Friday, July 27, 2012

I get I get it

I get I get it...
Those good Christians like Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, Michelle Bachmann Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump have stated that the president is a Muslim (a bad thing and unAmerican). Those deeply religious Christian practicing politicians with the support of the Tea Party and the far right wing of the Republican Party have made it clear that Barack Hussein Obama is certainly not one of us (meaning the correct version of us the white Christian Bible thumping/not reading it) us.
They have insisted this man’s word is of no value, while their version of his life is true. They have defined his life in a context so out of line with reality, always comparing his story to the way they live their lives (you know, three wives, using another person’s identity to purchase illegal drugs, complaining about big government but soaking that big government for your husbands clinics and stating there were weapons of mass destruction just because you wanted to steal foreign oil).
I have wondered if the Limbaugh’s Bachmann’s, Bolton’s Trump’s, Gingrich’s equate Christianity with lying, discrimination, inequality and hate? I have wondered if the true definition for this group of self identified Christians is defined as being biased, bigoted and bogus? I have wondered if the God they say they believe in only likes white people, wealthy people, and really stupid people?
I get I get it...
President Obama is Not a Christian. At least NOT a Christian in the same example used by Bachmann et al. How could he be a Christian, after all Mr. Obama can see Gays as equals...believes that the poor may need some extra help to find stable ground...understands that seniors should live the last decades of their lives in quality...finds women to be more than chattel...and knows that education for all is not a gift but a right.
I get it...I now get it...
Christianity as defined by heretics does not include the way President Obama lives his life and leads this nation. Christianity used as a weapon has a lot to do with finding an enemy, not finding God. Christianity as defined by Michelle Bachmann is kind of private club one that denies Jews, Muslims, and Blacks access to that club.
I get I get it...

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