Saturday, April 30, 2016

Eddie Munster

Hey Paul Ryan a while ago there had been this meme of Eddie Munster’s picture compared to your official Paul Ryan politician photo, the resemblance was more than amazing. Both you and Eddie Munster have that boyish grin, that flock of black hair and that bit of the boy next store look. But then Paul Ryan it seems the comparison between you and Eddie Munster fades and fails. It seems the actor who played Eddie Munster pretended to be from a family of monsters, so when the TV show The Munster’s ended, the guy playing Eddie Munster would take off his make up go home and become a human again. But you Paul Ryan never take off that monster costume, because it is no costume nor facade, it is definitely part of your DNA. 

It seems Paul Ryan you want to dismember the Affordable Health Care Act, you and your Tea Bagging buds have tried to eliminate the ACA never promising to replace it but with great zeal and zest repealing it. And now you have come forward with a pretend gesture taken from the 70’s where you have decided that the really ill people, the Americans suffering pain and lots of loss of money to cope with that pain should no longer be covered with reasonable health insurance. Your almost new plan it seems has little regard for anyone but the health care insurance companies who most likely have bought and purchased your public service.  I am curious Paul Ryan and please answer honestly, did your form of Christianity teach you that Jesus hated the sick…did your parents insist that you become an adult with little compassion or empathy for the ill…or had you decided that the only way to become a big shot in the Republican party was to deny the average American anything affordable?

What a shame, Paul Ryan, that you are such a sham (And to think you are the third highest ranking politician in the US who could ascend to the Oval Office). I am curious Paul Ryan, how do you actually look your kids in the eye knowing that other children and parents either terminally ill, dying or spending most of their income trying to live with less pain; under your news flim/flam will not be able to continue with affordable health insurance? Monsters on TV are scary, but we ALL know that once we turn off the TV sets, those monsters fade into the black. But you Paul Ryan, you continue to provide horror and terror to the most vulnerable people, and it seems you enjoy doing it. Two monsters, Eddie Munster and Paul Ryan, one takes off his make-up the other needs no make-up just a body without a soul, conscience and a heart!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Dear Prophet

Dear Teddy, Oops, I apologize perhaps I should refer to you as your father prefers Dear Prophet Cruz. (I am not Jewish, but I am always curious why the Jesus you say you believe in always makes house calls to some of the most bigoted idiots, like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry and of course the best pay to pray shyster Pat Robertson?) But Prophet Ted, Oops I have done it again your birth name Is Raphael named after your Pro Castro supporter Dad, did your parents decide just calling you Ted would make you seem more Canadian? And now that you have moved to America perhaps calling you Ted makes a lot more sense, because imagine if people referred to you as Raphael Cruz; it would almost make your name sound like the kind of Mexican rapist with huge calves who wants to take away jobs from Americans, and some of your Tea Bagging supporters might have to place your name on the deportation list. But I digress Prophet.

People say it was out of desperation, Prophet, that you selected Carly (I see imaginary Planned Parenthood videos) as your running mate. But Prophet WE all know, except for those with white hoods, inbred families, and the really stupid, that nothing you do has not been planned or calculated. After all your Dad (Raphael Senior is preparing you to lead us in the Second Coming), so I am curious what you thought having Carly (so what’s a lie anyway) Fiorina would do to help you? When I saw the two of you standing on stage together I actually asked some friends if there had ever been a sibling ticket that has tried to run for President of the United States? Looking at the two of you I noticed such similarities, your smirks are perfect to hide your clenching teeth, your teeny, tiny eyes hide the black hole of your iris’s, your phony facial expressions matched to a T, (You both have such mastery of deceit, demagoguery, and deception). And your ability to avoid facts, feign morals and pretend neither of you are hypocrites is like watching a Phd teach a class in con artistry!

I have some personal questions Prophet, which I am sure you won’t mind answering as you have often times initiated conversations about these issues with some of the demographic populations in the United States… First when you pee do you use a urinal? If you do Prophet, are you the kind of guy who looks at the wall, looks down at his penis, or do you have those roaming eyes trying to judge the size of another mans genitals compared to yours. I am pee shy Prophet so your roaming eyes would cause great consternation for me…Secondly, how do you and Heidi have sex and where do you have sex? Is it kinky, is it missionary, is it doggy style (You seem to be fascinated with Gay sex, so I just want to know about your straight sex), and  oh by the way didn’t Jesus say something about multiplying (you know something you insist the Gays can’t do) so why have you let down Jesus by only having two kids…Thirdly Prophet how come your little lady, the (rib from Adam) works? Aren’t men to be masters of the house? Isn’t there some shame that your Gal made more money then you (are you certain you have read your Bible). Donald wants to make America better or whiter I am not sure which word he prefers, and you want to make America an open cesspool of hate, hypocrisy, divide and nothing at all as the Founders wished.  Cruz/Fiorina I know a slogan we can kill America, Together!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I am an idealist, a progressive, I believe we need revolution in this nation when it comes to the common good for the common man. I am pleased we have candidates in the Democrat Party who speak about the issues of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But I am also a man who happens to be Gay. I am Jewish, have a daughter, sisters , nieces, and women in my life who I consider like family. I came from a family just living at the edge of middle class. My best friend in the entire world is of Mexican descent. My husband’s bestie just happens to be African American. I grew up in the 50’s where sign’s were prevalent that said NO Blacks, NO Jews, NO Catholics, NO Dogs. I have delivered food to seniors living alone, I have tutored children living in neighborhoods where playing outside was dangerous. Three years ago I could finally say “I Do” but recently it seems there are many who want to change that to “No you don’t”. I am ready for change, and I understand just how difficult change can be when the truth about change is muddled with fear, loathing, lies and religious ineptness permitting some people’s God to be more human than a deity. 

I am an American worried about the environment, the decay of our democracy, the fact that lives of Corporations garner more priority then the lives of the average American. Most of us realize that power lies only with those who can purchase politicians with big bucks. Indeed we have politicians who with out gerrymandering, repulsive and un democratic voter ID laws or restrictive voting would still be trying to pass a ninth grade civics class. I want to see a better nation, a country where freedom from religion triumphs over religious bigotry. A nation where consensus is not a dangerous action, difference is welcomed, and history remains a fact and not rewritten to become dogma.

I am pleased we have a debate happening on the Democrat side of the aisle, but recently I have become nervous that the debate has become inflammatory, imprecise, venomous and vile. To hear supporters of either Hillary or Bernie swear that if their candidate is not nominated to represent the “Blue” team frightens me. Lets be clear, both Hillary and Bernie say words like inclusive, freedom, equal rights, acceptance, and none of those words are ever spoken by the current crop of Tea Party-Republicans. I am tired of people saying revolutions are difficult as if we will survive if the Republicans regain control of the White House and maintain control of the Congress. As I see it there will be a revolution but one that disavows the rights of women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, people just living above the poverty line, Veterans,education and those of us who care about a healthy planet for the next hundred of generations. It seems that spite somehow gets co-mingled with the word REVOLUTION. If you stay home and NOT vote, or demonstrate your spite by for voting for Trump, just who do you think you will be hurting? The Dems have this wonderful philosophy about doing the right thing, but the Dems also have the knack to not be as flexible as they need, thinking we will show you! For me there is too much at stake to be spiteful. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Who's Zooming Who

Why is that throughout the history of this nation, the Southern Evangelical, or Southern Baptist Christians always seemed so interested in (as Aretha Franklin sang so beautifully) Who is Zooming Who, How they do that Zooming, and the potty habits of regular people who may or may not have Zoomed someone or had the delight of Zooming themselves? One might think that  perhaps these crusaders for Christ are not getting any satisfaction in their bedrooms creating a bit of jealousy or maybe they want to be Zoomed by some one of the same sex!

In the early days of Slavery,and beyond the White Christian’s were sure as certain that the Negro wanted to Zoom white women. In the early days of slavery and beyond the White Christian men, considered a Negro woman to somehow have her lady parts better sorted and shaped for his Christian genitals, and that always made for perfect Zooming! White Southern Christian Preachers, and Ministers spoke about how the Negro always did and always will have lust for sex with anyone Caucasian.

Now in the newly amalgamated Southern Christian states, Who is Zooming Who has reached hysteria. No time to worry about poverty, lack of education funds, health care, cost of living, none of that is of priority until every Baptist or Evangelical white blooded male and his Gal (the gender who originated from Adam’s rib) begin to become the Penis Police, the Vagina Vigilante, the Bastions of Bathroom decorum, and the Demons against Democracy. It seems there is that nasty Devil in the details, so none of these God Bless American’s have time to decipher the US Constitution, so instead they prefer to bask in their easy, breezy, sleazy, bigotry and swim in the soothing waters of hate. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Boo Hoo Megyn

Boo-Hoo Megyn Kelly, here is one tissue for your one tear! It seems Megyn Kelly is having a bad few months ever since she was the only entertainment host from FOX to pretend to ask Donald Trump a real question; she was the perfect person, a women which  FOX News assumed would fool all of its female viewers into thinking FOX News and the Republican Party of “NO” had any concerns about females. Poor Megyn was tossed, torn and finally used as feed for Donald Trump and now Megyn is stressing over the fact that she has become the victim of a bully. (Donald Trump, WE know is an insecure male who believes that women might have come from Adam’s rib, but he does truly believe ALL women once born want some of him). Donald Trump is a narcissist but a real good shyster selling cheap goods and in his tactics of selling the Brooklyn Bridge he held captive poor Megyn Kelly. He is and was wrong to do so, BUT poor Megyn Kelly has done the same sampling of bullying from her Ivory Tower toward People of Color, Planned Parenthood, Minimum Wage Workers, Immigrants, Muslims and the ever so popular anti-Christ consortium of the LGBTQ community. So once again, one tissue Megyn for one tear shed.

I find it so true to form the response from a bully when he or she is confronted with the same relentless, stupid, ignorance lack of morals and values accusations; “Why Me Lord, Why Me?’ Somehow when the bully becomes the victim of the same innuendo, threats, abuse they so adoringly had pissed on everyone else, you would think that someone dressed in a Roman toga was about to tie them to a cross. Megyn of course has options, so she says, and as usually is the case another News Organization might adopt her as that stray pet who given a second chance CAN become housebroken. It will matter not that Megyn has lied about the rights of women, the plight of the immigrant, the struggles of the LGBTQ community or struggles of People of Color, that part of HER history will be white washed. Perhaps the best excuse will be the one the German soldiers used, “We were only following orders.”

Megyn, ever the team player, even when the team certainly has used her for bait, said she understands the dilemma her boss, Roger Ailes from FOX has found himself drawing in, to paraphrase Megyn’s own words, “Now how can you expect FOX New to ignore and dismiss the GOP front runner. Well, Megyn, ONE might expect any person, male or female to first respect virtue from venom, sincere from stupid and perhaps truth. But Megyn you have slept with dogs, and how would you not think they wouldn’t poop all over you? (And remember Megyn as you shed you tear, you did a whole lot of pooping on most of demographic populations in this nation! Poor Megyn Kelly, she is sad, she is frustrated, she is confused why she is the brunt of a bully, when she is ALWAYS supposed to be the one inciting the riot. Boo-Hoo Megyn Kelly, one tissue for one tear.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


HEY GALS…HE feels your pain, HE knows your concerns, BUT GALS even if your Dad, Brother, Uncle John or that lecherous creep who believes he has THE penis ALL women crave, happen to CHOOSE you as their vessel to insert the sweetest of seeds, HE knows you can handle the struggle of carrying your RAPIST’S bastard child to term. How HE knows is simple, HIS Daddy Raphael has had a few conversations with Jesus, and Jesus loves you so much that he permitted you to receive a gift. And GALS, if you are raped and you are not even a Christian, Jesus still loves you. Come on GALS how can you look a gift horse in the mouth? HE is the GOP’s alternate crazy guy should Donald falter. With HIM it it will be an easier life, Donald wants you to go to jail, or your family planning doctor to go to jail or the both of you to go jail, but HE will have none of that, NOPE, you will not be behind bars, instead with HIS plan your jail will be carrying a baby that has your Daddy’s, or Bother's or Uncle John’s or the the Creep’s sperm, and you know nothin’ says lovin’ like somethin’ in the oven! (Now we know that Rape or Incest NEVER happens to the good GALS of the GOP, so if the rest of you GALS can’t be like these Christian Patriotic women and you commit the crime,you gotta do the time! WHO is HE that knows what is best for you, why, stupid, its the Prophet Ted Cruz!

Now, according to the Prophet Cruz Teddy, Jesus is still that beloved NRA carrying card member , Tea Bagging braggart who HAS never liked Big Government, so just because Ted Cruz’s Jesus got you a gift, it ain’t no way his  responsibility thus in turn Cruz of his Tea baggers job to help you once that egg meets the sperm. Ted Cruz’s Jesus has always expected YOU to pick yourself up from your own boot straps, as they say in Evangelical Mega Church circles not a hand out but a hand up. Ted Cruz’s Jesus is waiting for you reach up and help yourself once you have been raped…come on just stretch those hands a little higher. Ted Cruz wants you to understand Rape may traumatic at first but GALS just wait for the delight of birth. And you can celebrate Mother’s day with your Baby’s Grandfather/Father, Uncle/Father/ or Sociopath Father (Hallmark will print some cards to celebrate this moment.) You see GALS, The Prophet Ted Cruz is a practical man, so if you should suffer any emotional trauma, are in need of medical assistance, nutrition, housing and actual dollars to pay for the Rapists baby, don’t look t Jesus, get a backbone and do it ALL yourself. 

Now like most of the Tea-Bagging GOP lying politicians, Ted the Prophet Cruz has found a little wiggle room just in case you really are worried that his second Executive Order (right after assigning the LGBTQ to an offshore island) will be for you to embrace the beauty of Rape; Teddy says that it will be up to the states to enact HIS law. (You know like the Confederate tried with slavery and most recently with the discrimination against the LGBTQ community.  Your a female and you actually think this GUY has gone to far and NO MATTER WHAT, GOD FORBID you will not vote for a Democrat, you still the Prison for Abortion GUY named Donald, OR the Quiet Guy named Kasich who has shut down as many Planned Parenthood Clinic as necessary because women REALLY aen’t sure of their own reproductive body parts, and remember Kasich has proudly stated that GALS have dropped their apron, actually left their kitchens to vote for him. Hey GALS, you’re gonna vote for a Republican for president…just how stupid can you get?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

His Little Lady

The anointed Prophet, the guy whose dad speaks to Jesus, Ted Cruz, loves playing the victim. After all he IS the Evangelical, morals/values Christian Conservative who honest to God (Not Buddha,or Mohammad or the Jewish Head Honcho) but Jesus understands not only the New Testament, but the Constitution and is about the only guy, now that Anton Scalia is dead and gone able to communicate how the two documents are really ONE. Ted Cruz with his Joe McCarthy smarmy grin and his dislike for freedoms and equality is APPALLED, is SADLY CHAGRINED, that Donald Trump (Remember when Teddy Boy and The Donald were bestie way back at the start of the GOP race to the bottom) WOULD ever have the audacity to use Heidi Cruz in a negative ad, DONAL TRUMP insulted Heidi Cruz something Ted feels is waaaaaaaaay off limits. (Oh the humanity of it all!)

We all know that Donald is great at one thing and that is marketing. Sadly Donald also is good at walking away from any mess he doesn’t like for example declaring bankruptcy, and of course marriages, so Donald of course is not taking too kindly to ANY suggestion that HE, the Donald would stoop so low as to place a glamor shot of his third wife with an every day photo of Heidi Cruz; BUT I digress! The thing IS Ted Cruz has dissed, destroyed, demonstrated disgust for other people’s wives ever since he became a Senator. Ted Cruz has ridiculed the wives who want to take control of their own bodies. Ted Cruz has restricted people’s wives from family planning by trying his best to close down Planned Parenthood Clinics. Yes Cruz has restricted husband’s and wives from creating or not creating a family the way they want to. And Ted Cruz has placed wives in a same-sex relationship in a tenuous situation by assisting in policies denying them their own existence. 

Ted Cruz, love himself some self-victimization, and like any REAL hypocrite he is insulted when the actions he espouses are thrown back at him. He HAS no problem attacking other women, mothers, sisters, daughters and WIVES, but suddenly he is terribly troubled, overwrought, and hurt that ANYONE would have the NERVE to attack his “Little Lady”, Heidi!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Back in the day

Back in the day, way back in 1875 ten years after the conclusion of the US Civil War, way back before the words African-American-Black-Colored Folk were used, when the favorite slur was Negro, way back then the state of Mississippi had a few problems from within its White Christian population. It seems that no matter what the law intended, White citizens of Mississippi at least the ones attending an Evangelical or Baptist Church grew quite concerned that Negro Men in particular were never satisfied with their own Negro women and were always on the hunt for women of the Caucasian persuasion. This was a serious issue for the Caucasian Men for a few reasons; God never intended for the Negro and Caucasian races to mingle, let alone have sex, the Negro was still considered a form of chattel and any God fearing Southerner would not want something sub human around his woman, and even though Mississippi was a part of the anarchists who declared war and lost Mississippians still had the right to delegate freedom and equality. Many articles were written how it made sense for the Negro not to have their males in bars, or restaurants or stores where the Caucasian female might find herself, because EVERYONE knew that at the mere sight of a White lady, the Negro male would go crazy and want to rape her. So to avoid any undo lynchings or tar and feathering on behalf of the Negro community from the Caucasian community it be best that Negro men do not find their way in the company of Caucasian women. (Now of course a white guy and a Negro woman made sense because white men have needs.)

There was US law back then, but it wasn’t Jesus’s law and any red-blooded son and daughter of the Confederacy understood, the morals and values were at stake when the US law impinged upon the rights of good God fearing bigoted Christians. No Emancipation proclamation was going to oust Jesus’s wishes and his Father’s wishes that the Caucasian Race stay separate from the Negro Race…not separate but equal, JUST SEPARATE!

In 2016, One Hundred Fifty One years since the conclusion of the Civil War, Mississippians are feeling a little nostalgia for the good old days. So their gerrymandered, voter ID restricted inbred Christian Crusaders calling themselves the People’s Legislature decided that it was time to inspect peoples penis’s and vaginas. Not being  psychiatrists, or medical doctors, not knowing anything but select words from a Bible based only on Christian persuasion, the politicians of Mississippi decided to subjugate the LGBTQ citizens of their state and deny them equal access to anything from the rest rooms to that bar and grill where only heterosexuals should find themselves. Jesus once again was the reason why segregation was necessary and one might suggest the projection of their own bizarro sexual inadequacies or their own closeted personalities,  were the other reasons. Again, as in the old days the Mississippi legislator is only doing this separate but not equal behavior so no one gets hurt. Just in the days where it was for the protection of the Negro to not get killed because the Whites assumed he wanted white women, this anti LGBTQ law will let those Queers not get beat up or maybe really hurt bad enough to die. It might have been the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865, but the of the Confederacy have never quite quit!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Reap what we So

So you “Feel the Bern”, or you hate Hilary. So, you want ‘To Move Froward with Hilary”, or find the Bern too painful. So, do you ever think having a President Sanders or a President Clinton will matter come November 9, 2016 if Mitch McConnell runs the Senate or Paul Ryan remains master of the House? So you got principals this time around and you are gonna “show THEM” by not voting at all or by not voting for the other Democrat. Its either your Socialist/Progressive Left of Center candidate or no one, or your Progressive Right of Center candidate or no one and THIS time you will put your foot down and NOT VOTE! So, do you realize the THEM, you are gonna show by having your principals insulted consists of Seniors/Immigrants/People of Color/ The LGBTQ Community/Unions and Women?

So, Susan Sarandon said that maybe by not voting for your special Democrat candidate the Revolution will come quicker. So, Susan Sarandon do you realize that the Revolution has already started, no NOT the one against Trump or Cruz, but the one started by those who support and believe in Trump and Cruz. So, Susan the current Revolution, the one paid for by Corporations who have become People, by Billionaires who laugh every time they hear the words “Trickle Down Economy”, by the Reality Stars who host FOX News, by the Christian Crusaders who are home schooled and believe dinosaurs road on the Arc, the Sun rotates around our Flat Earth, and the men and women who love a good White Hood and or a sweet looking Swastika on their arms. So, Susan and all of the voters who want it their way or no way at all, whatcha gonna do when neither Democrat candidate wins, and your freedom to even consider an alternate politician is removed, perhaps along with you?

So, Bernie Only or Hilary Only Fans have you taken a look at Mississippi, Indiana, Texas, North Carolina, Kansas recently? Have you seen that even with a Democrat in the White House Christian Nation States are evolving because it does take a whole village to stop the Christian Jihad in this nation, the Christian Fascism in this nation, the Bigotry, Bias, Racism, Misogyny, Xenophobia, Anti Muslim/Anti Semitism/Homophobia from reproducing. So, it matters of course we have a person in the White House who believes in words like Freedom/Equality/The Constitution/Fairness; but if we don’t have the State Legislatures  and the US Congress saying those same words it DOES NOT MATTER who IS President. So, instead of continuing to say she is wrong or he can’t do it, why not take that frustration that energy and help find consensus. Remember the only people who hate consensus are those who believe the South won the Civil War/that Jesus wrote the Constitution/ of call them selves Patriots as they carry their AK’s to prove they are the chosen ones. We reap what we so!