Friday, March 31, 2017


Trump is evil simply because he is a shell of a man angry that all he has to show the world is a facade; he is always afraid a strong wind of truth will come his way and actually blow the facade over and nothing will be left of him. Trump is empty and he is the kind of character in which evil loves to fill the void. Deceitful, disturbed, dirty and dingy evil that grows as does the scum on a lifeless pond in the summer heat and humidity. Trump’s evil of course changes depending on who is not filling his ego with lies, but is filling his pockets with dollars. Trump is too baseless, to understand the how and why of evil, but as long as he is paid the right price, evil he will be.

Pence is a vengeful, deliberate, kind of evil that is gleaned from the preachers who understand that their God can only thrive when an enemy is identified. Pence is evil because it brings him power and privilege while denying promise and purpose to others. Pence is fearful that unless he lashes out first, he might be the subject of concern by others who would rather find good in the world. Pence is a hypocrite kind off evil, pretending there is virtue behind his evilness, while all the time looming in the recesses of his insecure body is a villain. Pence is dangerous evil as he knows exactly the consequences of his action, which differ than Trump who can only think about himself and what he gets in return.

On Thursday, March 30, the man who Putin helped place as VP, once again cast a deciding vote to hurt the common citizen of America. First it was to confirm his Evangelical billionaire donor Betsy DeVos, and on Thursday, it was a simple smack and sinister snark to mainly the ladies of this nation and their bothersome lady parts. Mainly Pence wanted to hurt the ladies, but Pence doesn’t care to realize the denial of Planned Parenthood services includes STD’s checkups, children's health, HIV care, and family planning which in fact benefit the values and well being of everyone. But Pence’s God, the guy who is a charter member of the NRA, a banker, a slum landlord, is only concerned about abortions and of course anything Gay, so fuck Planned Parenthood! Pence is certain that if you are a good lady Christian you will never have anything wrong with your lady parts, and if you are a good Republican, you can pay a whole lot of money for your health care. For Pence, if you are none of the above, you can just suffer and die. Trump is evil because is an idiot, Pence is evil on purpose!

Thursday, March 30, 2017


For over 40 years of my life I had tried to remain invisible, regarding my true identity as Gay man. I was told by my government, my religion, the arts and sciences, the neighborhood, that Gay was bad, was a sickness, was unAmerican and of course against God’s will. So I tried MY best to fit in, to acquiesce to find approval to be like everyone else; until I realized two things, a lot of everyone else was completely fucked up and as Lady Gaga once said, “I Was Born This Way!” The closet door was always open, but I had no idea how easy it was to walk out of it, nor did I really think I could, I should or I ever would. I came out of hiding and became visible, NEVER EVER to permit anyone, did I say ANYONE from NOT seeing me. You may be a homophobe, but I am here, you may be a bigot, but I am here, you may be a self loathing pretentious prick, but I am here. You may be so afraid of your own secrets, but I am here…and you may not like me, but then who gives a fuck, cause I AM HERE!

So, now it seems the Party of Death and its empty Emperor have decide that MY rights, my citizenship, MY freedoms, My equality are no longer of the same priority as the guy who is on his third wife, had a child out of wedlock, continues to lie and cheat and most likely a pawn, and a puppet of Putin, you know the Reality Star sitting in the Oval Office. It seems that the Party of Death, gleefully supported by the Pay to Pray Preachers calling themselves Evangelicals, motivated by the Anarchists who are on the Russian payroll or worse under the Russian thumb with enough blackmail information to have them rot in jail, have decided that along with picket fences, motherhood and baseball, anti LGBTQ discrimination is now the new norm. For Trump and his band of baron robbers, the LGBTQ community is the newest demographic to just be denied their civil and equal rights.

So, let me say this, in MY blog, if in fact you voted for anyone Republican, you voted for Trump, and you are not begging for forgiveness for your folly, then stop reading anything I write, and unfriend me NOW. Your vote, your mistake is costing ME my freedom. I am no better than you but damn it, I am certainly no less then you. Trump is a joke, and the laugh was on you; and now sadly, I as a Gay man become the punchline. I am here, whether Trump of the Party of Death or their constituents wish otherwise, too fucking bad! You had the right to vote for whomever you wanted to, now you have the opportunity to acknowledge your mistake!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

why, a question

I ask these questions in a variety of ways: Rhetorically, in Earnest, with Skepticism, some Naivety but truly wish it could be answered. “Why must the Democrats continue to play by the rules, when in fact the rules have not only been broken, but in fact discarded by the Republicans ever since President Obama had been sworn into office.” “Why is it that somehow the Republicans are permitted to ignore the Constitution pretending that it never applies to anything they do, while the Democrats CONTINUE to presume this is still a nation built on the foundation of our Constitution?” “Why can’t the democrats play by the same dirty rule book that Comrade Mitch McConnell has used and still possess, instead of reading from some outdated mamby, pamby archaic, Kum-Bye-A, lets play fair handguide for losers?” 

Of course there are rules for the Senate and House but with the the Republicans in the majority, those rules are either ignored, erased, or held with contempt. So, if any of the Republican Chair People don’t want to hold Trump his Cabinet Members or Advisors accountable, then “Why won’t the Democrats hold their own public meeting, just so the information regarding these criminals and anarchists can be made public. The Republicans loved to throw shade at anyone Democrat, they loved to lie, loved to provide alternate facts and the Democrats tucked their tails under their spineless behinds and just sat there with a sign reading kick me…so “Why not do the same, to the Republicans?” 

I am so confused that so few voices from the Democrat Party are raised loud enough for the general public to hear. Aside from Senators Franken, Sanders and Warren, and Representatives , Kennedy, and Schiff, the silence is deafening. Sure Senator Schumer huffs and puffs, Senator Feinstein pretends to express concern, CongressWoman Pelosi demands apologies, but none of these (perhaps good reasons for term Limitation politicians), have or making a difference. You have to ask one more question: “Why are good things happening to bad people?” 


The Imperial Presidency and the Party of Death, together a force unequal for democracy to thrive and now for a civilization to survive. The Emperor has once again given the USA a gift of stupidity wrapped up in ignorance financed by Russian oligarchs, Coal Barons (Or is it Coal Robbers), billionaires and yes of course blessed by a bunch of Evangelicals who believe Jesus loves himself some dirty air to breathe! 

We all know by now that Trump only cares about Trump and maybe his Princess Bride, I mean his daughter Ivanka. So, this even though his new Pollute America Again Executive Order, will affect the climate that Princess Ivanka’s children and the spawn of either Beavus or Butthead (Never sure which one is Dumb or Dumber) will find themselves living in the near future; the payoff from the Coal and Oil Industry was much to much to turn away.  And as a reminder to Trump that he does a young son named Barron, (We know he exists because its costing the US tax payer a whole bunch of millions to keep him hidden) and the sudden increase in carbon will affect the future of Little Barron also. But bottom lines have nothing to do with the health and welfare of others!

Standing behind Trump as he signed the death warrant for Planet Earth of course were the gerrymandered, Putin elected members of the Party of Death. I wonder if they realize, (Because so many deny science is anything but a hoax), that even the fetus’s they insist on keeping alive despite rape or incest, or against the woman’s own desires, will also pay some steep consequences as its mother inhales polluted air particles, passing them onto either a soon to be baby with a whole lot of health issues. But again with the Party of Death as long as you say no abortions, to most of gerrymandered lemmings, no one needs to worry about any kind of quality of life! One more, smack at the good, one more low blow to the future, one more pocket to filled with money as if you can take any of it with you. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Who'da thunk

Now that pampered and ill prepared Jared Kushner is responsible for the USA Inc, identifying citizens as customers…I wonder if the next move will be for him to place a huge banner on the White House lawn, stating, “We reserve the right to refuse service”. Hmmm, I wonder when the Supreme Court gave birth to Corporations, making them people, if somewhere in the Constitution,(You know the one Jesus penned), it was stated and in the future, there shalt be a bratty spoiled kid who ends up saying “I am the boss of you?” Corporations as People, CEO’s as president, and now citizens as customers…who’da thunk!


Let me understand this…I need to REALLY, REALLY understand what is happening to a country I have called home for 67 years, and honestly had taken for granted would remain my place of residence until I die. Now, I know that some news is no longer news it is more propaganda, a marketing plan, kind of like a Pyramid Scheme, some one pays a lot of money loses it and someone else gets rich quickly; a bit like the sucker that is born every minute! Let me understand this…we have a guy who is so stupid, his name is now used in the dictionary as a true definition as dumb, WHO is sitting in the White House, making all kinds of new rules and regulations primarily because he hates the black guy who used to sit in the same office. So even if Obama’s rules and regulations make or made sense, because those rules came from that guy, THIS new guy, just erases them hoping because he can’t read, NO one else will ever read a history book in the future. The Earth will flood, the humans will choke on stale air, poor will die, the elderly rot away, the kids will learn the Earth is flat and the sun rotates around the Earth, women will begin to wear chastity belts, and soon we all will learn how to speak Russian. Let me understand this…we know the Russians have declared war on the United States, they have installed a Banana Republic of and by Republicans, the third world war has begun and the fall out is not nuclear, just filled with blackmail, so darkened and deep that it has removed any conscience or soul from the men and women supposed to protect us in the first place.

Let me understand this…the princess Ivanka is now the heir to the White House, her prince charming will be the CEO in charge of every day life, who hopes to make the customer happier now that the USA is becoming the USA INC. Let me understand this…lying is now a legitimate means of communication, graft and greed Christian values, nepotism a necessity, investments in Russian oil with Russians oligarchs ordinary, and ignorance bliss!

REALLY, this is happening…the Dems pretend they have a backbone, the Republicans try and hide their puppet strings…It makes me wonder by the lack of any LOUD and MESSY pushback, are the Democrats just as guilty as the Republicans of owing the fate of their careers to Putin? Why am I so angry and the only response I get from the Democrat Party is…just send $3 and we will show Trump who is the boss. Shit is happening and we ARE still debating if it is true or not…REALLY!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Grabbing Hands

The grabbing hands, grab all they can, all for themselves.
After all, its a competitive world. Everything counts in large amounts. The graph on the wall, tells the story of it all. Picture it now, see just how, the lies and deceit, gained a little more power. Confidence, taken in by a sun tan and a grin.Everything counts in large amounts. “Everything Counts”, by Depeche Mode.

So here I was listening to my I-Pod, working out at the gym, trying to rid myself of anything Trump, when this tune suddenly appears and I am shaken as if a tsunami wave decided to invade my space, and the sweat and purpose of exhausting my body is wasted as all I hear is noise regarding the current occupant slimy enough to have pulled the wool over some really dumb ass fools, of course aided by the numero uno villain, Putin. It was as if Depeche Mode had some intuition of the future and wrote a song celebrating the demise of democracy and the usurping of a dictator whose only credibility was the lie and to be as loathsome as possible. Albeit there is debate on the size of HIS hands, he indeed with his spawn and close White Nationalist associates and a few in-laws to boot have grabbed and are continuing to grab all they can for themselves. We watch, we wait, we wonder and as we do, the rug continues to be pulled from under our feet, the con consumes the conversation and a criminal and his gang of goons run roughshod destroying our nation. And all I hear, as Trump remains Commander and Chief, is THIS TIME WE GOT HIM!

Wrong! The man is still sitting, at times, in the Oval Office. Crimes are committed, and each and every day it seems there is at least one more confident called into question and of course one more Republican on Putin’s payroll. We sigh, we stammer, we insinuate, and as we do, tax payer dollars are being spent on the First Family’s folly’s, more Intel is being told to the Russians, and the average American is being ripped off. Everything does count in large amounts, and somehow Trump and his fellow Comrades are racking in the gold! When does it end, please tell me, when!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

more or less

“We came really close today, but we came up short,” Ryan said at a press conference. “This is a disappointing day for us.” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s views on losing the opportunity to discontinue health care for millions of Americans, losing the opportunity to eliminate pre-existing conditions to attain affordable health care, and losing the opportunity to deny women the unique care they require with all those problematic lady parts. The Speaker of the House, the third most responsible in this nation (as long as we still have a Constitution), called it a disappointing day because a large majority of Americans could maintain health coverage.

Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. A fair share at the good life, a chance to purchase those boots so you can actually pull yourself up by those boot straps. Nothing wrong with being wealthy but why make it so bad to be poor. Always will be the have’s but how come it seems necessary to make sure there are have not’s? If I am happy, why do I need a enemy. If I am accomplished why do I feel the need to oppress others from achieving their goals? My genetics make me unique, why are others so afraid of the differences, being unique does make you one of a kind. The air I breathe is not just mine and once it gets dirty or stale none of us have a fair chance at inhaling any of it. I choose those I love as do you, why insist my way is incorrect? When is more then too much?

Paul Ryan made a statement, soon followed by Donald Trump that health care for all, affordable health care for all is not truly the right of ALL Americans. I ask why not, and who ARE you to tell me that. The fight is not over. You want more, fine, but don’t provide me with less. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Thank You

I never thought, for the life of me, that I would ever write these next four words, “THANK YOU FREEDOM CAUCUS”. Yep thanks to the the Freedom Caucus, the group of gerrymandered, self serving Republicans who both site Jesus and Robert E Lee for screwing over the average American and of course their own lemming like Constituents, for trying to make health care a pipe dream only for the wealthy and of course Congress Men and Women like yourselves who thrive on Socialized medicine.

You Guys and Gals did a yeoman’s job in permitting pre-existing conditions, affordable health care, coverage for ladies and their lady parts, medicaid, by trying your hardest to take all of that away because you vision of America is for poor people, old people, lady people and of course people of color to wilt away and die. Freedom Caucus, you failed by trying as hard as you could to murder millions of Americans.

BUT, America, even though for now we can breathe a HEALTHY sigh of relief, lets not get too excited. WE ALL must make a list of those Republican in the House who did vote to replace ObamaCare with Trump’s could give a shit care. Don’t let those ladies and gents off the hook. The GOP always counts on the public forgetting who tried to kill them. Make sure if your Congress Person voted to make health care out of reach, you vote them out of office!

Why Aren't You

Often times we hear the old harangue that history repeats itself. I have often written about how ignorance is not bliss, when it comes to ignoring the events that have preceded us. Lots to learn from the arrogant, the aristocrat, the peasant, the philanderer, the dictator and the demigod who has conquered and divided the best and the worst of us. But somehow, as humans our frailty or is it sheer self importance finds us , refusing to use the past to help us find our future.

But, for those of us who choose to remember a bit of our paranoid past, turn your history dial to the 1950’s when it was the Republicans led by one of the most anti-democracy self righteous phonies, ever, Senator Joe McCarthy who decided that the Communists were infiltrating our nation. Finding the right kind of enemy, Senator McCarthy and his illustrious self loathing parasite Roy Cohn, used fear and loathing and a fictitious slander of the Constitution and launched an attack on the liberals, the elite asking the question “Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Member of the Communist Party?” The public bought this bill of snake oil goods and just as the search for UFO’s took hold in this nation, people were keeping a keen eye on their neighbors and even family members ready to call out the Red Menace. We were assured by the Republicans in the Congress, that THEY and only THEY could and would keep America 100% Red White and Blue.

And HERE we are in 2017, lo and behold, if history hasn’t pulled the wool out from under our feet. Once again we have a Communist scare taking place. BUT this time, the question being asked by the Republicans is “Why Are You Not A Communist, And When Will You Become One”. From Trump to Pence to Sessions to Nunes to Chaffetz to Kushner to Tillerson, and God and Vladimir Putin only know who else, the GOP has decided that Russian oil has replaced baseball, apple pie and white picket fences as the new symbol of democracy. The Republicans have sold their souls and the heart and soul of Americans just so they can hide some tax free dollars in an off shore account becoming wealthy and carefree as they destroy the cares and freedoms of you know, the average American chump. Ah, history you came back and no one even noticed what you brought with you this time!  “Are You Now…”

what to do, what to do

Perhaps it is my compassion, maybe my own life experiences, I might just be one of those snowflake liberals, but I am torn as to how snide, how sincere, how sympathetic or empathetic or just how much I told you so, I am supposed to be when the anti freedom for others/ the self perceived victims/the this is and was a Jesus country/ the listeners of Limbaugh/the viewers of FOX and voters of Trump are now coming out of their own closets and decrying the lying, astonished at the BS/disappointed with the about face/and perplexed as well as pissed off that the man who we knew nothing about, except for his bragging about his own invented narcissistic successes is found to be the fraud, oh too many of us were warned about and understood from the beginning. The dam of Trump/Putin alternative facts has not burst completely but fissures, cracks and mini leaks have been evident since this described Baby Born Again Christian, placed his small hands on a Bible and took the Oath of Office. 

Today I watched a video of a man who attended each and every Trump rally, even writing a song about Trump making America great again, sobbing, crying, about his son, who has died of opioid abuse. Trump, according to this man promised he, could do a better job, of course never providing details except for adjectives like better and smarter, and with the Trump budget plans and the GOP’s plan to strip down affordable health care to only those who can afford to be healthy, this Trump Guy is disillusioned. The guy tells a sad story, but am I supposed to now feel for him…did he worry about the transgendered kids who will still get bullied, about the families living in poverty who now may have to decide about prioritizing food, heat, or health care…was there any concern for the immigrant families…the LGBT families…when he voted for Trump?

This guy is not alone…the coal miner from West Virginia who discovered coal ain’t clean but black lung disease is dirty and Trump ain’t gonna fix either…or the lady who thought her husband voted republican, so his being an immigrant was different than those rapists from Mexico and she watched ICE drag her husband away…or the lady in Kentucky who thought her Meals on Wheels delivery was different because she was white and really too frail to leave the house. I am perplexed, honestly wondering, should I embrace these people, who, unless the Trump lies had not affected them personally would still be wearing those red hats, and hating anyone Trump’s team of White Supremacists/ Russian bought and paid for hacks/FOX and Breibart New told them was the enemy. This IS a difficult decision. They encouraged the con/they bought the snake oil/they swore their Lord and Savior picked the bad guy…and now they are seeing the light, because NOW it affects their selfish lives. What to do, what to do! 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

one More day

It would almost sound too good to be true, the fact that the GOP has delayed voting on the repeal of ObamaCare’s replacement, Trump Gives a Shit Health Plan, but we are talking about the POD, Party Of Death, thus the delay is only because the Trump Gives a Shit Plan proposed by kiss ass Paul Ryan doesn’t exclude enough people, nor does it murder enough Americans. So, the so called Conservative wing of the already Communist Republican Party wants more death and destruction before they can swear they are voting the way Jesus has told them to. Remember these guys and gals are from the reddest states with the most gerrymandered districts so, no matter which of their constituents suffer or die, there are plenty more born agains to automatically vote Republican. 

The Democrat Party is in need of Dorothy as a leader, so she could find the Dems a brain…like constantly buying ad space in the local redneck paper saying your Representative keeps their health care and you, just die, or a heart…its not about just your life, but your baby’s future, make sure your baby and baby’s mother have health care…or courage, you know like calling out each and every Republican in ad space or editorials…But alas alack with every opportunity of lying, conniving, and hating that the Party Of Death provides, the Dems, never ever take advantage of it.

One more day, we wait our fate, one more day when we discover how many more Republicans are on Putin’s payroll…one more day we pretend that there was really no collusion between Trump and rich Russian oligarchs…one more day while millions of dollars are spent on the lavish lifestyle of Princess Ivanka, and her two brothers, Bevus and Butthead…and one more day, for 24 million people to stay healthy and alive.


My best friend is fluent in at least 4 languages. Not the just kind of fluent where he can read or speak the foreign language but the kind of FLUENT by which he actually can use the correct colloquialism necessary for a particular region of the country he is visiting. Impressive, indeed. I was in Paris with my friend many years ago, when Americans were still ugly then, but nothing like today’s Trump American (The ones who ooze with hate and loathing and are received by the locals in the same manner). We looked American, most likely acted like Americans on vacation. We came upon a very nice restaurant, and the waitstaff person at the door did not look up from his pad, not ignoring us, but letting us know he saw us, and would not acquiesce to the fact that WE had DOLLARS to spend, so PAY ATTENTION. That his when my friend, Alejandro, started talking in some kind of swanky, sophisticated Parisian accent, causing the cold shoulder guy to look up, smile, shake my friends hand and immediately seat us at a rather cool table. We let Alejandro do the talking as he ordered and our service was beyond 5 stars. As we sat at our table, we watched as those OTHER non fluent Americans tried to get service, let alone good service. By the time we left the restaurant, I am not sure, as I do not speak French, but I think the waiter gave his phone number to Alejandro!

The thing about the Republicans is they are Fluent in racist, bigotry, dumber than shit language. They know how to soothe the worried brow of the slave owner in Alabama, the coal miners of West Virginia who hold on to hope that coal is clean, the, the sons and daughters of the Confederacy who are still taught that the South won the War.  The GOP knows the language of the self described victim, the guy on food stamps who thinks because he is not black his food stamps are just free food. The Christians who have been told by their pay to pray preachers that Jesus had a rifle, was the first president of the USA and that family values only mean no abortions and no Gay stuff. The Republicans have learned the colloquialism of the white Supremacist, of course until recently a language spoken in whispers. The GOP understands that small words filled with hate, an enemy, and stupid resonate loud with a group of people, albeit in the minority have taken the majority of our freedoms away.

I suggest that the Dems, begin to use the language of the dumb. Facts never matter to those who love them some Trump, so stop trying to have an intelligent conversation with FOX Viewers. Be like the GOP, but this time, don’t chastise Trump for lying, just play for the stupid all of the things being taken away by Trump and his Russian Republicans. Use easy words like, NO MEALS ON WHEELS, YOU HAVE CANCER AND WILL DIE WITHOUT HEALTH CARE, YOUR BABIES WILL NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT GROW OLD WITHOUT NUTRITION PROGRAMS. Keep it simple, play as hard as the GOP, be Democrat but with the sinister accent of that language the Republicans speak so well.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

to lash out

When I read the article regarding that little lady from some red gerrymandered district in the south, who thanked both Jesus and Trump or was it Trump then Jesus, for her health care premiums being so low this past year, then giggled a bit and said she had no idea how she could have afforded health insurance without TrumpCare, I wanted to lash out, insult her, call her names insinuate something like how does it feel to have a brother and sister as your mother and father…but as much as doing all of that would have made me feel better at the moment, I instead took two Excedrin, hoping my headache would heal. Then, yesterday I watched a video, online, an interview with a Trump supporter from Kentucky. This man who looked to be about mid twenties, was asked if he was worried about Putin’s hacking Hillary’s emails and the possible connection between Russia and Trump. The guy, demurred a bit, looked into the camera, and answered NO. He decided that since the Liberal Press in this nation was not doing its job to tell the truth about Hillary that maybe the Russians were doing America a favor. Of course I wanted to lash out, insult him, travel through the screen of my computer and face this man, wanting to call him a douchebag, asking him if he was in fact the missing link between man and beast, but instead I reached for a TUMS, trying to soothe the irritation. Stupid and ignorance are like a rash once you scratch it spreads, and if your plan of attack to rid yourself of the itch all you end up doing is making it worse. It must die of its own accord.

But then, I saw a bit of a video, where it was an ABC or CBS (They all look and sound the same to me anymore) supposed journalist interviewing CongressWoman Pelosi. I am a lifelong Democrat and have had great respect for the Former Speaker, but in this interview Ms Pelosi was all decked out in her beautiful jewelry, perfect hairspray hairdo, perfectly poised, and demanding that Trump apologize for his latest list of lies insisting that Trump Tower had been wire tapped by Obama. I could feel my throat close, my heart race, my stomach churn. NOT NOW NANCY, I screamed,(I lashed out) with only my poor little dog listening, you are wasting MY time insisting that Trump apologize. What you should be doing NANCY PELOSI is showcasing for America how horrendous the lives of the little lady from the gerrymandered district and the young guy from Kentucky will be ruined by the Party of Death, the GOP. Aren’t you the smart one, I thought, CongressWoman Pelosi, and yet you still don’t get why Trump wins and the Dems lose.

The people who vote for Trump will not act accordingly, they will seek the lie, until they are proven to, that, THAT lie is, and was intended to hurt them. Trump knows there are no rules by which to live an apple pie, Mothers Day and white picket fence life, why do you act as if you, Congress Woman Pelosi and the rest of your lemming like Dem politicians always try to scold, I thought you were the smart ONES!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

i understand

The personal training gym I use to to work with my clients is about a 20 minute walk from my house. Easy exercise for me, and most days in LA are the same, filled with sun, warmth and of course Angeleno’s; the sun, the warmth are easy to handle, sometimes the Angeleno’s, not THAT simple. On Tuesday at 4pm, as I left to train my last client for that day, I had a whack on the side of my head moment as I meandered the maddening avenue of Melrose just trying to get from here to there. The whack was not a physical bump on my head but an emotional insurgence permitting me to FINALLY understand the how and why Trump/the GOP and the Russians have gained power and control of our government. 

I walked down the six steps, exiting from my home walking the few feet of Waring Avenue to approach Melrose Ave, a major thoroughfare taking me from West Hollywood, to the furthest stretches of West LA (both communities demographically well to do). As I began my right turn onto Melrose, standing at the corner, of the intersection was a young woman posing for her photographer waiting for her picture to be taken. Facing her, trying to make  left onto Waring was an older woman in a wheel chair, standing behind her were two men and their two dogs. The photographer did not move, the woman in the wheel chair said excuse me, the young woman being photographed hissed for the lady in the wheel chair to shut up, the two men not paying attention to their dogs did not notice that the dogs were barking at the lady in the wheel chair. I was facing all of this chaos, waiting my turn to get to work. The lady sitting in the wheel chair, asked the dog owners to hold their dogs back. The one man snipped at the lady in the wheel chair, this is not your sidewalk, then tugged at the leash causing the dark to yelp, then causing the photographer to say to his model, who are these people. I managed to walk in traffic and got away from this mess. A few blocks, headed toward the gym, new construction is taking place and an already narrow sidewalk has become narrower. Walking toward me was a middle aged man on the phone, talking loud about the deal. I suppose with him, albeit just physically was a younger woman texting. The current sidewalk could contain two people one facing east and one facing west, both having to pass one another sideways at best. I tried to maneuver a slight twist of my body, but the man talking about the deal, and the texting woman decided that i was invisible. He bumped my back pack, I said “Asshole”, he walked past me, she bumped into me, not looking up I called her “Shit for Brains”. I must have looked larger than life, gave them a stare that must have looked like I was a madman and they both scurried off.

Almost making it to the gym, one more street to cross on a green light, a Tesla, decides that it must make the right hand turn I am already in the crosswalk and the driver honks at me. Again I use my I will kill you face, but much to my chagrin, the car behind the Tesla, a BMW, has a driver who is texting, and because one more LOL must have been a priority, the BMW hits the Tesla. I smile I give both drivers the finger, and continue on to the gym. I get to the gym, put cold water on my face, take a deep breath and at that moment I realized that no one pays attention to anything but themselves. Selfish is as selfish does, so of course those best at ignoring the world around them and ONLY being self serving survive. Trump makes the perfect symbol to sit in the Oval Office!

Monday, March 20, 2017

the dark side

The GOP has become the Party of Death. It is the plan of Steve Bannon to disrupt any government involvement in the every day lives of Americans and to cause a divide in which you either will become the have's or the have not's. The sad thing is, that the GOP still has the support of the Evangelicals, because the only two issues that matter are the denial of rights for the LGBT community, and the denial of reproductive rights for women. As long as the GOP parades around as anti-Gay and anti-abortion, the real tenants of Christianity, which are being ignored do not matter. Trump has never cared for anyone but himself, we knew that, and if anyone feigns ignorance to that fact, then of course they are a KellyAnne Conway fan of alternative news. Perhaps when the low income, uneducated, believing only the news from FOX and Limbaugh begin to get really sick and really hungry, maybe a light will shine in their empty hearted soul… and they will find a new understanding that to hate will never solve any issue…or Steve Bannon's desire to rid this nation of a Federal Government will have succeeded and only the Superior Race will survive!

So it is not of great amusement, nor sheer snide remarks that I rant and rave, it is with greater concern that the saneness of sincerity seems to be going as extinct as the ice shelves, the existence of a variety of endangered species and of course the qualities of life we will no longer enjoy on this place called Earth. Amazing isn’t it, we can adjust a tiny camera lens as it floats on a satellite filming the surface of Pluto, we can produce the most micro of chips to provide communication services, we can build weaponry either so stealth it seems hidden or so powerful that one explosion could destroy life on this planet. Yet the desire for all men and women to ours happiness is too difficult to even attempt.

We are almost 2 months deep into a coup to destroy democracy. We ALL have been witness as day by day a once vibrant political party (GOP) has given in to blackmail and has delved into decimating democracy. We watch as a political party (DEMS) yip and yap, and almost become enablers as they talk, talk, talk and never walk the walk. Steve Bannon, has stated that he does not believe in the structure of government, his stooge, Trump has said what’s in it for me, together they are creating a world similar to the Moon, one side will remain in the light the other side always dark!

He's Back

Oozing out of the pores of the Republican Party, once again, like a cold sore full of puss, is Ted Cruz. They say boggy men never fade away but remain on the remnants of some dried up spittle stuck in the recesses of a bad dream. Teddy Cruz has reemerged and said, even for him, one of the funniest comments ever, and I quote, “The Republican Party will become a laughing stalk if they don’t pass TrumpCare.” BECOME, Ho’, Boy, Teddy, you have been hiding in the shadows afraid of your constituents way too long, the Will Become a laughing stock has gone way beyond the WILL part you guys and gals have moved into the ARE and WILL ALWAYS remain jokes. Sadly for Americans who prefer democracy over dictatorship/anarchy/ Communist intervention and Fascism, this joke stings!

But since you, Teddy, have not been available for my critiques recently, I actually had to review some of my previous rants and raves regarding you and your saintly family. As I recall, Teddy, your dad Raphael told the world that Jesus spoke to him, quite often, and in quite a few conversations, related to your father that YOU Teddy were anointed a Prophet! Cool, huh!. Then your father, the guy who first thought Fidel Castro was the next best thing, back in the day, also told his pay to pray Evangelical lemmings that Jesus also stopped by and told your father that YOU are the one to become President. There is plenty of You Tube video, Teddy, if you need a refresher on any of this. Oh yeah, right before you announced your candidacy to run for the office of president, your wife the Wall Street Broker, Heidi actually spoke with another group of Pay to Pray Evangelicals telling them in pious and pretentious look, that Jesus actually came into her bedroom, waking her from her slumber to insist that YOU, Teddy, YOU were DA’ MAN, DA’ MAN to be President. We have Heidi on tape, relating her Jesus in my bedroom tale, also.

You didn’t get the nomination Teddy, nope, you actually lost it to a man who had no idea who Jesus was, actually you lost it to a man who insulted your wife, publicly and punitively, You lost it to a shyster, and adulterer, a luster of his own daughter, a liar, a man who had a child out of wedlock. Do you think maybe your dad, Raphael and your wife Heidi pissed off Jesus? What happened Teddy have you and Jesus mined fences. You really think denying Health care to at 24 million Americans is the best way to get back in Jesus’s graces.  Oh Teddy, I suppose someone has turned on the light in the kitchen after a spell of darkness, cause just like the cockroaches here you are scurrying around with your face up your ass, looking for something shiny to shit upon!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Grandma Ryan

So, tell me Elizabeth Douglas, does your son Paul Ryan’s kids Liza, Anne and Charlie call you Grandma Elizabeth or do you prefer they call you by your nickname Betty? I know your son Paul Ryan has bragged that you have been his inspiration to become a Congressman, be a good Catholic and of course be the the kind of guy who oozes family values. Why, when your son Paul Ryan ran with Mitt Romney as VP, you were on the stump ensuring the voters over the age of 65, that YOUR son did indeed care for their welfare, and that things likes social security and medicare would NEVER ever be taken from THEM. So, tell me Betty, are you still proud of of just how you raised your son Paul Ryan? If, Betty, you answered yes, perhaps you have been either living in an Ivory Tower, been delusional or just don’t give a CRAP about the elderly, the poor, and of course the hungry. Cause, Betty Ryan Douglas, your son Paul Ryan, just can’t wait to cut medicare benefits, slash social security, diminish Meals on Wheels and of course cut back on any kind of nutrition programs in public schools. 

Now was it your TLC or his Catholic upbringing that he relies upon to lie to the public regrading health care, and his eagerness to cut social services for the most vulnerable. Have you ever gone hungry, Betty? Have you ever lived a few days completely by yourself without even a hello from a passerby? Have you ever had to make a decision to heat your house, or to purchase your prescriptions or to eat; knowing that you could afford only one of the three. When you took your son Paul Ryan to church, Betty, how exactly did you describe Jesus’s relationship with the poor? Did you tell your son Paul Ryan that Jesus said, sometimes being hungry is a good thing, that sometimes being sick makes the soul healthier, that even if you can’t afford the boots, you still must pull up the boot straps? Come on Betty Ryan Doulas, are you still the mother who raised a man like Paul Ryan who embraces Trump’s life style, Trump’s disregard for anyone but himself, and Trumps contempt for the truth?

I wonder Betty Ryan Douglas, have your grandkids, Liza, Anne, Charlie, ever wanted for anything? Do your friends, Betty, the ones in your Florida retirement home ever wonder if they can afford to see a doctor? Does your daughter in law, Janna worry if she can feed her kids? You were so proud, Betty, stumping for the All American Paul Ryan when he ran for VP. Are you PROUD now, Betty or do you feel the SHAME that this man is nothing more than a Con! So, tell me Elizabeth Douglas how does it feel to be the mother of the Leader of the Party of Death?

Saturday, March 18, 2017


The reporters said SHE looked mortified as SHE and HER Republican counterpart left a highly secretive security meeting with the leadership from CIA, FBI. SHE is Senator Diane Feinstein (D) of CA and HE is Senator Chuck Grassley (R) IA. SHE has been a senator since 1992 , HE has been a senator since 1981. They both had been briefed, AGAIN on the continuing saga regarding the election of President Putin and President Bannon in 2016. SHE apparently has been using her ass as a brain, and HE is not quite sure what a brain is of as HE believes science is atheist propaganda, or a hoax. How in the world could either of these two senators be mortified, have they been living in a cave, have both been in a coma for the past year…Neither one will actually do anything to resolve the issue of a Russian Coup, mainly because SHE never ruffles too many feathers, loves to sound tough but never moves a muscle, and HE knows Putin has a whole bunch of juicy blackmail stolen from his and Comrade McConnell’s email. Both HOWEVER are perfect examples of why we need, NO NEED TERM LIMITS!

HE huffed and puffed recently telling the Free Press, that ENOUGH is ENOUGH and that HE will demand that the facts come forward regarding wire tapping and of course just how much of an item, Donald and Vlad have become. HE is Senator Lindsey Graham (R) SC. HE and HIS BFF Senator John (the Maverick) McCain, (R) AZ have heaved and hoed in front of the Free Press just loud enough to sound important and relevant regarding anything Trump. But both Little Lindsey and The Maverick made their outside voices heard while Barack Obama (The Black Guy) was president, stating that Mr Obama was a cowering wimp compared to Putin, that Obama permitted Putin to be the guy whose dick was bigger. Now that Putin actually has free access to the Oval Office, Little Lindsey and The Maverick are so verbose as they once were, another telling reason why Graham who has served in the Senate from 2003, and McCain since 1987 are true poster boys for the NECESSITY FOR TERM LIMITS!

This GUY brought a snowball into the Senate Chamber to prove that if Global Warming was nothing more than a Liberal assault on the senses of a Christian Nation, like the US of A, the snowball rolling in the palm of his hand would have melted already. HE is Senator James Inhofe (R) OK. He comes from the state with the largest amount of man made Earthquakes thanks to fracking by the Petroleum Industry which are now People, who pay Inhofe’s way of life. HE is glad that the EPA budget will be gut to a mere 30% because HE is sure the only pollution running rampant are the lies  the Climate Change Communists provide. Senator Inhofe has been in office since 1994. Another perfect example of WHY TERM LIMITS ARE NEEDED!

Friday, March 17, 2017

When it rains, it pours

I had been living in Houston, Texas for about 5 years already, so as I looked out of my office window as the clouds of gray, dark black and ghostly white moved closer and closer diminishing any sight of the sun, I realized we were in for one hell of a day of a monsoon. It was the end of July, when the humidity almost seems to grow from the ground up, like stalks of ivy, at the ready to choke any existing breath lingering in your lungs. The temperature was already in the high 90’s and it was only 10 am. The weather bureau was warning the residents of the city that the torrential rains would soon fall, and everyone should keep an eye on the bayous, in the city as flooding would certainly ensue. Then, as with most summer Houston storms with just one huge flash of lightening and a thunderous boom lasting at least 10 seconds the storm came to town. When it rains in Houston in the summer the water falls from the skies as if one of the Great Lakes is being emptied for its annual cleaning. Normally I would complain, hope that the one bayou I needed to cross to get home was not too flooded, and continue my scheduled work day at the Houston Jewish Community Center. But today was a Friday and we not only had Friday’s Meals on Wheels to deliver, but an added meal to tide people over for the weekend.  The JCC had a contract with the Area Agency on Aging, the organization responsible for Harris County to feed the elderly, the ill, the disabled. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, but in Houston it flails itself like a a tsunami never satisfied until every inch of ground is flooded. The calls came pouring in, like the rain outside my window, and many were already stranded in their homes. The real crisis was NOT that the city began to look the Caspian Sea, the REAL life or death issue, was how would we feed the individuals who relied on at least ONE meal a day to survive!

The Staff of the JCC, without hesitation pitched in and we decided we would do our best to feed the hungry, despite what seemed a doomsday scenario of Noah and the Flood. I took a route which included 5 people living near Hobby Airport. This neighborhood was a poorer area so, even without floating branches, and other obstacles one might find in a video game, the roads were filled with potholes and other unnecessary objects poorer communities call roads.The rain was insidious but I managed to get close to the area where the 5 people lived. However as I approached a mani boulevard, a Houston Peace Officer stopped me, and with all the authority of a man trying to maintain health and safety told me to turn my car around NOW. I didn’t, how I could I thought, 5 people will not have food for three days. With all of my courage, I stopped my car got out, then opened my back door and said to the Policeman, I am delivering these meals, if i can’t get through 5 people will go without food. He first looked at me, then at the meals in the back seat of my car, then at me again, and said. Holy shit, you are going to ruin that pair of pants, but roll up your pants and I will walk with you to the houses, people got to eat. He then added, hope you are not allergic to fire ants. We walked onto the streets ahead already piled up with a foot of water and plenty of fire ants.

We delivered meals to Miss James, an older Black woman who had a walker and a cane, she was so grateful she begged the policeman and I to sit and have some water with her. We delivered to Robert, a middle aged man with MS, who was not sure he should let us in his house as we were not his regular angel who delivered his food. We delivered to Maddie P, a Caucasian woman in a wheel chair, who begged our pardon, that had she known company was coming she would have tried to tidy up the place. We delivered to Mrs Garcia, a Hispanic older adult ,she had been home from the hospital just two weeks having had a hip replacement, her door was unlocked because she was afraid she would not be able to walk over and open it. We delivered to Antonia Madison, who asked us if we might her put the extra food in the fridge, and then help open the container of today’s meal as her Parkinson’s was acting up more than ever and she was afraid she might spill her food. The Peace Officer, delivered Meals On Wheels, together. We walked back to my car which already was covered in about a foot of dirty water, we hugged each other. As he walked back to his car he tried to smile saying, when it rains it pours.

an amen?

I am Jewish, and I have been quite disappointed with the lack of response from some of the most influential Jewish Americans, regarding not only the current round of anti-semitism, but also the sheer lack of empathy for human and civil rights for all other minority populations of this nation. The Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson who had contributed at least $125 million to the Trump campaign seems to to remain silent regarding the list of Trumps’ self admitted White Supremacists like Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and still no outward cry by Adelson as the most recent Nazi, Sebastian Gorka, joins the Trump team. I have harangued and hollered regarding Rabbi Marvin Hier speaking at Trump’s inauguration defending his attendance as the right thing to do, but remaining conveniently quiet while the JCC’s/Day Schools/ and Synagogues are threatened. I have given up on the Kushner Family both the father and son Kushner’s realizing that they must think buying tickets to High Holiday services is enough Jewish activism necessary to keep God happy. I have also been quite disappointed with the Rabbi’s and Congregants of each and every shul the Kushner Family belongs. And of course there are the Republican Jews who are mindful of Israel’s right to exist, but somehow less enthusiastic regarding the democratic principles of this nation so rotted away by anyone Trump. Disillusioned by my own chosen religious group is being kind, disappointed a bit more to the point, disheartened perhaps the word of the moment as the one thing the Jewish people always say is to Never Forget!

I am not a Christian, but having lived with an ex-Jesuit Priest, working as a student teacher in a Catholic School, having been raised in the 1950’s in Pittsburgh, starting each school day with a paragraph from the New Testament, followed by reciting the Lord’s Prayer, and thankfully knowing and loving other Christians I have an idea what this religion can offer. But Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, in my 67 years of living alongside the Christian community I have never been so embarrassed, and angry with the devout Catholics and Evangelicals who have continued to support Trump and his cohort of self described Family Values Republicans. It seems as long as the Jesus of Jerry Falwell Jr, Pat Robertson, or Franklin Graham, hates the LGBT community and those lose women who ask to be raped, don’t let their husbands have his way with them, and use birth control, derides people of color, The Republican Party, is the all American political choice.

The Evangelicals who have decided that adultery is a sin for anyone not Republican…who believe same-sex, sex is a sin except if you are doing it yourself but have your wife stand next to you to swear that was then and this is now…The Evangelicals and Devout Catholics who love them some Paul Ryan cutting affordable health care, or the meals on wheels budget, or nutrition at school, or lack of clean air. The Christians who have sold their souls to charlatans because Jesus is a member of the NRA/a banker/a greedy gluttonous  God and Republican, and hates the Gays, SHAME because your hypocrisy has the stench of the Devil so proudly proclaim, as everyone else’s sin! There used to be a place in Hell for you, but its called living in America!

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Back in the 1950’s when I was a young lad, the kids on our block would play outside almost every night during the spring and the summer. There were plenty of kids, and plenty of great made up games to play. I am sure every block where young kids lived, had their own version of outdoor games to play, as I am also certain each neighborhood had their own rules and regulations as to how these games had to be governed. Our block of row houses invented a game called ‘Gotcha’. Nothing unusual about it, as in reality it was just tag. But to tag someone, not only did you have to touch them, you had to shout as loud as you could “GOTCHA”.  “Gotcha was fun for a summer or two, but the kids on our block of Pittsburgh needed more, so we invented the game “Getcha”. “Getcha’s rules were simple, if you were IT, and tagged someone, you had only a few seconds to run away from them or if they reached out and tagged you back they shouted “GETCHA”, and you were no longer IT.  Cool, with this game you had a chance to fight back. “Getcha, lasted about one summer and the next big thing for our street was “Double Gotcha”. To start the game of “Double Gotcha”, everyone had to pull out a piece of paper, one piece of paper had the word IT on it and one piece of paper had the letter D written. If you had the letter D, you were the king of the hill. If the IT person tagged you and you were the one holding the letter D, you could let the IT person tag you, almost begging them to, always luring them to and once they tagged you, you shouted “DOUBLE GOTCHA’, and you won the game. Simply said, you controlled the game of tag.

I broke my own rule, and was lured into a bit of ecstasy when I heard Rachel Maddow had Trumps Tax returns, so I actually watched cable news. (The day Putin won the election I swore off of any Cable News). But this was Rachel, and if anyone was going to out orange the lyin’ cheatin’ Putin puppet, Ms Maddow was the one. Well we all know that even Rachel has a bad day or two, and once again the nation was pranked by the White Supremacist, President Steve Bannon, and the rest is history.

It seems all I hear about is how this time we “GOTCHA, Trump, when in fact it seems with the help of the GOP (aka) the Party of Death, all we receive is a “Getcha”. But this time Trump and his team of anarchists outdid themselves and played a fine game of “DOUBLE GOTCHA”. 

The Letter A

Today’s Blog is brought to you by the Letter A and is paid for by the Party of Death (aka) The Republican Party. The Party of Death wants the average viewer of FOX News and lovers of KellyAnn’s Alternative facts to learn two new words regarding Health Care. The first word is ACCESSIBILITY as in anyone can Access what ever they wish, being this IS still America…the second word is AFFORDABILITY, as in you may be Able to Access what it is you want, but then comes the question of being able to Afford it.  The Party of Death also known as the Putin Party, is pretending that their replacement for ObamaCare, (ie Trump Doesn’t Care), is that ANYONE can Access their version of health care, but the Party of Death does not want you to read the fine print where it says “Once you Access it, you may not be able to Afford it.” 

It seems that Comrade Mitch McConnell and his Comrade-In-Training, the ever so Catholic Paul Ryan are all about the bait and switch. Paul Ryan, the previous alter boy is lying his ASS off saying that the Party of Death’s plan to strip away the current Affordable Health Care, comes straight from Jesus. It seems that Paul Ryan so faithful to his religion believes that Jesus never really wanted the poor, the elderly or the VERY ill to Actually be able to Afford the same kind of health care as the bankers/the billionaires/ the blow hards.  If the lower class had the same kind of Affordable insurance as the rest of the wealthy in this nation it would make them too similar to the bourgeoisie. And nothing is more frightening to a Fascist government than a thriving Middle Class!

The French finally found their backbones and demanded a revolution from the Arrogance of royalty, Maximillian Robespierre, a leader of the people and by the people, said “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” The Party of Death, has counted on the the continuation of ignorance to enhance their plan to remove any semblance of democracy. They have replaced their Tri-Cornered Tea Party Hat with their Ass Hat, and are hoping the minions of bigots/racists/and inbred will now gladly wear their asses on their heads!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Again..damn, again

It was refreshing, it was a week of little angst, no anger, a stomach with no aching throbbing crippling surges of cramping muscle rushing up into my throat causing heart burn. I did it cold turkey, knowing full well I could get the sweats the shakes but nothing Trump, and lots of time with my family. But pretending that not listening, not reading, not discussing the backward motion this nation is taking, did NOT mean, our crash course into loss of freedoms and democracy was not happening. I came home to liars lying, puppets pretending that the first lie was not intended to be a lie, then lying about what was really said…only to deny the excuse for the primary lie and in turn lying so profusely, one might have thought the artery to the heart had been cut open. Republicans so afraid of democracy, that they look the other way and blatantly define themselves as the Party of Death. Affordable Health Care, not if you are poor, no more Public in Public Schools, and certainly no more classes with kids whose special needs make them unique, no more nutrition for the hungry, no more concern for your tired and your poor.

I thought for a moment, that maybe I would be better off, ignoring anything Trump. Maybe, like that child stuck in bed on a dark and stormy night, whose night light just as suddenly grows dark, just as an undefinable shadow is slowly ambling from the opened closet door, I thought I could just place a blanket over my eyes and the monster would disappear. Except, this is not a horror movie, but a real life, matter of life and death, and the monster’s breath is lingering next to my nostrils feeding my nose with horrendous odor and filling my brain with onerous and murderous moments. Anyone and anything Trump is still holding court, demanding their agenda against what might seem the true will and wish of the people who are not corporations.

The bad guys are still in charge, the bad guys are still lying cheating and placing Party over Country. There have been a few skirmishes and the good guys claim victory, but with Trump, the corrupt, corrosive and contempt seems to prevail, and any simple win somehow is replaced with more destruction, division and very soon death. It was refreshing to breath again, inhale more oxygen and less angst, but just like the demise of the EPA, all that fresh air is turning into carbon monoxide and I am once again smothering!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I am back

Joe and I had been fortunate enough to have spent 8 days sailing the Oasis of the Seas, a vessel large enough to accommodate about 7000 individuals. We were joining my family to celebrate the marriage of my nephew and his wonderful and sweet bride. Joe, as insightful as ever had a pre cruise conversation with me, reminding me of two things, the first being that I need to get a prescription for a dramamine patch for sea sickness and the second , perhaps even more importantly, that I most likely will have go cold turkey and stop my addiction to reading about and ranting about anything or anyone Trump. From having taken one other cruise in my life I understood the value of the dramamine patch and the wonders of not having to kneel by the porcelain bowl, but the cold turkey cut off of politics, well that was huge UNKNOWN! We had no Internet, and thank goodness the only news cable network was CNN in Spanish. (I took Spanish in high school from Señorita Goldstein and the only Spanish I learned came with a Pittsburgh accent). 

But here is the THING: even without the news of the day, I actually learned a whole lot more about the how’s and why’s, the ways by which the average American considers, concerns, and conditions themselves to live this American life; and it was a very scary, scary, did I say SCARY lesson. Gluttony, Greed, Gullible, and Stupid were the dominate personality features of a majority of the passengers. Health seemed NOT to be an issue as the majority of passengers were very overweight, some obese, many needing some kind of wheeled assistance just to get to the next buffet. Smoking was permitted in sections of the ship, and even being in the great open seas, the odor of nicotine smothered the freshness of the air. Like ants to sugar, the passengers would push their way to the shops, where the sale of the century of the latest t-shirt, trinket, tchuckie, grabbing these items as if it was the day after Thanksgiving sale. I now understand how the Republicans can weasel their way out of Affordable Health Care, because in the heartland of the Homeland many of their constituents could care less about wellness.

I want to go on and on and on about the sheer ignorance of self, the lack of empathy for others, the very lack of love thy neighbor, I observed on this trip, but to do so is silly; as many of us have witnessed this behavior in oh too many other environments. But what I did begin to understand is how Trump and his Communist allies, the Republican Congress succeeded and will continue to succeed to reach lower and lower pitting American against American by simply insisting that the OTHER is the enemy. Trump is good at telling Americans that whatever problems they might have ONLY exist because there is an enemy who wants to take away the good life. He never begs the question look at yourself, but instead insists that anyone but you is bad. I am home from the cruise, and the palpitations /anxieties/anger have been unpacked with the rest of my luggage and I am once again ready to resist and perhaps revolt!

Saturday, March 4, 2017


If you ever loved, ever had a best friend, ever shared moments with total strangers who for a brief minute laughed, smiled or looked you in the eye, with either a verbal hello or a nod of the head…if you ever grieved the death of an individual without whose life the difference in yours would have never taken place…if you knew that person of color, that transgendered school mate, that devout Christian, the very reform Jew, the young boys in white shirts telling you about the LDS. If you have walked by the woman on the street carrying at least three plastic bags containing all of her belongings….if you loved the females in your life, if your best friend once called a bachelor or a spinster, but now carries proudly the definition of LGBT…if you heard a foreign language spoken for the first time and realized once your grandparents or great grandparents must have found the English language a weird bunch of letters to pronounce…if you singed one or a million petitions, voted for the first time or your 75th year of heading to the polling booth…if you proudly held your hand to your heart as the Star Bangled Banner blared with symphonic strength…if you ever climbed that mountain, sled down hill in the winter…if you ever tasted Mrs De’Angelo’s pasta, Mrs Cohen’s chicken soup…tried Dim Sum from Mr Young’s restaurant…watched a movie with subtitles in English, never quite understanding the language of the actors but mesmerized by the story…if you ever read the Constitution and just remember We The People…if you ever had your polio shot, your EKG, you first year check up…ate apple, played baseball or painted a picket fence white…

Don’t give up…don’t give in…be loud…be ready…we know our past…never be silent toward out future!

Friday, March 3, 2017

adoring offspring

When we Americans read, every day, that just because the name Obama precedes an Executive order, pissing off Trump to such levels that despite the quality or context of that Executive Order, Trump will dismantle it, thinking that history then, will NOT recall the excellent work by the black guy who had been voted into office by a majority of votes cast. We know that Trump either needs to be read to, or can only pay attention to words that make up sentences like..I am the best..they love me and and I am better. And besides the true President Bannon has little concern for the welfare of this nation and often times, I assume just says to Trump change it, trust me, it will be yuge!

So, I write this to you Mrs Paul Ryan the good Catholic mother you espouse to be or to you Mrs Jason Chaffetz, the good Mormon wife you claim to be…do either of you wives and mothers give a shit about the future environment your children will find themselves living, breathing and coping…OR is the business of providing free fodder for the crap the Corporate puppet masters, dictate to your cowardly husbands take priority. Come on, Mrs Paul Ryan and Mrs Jason Chaffetz polluting streams with coal ash, pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, nominating the guy who thinks the EPA is a communist plot, these and ignoring the CO2 levels in the world are good for your children’s health…OR, I ask again..their future is not an issue as long as your two anarchist husbands thrive in their present profession. Are you both THAT stupid/THAT selfish/THAT crazy to think the refusal to regulate how we abuse the climate will be no bigger when your kids grow up…if they they still have a healthy planet in which to grow. 

Now I would write this letter to Trump, this guy has made it clear he has no understanding of what fatherhood is about…he would have had sex with his daughter the one that converted to Judaism but remains silent about her children’s Jewish future, he has that other girl from the his days of adulterous  adventures, and his son Barron, lives 200 miles away from daddy, and somehow is never ever mentioned in any adoring manner. So, asking Trump about his children’s or grand children’s future is useless. But YOU ladies, your husbands gush about what a perfect family they have…so I ask you again Mrs Paul Ryan and Mrs Jason Chaffetz do you actually believe when both of your husbands raise their middle finger to Planet Earth there will be no CONSEQUENCES for your adoring offspring!

Thursday, March 2, 2017


HOO-EEE, ya’ll, ain’t there some new kind of stinky and sticky pile of MO-LASS-ASSES, ailment goin’ round the Grand Old Party. It seems that Jefferson Beauregard  Sessions is the latest Con Man, err I mean Congress Man to come down with this illness. I do believe it is called Putin-Rhea. It is a tri-convergence of DIARRHEA, when you shit all over America, combined with PYORRHEA, when your mouth is so full of lies it bleeds and a touch of GONORRHEA, when you pretend your love of country is so great that you would never EVER cheat on your true love but end up screwing around on Little Miss Liberty, anyway, giving her all kinds of diseases that will certainly kill her.

I suppose this kind of love affair with anyone Russian is similar to the idea that Orange is the New Black, but this time with the Republicans, it seems Putin is the New Lincoln! Now, just like all of them little Putin puppets, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is a little pissy about this accusation, insisting that when he lied, he hadn’t intended to purger himself, but the people who asked him the questions regarding his communications with the Russian Government, didn’t quite ask the question correctly in the first place. HOO-EE ya’ll ain’t nothin’ more American than the Confederacy, and if that is so, then how could the darlin’ of the Confederacy Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, be guilty of bein’ in CAHOOTS with Putin.

HOO-EEE and damn ya’ll ain’t you now or ever been a member of the Communist Party!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Just when I thought there had to be some bottom to the madness which is Trump and of course his entourage of White Supremacists/ Russian Agents/ and philandering Republicans, Trump comes up with a new sound bite, one surely to satisfy the brown shirt white robe wearing morons who still deny the Holocaust, and this doozy brought to us by the mind of an Aryan Brother named Bannon and a self loathing Jew named Miller is that the Jews are terrorizing the Jewish community, just to make Trump look like anti-Semite! Oh yeah, Trump proclaimed that he condemned these attacks…but lets see how long he publicly says so. And lets see if Trump follows through with his condemnation and asks the Attorney General, another KKK Confederate Flag lovin’ bigot to investigate this form of internal terrorism. 

But here is the main reason for THIS blog. It is a question I wonder about often. If YOU are a Veteran of WWII, the Korean Conflict (Remember it was never declared a war),or Viet Nam, or a family member of a Vet who served this nation proudly in any of those wars…and YOU voted for Trump/because the Republicans always were the guys to keep America safe, how in the hell do you, today, and ever since the revelations of hacking by the Russians/the associations of the Trump administration advisors to Fascism and the Nazi philosophy, have become knowledge…how can you justify your own anti American behavior. In WWII our Troops died and were wounded fighting Fascism…in the Korean Conflict and Viet Nam out Troops were sent to the Asian jungles to fight Communism…Members of your family or your friends died to save democracy for this nation, yet we have a man in the Oval Office, who follows the advice from admitted Fascists/ and  Republican Party who could care less that Putin hacked our elections and has sway over the White House.

Are YOU not embarrassed that in YOUR hate for Hillary, you have dishonored your own flesh and blood by embracing the policies of Trump who in turn has overly embraced the policies of White Nationalists/Fascists/and the king of Communism, Putin. I really want to know who you can honor the Troops who died to protect the proud democratic process of this nation while dishonoring by pretending that everything our Troops fought for and died for is being taken away from ALL of us day, by day, by day.