Wednesday, April 29, 2015

for the kids again

It is once again for the children, not any child to be exact but the kind of children only opposite-sex couples should or would have. Consequences will arise, we were told on Tuesday as Attorney Bursch approached the Justices, “if the Justices embrace, if they allowed same-sex couples, who cannot procreate, to marry — that will send the message that marriage has little to do with children, which will in turn lead to more children being born out-of-wedlock.” Attorney Bursch is so certain that opposite-sex couples will find marriage so repulsive when the homosexuals are permitted to say “I do” and so contrary to the promises they were taught at home or in church regarding the institution of marriage that the heterosexuals will just ignore marriage and schtoop without that ring of gold on their finger. Attorney Bursch seems to believe that the sole purpose of marriage is to create a family and once the Gays are allowed to form families themselves fewer babies will be born to a straight mom and dad! Attorney Bursch has apparently never lived in the real world, the place where not all heterosexual couples want kids, where sons and daughters of heterosexual men and women HAVE been born out of wedlock or where the best intentions to tell your kids to wait to get married to have kids go over the heads of their heterosexual kids; for example ask Bristol and Sarah Palin.

And then Attorney Bursch believes that the majority of voters in this nation who watch FOX News or listen to Limbaugh or Beck or give Jesus dollars to Pat Robertson all of whom rely on the stupid said to the Justices, “The “reasonable voter,” could conclude that it was necessary to ban same-sex couples from marrying in order to halt this attenuated chain of events that allegedly ends in more children being born to unmarried couples.” So as a homosexual, I have the power in just saying “I do” to mesmerize, hypnotize the entire stupid heterosexual man and woman to immediately refuse to get married, because marriage was just an excuse to have kids. No legality and you can schtoop at your hearts delight without any obligations. Attorney Bursch with a straight face(not a gay one indeed) actually spoke stupid to the Supreme Court, but then again Justices Alito, Thomas, Scalia and Roberts speak the language of dumb.

It is for the kids once again, you know the kids who immediately have rights as a fetus but once born can’t go to Pre-School or receive food assistance. You know the kids who must learn to live in a world where saying the words climate change is a crime. The same kids who if not sons and daughters of the 1% or politicians paid for by the 1% will have to fight incessant wars to proclaim some form of adulterated democracy. It’s for the girl kids who will be paid less then the boy kids if they even find a job not shipped overseas. It is for the kids that marriage equality must be denied, because nothing say AMERICAN like INEQUALITY!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

something forever

Lots of things in life have been perceived as something forever. As humans we sometimes feel much better thinking that as long as there is a history we are okay in continuing our behavior and behaving as the generations before us have. Traditions have garnered their place in our everyday machinations and often times we give little thought to our daily actions, and when we find the time to contemplate what we have done we respond and we simply sigh and say “oh I’ve done that forever!” 

Forever is not always the right answer when it comes time to consider the consequences of our actions. Forever is an easy answer when little responsibility is taken for what we do or why we do it. “Just because, it always has been, it is the way its done”, are all quick to the conclusion responses for actions we perform but none of those replies really tackle the question but should we continue to do it that way NOW? Religions, governments, families have relied on traditions to find easier access in maneuvering every day life. Blame it on the past, for your current actions, find scripture and verse defending your knee jerk reactions, don’t dwell on the details just the foibles and fables to discern distance from fact. 

The Supreme Court Justices have begun their debate on whether equality in marriage should become the law of the land. The first round of arguments have been based on statements focusing on the fact that marriage between a man and woman has always been the case since the founding of this nation;that tradition has it that one man and one woman are the foundation for the definition of marriage.Marriage between one man and one woman for lack of better insight has been forever. Slavery was the way of the United States at its founding there was no need to discuss equality between the races, pure fact at the time was that the Negro race was inferior, tradition told us so. Women were considered chattel since the founding of the Republic, common sense proved that females were the weaker gender created from the rib of Adam to make babies, bake a cake and clean up after her lord and master. Equality was never considered something to tamper with especially if INEQUALITY was founded on tradition. 

Why must we continue to refuse the promise of change, and rely on the deformities of the past? Why do we hold in high esteem traditions from the past but never question what value they hold for this moment? Why do we as a nation even consider equality up for debate?

Monday, April 27, 2015

Thou Shalt

On Tuesday April 28, 2015 the Supreme Court begins discussion on an issue of equality or separate but equal for Americans who happen to be homosexual. These men and women assigned to the highest court in our nation by mere men (Presidents of the US)will debate on the legitimacy of love and if that love can be considered legal. In assignment to the highest court of our land, these Justices are to preside as if they were High Priests, but indeed High Priests of a nation supposedly founded on separation of church and state. 

Over the past year men and women, mere mortals have taken it upon themselves to act like children of a homophobic God, assigning God like attributes to their human hates, and have insisted that THEY and only THEY know what true love IS and what it ISN’T! Throughout the past year THEY pretend that THEIR God has written the Constitution, is a vengeful deity, insisting that war be declared against THEIR self proclaimed sinners.  THESE men and women have enlisted as soldiers for a God they believe is the only true God of the USA; this God who is not only Christian, but Evangelical Christian. Recently the leadership of this self identified Christian militia have stated that they will risk THEIR lives, taking military action to defend THEIR warrior God’s request. (This is the same kind of action taken during the Civil War when the Christian God at that time was a Racist insisting that war be declared against the Negro, because God forbid all Americans deserve equal rights!)

We are told as humans, that history is filled with lessons by which we should take heed; knowing that each step forward should take us in a direction with less mud on our souls from the road behind us. As Americans we have waded in a history filled with overt and direct discrimination. We have squandered time treating people of color as cattle, women as chattel, people of minority religions as criminals and celebrated difference as dangerous. We have forgotten the major purposes of the Founding Fathers of this nation who stated that freedom was inherent, and have traded that ideal for a more sinister idea of alienation and abuse.With the silence of the majority we have permitted a minority to fill the air with loathing, hate and fear. We now have nine Justices who will either assign a new Commandment “thou shalt not”, or will sign into law equality for all! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

If only, Gene

A reduction in the opposite sex marriage rate means an increase in the percentage of women who are unmarried. and who according to all available data have much higher abortion rates than married women. And based on past experience. institutionalizing same-sex marriage poses an enormous risk of reduced opposite sex marriage rates. Gene Schaerr, A conservative, Washington D.C.-based attorney and a former clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. (Huff Post) Claiming that opposite-sex marriage rates have declined in the time that same-sex marriage has been recognized across many states and abroad, he implies that up to 900,000 children could be aborted as a result of their mothers never marrying. Holy Shit!

Who knew when I said “I do” to my husband I had enough power to stop straight women from marrying and EVEN more power to permit them to have unprotected sex, just so they could abort that unwanted love child. OMG, having these new super-powers I want to go out and purchase a flashy cape, perhaps a sword or shield, some shiny boots find two huge letters G &M (for GayMan to print upon my bullet proof vest as I fly over single’s bars while stopping women with one limp wrist from ever, ever EVER marrying. With my magic words of “I do”, I now have enough GayPower to have women meet a man on a street, in a cab, on their front lawn and immediately have them rip off his pants and make him have intercourse just so she can laugh in his face and say “I can’t marry you, I can’t keep your fetus, because Gay Man has willed me to flee from the church and to run into a back alley and abort. Curse you Gay Man, Curse you!

One more moron who is not afraid to sound stupid, but just too afraid to admit he is nothing more than a homophobe. Attorney Gene Shaerr, you try very hard to form facts but your calculations are created from fiction and fear. Just say it Gene you don’t  like the Gays. Just admit it Gene you would prefer to live in a nation which denies a particular segment of its population from enjoying the same freedoms as you do. Gene we heard your arguments about marriages and babies when the the white hooded and robed men in the South did not want the black man to have the same rights as the white man. We heard the horror stories about the end American civilization when the Supreme Court actually permitted interracial marriages. It is never about the love one person has for another, but always about the hate one person places on another. I am a homosexual Gene, I said “I do”, if only I had the kind of power you wish I had, IF ONLY GENE, if only!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

I do, you don't

Suddenly the question so 2015 du jour for the boys of the T-bagging party is the burning issue of “would you attend a same-sex wedding”? You gotta take a stance before answering this question cause the inbred Christian Crusaders who sadly create the base of the T-bagging party need to know just how Un-American and VERY Christian you are before they carry their assault weapons to the voting booth and place a a cross next to your name. If you play it too cool like Marco Rubio speaking out of both sides of his mouth who insists same-sex marriages are immoral but he would reluctantly attend if it were a loved one or friend you might immediately dismiss the goons who have evidence it was Jesus Christ wearing a white wig pretending to be George Washington. If you just love to be a sassy politician, the son of an immigrant who left and island filled with persecution just to run for president and persecute citizens of your adopted country like Ted Cruz you will dismiss this question as an attempt by the Lame Street Press to fill their editorials with ‘gotcha questions and and provide the answer, ‘I will not answer’. Or you could be the man who hangs himself on a cross at his home whenever he has free time, Rick Santorum and who has a distillery in his basement turning water into wine and with the firmest conviction and hardest New Testament ever published shoved up his ass and say Damn (pardon me God) no!

Perhaps if this same-sex marriage question is a gut check query to decide who is more Jesus Christ like then Jesus himself, you may want to add one more question to the mix; “would you attend the wedding of a heterosexual male who had cheated on his first wife, had one or two adulterous affairs with her first or second husband, was known to bathe in infidelity throughout their entire first, second or third marriages, or who married a non-virgin in the first place”? I wonder just which T-bagging presidential primary wanna be’s would answer those questions?

I don’t care who attends a same-sex wedding. If you happen to be Gay and invite a homophobe to honor you that is for you and you loved one to deal with. If you invite a religious hypocrite to attend your second or third or fourth wedding that is your burden to deal with. Who the fuck cares about attending those wedding, BUT we all should give a FUCK about not being able to marry the people we love!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Little Marco

Little senator Marco (I want to be one of the big boys)Rubio from Florida is not quite sure which ass needs more licking, the dumb asses of the very low life T-Publicans claiming to be Crusaders for Christ or a vast majority of true Americans who separate themselves from the asinine homophobes or racists. Marco is miffed as he knows he must pretend to care about equal rights, but must defend the inane and idiotic machinations of men and women too stupid to know when in fact they are shooting themselves in their own feet. Marco loves to speak loudly but then is terrified when people actually listen to what he says. It is for Marco the perfect conundrum most T-Pubs find them themselves drowning in “double speak”. Yesterday little Marco explained that being Gay is a choice, but even though he would not choose to be Gay he, if invited would attend a same-sex marriage if invited by a friend who chose to be Gay. Thus Marco (please elect me to be YOUR president) Rubio thought he out witted the wily liberals and smooth sailed his way into the clutches of the Conservative Christian Crusaders. I condemn and condone the Gays says Little Marco!

Me explico lo que una opciĆ³n es amigo! Let me explain what a choice is, dude! You can choose to be a dumb guy using your religion to explain your homophobia. You can choose to want to run for president while abandoning Americans who either happen to be homosexuals, have family members who are homosexuals, or just really honestly don’t care who is a homosexual. You can choose to support a bunch of angry men and women who think Jesus was the first president of the United States, or choose to realize he wasn’t. You can choose to be a homophobe unlike the Gays who didn’t choose their sexuality but were born that way. You can choose to pretend that marriage is the holiest of holy institutions while choosing to overlook all of the heterosexuals who are adulterers, commit infidelity, and as they say I do for the second or third or fourth times, choose to laugh in the face of marriage. You can choose not to be an intelligent kind of guy OR choose to be the stooge of a bunch of billionaires who will choose to tell you exactly what to do if you should become president.

Little Marco, your parents chose to come to America because they chose not to tolerate a Communist regime which denied equality and rights for all. They chose a country where freedom from religion was the foundation for freedom of religion. They chose to find a country where all men and women ALL had the same opportunities to experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Little Marco, you have chosen to ignore all that makes this nation great and instead have chosen to become nothing less then a form of Fidel Castro for whom you have chosen to be one of the most evil men on Earth.  Little Marco this is America and until the T-Pubs stop choosing to ignore our Constitution and current democracy we as citizens can hopefully CHOOSE NOT to elect you to the office of president in 2016. Hopefully we we all choose to say adios amigo, Little Marco!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Messing in Texass

Despite the fact Texas has the third largest rate of HIV infection in the country, Texas House Republicans have voted to give funds targeted for HIV screening to abstinence only education. Texas State Rep. Stuart Spitzer,  made no secret of his intentions when he introduced a budget amendment that would take millions targeted for HIV and STD screening and give it to abstinence only (non)-education programs. He said it very plainly: "(My) goal is for everybody to be abstinent until they’re married." When forced to face the inconvenient fact that Texas has the third-highest number of HIV cases in the country, and the third highest rate of teen pregnancy, Rep.Spitzer admitted that Texas’ abstinence education program "may not be working well," but said the HIV/STD prevention program received a lot more money than the abstinence only program receives, so it could afford to give some of it up. After robbing from HIV and STD prevention programs to pay to keep Texas teens ignorant, the Texas House then went on to ban Planned Parenthood and other "abortion affiliates" from providing sex education materials in schools. (New Civil Rights Movement)

The slogan goes don’t mess with Texas, but there no shortage in messing with Texans. Texas prides itself in small government, yet indulges in creating government regulations to keep its population unhealthy, ill informed, Christianly Conservative, and abundantly stupid. Admitting that the current abstinence only programs DO NOT WORK, another Born Again boob, placing his own inadequate knowledge of sexuality above reality wants to Christianize the citizens of Texas and keep ‘dem ladies shackled at the heel, with an apron around their bodice and deny them any self sought pleasures they desire, ANYWAY! Not only does Rep Spitzer wish to act as ethics grand pooh bah for the little lassies, he is sure as brim fired up to see that the sinners who actually can be cured of  real diseases suffer. One has to wonder if Rep Spitzer will hire Bristol Palin as his role model spokesperson so she can bilk the abstinence only coffers of Texas as she did nationally. 

It seems in some prejudiced, and fearful realm where most Bible thumpers dwell, reality is a dubious annoyance, while here-say, self interpretation of God triumph disregarding any civil rights and civil well being. It seems that the more the misogynist, homophobe, become the majority, the rest of society will decay and disappear.  Rep Spitzer is no longer the symbolic tip of the iceberg, he is sadly the real deal floating deep in the underground waters of freedom restrictions at the ready to wreck anyone’s life boat. LITTLE men like Spitzer should be laughed at, ridiculed for their self interests and small minds, but in the state of Texas, he wields a whole lot BIG worry!

It Takes a Woman

GOP strategist Ana Navarro said she's had enough of Hillary Clinton doing that whole "woman thing."
You know the thing: where she gets on stage and talks about hugely important, fundamental family and women's issues as she campaigns to become the first female president of the United States.
Navarro claimed on CNN that Clinton's "woman thing" is "lacking subtlety" this time around.
"I don't need her to drown me in estrogen every time she opens her mouth," Navarro said Sunday. "Every time she opens her mouth it's about the granddaughter and Chelsea's wedding and the yoga routines ... She doesn't need to have a sign that says, 'I'm a woman, hear me roar!’" (Huff Post Politics)

Dear Ana Navarro, REALLY! I am curious why you decide to chastise Mrs Clinton when she discusses some of the positives of being a woman, while the entire batch of male potential T-Publicans running for the office of President eagerly chatter about limiting a woman's reproductive rights, denying women equal pay for equal work, insist that the rapist should have visitation rights for a child they believe is God’s gift to the victim? Too much estrogen from Hilary, HONESTLY Ana Navarro you sounded like a host of misogynists who want to pepper the little ladies of this nation with testosterone lifting one leg in the air to pee all over them to demonstrate ownership. OMG, Ana Navarro, to think that a candidate for president discusses fundamental family and women’s issues instead of acquiescing to some Old Testament tale of being a rib from a man, or virgin to a potential hubby, or to just lie back produce children and and remain subservient to the husband and protector.

Now I know Ana Navarro you make a living strategizing for the T-Pubs, the political party always voting against the rights of women, but I have to wonder how you manage to brush your teeth or comb your hair as you look in the mirror and not gag? How do you face yourself when what you do for a living is to make living as a female in this nation arduous, difficult, demeaning and dreary? How coy you were as you derided Hilary for being a woman, talking about women, thinking that as a woman you were insulted? OH Ana Navarro, shame on you, for fearing the truth and hoping that if you discredit reason with lies and fabrication the dumb women among you will vote against their own self interests.  But then again Ana Navarro all the T-Pubs do is rally against honest and equal.

Monday, April 13, 2015


In the Christian nation state currently known as Louisiana a justice of the peace Keith Bardwell has decided that he has the power to decide just whom is fit to wed and who is not. "I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”Bardwell justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. One might shrug and sigh and wonder why but then again, Bardwell lives in Louisiana.

Piyush “Bobby” Jindal whose parents immigrated from India to America to find a more just and open community is the Governor of the nation state of Louisiana, and Gov. Jindal has made it clear that his definition of a legal marriage is one heterosexual man and one heterosexual woman. Gov Jindal believes that Jesus is the guide he needs to defy the Constitution and or the Supreme Court. Gov Jindal and Justice of the Peace Bardwell find no problem with Freedom of Religion matters and have decided that separation of church and state are a Communist plot and not worth considering.  One has to wonder what Justice of the Peace Bardwell would do or NOT do if Gov Jindal who is of color wanted to marry a caucasian Louisianan female? 

Look closely at Louisiana and the ignorance based on pretending that God is why I am a bigot, and imagine which demographic is next. What about inter-religious marriages, a nice Jewish girl wants to marry a nice Catholic man?Two Muslim’s wish to marry? A woman with Mediterranean olive skin wants to marry a man with the whitest Norse skin? Look even closer at the people working for the government who have found chapter and verse not from the Constitution but an abridged Bible who will say no you can’t marry. Be reminded that bigotry once permitted is a very contagious disease and spreads so easily!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


You have to wonder if Newt Gingrich, Bristol Plain and Tim Cook walked into a Christian pizzeria together in Indiana which one might be denied service, the adulterer, the unwed mother, or the homosexual? You have to wonder which one of the three would be chastised by the folks who give their social security checks to the 700 Club, asking Pat Robertson to use that cash to talk to Jesus and smite the real evil doer? You have to wonder which one of the three Raphael Cruz might determine was truly Un-American not worthy of living freely in America once his sonny boy Ted becomes the second Messiah and President? You have to wonder which one of the three according to Rick Santorum is the coming of the anti-Christ? You just have to wonder!

You have to wonder just who the sinner is in the eyes of self proclaimed Christians who pick and choose which sins they prefer and which sins they just don’t have the time of day for. You have to wonder how only certain proclamations from the Bible take precedent regarding the rules of marriage excluding the Gays from the gates of heaven while heterosexual adulterers not only have free reign but first in line VIP tickets. You just have to wonder!

Seems there is really nothing to wonder about at all once you look a bit closer and find that no matter how it is dressed up or qualified or bandied about, the real deal is hate. There is nothing to wonder about when fear is the formation of fact. There is nothing to wonder about when all you do is declare an enemy based on bias and bigotry. You can wonder however how long the ignorant will remain the champion? 

Monday, April 6, 2015

A Fools Paradise

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said on Wednesday that gay-rights activists wouldn't be satisfied until there are no more churches or Christians in America.
“It won’t stop until there are no more churches, until there are no more people who are spreading the Gospel,” Huckabee said on a right-wing radio program while discussing the backlash against anti-gay religious-freedom legislation in Arkansas and Indiana.
"I’m talking now about the unabridged, unapologetic Gospel that is really God’s truth," he said. (TPM Livewire)

OY! now according to this snake oil salesman the Gays are mounting an army to take on the mere existence of churches and to become like the Romans and feed all of the Christians to the lions. The Gays, ever so powerful as to dispense with the Gospel and lay waste to the hypocrites who pretend that they even understand its messages and are a force to be reckoned with just because the Gays are seeking equality and freedom. OY! now the Gays are the villain at the ready to question why in a nation originally established on the theme of freedom from religious persecution, has suddenly found itself immersed in the bigotry, bias and bogus by those who want to use religion as an oppressive restrictive burden. OY! One more charlatan using fear mongering, ignorance baiting, to promote himself as a disciple of God.

Mike Huckabee is a dangerous man because he is not a stupid fellow. He understands that unintelligent people desire a Messiah, a person to tell them right from wrong, good from bad; a person who can create enemies. Mike Huckabee is a crafty character of a man writing and rewriting his role as just the innocent shepherd protecting the needs and wants of  his simple flock who only seek pastures of purity. Mike Huckabee is sadly the new face of hate in this nation, brave enough to discard his white robe and mask, bold enough to lie adding enough amen’s to each fabrication, brazen enough to spit in the eye of democracy insisting that if Jesus told him to so then that spit will surely turn into Christian wine. Mike Huckabee embraces the vanity, vile venomous schizophrenia of the religious who can only embrace a God through fear and loathing. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Tommy, can you see me

Senator Tom Cotton (T-Pub) of Arkansas said, on Thursday April 2, 2015, while being interviewed on CNN, “I think it’s important we have a sense of perspective. In Iran they hang you for the crime of being gay.” 

Hey Tommy, May I call you Tommy, you sure as shootin’ know how to raise your third finger into the wind and give a pissed off shout out to democracy when in fact you are a bit pissed off that democracy might actually work for everyone in its purview. First you raised your third finger to the President completely disregarding the Logan Act which states that the US Federal Law forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments having a dispute which the United States originally passed in 1799 and amended in 1994. You waved that third finger with even more gusto when you were told to violate that law is a felony, insisting that as a senator you were just doing the people’s business. And you sure as sin are no one’s lackey except of course the Koch Brother’s, Sheldon Adelson and the white robed goons of the Heritage Foundation. Tommy boy, may I call you Tommy boy, you kicked some presidential ass gaining kudos from the self proclaimed Patriots who love carrying the Constitution in their back pocket but instead of reading it either use it for target practice or worse to wipe their Confederate white asses. You ain’t nobodies fool, except maybe the gerrymandered, Voter ID’ed restricted citizens of Arkansas!

And now Tommy ( we’re Bro’s by now) you have stretched out that third finger of yours to lengths even Ted Cruz has not yet managed to do and given a good what for, kick in those homosexual degenerate asses to the men and women people whom Pat Robertson and Mikey Huckabee love to hate and raise money off of (the Gays), and told us to just be glad we don’t just gather ya’ll up and kill you. George Bush coined the phrase ‘one heck of a job, Brownie’, but somehow Tommy you deserve that congratulatory pat on the back; cause just like Brownie you took an already fucked up situation and made it worse. (At least Tommy you didn’t fall back on the usual T-Publican talking points using some Nazi comparison.) Aww, the sweet life in America, Tommy Mc Tom-stein, live your life less than equal, cause its better then hanging from a tree. (But wait have you cleared that whole hanging from a tree thing with your white robed and hooded militia… I mean campaign team? 

‘Tommy can you hear me, can you feel me near you, Tommy can you see me?” (Peter Townsend) Umm, shucks, nope not at all I think NOT, not with your third finger of each hand placed in your ears hidden in the confines of some Evangelical bigoted enclave blinded by fiction you perceive to be fact. I salute you Tommy boy with both of my third fingers waving gently in the air!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Joe Scarborough, really!

“These are firmly held beliefs that people have had for thousands of years, and you can call it bigotry if you want to, but just because the attitude in the United States of America has changed over the past decade doesn't mean that we, on this set in Manhattan, should judge -- I'm sorry -- a florist in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Indianapolis. I'm sure I'll get in trouble for this, but I'm sorry. Everybody is marching lockstep. I wouldn't do it, but at the same time if somebody believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, I just wonder where [do] their rights stop? Can you no longer go into business as a florist in America if you believe that a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman is a sin? And I'm just asking a question.” MSNBC host Joe Scarborough

Dear Joe Scarborough, it doesn’t matter if firmly held beliefs are held fast for eons and ages or just incorporated into your life a minute ago because once those beliefs discriminate and defuse equality for others they are no longer beliefs but sinister superstitions infused to keep us separate and not equal. When those beliefs are used to propagate old wives tales told by angry grandparents, parasitic parables preached by miserable pastors, or uneducated goons at the ready to fornicate on the truth, all those old beliefs do is alienate, divide and keep insecure people paranoid and petty.  When we live in a supposedly democratic nation and those firmly held  beliefs deny others protection from fair and equal, promoting bigotry and bias prompting Racism, Misogyny,Anti-Semitism,Homophobia a civil nation must immediately stop those beliefs in their track and replace them with firmly held principles.  

Come on Joe Scarborough remember when those firmly held beliefs included women should remain as chattel not working out of the family home and always kowtowing to her husband, and never voting? When those firmly held beliefs permitted back of the bus only for the Negro or colored only accommodations and housing? When those firmly held beliefs insisted that God never intended for the White Race to have sexual encounters with the Black Race let alone interracial marriage? There is no room in a free society Joe Scarborough for firmly held beliefs which most often limit the rich lives its citizens strive for. So far Joe Scarborough this is America and if you want to hate no one restricts you from doing so in your home with your family, or in your tax exempt church with your fellow parishioners, or at a KKK or John Birch meeting, you are free to misconstrue your Good Book into something bad in all those divine places. But once you pretend  these ignorant void of human or civil rights are firmly held beliefs that seem  like holy water you just permit the ignorant to drink from the cool aid of oily, grainy alcohol of hate, bigotry, and ignorance. Joe Scarborough are you considering a run for the T-Publican party’s presidential nomination you certainly sound as stupid  as such.