Thursday, November 29, 2018

Tornillo, Texas

And when the American (Taliban…oops, I meant the Christian Crusaders dressed up as Evangelical Pay to Pray Prophets, or Republican Right to Lifer’s or Klansmen and Women elected to office on the promise of more lynchings, or anyone name Trump, even the Princes who converted to Judaism…and when these hypocritical, heinous, charlatans, of course with the assistance of the Trump Broadcasting Company (FOX) begin their harangue regarding some kind of war on Christmas…all of you ready to believe Red MAGA Hat (made in China) wearing sons and daughters of the Confederacy, wealthy Log Cabin Republican Gays, White Nationalist, token Negro’s, women who love being JUST Adam’s rib or maybe JUST chattel, and of course you utterly disgusting Jewish Americans who think money is stonier than hate…ALL of you who may join the war on Christmas Band Wagon, because of course being Republican means you are more secure having a WAR on something, consider the following:

Your Commander-In-Chief, your national political Party are ALL responsible for bot only separating families, traumatizing, infants and toddlers, let alone their parents, and even separating families in NOW keep some children as orphans, but your brain dead, emotionless, narcissistic, insecure leader has, (only since the internment camps of the Second World War, keeping the Japanese Americans as prisoners), established a CONCENTRATION CAMP, in a small Texas town called TORNILLO. Yeppers America, over 2300 adolescent boys and girls mostly from Central America are, living in tents, surrounded by both barbed wire, stadium lights, and armed guards. No one is permitted in and of course, sadly anyone is able to get out.

Not only that, the over 2300 innocent adolescent’s held in captivity all wear the same prison uniform, have the same prison haircut, march in a straight line from tent to tent, have very little education, and NO contact with the outside world. AND, it seems that this hidden gem of Christian Fascist love and kindness is growing by leaps and bounds because Heir Trump’s insecurity and anger and ego are all pissed off that no one wants to build that ridiculous wall. 

So, when Trump and his Republican Christian Crusades emote their dissatisfaction that not making saying Merry Christmas a mandatory response, this time of year, or manger scenes are not permitted in public areas, because NOT having any of that lessens the values and morals of a good Christian nation, say FOUR words in response, TORNILLO, TEXAS DETENTION CENTER!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

we know

By now, most Americans, unless you are hiding under the MAGA hat (by the way made in China), understand that Trump is not only a liar, but guilty of oh so many treasonous activities against the United States. He may have the title of President, but his disrespect for the office is appalling, and the fact that his Republican enablers support Trump for any reason at all is not only appealing but insidious and insulting.

But I digress, if you have been listening closely to some of the concerns of the Mueller investigation, you keep on hearing the three letters of the RNC, being a recipient, also of Wikileaks information regarding the hacked Hillary, and DNC emails. What this tells us, and something many with even a semblance of a brain have known…the Republican Party is as guilty as Trump, regarding the undermining of our democratic principles…which clearly explains why Comrade McConnell will not permit a motion to protect the Mueller investigation form being scratched by the Trump Crime Family.

The RNC, it seems is as culpable as Trump, and most likely the Russians have enough blackmail on McConnell and Company to have their ass placed in prisons anarchist and enemies of the state. If there is nothing to hide, why are trump and McConnell doing their best to hide it! We are fucked America, if in fact, nothing is done to permit justice and fairness to reign naturally, in this once moral nation!

I am sick over anything Trump, and whatever symptom is actually contagious enough to catch, regarding the Trump Administration, I have been deathly ill with it.

And then, on top of all the shit that is the Republican party and the bigoted, racists idiots who support the RNC, we now have a Senator from Mississippi who would love to attend a good old-fashioned lynching…and a douchebag throwback from the 1950’s who considers the Negro nothing but chattel! When is enough, enough? 

Time Warp

It's astounding, time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely, not for very much longer
I've got to keep control
I remember doing the TIme Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling
Let's do the time warp again...
Let's do the time warp again!
It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again! (Time Warp- Rocky Horror Show)

Anti-semitism, the new form of hate reinvented from the archives of history is on the march in Europe, so the statisticians tell us. More and more direct attacks on Jewish persons, their property and their positions on the European continent! They say that imitation is a great form of flattery, and who more than Trump loves to be flattered. So Mr. and Mrs. Adelson, and Mr. and Mrs. Kushner thank you for elevating Donald Trump via, millions of dollars in donations, to become the Commander-In-Chief of the USA, and for, as a family never fighting the moral fight, but fighting for a better financial bottom line. It is amazing, if that is the correct word, that two predominate Jewish families, just to name drop a few, have little difficulty when Trump has no difficulty in deciding if there are good Nazi’s or bad Nazi’s. Oh yeah, and all of the Republican Jews, who still believe that money is like gold, a metal which will shield you from any anti-semitism, because only the lowly Jews, or the Jews who have too many real liberal ideas, like affordable health care, LGBTQ equality, equal pay for women, and of course a living wage for those nasty greedy lower class workers who tend and mend all YOUR needs.

It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me
So you can't see me, no not at all
In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention
Well-secluded, I see all
With a bit of a mind flip
You're there in the time slip
And nothing can ever be the same
You're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation
Let's do the Time Warp again!

Anti-semitism has taken root in this nation, many of the MAGA (made in China) hat wearers will tell you so. They have shouted out in Charlottesville, they have resurrected, their Confederate Flags/White Robes and White Hoods, and the never to be outdone and fashionable Nazi attire, swastikas and all. An unusual coincidence, ever since Trump was hacked into power…hmmm, let’s ask two prominent Jewish families in America, the Adelson’s and Kushner’s what they think. Oh yeah, and all of the 1% of Jewish families who love a fewer taxes, and really doubt the average village idiot will burn down their mansions!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


So the guy, who bragged about grabbing a woman by her lady parts, anytime he desired to do so; today, when confronted with his assault on innocents asylum seekers, decided to use the word GRABBER, once again. It seems, Trump had little difficulty in the whole tear gas thing, but his orange hair almost caught fire when someone had the audacity to ask why even consider tear gas.

It seems Trump’s newest lie, or is it line, con men use lines to sell their shit, is that there were bad men who were GRABBERS, who actually grabbed women and children from the asylum seekers, and only because the GRABBERS grabbed the innocents is why they suffered from the horrendous effects of tear gas.

Had the GRABBERS (which must have been either Muslims from ISIS, or drug cartel henchmen), not grabbed the women and children who only wanted to find a safe haven, then there would be no big deal! And we, watch and wait, and wait and watch as no one from the Republican Party or is it the Christian Conservative Crusader White Nationalist Party, says word one on how awful an injustice this nation has committed!

Oh yeah, then there is the White Supremacist, Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, whose answer to tear gas WAS NOT how wrong it was to use, but instead, delightfully responded, that all those nasty rapists from Central America, used the women and children as human shields! FUCKING HUMAN SHIELDS, (how the FUCK does this lady use her same mouth to kiss her kid's goodnight)! Oh, Kirstjen I know Fascists/ Confederates/ Christian Crusaders like you pretend that history is not real…but the day will come, when history will honestly and factually describe you as nothing but Nazi soldier following orders, not just because you wanted to maintain your job, but because you had as much hate in your heart as your dictator Trump.  GRABBERS, and HUMAN SHIELDS! OMG!  

when it comes to

When it comes to those who have tapes, and tapes of both audio and video, regarding Trump there is always two sides to the story, in which Trump declares, you know, the truth is not just a one-sided thing…so Putin's things capturing Ukrainian ships and Troops is somehow a debate as to whether or not an American ally has just had war declared on its sovereignty. OR when it comes to owing some murderers hundreds of millions of dollars or accepting illegal gifts and graft, there is always two sides to a story, especially when a pampered Prince, raised in the same privileged world has a Trump Princess, decides to murder a legal alien of the United States. OR, when it comes to Nazi’s and White Supremacists, who are a major voting block of MAGA loving morons, there are good ones and bad ones and of course the old excuse, the fact is never a perfect manner in which to judge the truth. OR, when a good ole’ lynching, is reason enough to support a candidate for Senate, because morals and values are always taken out of hand by liberals who only want the truth, and can not be satisfied by fiction. And an after all an apology, apology, which had to read from a scratch sheet, which never really was the kind of apology in which the words “I apologize were mentioned, instead of IF I OFFENDED anyone. Two sides for Trump, if you can blackmail him, pay off his bills, finance his families businesses, or promise to vote for him no matter how insane and UnAmerican of a fool he is and has become.

And then there are those Enablers, those McConnell type of spineless greedy robots, you know like the Mercer Family, the Koch Brothers and of course Sheldon and Mariam Adelson, who think that money is life, money will permit them to breathe clean air even as the earth dies, or money will act as a moat and surround them from the deadly decisions of poverty, illness, and death.

And worst of all when it comes to Trump, there are the 35% of so-called Americans who believe the South never lost the war, racism is a positive trait Jesus bestowed upon the white folk, and just because their pay to pray religious snake oil salesmen is certain Trump was the chosen one…will also say there are two sides, THEIR SIDE, or the side of the enemy. And Trump remains as Commander-In-Chief, permitting his “just following orders’, premeditated Storm Troopers try and hurt innocents, his steal as much money as you can from the taxpayer Cabinet members, and of course, the Mar-A-Lago leaches hoping to become someone famous, by kissing the ass of a very evil man.

There is right or wrong, good or bad, laws and lawlessness. Oh yeah, there is FACT filled with truth and fiction full of bull shit and lies. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Those who follow orders

For each and every AMERICAN Federal Agent, ICE Agent, Border Patrol, who has either kidnapped children, jailed their parents and now sending waves of tear gas against innocent asylum seekers, you had and still have a choice to NOT FOLLOW ORDERS. A madman in Germany gave the ORDERS to kill the Jews, the Gays, the Gypsies…and citizens of Germany followed those orders, or worst of all looked the other way. Please, don’t even respond to this post and try to tell me NOT to compare what is happening in this country with the sheer immoral intentions of Nazi Germany. You either have empathy and compassion or you don’t. You either finally say, this war on innocents is wrong or you FOLLOW ORDERS, as if the delusional cravings of an incompetent and illegal Commander-In-Chief, are more of a priority than your own conscience.

In MY country WE should not kidnap children, jail their parents, and fire volleys of tear gas at MY border! Trump can be stopped in so many ways…those working for Homeland Security, or the Border Patrol or ICE, who simply cannot act upon the sadistic rumination of an inadequate jerk, just walk away…villagers watching this, yell loud enough for your elected officials to hear your shouts…news media, ask the same question over and over and over again to anyone Trump, ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AT THE BORDER?”

Trump has never been told no, he has always had the peons enable him. I hear the same story, when is enough, enough, haven’t we reached the bottom of the barrel. It is time to reclaim OUR country from the clutches of an empty puppet, a narcissist so sick that he is void of a heart or soul…And we thought orphaning kids was bad enough! WHAT FOOLS WE ARE!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

and the beat

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da…

As usual, when the Dems regain some semblance of power, they are warned to become bipartisan, even though anything BUT partisan politics has been playing against them. The Dems, when gaining power, will eat their own, already demanding, debating, debasing and just being douchebags when it comes to naming the new Speaker of the House…As usual, the GOP is full of threats already at the ready to dredge up old Hillary stories, fictionalized and full of fable, if in fact one word of the collusion/corruption/or crime of the Trump Administration is made a priority…As usual, the Dems seem like scatterbrained morons, more concerned with the names of the 2020 candidates for president, rather than getting some kind of cohesive agenda accomplished for 2018 and 2019.

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da…

Trump is a liar…okay…Trump will continue to lie…all right…and yet we still seem amazed that he continues to serve in the highest office, without any seemingly sincere opportunity to remove him…We seem to forget or just disregard that without McConnell/Ryan and the wide array of Republicans who are either zombies/paralyzed with fear/cowards/or just your regular everyday day red, white and blue bigot…without their enabling positions to do NOTHING to stop Trump…Trump will continue to side with any foreign dictator or despot who provides bribe money for trumps personal gain…or will kowtow to the next known douchebag who has videotapes and lots of dreamy blackmail information on every single illegal and illicit activities in which Trump and his crime family have participated….

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da…

Trump has a problem with color…he thinks s brown and blue are the same scary shades from which all bad things happen. Brown people are vile, rapists and thugs, people living in blue states should suffer the consequences as if they were brown because, after all, they too show no respect for Trump who demands that he be anointed the Prophet…California a blue state, is reeling from its most devastating fires, and Trump could give a shit…Puerto Rico has still not recovered from its worst devastation ever…and Trump could give a rats ass…And those brown people are perfect tools for the red MAGA hat wearing fools, to blame for EVERYTHING wrong in America…so Trump will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make sure he remains color blind! And the beat goes on and on and on and on…

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Some not so amusing MUSINGS, regarding the mentally unstable, mentally ill, and very empty man hacked into office and propped into his position by the Russians, who not only have demonstrated the blackmail they own regarding Hillary and anyone DNC; but who have hidden somewhere in a Kremlin vault enough slander, dirt, mold and mildew on the Republicans, as to provide the RNC with even more reason to remain treasonous anarchists and traitors to the American people. You voted Republican, you have not yet begged for forgiveness, nor have realized just what fool you have been made, then the corrupt, criminal, and dangerous situation in which we find ourselves IS your fault, also. There IS nothing the Republicans have done, to date, under Trumps’s administration that should make you feel proud, unless of course racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, misogyny, and the all-American bigotry make you smile.

But some MUSINGS as promised: I wonder what it cost the patrons at Mar-A-Lago to receive Top Secret information from Trump as they dined at the Thanksgiving Table, the meal and location for which the American taxpayers picked up the tab. I am curious at which dollar figure the bids began for gaining access to the most secret of top secret materials. How many undocumented men and women being paid slave labor fees worked the Thanksgiving holiday at Mar-A-Lago while Trump and his anti-immigration bigots wined and dined? I wonder how many toy soldiers Trump had on his desk as he cowardly called the Troops, from Mar-A-Lago, telling them it is a Patriotic thing to not be home with your families while helping him with his PR stunt wasting time at the Southern Border. Trump loves the Troops, as props and has no idea they are real people.

And then I wonder if it was Stephen Miller or John Bolton who showed Trump video of some past Black Fridays, where the stores had their patrons line up in between barricades, and behind fences for hours, all the while watching the crowd grow larger and larger. Tempting the fools with promises of treats they cannot afford, but cheap enough that they will purchase enough so they remain really impoverished. And I wonder when either Miller or Bolton said to Trump, see, if you, start to squeeze the many lines into less and less, and continue to ask for their patience, and wait long enough for one person to snap…then wham bam the entire crowd of fools explodes into a mob. Just think, I am certain Bolton and Miller said to Trump…if we do this at the Legal Border crossings, and one by one eliminate them and make those rapists, and middle easterners and terrorist’s become anxious enough, they will snap, and cause our Troops to decide its war, and shoot a few unnecessary dark-skinned people.

The final MUSING: Trump us so mentally ill, and so narcissistic that he must always telegraph what he is thinking before it actually happens. When Trump at the comfort of his taxpayer paid Mar-A-Lago, sat and said, he does not want violence at the Southern Border, but there may be violence, from something simple as a rock being thrown, Trump was telling us he intends to incite violence, so he can once again use the lives of innocents to promote his own cowardly and evil ways.  This brings to mind when Nixon’s soldiers showed up at Kent state and killed their own… 

Friday, November 23, 2018

one day after

Sitting safely, cozy, and surrounded by surrogates, paying big dollars to offer their advice to governing this nation, a smirky, cocky, arrogant madman pretends that the world is nothing but an object he can purchase, or at least take on a loan to own. The silence of those whose job SHOULD be to check the dictatorial machinations of a narcissist, resounds in thunderous quiet, and a jerk, defines the era, and as erroneous, and non-empathetic Emperor, letting his peons pay the price of each an every mistake, each and every bit of malice and each and every crime committed…by a mentally ill man, who has to date remained in the Oval Office. As the tax-payer pays the price of luxury lived in Mar-A-Lago, we watch this monster gleefully ignore the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of anyone but he, his Crime Family, and the donors who pay the bills permitting the blood money to flow through his veins.

Afraid of war zones, Trump wishes the Troops well, pretending that Trump has important business to attend, like fitting into his next pair of khaki's and a white polo shirt and playing his millionth game of golf. Yet, those who still think to take a knee is less patriotic than a Commander-In-Chief who uses the Troops as a publicity stunt to promote Republican candidates, flock to this man. Inciting deep unconstitutional divisions within this nation, demeaning military heroes, judges, and the freedom of the press, the minions of MAGA wearing morons, who have never EVER read the Constitution, consider authoritarianism to be patriotism. And the spineless, racist, treasonous co-conspirators calling themselves Republican, either look the other way, cower in the dark recesses of cowardliness, or defend the man who wants to be King, thinking, by doing so, THAT will be the only way they retain any power.

An American is tortured and murdered. Innocent people, just seeking asylum, running from the sinister and contemptuous captors. Demographic groups of Americans wanting fair and equal. Yet, none of that influences those who insist Jesus is their God, and Jesus is the way…exactly which way is Jesus supposedly leading us. It is the day after Thanksgiving 2018, Trump is offering more lies, less fact, and tons of treason…and absolutely nothing, to date, has happened to stop the madness. Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for, but none of it may matter, once Trump and his Saudi/Russian/Adelson/Mercer/Koch puppet masters win the war defeating democracy.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

It is Thanksgiving 2018. The historical merit of the holiday has finally brought forth correct questions, regarding the origins and purpose. In a nation currently smothered by, are you this or that, you cannot be this, but must be that…and any facts you share are not necessarily the truth, and the latest one from the narcissist and chief enemy of the state, the law only matters if you agree with its decision, if not like anything else, you can disobey that law and pay no consequences. There are millions of families giving thanks for the most minute or the largest reasons. There are families who have rushed their dinner portion of the day to rush onto a line in front of a retailer, to buy gifts honoring their Lord and Savior, who was a poor peasant not in need of any material items. There are families, whose children are hidden in some warehouse, guarded by heartless thugs, paid  with tax dollars by innocent citizens who have no idea how and when these children will be reunited. There are some families, on the streets or in shelters, who have yet to reap the benefits of low unemployment or the HUGE tax cut for the wealthy! There are some families hidden in plane sight, whose daily existence is JUST that and existence, with nothing more than a sense of Groundhog Day, after day, after day.

It is Thanksgiving 2018. We still have Troops somewhere in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and now on our newest battlefront, perceived and created by a jerk with lots of power and absolutely no empathy, conscience or wherewithal, unless all of that pertains to him. It is Thanksgiving 2018, and Trump in his Mar-A-Lago paid for palace, by the tax payers, tells the press the Troops don’t mind missing Thanksgiving with their families, because they are protecting Americans, not from the evil Saudi’s, but the rapists, criminals, drug dealers all dressed in disguise as women and children seeking refuge from authoritarian governments who could give one shit about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness .It is Thanksgiving 2018, and those living in Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, and California whose lives have changed due to the change of climate are perhaps not celebrating the holiday in their homes and for that matter with those they once loved.

It is Thanksgiving 2018, the families of victims of gun violence still grieve, still wonder why, still pursue answers…only to be ignored until the next news cycle of MORE gun violence…It is Thanksgiving 2018, and those of us who are lucky enough to maintain the sanity of loving friends and family, will take pause and look to their God, or to nature, or to one another and say thanks…I will spend time with my family today, but the thing is, I have no idea how much crazier will become tomorrow…how much more permission Trump will be given by the GOP…how much more selfishness Trump will showcase. Peace and love and goodness and grace to those who so far are not caught up directly in the chaos and consequences Trump has planned and will continue to plan. Friday, November 23, 20,18 will be the day after, WHO knew the madness that awaits!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

terrible times

Trump came out of hiding and faced some reporters on the lawn of the White House. I, thank goodness did not capture his entire side-show shenanigans but happened to hear a few pieces of the shit that were flying freely from his mouth. It, of course, was all too gag-worthy for me, but the thing about Trump, we all should tune into, is exactly how he states his facts, and what odd attachments are added as answers for which no real question was asked.

Of course, by now America understands that a foreign nation murdering one of its citizens is not an issue, any longer. Trump has made the CIA be an incompetent agency, because, in the end, Trump understands that there will be some information from the CIA determining the actual Russian involvement in the hacked 2016 elections…so the one thing Trump is good at doing for his mindless minions is to create the monster and permit the townspeople to set it on fire…by stating that Trump believes the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia’s account of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and not the facts from the CIA, is just farthing the falsehood that whatever the CIA says is false. Okay, you might shrug your shoulders and say, so what else is new…but on Tuesday, November 20, 2018, when Trump was asked about the murder and stated that the CIA must be incorrect, there was one more response, from Trump, NOT from any question asked. Trump, with those lips that hardly move when he is lying, and the squint that lasts about three seconds longer than most human’s…Trump added, and I have no business contacts with them (the Saudi’s), and repeated the answer, again to a question never asked, I could care less about that…AND that America is where he spilled the beans, his can of narcissistic Trumpian Beans…Of course his decision to believe the Crown Prince HAS everything to do with business; either in the form of loans, or direct gifts, to anyone Trump. Trump announces, his secrets because he thinks he has pulled the wool over everyone and is so in need of validation he must admit in some or other, just look at what I did!

And then there was one final dig, as only Trump could manage, because when you are three years old you are a stubborn person trying to flex your own muscles, and in the process knocking down anything in your way for good or bad. Again, answering a question not asked, Trump reminded the reporters that FaceBook, that once supposed Liberal bastion, (which we have all discovered is run by people who, like Trump care only about the bottom line), and Trump shouted well you know Schumer’s daughter works for FaceBook…as if Senator Schumer daughter was the advertisement rep seeking the sales from all of he White Nationalists/Nazi purveyors of hate. Trump, tried his best, I suppose, to mention Schumer’s daughter to even out the fact that his own daughter, who is on the White House staff, has been using technology which has no security to it and can be and most likely has been hacked. We live in terrible times. And knowing that and thinking what else can I do about it…this time I just turned off the TV and thought, hmmm I have an idea for a blog!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

No Decency

In the spring of 1954, Senator Joe McCarthy picked a fight with the U.S. Army, charging lax security at a top-secret army facility. The army responded that the senator had sought preferential treatment for a recently drafted subcommittee aide. Amidst this controversy, McCarthy temporarily stepped down as chairman for the duration of the three-month nationally televised spectacle known to history as the Army-McCarthy hearings.
The army hired Boston lawyer Joseph Welch to make its case. At a session on June 9, 1954, McCarthy charged that one of Welch's attorneys had ties to a Communist organization. As an amazed television audience looked on, Welch responded with the immortal lines that ultimately ended McCarthy's career: "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." When McCarthy tried to continue his attack, Welch angrily interrupted, "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”(United States Senate Archives)

Over time, decency has referred to manners, but today decency is mainly a strong sense of right and wrong, and a high standard of honesty. When a criminal or dictator does horrible things, people assume they have no sense of decency.

Somehow, we the American public are supposed to pretend that both the office of President and the current man with that title, Trump are to be treated with equal respect. We have witnessed the demise of decency, let alone respect for standards, morals, values, and ethics, and have watched as one man with the protection of the Republican Party diminish the quality and expectations of President of the United States. Trump can do and say and act any way he wishes, even when most of his actions ONLY serve his insecure inept narcissistic personality, but when citizens of this country criticize this despot, suddenly we are considered as Un-American as taking a knee when the National Anthem is played. Sesame Street used to have a cute little game in which three objects were displayed and a little jungle ran in the background with the words: ”one of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same.”

I salute Jim Acosta of CNN for finally being the first to call out the lies, the deliberate confusion, the delay and denial of a man who at his best was hacked into office and at his worst assumes he will be President for life.  I sadly, also have learned that many people of this nation refuse to learn any lesson from history and presume that nothing from the past is relevant for today.  When will each an every person who has the opportunity to speak one on one to Trump finally ask the man “HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF DECENCY”

Monday, November 19, 2018

sham or shame

Hey all you MAGA (made in China) red hat wearing enemies of the state, and all of you cowardly Republican elected officials in Congress, I bet you are kind of proud and happy that Trump has decided to deride the guy, Retired Admiral William H. McRaven, who handled the demise of Bin Laden, insisting that it took way too long for Bin Laden’s capture…and all the while is praising Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and his ever so hissy fit son Crown Prince Mohammed, for assassinating an American journalist for the Washington Post, Jamal Khashoggi!

Yep your guy (and all of you never Hillary voters), should be ecstatic because the Orange Jerk, so intimidated by anything Obama has decided that its time to choose heroes…you know the kind of Navy Seal stealthy slipping into Bin Laden’s home, versus, a spoiled rich kid, who sitting thousands of miles away paid for assassins to torture and murder a journalist for speaking the truth.  Kind of gives you the red, white and blue chills..don’t it!

Amazing, ain’t it all of you Trump lemmings, how much bull shit you can swallow without either burping or farting. And the blessed GOP politicians so afraid to be anything but a tool for Trump’s insecure, narcissistic paranoid behavior. I am sure by now, this latest addition to treasonous actions and anti-American rhetoric, means very little if you still support Trump. I think I have run out of words to describe your self-loathing and hatred for this country. Shame would be a good word to use, but if you still believe in Trump you have no conscience so shame is just a nice letter word, originating from a four-letter word sham, which has its origins from another five letter word TRUMP!

some respect

More and more bodies are being discovered, some so severely burned that identification is a difficult task. A blowhard resembling an oversized children’s punching bag swayed back and forth insisting that had the deceased taken proper care of their properties, they would be alive. Why the Governor and Lt Governor of California, provided silent respect for the garbage spewed from Trump, annoyed me more than the actual stupid which flowed out of Trump’s mouth like a stream of lava. Trump has no respect for the office he holds, yet all of us are somehow supposed to pretend that that being called the President is to illicit tactful respect and honor from those around him. The Rabbi in Pittsburgh, from Tree of Life Congregation, provides Trump and his immigrant wife who had her anchor baby in this country, on a tour of devastation that is the result of anti-anti-Semitism and of course the murderous weapon, a gun. Trump who still insists that there are good Nazi’s is somehow privileged to walk into an area of carnage, caused indirectly bTrump'sps own rotten rhetoric. And why, we are told by the Rabbi, we must respect the office of the President. Trump of course knows not how to respect that same title.

Finally, a journalist, Jim Acosta refuses to accept innuendo, lies, fiction and non-non-answers from Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, (who is sadly the new definition of American Evangelicals, where hypocrisy is the prophet and the prophecy pledged is to forget the values and morals), and does not relinquish his chance to beg for the truth. Instead of even trying to find some words defining fact, Sarah HUCKABEE, Sanders tries in vane to silence the questions. Perhaps one or two other journalists come to the aid of mr Acosta, but they too are part of the charade of respecting the office of the President, while the guy sitting in that position cold give a rats ass as to the honor and respect of being the president. As if any news briefing for the past two years has been anything but a poorly scripted reality show, the silly journalists sit like good little boys and girls hoping to get their questions heard but never answered. Why, well this is the Executive Branch of the government, and after all, it is the most powerful position in this nation. But then Trump is the Executive, and is running this nation using the same ruinous routines he has for his failed business empire. Jim Acosta is the closest current reporter we have to Edward R. Murrow, who finally called out in no uncertain terms the lies and tricks of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

When I student taught at Our Holy Family Catholic School, in Pittsburgh (eons ago), I had a student, who at first was quiet, and sort of gave me the third grade version of the inquisition. Was I to be trusted or not? He was rambunctious and needed to express the extra energy stuffed inside him, so I asked the Mother Superior if I could take at least 30 minutes out of the day, and teach a Phys. Ed class.  (At the time I had a beard, I was Jewish, and I looked like the white version of Jesus, so i think that helped) and the answer was certainly. Suddenly the student who was cautious in trusting me, decided I was okay.  It was a few weeks into teaching Gym Class (that was the official title) that the student came over to me, and said, “You know Mr. Buncher, you gotta earn respect.” Some of these Sisters think because they dress in habits respect comes along with the outfit!” “Thats not how it works…it works because of who you are not what you are.” He started to walk away, and then turned and added, I love Gym Class, thanks!”  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

a Sunday sermon

A brief Sunday sermon, summarizing the simpleton sitting in the Oval Office, and his sycophant snake oil salespeople, who, aside from their own sick needs, could give one shit about the world in which they live, and the kind of place they desire to call home.

We need to rake leaves better to stop wildfires, a Caravan of rapists, robbers thugs and God knows what else will arrive at our Southern Border in time for Mid-Terms, except maybe after all they won’t. Lying is necessary when the truth is too hard to tell, and when the convenience of make-believe is much more buyable by a bunch gullible gerbils because the voices in your head insist. Money is not the root of all evil, it just encourages evil to take root, and the seeds from evil men can buy you everything but empathy and a conscience.

Everyone and their mother is running for president in 2020, why not because the problems of 2018 are too passe to even pretend to portend, so a bit of pontification will suit the purpose, and we all can make believe, once again, some other superhero is on the road to save us. Imply you know everything, but insist there is really nothing more you can do now, to even out the imbalance of your own ignorance. Poverty is your own fault, the wealthy must maintain all that cash because they are never to blame for your misfortune. Blaming your inadequacies on others and expecting the government to do anything but furnish its own politicians with a lavish lifestyle makes sense. Government is always too big when it assists the little person. Listen as I lie. Look me in the eye, watch em wave my hands, talking without ever moving my lips, but trust everything you don’t see or hear because I said it is so.

Another day, more deaths from fires, same suffering from no real FEMA efforts in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas. Democracy died again in Georgia and Florida, but then like a cat it seems to have nine lives so wait until it’s too late for the next election to pretend to fix it. Jesus’s dad created the world, so why would he invent something called Climate Change to kill it. Be Christian enough to adore the adulterer, grasp the most gluttonous of greedy goons, hate the homosexual, and the immigrant. Remember that women are nothing more than chattel as should be the black person. And God Bless this America with a Zeig Heil, a Confederate Flag, and an AK 45-or 47 depending on how many perceived bad people Jesus told you to kill.  It is Sunday, November 18, 2018, and is there really anything new?

Saturday, November 17, 2018

I don't get it

If I hear one more Talking Head describe the ongoing implosion of Trump, I may implode, myself. If one more overly paid, procrastinator pontificates about the walls closing in, and in and in on Trump, I may have to throw my television set off the balcony as in the movie “Network”, screaming I can’t take this anymore. If I hear one more panel of experts describe the in or out of Nancy Pelosi, as  Speaker describing the newly elected majority in the House of Representatives, using the same sinister, slimy overtly political malpractice terms as are used for the Republicans, I just may have to move to Canada! And on top of all of THAT, if there is one more roundtable discussion regarding who will run for president in 2020, I know I will suddenly explode…

We are faced with a GUY who is crazy, sitting in the White House, with more power to destroy this world than anyone else. We have a Senate Majority Leader as embedded with the Russians as Trump, who cares less about checks and balances and is more concerned about being bribed and worried about he too being blackmailed…We have witnessed Vote Disenfranchisement right in front of our faces in Georgia, Florida, North Dakota…We are covering up the murder of an American journalist by an authoritarian nation, whose own Crown Prince is the murderer and best buds with our own Crown Prince named Kushner… Devastating fires have killed dozens of people, and the answer is the poor planting of trees…Cabinet members are ripping off taxpayers by purchasing lush objects…or insisting on US Marshalls escorting them to the tune of almost $19 million…the Immigrant wife who had her anchor baby in this nation spends ludicrous amounts of money on forays of personal pleasure…the deficit has grown because the wealthy are never satisfied with having too much money, and refuse to pay any fair share of taxes to help this country move forward…Victims of GUN MURDER and their families are still grieving…residents of Texas, Florida, and of course Puerto Rico are still suffering the devastating consequences of no financial relief…asbestos is now cool to inhale…climate change is growing in leaps and bounds…nothing has been done to contain the hacking of our elections…and those are just a few of the immediate issues BUT

We now have to pretend NONE of that IS important, because, bling, bright objects, and bull shit bring in the ratings so all we have time to conduct is the politics of the Congress, a secretive place which plays by its own rules and no mere mortal or is that voter stands a chance of making a difference. Yeh, we voted out some bums, but it seems the remaining bums and the new ones ready to take over are still bums…more concerned with their own little world, then the nation as a whole…and whether it is Cable News or the standard stations…suddenly all that should be relevant, like justice, honor, equality, the Constitution seem too boring of a subject upon which to concentrate…I just don’t get it!

Friday, November 16, 2018


I listened, albeit, I have lessened the amount of time I will permit myself to watch Talking Heads pontificate on what they know very little, as reporters and journalists, declared that Trump is melting down, angry, belittling, bullying, I heard the Talking Heads explain that this IS the new normal…and as usual I became sick inside, feeling a kind of acid reflux mixture of remorse, rot, and ruin try and climb out of my gut. Then I heard the already boring story of who will run in 2020, Jeff Flake pretending he has a backbone, Mitch McConnell, kowtowing to his wealthy donors, and the twenty-million-dollar question of who likes Nancy Pelosi or who doesn’t.  There it was everything to do with ANYTHING, but what mattered.

Here is MY thing…I still believe it does take a village…but it seems as did the American Troops in Viet Nam under the tutelage of Nixon and Johnson, burn down the forests hoping to stop the North Vietnamese from attacking our Troops, the Evil Empire of the GOP do not want villagers to survive, and thrive, and hope that by dismantling any concept of humanity, the enemy will be rid of, forgotten! But as we know and as did our Troops who died during a was of political convenience, that is an impossible task. And as the Talking Heads were laughing, and rearranging their pearl necklaces or expensive ties, and laughing about the NEW NORM, I once again realized just how distant those in Ivory Towers are from anything real.

I have spoken about the lady in WEHO who carries at least four plastic bags, three of them filled with the plastic and glass bottles she collects as she stoops deep into metal trash containers, sipping the remnants of whatever liquid lingered at the bottom, with her fourth bag, from my ability to actually watch, has a collection of rags. There she was again, standing at the trash container, located under the newest KYLIE something or other billboards, advertising that plastic surgery, and tight clothing, combined with a girl on girl kissing is cool, and the thing to think about. I watched as people, stepped away from the WEHO lady with four bags, some laughing at her, others taking time away from their phones to express to their friends how disgusting it was to watch this filthy lady walk down the street. It was hard to zig zag and not disrupt both the people texting and laughing at the woman, plus the lady herself because another overly expensive building was being built, and the crush of people into one single lane was like walking through a very awkward maze. Two men approached me for money, one man, a person I saw the day before was still lying in front of a parking lot, with the same line of liquid stuck to his crotch.  

What has changed, I wondered, and honestly, will it change? And then I had this eerie feeling will anything change…the castle on high may have new owners, but the villages below, will anything be different!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

lets Pretend

The numbers have sadly grown, of those discovered dead in the horrific fires in both Northern and Southern California. The First Responders look worn and weary and have not stopped trying to save lives, property and the spacious landscape, home, let’s not forget, to a variety of the innocent critters providing the ecological balance of nature. Troops of 5000 and beyond are stationed 80 miles from our Southern Border, away from their families, costing taxpayers eons of dollars, and diminishing the spirit and purpose of saving to defend our country. The Caravan of Asylum seekers suddenly has fewer criminals and people of Middle Eastern background, and look more and more and like innocents in need of safety and security.  We still have no idea where some kidnapped children have been jailed, we still have cafes in warehouses set up as if some kind of human zoo had been erected, and for some families, we have created orphans, who have no idea why or what the hell has happened. The people of Puerto Rico are still, a year later being threatened that if they still complain regarding the poor performance by FEMA, they too will never again receive Federal Aid. Our election system is so flawed, not a new predicament, but an old and ugly situation which follows failure year after year, that some contests have not been counted, leaving more and more speculation for fake news to inspire all kinds of falsehoods and conspiracy theories.  And suddenly with the wave of Blue candidates being elected, McConnell and his band of Russian collusion criminals are crying for bipartisanship, heralding the Dems as the cause for the rupture of democracy in the Congress. 

More and more, Trump is swinging at imaginary enemies, and developing an even more exhaustive list of the bad guy, from journalists to nations, to politicians who have finally found some kind of backbone, or is it an awareness that the Trump virus, may not have infected as many people as once thought. Climate is still changing, tax cuts have done nothing but increase the deficit, and help embolden the wealthy. Nepotism is alive and well. The Trump businesses have been outlets for public funds to find a home, and the Mueller probe trudges on and on….immediate problems and predicaments, all that should require PRIORITY…and yet!

All I hear now, as hey dress in their finest Talking Head attire as if the world around them is not on a collision course with the sun, is who will run in 2020, who will replace Nancy Pelosi, will Chuck Schumer remain the Minority Leader, and who should we prepare for 2020.  Is the media crazy? Are we the people nuts…We just had an election, an election, mostly based on the here and now and the desire to fix the broken system…but hours and hours are spent on a dreamy kind of easy to read script…you know, the let's pretend, we have managed to take care of the immediate, now forget about it and play what do you want to be when you grow up in the year 2020! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

more evil

 46 people are discovered dead so far, due to the two massive wildfires in California. A petulant child, self-described, scientist, as stated that the trees are to blame for the fire. The state of California, seemingly, since it’s the vast majority of Americans preferred the Democrats, is now being told it just might receive coal in a stocking for Christmas. No one has the foggiest clue if the 46 dead Californians voted for the GOP or not but in the minds of most humans that is an issue of no relevance now or ever. But WE the PEOPLE are to be subjected to the whims and whiny immature rantings of a man, whose own ego is the touchstone of right and wrong. Even though this supposedly is the land of Nancy Pelosi, and God knows all kinds of witches brew, is created by that nasty woman, according to the MAGA men and women, it seems that a man named Kevin McCarthy, the number two guy in the House of Representatives (actually the House that represents billionaires, conglomerates, Saudi’s, Russians and Evangelical Pay to Pray imposters) lives in California. Mr. McCarthy is currently the Republican Majority Leader…he is also a poster boy (or is it the ass licker) of Trump. Now one might wonder, if Rep McCarthy could give a shit about his own state verses, the kind of shit Trump might give Mr. McCarthy for caring more about California than Trump.  Who knows anymore, the number of Troops at our SOUTHERN BORDER, (who even knew we had a term for that part of the United States before Racism and Fascism with the help of Communism hacked Trump, not office), but it might seem more American, more empathetic, more practical, more human if many of those Troops were sent to assist the First Responders in California, who have not only risked their lives but who have been working 24/7.  But then Trump McConnell, Ryan, and McCarthy might come across as caring humans…and God forbid, (especially the God that the MAGA’s believe in), the GOP would lose even more of its LOSER base!  

And speaking of inhuman treatment of those still alive, at least we presume are living, it seems that one of Trumps members of his own Gestapo, Kirstjen Nielsen is being given the boot. The DHS in charge of kidnapping innocent children, and separating families, and perhaps orphaning thousands of children permanently is no longer in the loving graces of the Orange Blob, who has lost interest in Ms. Nielsen’s talents, because JUST caging kids is chump work. Being that Trump is insecure, and he loves to be the bully, Trump expected a harsher, inhuman treatment of asylum seekers, bring back Dr. Josef Mengele! I could give a rats ass shit if Ms. Nielsen is fired, but I, as an American, still clinging to morals and values, want Ms. Nielsen and her pit crew of abductors and kidnappers jailed for crimes against humanity! Just when we think we see Trump at his worst and most Devil like impression, we are surprised, at just how much more rot and ruin runs through his veins.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

rot and ruin

Fearful, cowardly, he avoids direct confrontation, and uses surrogates or is it SURRO-RATS, to tell his story, albeit void of facts but full of the fiction a deranged and narcissistic, madman might. As if hallucinating, dwelling in a reality which convinces him how invisible he imagines he is, he, with great pomposity, and no purpose, parades around and parses propositions void of character, morals, dignity, and value. And yet, he still remains an idol to some, and hero for others, because he says so. We all know by now, at least those who were born not as a spawn of some creature filled with deadly virus’s, that Trump is a low life loser, caught in a delusional dimension dangerous to all.

But we know the monster, and we know his tricks, his tirades, his temperament. We know he lies, is a cheat and consults with the most reckless, despots internationally and inside the United States. Insulting him is almost providing him with even more courage to crash and burn all and anything around him. Trump has succeeded to be the schmuck who keeps his schnooks, wiping his ass, which in this case is located at both the bottom and top parts of his body.

Trump has yet to visit an active war zone. Trump refused to visit the WWI cemetery for the Troops who died protecting the future of this nation. Trump did not lay a wreath at Arlington. Trumps Department of Veterans Administration is still without adequate leadership, and at least 85,000 Vets face eviction or expulsion from colleges due to the fact no one seems interested in correcting the flaws in GI Bill system. Trump believes that the Troops out of the country should not have their absentee votes count. Trump has stated publicly that those men and women suffering from PTSD, are wimps, not really strong Troops, and he only respects strong people. Trump has sent over 5000 Troops to the Southern Border, pretending that some invasion of America was about to happen…a PR trick with actually failed, which actually is costing the Tax Payer millions of dollars…but most importantly has caused strain on the emotions of the men and women serving, who could either be home with their families, or perhaps doing some real support for America, by helping the First Responders in California, going back to Puerto Rico and assisting that recovery.

It was Veterans Day 2018, and the families whose loved ones died or were injured both physically and mentally mourned their loss. And yet the voices of condemnation, of criticism, remains silent. The MAGA Red Hats share more concern with the loss of lives of their Confederate family members or spend time regaling the wonders of being a Nazi.  And Trump still remains with the title Commander-In-Chief, and we are supposed to pretend that matters. Veterans Day 2018 has passed and so with it, the honor once provided by the person sitting in the White House. One more rot and ruin!    

Monday, November 12, 2018

Slick Mitch

THEN: 2010, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” In 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: "One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, 'You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy,”

NOW: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Democrats of the perils of “presidential harassment” Wednesday, saying efforts to obtain President Trump’s tax returns and conduct oversight of his administration would backfire politically. “The whole issue of presidential harassment is interesting,” he told reporters. “The Democrats in the House are going to have to decide just how much presidential harassment they think is good strategy. I’m not so sure it will work for them.”

Slick Mitch, is even more slimy than Tricky Dick ever was and just as sleazy as and nasty as the Narcissist in Chief- Trump. Of course this current crop of Republican rubber stamped, insecure, paid for by the 1% and scared shitless of the Putin videos, and hacked RNC emails, think most of America is just as stupid as the MAGA (made in China) wearing morons, who would rather their Commander-In-Chief praise the bodies of Confederate soldiers (you know the enemy of the state), rather than wet his suit or muss his hair or have to trudge in the mud to say word one about the Troops who died trying to stop an enemy of the state.

The world of Republicans is full of hypocrisy. The world of Republicans is filled with Christian Crusaders who would rather burn the Constitution and replace it with their Bible. The world of Republicans is a bunch of wealthy, VERY wealthy fools, who do believe money can save their souls…you know the like Jewish donors such as Sheldon Adelson, LGBT Queers like the Log Cabin Republicans, women like Ann Coulter, Marsha Blackburn, and people of color like Ben Carson, and Kanye West (oh yep, he did not receive a good 15 minutes of fame). Slick Mitch is WARNING the DEMS, behave or the American people will get pissed because they love Trump. HUH! But the other thing about Republicans is that they surround themselves with people from FOX News, and nothing says BULL SHIT or FAKE NEWS, or NAZI STYLE PROPAGANDA like FOX News and its slew of empty, useless, paid too well, treasonous treacherous douchebags!

Let’s play the SLICK MITCH game, America is waiting…call us out SLICK MITCH, and hopefully this time the Nancy and Chuck Show will do their best to let you know, we are finished being bullied!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veteran's Day, a Century

Firing on the First World War’s Western Front ended on Nov. 11, 1918, at “the eleventh hour on the 11th day of the 11th month.” After four years of fighting, an eerie stillness fell across the battlefields of Europe. The next day, Allied commander Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch sent a message to the Allied Armies: “You have won the greatest battle in history and served the most sacred cause - the Liberty of the World

November 10, 2018, the weather was rainy, that dreary blanket of cold wet moisture dripping around your body, finding its way to any part of your body, that might be growing a new batch of arthritis, reminding you of that sprain or bruise from decades ago, or it just might be an uncomfortable bit of mother nature, just annoying and bothersome. It rained in Rethondes, the Glade of the Armistice, the location representing the end of WWI. But two nations, leaders representing the history of aggression and animosity came together to present a new union, one which took a second world war, a Korean Conflict, a war in Viet Nam, and various conflicts thought out the planet earth, including a war called Cold, to lay a wreath and provide for the moment an assurance that it no longer was about the politics of war that mattered, but the lives lost and the enduring pain of the families for which love had been lost also. 

In America, we usually provide thoughts and prayers for those wounded by war, whether it be something by external enemies, or nowadays those who are homegrown terrorists and soldiers of domestic death and destruction. Politicians need war, so it seems, throughout history, for many of them to remain in power. Always find an enemy, always demonstrate your own might, and convince the fearful to become hateful and the hateful to then identify as Patriots.  Death, for the Troops, is final, the heinous and horrendous manner in which many perish, sometimes too disturbing to discuss. Methods of war heat changed but men and women die…and then often times after we honor their valor and courage, we do ask exactly for what and why. It is not that war is an unnecessary invention by man, but often times wars, being an invention of man, must be scrutinized as might any creation as to its purpose, and its reason.

On November, 10, 2018 the day before the true Armistice, ending the First World War, Mr Trump, representing the United States and the Troops called into action to help fight for democracy, decided that the rain, the mist, perhaps the chill, the wind, the murk, the fog, or just the fucking inconvenience of standing in a muddy field was too much of a burden…after all his bone spurs cause him great discomfort also. 

Today, November 11, 2018, a Century later, as humans we still honor our dead, from serving in a war which at the time was certain to be the only World War. Trump is nothing but a baboon, bathed in hot air coiffed and clothed and living in an Ivory Tower (one probably owned bun the Chinese or Saudi Royal Family), and Trump as Commander-In-Chief, once again demonstrated his disdain for the individual man and woman serving as Troops. What I still cannot grasp is even with his disrespect and disparaging behavior most Veterans and their Organizations support this man as if he had the same convictions, and conscience as those of every creed, color, religion or political stance to fight for the freedoms that keep America safe.  Nothing but a fool, afraid of the world in front of him, having snubbed his nose at the dead, Trump still maintains a following from the families of those who died…letting this nation NOW suffer the consequences of a sham who would rather be King!