Friday, May 31, 2019


I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction
'Cause I try, and I try, and I try, and I try I can't get no, I can't get no…(Satisfaction/Rolling Stones)

At the cost of trying to understand, with the fear of wishing and then waiting, but the worry that the willy-nilly will not withstand the wear and tear of wasted time, I write this blog, aghast that the debate about a dead beat, despot, a criminal boss, whose crimes have cost the US Constitution its value and purpose, remains aloof, and able to lie, linger, live large, and illuminate the sheer divide between good and evil, politics and the people, civility and sheer incompetence and the demise of democracy. A guilty man, if president, somehow has the power to destroy and deconstruct decency, and we still debate the approach to IMPEACHMENT!  

I've got so much honey the bees envy me I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees Well I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way. My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl ooh) (My Girl/Temptations)

The nation State of Alabama has included rape and Incest as a human right for males, it has made clear the womb is a parcel of the state of Alabama, and while in the cozy quiet place of a female’s body, whether the female (who is after all only a host, a pod for the seed that Jesus proudly permitted to be planted. A known sexual harasser, Roy Moore, wants to become Senator in a state which has been rife with adulterers, and lots of sexual scandals. A known sexual predator, Trump has the audacity, most adulterers have the audacity to tell Roy Moore he should not run because it will be too much for Alabamians to tolerate. A sexual criminal is telling another sexual criminal not to run for Senator in a nation-state, which believes Jesus’s gift of rape or incest is the 11thCommandment. I am so confused!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Giant Eagle

The Giant Eagle: The Native Americans consider the bald eagle and the golden eagle to be sacred. As eagles are the highest-flying birds they were seen to be nearer to the Creator. The meaning of the Eagle symbol was to signify courage, wisdom and strength and its purpose was as the messenger to the Creator. In the city of Pittsburgh, there is a major Supermarket chain titled The Giant Eagle (translated in Pittsburghese, it is called the GINT, IGLE, perhaps more in step with the Native American pronunciation). My family ONLY shopped at the Giant Eagle, and back in the day, my mother also had her favorite Meat Dept Man, George, who provided my siblings with free pieces of Hebrew National salami and baloney, and my mother’s favorite Cashier, Loretta, who at the time would provide my mother with a few extra Green Stamps! I left my hometown of Pittsburgh when I finally realized out loud I was actually a Gay man, I think back in the day I used the term homosexual. I ran away from some kind of invented phobia, that being Gay was a bad thing…but as I reflect, back to the day, IT WAS MORE THEN my issue, but a problem insecure member of my community held as a horrible condition! Perhaps I was the coward but Coming Out is a whole different blog…this one IS about Super Markets!

Whenever my mother would come and visit me, no matter which community I loved and worked as a JCC employee, the first thing my mother wanted to do, was to visit ALL of the Grocery Stores. (Yep, the priority for sight-seeing with regards towards my mother, was to compare and contrast HER Giant Eagle with any other Super Market, in whatever city I resided. Easy, breezy, for her first day’s itinerary. My mother was not a crazy lady, but for those who were raised in Pittsburgh, the Giant Eagle (GINT IGLE) is the Lexus of Super Markets. It made my mother happy to find some issue with the Supermarkets in my city, and if that made her happy on her first day, I was satisfied!

I shop at a Super Market called Pavilions. To be exact it is THE Pavilions in West Hollywood, and prior to its first remodel, was nicknamed the Disco Pavilions, the Gay Pavilions, and the Cruisy Pavilions. All was true and walking the aisles back in the day was like being in a Gay Bar. Today there are more heterosexuals, but cruising is still as important as the price of whatever product you were shopping for. But this afternoon, I felt, once again that the loneliness of the world, the selfishness of the world, found its way to my heart, and I grew sad. An elderly man, maybe even my age, who spoke little English was standing in the Express Line, the 14 or under, line, and he had at least 25 Marie Callender fast food dinners. Two men, in front of me, could not stop rolling their eyes, and thought that whispering really loud, was okay…(many times some Gay men become bitchy and obnoxious), they complained to one another that 14 is not 25. The customer, who hardly spoke English, then goodness had no idea the harsh criticism was direct AT him.  He was bent over and carried four bags of food with him and walked out the door. The BOYS in front of me sashayed away and the cashier apologized to me for the older man. I becoming Mother Teresa said, no worries. By the time I made it to the sidewalk, the older man was still bent over, schlepping his bags. I offered to help him to the bus stop which was about 10 feet away. He looked at me and nodded his head, and then he said, you don’t think I am a joke?

I shook my head NO, walked silently to the bus stop…and this sudden urge of missing my mother overwhelmed me…and I grew sad!


CO·NUN·DRUMa confusing and difficult problem or question. a question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle.
VEXED(of a problem or issue) difficult and much debated; problematic. annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
EYES WIDE OPENknowing that there could be many problems in a situation
EYES WIDE SHUTIn Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, there is a dreamlike quality to the entire movie. You are in the middle of a dream, but one from which you can't look away.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEMonday, October 16, 2000, The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.
Article I, Section 9,Clause 8. Text. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

PAS·SIVE-AG·GRES·SIVEof or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.

WHAT THE FUCKA phrase said to state that one is in total disbelief or confusion as to what has happened, or what is happening.

FIRECall it what you want, define it as you may, but be afraid, very afraid, because a guy just lit the theater on fire, actually shouted fire, as he ambled out of the theater, locking the doors behind him. The audience in the theater hemmed and hawed, some said they smelled smoke, others said they paid good tickets to see the show. All the people saw the man get out of his seat, as he held a chain and lock in his hand, shouting fire. Some laughed and said no one could be that evil, other giggled saying he was just a clown, some began to worry, was a madman on the loose! The smoke began to smother the high ceiling of the theater. First, the smoke embraced the balcony, but they were just peons who paid peanuts for their seats, should they go or stay? Then the smoke drifted to the back of the theater, some of the audience began to choke and gag, maybe this clown was more the madman than a joker. Finally, the smoke waned and wandered to the First-Class Seats, the ultra-expensive seats. All of the wealthy patrons heard shouts and screams, but after all, they were the wealthy donors and their money made them safe. Eventually, the smoke was so thick and the air too dense, and everyone began to look for an escape…got to wonder what happened next. Oh, yeah, the guy who shouted fire got in a Russian made limo and left the scene!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

nothing changes

Told in sermon and psalm, preached by men with pointed fingers placed precisely on particular pages, the white folk, received revelations that God Almighty, had created the Negro Race not as an equal to the Caucasian, but as an inferior branch in the cycle of life, and SLAVERY, was not the Devil’s delight, but the demand from the Lord. The land in the South was ripe to profit from its hot days and humid nights. The land was provided to these Settlers by Jesus and His Father, and be it cotton, or tobacco, the fruits, and vegetables that only grew orange, yellow or green emanating  the from the borders of Virginia to the Carolinas, Florida, Mississippi or Alabama, had to be cherished, and it was almost a Commandment, as told by the Pastors and Ministers, for good Christians to not only use the Negro as a workhorse but to feel no shame, because, these MEN of the CLOTH were the true interpreters of the Bible. And no one could sell the Snake Oil, the Contrived Bigotry, the Self -Serving of hate better than the arrogant, ignorant, Christian Crusaders, who understood, the weakness of those who JUST wanted to be loved by Jesus. It was not so much that the Christians in the North were less fearful or less ignorant of the Negro, but climate, congestion, and city life provided some better boundaries. But hate grew, the unintelligent humans basing laws, on Books written by men with the supposition THEY, and only THEY understood God’s intention, and the purposes of why the Republic of America was founded, faded, and a war a Civil War was one more excuse for God being a Racist. 

The story goes, God took a rib from Adam, and he created a heterosexual companion for Adam, naming her Eve. The story continues that the idle ways in the Garden of Eden could have remained the precursor of the future of mankind, and of course his chattel, woman. But Eve was weak, intentionally so at least physically, to permit Adam to lead the way, know what was best. Eve was so weak, she fell prey to the Devil’s incarnation of a snake. And the minute the forbidden fruit was eaten, all havoc and all hell on Earth, ignited almost a quickly as the Big Bang, and a woman ruined the bliss and beauty of the land. So, continuing with their own self-serving, insecure ways the Preaches, Pastors, Ministers remained defiant, that the Female was not an equal to the Male, albeit not as low a life as the Negro, but subservient and a provider of babies, and a clean home, and a sex toy. No Civil War had been fought, but wars demanding Equality, and Justice were demanded by emboldened and intelligent females. 

As we assumed, while the past became history and the present the moment by which decisions were made to provide a better future, the Negro found limited freedom, and the female almost discovered a fairer playing field. But once again the sad sack, Pay to Pray, Con Artists, using their God as a sap, and the men who never stopped feeling emasculated, have begun to crawl out from under their rocks of bias and bigotry, stupidity…and reclaimed their Christian Crusader armor, and we, as a nation find ourselves, facing a future based on an ugly past.  Be afraid America, because, the leadership of this nation, mostly NOT democratically voted in place, has some old business to renew and revive. Our Civil War never ended, and the anger at Eve for eating the apple has never disappeared! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

where is the revolution

You've been kept down You've been pushed 'round You've been lied to
You've been fed truths Who's making your decisions?
You or your religion Your government, your countries You patriotic junkies
Where's the revolution Come on, people You're letting me down
Where's the revolution Come on, people You're letting me down
You've been pissed on For too long Your rights abused Your views refused
They manipulate and threaten With terror as a weapon Scare you till you're stupefied
Wear you down until you're on their side… (“Where’s the Revolution”/Martin Gore/Depeche Mode)

It is Tuesday, May 28, 2019. One day after the Memorial Day Holiday, one day after Trump once again sent his BFF, Kim Jong-un a love letter, pretending that one more long-range missile test, more bombs bursting from North Korea, more North Korean citizens are just a part of a really smart man, with a really high IQ, trying his best to make the world a better place. It is Tuesday, May 28, 2019, and the Attorney General, William (I will suck your orange cock) Barr, has been given the power to send secret police to spy on and arrest members of the FBI and CIA if necessary to prove the lie that Trump is just an innocent man. It is May 28, 2019, and while on foreign soil, Trump showcased his overpowering insecurities and offended, and demeaned the past President and Vice President of the United States. 

It is Tuesday, May 28, 2019, and the House of Representatives have been denied access to papers, reports, data, documents, which by the US Constitution by a cadre of treasonous lawyers, inspired by the financial gains offered by the billionaire donors for Trump, who consider Patriotism a thing of the past. It is Tuesday, May 28, 2019, and the Dems are deciding if politics ,or purpose, the potential that the 2020 elections will happen, and prove to be a crossroads when the entire balance of power returns or the citizens who elected, the House Majority to actually reign in Trump will once again be duped, and so badly duped, that they all will drown in the decaying ocean of a once great Democracy! We can debate, and play the Talking Head Game, where none of us really know anything, but a madman IS still sitting in the Oval Office.

“…Where's the revolution Come on, people You're letting me down
Where's the revolution Come on, people You're letting me down…”(“Where’s the Revolution”/Martin Gore/Depeche Mode)

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial history

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. ... Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

his·to·ry the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.the whole series of past events connected with someone or something. A famous quote captures the meaning: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," an observation by philosopher and writer George Santayana. History does sometimes repeat itself, but it is usually when lessons of experience have been forgotten or ignored.

“…Oh, war, I despise 'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
War means tears to thousands of mothers eyes When their sons go to fight
And lose their lives 
War, whoa, Lord What is it good for
Absolutely nothing, listen to me it ain't nothing but a heart-breaker
(War) friend only to the undertaker Oh, war it's an enemy to all mankind
The point of war blows my mind War has caused unrest
Within the younger generation War has caused unrest…”(War/Edwin Starr)

Today, American flags will fly, wave, as we believe the winds of freedom still roam this nation with equality, and justice. Cliched, but, true, today, we will, BBQ, picnic, rest, maybe recreate and remember the loved ones lost, who willingly or drafted fought for our future, and now are memorialized as part of our history. The news will recall past war’s and its heroes and as the Commander-In-Chief, will be a man whose own history is shaded and sinister, filled with bone spurs and deferments. But with each agonizing day, acting as an autocratic and a want to be authoritarian, he will try to ignore ANY history, creating in its place chaos, confusion, contempt, and the greatest threat to this nation, division, bias, and bigotry based not history but, the sheer foolishness of not learning the lessons it taught. For our loved ones, for those whose actions, and bravery helped diminish the Devil’s lurking in human bodies, for those who cherish the possibilities of democracy, we honor you on the Memorial Day 2019…hoping we have a nation of kindness and inclusion for Memorial Day 2020!

Saturday, May 25, 2019


a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations. The term was coined by Joseph Heller, who used it in his 1961 novel Catch-22.

He wants to be Impeached; he is afraid to be Impeached. If there an attempt to Impeach him, and the Senate decides to continue its duty to Putin and not the People of the US,  this country will find him the victim, and imagine that nothing he has done against this nation is worse than everything he has done against this nation.

We are to wait for an imaginary election in 2020, pretending that the same hacking and foreign influence with and by permission of the Republican Party won’t happen, yet we worry that nothing has been put in place to stop foreign interference. He continues to disobey any law, and subpoena, any conditions established in the US Constitution, yet the House of Representatives continues to use the rules of the Constitution as if any of the law and order mattered and sit in empty chambers waiting for…Godot!

He becomes more and more an Imperial President, demonstrating signs of a despot and dictator. He lies and continues to lie, but in person, to his face, he is never confronted with the Con Artistry and Snake Salesmanship from which he stinks, but the Talking Heads have a field day telling everyone else just what a Criminal he is. His Cabinet and Family members rob, pilfer, money launder, and bribe, but their crimes are laughed off as being part of the Crime Family, and only a mere few are in jail or being prosecuted.  America is on the brink of Fascism, yet almost two dozen folks are running for the office of President from the Dem Party as if Democracy is freely flowing like flooded waters of the Mississippi River.  He is Trump, we, are We The People, and I am Gerry Buncher and I have never ever before in my life understood the consequences of a Catch 22 like I do now!

Friday, May 24, 2019


The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started primarily to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups. In all, eight major Crusade expeditions occurred between 1096 and 1291.Proper noun. an extension of the Papal Inquisition set up in 15th century Spain, to investigate and punish converted Jews and Muslims thought to be insincere. (figuratively) Excessive questioning or interrogation. Theocracy, a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

“I’m honored to lead a state with so many people committed to standing up for those without a voice and commend the Legislature for getting this bill to my desk,” Mr. Parson said when lawmakers passed the abortion bill. He called it “a strong message to the nation that here in Missouri, we will always stand for life, protect women’s health and advocate for the unborn.” Governor Mike Parson/(R) Missouri/5/24/19.

Don’t you just want to smack this guy when HE says he wants to do two things in particular by signing this Un-American Christian Crusade/Spanish Inquisition/Theocratic/Misogynistic Bill into Law! He wants to protect women’s health, REALLY, Gov, her mental health as her daddy or brother or next door neighbor rapes her. Her physical health, as she struggled to get her Rapist off of her body or her husband who forced himself upon her as if SHE was HIS chattel. And you want to advocate for the UNBORN! Aren’t you just a sack of shit, you old and soiled white man. Where is the legislation for the UNBORN, when he or she needs food, shelter, medical care, and education, a job! Where is your protection for the UNBORN once he or she breathes his or her first breath of polluted air, and because the BORN’s father might also be his uncle or grandpa or an addict so riddled with narcotics? Where IS your stand for life, once the UNBORN is alive, outside of the womb? You are full of shit, and you know it. You pretend that Jesus will provide you with a merit badge. Shame is too nice a word, Governor Mike Parson of Missouri!


Having been single, and even while married, but without the responsibility of having children, flying on a plane was great. (Even greater before all of the excess noise and confusion created by 9-11). Why even the airlines understood customer service and understood the rationale about supply and demand (you know before the corporate mergers and the monopolies that pure selfish Capitalism creates). But once I became a father, some weird wiring clicked somewhere in the safety box of my gut, unlocked the steel frame and the hidden treasure of angst and anxiety, and more so, something called extra duty responsibility, broke loose and joined the flow of blood in my veins and the oxygen in my lungs. Upon the first breath of my first born, I acquired, AEROPHOBIA! Who knew!!

I had no conscious idea that my fear was based more on the fact of, if God forbid, pooh, pooh, pooh (I still refer to my Grandma Braff for the pooh, pooh, pooh stuff), the plane should crash and THEN who would love my kids as only I knew how; but later with some incite from professional mental health workers, and honest input from my friends (you know you have GOOD friends when they can FINALLY just be honest with you and tell you the truth about your behaviors), that I was a control freak. I was not only worrying about the future of my kids, but I felt the need to be in charge of the flight. Okay cool. I almost mastered the lack of the fear of flying but am still not the happy go lucky young lad I used to be. (But then again, the words young and lad don’t quite fit my current situation. But even now, there are two major things that get my crazy bone, working harder than ever. The first is when I feel turbulence and yet the flight crew demonstrates no look of worry on their faces, and even the seat belt sign is not flashing. The second, which is my true nemesis while flying in the used to be friendly skies, is that invention by either Stephen King or Rod Serling, invisible turbulence, the kind that creeps up on you from a very clear and uncloudy sky!

There is a point, about this AEROPHOBIA, and how I view life on the ground of the United States, in the year 2019, living under what I feel is a soon to be Fascist/Theocratic/Authoritarian system of government.  I look around and things are bumpy, and yet so many folks think just a few months from now, the skies will clear, because somehow the 2020 election will remove the real turbulence called Trump, and smooth sailing will reappear! And then the old me erupts with my worry about the future of my kids and the next generation of my family. I am not in control and feel that nobody but a Terrorist (from back in the days when planes were highjacked has taken control of the Pilots Cabin), and yet snacks are being handed out and all that is being asked is which kind of soft drink would you like.  I have been lucky, no matter how smooth or utterly turbulent my past flights have been I arrived at my destinations safely…I don’t have that sane, sound and safe sense any longer! 

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Today, I awoke, walked over to our office, sat at my desk, looked at my computer, SIGHED, and said to my little honey dog, Chance, I can’t! He looked at me, and I swear, wagged his tail, he provided a high-pitched bark, the kind that usually means NOW, can I have a treat; so I stood up, following his wishes, meandered to the special kitchen cabinet where dog magic seems to appear like manna from heaven, got him a treat and SIGHED one more time! Chance was happy, but I felt like I was living in a half-way house trying to get clean, from my obsession with making America greater, as it was before Trump!

Almost slithering out of sight of Chance, while he was munching on his treats, I snuck into our bedroom where my phone had been tucked on its cute little battery stand, still in sleep mode.  With a shaky hand, a gut that both cheered me on and struck my stomach or maybe my esophagus with a new kind of burning acid seemingly filled with melancholy, angst, fear, but a whole lot of adrenaline, I reached for the phone, knowing once I picked it up, a litany of notifications would be listed, each recounting more horror story regarding the end of our nation’s democracy, the reluctance of elected officials to work for the people instead of worrying about their own careers, and how the Constitution was now the official toilet paper for White House staff. Oh yeah, of course, the really important stories regarding on Kardashian, some D Grade actor who had an affair, another GOP male politician beating up his wife or having an adulterous affair, or how much more money was charged to the taxpayers because Trump was playing golf again!

I grabbed my phone and did see a long list of words and sentences, was glad I chose NOT to wear m reading glasses, placed the phone back on its battery charged stand, and of course SIGHED once more. This time Chance was on to me, slithering into the bedroom in his stealth mode, but as I turned to exit the room, where he was, no tail wagging, but a look like he heard the bathwater running and was about to meet his doom by having to get a bath! Chance doesn’t growl, but this scenario was the closest to Chance EVER growling, I do believe he did SIGH, however! 

I apologized to Chance, and pretended I was going back into the kitchen, but instead, hearing it calls to me, almost begging me as the fictitious but dangerous Sirens of the Seas, was my computer, reminding me, that even if the rant was a continuation of the past, I must go on record as to NEVER EVER permitting me to remain silent, regarding the destruction of MY country! Thus my non-blog, BLOG!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. a person who is tricked or duped.a living creature killed as a religious sacrifice.

Trump, you are NOT the victim, ya’ want to know who is, A VICTIM because OF YOU:
The five children who died while in the custody of the American Gestapo called ICE/Border Control, with extra credit to Kristjan Neilson and John Kelly. The thousands of kids separated from their asylum-seeking parents, and those who may never EVER see reunite with their parents again. Trump, you are NOT A VICTIM, but the women in the states run by Male Pigs and their misogynist female enablers, who face prison or murder because they no longer have control over their own reproductive rights. Trump, you are not A VICTIM, but the Constitution of the United States and the American citizens who have lived and prospered under its jurisdiction we are the victims.

Trump, YES, you are a liar, a thief, a criminal, an agent for a foreign enemy, a con artist, a money launderer, you obstruct justice, and you are an adulterer, BUT you are not A VICTIM. Ya’ want to know who IS A VICTIM! The LGBTQ community for which you demonstrate little to no desire to accept freedom and equality. Jews, yes Jews, Trump, maybe not your Princess Ivanka or the Prince in Waiting Jared, or Sheldon Adelson, but the rest of the Jewish community for whom you have declared there are good Nazi’s. People of Color are victims in your world of apartheid and segregation, your insecure hatred for anyone not white enough or is it orange enough like you.

And sadly, but then they are identified as SELF-VICTIMIZED individuals, so how sad can one be, are the West Virginia and Kentucky Coal Miners, the Mid-West Farmers, the Factory workers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio, who fell for your bull shit and most insincere lies about making America great, again! Cry me a River, Trump, but you are NOT a VICTIM, the United States via McConnell and his blackmailed Republican Party, and of course your Crime Family, we are the VICTIMS. A joyous day when you finally go to jail!

NOW, right NOW

“America’s institutions depend on officials to uphold both the rules and spirit of our constitutional system even when to do so is personally inconvenient or yields a politically unfavorable outcome. Our Constitution is brilliant and awesome; it deserves a government to match it.” Rep. Justin Amish, May 18, 2019. Impeachment, which is a special form of indictment, does not even require probable cause that a crime (e.g., obstruction of justice) has been committed; it simply requires a finding that an official has engaged in careless, abusive, corrupt, or otherwise dishonorable conduct.” Rep Justin Amish, May 18, 2019, Here are my principal conclusions: 1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report. 2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct. 3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances. 4. Few members of Congress have read the report. Rep Justin Amish, May 18, 2019.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting of House Democrats on Capitol Hill, Pelosi said: "No one is above the law, including the president of the United States. And we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up." May 22, 2019

Standing at the Rose Garden, with his hand flying left and right, mumbling, reciting the same lies over and over again, recalling a past that never happened in reality but in his con grifter mind, citing enemies, always out to get him, never using the word Impeachment , but referring to it as the “I” word, repeating sentences he just had spoken, but even lying about the words he muttered just seconds before, acting baffled, bewildered, and playing the victim of a vendetta, Trump went all out to once again INSIST, that HIS administration is always open and honest, available whenever needed, honest, and TRANSPARENT!
“I don’t do cover-ups,” he said in what appeared to be off-the-script comments from the Rose Garden. “You people know that probably better than anybody.” Trump, May 22, 2019.

I have very intelligent and educated friends, who take the seriousness of the Trump/McConnell Dictatorship, to heart, with great insight and intention. We differ, regarding the idea of Impeachment proceedings. But after witnessing the ACT of a Snake Oil Salesman or a five-year-old boy holding his friends toy behind his back swearing he didn’t steal anything and listening to Justin Amish’s compelling and concise facts for immediate action to discuss the dangers of a deranged despot…as an American fearful for the future, I DEMAND the House of Representatives begin Impeachment procedures. I don’t care that the Republican-controlled Senate will act as enablers for a Dictator, but justice, not politics must be heard and seen. SILENCE always EQUALS DEATH!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Chump: a foolish or easily deceived person.
chump is a sucker or a fool — someone who is very gullible. If a con artist cheats you out of money, you may end up feeling like a chumpChump is a very informal word for someone who falls for every trick and scheme, or who believes everything you tell them. The word chump first appeared in the beginning of the 1700s as a combination of the words chunk and lump, or perhaps derived from the Old Norse word Kumba which means block of wood.
Synonyms. (an unintelligent person): blockhead, idiot, dope, dolt, dunce, dummy. (Someone who does not understand the basics of life on earth. Confused easily.
gullible person): gull, sucker, dupe, sap, dummy, patsy, pigeon. See also Thesaurus: dupe.

Not a single person requested to appear before the House of Representatives, by invitation or subpoena APPEARS. William Barr insists that he and only he understands both the law of the land and the interpretation of the Constitution! Chairmen of a variety of Committees run by the House, chaired by the Majority Party INSIST, DEMAND, get jerked off by Trump and his Republican Enablers. All kinds of fact are available to call criminal intent, criminal activity. Two dozen wanna be Presidents run amuck not certain if they should just tell it like it is, as does JOE BIDEN, WHEN HE SAYS HE IS RUNNING AGAINST TRUMP, or if they should pretend that there is no mockery of the democratic process to see, and the real people of America only want to talk about real issues…as if any of those REAL issues will ever find footing as a law, unless it is to prohibit abortion, detain and murder innocent immigrant children, deny any privileges to the LGBTQ community, continue to give the wealthy more tax breaks, or play head games with the Chinese, and of course threaten the Iranians to oblivion.

New information has been disclosed of between the douchebags of Deutsche Bank covering up the facts of money laundering regarding the Trump and Kushner Family and in coordination with Russian Oligarchs, and Trump’s personal attorney’s had given permission to Michael Cohen to lie, lie and lie to Congress. And Speaker Pelosi insists she needs more reason to even say the word IMPEACHMENT! It took a Republican Congressman, Justin Amash to spell out clearly and perfectly why Impeachment hearings should proceed. So tell me Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer, and all of the Democrat Chair People in the House, who is the CHUMP…the US citizen, YOU, Trump and his Enablers. Are you interested in saving Democracy, or more intent on thinking (as a CHUMP) that somehow there is more at risk for the future like YOUR OWN political professions or the future of permitting Trump even one more day of free reign to REIGN DOWN TERROR on this nation? CHUMP: a foolish or easily deceived person.

Monday, May 20, 2019

5 Easy Pieces

Bobby: I’d like a plain omelet, no potatoes – tomatoes instead, a cup of coffee and toast.
Waitress: No substitutions.
Bobby: What do you mean, you don’t have any tomatoes?
Waitress: Only what’s on the menu. You can have a #2 – a plain omelet, comes with cottage fries and rolls.
Bobby: Yeah, I know what it comes with, but it’s not what I want.
Waitress: I’ll come back when you make up your mind.
Bobby: Wait a minute, I have made up my mind. I’d like a plain omelet, no potatoes on the plate, a cup of coffee and a side order of wheat toast.
Waitress: I’m sorry, we don’t have any side orders of toast. I can bring you an english muffin or a coffee roll.
Bobby: What do you mean you don’t make side orders of toast? You make sandwiches, don’t you?
Waitress: Would you like to talk to the manager?
Bobby: You’ve got bread and a toaster of some kind?
Waitress: I don’t make the rules.
Bobby: Okay, I’ll make it as easy for you as I can. I’d like an omelet, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce and a cup of coffee. 
Waitress: A #2, chicken salad sand. Hold the butter, the lettuce, the mayonnaise, and a cup of coffee. Anything else?
Bobby: Yeah, now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven’t broken any rules.
Waitress: You want me to hold the chicken, huh?
Bobby: I want you to hold it between your knees. 
(Carole Eastman/Five Easy Pieces)

Gov. Kay Ivey signed the most stringent abortion law in the nation— making performing an abortion a felony in nearly all cases unless necessary for the mother's health. The law provides no exception for rape and incest.
In addition to Alabama’s new law, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio recently adopted statutes that, once they take effect, will ban abortions after doctors can first detect a fetal heartbeat — before many women realize they are pregnant. On Friday, Missouri approved legislation that outlaws abortions after eight weeks of pregnancy; like Alabama’s, the bill does not provide for exceptions in instances of rape or incest. It is expected to be signed into law by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R).

A sperm meets an egg, whether planned or forced, whether from a lover or your own father, brother, or the guy who has been harassing you or spying on you from beneath your open window. You suddenly have a zygote, take away the fact that it is created from your grandpa, your, uncle, ignore the fact that the guy breaking into your home for drug money found you in bed and decided you were dessert; it is not the zygote you wanted, it is not your partner’s nor your lovers’ nor your spouses. A fetus is in your body, YOU a female, you may or may not realize that right away, but if it was not something you planned as in the kind of information Planned Parenthood can provide, you may not be ready for it, and honestly cannot care for it emotionally, or when found out it came from rape or incest, are totally disgusted! But now the Socialist States of the United States, the same states who insist that government stay out of OUR lives will either place you in prison or murder you, because it is THEY who owns your body, as well as Jesus Christ, even if you are not a Christian or religious! And once the fetus takes its first breath outside YOUR womb, the same states that preached SOCIALISM, could give one shit, YET one dollar in helping you feed, educate, provide health insurance, clothing, and special care. So, if YOU, the FEMALE happen to get pregnant, no matter through love or sheer force, you gotta have THAT Baby, just the way the SOCIALISTS OF all the BAN ABORTION STATES desire!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Never Ever

On Friday, May 17, 2019, I finally realized, just how much distress I feel, as Trump and his henchmen destroy the democracy, I was raised to believe in, and in time discovered was flawed, but at the same time was salvageable. On Friday, May 17, 2019, I awoke from a restless night of no sleep with horrible pain in my gut. I recognized that particular pain, the feeling of emptiness, the sense of abandonment, the awareness that good no longer mattered, but was replaced with an evil so insidious, yet lurking in the corners as if, hidden. It was the same feeling that oozed over my entire soul the day I publicly came out as a Gay Man, as if, coming out was some kind of sin. The sense of shame I had at the time, a combination of my own insecurities and the culmination of the society in which I lived consumed me to the point where I thought I needed to leave my home of Pittsburgh, and my children, to make things right.  I was a fool, on a fool’s errand, but it was all I knew or could consider! I honestly knew there was nothing wrong with me, but I reacted in retreat and permitted the assumed enemy take over my own power, and I moved away! I still see a psychiatrist regarding those days, but she and I have come to a conclusion that all of the guilt and angst, was self-imposed, and I am not the person I thought the community would think of me. But at that time in my life, my GUT hurt, that place in my body where my ribs meet my lungs and my lungs touch my heart. It was an awful pain, and it took dozens of years to finally STOP. I was right and I was being wronged in my perception of the community around me. I perseverated, ruminated and rotted inside far too long. My parents taught me right from wrong, good from bad, I knew the truth, but felt, at the time,  too weak to fight the battle and win!

On Friday, May 17, 2019, that same hurt, that same pain, that same uncomforting feeling, laid heavy in my GUT. I realized that this nation was becoming a victim, a self-permitted victim of men and women who delight in deception, who delve into decay and demolition of democracy. And I FEEL STRONGLY, I must never let this notion of someone else defining my life be the norm. I am, among the many attributes a Gay Man, I am, among the many attributes an American man…I will not run away from MY truth ever again, and I URGE all Americans, to smack themselves in their heads and understand, we are on the precipice of the end of democracy, equality, and freedom. We, ALL must RESIST and if necessary REVOLT. Trump wants us to be ashamed of who we are…denigrate us, divide us. My GUT is beginning to hurt again, and I will NEVER, EVER let that happen. No more battles to run from, just to face and win!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Bye, Bye

As the two dozen Democrat applicants prance and pose, ponder and plead, all wanting to become A Next President,  pretending that the present, this immediate moment in which we find ourselves as a nation barely surviving, the Republican Party is in the throes of a Coup, quiet, quick, with the quintessential chaos, only conniving con artists can conceive.

The GOP are both fearful of Trump, but understand that as long as this egocentric, the narcissist can navigate the imbalances of the supposed “checks and balances”, there is free reign for a complete change in our societal, cultural, and policy norms. The sudden rush of creating Handmaiden’s, the surge of Life term ultra conservatives approved to sit on the bench, the mere silence by the Republicans, that ANY PRESIDENT CAN COMMIT ANY CRIME AND NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, would, in any other world cause a major REVOLUTION, and the revulsion by the American people would act like a tsunami wave and Trump would be out of office.

I am not certain what I as an American do any longer. The total nonsense of even debating words like Impeachment or not stuns me, the inaction of the GOP to act in a democratic meaningful way, not being met with total outrage by that state’s population in the Purple States, amazes me. Bull shit are we or are we not in a Constitutional Crisis, we are drowning in AUTHORITARIAN waters and the only response comes from a tepid Democrat House of Representatives, clueless media like MSNBC and CNN, and the only ones with any life rafts are the Washington Post and New York Times!

There will be no free elections in 2020, as long as Trump remains in office. The newly hacked Governor of Florida already gave that clue away when he pretended some of his districts were hacked in 2018, but not enough to make a difference. The incoherent and idiot of economics is pledging more money to Farmers so less will be used for Medicare Medicaid and Social Security. Like Presidents before him, Trump will use the excuse of war to dangle a shiny object pretending to be Patriotism, men and women will die. And all along each and every day, Putin and his Oligarchs tempt and tease a Band of Treasonous Brothers from the GOP to permit the slide of American civilization and freedom into a pit of dictatorship and destruction. And the fucking kicker, IS the same people who pretend that polling means one damn thing talk and talk and talk as if those numbers count. Either Trump and his Crime Family have broken laws or not…we have evidence they have, yet Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer play politics as if this was another “Pleasant Valley Sunday,” than “Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie”

Thursday, May 16, 2019

your own rules

My Aunt Meercy lived a good life in Miami Beach. She and her husband retired there, and upon his death, my Aunt,  who is now 101, and says “Thank you God for this new day,” every time she wakes up, was and is a fighter. But after a few years of living as a widow, my sisters and I noticed a decline in both her memory and her demeanor.  When she finally acquiesced to our requests that she please move to Pittsburgh, and move into housing closer to her immediate family, I spent a month, helping her move. My Aunt never had children, and my mother (a true loving sister, asked that we, her children treat Aunt Meercy like a mother!) So as a good son I began the trek of Moving my Aunt Meercy. I am going to tell a short tale of our visit to Wolfies Deli, at the time a very popular Jewish Delicatessen, not as a joke, but as a moment in time which NOW resonates too deeply for me, regarding the dangerous and decaying democracy in which in find myself, and worse, my children, nieces nephews and great nieces and nephews living…and I am afraid. We went to the Early, Early Bird Dinner, which at the time ran from 3:30 pm to 5:00pm. At 5:00pm the Early Bird Dinner began. The Early, Early Bird, had a less expensive menu and a notice of all you could eat. For the senior population all you eat was truly not a whole lot of food, but Wolfies Deli, provide plates of Kosher pickles, pickled green tomatoes and tons of sauerkraut. 
My Aunt ordered three Matzoh Balls for her soup. I was shocked, knowing her appetite was not usually that great, she also ordered two corned beef sandwiches and packets of mustard even though there was the usual tiny glass container of mustard on the table. Right before the meal was finished my Aunt removed from her purse a large quart size plastic bag and a few sandwiched sized bags. As she began to place the two uneaten extra Matzoh balls in the bag, quickly stashing the corned beef sandwiches and of course the mustard packets, I had a look of shock on my face. I had never witnessed my Aunt act this way. I gently placed my hand on hers and asked what she was doing. Without looking at me, and hardly noticing my hand on hers she, politely and with respect asked me to help put the sugar packets and the salt and pepper shakers in a bag!  To make this long version a bit shorter, and I swear, no intention of making a joke of this…the purpose of my Aunt’s action, as explained by her and her friends sitting at surrounding tables, was…They said all you can eat, and anything on the table is something you could eat, so if it is on the table and you are going to pay for it, TAKE IT ALL! A lady who heard me question my Aunt, stopped by our booth, her handbag bulging, and added, “the rules are all you can eat so we can eat all of this.”

We are now living in a nation where rules are broken, changed, ignored by the Republican/Putin/Evangelical Political Party. There is no adherence to the Constitution, by the Republican/Putin/Evangelical Political Party, and they demonstrate their idea of governing as an all you can destroy Party. They tell us the President can never be guilty of a crime, they tell us subpoenas by the Legislative Branch of Government are meaningless. They ignore Senate procedures by rushing both Cabinet member nominees and Federal Court Nominees with no debate, and they lower the taxes on the wealthy, declare tariffs on the average American, and decide that the environment is their own toy and they can play with it as they please. There are rules to follow and there are rules by which you either ignore or change to suit your own needs.

Over 3 million more citizens voted for Hillary (and is just counting the votes that were not destroyed or hacked by the GOP and the Russians) yet this nation is being governed by a minority Party with an all you can FUCK attitude. They fear Trump, they fear their Base, a so-called 34% of the population. Their base now, consists of Racists, White Nationalists, Good Nazi’s, False Prophets, Bigots, Homophobes, Islamophobia, Misogynists, and now two new groups, RAPISTS, and MEN  who think INCEST is a gift from Jesus! For the Republican/Putin/Evangelical/Political Party, it is like the Early, Early Bird Dinner…eat all you want, take all you want, and changes the rules to suit your own needs! I am AFRAID, so fucking AFRAID!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

sound of silence, again

“…And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence” (Sound of Silence/Paul Simon)

Hey, Susie Collins/Lisa Murkowski/Joni Ernst/Deb Fischer/Shelly Moore Capito, the cat got your tongue regarding the Confederate Nation/State of Alabama’s new anti-abortion law which permits your brother, your father, your uncle, your nephew the dirtbag neighbor to rape a female, and then by law having her carry that fetus to birth! Twelve men made that kind of incest and rape “thingy” a law, and the female Governor of the Confederate Nation/State of Alabama, Kay Ivey signed it into law. (Remember she ONLY became governor following Governor Robert J. Bentley's court-mandated resignation following a guilty plea-deal amidst a corruption scandal.

Afraid of any kind of Trump assassination of your character with the base, huh? Is that reason you remain soooooo quiet. Let me guess Susie Collins, (you will write a letter demon stating your disgust). Oh, ladies, you all suck, what a fucked-up bunch of females. Now we can add to the list of the Republican Base, Rapists, and Family members who love intercourse with their own family, along with Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Islamophobic, Misogynists. Oh, the quiet is deafening, and the cowardness demonstrated by all of your female Republican Senators, just OUTRAGEOUS!


On Tuesday, May 14, 2019, the Nation/State of Alabama still a part of the Confederacy, passed a no EXCLUSION anti-abortion law, which makes no exception to rape or incest. So in the Confederate Nation/State of Alabama, home of Jeffry Sessions and Roy Moore, if you are daddy’s little girl daddy can have two little girls, you and his granddaughter which will really be his second daughter. If your brother just can’t no satisfaction from fornicating with the livestock, he can take off his overalls and pork his sister, or maybe he has an Oedipus Complex and he can swoon and croon and screw his mother. Just imagine what nuclear family that would make.

And just for good time's sake, in the Confederate Nation/State of Alabama, some random sleaze bag guy can break into your house, find you tempting as a pork rind on a BBQ and have intercourse at his leisure. You don’t have to ask him to help name your baby, but you sure as hell are gonna keep it. And you might even reap the reward of a few STD’s along the way.

Now the Republican Governor of the Confederate Nation/State of Alabama (remember their leader in the White House declared he could touch ladies’ private parts whenever he wants to…or at least pay $140K to do so), most likely will sign that bill because after all his Jesus loves the fetus, but anyone else is just dressing. The GOP say most likely that this bill will be challenged, but what the fuck, try anyway. 

The scariest thing about this whole shit hole Handmaids Tale is that all of the states so far which have redefined women as chattel are hoping that enough of their outrageous and misogynistic laws will force the issue of a woman and the right to her own body to be taken up by the Supreme Court! (And remember this, you got two DUDES sitting on that court accused of sexual harassment, and two other DUDES who think that New Testament Biblical Law usurps the Constitution. I wonder if, with all of the tariff’s in place, the red dresses and white caps, will be made in China, or maybe back on the plantations which are certain to rise again in the Confederate Nation/State of Alabama! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I waited, held my breath, exhaled, then inhaled, watched three minutes of some talking heads on MSNBC, turned off the TV, sighed! I decided maybe I should give MSNBC a few more minutes of my time, and the mistake I made, was listening to people who have no idea of the real world or the inhabitants of that world debate whether or not Impeachment was a good thing, whether the recognition of crimes committed by the Executive Branch of Government was a decent argument, and finally the discussion of the silly campaigns the almost two dozen dem candidates are running, and how once again, will the Dems settle upon one person and support them.

That was it! I have nowhere to turn to except maybe Rachel Maddow, and even she is beginning to lose control of the world in which I live. Trump remains in office! McConnell, and Graham fuck checks and balances, the GOP will try anything from Rudy visiting a foreign country to invent fake news, and the useless, mindless minions of FOX are dictating foreign and domestic policy. AND DID I MENTION TRUMP IS STILL IN OFFICE!!!!!

I am not certain where reality and the vast universe of the non-reality start or begin anymore. Tariff’s, buying American farmland to stop the bleeding from tariff’s, judges appointed who have stated publicly their bigotry toward women, people of color, Jews, Muslims, and of course the LGBT community, appointed to lifetime service. War threats against Iran and Venezuela. Deficits created for the wealthy and to pay for that, decreases in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Phone calls to Putin. And somehow …NO SOMEHOW…we are debating whether or not Trump be Impeached? (And let's be honest, once he is toppled I am certain a whole lot of Republican Enablers will also begin to fall.

I don’t get it! Oh yeah, and then a whole other story is the two dozen Dems running for office and just how many of their followers will shoot themselves in the foot and NOT vote because their man or woman did not get nominated! HELP! 

Monday, May 13, 2019

MY Girl!

For many self-identified Christian Crusaders, mostly men, the Rape of a woman, should it happen, is a gift from Jesus. These insecure men believe that women are not just chattel, but a lesser form of life, one in which men with the pat on the back from Jesus, must teach, to understand the power of the Lord. Along with the Christian Taliban, the guys who consider having an illness a form of religious weakness, or being a homosexual an attack on the masculinity of Jesus, the Rape is a gift from God goons, care less about the female more about the fetus, and then when the fetus breathes it first bit of polluted air, will say, now that baby is YOUR responsibility.

 “I feel like the word shatter.” “Nothing changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub you'd be boiled to death before you knew it.” “Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.”“Whatever is silenced will clamor to be heard, though silently.”The Handmaid’s Tale quotes/by Margaret Atwood.

For the women living in the Christian American Nation States, whose legislatures are compromised by Evangelical Jihadists, like Texas, Kansas, Georgia and soon to be Missouri and Louisiana; places where Incest, Rape are considered a gift from God, and a prize you receive as a female, your rights as a human, as an American who happens to be female, are diminishing. To even imagine female legislators who agree with their male counterparts is frightening, knowing you will be faced with imprisonment, maybe death if decide not to be forced to take on  their perceived the beauty  of Motherhood, provided to by Jesus, or your father, brother, grandfather, uncle, or the guy thinks his penis will fit perfectly into your body! You must remain pregnant, it is NOT your choice to bring a fetus, not created from love but from brute force to term. But then for the women of the Christian Jihadist States of America, it will SUDDENLY be your responsibility to feed, clothe, educate and nurture that child because Jesus only is concerned you carry the seed. Pull yourselves from your own bootstraps after that!   

“Blessed be the fruit,” is the common greeting, which elicits the answer, “may the Lord open.” The expected farewell, “Under his eye.” Any expressions of positivity are met with, “Praise be.” When Offred meets the man whose children she's assigned to bear, he says, ”Nice to meet you.”The Handmaid’s Tale quotes/by Margaret Atwood. Ms. Atwood, tried to warn us of an impending time bomb, a device no resurrected by Christian’s acting as if they were ISIS, demanding that they and only they know the will of the Lord. This nation has disregarded the system of checks and balances and is ready to cut the last piece of twine that once stated that there is a divide between church and state. Just one more piece of Trump’s poison oozing into the bloodstream of a nation gone wild!
