Monday, July 30, 2012

like and when

Like a cry baby, perhaps a spoiled child, maybe a bully cornered and cowering Mitt Romney responds to questions about his never to be released tax returns ‘NA-NA-Boo-Boo, you don’t own me, you’re not the boss of me. This is MY business America, and all we need to do is talk about the business of America. Do as I say, never as I did!
Like a self centered debutante, an upstairs land owner speaking to his downstairs help, a prince among paupers Mitt Romney states firmly with the backbone of a one celled creature I don’t have to do anymore then I already have, so there, sticks and stones may break my bones (I have great health care so who cares). Don’t get into my business, what, you think I am running for president of the United States?
Like anything but a person running for president, Mr Romney insists that if in fact he did provide the public with access to his previous tax returns, there might be too many unquestionable questions asked and too many misleading ideas or suggestions as to how he has lived his Capitalistic life. He wah-wahs that the Dems will make more noise then the silence he wishes would whoosh over the land regarding his finances. He says he doesn’t have to provide anyone with anymore. That was then, this is now and then never counted in the first place. And besides the longer this mystery lingers the less interest there will be to find the truth.
Like anything but a person running for president Mr. Romney prefers to live his life in secrecy denying any of his past that can not be rewritten in a Stalinesque manner. He wants to tell us he is a man of the people, but ask him about the people he has impacted via his Bain days it IS NO ONE’S BUSINESS. He feels that lack of transparency fits the persona of a wanna be president. He is brave at pointing fingers at others but acts like a superman facing Krypton when any finger is pointed at him. 
And yet, the polls still point out that in some cases Mr. Romney leads the preference choice of Independent voters. And yet, some Americans think that if Romney made as much money for himself as president he certainly will bring that pot of gold to a local neighborhood. And yet, issues of civil rights, freedoms for all minorities, fair and equal for all Americans is only secondary to making money so a vote for Romney is a vote for my bank account. And yet deceit, delay, denial are okay and seem to bounce off the two faced, flip flopped, pandering man known as Mitt Romney.
When do we learn? We voted for George W. Bush because he was someone we felt we would rather have a beer with. We elected the Tea Party to power because all they wanted was less government. We watched as bigots, racist homophobes, hypocrites ran rampant wanting to be the Republican candidate for president. We believed that if  Sarah Palin could see Russia from her front porch she had the vision to lead this nation.
When will the undecided actually take the time and look at the values, the ethics, the manner at which Mitt Romney treats those he wishes to lead as president? When will the smart finally lead the conversation and showcase the sham and shame produced by the gluttonous and greedy. When will America finally learn from its history and NOT repeat the calamity and chaos so easily avoided.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

mr. romney PLEASE

Mr. Romney,
I know you, just as Sarah Palin, have a distrust for any news outlet other than the propaganda organization of FOX. Sarah Palin could not face the “lame street” press due to the fact that the “lame street” press would ask her questions where the facts mattered. Sarah could sit for hours at the throne of Hannity, O’Riley, and at the time Beck and talk in clumps of words never once answering a question but throwing out barbs of distraction to avoid any contact with reason. When you are interviewed and if my eyes are closed tightly I swear it is Sarah Palin talking but with a much deeper and snootier voice.
Many of us laughed at Sarah, (those who don’t believe the world is flat,women are not chattel, and dinosaurs did exist) and thought well at least she is running for Vice President and those individuals are a bit loony any way. But Mr. Romney, you are acting as the Palin Prima Donna and refusing to address any question that rely on truth in answering; and Sir, you want to be president of the United States. I would ask do you have any morals, but then I am sure you would feel the resulting answer might not be as favorable as discussing them. You love to hide the facts and those that do escape are sugar coated with banal, irresponsible, BS. 
I know as CEO of Bain Capital you ran your communications like a dictator would his ill gotten government. You controlled any news, deleted any information and contrived any situation to your liking, forgetting the reality but emphasizing the fantasy that hit your fancy. Why you even invented a term of retroactive retirement. (Do you possess powers of living in the present and rewriting your personal history? Is that a product of Bain Capital?) But come on Mr. Romney so far America is at least 45% still owned by the common citizen, so couldn’t you try to be less discrete in hiding your lies and more honest in admitting to your actions?
YOU speak of Bain as the one reason that best qualifies your run as president. But when anyone else speaks of Bain you cower in the corner shouting the sky is falling, the sky is falling. YOU proudly pump your chest relying on your account of running Bain, but try to ask others to back up your side of the story and you throw a hissy fit insisting that is an insult how dare you not just take my word. YOU  state business is in my blood, but when asked about the blood and guts of those whose jobs you have outsourced, eliminated, ruined, it is nobody’s business at all. And you so smugly face the camera and with the backbone of a jelly fish insist that I don’t have to do provide any more facts. (YOU are running for the president of the United States, and YOU do have to provide more and more and more...remember Mr. Romney there was no great swell of interest from anyone begging you to run for the office of president in the first place...I know, your Olympic athlete wife Ann did state in an interview it was YOUR turn to be president).
And one more thing, well there are a lot of one more things, but for space and time I will add this one more thing. I am so tired of hearing that everything you do from providing only on year of tax returns, to never mentioning all your foreign bank accounts is legal. Bull shit Mr. Romney, it may be legal and okee doe kee if you you were running for local dog catcher, but DUDE you are running for president. I want and those who (don’t wear a tripod hat, think that the Muslim Brotherhood is about to spread Sharia law, believe FOX is fair and balanced let alone a news outlet) need you be to be forthright, provide clarity, and seek the truth. I want a person with values, integrity and a moral compass pointing to truth to be my president. You know a person who will go above and beyond, because mundane and mediocre just don’t make it.
Who are you Mr. Romney, aside from a man who ran the Olympics (how long can you milk that cow)...ex Governor of Massachusetts (but don’t ask about pro Gay/pro choice/RomneyCare)... CEO of Bain (except the years you outsourced jobs, created mass unemployment, and raked in huge profits at the expense of the common man)...a man of faith (but say not a word about being Mormon). Who do you think you are with so many flaws, so many earned misgivings, so many unanswered questions to run for the office of president in my country?
In fairness, Mr. Romney, I can’t just shake my finger of disgust at you. Nope, I have to also wonder who the hell are the people who can’t see behind your mask.. who don’t see the manipulative fingers of men and women who don’t want to God bless America but just bless their bottom lines... whose bigotry towards a black man blinds them to your selfish agenda...who think you give a damn about their mundane lives...who think that if they lie and steal and sell a bridge in Brooklyn they too will become as wealthy as you. As frustrating of a phony as you are, with an every day patronizing statement or convenient flip/flop I am even more flabbergast that the poll numbers are still high for you. (I thought we dumbed down as far as we could go with W....oh yeah you want to hire his band of draft dodging Neo Cons to be a part of your cabinet).
I am curious Mr. Romney is it a Multi-Millionaire/ Church of Latter Day Saints/ Venture Capitalist/ thing to be shallow, uncaring deceptive, evasive or is it just a major flaw in your upbringing and personality that makes you one man who should never be permitted to be president of this great nation.
So many questions that deserved to be answered and one man who is so ashamed of his history to offer any clue or insight. Shame on you, and shame on the fools who think you should sit in the Oval Office.

Friday, July 27, 2012

I get I get it

I get I get it...
Those good Christians like Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, Michelle Bachmann Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump have stated that the president is a Muslim (a bad thing and unAmerican). Those deeply religious Christian practicing politicians with the support of the Tea Party and the far right wing of the Republican Party have made it clear that Barack Hussein Obama is certainly not one of us (meaning the correct version of us the white Christian Bible thumping/not reading it) us.
They have insisted this man’s word is of no value, while their version of his life is true. They have defined his life in a context so out of line with reality, always comparing his story to the way they live their lives (you know, three wives, using another person’s identity to purchase illegal drugs, complaining about big government but soaking that big government for your husbands clinics and stating there were weapons of mass destruction just because you wanted to steal foreign oil).
I have wondered if the Limbaugh’s Bachmann’s, Bolton’s Trump’s, Gingrich’s equate Christianity with lying, discrimination, inequality and hate? I have wondered if the true definition for this group of self identified Christians is defined as being biased, bigoted and bogus? I have wondered if the God they say they believe in only likes white people, wealthy people, and really stupid people?
I get I get it...
President Obama is Not a Christian. At least NOT a Christian in the same example used by Bachmann et al. How could he be a Christian, after all Mr. Obama can see Gays as equals...believes that the poor may need some extra help to find stable ground...understands that seniors should live the last decades of their lives in quality...finds women to be more than chattel...and knows that education for all is not a gift but a right.
I get it...I now get it...
Christianity as defined by heretics does not include the way President Obama lives his life and leads this nation. Christianity used as a weapon has a lot to do with finding an enemy, not finding God. Christianity as defined by Michelle Bachmann is kind of private club one that denies Jews, Muslims, and Blacks access to that club.
I get I get it...

empty words

Mitch McConnell proclaims that coverage for 30 million uninsured Americans is ‘not the issue’ The question is how you can go step by step to improve the American health care system,” said Senator McConnell. 
“Let me tell you what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to turn the American health care system into a western European system”, added the Minority Leader of the Senate.(Huffington Post)
And if you have listened to Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove or anyone pretending to be a journalist on FOX Noise you will also hear a new line of attack against the underinsured or the uninsured. Somehow, according to those whose wealth is way beyond compare to the lackey’s and lemmings who listen to them via TV or radio, the reason you have no insurance is because you never worked hard enough to earn it. The reason we even have this problem of uninsured in this nation is because too many of those losers just like to have the government pay their every bill. According to this legion of self centered self righteous bigots you are poor because you are lazy;if you were not lazy you could afford health insurance and if you had health insurance like regular Americans there would be no issue whatsoever. 
As has been the strategy with this crop of neo-conservatives, anti government, anti minority rights group of Republican/Tea Party politicians one should never find a remedy for a situation, but create a diversion instead. Keep a divide if you can between the have’s and everyone else. Cajole the stupid, the angry, the self victimized soul and insist that life would be better if OTHERS were not so ready to pounce upon freedoms only you deserve. 
So now 30 million uninsured Americans are greedy, are needy. It is their inability to afford health insurance that is making matters worse. If those 30 million were true Americans they would have found a job that enabled them to pay the market price established value for health insurance. And, say the sages sitting in their mansions, to the peons sitting in denial, ignorance, and hate, there is no problem with affording health insurance, it is a just reward for those too lazy to pay their own way. 
And oh by the way, most of those uninsured according to the Republican/Tea Party demigods just happen to be people of color. You know the same PEOPLE who should not have the right to vote and should show their papers. And if the people of color were not bad enough at defrauding the American way, it is the seniors who think they deserve the promise of social security as provided by the laws of this nation.
And the same group of pundits and politicians who consider life is created the minute there is a zygote, feel just as empowered to deny any kind of healthy life for the people they declare their God created. The hypocrisy is dazzling, yet the practice by lame is strong as ever.
I do not understand how anyone can overlook the lack of human compassion, the   sheer lack of concern for the common man/woman, the amount of arrogance in trying to solve problems of anyone else but the 1%. I do not understand how the up coming election is still so close and those voting Republican/Tea Party think its all about the economy stupid. How so many Americans think that nothing else like values, principles, ethics and morals is as important. The Republican/Tea Party say they will make you wealthier, but forget about the freedoms and rights that make this country so great.
Coverage for 30 million uninsured Americans is ‘not the issue’...REALLY... so when someone dies in their home... dies alone...carries pain from an illness for a dozen years... decides to eat or pay rent because there is no more money for a health check up...continues to suffer rather than go into debt...tries to find the pursuit of happiness just as long as it does not include health insurance...IT IS NOT THE ISSUE. WTF!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

once again, again

The latest skirmish in the nation's culture wars began when Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press that the company was "guilty as charged" for backing "the biblical definition of a family." In a later radio interview, he ratcheted up the rhetoric: "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, `We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'" (Huffington Post)
I am always amazed when those who use God’s name to prove that their own bigotry and bias is just are permitted to do so as if they and only they have access to the Lord. Smugly because they quote chapter and verse or get down on their knees or praise the Lord in a deep and humbling voice, these Christian crusaders become soldiers who want to ruin, ridicule or remove the fortunes of anyone they deem not like them.
I am still aghast how easy it is to take out of context portions of the Bible and still be considered a scholar. How permissive we become when as long as we first say I am following Gods will, we let bigots bully. And how easy it is for words to be recited without any deeper meaning to them then just hate.
I love when Christian soldiers whose own lives are less then whole point fingers at the rest of us. They never look at the whole society but prefer to punish those who at the moment have less power and prestige. Marriage is always a sin when same sex couples want to do it, but never ever a mention of God’s embarrassment and outrage when heterosexual couples wed two, three times over or prefer adultery and infidelity over intimacy and trust. 
It is always those damn homosexuals whose collective power will topple God and rise up and overthrow heaven. It is never the heterosexuals who hate thy brother, who deny freedoms to their fellow man, who fall from the grace of God that God hates. Why is it that we assume because someone says God’s name louder than the rest of, holds a Bible in his hand is good and just?
Dan Cathy is certainly entitled to is own religious bigotry. This is still Amerika (and freedom of religion or not being religious is the law) so Dan Cathy can shout from his mount any angry epitaphs he wishes. The problem for me is that Mr. Cathy’s homophobia based on the Bible and not on our Constitution is being accepted by politicians we elected to uphold that CONSTITUTION. What worry’s me is that the God Mr. Cathy quotes is fast becoming the commander and chief of this nation. What pisses me off is that comments by Mr. Cathy are taken as law and fact and the people representing this great nation of ours permit this lack of democracy to run rampant and unchecked.
Where is the bipartisan backbone stating Mr.Cathy can express his true fears and phobias but it is not the American way and far from the kind of nation our forefathers fought for. Why is there still an issue on fair and equal, rights and freedoms for any American? And as much as the Republican/Tea Party worry that Sharia Law is taking over this nation I worry that Evangelical Christian Law based on here-say, superstition, and hate is creeping like an unguarded cancer. And a few pooh-poohs and looking the other way will not stop it from killing the heart and soul of the United States of America.

Monday, July 23, 2012

blowin' in

Yes, how many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea ?
Yes, how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free ?
Yes, how many times can a man turn his head
Pretending he just doesn't see ?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.(“Blowin’in the Wind”, Bob Dylan)
And now we have met many of the victims of the Aurora massacre and listened to an experience in their lives that I pray to God never enters  my own world of reality. We are tuned in to the moments and minutes of pure hell, torture and pain. We are presented with the victims but never once touch upon the cause or even better the remedy.
And as we did with Columbine, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood we are astonished that anyone could have access to the amount of firepower and weaponry to end the lives of so many. We meet the pro gun control advocates and hear the reasons from the Save the Second Amendment patriots. The media wipes a tear from their eye as they speak about an incident no American ever wants to endure. Every possible ‘EXPERT’ is called to discus matters of psychology and legality all dour and dry.
And like Deepwater Horizon, or Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans or dozens of other catastrophic incidents causing havoc and hell to the Americans in this great nation of ours this too shall pass. And with its passing nothing to stem, to end to diminish the potential for a repeat will be engaged or will evolve.
We will shake our heads ring our hands, and slowly forget this tragedy until of course something as ugly and inhumane happens again.
When do we become wise enough to not permit history to repeat itself.
Are you now or have you ever been... in the years from 1950 to 1954 the end of that sentence read a member of the Communist Party? the author of that quote was Senator Joseph McCarthy. Senator McCarthy used the fear of the ignorant, the bogus of the bigot, and those who would rather find blame then solve problem to provide some of the most devastating paranoia this nation has ever seen.
Michelle Bachmann, along with four other members of Congress, sent a letter to the inspector generals of the Departments of State and Homeland Security saying Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has ties to an organization trying to destroy “the Western Civilization from within. (
Four years during the 50’s a bully was able to control the conversation in our political arena. No one wanted to stand up for civil rights or freedoms as written in our Constitution. Everyone either cow towed to McCarthy for fear that by not doing so some skeleton would be found their own closet; or tried to walk away from this confrontation only to be harangued until they admitted to something they were never a part of.
Finally one journalist, Edward R. Murrow was brave enough to stand tough and call McCarthy a bully stating fiction, strong armed techniques are UnAmerican, and never ever point to the truth.
And at the end of the anarchy reign imposed by McCarthy the American public swore on a stack of Bibles, no never give the power to the paranoid.
But better than solving a problem is creating a scapegoat and Michelle never one for answers or truth is at it again. Make the Muslim this time the monster under the bed.
And like McCarthy and his gang of goons Michelle is praying on the ignorant, angry and uneducated.
When do we become wise enough to not permit history to repeat itself.
It happened once again a gun with tons and tons of ammunition to kill tons and tons of innocents, and all we hear is “my sympathy to the victim but lets not talk about the ease at which they were killed. It happened once again a person of political power using the bully pulpit with nothing more than lies singling out citizens of this nation as the enemy. No proof just bull shit.
Yes, how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky ?
Yes, how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry ?
Yes, how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died ?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind. (“Blowin’ in the Wind”, Bob Dylan)

Friday, July 20, 2012


When did religion become an arm of the NRA? When did Jesus have the title Sherif placed in front of his name? When did love they neighbor become replaced with kill thy neighbor? When did we permit madmen filled with nothing more than disingenuous disregard for anything fair, equal, holy, or pure have enough power to represent us in the government of the United States?
Why, when tragedy strikes the innocent, some find a knee jerk reaction as response never hoping to solve the issue but add flames to the fire? Why are other enemies created diverting the fact from the real culprits and placing it instead on a make believe scapegoat? Why do the cowards act so brazen in pointing fingers elsewhere, but are incapable of looking at their own actions in the mirror?
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of "ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs" and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.
"You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of a derelict takes place." (The Maddow Blog)
Mr. Louie Gohmert the only act of crazy is a play staring you and your bizarre behavior in both misrepresenting foundations of this nation and the basic tenants of the Judeo-Christian religion beliefs. Your inability to understand the world in which you have power to establish laws, as well as in which you live is disturbing and dangerous. You say words and have no idea of their meaning. You pretend to speak for God but speak in a language so far from a Christian or Judeo God. You cater to a cadre of men and women who would rather hate then love, find fault then pursue answers, divide then conquer.
Look closer Mr. Gohmert at how you read my Constitution, your Bible and you will find an inability to grasp the truth. You say words but all of those words fall flat as to their original purpose and intent. You are loud but speak only in noise. You are crass with disregard for anyone else but your self. You are a bully,but cower in the corner hoping to never be found out as inadequate.
You radiate poison Mr. Gohmert. There are those who vote for you because they need no truth, evidence or sense of conscience. The comfort of fools does not last long.
For the victims of Aurora and their families there are little words any of us can say aside from our prayers, wishes and blessings are with you. Life is too fragile, fleeting to waste time not trying to make the mere moment we live valuable.
Mr. Gohmert is a vile, venomous weasel insisting on finding the evil and avoiding the good. And to think he sits in the Congress of this great nation of ours. How sad is that?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

words matter

Ann Romney: We've Given 'All You People Need To Know' About Family Finances (Ann Romney speaking to Robin Roberts on ABC)
I am always amazed when politicians/their handlers/and their spouses refer to the American citizen as you people. I am always in wonderment and awe as those elected as representatives or wanna be elected officials decide that you people are really not important enough to deal with or shed even an ounce of honesty. I am dumfounded and and disgusted that the man and his wife who want to be president and first lady of this nation of ours still feel the need to use terms like you people. 
I am even more astonished that with the arrogance and entitlement demonstrated by Ann and Mitt Romney, there is still a large portion of Americans who support Mitt to be our next president. How do we believe in a person to lead this nation who seems to live by different standards then most of you people do.   I am one of you people and all I ask is that the man who wants to be my president be open, honest, and approachable. I am one of you people and Ann dear, you are pompous, pandering and plastic and there is no need for people like you and your husband in a nation built on we the people.
John Sununu:The president should "learn how to be an American," (John H. Sununu, surrogate for Romney campaign)
Once again the Republican/Tea Party is writing their own dictionary and defining the terms for being an American. The same party who has decided that regulations for anything from health care, pollution to consumer protection is unnecessary and needless is shouting loud and proud who is and who is not an American. And as usual their definition of being an American is never about including rather excluding. 
I am even more astonished that the Republican/Tea Party which diminishes the freedoms and rights of the LGBT community, denies the free access for women’s reproductive health care, demands papers please for people of color has the audacity to define who is an American, and there are Americans who agree. Mr. Sununu you suggest that the president learn how to be an American yet support a man who would rather ship jobs off shore, send his income to tax shelters overseas. I am an American and looking at the facts, you know the words and deeds on audio and video from Mr. Romney all I see is a selfish man who has no idea what America is all about or being an American.
Day after day, we are preached at by surrogates, spouses and the SOB’s from the Republican/Tea Party that America the beautiful has turned sour dim and ugly. We are provided examples from such intellectuals as Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Boehner that the social net is a socialism, regulations a communist plot and fair and equal are on  a pay for play basis. We hear hypocritical hyperbole that the government is too big and should bud out of any businesses or corporations schemes and plans. But government is never too big to sleep with you in your bedroom, sit with you in your doctors office,  or stand between you and the person you love.
And then we hear from a woman so far removed from you people telling you people mind your own business;even when the business we are wondering about concerns the man who wants to be the leader of this great nation. And then we hear a man whose own reputation for inappropriate behavior while working for our government lecture us on what an American should be. And the harangue continues, is constant  flows like lava burning truth and fact as it finds it way to the feeble minded, fearful, bigoted and bias. And for some reason in this scary year of 2012 Ann Romney, John Sununu enjoy celebrity, status and never once have to account for their behavior.
And once again the silence from the smart is deafening. The educated, the reasonable, the intelligent, the sensitive, the sane are quiet, no waves made, no outcry. And once again, it seems the lie is truth, the fiction fact, the fool is  captain of the ship.
Hey Ann Romney, John Sununu I am an American and one of you people so how about an apology or better yet just go away!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

heeeeee's back

And when the people have little to no affordable health care, classroom sizes are at a ratio of at least 45 kids to one teacher, seniors decide if they can eat, receive medications or pay rent, police forces are limited to protect the streets, firehouses closed we will at least have a Defense Department capable of nuking the world ten times over, more aircraft invented only to become obsolete in a year and oh yeah more payoffs to corporations like Haliburton. 
Dick Cheney has come to Washington DC declaring that HIS AMERIKA is on the abyss of Communist, Islamist, Socialist takeover, if in fact the Republican/Tea Party Congresswomen and men don’t fight the Defense Department budget cuts. 
And when food stamps no longer help feed the poor, when unemployment benefits are just a thing of the past, when the wealthy have every tax loophole available and the poor and middle class barely earn minimum wage, according to the fears and phobias of Dick Cheney we will still be the strongest most severe, ready to kill a thousand times over nation because no money will ever be cut from the Defense Department.
Dick Cheney a harbinger of neo conservative paranoia, self serving deceptive definition of Capitalism, elitism and arrogance, distrust for the Constitution has come to Washington telling his cronies and comrades  called Republican/Tea Party to ignore the deal they made on the deficit a few months ago. Mr Cheney has come to Washington DC to insist any deal made that he alone does not approve of is deal with the devil. Mr. Cheney has come to Washington DC to pronounce that his AMERIKA will not survive the onslaught of Democrat/Progressive crying that protects the average citizen instead of permitting the Military Industrial complex to thrive.
And today the Speaker of the House John Boehner with a few tears dripping from his eyes because he fears the Russians or Chinese will invade our nation militarily (forget that they already own this country financially), insisted that any deal made in the past that included the cuts to the Defense Department were done under duress, and now we must fight for the future of a secure AMERIKA. And today with the swish of a strong hurricane rushing in from the ocean almost every Republican/Tea Party politician in a powerful position moved his lips, pointed her fingers and said a better AMERIKA is one with no cuts to the Defense Department.
And when we don’t cut any funding for the Defense Department, but cut almost 80% of funds for any and all Safety Net government programs, one has wonder what kind of AMERIKA will we be defending? And when we insist that more is better for the military, no matter what that more includes or costs, while spending less on the quality of life for the Americans we are protecting, we have to wonder what kind of nation will this AMERIKA turn into? And when billions of dollars are traded from health care costs, retirement accounts, education environment protection, for MORE, MOST, MANY within the Defense Department we have to wonder who are the fools that care less for the people and more their own careers and bottom lines? If life in this country is far beyond livable, enjoyable, or tolerable for the 99% but the coffers of Haliburton and Cheney grow and grow why even bother to protect this nation? 
Once again, we have the need of the few as a priority and the need of the many ignored. And once again those who will suffer the most seem to delight in their own demise thinking that no cuts within the Defense Department will make their lives better, bigger bolder. When does the madness stop? Where are the sane who seek a real solution? 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Scream 3, Nightmare on Elm Street 14, Poltergeist 8, all scary movies made one time too many. All horror movies made to remind you that the monster, the devil, the boogie man is still alive still thrives.  Cadres of film ready to instill fear once again, just when you thought the bad guy came to his/her demise. Theatrical productions almost laughing at you because you thought the bad guy lost and the good guys and gals won.
America 2012, Dick Cheney embarks on Washington DC to call upon his GOP brethren to renege on cuts to the budget for the Defense Department. The man who introduced such monsters as Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Iraq War, the the Afghanistan War, the outing of Valerie Plame, Water-boarding and the past CEO of Haliburton Industries is BACK! He has found more enemies ready to turn this nation into a Communist Bastion or a Muslim Kingdom once $5000 toilets are eliminated or $3000 nuts and bolts are replaced or the bottom lines of corporations like Haliburton are diminished due to any defense Department cut. Even as he sets the fire in the theater locking the doors as he exits he shouts run, run before it is too late. And as he runs to his ivory tower he points his fingers like a mad man accusing everyone else as the arsonist.
And even though 174 Republican Congressmen and women voted to cut Defense spending to try to find compromise and balance the budget, Mr. Cheney is roaming the halls of the Capitol turning the cowardly politicians into zombies, vampires and ghouls begging them to “go into light”. It is the 2012 version of America 2001-2009 and somehow the Cheney monster is alive and ready to once again run amok. And like a vampire before he leaves his prey dead, Mr. Cheney is welcomed into the House to spread his venom and vile.
We had 8 years of Cheney leaving a legacy of recession, greed, unemployment, poverty and deconstruction of the Constitution. We saw the really rich become really wealthier, the divide between church and state lessen, civil rights ignored, and rhetoric sounding similar to the days of McCarthy spoken loud and proud. We fought two wars based on one mans desire for power and a lack of demeanor replaced with a lot of delusion.
And now, a monster is rising once again. And now he is once again ready to hide the truth, leave the facts behind, and spread fear and loathing; a ploy so successful in the past to leave the dumb dumber and the angry angrier. Anyone knows after viewing Scream 18, Nightmare on Elm Street 81, Poltergeist 52 that the success of the creature is to find the weak, the self victimized, the loner and to then violate their mere existence.  These monsters live on because those who know better, who should be the first on the firing line, who have the ability to stop the madness sit back on their hands, close their eyes and wait until destruction takes place.
America 2012, is it going to be another version, maybe a 3D version of the horror we faced in the movie America 2001-2009? HELP!!!! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

not funny

“Take my wife, please.” Henny Youngman
My Grandma Braff and her sisters and their spouses would collect around our dining room table after a holiday meal, or a family poker night sipping very strong Romanian coffee or smoking some enormous stinky cigar. My sisters, cousins and I would retire into the living room waiting for the dessert to be served. Dinner was always great but nothing beat the home made cakes and pies and the wait was well worth while. However, getting a slice of pie or cake meant having to walk into the dining room standing in front of the eldest of the uncles and have him say, “do you want to hear a joke’?
At first and for the uninitiated, it seemed rather simple, a joke for a piece of pie, two jokes for another piece of cake, three jokes if you wanted any ice cream on top. Shaking our heads yes that we wanted to hear a joke, the elder uncle would pull us closer to him lean in toward us with that smelly cigar breath tell us the joke.
With only the first name of the husband changing, the joke would end with...take my wife please... Every aunt and uncle over the age of 75 would howl like hyenas, hold their achy bellies from laughing and giggle like little girls and boys. Another uncle would chime in didn’t see that coming did you. Finish off that comment with a slap on the table and the dessert would be served.
We did see it coming, we knew it was coming once the dinner dishes were removed and replaced with the dessert ware. Most of us knew after the second time the joke was told it was not funny. We would, like deer in the headlights, look around for assistance from the other aunts and uncles, just one of them to say that joke is not funny, but never to any avail. The elder uncle would tell the joke, say it was funny and everyone else sitting around the table would acquiesce. And if we were brave enough not to laugh, we were warned that we will never grow up understanding what is funny and what is not funny. 
"It Can Now Be Said, Without Equivocation," Obama "Hates This Country" he was indoctrinated as a youth by a communist father and a radical mother.” Rush Limbaugh
“It appears that there has been deep penetration in the halls of our United States government by the Muslim Brotherhood,” Bachmann said. “It appears that there are individuals who are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood who have positions, very sensitive positions, in our Department of Justice, our Department of Homeland Security, potentially even in the National Intelligence Agency.” Michelle Bachmann
Once again,some people out of touch with their reality are sitting around the table repeating the same punch lines to jokes that are not funny. Unlike “...take my wife please...” these jokes told by Michelle Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh are dire and dangerous, vile and venomous. Sadly the recipients of these jokes are not intelligent enough to see just how ridiculous they are nor do these recipients have the ability to discern truth from lie, fact from fiction. And so buffoons like Bachmann and Limbaugh continue to tease the public with promises of dessert if only they listen to one more joke. And so, disingenuous, derelicts tempt and tease a group of people who think being a bigot deserves them a slice of dessert. 
I remember after the third time walking into the dining room as an audience member of the the”...take my wife joke...”, going to my mother complaining that the joke was not funny. I remember adding that what WAS funny in a sad way was just how much the elder uncle thought he made us laugh. I remember not knowing the word for it but thinking this man is pathetic and all those aunts and uncles I love so much are even more pathetic to let him tell that joke over and over again. And I remember asking my mother why do they let the elder uncle do this all the time? She would reply in passing, maybe they don’t know any better!
Has America fallen into the hands of maybe they don’t know better? Has America become so dumb that smart is a foreign concept? Rush is one of the most listened to radio jocks, Michelle is a Congresswoman and they tell us jokes that divide and conquer. These jokes are not funny but America is still laughing. And the only reward America is going to get is a pie in the face.

Friday, July 13, 2012

burn it

We're building it up, 
To break it back down, 
We're building it up, 
To burn it down, 
We can't wait, 
To burn it to the ground. (“Burn It Down”, Linkin Park)
A half term governor, a two season reality show D List Star a maverick/rogue/pistol packing moose slaying mama is still on the Republican propaganda machine known as FOX complaining about Death Panels. And with less conscience and more contempt, little moral judgement and sheer sensationalism, disregard for truth but plenty of regard for vitriol and victimization, Sarah Palin gets away with her lies and lack of respect for common sense. And the loonies in the asylum herald her as crazy as they and celebrate her as a celebrity.
A first you see it then you don’t, pandering pantomimist, pretending to care politician is all about the smoke and mirrors, but never once wants to be restricted to the how do you really feel moment. He is the flavor of the hour kind of man who would rather be caught telling you what you want to hear, rather then speaking from his heart. No need for inconvenient truths when the convenience of heresy, half truths, and denials are available. Mitt Romney is rich in calling out the faults and failures of others, but speak one word of ill will his way and you are the sinner. And he is still well on his course to be our next president.
Hiding in plain sight, sitting upon a throne inside a million dollar castle made of crass and schism, surrounded by a moat of hypocrisy and hype, he is at the ready to shout the sky is falling as he boards a private jet for another planet. He will gleefully shout fire in a theater as he locks the doors behind him while he exits. A sheep in wolf’s clothing he loves to inflict the first bite licking his lips as the poison penetrates the hapless hordes. Rush Limbaugh cozily sits puffing on his cigar and sends venomous vibes to tribes of men and women who don’t want answers but love to blame. And he is the dandy of the delusional. 
On one side of their mouth praying to God, insisting on the purity of life, the sanctity of being created in the image of the Lord, demanding that all life should be respected, a slew of Republican Governors see no divide between the role of religion and the guidance of the state. And then on the other side of their mouths these same Republican Governors will, not for the lives of them, ever, ever, ever permit the Affordable Care Act to find its way to the borders of their serfdoms. Millions may benefit from preventive care, affordable care, but as long as this idea of equal and fair stems from President Obama, they will in Gods name deny coverage. For Governors Perry, Scott, McDonnell, and Walker to name a few God is only a convenient  ruse to spread hate and divide, but he is such an annoyance when it comes to fair and equal. And these guys are the rock stars of the right.
How did this happen, when did this happen, where were we when this happened? Are we just satisfied being stupid? Is it easier to not ask for facts and just simply smile when fiction is handed to us as truth?  Some now say they will bury their heads in the sand as this round of anarchy passing as democracy passes by. Some say, no matter who wins they are all bums so why worry. Some say they still have not made up their minds. HUH! All around us arsonists are burning our homes. We watch as they pour the gasoline on the foundations in which we live. We gasp as they take a book of matches carefree and caustically start the spark. And some of us even though the bucket of water is so close at hand just stare into space, saying it won’t be my possessions that burn. 
We can't wait, 
To burn it to the ground. 
So when you fall, 
I'll take my turn, 
And fan the flames, 
As your blazes burn. (“Burn it Down”, Linkin Park)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

do it, do it

Go on and do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.
People know just what they'd like to do,
Whatever it is, you've got it, 'long as it pleases you.
Make it last as long as you can,
When you're through it's up to you to try it again. (“Do It Till You’re Satisfied”, BT Express)
Senator Lindsey Graham, senior senator from South Carolina a ‘Taxpayer Hero’ who puts the interests of the taxpayer ahead of politics by constantly voting to cut wasteful spending, reduce the tax burden, and make government more accountable to taxpayers. (official Lindsey Graham United States Senator, South Carolina web site)
It's really American to avoid paying taxes, legally,"  Senator Lindsey Graham (R) South Carolina said, adding, "As long as it was legal, I'm OK with it. I don't blame anybody for using the tax code to their advantage. I blame us for having it so complicated and confused. Pick a rate and make people pay it." Lindsey Graham, American, defending the financial actions of Willard Mitt Romney, another true American regarding Mr. Romney’s overseas banking record.
A candidate running for president and a leading senator demanding that any action taken to not pay taxes is as American as apple pie, baseball and motherhood. Two men, one currently in office and one wanting run for the highest office in this nation have decided that if its legal why not do it, you know, till you’re satisfied!
And we are told that the reason we are so up in arms about Mitt Romney’s off shore bank accounts, his mysterious minions of millions floating around the Caribbean under his wife’s name, his swiss miss accounts is because socialism is spreading, like locust and successful men are being punished for being---well successful.  We are lectured to that only the jealous, the lazy, the inept, the socialist loving anti-American would question the wise financial wisdom projected by Mr. Romney by doing what he needed to, to---well avoid paying taxes.
Whatever happened to fair dealing
And pure ethics
And nice manners?
Why is it everyone now is a pain in the Ass?
Whatever happened to class? (“Class”, Kander and Ebb)
Jealous, me, nope, hope Mr. Romney enjoys every last cent he has earned. I wish him the ability to purchase 5 more homes if he wishes, a dozen more horses for his Olympic competitor wife Ann, and as many elevators in as many homes for his enumerable amount of automobiles. And if Mitt was just an ordinary member of the 1% I might not even notice his inability to help out the American economy by stuffing his money elsewhere. But Mitt is running for president. Angry, yep, very angry that the arrogance with which he and the red, white and blue senator from South Carolina seem to think sending money off shore is like pledging allegiance to our flag. There is no law against lying or cheating as long as you don’t place your hand on the Bible in a court of law. But then again, who is going to know you lied in the first place and weren’t your fingers crossed anyway!
Whatever happened to Please may I
And Yes thank you
And How charming?
Now every son of a bitch
Is a snake in the grass
Whatever happened to class? (“Class”, Kander and Ebb)
We have watched as celebrities have risen from something as simple as sex tapes. We have witnessed as journalists are quoted not based on the facts they represent, but the bogus they brag about. And beginning with the election of 2010 we have found that the further from the middle you travel, the longer list of enemies you have added, the disregard for the concern of many, the restriction of rights based on your own bigotry the more popular the politician. And now, with the wisdom of a senior senator and the man who would like to be president we hear morals don’t count as long as the action is legal. We are told fair share is for fools. We are told shut up stupid, you know you would do it if you could.
When does the do, it , do it till your satisfied end. When does class become recognizable once again in American politics. And when will we stop permitting those who care only for their own well being elected?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

hey mitt

Dear Mitt,
You decided to run for the office of president of the United States. You decided that even though you are not a politician, nor really, really ever really, really wanted a career in politics that being president was indeed the next step for the newest chapter of your life. You have made it clear that becoming the president is really like providing a favor for this nation due to your acumen in firing people, closing businesses, and making the bottom line black for the investor a prime operative. You know how to make money and what this nation needs is more money for less people, and less people with access to that money. You have said that not all people need a higher education, never enough wait staff I suppose.
In an interview with your wife Ann, Ann also suggested that “it was our turn” to be president. When I heard her say that I was confused as to when we all were given the note for our turn to be president. Ann never stated why it was “our” turn but was insistent that it had better turn out that way. Perhaps that is the tone Ann takes with her staff handling her child rearing responsibilities, her three homes, and her Olympic racing horse. 
Now, I know Mitt that in life we can change our tune as often as we wish. It is the American way to do so. Usually when we change our mind, we first admit to the fact that we once said one thing and now feel a completely different way. It is an honest approach to stating that new ideas, new reasons have come our way, thus a different view. But Mitt, you don’t do that, nope you insist that any old idea has been misconstrued, misunderstand taken completely out of context. You even argue that archived video or news articles stating your prior opinion is not the truth just some propaganda used to insult you. Mitt, you love to decimate your opponents and love to walk away from the insults never owning the responsibility for the attack. But when any questions are raised about your philosophy or history you wah-wah and act as if none of the facts were, well, facts.
Now, I know you are wealthy and proud of it. Mazol Tov on your accumulation of riches, it is the American dream to own as much of America as a person possibly can. You state that any one who argues about your wealth is jealous, you refer to it as envy. Kind of like penis envy?  I am just curious, Mitt, if you are so proud of your wealth and how truly Capitalistic it is why did you have to go and hide that income in places like the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and Swiss Bank Accounts? And if you are so apple pie cocky about your financial successes why did you have to place some that money in the Bahamas under your wife’s name? If it is your money, and it is money made from good old fashioned American ingenuity, how come good old American banks are not good enough to hold your millions? 
Mitt, you have taken on one of those cute and fuzzy Sarah Palin traits of never talking to the ‘lame street’ press but instead hiding in the shadows of FOX Noise. Now,I know that Sarah was just too stupid and inept to answer basic questions about America because, well to be blunt she was not like most of those Americans who cared about truth and honor. Sarah also had a whole lot to hide. So, why is it Mitt you can’t ‘Face the Nation’, talk to Katie, interview with Rachel Maddow or even take questions from anyone not wearing a T-shirt saying I love Rush!
Mitt, who are you? You want to be president of a country I call home, yet you want to share little and when asked for more scream character assassination. I want to know why Romney-Care is different than Obama-Care. I want to know why when running against Ted Kennedy you embraced Gays and now want an amendment banning same sex marriage. I want to know why while working for Bain Capital you felt that closing businesses, firing employees, out sourcing jobs was the American way while telling us now how you know how to create jobs. I want to know why you decided that the Church of Latter Day Saints need for you to proselytize in France was a priority while still avoiding the draft  during the Viet Nam War, and why you were such a hawk but never intended to serve in the military?
I don’t want to hear from your surrogates that things will change once you are elected, because to be honest, Mitt I have no idea what you will change to because I don’t know who you are now. And Mitt I know I am sick and tired of hearing that people are not voting for you, but against President Obama.
Mitt, you scare me because most of what I can glean that you stand for has nothing to do with the morals, ethics, and values of my life. What scares me more Mitt are the millions of people who do share your selfish self serving life style and will vote for you. If I am incorrect in my judgement or evaluation then take the time Mitt and talk to me to us. You swear you are one of us!