Sunday, March 31, 2019

both sides now

No woman or man has any right to intimidate, suggest, or hint and physically act out any sexual behavior or assault, it is abhorrent, and deserves to be called out and taken seriously…except if your name is Donald Trump or often is the case a high-ranking Republican politician or a very wealthy Republican donor. No woman or man, LGBTQ or person of color should be considered chattel, having come from the anatomy of Adam, be given three-fifth the vote, your God’s achilleas heel (especially while we still do have a dived between Church and State/and we currently don’t have a Christian ISIS as our form of government), or treated with little regard to the same freedoms, equality and laws as most Americans. 

Lucy Flores has come forward, accounting an inappropriate encounter with Joe Biden in 2014. Good for her, it had to be a difficult emotional memory in which to come to terms. But Joe Biden IS now considering running for president in 2020, (I suppose Ms. Flores needed more emotional support to speak out while Biden was VP in 2014) Leeann Tweeden, came forward and recounted her uncomfortable and unusual interactions with Al Franken back in 2006. All the while, as Senator, Al Franken became the loudest voice reminding, or was it warning us of the crimes committed by Trump. Both women are brave, to come public and tell their experiences, infringement upon our bodies by anyone we do not invite to be intimate, is a disgusting invasion. FINALLY, there is a “Me Too” movement, addressing the sexual intimidation and assault. I wish that aside from that movement we would finally resolve the gender wage gap, stop deciding what is feminine and what is masculine, and having equality as a natural way of life in America.

I, however, must ask this question, not decrying the awful experiences of both Lucy Flores and Leeann Tweeden, but more of the timing of the stories. The Republican/Russian Hackers/Right Wing spin machine is a powerful arsenal of weaponry. Franken was causing unease with Trump, Biden, it seems might be a conceived threat to the 2020 plans of Trump. The Dems are ALWAYS attempting to take the moral road, the higher road, as Michelle Obama once said, (and this WAS the only thing I ever disagreed with her)  “when they go low, we go high.” The Dems will wilt and cower when approached with questions of moral and ethical behavior. They suffer the Goldilocks Syndrome. (it has always been demonstrated via presidential elections where the Dems think voting for a third party candidate, not voting at all or pretending that even if the Republican is a douchebag, and will knowingly still not vote…only to complain and pout. 

We, Democrats, will know exactly who in the Senate and who in the race for 2020 are the people most terrifying to the GOP, because suddenly stories will emerge of all kinds immoral and unethical behavior…all the while ignoring the crimes, the sexual assault accusations, the adulterous actions, the lying, the money laundering, the crimes of treason by Trump and his current army of Russian compromised agents. I just wonder, why when inappropriate sexual behavior is occurring, it IS only the responsibility of the Dems to handle? 

chicken Little

“Chicken Little likes to walk in the woods. She likes to look at the trees. She likes to smell the flowers. She likes to listen to the birds singing.
One day, while she is walking an acorn, falls from a tree and hits the top of her little head.
- My, oh, my, the sky is falling. I must run and tell the lion about it, - says Chicken Little and begins to run.”(Chicken Little/an old German Tale)

So, now, after a 4 page edit, without complete sentences, with redacted blank spaces, with a purview of over 2 years of admirable work, evolving into quite a few guilty pleas and tons of felonies, a man (William Barr, you can call me Mini-Me Trump) who auditioned to become the next court jester in a the freak show which IS the Trump Administration, the Talking Heads, the Strategists, the coiffed and hair-doed, to death suit and tie, just a slightly low key necklace well paid, now presented in all colors of the demographic parts of the US society is actually debating the use of continuing to seek the truth about the entire world of Trump!
…and with of course the weakness which so defines the Democrats when it comes to sticking to their guns… is the leadership of the people Tom Perez, the lack of backbone people like Chuck Schumer, and the once proud and hit ‘em hard Pelosi…we now hear talk that some pollsters have decided that no longer do a majority of Americans really care anymore that Trump is a crook, colluding with the Russians, is a compromised agent, blackmailed, and in financial debt to Vladimir Putin. Fucking Really!

Crimes have been committed. Audio, Video, Sworn testimonies, all have collected enough anti-American, anti-Democratic demagoguery that not only should Trump be removed from office and placed on an island already covered with radioactivity, but his Prince and Princess Son-In-Law, and Daughter, his Dumb and Dumber eldest sons, but Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell and the entire Republican Leadership from Paul Ryan, Jason Chaifetz, Trey Gowdy, Devin Nunes, and of course the ever light in the Loafers Lindsey Graham! In this version of the “Chicken Little” story, it is not a random acorn falling from the sky, but huge chunks of democracy, American Pride, and any moral or values left in Washington DC…PLEASE, Elijah Cummings, Jerry Nadler, and MY hero Adam Schiff ignore the lies and Right-Wing propaganda regarding so-called polling. MY country is inches away from the blades of a Russian shredder, just waiting for the remaining American public to grow as dumb as the current pathetic MAGA peons. (and oh yeah, I HAVE NEVER, EVER been called by a pollster, so who the fuck are they talking to?)

Saturday, March 30, 2019

new hero

“I say this to the President, and his defenders in Congress:
You may think it’s okay how Trump and his associates interacted with Russians during the campaign.
I don’t.
I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic. And yes, I think it’s corrupt.”
Congressman Adam Schiff March 28, 2019 ( Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman)

For me a hero has arisen from the pile of toxic waste left behind by Devin Nunes and his half-witted/compromised/spineless/ass licking/Republican goons, who, when in the majority of the House Intelligence Committee, refused to protect the American public, try and preserve any aspects of Democracy, and just laid down as doormats for Trump and his son, his son-in-law, his cadre of associates to wipe their feet and become witting agents for Vladimir Putin. Reprehensive Schiff, using real facts, no hyperbole, providing actual timelines, not propaganda pieces of peppered papers of fiction, and accounts of an insatiable appetite by Trump Jr/Kushner/Trump Senior/Manafort/Cohen and Flynn to illegally steal the election, participating with great glee with the Russians, and covering up as best they could their covert actions to harm this nation.  For me, Representative  Schiff has been one of the first Democrats to demonstrate any offense against, the pack of Republican Klansmen and their Fascist news Outlet FOX, and of course the man who believes that we will run of wind and that there are and always have been “Good Nazi’s”.

For all of the potential 2020 Democrat candidates, who the fuck cares what you are going to offer in the future, when all the while we are in the midst of one of the greatest coverups, conspiracies to overthrow democracy, and crimes committed by an uneducated, unqualified, incapable, psychotic pervert; who himself has been compromised and blackmailed, and along the way has spread his misfortune and poison to a political party, led by Public Enemy Number One, Mitch McConnell! The lack of morals and values eroding from the GOP is a vile virus!

By now, anyone who is not wearing a MAGA hat, or shooting themselves in their own foot, blaming someone else for pulling that trigger, you should understand just how fearful Trump and his Klansmen are with Adam Schiff. The adolescent Trump starts his name calling, his relentless lies against anyone means he is afraid…and as most bullies react, they name call and try to intimidate. What Adam Schiff has completed is FINALLY being on the OFFENSE! We need more people like Congressman Schiff!

Friday, March 29, 2019

What the...

Just a few questions for America, at least the part of America whose head is not located inside Trump's ass! Lots of how come kind of questions, understanding that many of these questions may be rhetorical in nature, but nonetheless, I need to at least ask them.

If William Barr was not elected by the American people, why should he have the power to withhold the Mueller Report, when in fact, the facts of the Mueller Report affect ALL Americans. If in fact the Senate has some private code written about the Majority Leader acting in the capacity of dictator, a Senator ONLY elected by one state, why can’t the American people override his reluctance to provide an atmosphere where the true philosophy, permitting debate on ALL issues relevant to the governing of this nation, finds footing on the Senate floor? If there are established Laws in place, for taxes, a presidential overlap between private affairs and public life, money laundering, and conspiracy, why is there is so much reluctance to enact these laws, and why if we are a democracy is the office of President treated as if he or she is Royalty?

And my NUMERO UNO Question (I hope ICE does not come and look for me, because I had the audacity to write something in Spanish), IF THE REPUBLICANS ARE ALWAYS BREAKING THE LAW, CHANGING THE LAW, IGNORING THE LAW…why the FUCK, do the Democrats not play by the same rules as the GOP? I am astonished that for some reason, the Republicans can get away with murder, while the Dems, are so afraid to even mention the raping of the Constitution by the GOP, for fear that someone will say the Dems are bad people? Trump is lying cheating, Russian compromised agent, who has demonstrated in the past two years and prior to his term in office, that he launders money, submits false financial statements, steals and robs anyone he so desires, and his family and cabinet have ripped off the public in bright daylight…So why the FUCK, are we still playing by the rules when ANYONE TRUMP could give one FUCK!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Peach Schnapps

My mother, hardly drank alcohol, she would sip the wine four times for the Passover Seder (we, of course, used Manischewitz Wine, which in reality should not be considered in the wine family, it is more of a very sugary candy bar), and even drinking that, bothered my mother, but tradition IS tradition as far as she was concerned, so drink it was (or more like a sip it), and made the same distorted face she automatically made whenever someone asked her to just try green beans! My mother was a strong person, I still admire her for the fortitude, honesty, and understanding of right from wrong, good from bad in which she believed and instilled upon her children. But being human, my mother encountered times in her life where she physically became nervous, agitated and at the time I did not realize the word anxious, she would suddenly feel overwhelmed, unable to settle in on what exactly was bothering her, but admitting that “a whole of something was settling over her.” She used a made-up word called ‘MITCHIE.” The word’s origin she finally told us was a combination of mind over matter and an itchy feeling not on her skin but under her skin.

When my siblings were old enough (old enough as per my mother’s own definition of age, she would share openly with us, that she was either feeling “MITCHIE,” or in fact she needed to rest at the moment as she felt the ‘MITCHIE’S” coming on. Apparently having the ‘MITCHIES was not so made up, because my Grandma Braff, full of her Romanian voodoo, curses, superstitions, cure all’s understand exactly what my mother was going through and knew the remedy was a shot glass full of Peach Schnapps, to be swallowed in one gulp, immediately followed by tapping the now empty glass on the table three times as quickly as possible! As the one grandson living in Pittsburgh, and to be honest, the only grandson of two who cared, I became privy to ask questions of my Grandmother, while we played Gin Rummy (at which she cheated). There were so many superstitions, (I called them the curse of the Pooh-Pooh People (a whole other BLOG), that where to start was always difficult.

But I finally had the chance to ask my Grandmother about the “MITCHIE’S.” Fearful I might have traversed into a dark and deep Romanian trove of bad spirits; I was quite taken aback when the response I received was a simple explanation: Grandma Braff: “Once our bodies arrive on land (no mention of womb here), we have the capacity to fill our bodies with as much good as possible, that is our intent, but waiting in the wings are the Pooh-Pooh People, who somehow came to be shrunken less elastic beings, they are so embarrassed by their bodies they hide in the shadows. But they are wise enough to know when a regular human is feeling tired, or stressed, and the Pooh-Pooh People seize the moment and try to squeeze into our bodies and grow.  The Pooh-Pooh People are allergic to schnapps, especially the taste of peach, drinking it makes them fall apart. Tapping the glass three times is also a warning for the Pooh-Pooh People because it is a warning that if you try to enter the body a third time, you will be terminated forever. I believed none of that, but my Grandmother provided me the pursed red lipstick look, and I knew Q&A time had ended. And somehow with all of that my Grandmother, gleefully shouted “GIN!”

I tell this story because throughout the Trump Dictatorship I have been filled with the “MITCHIE’S”. I am so overwhelmed from what happened last night to what happens when I put the news on the next day, so when I post my blog to when I fall asleep. It makes me wonder if maybe I should try a little Peach Schnapp’s!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

dirty hands

In the days immediately after the Watergate break-in in 1972, Martha Mitchel’s husband enlisted former FBI agent Steve King to prevent her from learning about the break-in or contacting reporters. Despite these efforts, Martha learned that one of her friends, her daughter's bodyguard and driver Lames W. McCord Jr.was among those arrested. Martha began to explore the events in order to help him. While on a phone call with Helen Thomas about the Watergate break-in, King pulled the phone cord from the wall. Martha Mitchell was held against her will in a California hotel room and forcefully sedated by a psychiatrist after a physical struggle with five men that left her needing stitches. Nixon aides, in an effort to discredit Mitchell, told the press that she had a "drinking problem". Mitchell began contacting reporters when her husband's role in the scandal became known, initially in an effort to defend him. Nixon was later to tell interviewer David Frost in 1977 that Martha was a distraction to John Mitchell, such that no one was minding the store, and "If it hadn't been for Martha Mitchell, there'd have been no Watergate." Because of these allegations, she was discredited and abandoned by most of her family, except for her son Jay. The Mitchells separated in 1973.

George Conway (The Trump preferred reference Mr. Kellyanne) has a way with words, albeit as does his wife, but somehow when George speaks I, Gerry Buncher, don’t have to run for cover, for fear that not only a blaze of fire will emerge, but somehow in the flurry of flames the Devil will also make an entrance! Mr. Conway said: a serious inquiry needs to be made about this man's condition of mind." George Conway read the history books, the Constitution, and the EVER so EVER, obvious “Tea Leaves”. Actually almost anyone not receiving money from Russian Oligarchs/ almost anyone not fearful of being blackmailed by some video or audio recording/ almost anyone not afraid that if we continue with democracy they will be out of a job, or as in  Shakespeare’s  ‘Lady Macbeth’(Her washing of her hands constantly as her realization of the heinous deed she has committed; a futile attempt at ridding herself of her sin; a fearful reminder of the repercussions of unchecked unethical ambition.) Understands the danger or watching and waiting for the madman mind to implode, and with that chaos take the rest of America on a ride of mayhem and worse!

As is the case, American politicians actually get a kick out of things when history DOES repeat itself! Old news, but let’s be reminded of the rest of George Conway’s critique of Trump, and sadly the leakage of poison, greed, gluttony and the grandiose to the GOONS, who by now would be in jail or burning they are made in China MAGA Hats…
George Conway added: that the president might be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder 
Symptoms include: Arrogance and Domineering/ Grandiosity/ Preoccupation with Success and Power?
Lack of Empathy/ Belief of Being Unique/ Sense of Entitlement/ Requires Excessive Admiration.

How much longer America, because so far every supposed “Check and Balance”, the supposed genius Founding Fathers put in place are, like melting icicles…drip dropping away! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Kraken

The Kraken is a legendary cephalopod-like sea monster in Scandinavian folklore of giant size. According to the Norse sagas, the Kraken dwells off the coasts of Norway and Greenland and terrorizes nearby sailors! (Wikipedia). It seems as Attorney General  William Barr decided to place Trump beyond the law, to ignore any aspects of criminality, and push the United States one centimeter closer to edge of AUTHORITARIANISM, the Trump Crime Administration decided to unleash the Kraken and from the depths of Hell we had at least two hours of Kellyanne standing around her cauldron of hate, lies, and insanity, HUCKABEE Sanders swear that the Dems were either trying to have Trump murdered or at least were committing treason, FOX and Friends drinking Molotov Cocktails and demonstrating just how inhuman they were in real life, and suddenly released from some prison in the Bronx, even Rudy was given permission to trash and thrash and call out the Media All the Media as fake news, and enemies of the state. Donnie Junior, pretending that the beard makes him seem smarter or look more human, pointed his boney finger at the House of Representatives, almost joyfully crooning the song “Who’s Zooming Who” Trump learned a new word for the occasion EXONERATED” and pretended that Robert Mueller actually wrote or spoke using that more than one syllable word…and Little Lindsey Graham a pillar of decency, a shining example of friendship, a fucking coward and lick ass, demonstrated how huge he could make the veins in his look as he pretended outrage and revenge, and was certain to make Hillary, poor Hillary pay the price of the whole foolish idea of a Special Counselor’s Report on everything trump and everything Russia. (Oh boy I wonder what kind of pee tapes Putin has on Little Lindsey).

The Kraken was also released at the same, the EXACT SAME propaganda talking points, word for word, syllable for syllable, letter for letter were used by FOX NEWS/Russian State-owned TV/HUCKABEE Sanders, and the ever-faithful Republican Leadership. Pompous and putrid, Trump announced his newest enemy, the MEDIA, the entire MEDIA, except of course FOX, and began to site some names of journalists for whom he hoped his MAGA morons would demonstrate some overzealous hatred. 

William Barr defied the “Checks and Balances” of the Constitution, the Republicans have refused to censor the Executive Branch conceding all forms of governing to a man whose mental capacities must be checked and must be questioned…Crime has so far seen no punishment…and the longer, a blind eye is given to Trump, the more of democracy dies, and it will an agonizing death for any American who gives a shit about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Oh, and just to fuck over Americans a little bit more, the DOJ under Trump’s orders is trying its best to finally kill Affordable Health Care…after all in Trump land the only people who use Affordable Health Care are Liberals, and they are bad…no as Trump would say, “Very bad people, and believe me,” he would add, “I know some very bad people”  

Monday, March 25, 2019

Body Snatchers

The eve of Tuesday, November 8, 2016, perhaps around 11:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, when I realized that the Russians had declared the Third World War on the United States, with nary an atomic bomb or some kind of flash of nuclear warfare, just the ability to bribe, hack, and blackmail; when I realized that Hillary who had won the popular vote by over 3 million more votes (at least the ones not thrown in some swampland in Florida or a rusted auto factory in Wisconsin, or a rutted ruined Steel Factory in Pennsylvania), but suspiciously lost the Electoral College Votes, by some very close and dubious numbers…like oh, so many believers that even with its faults, Democracy could survive…but instead died…I cried, and I swore to myself I could never watch any news, not only Cable but even local news because all hope had been torn to shreds by the wily ex-KGB dictator Putin and his newly appointed Oligarchs in America the Republican Party Leadership. I swore, NO MORE, and NEVER AGAIN…but knowing that SILENCE EQUALS death and suffering from a terrible addiction of news, and almost 7 decades of being told that doing the right thing must ALWAYS be followed, denying the wrong thing to thrive, I soon returned to watching and reading the news and understood the phrase…”If not now when…”

I understood, all along, that wish as I might, that perhaps there was still a heartbeat a small thread of life left for democracy to survive, and Mr. Mueller, could lead us out of bondage, as did Moses. But like Moses, Mr. Mueller could only travel so, and like Moses never had the chance to step foot in the Promised Land. Moses and Mueller were mere mortals. 

Today, Little Lindsey Graham, stood in front of the cameras, and if anyone has ever watched this lying little anarchist, traitor bastard try his best to become Captain America,(of course the ONLY guy who truly knows what is BEST for America,), using his best hocus pokus you do such voodoo that you do so well machinations as the veins in his neck grow so wide you think they swallow his Aunt Bea from Mayberry's head, you will know just how many fictitious and fact less meritless and mindless jibber-jab vile venom will fill the stage. Once again, Holy Hell was to be paid, because NOT the GOP, but the Dems have played dirty tricks against the man Jesus and his Heavenly Father had anointed to Make America, no not just America but Israel Great Again. It was at that moment (in most science fiction movies almost too late) I realized that not only had the Russians declared war on the United States, but THEY perfected and implemented a most unique weapon, first seen on the movie screen in 1956, written by Daniel Mainwaring…”The Pod People”

Mr. Mainwaring wrote a screenplay called “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. The film's storyline concerns an extraterrestrial invasion that begins in the fictional California town of Santa Mira. Alien plant spores have fallen from space and grown into large seed pods, each one capable of reproducing a duplicate replacement copy of each human. As each pod reaches full development, it assimilates the physical characteristics, memories, and personalities of each sleeping person placed near it; these duplicates, however, are devoid of all human emotion. Little by little, a local doctor uncovers this "quiet" invasion and attempts to stop it. The slang expression “pod people" that arose in late 20th century American culture references the emotionless duplicates seen in the film. On Monday, March 25, 2019, I also realized that American democracy had been attacked, again. Right in front of my eyes, but just as sinister and treasonous…this time it was THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS!

dog day afternoon

March 24, 2019, one more day, that, for me will live in Infamy, etched into my conscious, embedded upon my skin and soul, as if it was a fiery branding iron, inscribed with lies, interrupted truths, and a litany of loose ends tied up into a matted ball of steely fabric. One more day when a madman is permitted to remain on the loose when a tyrant’s behavior is blessed and the exploitation and degradation of principle and purpose of justice and jurisprudence were placed on a mesh wire left to bake over open coals. History is always one step ahead of us, and on Sunday, March 24, 2019, history became distorted, disjointed, and a divisive tool used to divide and conquer and to demolish democracy. The Mueller Report, was delivered to an Attorney General, who had suggested early on in his audition for the position  of lead prosecutor of justice for the American people, that HE, believed no matter what or who, (unless that guy or gal was a Democrat) the person sitting as the President, could and should be able to get away with crime, realize no punishment, and be able to be excused from owning any responsibility or recourse for actions against the United States.

Like so many other times, in his life, Trump once again performed acts of crime and got away with any and all of his anarchist actions, understanding that to break the law is a lot easier than to have the law break you. Smugly, and as sinister and insidious as ever, Trump’s actions were left unchecked, and William Barr, made it clear, that there was nothing to be seen, even though the crime scene was scattered with so much guilt, if one stared at it long enough, he or she, with any conscienceless could and would go blind. America has been raped and battered, and bled, and harmed and left a victim by a psychopath and his associates more sympathetic to a narcissistic snake oil salesman than a nation of honest men and women.

Outrage is no longer even strong enough…sheer lunacy doesn’t even capture the moment…an invasion has taken place in America, and it seems all the common people can do is watch…it is as if we were watching a scene from the movie “Dog Day Afternoon”…Sonny Wortzik: Kiss me, man. Detective Sergeant Eugene Moretti: What? Sonny Wortzik: Kiss me. When I'm being fucked, I like to get kissed a lot.” When does this end…how does this end…and how the fuck did this ever start?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

To Serve Man

Episode 88, of the Twilight Zone: The story is based on the 1950 short story "To Serve Man", written by Damon KnightThe title is a paraprosdokian, using the verb serve, which has dual meanings of "to assist" or "to provide as a meal." The episode is one of the few instances in the series wherein an actor breaks the fourth wall and addresses the viewing audience at the episode's end. The episode, along with the line "It's a cookbook!" have become elements in pop culture.
Initially wary of an alien race who came "quite uninvited", international leaders begin to be persuaded of the Kanamits' benevolence when their advanced technology puts an end to hunger, energy shortages, and nuclear proliferation. Trust in the Kanamits seems to be justified when Patty, a member of the cryptography staff led by Chambers, decodes the title of the Kanamit book: To Serve Man. The Kanamits submit to interrogation and polygraph, at the request of the UN delegates. When declaring their benevolent intentions, the polygraph indicates that the Kanamit is speaking the truth.
The day arrives for Chambers's excursion to the Kanamits' planet. Just as he mounts the spaceship's boarding stairs, Patty runs toward him in great agitation. While being held back by a Kanamit guard, Patty cries: "Mr. Chambers, don't get on that ship! The rest of the book To Serve Man, it's... it's a cookbook!”Chambers tries to run back down the stairs, but a Kanamit blocks him, the stairs retract, and the ship lifts off.

It seems the inhabitants of Earth, in their rush to believe what might be, before their eyes, but nothing that rests well in their gut, receive an alien visitor (no not one of those rapists or drug smugglers, and certainly not an asylum seeker) but an extra-terrestrial being. Humans pay little attention to the details and are thrilled by the bling, the brightness and the promises of creatures they only view as larger than life. As is usual, all it takes is a few headlines, some grandiose overtures, and the old snake oil, tricky dicky sleight of hand and smoke and mirrors. The Kanamits come in peace, why, just like FOX News they provide a bit of propaganda to demonstrate, that even if you think you can’t believe your eyes, let your eyes read some information so your brain will immediately stop disagreeing with your gut…After all the Karamat’s provided a brief bit of fodder for the foolish…they were here to Serve Man, who needs more…

Today, March 24, 2019, in his role as a puppet to a compromised Russian Agent, William Barr, who proudly auditioned for the title of Attorney General, by saying the President, at least this guy names Trump is and will be above any and all laws of the land. And as the Russian invasion of America continued in full speed, right in front of our eyes, the AG Barr, provide just a four-page Cliff Notes version of Robert Mueller’s report, in which Mr. Barr, leaving out any nasty detail of possible criminality, declared, that Trump did not collude nor obstruct justice. Nothing to see here folks…just, like the citizens in the Twilight Zone, board the space ship, ask no questions, and fuck your destiny. Trump, with his necktie hanging way too long, either pretending that the tie represented the size of his schlong, or using the tie to hide the fact that all he has a few inches of manhood, stomach first, hunched over as might be the Hunchback of Notre Dames, proclaimed that Mueller’s report, the witch hunt, declared that Trump was INNOCENT. Little bachelor Lindsey Graham, supplied the hip, hip, hurrah and told America to get over yourselves. “To Serve Man”, a PARAPROSDOKIAN, a double meaning…We were fucked once by the tricks of the GOP and Putin…and now the same ALIENS, have landed and want to fuck us just one more time!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

another day, sigh!

There are moments during this current horrific period of history when I cannot imagine, the reality in which I find myself living, to be anything more than a poorly written macabre melodrama filled with all the virtues of evil and void of a single speck of good. I started writing my posts as a means to at least go on record that I tried to change the morbid momentum of the moment, that idea morphed into acknowledging that I at least did not remain silent as the balance of democracy no longer lingered on equality and freedom, resting heavily instead on greed, and gluttony, NOW to have finally discovered that everything, every iota of existence ruminates and roils on the madness and insanity which is TRUMP. The TRUMP stench permeates the air we breathe, the soil upon which we walk to the daily conversations in which the same question is always asked… how does TRUMP remain in office and STILL  able to change the course of human life with a lie, fiction, and fear!?

My blog today, was going to bemoan the fact that sanctions on North Korea are going to be altered because TRUMP, like Chairman Kim, even as Chairman Kim is fucking Donald Trump in his ass. My blog today was going to remind the Jews who actually believe that TRUMP is a fan, of just how many “good Nazi’s” TRUMP has bragged about. My blog today was going to be about how the Secretary of State had the audacity to compare TRUMP to Queen Esther, telling the world how TRUMP is a blessing from the Lord (not just any Lord), the but the guy who is to come back to Earth in a Second Coming and destroy the non-Christian believers). My blog today was going to be about how silly the parade of 2020 Dem candidates look and sound as they begin to gain their 15 minutes of fame thinking that we actually are going to have a democracy in place in 2020, permitting any kind of election.

But, knowing that we are living in the worst of times, I decided to wait, I knew, no matter what else, whatever the current crop of bull shit rotting in the daily news as inflamed and odorous, something even worse would arise…and for me it did…something simple, but having a conscience something utterly ugly and unseemly! There was Humpty Trumpty playing golf at Mar-A-Lago, another trip costing me my tax dollars…there he was more concerned about his swing, his stance his approach to the ball…giving one shit about anything else. And here was I walking home from the gym, passing at least a dozen people lying on the street, begging for money, or finding a perfect patch of property to call home for the night. Is this a parallel universe, a pretentious puppet of Putin playing golf in a wonderland of bling and bogus…while a common man and woman is just trying to exist. And what can I do, when I run out of cash in my wallet to at least pretend I made a dent in their misery. I DON’T get it, folks…It DOESN’T make sense…and somehow today will end and tomorrow begin, and the have’s will be glad and the have not’s will be granted one more day to try and survive!    

Friday, March 22, 2019

theocracy, huh

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said it is "possible" that President Donald Trump was sent by God to save Israel from Iran.
In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network during a high-profile trip to Israel, he said it was his faith that made him believe that.
He also praised US efforts to "make sure that this democracy in the Middle East, that this Jewish state, remains".
The comments came on a Jewish holiday celebrating rescue from genocide.
The holiday, Purim, commemorates the biblical rescue of the Jewish people by Queen Esther from the Persians, as the interviewer noted to Mr. Pompeo.
He was asked if "President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from an Iranian menace".
"As a Christian, I certainly believe that's possible," said Mr. Pompeo, a former Kansas senator, and CIA director.
"I am confident that the Lord is at work here," he added. 
Mr. Pompeo came under fire during his tour of the Middle East for holding a conference call and only inviting "faith-based" members of the media to join.
Mr. Pompeo is not the first Trump official to suggest a divine will behind Mr. Trump's actions: In January, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told a religious television network that God "wanted Donald Trump to become president".(BBC News)
THEOCRACY-a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities. a system of government by priests claiming a divine commission. 
FASCISM- a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

AND NOW FOLKS FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE: Donald Trump, ready to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke to the press, before the Prime Minister’s arrival, and as usual, lied. Trump said he had no idea that Netanyahu was running for office again (this was juxtaposed on a half screen showcasing pictures of Netanyahu and Trump arm in arm across Israeli buildings) but if he was, Trump heard that Netanyahu was a good man, no a GREAT, GREAT man. Then Trump went on to declare that the Dems hate Jews. My head has exploded into five thousand pieces…Trump identifies some Nazi’s as good…he has never once said a disparaging word against White Nationalists nor has spoken out against those who create domestic terrorism under the banner of White Supremacy.  US Secretary of State used to be a position from which ALL Americans, no matter race, religion, gender, etc. could rely upon to protect and honor the US Constitution. NOW…please explain when it IS the correct time to not only IMPEACH TRUMP but remove the Theocratic Fascists living in Trump's swamp, (oops, I mean Cabinet)! Oh, by the way, Mike Pompeo told his little gaggle of religious televangelists, as he met with them secretly that homosexuality IS an abomination! Enjoy your last remaining days of democracy, AMERICA! 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

circle of life

From the day we arrive on the planet and blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done
It's the circle of life.  And it moves us all. Through despair and hope
Through faith and love. Till we find our place. On the path unwinding
In the circle. The circle of life (‘Circle of Life”/Tim Rice)

There are so many reasons to become irked, irritated, at times even trying to select five items to write about. Life in this nation has become mind-boggling. Hypocrisy, be it Christian ISIS Evangelical motivated/ Republican Russian interference motivated/FOX Propaganda related, or just the sheer arrogance of never including the welfare of the constituents when laws are either forced upon the citizens, or laws are ignored just for the convenience of a self-serving politician. There is this promotion of fear somehow that doing the right thing for the majority of people is socialism, while protecting a religious  bias, and basing government on the writings of a Bible, only preferred by a select group of citizens (that is Theocracy, as in many Muslim nations, for whom  the Christians in this nation find so offensive) is the truest interpretation of why America was founded! 

Matthew Griswold Bevin is an American businessman and politician serving as the 62nd Governor of Kentucky since 2015. This Christian zealot has no idea how the Circle of Life is constructed or the wondrous ways it actually works…In actuality, Governor Bevin is confused between playing God/becoming an Emperor/ indoctrinating his flock of Kentuckian citizens into his cultish beliefs, and has little to no respect for “…life liberty and the pursuit of happiness…” This Egomaniac, so typical of the new species of Christian Crusaders trying to create a revolution within this nation, has decided that abortion is bad, but once you are alive, it’s up to you to survive the best you can. Governor Bevin’s thinks it NOT socialism to demand a woman relinquish all rights to her body, but once the baby takes its first breath outside the womb, it becomes socialism to expect any assistance from the government.

The governor signed into law a fetal “heartbeat” law that would have banned abortions six weeks into pregnancy.
Judge David Hale from the Western District of Kentucky ruled that the law was potentially unconstitutional and delayed its implementation for at least 14 days until a hearing can be held.
The law, one of the strictest pieces of anti-abortion legislation in the country, bans the procedure after a fetal heartbeat is detected. The ACLU filed an additional lawsuit over that measure, arguing that many women don’t even know they are pregnant by six weeks into their pregnancy.

Why is anyone surprised that a guy who thinks it’s OKfor kids to stand outside waiting for buses in wind chill temperatures that are 20 degrees below zero also is an anti-vaxxer who'd rather send his kids to the chickenpox party than get a safe and effective shot in the arm? It's even sadder that he would risk his nine children's lives to indulge whatever he was indulging — his mistrust of science, his disdain for the government or a mixed-up belief that using the vaccine would somehow show support for abortion. A lawsuit that challenges Gov. Matt Bevin's Medicaid overhaul says the plan would cause "irreparable harm to the poorest and most vulnerable" Kentuckians by imposing work requirements and other changes on some enrollees. 
Acting on behalf of 16 Kentuckians they say would suffer direct harm, health advocacy lawyers returned to federal court in Washington, D.C., asking a judge to strike down Bevin's plan for a second and final time.
More than 10,000 low-income Kentucky adults were removed from a federal program that helps them buy food after they failed to comply with newly reinstated rules requiring them to either get a job or do volunteer work to keep their benefits. Some eastern Kentucky counties hit hard by the declining coal industry, have always had a waiver. And following the Great Recession in 2008, the entire state was exempted from the rules, known as work requirements. (Courier-Journal) The stupid, the grandiose, the hypocrisy, the complete disregard for the Constitution have become endless…when will it end…or worse how will it end? 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Oh, the humanity...

“It’s practically standing still now. They've dropped ropes out of the nose of the ship, and they've been taken a hold of down on the field by a number of men. It's starting to rain again; it's—the rain has slacked up a little bit. The back motors of the ship are just holding it just, just enough to keep it from — It burst into flames! “Oh, the Humanity of it all” (Herbert Morrison/Reporter for WLS Radio of Chicago, as he witnessed, on May 6, 1937, while preparing to land at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey, the Hindenburg bursting into flames and crashing to the ground.) There are moments in history when the drama unfolds immediately in front of our eyes…too much tragedy in my almost 70 decades of life, and each as relevant sadly, like the one before, and even more upsetting, the next one waiting for its turn. Poor Mr. Herbert Morrison’s report on the explosion of the Hindenburg has been taken out of context, almost to the point of sarcasm. His reaction to this event had to be heartbreaking…the expression of “oh the Humanity of it all” whether really said aloud not is often times used when in fact, the humanity of it all is really not that much…AT ALL!

And I now sarcastically, use the phrase, “Oh the humanity of it all,” regarding poor Kellyanne Conway’s situation as she was interviewed, expressing that she has four children, and even though her husband (Mr. Kellyanne, as Trump has Tweeted) has been a strong advocate for Trump's removal from office for a myriad of reasons, especially the condition of his mental capabilities; she had to publicly chastise her husband (Mr. Kellyanne) because HE is not a psychiatrist and has no right commenting on Trump’s mental health. Kellyanne then went on how difficult it had been for her kids to move to DC, and to add a little zest…it was not a normal reason as in, not for their father’s job but for their mother’s job. (Damn you gurl, emasculating your man that way, as if any of that shit counts) Kellyanne demonstrated as best she could (her makeup had so much foundation it looked like a piece of pottery from a county fair, so nothing really moved, but you could try she was doing her best to demonstrate emotion). To plead to the public, THIS IS HURTING MY KIDS!

AND that is when all I could think of was the quote “Oh the humanity of it all,” and all kinds of snide and sinister acid reflux started churning in my gut rising to my throat (I was at the gym so I had to inhale a very primeval scream from scaring everyone in the cardio room) Fuck you Kellyanne and your little dog Toto ( I mean your four kids). Have you given any thought to the harm you have helped reinforce to the kids that are still caged, to the kids that will now and forever remain orphaned? Have even thought about the almost half dozen kids who have died while in the custody of the Trump Administration for which you are the shrill WITCH, declaring the man sane! Have you thought about the kids in foster homes, who must remain without a loving family to adopt them if that family happens to be LGBT? Have you considered the fate of the kids whose parents must decide if they should pay the rent, buy groceries, or get medical attention because they are not like you where there is no question of doing any of the above? You have four kids…ah shucks Kellyanne, and you think it’s a personal matter, a family issue between you and your husband as to your public remarks and his response, as you continue to lie, and lie and then lie again for a deranged and dangerous man named Trump! Sorry Lady, your kids are gonna have to face real life, just like the kids who are facing REAL life, due to Trumps’ egregious and irrational, racist and as your husband Mr. Kellyanne states MAD policies. Your shit stinks, Trump shits stinks and your kids are going to have inhale deeply! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tweddle Dee and Tweddle Trump

Tweddle Dee and Tweddle Trump were both standing at the Rose Garden of the White House. Two stooges, dumber than shit but meaner than the Devil, able to feed their minions conspiracy stew, mixed with the most racist of spices and all cooked in a broth of bull shit and lies. Four items were shared directly between Tweddle Dee (Jair Bolsonaro/President of Brazil) and Tweddle Trump(chump of Russia)…God/Family Values/Fake News/the Fear of the Other. (Honestly, when the President of Brazil said the words family values and God, I truly expected a bolt of lightning to come down from the Heavens and strike the ground…but then, I realized the God they must have been talking about has large horns, a large tail and, hooves for feet and is kind of really red/and the Family Values they so aspired to languish and gush over, meant schtooping at one's pleasure, adultery, separating kids from their families, denying women the right to their own reproductive “lady” parts , while diminishing any funding for those families who are struggling just to either pay rent, purchase food, or find affordable health care.) But there they were, one Authoritarian President already violating the rights of the indigenous people of Brazil, categorizing the LGBT community as criminals, and reinventing his country’s Constitution one paragraph at a time…and a wannabe authoritarian demigod, at the cusp of overturning a Constitution, removing the rights and freedoms from the LGBTQ community, treating women as chattel and of course so mentally ill as to have no idea where truth begins or ends.

On, March 19, 2019 more indictments of MORE men and women associated with either the Trump Campaign/The Trump Crime Businesses/ The Trump Crime Family/and The Trump Administration have become public fodder upon which to either pull your hair out and scream or to just wonder when IF ever Trump and his cohorts will find true justice catching up with them and “LOCKING THEM UP.”

And on March 19, even more candidates vying for the Presidency from the Democrat Party did their show and tell on Cable News, their visits to ice cream parlors, their cozy town halls, and of course promises of how life will be better once they are elected. None of them, nor the Talking Heads licking the sweat off of every word dared ask the important question of “What will you do, when Trump declares another National Emergency before Tuesday, November 3, 2020…” “What are you doing to make sure the same intensity of Russian interference will not take place in 2020.”  “What will you do to make sure all of the insidious activity of Trump and his Gang see the light of day.” “And what might you consider doing, if by chance you win the election in 2020, and Trump who has little regard or no regard for the Constitution, as do his Republican enablers, decides he IS president for life and won’t relinquish the keys to his castle.

Of course, I care who becomes the next Executive…but damn its ladies and gentlemen that IS too far away. The damn is about to explode, and a tsunami is heading into the American landscape, and NO ONE seems willing to be proactive in repairing the dam! 

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Royals

Each and every day, I become aware of more things I never learned in all of my Social Studies and Civics classes throughout my public-school life. And even as I studied American Government in college, I am amazed at the really precise and particular facts, that NEVER appeared in an essay or article. As much as this nation prides itself to be of the people for the people, with the hacking into office of Trump, the gerrymandering and suppression efforts and laws of the Republican Party, and the bribery and blackmailing, dark money, and money laundering toward the RNC, (and some really good con artists of the Democrat party) whose members understand a fair and honest voting process will never permit their bigoted ideas to find a foundation, there are so many sneaky, small print or no print at all information creating a specific and separate Royal Life for our elected officials.

Did you know that Children of Congress members do not have to pay back their student loans? Staffers of Congress family members are also exempt from having to pay back student loans. Members of Congress can retire at full pay even after one term. Members of Congress have exempted themselves from many laws they have passed which ordinary citizens must live. In the example, Congress is still exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment. And the latest example they have exempted themselves from Healthcare Reform in all of its aspects. The biggest question WE all should be asking is: Why can Congress make laws that apply to citizens of the United States that will NOT apply equally to the Senators, and or the House of Representatives. 

Not only is there a MAJOR discrepancy in percentages of wealth and poverty in this nation…the ability to push forward legislation because of corporation perks, lobbyist bribery, and Corporations as people…but slowly, quietly, discretely and art times with full intention to just fuck over the average American, Congress has developed its own hierarchy and class system. Think about, how Mitch McConnell can decide which ideas are brought forward that might be popular among the majority of Americans and not just his donors…think about how the Speaker of the House may or may not oversee the violations of the Executive Branch…think about, no matter how awful the politician he or she can still maintain the perks and privileges entirely free but at the cost of the taxpayer…and think how many ex-politicians move on to high paying lobbyist or Talking Head jobs, even when their Congressional records demonstrated nothing but hate, bigotry, and ill will toward the public. I have also learned exactly how flawed and useless the Constitution can be made if the Executive Branch is permitted to ignore its boundaries by the Legislative Branch fearful of maintaining their jobs, and how the Judiciary Branch is nothing more than an extension of poor politics and personal biases.

Freedom seems to be dying a horrible and painful death, and worst of all, those of us, who breathe equality, freedom, justice are, with each inhaling of our breath, suffocating from the poison and decay our Royal Branch of society, the Congress is permitting to permeate throughout this nation! 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

meghan, hon

I will go on record, NOT ever, in fact, being a fan of Meghan McCain. She falls under the old wives’ tale of “thank goodness her father was born before her,” because otherwise, her fame and fortune would have fluttered away once her father lost his bid to become president. And just for the record, my respect for her father Senator John McCain diminished the day he decided that he could fuck this nation without giving two shit’s inviting Sarah Palin to become his running mate. I had provided the Senator with a benefit of the doubt, as I was impressed that he served our nation during the Nixon invented war in Viet Nam, thinking maybe he was a maverick. But it seemed the day he permitted Palin to be one heartbeat away from becoming president. I lost all respect for the Senator.

I still consider McCain a sell out as a politician and KNOW that Meghan is a lucky person to still be permitted to live in her father’s shadow (for me the shadow of returning Vet who risked life and limb for the good of his nation, not the benefit of his own political ambitions. But today, I do have a bit of empathy for Meghan, but more than empathy a REALLY BIG QUESTION! It seems the bone spur, coward, Trump IS still somehow jealous and envious of John McCain, and STILL Tweets as horrendous and heinous retorts against the Senator, even after his death. Today, Meghan Tweeted back and she called out Trump, thinking somehow, he would care. It’s good to get things off your chest, and even admirable to continue the love and respect for your father… But Meghan, Hon, insulting Trump is like feeding him your blood, he is a Vampire who feeds off of anyone who loathes him out loud. Trump is an empty vessel…and being on the View makes you famous enough to be aware of that small detail!

So my point, Meghan is this…why haven’t YOU gone after your father’s BFF, Little Lindsey Graham, who helped you dad zip up his pants, wipe his ass, and stand in shadow to the point, while your father was alive, one almost expected Little Lindsey to sing “…you are the wind beneath my wings…” where has Little Lindsey been these past few months as Trump berated  and belittled your father. And where is your dad’s other best bud hypocrite Joe Lieberman, the guy who would sell out any Democrat or Democrat voter to keep the smile on your father’s face? How come, Meghan, you somehow have the backbone to lash out at Trump, who is probably glowing that you provided more fodder for his MAGA cultists…but remain aloof, lost in calling out two men who should be right beside you, defending your father’s reputation. See Meghan, your huff and puff sound more like bull shit, and if you don’t watch the direction of the wind it may hit you in your face. No disrespect to your father the Vet Meghan, but like all other Republicans you too are enabling Trump to be a bastard, bully son of a bitch, by letting Little Lindsey and Hypocrite Lieberman off the hook. Remember silence equals death, girlfriend!

an idea

Like a quick hail storm, whose winds are pushing ominous dark clouds over the countryside, falling to the ground, are an array of possible Democrat (and sometimes conveniently Democrat…Bernie Sanders) candidates ready to take on Trump in a supposed actual election to be held in a supposedly Fascist free country in the not far off year, yet so far away year 2020! The Pundits are crawling out of all kinds of rocks and caves, all filled with secret knowledge as to whom is too far left, who just recently became a friend of people of color, who is truly a Socialist, who never, ever in their entire life said a disparaging misogynistic word, who likes Jews more than anyone else, who is way too much of a Centralist, who loves dogs, who doesn’t treat their staff like shit, who is warmer and fuzzier…Talking Heads by the score are adding their insights, as if anything most of what they have said amounts to more than a few 15 minutes of fame, and a hefty paycheck…Trump is still lying, Trump is still a Racist, Trump has laundered money, Trump is still a Russian compromised agent, Trump is still having the government pay his various businesses large amounts of money, and Trump has surrounded himself with more felons than most normal human beings, aside from perhaps Mob Bosses!

But today, CNN announced that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand just dropped from the Democrat heavens and threw her hat into the ring…she, however, according to CNN, called Trump out as a coward and recited a few examples of his cowardice (as if that is going to make one shit of a difference.) I was on the Treadmill, when this report, was announced by some overly scarfed and entirely bejeweled Talking Head, who pursed her lips in a KNOWING WAY, as if calling Trump a coward was similar to challenging him to a duel, and she was certain, that Senator Gillibrand, was going to fashion her presidential campaign in some manner that no one else HAD ever thought of…COME ON DEMOCRATS…this is Trump and Putin and McConnell, and the Dark Money of the Mercer and Koch Families, as well as the various Russian Oligarchs, and the entire blackmailed RNC we are trying to remove from power. 

So, as I grew angrier and more frustrated, placing my treadmill climber to a 20-degree incline, pushing myself to a speed producing a powerwalk, holding onto the handle with my one good arm, the other still in a sling…I thought, there must be a better, a more obvious way to take on Trump, without Trump or his cast of colluding criminals understanding…and as the sweat was blasting from all skin cells of my body, it hit me, there are a few things ALL of the Democrats wanting to become president can do: Immediately anyone who decides he or she is running for president, should, without hesitation, show us their tax returns from the past 10 years…then they must provide us with all the details of any businesses they or their spouses have been involved with…then they should answer publicly…tell us if there can be good Nazi’s versus bad Nazi’s…then go on record as to explaining their views on white Supremacy, anti-Semitism, Islam-phobia, if in fact the war against slavery was just the North trying to deny democracy and replace it with Socialism, and to explain to the nation when might it be appropriate as president to do two things, the first using Executive Privilege, and Executive Pardon.

Imagine, if all of the above was provided by each and every Democrat nominee. Suddenly we might have some truths out in the open, so those on the left, those on the right those who are Independents, and those who think voting is a joke, have real information from which to base their choice, their vote…Then, with all of that, one simple question could be asked of Trump(even though he won’t answer), and America can make a real choice, without the misinformation of the gaggle of Talking Heads, and the cacophony of Pundits. Trump fears the truth, but we all know the truth sets you free, and silence equals death.  

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Evil Within

By now, if anyone has read a few of my blogs, you have figured out I am a great fan of science fiction, zombies, and books or movies in which it seems the end of the world is looming large…but just in the nick of time, the good guy wins, or the monster, space alien, or sick, sad, sinister, human is defeated. I have made my daughter a fan of all of the above and we often will compare notes on how corny the situation or just how real the events we watched or read REALLY seemed! (My daughter and I with some reluctance from my husband, her girlfriend and my son, have actually derived a Zombie escape plan…just so we don’t seem entirely crazy, we call it our Earthquake Evacuation Plan…but let’s be fair, most people in any dire situation of survival will respond as if they are being chased by Zombies). For me, the wonder of a Stephen King novel, a Vincent Price movie or an episode of the Twilight Zone, is that in the end god mostly triumphs over evil, or evil if discovered to be just one hell of a nasty prick in the buttock of humanity.

Pretend, is great, pretend is an invention of circumstances and situations in which plots, plans, and schemes may be rendered, but for the simple, the sake that pretends is NOT real, all and anything bad can be replaced with the comfort of a good, the coziness of safety and the coolness finality. But, with the latest massacre of innocents in a mosque in New Zealand, perpetrated by an insecure, arrogant, ignorant, insecure human being, a monster made of real flesh and blood, I have begun to worry, really worry, where the boundaries of pretend, and for REAL start and stop. Vladimir Putin was wise in supporting Trump to become the Commander-In-Chief of this nation, Putin was even smarter to realize that the Republican Party just gave lip service to how democracy was intended to be enjoyed, and Putin was a genius in educating himself on the defects of nation that has never come to terms with the US Civil War, and has never reconciled its deep-rooted distrust for the other. Employing all of this knowledge, Putin was impetus in picking at old wounds, encouraging new outbreaks of the virus of hate, and implementing the fallacies of Christian bigotry, and engaging in a conversation of superiority; which the leaders of this nation NEVER EVER really tried hard enough to discuss and solve…thus we have narcissist, sadistic, psychopath sitting in the Oval Office, so unsure of himself that he generates the proposition of US VS THEM.

Among my frustration with all that is corrupt and evil with Trump, and Trump’s deep disregard for the Constitution and basically any law which denies him more opportunity to be the grifter he is, IS that for some reason as Americans we are to pay him respect and actually acknowledge his position of President, pretending that Trump deserves the respect he so much denies anyone around him. I laughed (a sad, dark deep from the gut laugh) when Trump was asked about the White Supremacy terrorist act in New Zealand…what a waste of time…instead of asking Trump about the death of innocents…each and every journalist and reporter should have provided Trump with quotes, using Trump’s own words which incite riots, threats his political opponents, and the various lies based on nothing but some make-believe fiction. Trump IS the monster, and I am tired of pretending that he is anything else but the EVIL that smothers this nation and now the world!  

Friday, March 15, 2019

and he hit me

“He hit me, And it felt like a kiss, He hit me But it didn't hurt me
He couldn't stand to hear me say, That I'd been with someone new,
And when I told him I had been untrue, He hit me, And it felt like a kiss
He hit me, And I knew he loved me. If he didn't care for me
I could have never made him mad, But he hit me, And I was glad
Yes, he hit me And it felt like a kiss, He hit me
And I knew I loved him, And then he took me in his arms
With all the tenderness there is, And when he kissed me,
He made me his.” “He Hit Me” (It Felt Like a Kiss)/by, King & Goffin

I grew up having to relinquish our one and only television in our house my sisters, Maxine and Bonnie during the 4:30 to 6:00 Monday through Friday time slot, because American Bandstand was playing, and no one or nothing, not even the Cold War and the threat of “Duck and Cover” would tear my two older sisters away from watching Dick Clark, and all of my sister’s favorite Bandstand regulars from Philadelphia. My sister Maxine passed away many months ago, as did my brother-in-law, Jerry, my sister Bonnie’s husband, and ever since I have been collecting music that reminded of the innocence of youth and life, way back in the day. I discovered a playlist of some real oldie, oldies, many, songs written for what was unique at the time “Girl Groups”. I had heard of the Crystals, but when the song He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss ) played, I actually stopped working out, played and replayed the song several times, muttering out loud, you got to be kidding me…this was actually a song!

"He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss)" is a song written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King for girl group the Crystals under the guidance of Phil Spector in 1962. Goffin and King wrote the song after discovering that their babysitter and singer Little Eva was being regularly beaten by her boyfriend. When they inquired why she tolerated such treatment, Eva replied, with complete sincerity, that her boyfriend's actions were motivated by his love for her.

Today, was my first day back at the gym since my shoulder replacement, and I brought my trusty Jabra Earbuds and found my playlist of songs recorded by “Girl Groups”, and as if it was fate and not coincidence, as the He Hit Me, came blaring through my earbuds, the TV in the cardio room of the gym was showcasing Trump Vetoing the Bi-Patrician bill to end the Trump demented and declared National Emergency…And I thought, whoa, what a connection between the self-hating MAGA morons and the sad and lonely women back in the ’50s and ’60s who somehow considered violence toward them to be a sign of compassion, even love. Trump has become that Lover for whom every exception is being made no matter who he hates, who he has a bias for, who he relegates as less than and for whom he will never have any respect. And like the song, He Hit Me played, I almost felt sorry for the pathetic MAGA minions who ACTUALLY  believe love is painful and that in fact they too will someday soon feel the wrath of that misconstrued love as it comes down harsh and hard upon them. He Hit me and it felt like a kiss, talk about a perverted reality!

who are you

As I stood at the “chalkboard”, left hand placed tightly against it, as Mr. Valente, my Geometry Teacher,( GEOMETRY-the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.) was
harassing and intimidating me , actually trying his hardest to humiliate me as I was on his list of the stupidest of students in his class, hoping I would either cry out of desperation, or leave what called the “sweatiest handprint on the chalkboard;” aside from loathing and wishing the ceiling would fall upon this man, I still wondered why, this guy, who drove Greyhound Buses in the summer, EVER, EVER, became a teacher, and why no one EVER, EVER stopped him from his masochistic machinations. Of course, even today, many of the Geometry students who understood the wondrous world of math, brag about how brilliant a teacher Mr. Valente was, but even when I hear someone say solve the Proof, I pee a little in my pants.  For whom was Mr. Valente performing his vile and at times evil profession?

On Thursday, March 14, three Republican Senators had a chance to exonerate themselves and actually play the part of a Senator were within their job description, the Constitution states they participate as a co-equal branch of government, especially handling the finances of governing. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado, Senator Ben Sassed of Nebraska, and Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina, all voted to not support the illegal declaration of a National Emergency to build the newest Trump Tower, The Trump Southern Wall Tower, and instead, relinquished their duties as guardians of democracy invested in them via their constituents’, to avoid the wrath of the Mob Boss sitting in the White House. It seems all three cowards…oops I mean Senators, fearful of a primary fight within their individual states, decided that having a mind of their own was meaningless, and minding the business of a man so deranged, delusional, abrasive and abusive as Trump, was their only SURE THING, to remain in office for 2020!

As I learned about, these cowards, and the hundreds of other Republicans who fear the wrath of people proud to call themselves, Racists, White Supremacists, Bigots and Good Nazi’s, known as their BASE, my mind wandered back to Mr. Valente, and I conjured up the idea of the dreaded act of solving a PROOF, and me standing at that “chalkboard.” So I said out loud to no one but my dog Chance as the images of a smirking, sinister tall thin, chain-smoking man, named Valente stood next to me…Senators Gardner, Sasse, Tillis…if you can’t do your job, can’t think for yourselves, can’t provide an honest attempt at being a human, but rather suffer the consequences of doing damage, and destruction to your citizens, why remain in office…is the imagined image of you having power, when in fact you have none actually a thing… Is it the idea that you can intimidate others, so you won’t feel intimidation…? For the GOP politicians who vote against the interests of the majority of their constituents, to just please a minority of haters, what kind of sick pleasure do you receive? For teachers who think that bullying and berating their students is a perfect lesson plan, why teach…