Tuesday, July 31, 2018

shock and AWE

Where to begin…I am not certain, when in my 68 years of being an American…I am utterly confused as to where to begin…700 kids kidnapped and now we hear some, just to keep them quiet and less fearful drugged, just so the FEDERAL KIDNAPPERS could have some peace and quiet from the newly created orphans…Flint, fuck Flint, they have had enough lead in their water…so please stop complaining of any new cases, because the city is gonna be too concerned with taking care of the old cases, and the Republican-controlled Legislature and Governor, have taxes to cut for the wealthy…Puerto Rico, what huh, aren't they an island owned by Cuba anyway…and aren’t the Cubans Communists, and remember that time Obama the Kenyan actually went to a funeral in Cuba to honor Fidel Castro, so why waste any hard earned White Supremacy dollars on a bunch of no- English speaking must be Cuban citizens anyway.

Where to begin…collusion, what kind of word is that anyway, and anyway any red-blooded, especially Type Putin would OF COURSE happily take money and assistance from a foreign country especially the baddest ass foreign country like Russia to one-upmanship the democratic process. You think Trump was gonna let a woman, like Hillary, beat him in an election. Rudy snorts cocaine then goes on TV and becomes the alien as it tries to break through its host’s stomach to become free…the new norm is shyster speaking in tongues, with hand gestures so awkward that people who red sign language have all gone blind…Now its good break laws say the GOP, who have quietly been breaking laws once they realized that honesty and fairness will get them actually nowhere with bigots and racists…Oh yeah, let's add a fake Congressional hearing or two where anyone Trump is free not to answer any question concerning the 2016 election if they desire not to. Why complicate matters by saying you INDEED were complicit in criminal actions against the United States.

And now the Crusades are making a comeback. With Jeff Sessions, who has perjured himself at least three times, Mike Pence, who considers Trump a Christian in Training, and every other Snake Oil, Grifter, Pay to Pray Evangelical hypocrite paving the way to follow a Holy Bible, mind you not just any Holy Bible, but one that denies freedoms, equality, and any kind of pursuit of happiness to any American deemed as… Gay, or Lose and Loud Woman, anyone of Color (remember God had his color chart out when he created man just so everyone would know who was on top and who was worth shit), a believer in cult-like religions such as Islam, Judaism and some of those other cow loving, yoga attire wearing thingamabobs. If it ain’t The 700 Club Way, then it ain’t American…

Where to begin…and there is so much more, but I suddenly have a severe headache, and what I hope is just acid reflux flowing into my chest. It seems we are hoping that November comes and some kind of shock and awe will fall from the skies and save our souls. As it stands for me, at this moment, it will be more of the George Bush Shock and Awe, where nothing happens toward the good guy, the bad guy begins to win the game, again!

Monday, July 30, 2018

still around 700

Over 700 kids, still unaccountable, over 700 kids lost, lingering, left to their own devices and doubting what the word love really means. No answer, no consequences, and remorse from the Kidnappers of Trump and Company. But hey, there is a whole lot of worry on behalf of the Religious Right to begin a Freedom of Religion Taskforce, to force the ways of Jesus unto this country. There are much angst and anger that Roe V Wade still exists. Lots of GOP bickering on just how much more we should remove from Health Care, Social Security, School Lunch Program. No argument that the CHIP program is only for families who really don’t care about their kids eating healthy and foods and having at least one hot meal a day.

Over 700 kids still unaccountable, and Trump is Tweeting threats to shut down the government. Dissing dirt on his most, ever, best, and better ex-attorney for letting the word out on all of Trump's affairs while married to his third wife and perhaps the other two ladies who said I do. Flint water is still poisoned, Darrell Issa could give a shit about Trump’s lies saying, we all knew Trump was a liar so why the fuss now. And suddenly collusion with a foreign enemy is as true American as the red, white and blue. Over 700 kids are still unaccountable but the then they are brown skinned and never should have left countries where violence, corruption, incompetence, and bullying are just a part of the culture.

Don’t hear much about the Barron Trump, or the three Ryan kids. Nothing much to say about Sarah SANDERS Huckabee evangelical kiddies. Not sure if the Keebler Elf has grandchildren, but never a word about their safety or security. Certain Kirsten Nielsen, and Alex Azar know exactly where their kids are spending their summer vacation. Midterms are coming up, but hey no worries here, remember, the Republican mantra collusion ain’t no big deal. And all the while 700 kids are still unaccountable. 

In the womb, yep the government knows where the kids in the womb can be found. Once out of the womb, all the Evangelical’s who claim Trump is a Christian in Training, could give one shit about health, welfare, justice, equality and oh yeah where the fuck the 700 unaccountable kids might be living, just living or even dead!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday, never be the same

I remember Sunday morning I would meet him at the park
We'd walk together hand in hand Till it was almost dark
Now I wake up Sunday morning Walk along the lane to find
Nobody waiting for me Sunday's just another day
Sunday will never be the same (Sunday will never be the same)
I lost my baby's heart I must be back again
Sunny afternoons that made me feel so warm inside Have turned as cold and gray as ashes As I feel the embers die
No longer can I walk these paths for they have changed
I must be home the sun is gone and I think it's gonna rain
(“Sunday will never be the same”/Terry Cashman, Gene Pistilli)

For some reason, our dog Chance loves to bark just loud enough and long enough to remind us it is Sunday morning, and the earlier the hour the better time for his poop and pee. Any other day of the week, the time of day is irrelevant, but on Sunday’s the earlier the better (Part of this we believe is that the Farmer’s Market right around our corner begins to set up way too early on Sunday, and the aromas are like an alarm clock for Chance. Sunday, is usually my morning to take the walk, and honestly, albeit IT is too early for a walk rather than a good inhale a push of the pillows and some cozy nesting, Sunday mornings in LA are quiet, the wind rustles, the fragrances of whatever causes you to sneeze the rest of the day are abundant and beautiful, and for the most part, all of the nature which surrounds the LA Basin seem to come to life and if peace can be discovered in a hustle bustle city like LA, around 6:45 am until the next hour it is outside waiting to be found.

But then, there is real life, and sometimes with the fast pace of LA, the traffic, the noise, the selfish, self-important denizens of an urban center, the little thing go unnoticed, just because there is too much to actually hone onto one item, one issue, one person. All I hear from the Trump noise machine and of course psychopathic lies is that even with a ballooned deficit, due to tax cuts for the most wealthy and their corporate bosses, and the fact that the average wage not only has increased but in some circumstances stayed the same, with one set of the flames of inflation, the economy is just BETTER, no make that EVEN BETTER than any other president’s term in office.  Well, Sunday mornings on my morning walk with our dog Chance, I have to wonder which invented world Trump and his 1 percenters, and FOX Flat Earther’s live. 

The tents, for those lucky enough to have found one, on the sidewalks are beginning to be taken down, those whose only comfort for the night, a torn and tattered sleeping bag are in the process of being rolled up. The boxes of some leftover pizza’s from the night before, half-eaten salads with leafy dried green things strewn on the sidewalks are blowing in the breeze. Men and women are moving about, some in a hurry to fill their shopping cart with plastic bags filled with some kind of personal belongings, others just finding their flip flops or shoes if they are lucky enough to own a pair, and others looking around for something edible from the ground still in a sort of slumber. In America, we have people who sleep on the streets! In America, we have people who are hungry! In America, we have seniors who hide in their homes, for fear of being robbed and who rely on one meal a day and will forgo any medical treatment. In America, we have children still kidnaped and soon to be orphaned! In America, we have people drinking poisoned water, and soon to be eating fruit and vegetables grown on farms with chemicals deemed to cause cancer. And yet in America, we are told that the economy is doing great, no make that GREATER, no make the BEST EVER. In America we Trump and every selfish, inhuman and narcissistic evil action ever committed. In America, we have a Sunday which for some will never be the same again!

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Seven hundred eleven children, 711 kids, it ain’t 1000, and none of them are white, most of them don’t even speak English that well. It’s life biting you in the behind, that all, you win some and then you lose 711 in a bureaucratic mess, made worse because who the hell even cared about the outcome of Zero Tolerance. 711 innocent kids, so what kind of life were they going to have anyway, always on the run from illicit governments, criminals, and thugs, health and welfare systems which never could adequately handle the real needs of families and kids. Oh yeah, and these 711 kids, well blame their parents for abandoning them in the first place, had their parents not wanted to seek asylum in the first place, all 711 kids would not even be a talking point!

Isn’t it wiser to keep America safer from the kind of families whose only purpose was to seek refuge from totalitarian, dictatorial, mafia, ridden countries, entering our nation…while pretending that the Russian Oligarchs who have bought and paid for luxury Towers to be built, multi-million homes and condo’s to be purchased, trips to exotic locations…and secret money laundering deals are the TRULY bad guys. This IS America, we pride ourselves in the Capitalistic economy, money is the power, especially in the pocket of politicians. 711 more kids would just add to the socialistic machinations which only hurt the ancestors of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, George Wallace, and Fred Trump. Everyone knows that socialism only adds a burden to the glorious life of a thriving PLUTOCRACY. IMAGINE taxes being used by a government to keep its citizens living semi-productive lives with social security, Medicare, affordable health care, food assistance, free public education, and now $12 billion dollars in Farm Aid. As many Republicans dressed in their White Robes and White Hoods with just the right touch of the red swastika on their shirt sleeves, Any kind of welfare just creates slavery. 711 kids kidnapped, and most likely orphaned, come on, more children become orphaned each year from evil clowns or tornados!

It is Saturday, July 28, 2018. Kids are enjoying vacations, playing in the parks, spending times with grandparents going to summer camps (not the kind inside old Wal-Mart Warehouses) Each and every parent worth his or her weight as a parent always has a keen eye out for the safety and welfare of their child. each and every parent says a thank you to God or a higher power or to one another when their children return home from a long day away! I am sure even Kirsten Nielsen from Homeland Security, or Alex Azar from HHS, and even the Keebler Elf from Attorney General's office all sigh a deep inhale knowing their kids and or, grandkids are safe and free and without worry. (Not certain of Trump, not even aware he has a kid living in the White House, and god knows how many other pretend they are not my kids, being too concerned) 711 children, innocents, individuals, scared, scarred, and certain for a most disastrous future, because, one man, empty, insecure, mad, and inhuman has decided to kick his heels and pretend he is God!

Friday, July 27, 2018

True Life

Is it 1300, is it 700, is it 450, is it 1, MEH, it doesn’t matter, they are kids of a multitude of browns, speaking some foreign language, not American, and since they all had been carried to full term and are out of the womb, what the fuck is everyone making such a big deal about. So a Federal Judge demanded that any child separated during Trump’s Final Solution…oops there I go again, I mean his Zero Tolerance, be returned to his or her family. Kidnapping, creating orphans, terrorizing, and traumatizing children are crimes of cruelty, civil rights and a kind of Communist maneuver to maintain a sad man’s balance of the bully pulpit. But hey Kidnapping/Tariffs/Pollution/Costly Health Care/Collusion/Conspiring with an Enemy/Hacking Elections/and deciding that there are Good Nazi’s and Not So Nice Nazi’s, along with creating your own SS division calling it ICE IS what makes America Great.

I am not sure if I truly understand how the law works when it comes to the crimes committed by politicians/the government agencies or the Executive Branch. I had once assumed no one was above the law, but damn since Putin placed Trump in the White House, every single law I had heard of and even some obscure laws have been broken, and it seems very few people representing the US Government are in jail. I am not naive, but boy, everything I learned from elementary school to college regarding American history, the American Constitution, the American Justice system has become just as Trump screams routinely FAKE NEWS.

The Justice Department, The Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services has ignored a Federal Court Order and have not reunited all of the Kidnapped children with their families. I can only imagine a squadron of FBI agents local and state police and even the State Troopers surrounding the homes of Kidnappers, grabbing those criminals and thing them not into a cushy Federal prison but some local county jail where rot is the decor for the cell. So, I ask this question, in all sincerity: Why hasn’t Kirsten Nielsen, Director of Homeland Security, Alex Azar, Director of HHS and Attorney General Jeff Sessions been arrested and carted away. Imagine, just imagine, if the same politicians who demand law and order, but who refuse to abide by that law and order were actually treated like the average American, or the average American Kidnapper…imagine if those three people were placed in jail for disobeying a Federal Court Order to return ALL of the children, and had to remain in prison until all of the unification were complete, how FAST, how QUICKLY, how EASILY  this problem of Kidnapping could be completed!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

yet one more day

Another court ordered deadline to reunite the kidnapped and highjacked children from their immigrant asylum-seeking parents, and what do ya know…NADA…nothing, nope, the White House, Department of Justice, Homeland Security have no response, except, they need more time. So, in the meantime, let's keep those kids crying, scared, traumatized, and let's make sure their families suffer from the utter shame of just wanting a better life for their children. Its all about doing the Evangelical Christian theory of raising a child, this (Final Solution Thing) oops, I mean ZERO TOLERANCE gimmick. It is a child of Jesus, while in the mothers womb, but once that fetus enters the real world, then if his or her parents are not true Americans (you know the ones like the Native Americans who actually were born in this country), if they are not worthy parents, making enough money to purchase affordable insurance, pay for private schools, have enough money for three meals a day and even some snacks, of course, white folk, cause the Bible declares God created different colors so we could have worker bees, and of course if it is one man (like Trump, as long as he has one wife at a time) then that kid will be fine, just fine.

Sarcasm can only go so far, perhaps not as far as hypocrisy…but then I am not sure of the difference…The Trump Administration and Crime Family have missed court deadlines, have broken laws established by the Constitution, they have ignored freedoms and equality, and YET, the only consequence they have received questions by some brave journalists, either to be ignored, lied to (oh Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, you got some ‘splaining to do when your kids finally grow up and wonder aloud, why Mommy was such a douchebag), or the journalists get kicked out a RoseGarden.  There ARE NEVER any meaningful consequences for Trump’s adherence to breaking any kind of law put before him.

Today, the idiot is visiting the MidWest, I suppose if you follow the thought process of most so-called Conservative Christian Republicans, Trump must be doing a tour of Mid West Welfare Queens…You know the people who supposedly are on the US Government dole because they are too lazy to work. Seems Trump during his MidWest Welfare Queen visit has $12 billion dollars to throw away, to try and NEVER admit he has zero ideas of economics, of government, and of course of the lively hood of the same self-serving brand of Capitalists who voted him into power. Oddly enough these Make America Great bevy of Trump’s besties have now become lovers of Socialism. And yet, Flint’s water is full of lead, Puerto Ricans are without power, Putin knows every single code and secret war plan, McConnell, and Ryan are living the life of laundered money, and KIDNAPPED kids are still living in limbo!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Its another hot, sticky day in LA, we are almost in triple digits, I know, I know, its LA, we have mountains, the ocean, the desert, valleys and all kind of groovy Southern California toys to enjoy, but as an ex Pittsburgher, who has purposely forgotten the real riggers of the four seasons, I am cranky, I am nudgy, and I HATE TRUMP and his hypocrisy even more…its like he gave me poison ivy and by mistake, I began to itch the few spots of puffy skin and then the poison has traveled all over my already hot, humid and hating Trump body.

So, instead of scratching the scabs on my arm from the poison ivy, I have one more itch to settle and then maybe forget that anything Trump touches dies. So, now the Evangelicals all full of holy shit themselves are telling us, do not judge Trump and his digressions, his adulterous behavior with wife number three, or even with the previous ladies who had to sell themselves out for a big cash donation. Nope, Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Junior, think Jesus has a plan for Trump (you know like filling the Supreme Court with nine Evangelical Justices), so leave this poor humble fumbling for his dick man alone.

But then here is the catch, for this mother fucking hypocrites…these Evangelicals are promoting this theory that the LGBTQ should not be able to foster or adopt children. (Well maybe now, the kidnapped brown kids), because being GAY is a sin. HMMMMMM…as I scratch m poison ivy…let me think…Barron Trump, yeah remember him Melania’s anchor baby is living in a house where his father has so far been held accountable for at least two affairs with other women while married to Mrs. Be Better Trump. Barron lives in a house where at least a dozen women have accused his father of either rape or sexually assaulting them. Barron lives in a house of a liar, a money launderer, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist…and the Evangelical Christian Snake Oil Salespeople are gonna tell me Jesus is not happy to know that GAYS might want to adopt kids.  

Now how exactly does any of that shit make any sense!

lock who up

A Keebler Elf, minus his white robe and white hood, a small man not only in stature, but in ethics and standards, who found himself encased in a mighty amount of self induced perjury, stands in front of a crowd of Conservative college students, enjoying the chants, the rousing chants, similar to those from the Nazi youth of the bygone days of Berlin of, “Lock her up, lock her up” The her, being Hillary Clinton, still scary enough as being too savvy and strong an individual for a tepid, and inept Trump, but just the necessary scapegoat to ignore eery treasonable offense and action taken by Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump. 

Walking, with the posture of an inmate whose legs are chained with shackles, whose backbone has been curved and bent by each new deal the Devil had to offer, lacking any self confidence, his eyes only looking at the ground, and of course as a chained pet might, watching with a slight turn of the head to see where his master is tugging the leash, Trump ambles into a room of reporters and press, waits for his owner to dash upon the stage, then follows suit, of course bowing his head for permission to trip upon the one step leading to the stage. Trump inhales, not too deep as there is very little space in his lungs for oxygen because of all the slime from sinister breath is clogging his lungs. This time, at the suggestion of his powerful puppet master, Putin, Trump moves his jaws to that smirk, that shit eating smirk, nods his head, then his brain finally kicking in, grins large fish like oval looking mask, and thinks…good idea, lets give the Russians access to all of my enemies, all of those who actually can speak truth and justice, and have Putin “lock ‘em up, lock ‘em up”

Paul Ryan, that Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious spineless puppet of the Mercer/Koch/DeVos Christian Nationalists Movement, always one to pooh-pooh away any real issues, and never one to agree to aid those in need of assistance, unless it IS, of course, his NEED for assistance, plays the “what me worry game’, and without ever moving his lips, but if you watch close enough moving the teeny tiny strings attached to his one backbone, pretends that treason, anarchy, money laundering, and lying are signs of paranoid immigrants, and not true Americans, who understand that having a strong, victorious, leader like Putin is what makes America Great. Paul Ryan, the EVER so clever douchebag, with his eyes almost slit shut so he really doesn’t have to look you in the eyes, most demons have little ability to do so, says Trump was just trolling the ex-National Security professionals by announcing they may lose their security clearances. In a nonverbal manner, which Paul Ryan has become known for, he too has just shouted, “lock ‘em up, lock ‘em up!’

Immigrant kids are still orphaned or spending every waking moment crying for their parents. Families in Flint are still drinking lead. The Americans living in Puerto Rico are still one thunderstorm away from NO clean anything. Health care is becoming more expensive, and pre-existing conditions soon to be a death sentence. Women are being told the Vagina will always belong to Jesus. Self-loathing white people, without any knowledge, or intelligence, but with the permission of a bully named Trump feel entitled to demean, dismiss and destroy the lives of anyone deemed not them. And the November midterm, supposedly a way out of this Banana Republic created the mess we are in, are coming up, and not one fucking thing worth of democracy has been put in place to keep our nation safe. And yet, all we still hear is, lock’ 'em up lock em up…but the ones who own the keys to the jails are the ones shouting the loudest.

Monday, July 23, 2018


Someone must have left the lights on in the Senate, as two of the three COCKROACH senators have emerged, hunting for food in the form of 15 minutes unabashed, useless fame and of course the crumbs of payoff from Putin to bolster their lacking of importance senatorial careers. The two COCKROACH Senators who have made an appearance, are Little Marco Rubio, who needed to shine some light on the fact that it's okay to purge America of any dissidents who had knowledge of very complicated security issues, such as anyone who worked for the Obama Administration, while remaining mum on permitting Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Stephen Miller, and Steve Bannon to know every secret ever kept confidential. Of course Little Marco’s go to line is that “he has just heard about this new presidential destruction of history, so even though he [Rubio) knows not that much, all he needs to know is that it might make sense. One has under how may rubles, how many hacked polling places, and how much laundered money it takes to have Little Marco step into the light. Little Marco, hates to be caught saying anything, that may later be proven corrupt, criminal or insane, but Little Marco has been left in the dark a bit too much and even COCKROACHES will feed in the light.

Rand Paul, another COCKROACH Senator found enough crumbs of possible political power to crawl out from whichever lie he had been hiding. He too needs his 15 minutes of hypocrisy and Rand has jumped on the Russian bandwagon. Rand, it seems is going to visit Russia and set those Oligarchs straight. It seems Rand has run out of campaign money after spending most of it on his family’s vacations in Europe, so a little cozy, trip to Moscow is just the ticket necessary to float down the river of treason. Rand has pissed that some of the Obama era security professionals are either getting paid to speak about how Trump has been fucking things up, or that they are indeed speaking the truth, which Rand’s campaign had been warned about to try and stop. So, like his brother COCKROACH Senator, Rubio, Rand is tasing hell, and agrees that as did Stalin, so well when he maimed, murdered and destroyed Russia, to wipe out the past, ignore history and pretend that today is new yesterday!

The third COCKROACH SENATOR, Teddy (the Prophet) Cruz, has been missing in action recently, perhaps because this time around his tenure as a Texas senator is in real jeopardy, and even the most malignant of gerrymandering established may not save his job. Usually, one never missing the chance to pontificate or profess the true meaning of life, Teddy (the Prophet) would be vigorously accusing Devils and Demons trying to dehumanize the Christ-like Trump. But Beto O’ Rourke has truly been energizing Texans. So, I suppose the third COCKROACH Senator is back at home begging Jesus to visit his father or his wife, as Jesus did so prior to the 2016 campaign and announce that THIS time Teddy TRULY is the one.  The Republican’s in Congress are dire warnings that not everyone in America should be destined to be a politician. And oh yeah, speaking go Security Clearances, I am CERTAIN, that had we been able to actually see, and read Trumps Business and Tax returns, Donald would not only NEVER (a double negative) have any security clearance, but would be placed on the do not fly list.

The Clicks

We were in the attic, the home was located in one of those neighborhoods at the very beginning of the gentrification process, so if you stepped back trying to take in the large view of things, using your imagination with as sharp and precise a frame as possible, albeit most homes were draped in two decades of crud, rot, and irrelevance; this particular home seemed a fixer-upper’s prime choice. All of the windows remained in their frames, and the only evidence of time and tragedy was the leaning tower of Pisa, more leaning than towering of a two-story fireplace. This house was also minus the typical government graffiti, announcing  the usual warnings of no trespassing, property of the Eastern Confederacy of the Soviet Council, and hardly noticeable, that was, until one actually entered the hallway leading to a circular set of stairs, and found the decades-old initiated symbol of the red sickle joined at the handle by the white cross announcing the joint venture of the New Evangelical Nationalistic World Order. Most homes declared the property of this newest religious force, those whose ownership came later in the rebellion only had modest icons, as if submission of a property was more of a gift than a given. Let the people imagine they are the struggle and not victims of the struggle, were the prayers and thoughts provided as each homeowner gravely removed one set of luggage to board the busses to the lands Jesus used to avoid, but now felt compelled to drill, dig, blast, and pollute. This new group of demographics was referred to as the Pioneers. The Confederacy of Soviet property loved to throw in some sentimental Patriotic verbiage as a form of motivation.

This neighborhood’s usefulness had a lifespan of about a decade, beginning with the 2018 election. There were enough powerful political players living in a 5 mile area to fuel newly formed the Trump/Nunes Campaign, and money was the key, as it paid for the Lobbyists, the laundering, the offshore accounts, and with the Supreme Court deciding that the amount of property was the try definition of citizenship (after all, how many slaves you originally had would make you a wealthy man from the Revolutionary War days to the now debunked Civil War), and this Supreme Court with an 8 to 1 Confederacy ration, felt, that reading the Constitution should be as simple and meaningful as reading the Bible. So when the money ran out and the people living in this neighborhood became as outdated as a transistor radio, the government came in and permitted blight and decay to follow.

One decade after the Hazard Kentucky Virus began, and seemed to run rampant, due to the NO restrictions of dumping coal ash into the streams and rivers, kind of bouncing from County to Town from Farm to Market, and during the violent deaths of hemorrhaging coughs, and bloated kidneys, some people began to wonder, and although the official news channel complained it was a virus which could be carried over the twenty story Mexican Wall, (calling for some kind of lid to be placed on that wall), more and more of the minions were dying, and some of those minions were no longer amused with the listing of scapegoats for this newest epidemic. And those who still kept hidden journals understood that when the wealthy, not just the middle class began to die, there was trouble on the horizon. At first the military was called in, but its volunteer numbers decreased as minority populations such as females, people of color, gays and those who seemed at one time or other must have been an immigrant were restricted to enlist, the graduates of Yale, Harvard, and otherIvy League schools were the only pool and they soon moved to Canada.

This house, the one in which I began telling this story, belonged to one of the historians, who was later sent to North Korea to work the poppy fields, and rumor had it, hidden in some of the darkest and deeper crevices was his journal. History had been considered fake, but pen to paper still had meaning, and there was a movement to seek the facts and void the fake. We dug and dug, we moved furniture, we chiseled some brick, and then as the last whispers of a bright day became a bemoaning hush we found a book decorated in the old American Stars and Stripes. Had we found the Holy Grail…I was the lucky one, I was able to touch the journal. I found a rag and gently brushed aside the soot of two decades. Sometimes silence is so loud you actually need to cover your eardrums to keep it from aching inside your brain. It was my exhale that broke the silence, and I opened that journal. The very first page, all in CAPS, said, I knew this was happening, I tried to stop it, but I permitted the foolish to prevail, and for that, a man-made catastrophe has erupted. I thought I tried, but one person at a time was not enough! (The Clicks, Prequel, by Gerry Buncher) 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

rising red

The South wants to rise again and believes that the Russians are a complimentary accessory to treason, and will bring back the harmony of bigotry, racism, and hatred to a national anthem already so disrupted and disjointed by a man hacked into office by Vladimir Putin. Never ones to really recall losing the Civil War, nor fighting the Nazi’s, or even fighting for freedom or equality, the White Nationalists aka the Evangelical Christian Nationalists, then KKK, the NRA, and of course the Republican political party seem to believe that anything Russian, anything with nerve gas, anything with pushing journalists off of their balconies, anything with sudden heart attacks, anything with death and dying is part of a new wave of America, which CAN and WILL function under the supervision of a dictator.  And via surrogates who somehow survive via no backbone, conscience, empathy, of trust of history, and those whose bankrolls are backed by money laundering, loose women, horny men, and a set of rules established for the very wealthy and those who find Jesus in denying any civil or human rights, the lack of truth has rotted the remaining souls of simpletons so afraid of discovering their own flawed lives that anything of American value is considered vile and anything of Russian vilification is a vital way of life.

We as a nation have been invaded. Nothing new to see here, but even worse, men like McConnell, Ryan Nunes, Pence have stopped looking. It is as if the implosion was soundless, the explosion motionless and the highjacking of America, just a mindless moment in time. Criminals, like Zombies, survive, just by denying access to checks and balances, they suck the blood from inept, immature liberals who pretend to think that if WE all play by the rules, then We all receive the same outcome. Not once, HAVE, with sincerity and earnest, the Dems fought back, fought against, or fought the same war which has been waged on not only the Dems but America, by treasonous anarchists who could give one shit about the sanctity of the security of America.

So, what is next, America…McConnell refuses to cooperate, Nunes denounces anything democratic, Ryan, smiles his Catholic boy grimace, Pence tries to pretend that Jesus is President, and Vladimir Putin continues to inject trump with mind-altering drugs, provide him with millions in dollars for real estate, and prostitutes, and dozens and dozens of Trump Campaign and Crime Family members are arrested or have turned into government witnesses. And yet, we are told 40% of Americans could give one shit, believing lies, innuendo, and snake oil. So, please tell me, what are we eating for…because sooner or later Martial Law will be declared,  a coup will occur, and the world will be divided into this is Putin’s and this is not!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

civil war

A recent poll stated that many Alabamians feel they have more in common with the style of government, planned and practiced by Putin. A firm hand, no necessity for compromise, and the purification from their personal pipeline democracy from the threat of radicals which only get in the way of a purer Alabama. Why even the current Governor of Alabama Key Ivy, the Lt Governor, who found herself in the Governor's mansion due to an illicit and adulterous affair by the previous Governor, Robert Bently made it clear that she WILL not tolerate any Liberal American demanding SHE removes Confederate statues from her state. The South never lost the Civil War, it just stopped the fighting on the battlefields but it continued to remain a separate nation, because the definition for the pursuit of happiness was never a pursuit for all but only a select few, to be judged by even a more select few.

Let's get real America, stop pretending that just because we have MSNBC or CNN and maybe ABC, CBS, and NBC, somehow the fish for fair and freedom stands a chance. We can gather as many Talking Heads with credentials conflated, concocted, all coming from some real world from some other universe, and we can flash across the screen as many red banners announcing Breaking News flashing the faces of News Personalities fraught with caution, caught with agony and angst as they look into the camera with the kind of disbelief as if they were in the midst of farting while on camera, reciting the most recent of treasonous, or collusion, or crime or money laundering or lying schemes, and shaking their collective heads as IF this newest invention of cyberwarfare is even too much to comprehend. We can catch those elusive Republican cowards running in the hallways, ensuring us that THIS time, some serious questions must be raised, or that this time, like the time before Trump misspoke, to that this time, as usual, there is no news just opinions. No one is stopping Trump and McConnell and Nunes and Ivanka and Ryan and Stephen Miller and Putin from winning the war. Smoke, mirrors, money from the Mercer Family or the Koch Brothers or Sheldon Adelson, or the darkest of dirty demon money from Russian Oligarchs funneled and laundered via the NRA are the real champions…and no matter the effort to pretend any of this will stop, it doesn’t and one more day goes by, more secrets shared, fewer checks and balances, and more victories by Putin become the news.

I am sad, and In a way, I am glad Miss MacAteer, my Social Studies teacher from elementary school is no longer alive to witness the collapse of a nation she so vehemently declared a safe harbor in a complex world. Miss McAteer defended the Founding Fathers as men of courage, of conviction but most importantly with the wisdom to see into the future. The Constitution, according to Miss MacAteer was a colocation of idea and ideals, much stronger than ONE person's opinions, and more durable for the weak and woeful ramblings and rumblings of a few poor losers.  Everything I learned from Miss MacAteer and all of my other Civics teachers, all of the facts, acting as steel rods to support this nation, all of the details drilled into the granite of this nation which would keep our democracy housed and honed…all of the greatness from real leaders who placed country before self…all the promises made that were put in place to keep us, AMERICA, have been weakened, wrecked and are becoming null and void. Of course part of it is due to Trump selling his soul, but the majority is the GOP who never had a soul, and it is the people like those living in Alabama who believe God believes in bigotry, bias and bogus and bullies.

Honestly, aside from revolutionary revolt what do we do…or do we just sit back and wonder why we never tried hard enough to win the Civil War!

Friday, July 20, 2018

and yet

Kids are still in cages, some forever orphaned, some carrying the seeds of major future emotional and traumatic syndromes, never ever to be repaired or removed. The water in Flint is still filled with the kind of poison to inhibit any normal growth of the brain and other organs of a young body, and will only bring upon an older body a tsunami of cancers and life-destroying diseases. The ex EPA director weaseled enough lobby money from corporations intent on permitting ash, coal, toxins from chemicals to run off into the creeks, lakes, and rivers flooding into the plumbing of homes and the plumes of water irrigating crops.

Security tests have been failed by family members yet secrets and confidentialities continue to be shared and sold. Those least able to control their cannot positions still maintain the power to ruin education standards, out price low income families to eat healthy, discontinue any quality health care let alone affordable prices, and the once national parks system, a powerhouse of the beauty of America are now open to become the same cesspools as the major polluted cities in China. Out of spite, out insecurity, out jealousy, out of jerkiness, out of incompetence and out of ignorance, anything Obama has been banned and will continue to buried and burned just as simply as the motives behind Fahrenheit 451.

Adultery is a jovial delight, the touch of a female’s genitals, just a good ole’ boy behaving so deliciously inappropriate. But don’t let that lady touch her own vagina, or worry about its health, for she then is the villain and the true enemy of some kind of God, who prefers guns, bigotry, bias, and hypocrisy. Scream decry the actions of this who protest and use their First Amendment rights, call them traitors if they dare take a knee to protest the degradation of segregation, but wave your Confederate Flag, wear your white robe and hood and raise your right arm into the air shouting while singing “Sieg Heil Viktoria”. And oh yeah, always know whenever a dictator murders his own people, or imprisons them, tortures them and demands COMPLETE abeyance, he is a STRONG leader whose hands are large and whose must be a real man because he has generals and he can control all of those generals by applying pressure to their balls…which must make the dictator one well-endowed dude!

And oh yeah be a Republican, an insecure, imbecile aware that your politics minus gerrymandered districts, illegal voter restrictions, and promoting fear instead of facts and of course a hard heaping bucket of sludge draped as blackmail IS the only way you can maintain your job. Worry not about patriotism or democracy, or freedom of men the future…your preference to save, to hide, to approve, to collude with Trump and his Crime Family is the only responsibility you have toward the United States Constitution!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

it came or didn't

He had it coming
He had it coming
He only had himself to blame
If you'd have been there
If you'd have heard it
I betcha you would have done the same! (Cell Block Tango, Kander and Ebb)

Walk back from the spokespeople of a MADMAN who just happens to be the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful democracy. Excuses, you misunderstood the intent, you rearranged my sentence structure and made me say things you wanted to hear. “I could shoot someone in the middle of times square, and get away y with it”. I CAN commit TREASON and CAN get away with it. I didn’t do it, but then maybe I did it, but then why not do it, but if I hadn’t done it, things would have been worse, so I had to do it because I make things better!

Too astonishing to consider that Trump is a double agent, why, because, well, come one he is our president. Too astonishing to consider because Putin said before Trump decided to run for president nosy in Russia even cared about this narcissistic psycho. Too astonishing to believe because not even the Republican’s could permit this kind of crime to happen…the Republicans who took an oath to NOT pass anything that Obama ever laid on the table as legislation. Too astonishing because, well, after all this is the US and we have checks and balances, a divide between church and state, a Constitution to follow after we read the Bible.

Lets, see IF WE play by the rules, then any rule of law broken, will be repaired because the good guy wins in America. Or is it that the guy that's good at laundering money, being bribed and blackmailed, and soothing his own personal gains is the winner. One brave Republican standing tall, two braver Republicans standing for democracy, three bravest Republicans demanding that the demise of decency is not okay. We hem and haw, thinking that somehow if only we can make it to the Mid Terms… Too astonishing to believe, riots in the street, causing Trump to call for Martial Law…too astonishing to believe a military coup, once trump removes the current generals and replaces them with his own White Nationalists…too astonishing to believe that almost any super secret security analysis has NOT already been breached or shared with Putin. How much more insult to the real Patriots of this nation? How many more double speak press briefings? How many more lies? How much more will the Republicans cover up and conceal the truth that Trump simply put is Putin’s bitch, and because of that ALL of America is getting fucked!

wind beneath

Did you ever know that you're my hero,
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings. (Wind Beneath My Wings/Better Midler)

It ain’t just the blackmail, the bullshit, the banker's dollars…nope it ain’t just the coy KGB-ish mind control on an easily cracked conscience, so void of character, critical thinking…nope, it ain’t the sociopathic sinkholes permitting promises of perfection that sprout every time he walks into a room like Herman Munster, in such disarray because he can’t walk and talk at the same time…It ain’t got that swing because he can’t do a thing while under the voodoo that Putin does so well. Trump is the simpleton, watch him try to answer a question. Look closely as he leans forward, when pressed with questions, stare deeply as he folds his arms across his chest then sits back, never moving his head right to left and only squinting his eyes, almost within he has the ability to close them, thinking like a three-year-old if I can’t see you, you can’t see me. BUT IT AIN’T JUST any or all of that that has given rise to the potential of a fascist/authoritarian government coming to the United States. Putin is good at being bad, but better than badass Putin, we have mad man Mitch McConnell/delusional Devin Nunes/radical Paul Ryan and a bunch of Conservative Christian GOP men who love to sell secrets for sex.  The USA could have sighed a big relief if not for our own brand of the really bad guy, the ones who will slit your throat as they look you in the eye. The ones who preach the Lord's righteousness while robbing, raping, and ruining your life with the advice of the Devil.

Trump his too lazy, too stupid, too ignorant, to incompetent, incapable of even feeding himself, so for him to soar the lengths and height he a travels to date, he needs the wind beneath his fucked up and small wings. The problem, of course, is what Putin knows and controls regarding Trump. Of course, Trump has been an asset for the Russians, but we pretend, in this nation to pooh-pooh such extreme ideas. But in a split second, if any majority of Republican politician actually cared about country before party, or had the backbone and balls and empathy for democracy they (THE GOP) could convene as many Benghazi style show and tell committee meetings to place each and every member of the Trump Crime Family under oath and solve this whole collusion criminal act. But instead, the virus of Trump oozes and spreads, infecting everything it touches.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
But I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course, I know it.

I would be nothing without you. (Wind Beneath My Wing/Bette Midler)

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


And she'll tease you, she'll unease you
All the better just to please you
She's precocious, and she knows just what it
Takes to make a pro blush
She got Greta Garbo's standoff sighs, she's got Bette Davis eyes
(‘Bette Davis Eyes’, by Kim Carnes)

AND he’s got Paul Ryan Lies. Yep, when out of his usual Ayn Rand doublespeak, or his mega-donors dollars, and of course his cadre of Communist loving lieutenants standing closely next to him in front of a podium, with the one or two GOP CongressPeople NOT white or not female, you got Paul Ryan LIES; and man when he speaks he tries his hardest to unease you, to displease you, unleash an unbalanced set of tried and true Constitutional  checks and balances. He will first recall, and reminisce how he is still a nice Catholic boy, raised by assistance from the government, because back in the day, you were not a taker, if you needed food, water, education and affordable health, but now as a more  mature man, you know a populist kind of guy who NOW only needs to be influenced by greed, of the Grand and engorged by gratuitous gamblers gobbily-goop of gray water salesmen; you know, the kind of waters never really to be used for human consumption, or cleanliness and certainly human pursuit of happiness, he is his own man and hurt, humiliated, and disheartened that America might think otherwise.

She'll expose you when she snows you
Off your feet with the crumbs, she throws you
She's ferocious and she knows just what it
Takes to… make a pro blush
All the boys think she's a spy, she's got Bette Davis eyes (Bette Davis Eyes, Kim Carnes

And he got Paul Ryan Lies. So, after Trump actually did impressions of a puppet, a drug addict pre or post injecting drugs, a well placed spy, an idiot, a self-serving narcissist, a Make Trump Wealthier Again, monster, kiss ass and other genital parts FOOL, Letting Even the Dumbest of his Flat Earth Cult see that Putin owns him…finally then, not with some Nazi’s are good, not with kidnapping, jailing and separating kids from their parents, not after making deals with North Korea without any input from the Department of Defense and not even suggesting once again maybe the Russian should and more emails…Paul Ryan, placing his chest as high as possible, opening his Bambi eyes just wide enough before they popped out of his head, was forced to stand in front of the American people and, let US know that NATO, the EU and both Koreans, Japanese are our friends. 

But Paul Ryan has such lies he never finished his boasting and bragging, y apologizing for the delays in bringing more Trump Campaign people under oath, not stopping Devin Nunes from being a double agent and not working with the Dems providing them with the same knowledge the RNC has regarding Trump and Collusion.

She'll let you take her home, It whets her appetite
She'll lay you on the throne She got Bette Davis eyes
She'll take a tumble on you, roll you like you were dice

Until you come out blue, HE’S GOT PAUL RYAN LIES.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

your lips and eyes

With all due apologies to The Munster, as I watched, Donald Trump, shoulders bent forward, neck down, as if his head was sniffing the ground for Putin poo, slouched in such a distorted form, I had to wonder if Herman Munster had just entered the room. I leaned further toward the screen looking for one of those very thin lines of rope, in this case thinking at least there was a leash, somewhere tied around Herman Munster, oops I mean Donald Trump. I also watched closely as, Vladimir Putin dashed quite athletically a few steps behind, almost leaping upon his podium with as much guilty glee as possible. Trump was still discovering which podium was his and was not sure if the one step up, was there to confuse him, trip him or perhaps just a hallucination. Once arriving upon his podium, first searching for his orders, oops I mean the notes, written with Vlad’s personal words with one syllable words Trump tuned to Vlad to make sure he should take his turn and be permitted to smile. If you looked closely the smell was not directed at the audience, but first to Vlad.  Vlad already snapping his earpiece onto the earlobe, smiled, his botox grin of course showcasing his youth, but certainly the lack of the muscles in the face used to create a smile; so I am not sure if it was a grin or grimace, Trump then did a kind of courtesy (not the one for the Queen of England, but a subservient bend of the head), and then fumbled for his own earpiece, of which he had no idea if it was a pill, Vlad may have suggested he eat to feel relaxed, or if it was one of those secret listening devices…but even those animals with low IQ’s sometimes get lucky and place a round object in a round hole.

If you watched the nervous ticks, if you watched the almost 3 second delays in answering questions, if you watched the constant head bobbing toward that piece of paper on the podium, if you watched the swift turning of the neck to his left, if you kept your eyes on Trump minus any verbal action, but just his physical reactions, you might recall a few past observations of individuals caught in a very tight spiders web.If you are old enough to remember watching the American hostages in Iran forcefully admitting guilt, as their captors stood arms length away, if you watched the prisoners of ISIS about to be beheaded, speaking clearly and almost with a slur begging America to stop being the aggressor, if you witnessed any of the videos from the Iraq/Afghanistan black rooms and saw the responses from those tortured. If you ever watched the TV show like ADDICTION or INTERVENTION or VICE Channel where drug addicts respond just before or right after their mood-altering injections…If you were able to watch Trump’s behavior, THEN there was NO doubt, no matter what the propaganda pretends, that he is a puppet, a spy, s prisoner, and has been co-opted by Putin.

My 100 and half year old Aunt Meercy, can remember when she was a young woman, and if asked will sing some of her favorite songs from at least 80 years ago. One of her favorites is (’There’s Yes, Yes In Your Eyes’ by Bunk Johnson, 1924)   “Your lips tell me no no But there's yes yes in your eyes
I've been missing your kissing just because I wasn't wise
I'll stop my scheming and dreaming 'cause I realize
Your lips tell me no no But there's yes, yes in your eyes”

Monday, July 16, 2018

the war was lost

Impeachment is a constitutional remedy addressed to serious offenses against the system of government. It is the first step in a remedial process— that of removal from public office and possible disqualification from holding further office. The purpose of impeachment is not personal punishment; rather, its function is primarily to maintain constitutional government.
Treason: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family. The betrayal of trust
Treachery: violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence 

Narcissism exists on a continuum, but someone with NPD is grandiose (sometimes only in fantasy), lacks empathy, and needs admiration from others, as demonstrated by five of the following traits:
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates achievements and talents
2. Dreams of unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Lacks empathy for the feelings and needs of others
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Believes he or she is special and unique and can be understood only by, or should associate only with, other special or of high-status people (or institutions)
6. Unreasonably expects special, favorable treatment or compliance with his or her wishes
7. Exploits and takes advantage of others to achieve personal ends
8. Envies others or believes they’re envious of him or her
9. Has “an attitude” of arrogance or acts that way (Psychology Today)

Enabler a person or thing that makes something possible. a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another.

HEAD UP YOUR ASS: taking a shit on the Constitution in order to place at least 9 activist Evangelical Nationalistic Judges to the Supreme Court, followed by Federal District judges who will disallow, reproduction rights/same-sex marriage and same-sex adoptions/and any retail to seem sex couples. The thirds branch of government to become an adjunct of the Executive Branch to permit the breathing in of asbestos, drinking of runoff water from coal mines, the mining of national parks, and the creation of Evangelical Christianity as the official religion of the United States.

Denial the action of declaring something to be untrue. the refusal of something requested or desired. a statement that something is not true.

There can no longer be anymore pretense from those Americans who think, well it's just politics. There can be no more silence from those Americans who believe by remaining silent things will settle down. There can no longer be any more words like a witch hunt. We can no longer tolerate the Republican elected politicians from just responding with TEPID/MEANINGLESS words, who do so either to cover their own compliance with the crimes and criminal acts of the Trump Administration, or fear the wrath of a band of bigots/racists/xenophobes whose only answer for THEIR own miserable life is to find a scapegoat.  Today, Donald Trump sold America to the highest bidder, to his banker, and to his blackmailer. Why and how Impeachment actions are not or have not been taken is more than unbelievable. We may be just one minute away from the demise of the United States of America!