists surrounding him by just saying YES to all and everything which upon he suddenly begins to perseverate…we can still believe that good is still alive, maybe not so well, but still breathing…

So, for today, and today only, I calm down my rant and outrage against a man whose intention for a living is to let others die a slow and painful death, lacking empathy for anyone but himself…and try to concentrate, on the teeny, tiny specks of promise…which like the large lazy flakes of snow, and the extra Kleenex in you forgot to take out of your pockets before placing your clothes in the washer or dryer, are trying their hardest, in Buffalo, to make this Christmas white.

For all of us who at one time were lucky enough that our parents, or grandparents, or great-grandparents or great, great grandparents, emigrated to this nation to find freedom and equality, and for all of us who understand the value and struggle of those from generations ago…and how today's generation of families want the same chances and choices…I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Season of wonder, and prosperity…in spite of the Scrooge in the White House!  

Monday, December 24, 2018


“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt
It was Sunday, December 23, 2018, about 10:00 pm, Joe and I were at LAX ready to hit the not so friendly skies (ever since airline companies to the passenger out of passenger service…the skies are not so friendly unless of course, you pay the super duper extra special fare). We had signed up for the Known Passenger program a while ago (we had to be interviewed by the FBI and have our fingerprints if Facebook and Google already haven’t done so) and knew at least the Pre TSA might relieve some pre-flight angst. But then, upon our arrival at LAX, we realized the TSA staff were working for free…they were bound for security reasons to pretend that the Legislative and the Executive Branch of government were not douchebags, were still receiving not only their paychecks but all the perks of American Royalty…and no matter how frail Trump’s ego, or his temper tantrums, or his guidance by Putin and the Russian Oligarchs…and the lack of any backbone or spine by the Republicans…the TSA HAD to work and HOPE any Money earned while working for free would be paid back. But hey, its Christmas time and those Family First politicians, had to make certain they went home to their families and with their paychecks in handmade certain that their Christmas holiday, would not be spoiled by POLITICS…its become the American way…do as I say not as I do!

“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained.” Helen Keller
I believe it took Richard Nixon being the president, and the time later in history when Newt Gingrich decided it would be cool to shut down the government, for me to come to the realization that in fact, inspire of a Revolutionary War, the United States DID INDEED have a class of ROYALS living and enjoying a special kind of status. With the coming of Trump (The Evangelicals, believe Trump is the coming of Christ) I once again believe the ROYALS live and breathe and are ignoring the masses and reaping benefits the average person cannot conceive or will not receive. So the shut down continues, but the effects are not felt by the wealthy, the pressure to survive a careless whisper by the rich, and the day-to-day existence of barely surviving ignored by those who think one more shut down don’t make a damn! 

“Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright; the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light, and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout; but there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Casey has struck out.”-by Ernest Lawrence Thayer

For the 800,000 Americans either not being paid, on furlough, working because somehow they MUST, while the Executive, and Legislative Branches of government politicians and the those whose life is on the line to secure the lives of the ROYALS in this nation…this time of supposed joy and peace on Earth is nothing but one more promise broken, one more hope shattered…and on HELL of a con, from the greater CON MEN ever…Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and Putin…and there ain’t no joy in Mudville!

Saturday, December 22, 2018


“You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.” Marie Curie

And in droves, they left the Chambers from which they pretended to represent the average American, but in truth, presented their own interests and welfare. Some angry that their con game became visible, so the hell with America and Americans. And others who see nothing but sheer greed and opportunity for no one but themselves. Democracy is a cool word, but a useless concept when it does not fit your own priorities, of wealth and greed

“One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Trump is nothing but huff and puff and his only ability is to blow our house down. We all know that, and those who still pretend otherwise live in a tornado of stupidity which continues to revolve around their lives, never permitting them to breathe in anything but the winds of bigotry, bias and tons of bogus. Making America Great, my ass, making Trump rich, now we are talking!

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” Sigmund Freud
Suddenly, the Republicans pretend to care that General Mattis has broken free of the degrading, demeaning douchebag, which is Trump…ya mean the Republicans never saw the tragedy of Trump as it unfolded each and every day since he was sworn into office, or was it, no one was ever brave enough to pull the first piece of ice from the iceberg which is about to sink America!

“We need business to understand its social responsibility, that the main task and objective for a business is not to generate extra income and to become rich and transfer the money abroad, but to look and evaluate what a businessman has done for the country, for the people, on whose account he or she has become so rich.” Vladimir Putin

And Vlad did just that, he invested in a stooge, an idiot, who without any foundation of moral or value, just standing in the wind, waiting to be told which way to bend, will do the bidding of the highest bidder. What a great way return on investment, blackmail, and compromise your guy to become your lap dog. Wage war, and never even use one nuclear weapon to destroy your enemy.

Friday, December 21, 2018

remember today

It is 4:34 pm on the West Coast, an orange, pinkish shadow is seizing the sky announcing, that soon, the day, the shortest one of the year is about to die and awaken the night, a long, winters night, even in Los Angeles. Rod Serling would announce to his audience that a meeting of day and night, where neither one is victorious is called the Twilight Zone; a dimension where shadows come alive, and the madness that had been dulled by the sunlight begins to shine, sometimes perfectly clear, and at other times like a “did you see that”, no really did you see THAT!

A madman lurks in the White House, it's not a rumor, its a known fact, and the madman’s behavior has progressed to the point where even the blindest, deaf or dumb in the universe notice his machinations and understand that a monster no longer lurks, but lives openly amongst the many.

It has never been a surprise, just how stupid this man named Trump was and is…but politics in the United States has become a fools game. We pretend that rules and law prevail until we decide they, like facts, also really matter. And so, the whispers about Trump's mental illnesses became rumors which in turn became jokes which in turn HAVE become a virus so contagious that the life expectancy of democracy has been cut to months, if not weeks. IT IS THAT DIRE…when Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, the cartoon characters of FOX and Friends, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity are producing internal and foreign policy for this nation, permitted by the likes of a three-year-old with tantrum and temper problems…then even the word DIRE seems obsolete.

We know what to do, our Constitution, when written considered that the president could become mad, could become so disabled with mental instability that he or she SHOULD no longer remain in office. BUT the Republicans currently in power, have no power or is it conscience to place country before party, or better yet country before their own conceit and self-concerned needs. There is an answer to stop the monster…it is now 4:47 on the West Coast, the pink sky has become grayer, the orange seems to have dwindled to a dark and ominous sloppy red, and night is waiting to take hold…the longest night of the year…to coincide with a very dark moment in American history…remember where you were on December 21,2018, because nothing may ever be the same when tomorrow arrives!

winters solstice

The shortest day, the LONGEST night, December 21…and in America the cauldron of trump which has been boiling and boiling, AND boiling, has finally reached its limit of space and has begun to overflow, flooding the landscape with the poison, lies, venom anarchy and stupidity, all of knew were the ingredients used to concoct the stew in the first place.

Perhaps a shutdown, who cares if at least 420,000 Americans have no paycheck s, at least the Congress and the Executive Branch will continue to be paid…who cares if the only sane and rational patriot in the Cabinet of a madman hacked into office, General Mattis resigned due to an incompetent and uneducated Commander-In-Chief, at least Putin of Russia and Tayyop Erdogan will be overjoyed…and the Kurds in Syria and Iraq, fuck them its American first after all, or Putin’s version of America first that matters.

And then there is the MAGA, FOX News watching, white sheet wearing, swastika loving, white nationalist, Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, Mercer Family, Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson cultists and Klansmen and women who really matter…and if they are not happy then Trump’s ego is shattered and to make America first, we first must kiss the orange mans ass, and soothe his frail and insecure narcissistic personality. 

Or maybe, perhaps, Putin is worried that justice will find its way back to America and Trumps puppet time is almost over, so Putin’s Manchurian Candidate, Trump must perform Herculean treasonous acts before the entire Russian hacking scheme with the aid and assistance of the Republican Party collapses. 

We all know when the monster IS actually in the house andante doors are locked and the windows are shut tightly it is too late to escape from the impending doom. We ALL saw this coming, some on the right laughed and said we are in power now, some on the left, pouted and said told ya so, cause you ignored us, the rest of us ALL worried and wondered when the apocalypse would arise, not if. Amazing here it is the Winter Solstice, the shortest bit of daylight and the longest bout of darkness…and the scariest of creatures IS still walking amongst us, and we seem powerless to stop him.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


So, now Trump has decided that what the fuck…a Government shut down WILL take place because his ego cannot be shattered, and because is a SMALL man who likes to build big things, he MUST have a $5Billion dollar wall on our Southern Border…So, all you MAGA idiots, who think Trump wants or cares to make America great again…think about this…most of you will not receive some kind of government (as in the kind of socialistic responsibilities of the government) assistance YOU require, even if you live in your own bigoted racist, ignorant world….
BUT, one of the biggest reasons to GET pissed off…will be when Trump and his IMMIGRANT wife Melania, and her ANCHOR baby Barron, fly off to Mar-A-Lago, on the taxpayer paid plane, piloted by the taxpayer pilots, surrounded by the taxpayer Secret Security…as they bathe in the luxury of Mar-A-Lago which during the time the Trumps spend their Christmas vacation all expenses will be paid by taxpayer dollars…AND, Princess and Prince Jared and Ivanka and their children from Trump's first IMMIGRANT wife, will be vacationing somewhere surrounded by Secret Service and of course their expenses will somehow be paid by taxpayers…and then Beavis and Butthead, the Trump spawn and their families from Trump's first wife an IMMIGRANT will also demand fair treatment and the taxpayers will spend more money on their dearest whims and fancies.

God only knows if Tiffany will go anywhere with her mom, Trump's second wife, but needless to say, we the taxpayer will spend our money on keeping them safe and sound with Secret Service protection and all the extra special holiday thingies they wish to do.

But Government employees will go without a paycheck during the holidays…the cost of closing down everything from research to the environment, to in health care to the most mundane and most important aspects of everyday living will STOP…BUT what won’t stop, will be Trump enjoying his holiday time ignoring not only we SNOWFLAKE liberals, but all of you empty-headed, bigoted MAGA minions who think spite, somehow makes you more American… I NEED TO VENT…because the ridiculous has become the absurd, and the absurd is now the normal!

he is scared

Putin is worried, Trump is squirming, and the fate of anyone in the way of Putin succeeding to take what he wants will feel the wrath of the hacked into office and enabled Commander-In-Chief…Putin actually feels that the days are not long for his compromised agent, Trump to remain in the Oval Office, and Trump fears that not only will Mueller present the blatant lies and misdeeds of anyone Trump, but that the loads and loads of illegal and disloyalty to the United States  demonstrated by Trump will be dumped on his own Mar-A-Lago address. So we as Americans will begin to witness the undoing of almost any long-term values, concerns, or morals between the USA and any entity considered an ally. So for anyone who has sat back and NOT been concerned that each and every day more Trump remains in the White House, you must still remove your head from your ass. 

The Kurds are the backbone of any success America has had in ridding ISIS within Syria. These men have died for the cause of freedom and have supported each and every victory by our Troops in Northern Syria. The Russians, the Syrians, and the Iranians, HATE, LOATHE and most of all fear the Kurds. Now, Trump, under pure threat and duress from his Puppet Master Putin has decided to immediately remove our Troops from Syria declaring that ISIS has been defeated…Trump had no knowledge of the history of the battles in Syria, no actual time spent with the Troops in any Middle Eastern Country, but well aware of his financial fortunes and his own needs and wants, is playing a dangerous game with the lives of the Kurds, the American Troops having to stay behind and exiting, and could give one shit about any of THEM.

If you missed it, Trump’s KLAN of bottom feeders put together a video of Trump standing alone stating that we won the war over ISIS, we are the victors, and then ends it with all the audacity and inaccurate self righteousness of a fool, pointing to the sky and saying “this is what they want”. The THEY are the fallen Troops from wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan which one might debate should have never begun, but are still being fought. THEY, the men and women who lost their lives will now witness a coward, Trump kowtows to a dictator and permits all of the lost lives to have died in vain. All of this because Putin is getting anxious that Trump will finally be found an enemy of the state, and all of this because Trump will be found a fraud, a lier, a cheat, and of course a compromised agent for the Russian Government, and FINALLY, dear God be placed in jail. In Trump land no one’s life matter unless you are Donald Trump! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Fool on the Hill

Day after day, alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin is sitting perfectly still
Nobody wants to know him
They can see that he's just a fool…
(And yet, he Tweets, he pouts, he demonizes, and he demonstrates his distaste for rules, regulations and the regard for anyone not named Trump. Unless his puppet master, Putin is within his range of sight, this fool on the hill maintains a posture as would  a scared insecure little person, arms folded, lips hardly moving but his eyes swaying back and forth looking around for who it is that might be the one who is about to defrock his next con) 
…But he never gives an answer
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round
His head in a cloud…

…The man with a foolish grin is talking perfectly loud
But nobody wants to hear him
They can see that he's just a fool
But he never gives an answer…
(His henchmen and women, however, do speak, they must either translate his STUPID into English, pretending it includes anything close to the truth, or they must now comply to converse because the new alternative for them is that fact matter, and the facts matter so much, they must be muttered in court, or most of his madmen will spend decades because they hid the truth and broke the law for the fool on the hill! And yet denials and dismissals abound, and the fool on the hill continues to get away with his slick, slimy, sinister shit)… 

The man with a foolish grin is talking perfectly loud
But nobody wants to hear him…
…(But we still hear him and see him, he, however, lives in a narcissistic and sick world of self-serving/selfishness where the shades of reality are drawn tightly, almost blinding him permitting him to ONLY be what he wants and DO what he wishes. So I suppose who is the fool on the hill…Mr. Trump or the rest of this nation, those of us who see the evil, and yet can do very little to end its terrible trauma and torment… (Fool on the Hill/ John Lennon-Paul McCartney)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

my teachers

To Miss MacAteer, my elementary school Social Studies teacher, I want to inform you that all of the information you imparted to me, a student, set me on my path to try and understand our government, and Capitalism. It was the mid 50’s and very early 60’s, and I was a naive youngster, like a sponge ready to learn the ways of governing and the purpose and role of the United States within the world we lived. I admired your dedication to teach facts, and for that particular era, try your best to maintain that the current status quo was a good thing. (You also taught your 7th-grade class, to never use God’s name in vain, by sending a student to the cloakroom for saying God Damnit when he tripped getting to his desk…I remember you placed the chalk on the ledge placed both of your hands on your desk, then picked up the Bible which each classroom teacher had possession of, and said, it is a sin to use Gods name that way). BUT you, explained checks and balances, the purpose and meaning of the Constitution, and defined as best you could the difference between Capitalism and any other form of governing.  I learned a lot from you.

To Miss Cyphers, my elementary school Music teacher, I want to inform you that I still know the lyrics to each and every patriotic American song, ever written to celebrate this nation, our Flag, and the national holidays observed by America. You not only taught us the music and the lyrics, but you provided some history as well as to just how important the music of our times had become, and just how much of pride the songwriters felt s they gifted their art to this nation (I also STILL know every verse to almost over three dozen Christmas carols, which you also taught us in public school, and I remember the time I was chosen to be the Christ child as our second grade class paraded to the lobby in front of the principals office where both the Nativity Scene and Christmas tree were on display. You too encouraged your students to be proud of the Americana tradition of music, and that many songwriters could achieve celebrity and wealth because we lived in a land of Capitalism. I appreciate all you did.

But sadly, Miss MacAteer and Miss Cypher’s recently the thing called Capitalism has taken a turn for the worse or should I say a turn for the wealthy and the newly created human, by the Supreme Court THE CORPORATION.  You both are deceased and FACEBOOK hardly registers with you, but it seems that CORPORATION decided that profit over country is the priority in a country full of Capitalism. They are not alone, in placing profit over the country. It seems EXXON/MOBILE had done the same thing. The giant oil conglomeration had kept secret, poisoning the planet, because they felt until every ounce of carbon was utilized, why spoil a good thing. Both FACEBOOK and EXXON/MOBILE also felt that if a foreign country paid enough, then it was wise to remain silent about working with an enemy. I have thrived via Capitalism, and swear I am not a Negative Nancy, but shouldn’t there come a time when profits, should be less of a priority than people. And shouldn’t there be a time, as both of you ladies (Miss MacAteer and Miss Cyphers) used to proudly teach that democracy is only as good as those who practice and respect it. I truly am appreciative of your dedication to your job as educators, but I bet if you came back to the classroom in the 21st Century you might have no idea in which country you are living!

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Monster

The monster is still at large, actually, everyone knows where he is hiding in plain sight, either in the White House in DC or his taxpayer paid for his OTHER home Mar-A-Largo in Florida. The monster still looms large, a bit scarier because he is feeling boxed in, and like most monsters, the eerie feeling of being doomed, just sets his inhuman and inhumane immoral ticks into total confusion and thus ensures ensuing chaos. The pack of Monster Enablers, his Crime Family, his  Court Jesters, the ever drab and dreary but Christian Crusader Mike Pence and the Joker, Rudy (thank goodness for 9-11) Giuliani, Comrade Mitch McConnell, the retiring and suddenly retentions introspective Paul Ryan, the Government sponsored propaganda machine FOX News, and the ever, well aware that they too are being blackmailed Republican Party, are on call to support and defend each and every newly revealed act of treason, anti-democracy, and hate-filled rant and rave to protect the Monster.

So, now, we find that there might be an opportunity for the Affordable Care Act to die a sudden death, and along with it, the millions of Americans who may also die a death, but theirs will be more dreadful, painful, expensive and nightmarish, because the Monster, being so insecure and jealous of Barack Obama has a judge Republican judge who has decided the Affordable Health Care Act is unconstitutional. (It might be funny, actually the UNCONSTITUTIONAL thingie, if in fact the Republican majority in both Houses of Government cared about the Constitution in the first place by being the check and balance they were supposed to be regarding the Executive Branch…and it might be funny, if in fact the Republican-led Senate and House actually cared about the influence and corrupt involvement by the Russians who in reality had declared war on the US, and seemingly are winning that war). The Monster may be appeased once again by ridding the world of anything Obama, you know like the Paris Climate Agreement, Immigration, the EPA etc, if in fact the Affordable Health Care Act is dead and done…so will many innocent American lives…

And then there is the Monsters absurd yearning for the WALL as if it were an extension of his male genitalia…wanting it to be large and looming. This Monster is not only deranged but a racist and he insists that the brown people should not find refuge in this nation, because they are bad people. (For this monster the white people who are Nazi nationalists are good people). So to soothe his frail and tiny ego, the Monster is threatening to shut down the government. Pain and suffering for everyone, but of course the Monster, his Crime Family, his enabling politicians (who still get paid when the government shuts down) and his groovy friends who will cheer and share the lilt of laughter and merriment at Mar-A-Lago, ringing in the new year and fucking up the incoming year for all the other peasants and peons not named TRUMP.  Trump is the MONSTER  and he IS still Commander-In-Chief… 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

her name is

Her name IS Jakelin Caal Maquin. She had traveled with her father from a rural indigenous community in Guatemala's impoverished Alta Verapaz region. They were among a group of 163 migrants detained by Border Patrol agents the night of December 6 -- three days after her birthday -- in a remote area of the New Mexico desert, officials said. Two days later, 7-year-old Jakelin WS dead.

His name is, Hogan Gidley, he IS the White House deputy press secretary, he called Jakelin’s death “a horrific, tragic situation.” “Does the administration take responsibility for a parent taking a child on a trek through Mexico to get to this country?” Mr. Gidley responded. “No.”   Her name is Kirsten Nielsen, she IS the Director of Homeland Security, her team responded to the death of Jakelin Caal Maquin by saying “We cannot stress enough the dangers posed by traveling long distances, in crowded transportation, or in the natural elements through remote desert areas without food, water, and other supplies,” “No one should risk injury, or even death, by crossing our border unlawfully. This is why I asked Congress on Tuesday to change our laws so that the United States is not incentivizing families to take this dangerous path.” His name is Donald Trump HIS administration was blasted this year for separating migrant children from their parents as a result of a “zero tolerance” illegal immigration policy at the border.
A government report in October found that the administration had not told key federal agencies about the zero-tolerance policy before publicly announcing it. That left front-line officials unprepared to handle the ensuing separations of thousands of children from their families.

WE are Americans, and WE can either reduce this whole thing to JUST an incident that happened because too many humans want to seek asylum from their own countries in which the torment of daily living is total hell, (something the US, has done since its own revolution from tyranny has welcomed the oppressed) and ENOUGH is ENOUGH, OR WE as Americans can begin to DEMAND that racist, xenophobic, nationalistic opportunists like Trump and his cadre of criminals be held accountable for reckless deaths, deportations, caging of children, and creating too many obstacles for people to be granted freedom.

Her name IS Jakelin Caal Maquin, she is no martyr, her father is no murderer, they both wanted to find sanctuary in a country that once upon a time welcomed, the immigrant and did not try to torture or murder them!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

be loud about this

I am one American, out of millions, but I want to be heard SCREAMING and DEMANDING that MY government STOP, our current Trump administration policy of murdering children, creating Concentration Camps throughout this nation for people seeking asylum, and in particular, the housing of youth as if they were criminals, keeping them locked in detention centers, almost as if these children were wild animals caged and locked away.

I will not be that German villager who heard nothing, or saw nothing, or did nothing when Hitler (another delusional and narcissistic dictator similar to the traits of Trump) decided that a demographic of people were less worthy, less human and less important and decided to separate them and eventually cause them illness, and death.

Suddenly the Southern Border is a THING, and suddenly it is a dangerous THING, one used to frighten the most bigoted and racist of Americans, who need a scapegoat to heal their own sick, sick insecurities. And suddenly the Southern Border, controlled by willing robots, and Nazi-like soldiers, has become a place of hell and horrendous conditions, where families are torn apart, some children permanently orphaned, contained as w wild animal might be, and a place where real danger digs in its heals and can kill innocents, just trying to find freedom and safety. Yes I, Gerry Buncher, and American am not blinded buy the lies and disgust the Trump Administration via the Department of Homeland Security have set in place, pretending that by limiting or eliminating safe asylum centers, or creating impossible living  conditions, will deter people from entering this country to escape the horrendous lives they have lived in Central America. I protest LOUDLY, and will not be one of those German or Polish like villagers who swore on their lives they never knew that the stench was coming from the Concentration Camps or he trains filled with humans as if they were cattle were headed to Concentration Camps, or the their Government, was in the process of demeaning and destroying the lives of innocents.

One young girl, that we know of has died while in the custody of the Border Patrol under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security authorized by the Trump administration, how many more have or will perish. Little babies, have numbers printed on their bodies for identification, like the inmates of Concentration Camps, demanded by the Trump Administration, and adolescents are left alone to live in tent cities, as if they were criminals. I am one American and I DEMAND MY government, not the one hacked into place by the Russians or paid for by the Saudi’s stop this American version of a Holocaust! MY silence would mean death for far too many people!

Friday, December 14, 2018

when a tree

If a tree falls in the forest…and no one is there…the questions become a few…did it fall because no saw it tumble to the ground…did it fall but since no one witnessed it, it doesn’t matter…or, so a tree fell, there are hundreds of others…

On December 5, 2018, under the dictatorship of the Trump administration and under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security, and with the guidance of ICE and the Border Patrol, a 7-year-old girl, and her father, both seeking asylum from Guatemala, died of dehydration and a having a very high body temperature.  Only on, Thursday, December 13, 2018…did the Washington Post find access to this situation to report it, and its sordid details to the American people…so the question asked I suppose under the Trump Dictatorship and his cadre of Nazi-like just following orders minions, is IF AN ASYLUM SEEKER, A CHILD DIES AFTER BEING INCARCERATED DIES…because no one gives a shit or has any moral code…does it matter…did it happen…

Trump has no conscience, he could care less about humanity, he is a sick man, and mentally ill, and the Republicans, still fearful that all of their criminal deeds will become common knowledge by either Putin or his puppet Trump kiss the orange ass and pretend that there is nothing to see here. A 7-year-old innocent child HAS DIED… at least a week ago, under the administration of trump and the asshole named Kirsten Nielsen (Director of Homeland Security), and under the lack of will and guidance of the Border Patrol of the US…and, we are as a country supposed to just shrug it off…

Jason Chaffetz, the ex-Nazi working for the Republican Party, who held way too many hearings on anything Hillary, resigned his job as Congressman, to become a well paid consultant to FOX News…he said that the jailing and imprisonment of asylum seekers is necessary because there are at least 7000 Terrorists in the Caravan…he had no fact to back it up, except he said he knew it in his heart…I wonder if the 7-year-old girl who died was one of those terrorists… When honestly when does the CRAZY end, and the morals and values come to life…if one 7-year-old innocent child dies and no one knows about it until a week later does it matter……… 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

100 bottles of beer

One time, and one time only, when, we took our long kids on a long drive, did we decide to sing the song 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall. Not a great song, the tune becomes easily remembered, one might argue, that it was a great arithmetic game, and good parents back in the days could enhance their children’s ability to learn how to count backward. Plus for a young kid, supposedly back in the day when people of the age of 69 had young kids, you were creating a moment an educational moment even while on a vacation. I know, that by the end of that 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall sing-a-long, maybe one of four people were singing that great surprise crescendo announcing 1 Bottle of Beer, while everyone else was either snoring of begging the lone voice to STOP already! You learned along the way when you had young kids…maybe a few lessons from your own parents, of course, some instructions from your older siblings, and of course if any of your close friends already were in the child producing business and had a few in stock, from them.  But mostly it took one experience of 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, to understand, that sometimes it seems an eternity when you repeat and repeat AND repeat the same things over and over again…

And now…as the old Abbott and Costello routine used to go (…whose on first…a frustrating and only one time funny shtick)…we have the Russians/payoffs/laundered money/Moscow Towers/spiteful walls by a spoiled brat/imaginary terrorists dressed as asylum seeking women and children/blackmailed Republicans by Russian Oligarchs/and a plethora of other indecencies, immoral and illegal…all created by/motivated by/inspired by and committed by Trump and his Crime Family…and just like 100 Bottles of Beer, the song goes on and on and on…and the more you hear it sung, the sicker you get, the more impatient you become, and as one of my two young kids must have shouted, or maybe both at different times as we were stuck in that car headed to our rented condo in Ocean City Maryland, CAN WE STOP SINGING—ALREADY!

Oh MY GOD…yep all in caps, because for me only some higher power has the ability to stop the lyrics of this song from being sung, and only the HIGHEST OF POWERS must find conclusion…because, if not, we will all become mad. This entire Trump nightmare is like never being able to understand WHO IS ON FIRST, or maybe the most egregious of questions where does the universe end, and what is it called after that!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


rhe·tor·i·cal: relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric…expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress…(of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information.

Hmm, umm, ahh…how many Talking Heads, laughing and making merry does it take to just say Trump is a criminal and has participated in and initiated criminal activity…how many supposed news anchors will it take to find a backbone and stop pretending there are two sides to the story of collusion, laundered money, bribery and hacking when it relates to anything and everything Trump and his Crime Family have committed…and how many more Red Bannered News Bulletins, will have to flash every time one more cohort or peon, or puppet, or anarchist working for Trump is arrested and found guilty of almost anything there IS to be found guilty of…

So, and, indeed…how many more times will Trump insist he is not guilty even as he Tweets his guilt, cubically proclaims his guilt, and as usual because of his mental disease of narcissism actually admit by calling out others as lyin’ cheatin’ stupid, that in fact anything he accuses others of being or doing is actually Trump bragging out loud about what he seems to think he just got away with…

Finally, how far down the road of demise will our democracy drop until at least a half-dozen Republicans (not on Putin's blackmail list…if there are at least that many to be counted) will come forward and actually say the phrase COUNTRY BEFORE PARTY…AND why haven’t the Dems spelled out continuously, and I mean continuously EXACTLY who will be affected by a government shut down…in particular how the MAGA Red Hat (made in China) bigots and racists will be some of the first to feel drain on their economy as Trump pouts and pounds his tiny hands thinking that this country is, in fact, his corporation…

Rhetorical in nature I suppose, but damn I am so anxious for real answers!