Saturday, June 30, 2018

some kind of justice

And everyone walks away with their heads held high. The Supreme Court Justice, Kennedy who knew his son was working recklessly and one have to wonder how professionally with a Con Man, Trump, who was easily out-conned by a corrupt and lethal dictator, Putin, who understood just how needy and narcissistic of a nimrod the Orange man Trump really was. The Majority Leader of the Senate, McConnell, establishes a dark money path to a bunch of Russian oligarchs (more billionaires in a supposedly Communist country than the USA, a supposedly non-Communist country), gets his wife to become a Cabinet member, again, Elaine Chao, who was fined and fired the first time around in the Bush administration, and the McConnell, pledges that the finest moment in his career was to insist to his membership (the GOP), that they say no to anything from Obama and be rewarded by the people with whom Paul Manafort and Roger Stone have cozy connections.

Be Justice Kennedy, all righteous and pompous sitting upon your throne, dictating laws for the USA, WHILE, all the while understanding your son is colluding with a guy who is dismantling the foundations of democracy, and pretend your guidance and leadership is above reproach. Finally, be blackmailed by Trump, who is being blackmailed by Putin, and decide that your ugly secret which had never really been a secret except to the American people, and the stooges who believe the Earth is Flat, if your sister is hot marry her, and that FOX News is news, can no longer be safe. So, as if you haven’t already fucked the Constitution, and the laws of this land, retire, at just the right time to help Trump get away with too numerous to mention treasonous, and criminal acts.

Serve no consequence, perhaps write a book, one all high and mighty regarding your dedication to this nation, except when it comes to your dedication to your banker son who has assisted in making Trump more of a criminal and pretends, for some reason, insanity got the better of your conscience. Take that picture of you and Gorsuch another Trump puppet and Trump all standing together as if your retirement, Justice Kennedy is all part of a natural plan to JUST retire. Trump, is like the Grimm Reaper, as he collects souls he takes their pictures, keeping them in a portfolio tilted I GOT THE BITCH!

You Justice Kennedy area failure, a fool and an enemy of the state, may your legacy rest in Hell!

Friday, June 29, 2018

safer now

Well, then, nothing to worry about, Trump has declared that he is considering two women to be nominated to the Supreme Court. So all you humans of the female persuasion and this who love females, everything will be handled and there will be NOTHING to worry about regarding your lady parts, abortion, and access to affordable health care. Trump at the rescue…maybe he has in mind some females like KellyAnne Conway, or Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, or Republican Governor Mary Fallon of Oklahoma who has made abortion and Planned Parenthood almost obsolete in her state. Or Aunt Bea, I mean Susan Collins, who quite never knows how she stands on any subject unless she is getting some kind kick back. Maybe, because True is such an anti-establishment kind of jerk he will ask Virginia Thomas, the wife of the pussy snatcher, Clarence Thomas to become a Justice. Or and this is something that might, may or most likely could happen is he will ask Ivanka to sit in on that nine-panel pain in the ass branch of the government. We can ALL rest assured, that the future of civil right and equal rights are in GOOD Hands because of Trump promise he has two ladies in mind for Supreme Court Justice. OR maybe, just to end the legal battle, Trump will surprise us all and name, Stormy Daniels! And by the way, it must have been a wonderful feeling for Trump to have Justice Kennedy by the balls this entire time. Pussy, balls same idea, Trumps grabs them and squeezes them hard!

Well, then nothing to worry about, Trump promises he will ask his Master Putin about Russian interference in the 2016 elections. Phew…and we thought Trump wasn’t concerned. I wonder if Trump will mention the 2016 collusion and blackmail before or after Trump provides Putin with a whole lot of secret details about American security. All you Trumpster’s can rest easy that your man has the Kremlin’s concerns as a priority. Yep, you one obnoxious older lady who yelled at CNN, you know the one who had to be at least 200 pounds overweight, you know the lady at one of Trumps’s Nazi rally’s. You can rest assured your guy will soon sell all the beans on our very confidential information, and you can proudly swear your allegiance to Communism…that is if you don’t die from some Pre Existing Medical condition, like obesity, diabetes, or heart condition, because nothing says Make America Great Again, then making people decide if they can pay rent, food or insurance.

Well, then, nothing to worry about after the murder spree at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Trump stood at the podium using some kind of twitch that most people who lie all the time used to confuse us from what he is saying and what he means…he really, really, no REALLY likes the Press. He meant no harm when he told people to find a reporter and do what you need to because they are only reporting the FAKE news. We can be relieved because if we know anything about Trump, he is a man of his word…….GAGGGGGGGGGGG!


CIVILITY….are you serious…NOW, when the Dems actually are finding their backbone, their conscience,,, their ability to play by the same rules as the Republicans…we are being lectured about CIVILITY! Holy Fucking Shit, Comrade McConnell changes the rules of the game each and every time… he is paid a bribe and launders his money to some offshore account to appease his bosses which are NOT his constituents… Trey Gowdy, all Southern Confederate like, who spent more time and money on the Benghazi witch hunt, and could not come up with even a rotting corpse from Salem…infuriatingly lectures  Rod Rosenstein to start doing his job…The Trump Crime Family of Jared and Ivanka make over 80 million dollars from rip[ping off the government and the taxpayers… Donnie Junior takes meetings with anyone Russian promising dirt on Hillary…Oligarchs get VIP tickets to the Inauguration of King Trump…Sarah HUCKABEE  Sanders lies her ass off and quotes the Gospels to provide fodder for her foolish shit…. Families are ripped apart, babies kidnapped and left as orphans, and SUDDENLY the Klansman/Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy/American Nazi’s/FOX Nazi Channel, and some half-assed sitting in their Ivory Towers Talking Heads or supposedly hired TV personalities are lecturing the Dems on CIVILITY, AS IF, broken laws, ignoring the Constitution, outright lying, collusion with the Russians, money laundering and the destruction of democratic principles IS NOT the real problem  within this nation!

Fuck all of you, you who have sided with the Tyrant, the Dictator, the Republican Party celebrating the end of Checks and Balances… Fuck all of you who have looked the other way as Women’s Reproductive rights are about to end, and abortion will not only become illegal, but may produce jail time for both the female her doctor…Fuck all of you who think that once on baker does to have to sell a cake to the GAYS, other won’t follow…Fuck you if believe pre-existing conditions is a pipe dream, one dreamt up by the black guy Obama, you know the Kenyan…Fuck you if, after all of the warrants, the arrests, you believe the Con Artist Trump that he IS the victim…and Fuck each and every one of you who believes in racism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, misogyny are COOL and CORRECT.  HOPEFULLY, with the horrible chance that yet one more Far Right Justice may be hired to the Supreme Court, the DEMS will find the courage to fight back! And if the Dems seem to find that courage to fight back, I pray it is with the same sick sad use of anything but CIVILITY!  When the Jews of Warsaw finally stopped being the victim and realized it takes might, and grit and the same kind of torment their captors uses, they fought back,  and no, nope, not at all, there was NO CIVILITY, they just fought as dirty as the Nazi’s. I love you Michelle Obama, but this time when they low (The Trump Crime Family and their Republican puppets), I want the Dems to go even lower. CIVILITY, my ass!

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Over 20,000 Immigrant children, of which we may know a handful of their names, are lost and separated in this country. Their parents are not millionaires, nor actors or athletes, and for the most part the first or last name of this group of people is lost in the wind, and for many will never be retrieved, similar to the all of the innocents dispersed in every genocide, holocaust, or purification ritual one nation has taken toward another. Victims is a kind word, an enemy the strong word, but we never seem to consider that all of these people are human.

Donald Trump Junior has five children, we know their names, Kai, Chloe, Donald Tristan, Spencer. Ivanka Trump Kushner has three children, again, we know their names, Arabella, Joseph, Theodore. Eric Trump has one son, his name is Eric “Luke”. And most recently aside from his four adult children, Donald Trump has a son and we certainly know his name, Barron. All of these children live in luxury, and great wealth most of which as we are discovering had not come from an honest days work, but money laundering, threats, lack of paying taxes, and inheritance form great-grandparents whose own background is both seedy and fraught with criminal activities.  We, of course, are told, NEVER mention the children of the Trump Crime family, as this youngest generation are just innocents, they are just the children of their parents and can not be judged for any illicit or illegal actions committed by their Mom and Dad.

Well, I call bull shit on all of that. I wonder if Kai, Chloe, Donald, Tristan, Spencer, Arabella, Joseph Theodore, “Luke” and Barron have any knowledge of the horrific and unAmerican activities their parents and grandparents have agreed to be nothing to worry about. I wonder if these Trump and Kushner kids are taught lessons of love or just satisfied with loathing and being told some live matter, while others are nothing but useless souls whose purpose in life is to be nothing but a well-placed enemy.

And for all of the Christians who support the Trump Crime family, you know the ones who want to remove a woman right to her own reproductive lady parts, the ones who believe that a fetus has more rights than immigrant children. I wonder what the names of their children are, and do those children understand, that once you are out of the womb, your parents could give one SHIT, about the quality of your life, especially if you are of a color other than white. 

All 20,000 immigrant children have names, have souls and deserve love just as do, Kai, Chloe, Donald, Tristan, Spencer, Arabella, Joseph, Theodore, “Luke”, and Barron!

a smarter enemy

Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) was an early American hero of the Revolutionary War (1775-83) who later became one of the most infamous traitors in U.S. history after he switched sides and fought for the British. History, that remarkable factual invention of time, placed into the spoken word, and eventually the printed word, by the human brain, clarified and certified by the many who lived during the actual events, had at one time provided the future creatures of this plane with a plan and a purpose to try to never repeat it, especially when the results of history had proven anything but positive. 

Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, 2007-2015, Senate Majority Leader 2015-present. From early 2016, McConnell refused to schedule Senate hearings for Obama's nominee to theSupreme Court, Merrick Garland, to replace Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. Garland's nomination remained before the Senate for 294 days, from March 16, 2016, until it expired on January 3, 2017, more than double the time of any other Supreme Court Nomination.[11] Later, McConnell used the so-called “nuclear option" to lower the threshold for overriding filibusters for Supreme Court nominees to a simple majority, with the aim of confirming Neil Gorsuch to the Court.

The enemy of the state often times is not the President, nor is he or she the General of a branch of the Military, but more of a self serving, self satisfying, paid to play “turncoat”, for whom the price of large checks sent to some bank in Seychelles will be just enough motivation to let the common man eat cake, while he and his family dine on the destruction of democracy!  An empty stooge, void of empathy, sympathy, narcissistic, nasty on purpose, cunning and counting his gold coins is terrible enough, but this creature lacks the depth to true terror compared to calculating sinister soulless traitor to any cause that does not satisfy his own needs and his needs alone.

I amaze and it might be laughable to hear the Senate Minority Speaker Chuck Schumer criticize, McConnell and the Republicans for acting as the hypocrites they are as if embarrassing a brood of Fascists into doing the right thing might matter. Putin and his Oligarchs outsmarted Americas, they understood, much better than the Democrat Party, how to encourage, loathing, fear, ignorance, and the even more so how to burn any idea of history from the minds of those who seek scapegoats and victims for their own identity. If we ever get past this era of Trump/McConnell/Putin and history books are permitted to be printed, I only wish that every generation related to Mitch McConnell suffer, the anger, and torment, that Comrade McConnell has provided for this nation. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

something to quote

“All great masters are chiefly distinguished by the power of adding a second, a third, and perhaps a fourth step in a continuous line. Many a man had taken the first step. With every additional step you enhance immensely the value of your first.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King Jr

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” Hailie Selassie

“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.” Khalil Gibran

“Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens.” William Beveridge

“It is from weakness that people reach for dictators and concentrated government power. Only the strong can be free.” And only the productive can be strong. Wendell Willkie

“I use emotion for the many and reason for the few.” Adolph Hitler

“We write our own destiny. We become what we do.” Chiang Kai Shek

"Well, if I ever ran for office, I'd do better as a Democrat than as a Republican - and that's not because I'd be more liberal, because I'm conservative. But the working guy would elect me. He likes me. When I walk down the street, those cabbies start yelling out their windows.” Donald Trump

"My favorite part [of Pulp Fiction] is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. 'Tell that bitch to be cool. Say: Bitch be cool.' I love those lines.” Donald Trump

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.” Donald Trump

“I will never remain silent, I will always listen as the rhetoric hums as a lullaby or screams at me like the shrill falsetto of a Hard Metal Rock Band. I will have my voice heard, even if only a handful of people listen, but to remain silent is not my option. I will not settle for hypocrisy as it is heresy in disguise. Your religious views, when spoken not from God but from an insecure, insincere inhuman individual will be called out as nothing by hyperbole. I will add a second, third and fourth step to find freedom and embrace equality. And while others pretend none of today's currents events count, I will continue to create havoc, and feel sad, sorry but will not demonstrate any sympathy for their ignorance and silence.” Gerry Buncher

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Fight back, fight as insidious, with as much malice, with as much disingenuousness, and nastiness as possible; fight as if you are a Trump propagandist, as if you feared the world around you, knowing that if the world around you discovered the truth, you are a coward, you might melt as did the Wicked Witch when a bucket of water was thrown over her entire body. Play by the same rules that Mitch McConnell has established none of which resonate within our US Constitution. Object loudly that the liar is coming from the right side of the aisle, consumed with the bigotry of racists, xenophobes, Christian nationalists, and a Klan filled with white robes and red armbands. Stop pretending that because we have empathy, a soul and a conscience that we must be POLITE. Stop with the nonsense that going high, will gain even an inch in a bloody civil war ignited when the Russians invaded the trump Campaign and most of the Republican in Congress. 

Stop debating if separating brown skinned families from Mexico and Central America is necessary for the sake of national security, when in fact it is the Russians from Eastern Europe who have captured the White House and the halls of Congress, making this nation more deceitful and much more dangerous. Stop permitting a demographic of people who raise the Confederate Flag, refuse to provide business toward those who offend them, and the White Nationalists, most likely children and grandchildren of troops who fought the Nazi’s hoping to maintain a world of equality.

Refuse to let the Talking Heads with the agenda of supporting a Commander-In-Chief, whose only desire is to rip off the economy of America, save his own skin from audio and video of his immoral, immature, illegal and collusion with foreign enemies and fuck America, pretend that anything Trump decides or does is good for America, but rather one more step in the destruction of America. Resist, refuse to play nice, while all around you our environment is once again being polluted, our education system privatized, our children denied proper nutrition, our medical cost about to soar, and Pre-Existing Conditions murder the poor and elderly. Tell those who pretend that they speak for God, that God is not an ASSHOLE, so just shut the fuck up.

Yep, let's play offense, not defense, let's not react but act. As the Gay community did during the early HIV/AIDS crisis, let's ACT UP, place the bad guy on notice, we will not be silent anymore. The Trump Republicans think we are too away from manners or have a conscience, or belief that laws should be obeyed, while they drown us in disaster and doom. Let's fight back, HARD. Perhaps had the fighters in Warsaw Ghetto been able to ACT UP sooner, a bit of history would have changed in that city located in Poland. We are losing the battle because WE are supposed to play nice….well FUCK THAT! 

Monday, June 25, 2018


Deplorable: of very poor quality or condition… bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure… bad unfortunate. (

If you are a human being, lets say a human being living in the current country called the United States of America, and you have either listened to screaming babies crying for their parents, or have seen photos of very thin pieces of foam pretending to be a mattresses, covered with some shiny object supposedly made of mylar, like one of the Ivanka Trump dresses, with young chidden trying to find some comfort OR if you have heard that politics is the REAL reason Trump decided to split families thinking that something as evil as separation, is a good thing, because it will enhance his chances to fulfilling the sadomasochistic tendencies of his Racist, Illiterate and of course Jesus as foul-mouthed NRA member, and all you have are responses like THEY DESERVE IT, IT’S A LAW, THEY ARE ONLY BROWN SKINNED, IT WILL SAVE US FROM CRIME, then in all honesty you ARE a DEPLORABLE!

Now, there has been great debate as to Hillary Clinton’s use of the term Basket of Deplorable’s, as one of the main reasons for her loss in the 2016 election, as if winning over 3 million votes, over the hacked and highjacked Trump is not enough evidence to prove otherwise. OR, the fact that Trumps Crime Family and his Crime Campaign Team had constantly and consistently met with Russian operatives and Russian Oligarchs, still does not prove Hillary won the election, then you are still and will forever be a DEPLORABLE because you have ignored the democratic promise of free elections in this nation. If you have no empathy for the plight of abused, families, whose equal rights and civil rights are being stolen and taken away by Government Regimes, sounding more similar to Trump's version and vision of America, then you are a DEPLORABLE.

Now it seems some of the Talking Heads of both the left and right are thinking out loud if the Dems start to use the term DEPLORABLE again, the midterms will remain in the hands of the GOP. So, it seems when the Dems/Progressives/Liberals/or just people with a conscience plan the same hypocritical games of the right wing Nazi’s, it makes the Dems bad, bad people. We,  as Dems are supposed to play fair, right…fucking WRONG. I love Michelle Obama, and will always respect her, but this one time Mrs. Obama I have to disagree with you. You eloquently and in a very good citizen manner said, “when they go low we go high.”  NOPE, NADA, NOT AT ALL…its time to play as dirty and rotten as the Republicans, and when they shout unfair, just shout you want more of it! Trump lies, Trump is a puppet of Putin enabled by his co-blackmailed buds of the GOP. If they play dirty, I say let's play dirtier!

show and tell

It shows and tells day, the media got a quick peek at the Concentration Camps Tent cities established by the Fascist regime of Donald Trump, encouraged by the  Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who perjured himself at least half a dozen times while being questioned by the Senate as a candidate for the office of AG. The Concentration Camp Tent cities are being hailed as an American way to imprison innocent children by the DHS Director Kirsten Nielsen and have been given its as American as Apple Pie assurance by Alex Azar the HHS Secretary. And just to make sure the real Americans understand all of this Concentration Camp stuff falls under the purview of Jesus Christ, as this really IS a Christian nation, White House Press Secretary Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders has pontificated on the excerpts from the Bible which God himself said, “Go to Jail, do not pass Go, but go directly to jail!

Like the Germans did during the Second World war to cover up and deny their known and intended atrocities in the disruption of family lie, the punishment of humans, the reclassification that some humans are worth more than others, the Trump Administration with TOTAL permission from the Republican Party, today presorted SHOW and TELL, to let the nation know, NOBODY LOVES THE CHILDREN more than Donald Trump. The Media will be shocked and in awe (remember George Bush). The term ZERO TOLERANCE will become the new version of the FINAL SOLUTION. The Evangelical Nationalists, White Nationalists, the KKK, the Sons and daughters of the Confederacy, the FOX inbred Racists and of course the Russian Oligarchs and Vladimir Putin will celebrate, the mindless machinations of a madman, while the rest of the sane world rings their fingers and hands and wonders WHAT THE FUCK!

Kids are still in Concentration Camps, their parents are now being told Due Process is old fashioned and a bothersome Constitutional right. And while this happens not a single brave GOP politician will speak up, or speak out, the Democrats will still be blamed for Trump’s attempt AUTHORITARIAN take over of the government, and thousands of families will be separated, many for life.

And yet, in this nation, there will be a large percentage of folks who will repeat, laws are NOT meant to be broken, you can’t blame the ICE Agent, The Homeland Security Agents, the Border Patrol for just following orders…OR it's the Democrats fault…OR this is America and not a land of IMMIGRANTS. And all other injustices that Trump and his crime have family have committed will go unnoticed, and Lady Liberty will continue to be raped by the Russian puppet known as Trump. This is America, June 25, 2018!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Area 51

RHETORIC: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

RHETORICAL QUESTION: A question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer

HYPOCRISY: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

I HAVE TO WONDER: Gerry Buncher’s amazement at the world in which he lives. The world that has emerged during the 68 years in which has so far lived, in which history, studied is not history learned. The ease with which hate is as important to life as oxygen and gravity. 

RESISTANCE: The refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. The ability not to be affected by something, especially adversely.

DENIAL: The action of declaring something to be untrue. The refusal of something requested or desired. A statement that something is not true.

I HAVE TO WONDER, AGAIN: Gerry Buncher’s refusal to permit the silence of some to permit the evil of others to permeate the country in which I live and the democracy I pray continues. Gerry Buncher’s voice loud enough to be heard as the winds of bigotry, bogus and bias blast through the empty souls of those whose own self-pity and self-loathing motivate them to find a scapegoat to blame any negative circumstance that has come their way, of course on anyone but themselves! 

SILENCE: Complete absence of sound. Cause to become silent; prohibit or prevent from speaking.

WONDERING ONCE AGAIN: No camera permitted in Trump Concentration Camps. No Republican elected official from the state of Texas has tried to enter the Trump Concentration Camps in their own Lone Star State. Private facilities established by the Executive Branch, without a peep from the Majority GOP Party in the Congress. Families separated, but the Evangelical Nationalists only care that babies separated from their womb are a priority. An Executive order written and proudly advertised, but no real effort to change. Arguments that some people should follow orders of a dictator, because after all they, like the German troops are just peons following orders, so why should they be subjected to criticism for staying on the job. All the while, Russians have invaded our borders, the Trump Crime Family and the Trump Cabinet members have broken numerous laws and are yet to be convicted. Quietly, like carbon monoxide poisoning, the GOP is trying its best to rid the USA of preconditions, out of spite because Trump hates anything Obama. Nothing has been done to reduce the hacking of election for the Mid-Terms. Democratic Institutions are crumbling, Trump remains the Commander-In-Chief. And when the Progressives/Left/Democrats/Liberals play by the same dirty rotten roles of anyone Trump, we are suddenly the bad guys! And oh yeah Infants Toddlers, School-Agers, and Adolescents are still separated from their families and in some cases hidden in some secret space as if it was Area 51!

SILENCE EQUALS DEATH: It did then and it still does now!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Greg Abbott

A cowboy ain't easy to love and he's harder to hold
He'd rather give you a song than silver or gold
Budweiser buckles and soft faded Wrangler's
And each night begins a new day
If you can't understand him and he don't die young
He'll probably just ride away (“Don’t Let Your Son Grow Up to Be a Cowboy”/by Ed Bruce)

Governor, Greg Abbott. As the 48th Governor of the State of Texas, Greg Abbott continues to build on his long record as a conservative leader who fights to preserve Texas values like faith, family, and freedom. You might remember Good Ole’ Greg as the guy wearing the white polo shirt, and blue slick rain jacket, with a baseball cap, sitting next to the guy wearing his trademark clothes made in China, named Trump, alongside his sideshow gal, who just changed from her stiletto heels to a more comfy pair of $900 tennis shoes, and a more “I share your grief” casual tightly fitting shirt not smiling but not frowning, either! Good Ole’ Boy, Greg had a megaphone, grit and great gushing words dripping from his mouth, the one that had just kissed the ass or was it the ring of the Orange man, saying, Hurricane Harvey, go away, you ain’t gonna rain or ruin on my state of Texas anymore! I am Governor and I AM GONNA make a difference. I got Billy Bob Bubba Trump next to me, and even Mother nature is not stronger than this team. 

OR, you might remember Governor Greg Abbott, this time, wearing a long-sleeved shirt, with a more subdued baseball cap, frowned and withered lines on his face, less grit but still no guts, as he serenely and questionably sincerely assured the family of the dead students and faculty of the Santa Fe High School, he Greg Abbott, would do anything to resolve this terrible crier of murder, by a gun (even though Good Ole NRA Abbott was certain that gun was only killed because it was held by a crazy guy, you know the kind with mental health issues…the kind of person who makes guns kill. This time Greg Abbott, called a High Noon kind of televised show and tell and swore HE, would end this whole MURDER in HIGH SCHOOL thingie. By God, Greg Abbott was gonna call for a roundtable discussion with all parties…you know mental health folks, dead peoples families, and some of dag nabbit gun totin’ NRA kind of politicians, who have only read the Second Amendment. Oh, by the way, that roundtable meetin’ was supposed to happen REAL DARN soon…but it ain’t taken place yet.

The state of Texas, primarily because of its location to the defunct highways and byways where the Trump Tower Wall was to be built by the Mexicans is where the majority of Trump Tower Concentration Camps have been erected. the state of Texas, you know where the hero, Governor Greg Abbott loves to make an appearance when the bad thing happens in HIS state. Hmmm, somehow, NO ONE has seen nor heard from this Lone Star State Gov! WHERE ARE YOU GREG, WHILE THOUSANDS OF INFANTS, TODDLES, AND YOUNG CHILDREN ARE HIDDEN IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN YOUR STATE? Wow, Greg Abbott, some kind of cowboy huh, when the press is on your side, your white hat and gunslinging bull shit shine like the stars over a West Texas plane. When real trouble comes your way, created by your HERO and ICON, Trump, stuff even too dirty for a cowboy to handle, you hide, just like a coward, the kind of Trump coward. Shame on you Greg Abbott, yet another piece of shit Governor from the state of Texas!

Friday, June 22, 2018

of death

(The death) The collapse or end of something.
The destruction or permanently end of something.
"the death of her hopes”

Trump, and Sessions and the Executive Branch, the Department of Justice, Department of Health and Human Services, The Department of Homeland Security, and the Immigration Customs Enforcement are sponsors of death in the United States of America, not the primary definition of death: the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism. But instead, motivators for the results when the loss of a loved one occurs. 

The collapse of a family, the end of having your child or your parent at your side, to hold, to hug, to love, to count on to have the support of…that a form of DEATH. To no longer realize that the permanency of a mother or father there, by your side to protect you, or in fact to be able and shield your child from the horrors of the world…that is a form of DEATH. To no longer find hope in the world of chaos, to no longer believe that Mama or Papa or your Siblings or your Child will be with you, a part of you…that is a form of DEATH, the DEATH of hopes.

In America under the authoritarian dictatorship which has become the Trump Administration and his spineless, politics, before people Republican Party enablers, blessed by antiChrist Evangelicals and praised with loud applause by FOX news, DEATH has come to America in the thousands. We have created orphans, such as has never been seen since the horrors of the Holocaust. We have stolen children from their families like the evil cult of Boko Haram, who adducted young girls from their villages sending them to hidden villages in the jungle (we still have no idea where all of the stolen children have been taken, in this country) In America under the ruse to Make America Great, but really only a double speak for Make America White Again, we watched as hundreds of American men and women, young boys, and girls in the city of Duluth celebrate the kidnapping and separation of the families with brown skin.

How many of us have lost a loved one to death? What pangs, what angst, what torture we feel deep in our gut. Perhaps for some, it is the finality of death, that soon soothes our conscience and as we still mourn the loss we realize it is and end. But to KNOW your child is ALIVE or that your Parents are ALIVE, but also try and understand you MAY never see them, touch them, hold them kiss them is a form of death, an unrelenting pain, throbbing and hurting which may seem for an eternity. ANYONE, in America who still cheers this ZERO TOLERANCE sadistic machination by gutless, empty sociopaths, should not be considered a person with a soul either. Pre-meditated murder the planning to kill another, in this case, all who support Trump are enablers of a kind of murder that will rot in the gut of the living. Shame is not a good enough word for these useless people!

And oh yeah, PLEASE don’t use the excuse, you don’t like to discuss politics, because this is not a political issue it is one of  morals, values, life, and death!

Friends on Facebook

Out of some preconceived Facebook etiquette, perhaps my own doing, I try hard not to respond to postings on my Friends pages, by people with whom I disagree. First, and perhaps foremost, I do not know these individuals, nor do I really know the kind of relationships my Friends and their friends share. I am very vocal about my opinions especially with the dictator in the White House, and above all else, I NEVER want it to be stated that I  hadn’t tried my best to RESIST the demise and decay of democracy created by Trump the Republicans and the Trump Crime Family. As a student of history, I always wondered where were the voices of resistance from past authoritarian governments, and INDEED and still do believe that SILENCE EQUALED AND EQUALS DEATH! So for the sake of my Friends, I looked the other way….no more!

Sometimes, however, there are issues of human rights, civil rights, love and justice that NEVER EVER should be debated….did I say NEVER!  In this nation in the year 2018, we as Americans are faced with a sociopath, more afraid to seem weak than to admit guilt, so narcissistic as to destroy anyone who might infringe on his frail ego, and just fucking crazy. He IS enabled by his puppeteer Putin, who seems to have blackmailed the Republican Party, and is joined by a soon to be the defunct adjunct of the Christian religion the American Evangelical Nationalists.  This insane man, TRUMP has permitted the kidnapping of children, the creation of a new generation of orphans, and has dug deep within the machinations of the most undesirable degenerates of a nation of racists, bigots, and haters. There is no fake news about this, the truth except for the Nazi propaganda station FOX, has demonstrated the truth in this demented policy of zero tolerance.

So, here is my point. I have some Friends who have wondered how nice they must be while someone reports on their Facebook page how grand and glorious Trumps policies are regarding separation of children from their parents. Some have wondered how to disengage friends of friends who have written on their personal  Facebook pages, you know in a nice way. There is NO nice way because, with this issue, YOU are a bigot, a racist a fool, a hater and idiot if, in fact, you find nothing wrong with the behavior of Trump/Sessions/the silent GOP and all of their paid to hate employees. So my advice is to simply say to the person who so wholeheartedly believes separating Families is what will make America great again, to either find a soul or fuck off. Please, let's stop pretending conversation or debate will change the minds of people who are nothing but Trump lemmings or is it Trump Cultists! This IS serious SHIT and we cannot continue walking with it on the tips of our shoes or on our pages of Facebook!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Oh Melania

OH MELANIE, there you were in your Sunday brunch informal attire, the kind you wore to visit devastated sites from Hurricanes, white tennis shoes, your little jacket and some kind of pants to make sure you really portrayed a casual appearance. You, Melanie a recent Immigrant to this nation, coming here not for asylum or to escape the fear of harm, but to find fame and fortune, YOU, of all people should have had more compassion for the abandoned  and now orphaned youth who, because your husband always feels stronger when he places a knock out punch on the weak, has decided that Concentration Camps are the ideal way to Make America Great!

So you went to a sanitized Lutheran center, all spiffy and colorful with art on the wall, well-dressed staff, and clean floors. YOU, Melanie a recent Immigrant who has given birth to a son, of all people should have understood just how horrific it might be to lose your child because you just wanted a better life for him. But no MELANIA, you sat at a round table smiled, even though with all your work its hard to see your lips or chin move, and in your non-English accent asked pre-written questions as if you really cared, or to be blunt gave one shit.

You see MELANIA, had you actually gone to visit one of the Concentration  Camps in an old Wal-Mart, opened the cages, in which infants and children are housed as either prisoners or animals, and embraced a crying child who only longs for his or her parent, THEM, MELANIA, you could have become a hero a REAL First Lady, not just a piece of ass Trumps needs to make him look like he is a MACHO MAN. You have no idea or you could care less about the treatment of kids in this nation, who happens to be like you once were, IMMIGRANTS.

I wonder, MELANIA, do you discuss this Barron, do you ask him how he feels about his father separating families because he never got Mexico to pay for that wall. Or is Barron not permitted to watch real news, just FOX, and Friends. You too, Melania will go down in history as the wife of the asshole, who did nothing…NOTHING at all for the good of this country!

PR Bull Shit

Back in the day, one of my JCC jobs was to supervise the Camping programs, Day Camp and Resident Camp. Both varieties of camp offered numerous activities, qualified staff, and the power and organization of the Jewish Community. We offered camping programs for the entire community, and no matter race, religion origin of a family all were welcome. The first day of camp was always one of magic, mystery and often mayhem for both the campers and often times the parents who for the first time were saying goodbye to their kids for four weeks at resident camp, and a whole 8 hour experience at day camp. Often times a shy child, a child who needed a little more assurance that mom and dad would be waiting for them, or that mom and dad were not abandoning them, would cry, pout, scream and resist as best he or she could to NOT, as they saw it, be taken away! It was difficult to witness this bit of trauma, and on rare occasions, the child could not muster the courage or trust to actually get on the bus and leave his family. Anyone with empathy, even though we knew what a wonderful and healthy experience this might be, had a difficult time in watching the misery the individual child was feeling and the overwhelming pain of angst on his or her shoulders and in his or her heart.

I was watching MSNBC, as happened upon Melania Trump, dressed in her usual let's go to see the ravished hurricane communities outfit, sitting at a roundtable, in Texas, as a newly contracted and very taxpayer expensive Lutheran Shelter. You know the next stop up from a Motel 8, where the kids were in cages lying on a thin mattress on a concrete floor with mylar blankets. A bevy of false smiles on the faces of very nervous employees of the Lutheran Center sitting erect and trying their hardest to understand the words coming out of Melania’s mouth which never really seemed to move nor did the expression in her eye, all were talking in hyperbole about how THIS place is HOME. They bragged that each child has his or her own room. They laughed saying that once the kids saw the art on the wall their sad little faces erupted in smiles. These folk sitting around the table all bragged that THIS care will supersede the fear and anxiety of being kidnapped, or torn apart from your family of origin and that NOW these kids are HOME.

Oh, what wonderful PR, Melania stepping out of her Ivory Tower, Oh what insidious PR pretending that separating kids from their parents who MAY NEVER see their families again is so American Pie. The guy, I guess the Director of the Center because he got to speak the most, told Melania that of course, the kids can call their parents twice a week, THAT IS IF IN FACT THE LUTHERAN CENTER IS CERTAIN THE PERSON TO WHOM THE KIDS ARE SPEAKING IS THE REAL PARENT. But what the fuck, these kids are safe and who needs parents or families when you got a Detention Center to jail them in. Of course, Melania did not dare visit the bare bones, hardcore, raunchy Concentration Camps, where the kids are crying, begging for parents or just left untouched. Nope, that is not the kind of PR Trump wants his First Lady to be identified with. KIDS ARE SEPARATED FROM THEIR FAMILIES. Some never to be reunited. FUCK you, Melania, FUCK you Ivanka, FUCK you, Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, FUCK you, KellyAnn Conway…FUCK you and your sly PR tricks. You all are as responsible for Trump's empty soul and his evil spirited intent to hurt as many people as possible!


Lined up, sitting on the rows of benches in a stadium, while as fresh falling snow, wrapped in quilts made from Confederate flags, the red swaths of swaztika’s  sewn from Nazi bunting and any kind of good ole Third Reich paraphernalia hiding their white robes and white hoods, the folks in Duluth Minnesota cheered their Great leader as he strode on stage carrying his now unique baggage of hate filled rhetoric, and fear filled fiction! Proud that HIS people stood straight in their seats, each and everyone smiling, sneering, embracing Il Duce, the man who never displays the word no, the man who will rid the world of the evil which only affects you if your heritage is almost 100% Caucasian. The Righteous Man, the son of Christ all dressed in his own brand of grift and graft, grinning as his lemmings believed every lie and con his empty heat could muster. And almost immediately, to the joy and jubilation, he promised to compromise toward his Zero tolerance policy, and reciting fables and fairy tales of monsters from Central and Southern America who are the real culprits for the rape of your daughters, the theft of your jobs, the shambles and sin on your own cul-de-sac. THEY loved it in Duluth, never own up to your own racism or bigotry, never accept your own short comings and never admit YOU can control your own destiny, as long as there are scapegoats upon which to place the blame. They are animals, he would add, enemies of the state and each and everyone must be punished, severely. It’s a fucking shame he would gleefully that we must NOW give the kids back to their parents. You gotta teach wild animals a lesson. The cheers, the applause was loud and raucous…and this was America and this was the man hacked into office by the Russians, and this was Trump in the year 2018!

Pick a kid, pick an instance right wing, white nationalist, klansmen and women, sons and daughters of the Confederacy, Evangelical nationalists, is the one dying of led in Flint Michigan, the ones whose bloated bodies are washed up upon the shores of the Mediterranean, the ones living in Appalachia or the urban government housing projects, or the infants unable to speak English placed in steel chained wall or summer camps as the FOX and Friends or Laura Ingraham seems so proud to announce, pick which one deserves the love of God the love of America, or is it just the fetus in thew womb of a woman who really does want to the baby that really matters. Of course it is the fetus, that is until it is born, and then ONLY of it is born to WHITE Parents.

There are over 2000 innocent kids who may never be united with their parents. Over 2000 innocent youth who, just because Trump is so afraid of seeming weak, so afraid of being found the fraud, and so embraced by the Republican Party who are too scared and unable to win a free and fair election, that America 2018 has become Germany during the Second World War. So Trump singed an Executive Order…Bull Shit, it is as useless as he is calling himself the Commander In Chief…How gullible are you America or how gullible will you continue to be! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


The Germans use death as a threat to maintain their authority, keep the prisoners afraid, and prevent rebellion. The more horror the prisoner's witness, the more effective the Germans' psychological abuse tactic is to maintain control. Elie Wiesel. I can’t remember the novel, but Mr. Wiesel wrote about a prisoner, in a Concentration Camp, who unknowingly is asked to step outside on a very freezing day, temperatures close to zero. The Nazi guard, all smiles places a hand around the prisoner's shoulders and says I like you, to demonstrate how much I like you I have some very hot chocolate to share with you. Hot chocolate, something once easy to drink, was now a treat a special bit of compassion, so the prisoner accepts this amazing offer, and inhales a large amount of the HOT drink. Immediately the shock of the hot chocolate hitting the prisoners teeth on near zero-day, causes each and every tooth to shatter. The pain is intense, the Nazi guard laughs, and says drink up, finish the cup! COMPASSION!

On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, Trump signed an Executive Order stating that the separation of children from their families was a hard thing to watch. Pretending he cared for the welfare of the Immigrant Families, Trump REALLY feeling the heat of bad PR and even some right wing-nuts unhappiness, Trump sore he id all of this out of COMPASSION! A psychopath has no ability for COMPASSION, nor does a delusional narcissist even believe it is necessary to demonstrate anything that seems like COMPASSION unless it revolves about his own needs. Of course after weeks of denying that he, TRUMP, could do anything to change the separation of Immigrant Families, and sending his legion of liars like Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, and DHS Kristjen Nielson (and I ask you ‘Merica what kind of red white and blue name is that), and Jeff aka Klansman Sessions, to swear to God and actually pretend their God Jesus was for the separation of families, Trump under even too much pushback for him, instantly changed his mind, and used the word COMPASSION!

Supposedly, families will not be separated…but her is the thing, we must continue to remain vigilant about; what will happen to the children whose parents have already been deported, trumps word is a useless waste of oxygen, so will his Executive order have any meaning, and when will America be permitted to see the newest DETENTION CENTERS, CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND INTERNMENT CAMPS established by Trump, who imagines himself a great guy just like Kim Jung-un. COMPASSION, kind of a tricky word when used by a con man and madman!

please, already

Please, whoever you think you are sitting in some High Tower, insisting that we are on the brink of a Constitutional Crisis, or the verge of the destruction of our democratic principles…Please, Talking Heads stop telling me how the past year of Trump is unlike anything you have ever seen…and PLEASE any Media Outlet, minus FOX TRUMP PROPAGANDA, stop inviting someone from either the Trump Crime Family, the Republican Communist Party or the local KKK, White Nationalist, Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, to debate issues of justice, equality, and the American way…because simply THERE IS NO DEBATE…lets stop pretending that EVIL has two sides to it.

The GOP is cowards, the Evangelicals siding with their proclaimed Son of Jesus, Trump are fools, the Trump Cultists ARE Racists/Bigots/Homophobes/Misogynists/Fascists and to be blunt enemies of the state, unless they believe that the United States should become one of the first renewed satellite nations of the USSR. Unintelligent, because many Trump voters believe in some absurd version of a Bible, proclaiming a difference in the races, unconcerned with the system of checks and balances because their Snake Oil Preacher said checks and balances were never written in the Bible, and paid to play by Corporations, and bribed by Oligarchs, the Republicans in Congress are empty vessels floating on an ocean of self serving shit!

When do we rise up America or fo we passively sit by as Trump consumes the last breath of free air, and we watch aghast and using as our only tools for defense…HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN IN AMERICA! ICE and DHS, unless you say NO, you are as dangerous as the Nazi Troops separating families at the Concentration Camps…Republican politicians, you are the like the SS, supporting a madman because somehow you believe you have the advantage in doing so…Citizens living in the towns where SECRET Detention Centers are being established and not marching upon the property, you are just like the townsfolk in the towns and cities of Europe, who smelled no burning flesh or witnessed skeleton-like bodies falling on top of themselves. NO ONE in this nation worth their while, with a conscience, SHOULD remain silent…When does the RESISTANCE finally take control…OR has the history already repeated itself and it IS TOO late to turn back the hands of time! And oh yeah, Melania and Ivanka rot in hell!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Secret detention centers now established and called Tender Age Facilities, no media, no government elected official is permitted to discover their location or enter. Babies, Infants and kids under the age of 5 kidnapped from their parents placed in jail, and no American who demands to see these kids, hold these kids or speak up for their rights CAN do so. Trump lies about a law, Trump creates a policy, the Republicans pretend to be concerned, the Attorney General could give a shit, and FOX News viewers herald this as Making America Great, and keeping us safe. A madman, a man with no conscience is sitting in the White House, a spiteful man who wants a WALL, and will separate, jail, intimidate, innocents who have sought asylum in this nation, trying to provide their families freedom and equality as they leave the desperate conditions of the towns and villages behind. SECRET FUCKING DETENTION CENTERS…is this North Korea…is this Russia…is this Nazi Germany all over again… THERE IS NO FUCKING LAW, you FOX lemmings, it is a policy Trump has decided to invent to get his way and build a useless wall. 

Lawrence O’Donnell used a phrase tonight, the first Immigrant First Lady, is silent, she has not visited any of these CONCENTRATION CAMPS. The hypocrisy is not only disgusting, but it JUMPS right in your face…she is a recent IMMIGRANT, fucking do something, MELANIA! Then there is Ivanka, who pretends she is a champion of women rights…you are an insidious seed from a man who is so insecure and selfish, Ivanka, YOU are your daddy’s delight…you get more attention than his third wife…YOU have the power to stop this madness…what, are you going to Instagram another picture of you and one of your kids, smile and insist that there is nothing to see in these detention, internment concentration camps! 

AND WHERE THE FUCK is the GOP elected officials…are you ALL made of concrete with absolutely no heart of soul. WHERE are the Christians who portray Trump as a Christ-like figure…what the HELL has happened to you, or were YOU always this disinterested in the HUMAN side of America. And to all the critics who chastise the people who want families united, because you think Trump is the GUY, have you all lost your souls. HOW IS TRUMP STILL IN OFFICE! To the men and women of ICE, fuck you for enforcing these kidnapping and arresting of children…to the men and women of the DHS, fuck you for enforcing this most inhumane policy…STOP FOLLOWING ORDERS…A tyrant, a dictator, and Authoritarian delusional psychopath are running this nation, and NO ONE with the power to do so is stopping him. Where are your voices Mrs. Mike Pence, Mrs. Mitch McConnell, Mrs. Paul Ryan…your husbands are cowards, so are you too supposed to follow him into the dark crevices of HELL? We must STOP TRUMPS MADNESS…NOW!


Laura Ingraham, all filled with Conservative Christian, Republican White Nationalism, sitting in some Ivory Tower, considers the Trump Concentration Camps, like sending your kids to summer day camp. Ms. Laura is Anti Abortion/anti the CHIP program and anti-Public Education, but she will insist there is more red, white and blue flowing in her blood than most other people. Sadly Ms. Laura has a bevy of bigots who want to believe every word she spews because it makes their own personal biases A-OK. Just read some of the right-wing retorts to the Trump Concentration Camps and you will be amazed that this IS America and not Nazi Germany.

Whoever the HELL the FOX and Friends Clones are, they all look act and hate the same, are busy bragging that ZERO TOLERANCE is a law, refusing to even understand all it is, IS a policy from a pouty Trump who didn’t get the Mexicans to pay for his wall. These FOX AND Friends clones are all giddy that SOME of these people are excited because they finally get clean clothes, a trip to the barber shop as if prior to being placed in Trump Concentration Camps was a worse life. Lying, as usual, the FOX and Friends Clones have no idea why anyone is pissed that kids are being torn away from their parents as if because these individuals are of brown skin and from South of the Border, these PEOPLE deserve this kind of treatment. But read some Tweets or responses by FOX viewers and you once again would have no idea this IS America, but rather the villagers who lived in the surrounding towns where Hitler placed his Concentration Camps. These jerks insist it the law and you must obey the law…you know like the laws insisting that the COLORED sit in the back of the bus, or drink from separate fountains, or the Nazi laws inviting that Jews were enemies of the state and must be treated as vermin. 

And then we have the ICE Agents, and those who work for DHS, disgusting men and women who have no problem dragging kids from parents, separating crying children from their families. Yep, I know they are following orders, just like the Nazi’s did. Maybe though in America where there is no punishment to be murdered for not following orders yet, these men and women who look the other way as children are ripped from their parents, might say FUCK YOU TRUMP, this is not the kind of America I live in and this is not the kind of American I want to be a citizen. And the SILENCE from the GOP is not surprising, but more so pathetic. Men and women who place politics before people. No, there is NO DEBATE,  whoever you are, Trumps Concentration Camps and Trumps POLICY, HIS imitated policy to separate kids is wrong. And if you even try to rectify this horrific condition, you will, one day too rot in HELL!

Monday, June 18, 2018


And still, there are kids in cages, sorted by age, sleeping under mylar blankets on a thin mattress, in old warehouses or Wal-Mart, minus any parental supervision, as the overhead lighting, the kind used to keep a large area well lit, and making it impossible to discern daylight from nighttime. And as if it was a normal thing, there is a greater discussion concerning this horrific scenario as to whether or not some passage in some Christian Bible permits the abuse of children or not. And as if it was a normal thing, the Constitution of the United States is set aside, the humane treatment of people ignored, and an imbecile, incapable of revolved around love or compassion, or caring or sympathy or empathy, but more in love with loving himself is acting as King and a God and permitting the abuse of children to continue. Surrounded by his Flying Monkey’s all republican and mostly all Evangelicals, this King, thinks that thuggish behavior, being a bully are the ONLY way to prove a point. Worrying that HIS cult-like base may find another false God to worship, Trump provides his lemmings with just enough bigotry, racism, and Fascism to keep them salivating over his Kool-Ade! And as if this is normal, the only thing happening as more and more families are divided, and more and more kids are kept in cages, is useless rhetoric, centered on, will this hurt me in my re-election, is this what Jesus would do, and it's not my fault. You voted for Trump, you didn’t vote at all, you loved Bernie and no one else, you hated Hillary, you thought all politicians suck, and the result of all of that nonsense, is thousands of humans seeking asylum and a chance for a better life, like the millions of ancestors from families like yours, wanted to come to America! 

For anyone who studied history, and took the facts from the past as a lesson for the  future, and you wondered how and why Tyrants’/Dictators/and Authoritarian regimes could survive, how they could become normalized, and swore, as you read the accounts of the innocent victims, that you would permit nothing like this to happen in your lifetime, let alone the lifetime of your children…well, guess what, HERE WE GO AGAIN! Everyone involved with the abuse and caging of kids responds with the same chilling words used by the Nazi soldiers and villagers, “I was just following orders!” So far, and I will admit by a very thin slice of rope this nation remains a democracy…and because of that millimeter of a thread of hope, as an American who DOES care, who DOES have compassion, who DOES understand the consequences of acquiescing to a dictator,  stop saying “I was just following orders”, and STOP this wholesale slaughter of families. Homeland Security workers, ICE officials, ALL of you are guilty. GOP politicians silently obeying a madman’s machinations you are guilty, clergy who pray for families but do nothing else but pray, you are guilty.  Evil moves swiftly and is stealth, but goodness has superpowers, when they are desired and when they become a priority. THIS IS NOT NORMAL, kids caged as if they were in a slaughterhouse!