Sunday, January 31, 2021



It was Saturday morning, January 30, 2021, to be exact. It was the seventh day, of my attempt NOT to first use the remote and immediately switch on Cable News…NOT to click the News App on my Phone, scroll up and down left and right reading the news as if my life depended on doing so…to try and NOT perseverate over the shortcomings of the nation and the world from the day before! My level of angst had been growing at an alarming pace, my worry about the loss of reason, the sheer void of conscience, the cowards choosing their political self-preservation over the people, the hypocrisy from the hyenas heinous and hideous NOW calling for unity, as is the usual game plan, for Republicans when they are caught as Enemies of the State. NO, I WAS NOT going to let myself become worked up, whipped to a frenzy by the madness and machinations of CRAZY. One to never remain silent, I debated with myself, as to how I could or would approach another extended day, week, and month of the year 2020; my voice I said to no one but me, I must express myself…BUT, I did not, EXPRESS MYSELF, out loud, on Saturday, January 30, 2021, I watched NO news, read nothing from my phone, ignored FaceBook, having NOT written my BLOG…And as the day came to a close, having ignored whatever shit storm of double talk, a tsunami of lies, an earthquake of partisan piranha’s, maelstrom of incendiary propaganda had attacked this world like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, I chose not to look.


WTF! It is now Sunday, January 31, TO BE EXACT…AND I discovered that in fact MY LIFE, does depend on understanding the traps and conspiracies intended to kill MY democracy! I must PERSEVERE in acknowledging the lies and contempt for the Constitution! My voice may not be as loud as those who planned and executed the INSURRECTION, but MY VOICE should NEVER be as silent as has been and IS the GOP in the Congress whose passive and non-verbal NON-RESPONSE enhance Tyranny and Treason. I tried, much to my chagrin, I tried and ignored NOT having a part in my own destiny. For me, it failed to be fruitful, I might say it was a fucked-up idea. 


And as I awoke, on this Sunday, January 31, 2021, I read the following three quotes, and wondered EXACTLY, has a purpose, promise, peace, all been removed from the psyche of the people of this nation, that any of these three quotes were spoken, or had to be said? 

"Democrats’ efforts to impeach a president who has already left office is totally unconstitutional and so bad for our country." Trump adviser Jason Miller. (MSNBC)…Several of the LA demonstrators were seen not wearing masks and carrying signs suggesting the coronavirus pandemic is a "scam," according to social media posts. (NBC-News)… “What I'm concerned about is the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, who was willing to overlook, ignore those statements ... assigning her to the Education Committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, when she has mocked the killing of teenagers in high school, at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School," Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference at the Capitol. "What could they be thinking? Or is thinking too generous a word for what they might be doing?” (Nancy Pelosi)









Friday, January 29, 2021

Counter This

 A counterculture is a culture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, sometimes diametrically opposed to mainstream cultural mores. A countercultural movement expresses the ethos and aspirations of a specific population during a well-defined era


I came of age during the 1960s. In my late teens and early twenties, I experienced A Blockade of Cuba (awaiting Walter Cronkite to let me know World War III with the Russians was about start.) I watched the assignations of JFK, RFK live as if they were a bad reality series (and this before Reality TV had even been invented.) I witnessed the horrific news of the assignation of MLK, and the rising to the surface of a White Nationalism (before I could even define the term.) I saw a president send in Troops to murder college protestors at Kent State (I had no idea any president could hate American citizens so much, having no idea that Kent State was a prelude to Insurrection at the Capitol) I turned 18 and was the first batch of American men to sign the Lottery to be drafted, having no idea the Viet Nam War, was a political folly and fancy to keep presidents in power (I knew where Viet Nam was located, but the local and name seemed as strange and foreign to me as did the first mention of Afghanistan) Turmoil outrage, anger, blindsided, malfeasance by the government, hate, racism, all ingredients for a poisoned stew, all reasons why I was a part of a COUNTER CULTURE movement; inciting me to beg the question, “If Not Now When?”


In the year 2021, which I truly believe is NOT an actual year, but an extension of 2020, (and for the foreseeable period of time will remain the 13th, 14th, and damn it 15th months of 2020) it seems that the GOP who has morphed into a MAGA-Q-Anon-Insurrectionist Party ARE, conveniently, now using the term COUNTER CULTURE, to define, those of us who believe in Democracy, rely on the Constitution for law and order, and think that equality is the American way. WTF, honestly, the folks who have told “THE BIG LIE,” recite Fake News, Incite Violence because they only know HATE, are using the term COUNTER CULTURE. One more lesson from history, ignored!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Don't Nobody

 The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest, equitable, and balanced.


The FCC did abandon the Fairness Doctrine under the Reagan administration in 1987.


It seemed Ronnie, felt like the witch Evillene and the Winkies in the musical the Wiz. Seems Ronnie wanted "Don't Nobody Bring Me No Bad News" or "No Bad News" as the song explains that she'll (in this case most likely Nancy and Ronnie) accept any kind of news as long as it's not bad news, or else!


In this day and age what with the Trump Cancer being almost as insidious an ailment for Americans as COVID, PERHAPS President Biden might want to sign another Executive Order, reestablishing The Fairness Doctrine, as one more weapon in an arsenal to fight the insurrectionists, YOU KNOW, at places like FOX/Newsmax and Limbaugh Radio!



All of These Things

 “I wonder how the senators demanding due process will feel once Trump’s attempt to oust the acting attorney general is described under oath. Or how excruciating it will be to watch footage-like the 10 minutes of crowd-sourced video published Monday from Just Security — that Democrats are certain to submit as evidence.” (Hayes Brown/MSNBC Opinion Columnist)


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., is facing a backlash after a CNN review of her Facebook page showed that she had liked posts in recent years calling for violence against prominent Democrats while promoting extremist conspiracy theories. (Alan Smith/NBC News)


"One of These Things" was a song regularly used on Sesame Street for sketches where viewers would be shown a group of four items, one of which was different from the other three, and they would have to identify the item which didn't belong. 

“One of these things is not like the others
One of these things just doesn't belong
Can you tell which thing is not like the others?
By the time I finish my song?”


Sadly, within the Republican Party morphing into whatever the current toxic stew, it has fomented, ALL of these things are the same; from INSURRECTION/SEDITION/FEAR OF TRUMP/TREASON &TYRANNY/DISMANTLING DEMOCRACY/CHIPPING AWAY IF NOT COMPLETELY DESTROYING THE CONSTITUTION/AND OF COURSE SELF-SERVING SELFISHNESS. AND even worse, with perhaps the exception of a dozen and half members of the GOP, all of the MINIONS/CULTISTS/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS/INSURRECTIONISTS/ENABLERS are the same. No bravery, no love of country, no backbone, no conscience, no concern for the future of this nation, just their own political careers. These Republican clowns have decided to keep the Trump Circus Tent alive, available, and to gladly assist in the demise of democracy; well because, for them staying in power, means keeping the MOB BOSS, Donnie as KING! Am I afraid, you bet, do I see hope just around the horizon, NOPE! Will my values and morals, respect for justice and freedom fight off those who are JUST THE SAME, wishing and wanting destruction and divisiveness to define democracy? Well, for me, each day, that Trump is NOT held accountable nor his army of traitors, becomes one less day I can breathe! 






Wednesday, January 27, 2021



“It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine,” Trump told CNBC’s Joe Kernen from the World Economic Forum in Davos. (CNBC)… Vice President Mike Pence encouraged governors on Monday to adopt the administration’s explanation that a rise in testing was a reason behind new coronavirus outbreaks, even though testing data has shown that such a claim is misleading. (NYTimes)…Coronavirus lockdowns not necessary, health secretary Alex Azar says, Azar’s comments come as COVID-19 infections hit record highs (FOX News)… In April, Donald Trump told the public injecting bleach could cure coronavirus and in an interview this week, Dr. Deborah Birx said Donald Trump “appreciated the gravity” of the coronavirus pandemic in March. Lawrence O’Donnell says we must never forget what those officials did say and did not say to stand up to Donald Trump’s lies. (MSNBC)


Donald John Trump/Michael Richard Pence/ Alex Michael Azar Jr./ Deborah Leah Birx, I as a citizen of the United States hold all four of you accountable as Pre-Meditated/Pre-Manslaughters for the dying and death of over 425,000 Americans due to COVID, for the pain and suffering of another 25.5 million Americans who have tested positive for COVID, and too numerous to count, orphans, widowed, mourners of lovers, friends, sisters brothers, aunts uncles, and grandparents. If I could, I would insist on: Civil litigation is a legal process in which criminal charges and penalties are not at issue. When two or more parties become embroiled in such a non-criminal legal dispute, the case is presented at a trial where plaintiffs seek compensation or other damages from defendants. (Wikipedia)


I am not, AS ARE THE GOP SENATORS afraid of your AUTHROTIARIAN MACHINATIONS AND MOB inspired goons, wishing for Sedition and INSURRECTION OR A COUP, and all four of YOU, President/Vice President/HHS Secretary/ Coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Response because for me: Forgetting is not possible. ... The thing is, if someone tries to forgive and forget, it's possible they haven't really forgiven, because by the quick act of “forgetting,” they haven't fully processed the wrong they've been done. And acknowledging the wrong is essential to real forgiveness. (Wikipedia)

AND TRUMP, you are pure evil, vile, a villain, venomous, toxic, insecure, dangerous, unstable, a sociopath a liar, most likely psychotic, an ENEMY OF THE STATE, probably a RUSSIAN ASSET, and so mentally and emotionally deranged. Even in your waning days, of power, YOU continued to demonstrate that your parents should have never been permitted to have children, as their skill set as parents was nothing but a scam, the kind YOU have bombarded our nation, as you said: In the final remarks of his presidency Wednesday, former President Donald Trump only briefly mentioned what is perhaps the most defining issue of his term — the Covid-19 pandemic— referring to it as the "China virus" once again in a move indicative of his approach toward the deadly disease throughout the final months of his presidency, even as the U.S. marked over 400,000 dead from the virus. (FORBES Magazine)







Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Pissed, no SURPRISED

 In the make-believe world of the Republican Party, the Public Relations Charade, Propaganda WORLD, Americans were preached to, that THE GOP is the TOUGH GUY PARTY, you know, the Party which will kick the ass of Terrorists, as long as those TERRORISTS are of the Foreign kind, the Muslim kind, the Middle East kind and have brownish or olive-colored skin KIND! The hardy and hailed GOP espoused how THEY would never negotiate with TERRORISTS, especially when hostages were being held captive. We were TOLD, no lied to, that to keep America safe, meant DO NOT PERMIT the Dems to govern, ALWAYS TRUST THE REPUBLICANS. Fucking Liars ALL of them, fucking let’s screw America and Americans ALL of them, fucking ass licking, fearful cowards, who will ONLY take care of themselves ALL of them!


So, today, January 26, 2021, we witnessed all but FIVE GOP Senators cave, wallow, wail, willfully let a DOMESTIC TERRORIST maintain his DEATH grip over this nation and the REPUBLICAN PARTY, by NEGOTIATING with the Terrorist, DONAL J. TRUMP, giving almost carte blanche to commit an INSURRECTION and SEDITION. These COWARDS, these SPINELESS/WEAK/C0-CONSPIRATORS/UNCONSCIONABLE ENABLERS, so afraid of Trump and his Revolutionary Militia full of conspiracy theories and not much else, have permitted the MONSTER to LIVE, no matter the cost to the rest of us…JUST AS LONG AS THEY HOPE THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY RETRIBUTION FROM THE TRUMP MOB!


Am I surprised, no, am I disgusted, FUCK YES…but as JUST ONE CITIZEN, I have no idea what to do about it? And I hate that, as much as I hate the Republican Senators who demonstrated the fine art of placing Party over People and their Futures over our FREEDOMS!

Knowing is not the same

 Knowing something is not the same as understanding IT, for me! Witnessing reactions can never replace the actual ACTION, nor excuse the INEXCUSABLE FOR ME! I might comprehend the machinations of mindless minions, but I will NEVER accept their inadequacies and inabilities to be human, void of morals or values; replacing those most basic principles of humanity with sheer selfishness, self-serving, and servitude toward a monster, a criminal, and the inhuman and inhumane evilness…which erodes, erases and eliminates the mere existence of BEING!


The fact that the Republicans in the Senate are debating the INSURRECTION-SEDITION-TREASON-TYRANNY pretending that Trump is out of office, so none of his Domestic Terrorism matters, is in itself an admittance that they “ARE JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS,” and that they, INDEED, remain COMPLICIT to HIS crimes! Death destruction the attempted demise of Democracy, and somehow, WE THE PEOPLE, are supposed to “GET OVER IT!” I cannot just “GET OVER IT,” nor do I want to “LET IT GO!” My freedoms have been harmed, my sanity pushed to the limits, my yearning for truth and honor stretched forever, not easily recoiled. Oh yeah, and the only recourse some of the GOP COWARDLY Senators have is to state they will not seek re-election…no STATEMENT that Trump was and is guilty, no DEMAND he is tried as an Enemy of the State…JUST their usual denial and “I COULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AMERICA” response.


And on top of all of THAT as if THAT in itself was not enough to have an anxiety attack every hour on the hour, these same Senators somehow wish to pontificate and play politics with the health of Americans, by debating JUST HOW MUCH MONEY IS TOO MUCH MONEY to assist most AMERICANS to survive this PANDEMIC…which of course was made worse, by Trump…the person for which they have pledged their allegiances. Knowing something is not the same as understanding IT, for me!


Monday, January 25, 2021

What are you afraid of?

 ‘What are you afraid of?’ Jaime Herrera Buetler, a Republican congresswoman from Washington state, demanded of her colleagues as they considered the second impeachment of Donald Trump. “I’m not afraid of losing my job,” Herrera Beutler said. “But I am afraid that my country will fail.” (Molly Bell/Time Magazine)


In the euphoric days following the Biden Inauguration, as the other “I” word INSURRECTION still buzzed around America as might a swarm of mosquitos on a humid summers afternoon, many Americans, whose desire for justice to invalidate injustice, wanting valor’s vindication over vitriol, and violence; imagined that calm and cool could be inhaled as if both had the chemical and natural ingredients of oxygen. Celebrations, sighs of relief (I suppose as a collective would look like the red super cyclone on Jupiter), emanated, and even the most cynical of citizens ( I among them), supposed crimes committed would be conquered, criminals contained, and in earnest, law and order would prevail. I mean Sedition and Insurrection, Treason and Tyranny were not words JUST in a Political Science Textbook, but actual attempts at a COUP a Domestic Terroristic attack on the United States!


But here we are, and WE THE PEOPLE, are no longer a WE, but a US and THEM THE PEOPLE, a rift that did not erupt with an attempted Fascist Authoritarian take-over, conceived and initiated from the day Trump had been hacked into office, but blossomed because Trump’s power had never been held in check, and all of the past hate and loathing of this nation swept into corners and crevices of this nations collective conscience, conveniently coalesced. I somehow have no idea why if wrong is bad, and this bad has evil consequences for the future of our country, we are still debating ANY of this?

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Ain't Rocket Science

 Ah, yes, the Douchebags of the party of supporting an Insurrectionist President, are back at it, pretending that THEY NEVER MET A DEFICIT THEY LIKED…except of course, if it was one initiated by Trump, prompted by their Donor Class Domestic Terrorist Corporations and 1% Puppet Masters, and by doing so, could and would keep the rich wealthier and the rest of the poor schmucks POORER…and ALSO, in doing so, keep their OWN pockets lined with grift, graph, and greed!


Now, let’s be clear…many of these GOP Douchebags, have a steady income, a socialized form of salary and health care, have, themselves, benefited from the lower tax rate for millionaires and billionaires, jumped ahead of the line, and received the vaccine for COVID (as if any of them ARE ESSENTIAL WORKERS)! They have not lost any socialized perks and permitted by their own OMISSION of truth, the rise of the Trump Cult, and the entrée of Racism, Bigotry, and Fiction into mainstream politics. These Republican Douchebags are now preening and pretending that HISTORY, let me be clear, history from four years ago, to four days ago, is nothing but a nuisance…AND, if only the Dems would play nice, whatever it was that happened (of which the GOP claims no blame) could be erased and a MAGIC MOMENT OF KUMBUYA would return. UH-HUH! 


As is usually the case, whenever a Democrat is sitting in the Oval Office, an urgency IS to claim that DEFICIT SPENDING, is wrong and nasty and of course some Left-Wing attempt to overthrow both Capitalism and Democracy. These GOP Douchebags, recite the same reckless mantra that somehow, spending money now, will leave future generations with a heavy burden. BUT I have to ask this, (might be rhetorical, of course, it is rhetorical, but I will pretend, I am naïve)…if Mom and Dad die from COVID, OR Mom and Dad go broke become homeless and unemployed, OR Mom and Dad split up because somehow the emotional strain from getting sick, no job, no food, no shelter is JUST too much…IF any of that happens NOW, what kind of future will those same kids have…WHO…the Douchebag Republicans pretend to worry about for the FUTURE? It ain’t Rocket Science, and we know the majority of Douchebag GOP Senators are far from intelligent enough to be Rocket Scientists…IT IS PLAIN AND SIMPLY politicians placing their own LIVES over the LIVES of anyone who IS NOT THEM, OR THEIR DONOR OWNERS!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Let's be Clear

 Let’s ALL get something correct, shall we? The men and women of the Republican Party and  Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who are balking at the cost of feeding, sheltering, providing vaccinations, unemployment benefits, the psychological/physical health and welfare of ALL of the American population, ARE…EMPLOYED/HAVE RECEIVED THE OPPORTUNITY OF NOT ONLY RECEIVING THE FIRST VACCINATION BUT THE SECOND/HAVE A HOME/AND ARE CONTINUING TO FUNCTION DAY, TO, DAY WITH NO CONCERN ABOUT THEIR HEALTH AND WELFARE! But THEY somehow question the viability to act as equals with the citizenry, acting instead as if they are of the Royal Family!


So let me understand because I have to say it out loud otherwise my head will explode! The same Republicans who felt that any deficit caused by the decrease of taxes for the top 2% of this nation, was of no real concern, WHO had little to no argument, as the Trump Administration overspent and spent lavishly on programs to enrich Corporations, who insisted that a true form of Capitalism which gives to the rich and takes from the poor WAS certainly better than the Federal Government acting on behalf of the 98%, calling it Socialism…THESE men and women, are now denying the homeless/unemployed/sick/hungry any REAL action to make life tolerable!


I could say I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND…but that would be a lie…I DO UNDERSTAND, and what I UNDERSTAND, is that the Republicans in power in the Congress, would rather appease their billionaire Domestic Terrorist Donor Class, then actually work for the people of this nation, because MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, GREED, GREED, GREED, SELF-SERVING, SELF-SERVING are both the oxygen and blood which flows through their bodies! And I would say vote the bums out, but in 2020, more of those same bums were voted in. 

Friday, January 22, 2021


 PARASITISM is a symbiotic relationship between species, where one organism, the PARASITE, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life. The entomologist E. O. (Wikipedia)

The agents that cause disease fall into five groups: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths (worms). Protozoa and worms are usually grouped together as parasites, and are the subject of the discipline of parasitology, whereas viruses, bacteria, and fungi are the subject of microbiology. (Wikipedia)… HOWEVER, the Science of Politics has discovered a SIXTH GROUP, known as the INSURRECTIONIST REPUBLICAN. Currently, three PRIME extreme examples of a PARASITE reside in the Senate, named Paul/Hawley/Cruz. These three PARASITES are intent on eroding the carcass of Democracy, primarily that known as Americana!


Without hesitation, or a mere seconds delay, it seems the 2024 Presidential Primary Contest has erupted, fresh from the wounds and woeful attempt of INSURRECTION, preened and primed by Trump, and a cadre of wanna be Benedict Arnold’s, all intent on overthrowing fair elections, and content in the destruction and death to the American psyche and American lives! Three conceded, contemptuous, clowns, without conscience or fear of consequences have made it clear, that NO MATTER WHAT THE COST, they desire to become the New Trump and wish to steer this nation off the cliff, we found ourselves mere inches from falling. Paul/Hawley/Cruz are at it, AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME, and are demonstrating they will take all prisoners, placing their quest for power above the welfare of this nation!


If there was a so-called “ POLITICAL HONEYMOON,” these Three Stooges, have made it clear as can be IT IS OVER, and in fact, IT was only a figment of the imagination for the citizens of this nation who embraced the triumph of good over bad and truth over lies. Paul/Hawley/Cruz are PARASITES, dangerous deceitful denizens, of CREEP-VILLE. Be careful America, because, these three men are even more sinister than anyone Trump, because, they are much more calculated and cunning, callous and believe to achieve their DESTINY, whatever must be DESTROYED, shall be!



Thursday, January 21, 2021

clearer, clearly clear

 “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.

I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day.
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day.” (I Can See Clearly Now/Johnny Nash)


Okay, perhaps if I had to re-write the song, I might use the phrase I CAN SEE CLEARER NOW, or maybe even, I CAN TRY TO SEE A CLEARING NOW, and because I still suffer the pessimistic prose and pathos of an abused citizen, I might even have written, I KNOW I WANT TO SEE THE CLEARING, AND ACTUALLY IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE TO DO SO! But to even imagine singing any song with the slightest bit of promise or purpose, is a strange sensation because what I am used to expressing has been a moan, a long guttural unfathomable grunt, and groan, a cry for help, a pleading, a baying at the moon!


There seems to be a new catchphrase, roaming the almost dystopian landscape, of an America reeling from being under siege, looking like the day after a Category 5 Hurricane, an F-5 Tornado, a 9.5 Earthquake. “Just Enough Of Us, For the Rest Of Us.” At first, I thought, “…hmm hokey, silly, an impotent irritant to make do, when nothing else can be done…” But I slept on that idea, and waited, on this 2nd day of clearing, and attempts to see clearer, now, AND somehow, the phrase, “Just Enough Of Us, For the Rest Of Us,” resonated for me. If we have a chance to change, (not a complete makeover or a nip and tuck), but a revolving resolution of compassion, facts that matter, and lies called out, maybe, my cynicism can be contained, and change can take route! I do not know, nor understand the mechanics of that, but then again, we sent a satellite to the moons of Jupiter, so who knows!


I awoke, today, in no hurry to see if the world in which I live had burst, boiled into a brew of orange turd, I knew hate and fear and loathing still inhaled enough oxygen to keep me from breathing in deeply, but I also believed, that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, “…gone were the dark clouds”, that, damn it, kept too many people blind! 



Wednesday, January 20, 2021

On This Day

 On this day, January 20, 2021, I, will bask in the momentary cascade of hope, and truth, honesty, honor, and the willingness to let PEACE perch upon the horizon, not afraid it might shatter, but forceful that it may survive!


Nothing is forever, too often, as humans we understand, our frailties, and just how fragile, the moment in which we live, can leave us, scarred and scattered; wishing that if only we can embrace our future, something of good can survive. Well today, was the future, just a week ago, and we have made it, we have arrived, and we at least can claim a bit of victory!


I was never naive, (for the best or worst of my personality), and I will not pretend that justice is just around the corner, that the anguish and anger or tyranny and misinformation have been blockaded beneath a boulder, BUT in this hour of helplessness turning into help, hopelessness seeking hope, and honor and humble, humility and honesty crusading courageously, I shall smile, and consider that GOOD may survive EVIL!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Good God

 A Texas man (Guy Reffitt) who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, was arrested and accused of having threatened to shoot his children if they told authorities that he had gone to Washington, D.C., according to federal court documents released Monday. Reffitt's wife told investigators that during an argument, he told his children that if one of them turned him in, "you're a traitor and you know what happens to traitors ... traitors get shot." (NBC NEWS)

They prayed, BY GOD, once they vandalized their way into the Senate and House Chambers, after using the poles, which held the American Flag, as WEAPONS…SPEARS ACTUALLY, they decided that the other GOD, the lesser than Trump ONE, Jesus, who from his throne in Heaven motivated them/prompted them…had led them, no DIRECTED them… to commit INSURRECTION, HE above all else (perhaps not as important as Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley or Rudy Giuliani or Trump Junior), would want a PRAYER MOMENT…you know the anti 10 Commandment actions of NOT LOVING THY NEIGHBOR, OR NOT DOING UNTO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULD DO UNTO YOURSELF. Self-proclaimed Patriots, self-absorbed Klansmen, self-righteous Christian Nationalists, they, THE HYPOCRITES, absolved themselves from any laws of the Constitution, any laws of Faith, and doused themselves with the contemptuous and criminal calling of a False Idol, and preened, posed, and positioned themselves as nothing more than PATHETIC PARASITES.

And where is the outrage from the Evangelicals who smothered themselves in the narcissist sludge of Trump? Where are the Republican elected Officials who smothered their morals and values in the Trump Brand? What, Huh…are we to believe the bull shit words of a Susan Collins who, for a second time told us that trump SURELY LEARNED A LESSON? Are we to actually think, that permitting this INSURRECTION to just fall out of our current events, and find common ground, KUMBUYA, because those who perpetuated the LIES/MYTH’S/knew their indiscretions all along, but NEVER thought they would witness the consequences for their actions? And days after January 6, 2021, ALL of us as a COLLECTIVE, are suffering PTSD, along with the ravages of a Pandemic, mimicked and mocked by the same DOMESTIC TERRORISTS who thing there is only on AMENDMENT  to the CONSTITUTION, and it is the 2ND! A father, crazy as shit, decides that his love for Trump, trumps his concern and care for his children, REALLY, HONEST TO ANY GOD…REALLY!




Monday, January 18, 2021

MLK DAY /2021

 Lost in this dystopian landscape in which we have been asked to traverse for four years under a Trump/McConnell America, the Year of the Monster 2020, and the past 46 DAYS, since our election, surmounting over 24 million cases of COVID, 398 thousand deaths from COVID, the orphaning of 245 children by hands of DHS, the actions of insurrection by 6 GOP Senators/121 House Republican Members, the over 30,000 lies told by Trump, promoted by his various Press Secretaries, enabled by almost every single GOP politician on Federal and Local…


…lost in the DOMESTIC TERRORISM, engulfed with the madness which has become the new norm of Conspiracy Theories and the Snake Oil Salesmen and the Con of Evangelical Preachers…we find ourselves at a crossroads, dazed and confused, corrupted and confounded, disheveled and drowsy from having to defend the truth day after day AFTER DAY…


…Today is the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. What a moment, for me, to open my mind and consider, just how far a journey we could have taken, listening to the words, reviewing the actions of MLK; but in fact instead of creating history as we take that walk, we somehow have turned backward and are repeating the actions that do not revive or enhance us BUT enslave us and keep us at bay. Today is the day we should reflect on the purpose and promise Dr. King promoted, but instead, we are forced to hear the clash and corruption of a MOB, a MOB BOSS, and retreat from the future, embracing a horrid past…


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“The time is always right to do what is right.” Martin Luther King Jr.              


straw dogs and clockwork orange

 Clockwork Orange, novel by Anthony Burgess, published in 1962. Set in a dismal dystopian England, it is the first-person account of a juvenile delinquent who undergoes state-sponsored psychological rehabilitation for his aberrant behavior. In place of peace and love and prosperity, A Clockwork Orange offered a new zeitgeist-decade of violence, anger, misogyny, the degradation of the public space in dreary suburban locales, and modernist designs for living that had been vandalized. John Barry’s production design showed us “ruin porn” before the phrase had been invented.


Straw DogsDavid Sumner (Dustin Hoffman), a mild-mannered academic from the United States, marries Amy (Susan George), an Englishwoman. In order to escape a hectic stateside lifestyle, David and his wife relocate to the small town in rural Cornwall where Amy was raised. There, David is ostracized by the brutish men of the village, including Amy's old flame, Charlie (Del Henney). Eventually, the taunts escalate, and two of the locals rape Amy. This sexual assault awakes a shockingly violent side of David.


To this moment in my 71 years alive, the two films, A Clockwork Orange and Straw Dogs remain two films I cannot watch again without the feeling of revulsion, nausea, and an incomprehensible sense of anguish and anger overtaking my ENTIRE body. To watch as these creatures these delusional men, with intended malicious rage, with the total lack of sympathy empathy, acknowledgment of the other, the sheer cowardness of men who think because they have unleveled the playing field and are the dominating factor, behave like wild beasts were and are overwhelming and make me sick. I mention these two films because, as I now watch, (RELUCTANTLY, CAUTIOUSLY, AND WITH GREAT TREPIDATION) the video feeds from the INSURRECTIONISTS, at the Capitol, my mind wanders to the violent and inhuman scenes of BRUTALITY as portrayed in both A Clockwork Orange and Straw Dogs.


As I witness these spineless self-absorbed, enemies of the state rampage through OUR CAPITOL screaming as hyenas on a hunt to find Pelosi, hang Pence, or seek out any person in the Congress, all full of the shit Trump and Cruz and Giuliani had fed them; I cringe, my stomach curdles, and I actually shake to the core of my body and soul. These THUGS, the MAUARDERS, these DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, thinking they are all-powerful preening in front of the cameras, ARE, for me, the myriad of nightmares and the content of what HELL must be like. AND, to think, there are people in power, STILL WITH THAT POWER, who have not come out loud and strong against anyone who has raped and pillaged my democracy, are as disgusting as the INSURRECTIONISTS, and should be held accountable. Oh yeah, this is not a debate or an issue of one side or the other. THESE were acts of criminality treason and tyranny!



Sunday, January 17, 2021

just, what now?

 So, now, its…Trump made me do it…I was so Patriotic, as to follow the directions of my President, how can I personally be responsible for INSURRECTION…He invited me here, he needed me…I had no idea as I broke into the Capitol, rummaging through the desks and private offices of Congress People shouting Hang Mike Pence, Kill Pelosi, that any of this could have led to a MOB RULE, an OCCUPATION of the Capitol, the murder of Police…Ya gotta believe me had I known this kind of AWFUL was going to happen I would have NOT been a participant…OR, I WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS!


Hey Trump, and your Trump-eze Flying Monkey’s I got big bucks, how much bribe money, dirty money INNSERECTION MONEY, will it take for you to break the law one more time, ya know for ME, your loyal INSURRECTIONIST/BIGOT/RACIST/WHITE GOOD NAZI SUPREMACIST?


And on Sunday, January 17, 2021, America looks like Baghdad, Beirut, Yemen, Benghazi, North Korea, and who has not said another word, or tried his darndest to plead for the INSURRECTIONISTS  to stop, cease…and who else besides Trump or his Crime Family has tried to intervene from within the GOP to demand all Republicans finally tell the truth that Trump Lied, Biden won a fair election…And even though Trump invited all of his MAGA PLUS to visit him in DC, and meet him at the Capitol, how many of those INSURRECTIONISTS, would one imagine be permitted to play golf at his numerous courses or have a personal invite to Mar-A-Lago?

so tired of

 President Donald Trump will hold an unprecedented farewell event at Joint Base Andrews the morning of Joe Biden’s Inauguration and then leave town before his successor takes the oath of office. Trump's farewell will take place at the base outside Washington where Air Force One is headquartered. No recent president has had his own sendoff ceremony at JBA. Officials are considering an elaborate event that would have the feel of a state visit, with a red carpet, color guard, military band, and 21-gun salute all being discussed, the Associated Press reported. (Daily Mail)

Nowadays, it seems, at least for me, I have too many indignities to withstand, all emanating from, or is it erupting from Donald J. Trump, and permitted to remain active by a litany of ass licking, flying monkey’s, embracing the will of a wannabe dictator, and demonstratively divisive and delusion demigod. As is usual, having NO ability to see beyond his own desires, Trump remains able to dismantle not only the Constitution, but the conscience of this nation, because the ONE thing he is capable of is to instill fear and loathing, and incite the hate for the OTHER! After insisting on INSURRECTION, reveling in a REVOLUTION AND REBELLION (which this nation is still reeling from as if it was like an atomic bomb dropping and now the nuclear fallout is seeping into our collective lungs) Trump gives “NO SHITS,” about his actions, (knowing that throughout his life there has never been a consequence to pay), and remains a demented but dangerous man, whose reality is made from fecal matter, and only matters to him. (and of course, the minions who as rats and lemmings are following this Pied Piper into a chasm of chaos and conflict)

I have so much hate for Trump and his companions and co-conspirators but having that hate does not provide me with much solace, rather it just adds to my frustration because I can see good from bad/right from wrong and feel absolutely helpless and seeing truth triumph over fiction. How is it even a choice for Trump to demand anything upon his departure? Why must the Americans, who KNOW just how dangerous a public enemy Trump is and was allow TRUMP to leave in a grand and glorious manner? One more indignity plastered on the faces of the people of a nation, as if it was a shit pie, intentionally thrown at our faces!



Saturday, January 16, 2021

not so thin blue line

 Thin Blue Line Flag, flag pole, used as a spear, used as a weapon to stab, maul, torture, and murder the POLICE! The INSURRECTIONISTS, motivated, catered to, implored, excited, and instructed by Trump, Trump Junior, Rudy, Mark Meadows, Ivanka, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz.

“Kill him with his own gun,” shouted at Capitol Police Officer, a mob, acting as judge and jury minus any morals or scruples, without facts just self-loathing, and fomented hate, frothing as would a rabid dog!

A Capitol Police Officer jammed in a doorway, pushed battered, abused, begging for help, continuously punched and shoved, never with than intention of aiding this captured man, but bloodletting and berating him as the crowd so incited as to push harder!


But we were told by the MAGA, by the GOP, by FOX NEWS, by Limbaugh Radio, by Proud Boys, by the Trump/Pence Administration that “BLUE LIVES MATTER, and as we are told, somehow the voters in many districts agreed, re-electing these same shameful Republicans or Senators, or hiring new recruits, whose own lack of voice or action has only emboldened MORE VIOLENCE against the police. Add to that the off-duty COPS, Ex-Military, and in some instances, off-duty Cops and Military men and women branding their OWN weapons and anger, and careless irresponsible, machinations to the INSURRECTION, becoming DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, and declaring COPS the enemy!


And today look at America, and if you had just woken up from a long slumber, trying to forget 9/11, you would want to immediately seek a rock and hide in that cavern, thinking we are STILL UNDER SEIGE. There are not two sides to this equation, nor debatable conversation…no reaching out to understand as if thinking those who terrorize this nation from within, are anything but enemies of the state. There IS no longer validity in thinking one side MUST love the POLICE more than the other, or that holding a banner proclaiming the POLICE as one more Patriotic belief. AND I, as an AMERICAN want everyone from TRUMP-THE CONGRESS PEOPLE (WHO HELD TOURS OF THE CAPITOL)-THE TALKING HEADS ON FOX-THE TRUMP FAMILY-THE ATTORNEYS NAMED POWELL/GIULIANI-WOOD-THE 130 HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES AND 10 SENATORS just to name a few held accountable, IMMEDIATELY. Look at our nation today, on Saturday, January 16, 2021, and you are witnessing the permission of evil to triumph and the ENTRAILS of the Devil to act as if they were a VICTORIOUS ARMY!




 One of Donald Trump’s fiercest supporters, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, went to a meeting at the White House with notes suggesting “martial law if necessary”.

The notes, captured by a photographer as Mr. Lindell entered the Oval Office on Friday, come after Mr. Lindell tweeted then deleted calls for the president to “impost martial law” in the seven battleground states that won the election for Joe Biden.

The page is curved and not fully visible, but the heading is titled “[illegible] taken immediately to save the [illegible] constitution".

It references a “cyber” attorney and “Kraken” attorney Sidney Powell while recommending “Kash Patel to acting CIA”. (Independent)

“Insurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the… martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any…”, it read. (Independent)


What could possibly go wrong even if there are four days, four hours, or four minutes remaining? All we hear is that Trump is pouty, moody, brasher than ever, consumed with anger, removed, and seething, ready to lash out, vindictive, vengeful! But somehow, as Trump not only hears voices in his head, he, NOW is listening to people like Lindell a well-known and proud purveyor of CONSPIRACY THEORIES.  Trump still ignores any common sense or ideals placing country before personal wealth, fame or fortunes. Trump’s army from Hades is diminishing in actual population but is still populated by the sycophants void of morals values, facts, love of country, and emersed so deeply in Orange Poison, they have almost morphed into monsters even more hideous than any science fiction or horror writer could imagine.


He has his self-serving, shyster Princess Ivanka, her pampered and pious Prince, Jared, a sometimes hired or fired, but full-time conniving conspirator connoisseur Rudy, a hack, denier of truth, be it science, medicine, or Constitution  Mark Meadows, the guy who thinks locking infants in cages, ripping them from their parents Stephen Miller, a plastic blow-up doll, filled with helium vapid, and venomous Teller of Lies, Kayleigh McEnany, and various Cabinet Members hanging on, for the ride, because for the remaining SWAMP Creatures, there really ain’t no other place to go, where they would be welcomed! 


We, as Americans, watch as armed National Guard now roam the streets of our Capitol and the Capitol cities in each state, government buildings shuttered or boarded up, fences erected, and warnings, too numerous to list of the various forms of DOMESTIC TERRORISM atrocities to erupt, and are told to be vigilant. Law Makers, those doing the job of the people (we now have to call them brave) fearing for their lives. Other Law Makers, first fearing for their safety and the safety of their families, who DID NOT PERFORM THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who remained silent, state that THE MOB, the cultist of Trump might have targeted them so silence is all the power they possess. Mikey Pence demurred and denied Trump was not at the point of insanity to be removed from office. 130 GOP INSURRECTIONIST members of the HOUSE have aligned themselves with an AUTHROIRITARIAN (some even providing information and insight as to how to blow up our Capitol), Moscow Mitch, has hesitated in doing anything to save our Republic...AND, the rest of us, YOU KNOW, THE CITIZENS who care, are left to watch, wait and WORRY! FOUR MORE DAYS, and what could possibly happen!



Friday, January 15, 2021

Counter Culture

 Counter Culture: a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society. So it is with great, WHAT THE FUCK, I blog about the audacity of Right-Wing/Domestic Terrorist/FOX Watching/Limbaugh Radio Listening/Good Nazi’s/and the South Will Rise Again/and Q-ANON-Proud Boys recently elected GOP Legislators…to think that by saying the catchphrase COUNTER CULTURE, to describe those of us who fear INSURRECTION, REBELLION, THE CALL FOR THE 2ND AMENDMENT to replace law and order are the BAD GUYS…you know the NON-MOB who tried to take over our Nation’s Capital, trying to hang Pence and shoot Pelosi!


The Counter Culture activities ACTUALLY taking place in “real-time” are those actions in which the (Trump Cultists-The MAGA-The Proud Boys-The Boogaloo Bois-The Franklin Graham/Tucker Carlson-Donnie Junior-Giuliani-Limbaugh motivated Bigots…Racists…Anti-Semitic…Xenophobes…) have embraced and secured, actually looking to Trump as an inspiration and motivator to act upon!


And add to that actually CONGRESS PEOPLE like Louis (the Loser) Gohmert…Matt (My Father will Fire You) Gaetz…Mo (I Am From Alabama and we love out Jim Crow Laws) Brooks…Jimmy (Dude, if you get sexually harassed in the shower, do not look to me to provide you a towel let alone help) Jordan, and two newly minted sweethearts of Q-Anon Lauren Boebert (“Q”—the anonymous leader of the fringe movement—” is real”) and Marjorie (once called “Q” a “patriot.”) Taylor Greene are leading PROPONENTS of waging a war on OUR CURRENT CULTURE and doing their Republican best of DOUBLE SPEAK! AVOIDANCE…HYPERBOLE…LIES…AND CON, four ingredients used and abused by the @Real GOP, to keep the cultists drinking the Kool-Ade, (as they as is usually the case with puppet masters) and live their lavish hypocritical lifestyle. Make up a name, spit it out at the other, and think that even as your shit is toxic, somehow your fools as followers don’t smell it! 









3 examples

 As of January 15, 2021: 23.4 million Americans have become ill from COVID-19/over 389,000 Americans have died!


For 16 weeks, throughout the fall and then straight through the data disruptions around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day, the number of people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 has risen. On October 13, there were 36,000 people with COVID-19 in U.S. hospitals. Yesterday, on January 13, there were 130,000.

This week, after two weeks of holiday-muddled death data, the inevitable consequence of these rising hospitalizations arrived. States reported 23,259 COVID-19 deaths this week, 25 percent more than in any other week since the pandemic began. For scale, the COVID-19 deaths reported this week to exceed the CDC's current estimate for flu-related deaths during the entire 2019–20 season. (The Atlantic)


"I mean they put these rules in place … they're not even following their own rules," he added. "How many people have gotten caught? Don't travel, don't leave the state. Oh, here's so-and-so on a vacation. Oh, here's so-and-so at a salon. Don't eat out at a restaurant unless you're wearing a mask and separate. Oh, here's a picture of the governor of California violating those rules. Oh, public schools are closed but I can send my kids to a private school in person. It's like, I mean, for us to count on the government to help us out is becoming a joke at this point." (Aaron Rodgers)


The United States is facing both a deadly pandemic and a political crisis, and in each case, some highly trained professionals have been actively undermining the public interest. A handful of physicians, academics, and other trained experts have helped enable President Donald Trump’s deadly mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and stoked needless fears about vaccines. Attorneys with impressive credentials have assisted Trump in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which culminated in an attempted coup. Many of the professionals in question were once respected authorities in their fields; today, they are at the forefront of pushing conspiracy theories that have immobilized a 245-year-old democracy and its ability to perform basic functions, such as holding elections and protecting citizens from preventable mass death. (The Atlantic)


My Linden School Elementary School English teachers reminded their students to always use three examples to prove a point. Points can always be suggested, they would add, and more may be surrounding you as would the winds of a tornado but pick three to highlight your point of view…AND, than, once I had the opportunity of having my favorite teacher in the entire universe of educators, in my high school of, Taylor Allderdice, Mrs. Lenore Musoff, she would add, “…be precise, sharp, and let people want to know more, you can write, but will people read it! If they read it, then open up that grab bag of information and let them bathe happily ever after within its content!” So in accordance, I write this BLOG, first with FACTS (yes MAGA and Trump Inner Circle and Proud Boys and even you Good Nazi’s and American Evangelical White Nationalist Christians, FACTS can assist in living or inspire death if ignored.) And them 3 random, but coincidentally common in conscience examples.  Examples of why, maybe, we do need to issue a Federal ID card, which simply reads, I TRAVEL IN SPITE OF MEDICAL AND INTELLIGENCE ADVICE TO THE CONTRTARY/I INSISTED THAT ONLY SOCIALISTS WORE MASKS/AND JESUS GAVE ME MY BODY, AND ONLY HE CAN TELL ME WHAT TO WITH IT! And the card in a Red Letters should be stamped with a Scarlet C and L and D, Covid-Loser-Denier…DO  OT ADMIT TO ANY HOSPITAL!



The United States is facing both a deadly pandemic and a political crisis, and in each case, some highly trained professionals have been actively undermining the public interest. A handful of physicians, academics, and other trained experts have helped enable President Do

Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Traitors, a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc. Cowards, persons who lack the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Enablers persons who encourage or enable negative or self-destructive behavior in another. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Insurrection, Rebellion, uprising, or insurrection is a refusal of obedience or order. It refers to the open resistance against the orders of established authority. White Nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism that espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity. Many of its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation or a "white ethnostate". Evil, in a general sense, is the opposite or absence of good. It can be an extremely broad concept, although in everyday usage is often used more narrowly to talk about profound wickedness. (All definitions via Wiki-Pedia…all definitions pertaining to those who have kissed the ring, licked the ass, collected the entrails of Trump!


FOX NEWS- Propaganda machine, permitting lies to become fact, facts to fail, failure as a priority, priority to ignore the Constitution, the Constitution, only a prop to be used as propaganda! (in the example, Laura Ingraham/Tucker Carlson/Laura Ingraham/Sean Hannity. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL NATIONALISTS-humans desiring to become demigods, demigods, only interested in becoming God’s never to be loving to become masters over minions, minions lower than one-celled bacteria, fearful, hateful, resentful, and easily conned into worshipping demigods, whose God-like presence is portrayed and praised on Fox News. (In an example, Franklin Graham/Jerry Falwell Junior/Ralph Reed/Tony Perkins (All definitions via Gerry Buncher…all definitions pertaining to those who make a profit, kissing the ring, licking the ass, collecting the entrails of Trump! 


Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. A fine definition, on paper, but when that paper is not read, just wrinkled up and spat upon, ignored, or burned to shreds. None of the above mentioned, FOX NEWS or AMERICAN EVANGELICAL NATIONALISTS care about the definition of PATRIOTISM, but all of the above are smart enough to abuse it as an excuse to remain relevant!






Wednesday, January 13, 2021


  “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” LBJ


Look around at the results of picking the pockets of white men, while demonstrating, HIS con, (that of Trump) and his allure to hone in on the sheer insecurities, of that white man or woman, placing a priority on their bigotries, inciting, the self-loathing of each, as a battle cry, leading to INSURRECTION! No empathy, nor sympathy, but mere madness and manipulation, Trump understands, HATE/LOATHING/FEAR, better than most because better than most he too suffers from the same delusions, and dreary depressed life of an emotionally crippled man, and a man who is missing a soul.


As the pro-Trump mob stormed up the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, a big yellow banner stood out among the blue Trump flags carried high by the throng: "JESUS SAVES." Nearby was another, with an even stranger message — "JESUS 2020" — as if the Lord himself had been a candidate in the disputed election. (NPR)


And speaking of souls, most of us might wonder, into, what the soul of the American Evangelical Church, has morphed? Sincere, and serious, believers in Trump, from early on, never wavering or questioning his morals or values, (actually, making excuses for his debauchery and dystopian choices) have insisted on each and every machination, and declaration has been Jesus inspired, Jesus motivated, and Christ-like! They have permitted Trump to ascend as the newest of Prophets, practicing an almost nuanced form of religious heresy, chanting hyperbole, and indulging in hypocrisy. And of course, replacing democracy with a surge of White Christian Nationalism for good measure!


And on this day, Wednesday, January 13, 2021, the Republican’s in The House of Representatives, the majority who are WHITE, and CHRISTIAN, also all of them AMERICAN, are debating…let me say that again, DEBATING, the merits of a con man, who has demanded authoritarian rule, incited INSURRECTION and TYRANNY, approved of the death chants, and intentional attempts to cause bodily harm or death, of government officials, applauds the efforts of criminals to continue their heinous ways, by letting them know, HE LOVES THEM! Again:  “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” LBJ




Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 As Trump’s INSURECTIONISTS continue to threaten, bully, and get away with murder (ACTUALLY, NOT LITERALLY), there are one too many in the GOP who pretend, once again that the truth is a lie, the lie is coming from the Dems, and the Dems are really the ones who crave dissent! And as the Republican’s sputter, and spin, shit all over the country, TRUMP remains a free man, and is still on the PAYROLL of the taxpayer!


As State Capitols are on a lockdown, as this nation seems to be blackmailed by MAGA, as threats mount and mount, the GOP, demurs insisting that the real problem IS trying to accuse TRUMP of INSURRECTION and in doing that IS the real reason, why TYRANNY, and SEDATION, will continue…INSTEAD OF…




 rel·e·vant: adjective, closely connected, or appropriate to what is being done or considered. Appropriate to the current time, period, or circumstances; of contemporary interest. 1a: having a significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand. b: affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion relevant testimony. Merriam-Webster Dictionary

ir·rel·e·vant adjective, not connected with or relevant to something. The definition of irrelevant is defined as something that doesn't apply or is not related to the subject. An example of irrelevant is someone saying it's noon when asked for the temperature outside. Merriam-Webster Dictionary


The list of TRUMP enablers, wishing to save their asses, perhaps snuggle up to a cozier more friendly, less ENEMY OF THE STATE, chapter in the US History Books, hoping that future employment will be readily available and to not be considered a pariah, has grown! Suddenly what had always been the truth, and factual for intelligent and true Patriots of this nation, those of us, who also believe in science, medicine, and intent of the Constitution is like that whack on the side of the head, and these TRUMP things want to distance themselves, too little too late and actually IS IRRELEVANT! These false flags of sincerity or concern by the TRUMP cultists NOW, only prove the point that ALL ALONG, they knew, enjoyed, planning TRUMP’S bid to become an AUTHORITARIAN…but somehow, their plan and his intentions backfired and the damage done to JUST THE AVERAGE AMERICAN, has intruded upon these SEDITION SEEKING SHYSTERS. All of that is RELEVANT, and all of that RELEVANCE must be remembered, and consequences MUST befall the entire lot of them!


So, now the cry IS, to ignore any and all past divisions and diversions established by the GOP, to deny a democratic involvement in governing, replacing it with policies of White Supremacy/Christian Nationalism/Alienation based on Bigotry, Fear, Hate; and to let bygones be bygones, and REUNITE, all of us! That is RELEVANT. It has RELEVANCE because, by insisting that these actions from the past never mattered, would equate to ignoring the rot and ruin, decay, and intentional destruction of democracy, by these same bad actors! It would mean that somehow, all the events leading to the INSURRECTION on January 6, 2020, were trivial, and trite. THEY WERE NOT, and NEVER INTENDED TO BE! And that has a whole lot of RELEVANCE.