Friday, June 30, 2017

trump's tweets

Because a comedy on television has a laugh track and every few seconds the audience seems to split a rib laughing, or wild applause appears from the vacuum of time and space when some taboo is suggested or innuendo is spoken does not mean the comedy is really funny. Most likely the writers know they have produced an average script, and just to make sure that all of the jokes don’t fall flat on their noncreative faces, a round of applause, or a surge of laughter instill confidence to the writer and most likely to uninformed viewer that what they just saw or heard IS or MUST be funny! Everyone is laughing, so maybe so should I. How many sexual, gender specific, ethnic, stereotype jokes cause great laughter, unless you too think that way. And honestly, grow up, none of that stuff is really funny enough to even waste a deep breath over. But in this age of plastic, lots of FABULOUS TV comedies rack in the ratings because many of us prefer the mundane and ask for little more. 

Because Trump can Tweet, does not mean he should. Because Trump can Tweet does not mean a single word written carried any weigh, except the excessive weight of inappropriate, embarrassing, idiocy, insecure narcissistic character, and so much immaturity it would be sitting around a campfire with adolescents discussing which mean girl or boy is the meanest, or which attuned vocalist can actually sing. Because Trump can Tweet does mean he is of any intelligence, but does suggest his limit of undersigning ANYTHING. Pretending he is the GUY who will not take crap, the White House defends Trump as the the fighter. All the while Trump tries to bully, and we know just how insecure and how insignificant BULLY's truly feel. They try to be larger than life because in their heart of hearts they understand they are so small that even a microscope might not pick up their presence. Trump Tweets because he knows it brings attention, he is too stupid to realize for many it is the wrong attention…but if it appeases the Flat Earth/ Science is Hoax/FoX News is real crowd then Trump is happy. Because Trump Tweets we are all in trouble. Trump knows NO boundaries, and believes he needs no boundaries…sadly because of the Republicans so far NO boundaries have been set for this illiterate, uneducated ignoramus idiot of a person.

Canned laughter to me is a true sign that the writers have only gone though the motion in presenting the comedy, that the networks only care to cater to the common denominator of dumb. Trump’s Tweets are the same, little effort to think, to care to include…lots of time to bask in the limelight of lonely and lost.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Compassion and Truth

Hesed, V Emet: Compassion and Truth. I was able to bring the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt to the Houston JCC many years ago when I worked as an Assistant Executive Director. My Director, my Board of Directors, the leadership within the Jewish Community of Houston agreed that it was about time for our community to understand that we are as mighty as the strong within our community and as weak as the most vulnerable. Our presentation of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, included Quilt not only from Americans who succumbed to HIV/AIDS, but in an attempt to better educate the Jewish demographic of our membership. we were recipients of Quilt from Israel, with the names of Jewish and Arab Israeli’s. Jews, yes Jews could be at risk, along with anyone else. HIV/AIDS did not and does not discriminate. (Many years ago, I remember hearing the Yiddish phrase, “A Schiker ist a Goy”, schiker translates to alcoholic and Goy meaning non Jewish…it was assumed back in the day, that certainly a good Jewish person would never be an alcoholic, that shame was reserved for the non Jews) To imagine a dozen panels of Quilt with names of jewish men and women written in English and Hebrew, all having died of this horrible disease…to imagine looking at the names and the pictures, and the design and the ornaments sewn so precisely on Quilt…and then to imagine as a heterosexual Jew, being someone so removed from the lives of the homosexual community, to look and say, that could have been my son or my daughter. As the official staff person, along with my Chairperson, we would be the first people to answer questions. Often times we heard, “i didn’t know”. "I always thought it someone else” “How does this happen”, and “Oh, my God, so many” (and this were just a dozen panels)

I bring up this memory of presenting the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, because, I too even as an LGBTQ person had no idea of the devastation. I had read about the Gay Cancer, I had listened as common citizens begged the government to care. I had wondered, just who were the people infected, and since they seemed anonymous to me, how deep should my despair delve. But here I was reading the information of babies dying, of parents dead, of average men and women in the energetic hopeful hours of their lives, gone. We had the Quilt on display for at least a month, and when the time came to honorably fold the Quilt and place each unique story into its safe space, I cried. I had NEVER known anyone to die of HIV/AIDS, but now I knew hundreds of people, and I grew sad, I grew, angry and I said Never again on my watch. 

If and when the GOP, under the tutelage of Mitch McConnell and his band of 13 old white men, decimate Obama Care (because Trump hates anything with the name Obama as a part of it, and people like the Koch Brothers pay Senators to vote for special interests) millions will die. First they will suffer, people we don’t know, but like the QUILT, they have names, they have family they have a purpose. We may say 26 - 30 million may not be able to afford Health Insurance. But they are not just numbers, using anonymous numbers is not good enough. When I saw the names Shirley, Jorge, Issac, La’Shanda, Philip, Andrew Rebecka followed by Doctor, Toddler, Musician, Teacher, Coach, Teenager, Mother, Father, I began to understand who died, not just the fact that many died, but individuals died. Shame on the Senate, but a bigger cry of SHAME to all of us who have yet to understand, we are as strong as the bravest and as weak as the most insecure. We need COMPASSION and it must speak the TRUTH. AMEN! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Invaders From Mars

Curious adolescent boy David MacLean (Jimmy Hunt) confronts aliens who have set up base in his backyard. The extraterrestrials intend to use mind control on the local townsfolk. Determined to stop the invaders, who have already co-opted his father (Leif Erickson), he attempts to warn others. But when local law officers also succumb, David teams up with astronomer Stuart Kelston (Arthur Franz) and Dr. Pat Blake (Helena Carter), and the trio must fight together to repel the insidious intruders. {Invaders From Mars, Story by John Tucker Battle- 1953} I remember going to the Drive-In watching this movie, and to this day, of the hundreds of SCI-FI movies i have watched, Invaders From Mars still terrifies me. At first I thought I was afraid of the aliens (back in the 50’s everyone was scared of the Little Green Men from Mars), but the older I became and a little more savvy about UFO’s/Green Men/Aliens, I realized that my fear regarding Invaders From Mars, truly stemmed from the idea that little David MacLean saw, firsthand what was happening to his town, but had NO ONE to turn to, he could trust, to help him. And worst of all the people he did trust like his father and the sheriff, the protectors of freedom were the the ENEMY. OY! Just like Stephen King characters who know the next door neighbor is a Vampire or Maniac or a Creature, those characters know the truth but the people they trust the MOST to help make the BAD go away are just as EVIL as the Monsters!

Today, as of no surprise to me or perhaps the millions of Americans who were shocked that Hillary lost the Electoral College but won stunningly with the popular vote…the millions of Americans who knew that the Senate would once again become a Dem majority…the millions of Americans who just could NOT understand the topsy-turvy event of Trumps win…to those millions the news today that the GOP leadership was aware of the Russian hacking into state polling places…that the GOP state Attorney’s General who refused to even look at the possibility of hacking…that evidence has been uncovered and is still be found that the leadership of GOP partnered with Putin to keep democracy from America…to all of us Millions, FINALLY, something we all knew, something terrible rotting away at our democratic foundation, something which has been poohed poohed and ignored by almost every single Republican pundit and politician has been proven to be true. The Millions of us were like little David MacLean who knew that the martians were using mind control to take over the world, his world, and NO BODY WANTED TO BELIVE HIM!

And yet, many will refuse to think that something this anti-American could or would happen. And yet the people in charge like little David MacLean’s father and Sheriff are a part of the entire plot to decimate democracy. We have already had special elections, at the ready to blame anyone and anything for the dems loss, YET, we find all knew the Russians hacked the 2016 elections…so why not continue hacking the current crop of 2017 elections…and EVEN WORSE, nothing is being done to STOP the collusion of Russian and Republican hacking of the 2018 elections. At the end of the Invaders From Mars movie, we find that everything little David MacLean saw, was a dream…at first we (at least I) felt relief…PHEW…but then that camera pans in on little David MacLean waking up from his nightmare, only to look out his bedroom window to actually see, as he is awake, the UFO land in his backyard…and this time it is not a dream but real…I am still terrified!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Trump is intimidated by anything with the word Obama in front of it. Trump believes that a quick Executive Order can eliminate most of the work begun by President Obama. Trump never looks beyond his own image, and imagines that if no one says the words President Obama ever again, then Trump will become the president adored; adored as his older children/the Russians/people who need hate to thrive/the masses who prefer to find scapegoats for their own inadequacies/and the fools who just hated Hillary, just because and voted for Trump…ADORE him! And in his insecure attempt to eradicate anything Obama from the environment to science to a living wage to immigration and now to health care, Trump and His Legion of Doom will permit the premeditated deaths of millions. Trump and His Republican anarchists are building a form of concentration camps in this nation, perhaps not physical stations (but places in each state for those states whose Governor and Legislatures are majority Republican) where Medicaid will be either be eliminated or lessened, health care costs skyrocketing in price…and in this states like concentration camps the inhabitants will surly survive, but the quality of their lives will be miserable.

KellyAnne Conway, is Ann Coulter on steroids, we know that, and we know she lies for a living and the more exaggerated her commentary, the more inflammatory her verbiage, the more disgusting her innuendo, the more money she makes. One time some of media refused to have her on their shows, knowing full well the next word out of her mouth would be a lie…But she is back, and she is now informing us that being poor is tough shit, to be poor is to not be able to afford health care or Medicaid. Tough shit, for YOU poor person even if you are someone’s grandmother, a Veteran, a young child living in a below poverty family and even a good Christian kind of person who prayed to God but still became addicted to opioids…the American way is capitalism free market…don’t want to die get a job or to or three…Concentration camp living, the kind of life where you barely survive day to day, of course not for KellyAnne, nope she will do fine, as long as she continues to lie, lie, lie for Emperor with no clothes. 

So, now America, those of you who are sons or daughters spouses grand grandchildren of Veterans, who have been silent regarding all of the Nazi’s working in the White House. Those of you who are Veterans, who have suffered terrible effects from the Korean and Viet Nam Wars, or friends and family of those Vets, who have remained silent as anyone Trump has embraced the Communist state and Putin. All of you who are first or second generation of Immigrants whose own lives depended on coming to America, who have remained silent with Trumps build a wall campaign. All of you who are women, or daughters, or sons or husbands who love a female and believe her reproductive rights belong to her, all of you who have remained silent as women are becoming nothing but male owned chattel…All of you who were fucking proud to cast your vote for Trump because he was nothing more but a reality star with lots of snake oil promises…are you going to remain silent as at 26 million people begin  to live their lives as if in a concentration camp…are you going to remain silent as older Americas just die because they cannot afford their Medicaid and are too frail to work (even if they could find a job)…The thing about concentration camps is that they downsize, infant when a new demographic is the next target, more get built…The Gays learned during the AIV/AIDS Crisis SILENCE EQUALS DEATH. Trump is sick his regime is sick. The GOP Leadership is sick,,,and now tell me why you remain SILENT? 

Monday, June 26, 2017


For the handful of Senators from the GOP, who do not identify as privileged white old men or prophets from know the women...their silence is deafening regarding Trump Republican Death Care. Susan Collins is doing her typical I am a moderate act, but she dost protest too little, Lisa Murkowski, should be concerned because her Alaskan constituents like the ACA, Joni (Annie Get Your Gun)Ernst, has been almost missing in action. Shelley Capito of WV, has a whole lot women on Medicaid, but she seems elusive. One has to imagine that these women should be pretty pissed, but its the GOP and maybe they need permission from their masters. After all it took only 13 White Privileged Men to decide on the LACK of insuring men and women of America. Please, Susan, Lisa, Joni, and Shelley don’t tell me you are about the health of Americans when in fact you haven’t even tried to protect the people who identify with your gender. What is it about the GOP, you actually like…second class citizenship…lack of freedom for reproductive rights…being scolded by old white men…

Perhaps you might demonstrate some real leadership, NOT by feigning your opposition to the Trump Republican Death Care bill, but by REALLY not voting for it…imagine the kind of image you might present to Republican women who are busy in the kitchen, making babies, wearing pearls around their necks as they clean house…imagine how someone’s daughter might want to be you…not you the subservient female, but you the woman who leads…OR maybe too much voice, too much freedom will just mean Comrade McConnell will just primary you out next time around. Shame on you Senators for being nothing but facades for a political party so far out of touch and reality!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

about Hillary

Has it occurred to anyone, you know those who voted for Jill Stein, or who were Bernie or Bust… those who rolled their eyes because well Hillary just wasn’t enough of this or that…those who thought Bill might be the real Boss in the Oval Office…those who permitted innuendo, assumption, perhaps’s and maybe’s to sway a very clouded opinion…because after all its, Hillary AFTER all these years, and now once again she has the audacity wanting to become President… Has it occurred to you, just how much fear this woman HAD placed in Vladimir Putin, you know the MACHISMO DUDE from Russia…how much power, professionalism, intelligence, and passion…Hillary would have brought to the White House, if she had been elected…Had it occurred to YOU, you know you, Anyone But Hillary citizen, that this lady, above all other men and women in the United States had caused so such intimidation to a dictator whose middle name is I Will Poison You, for him to have planned and plotted a scheme to destroy the United States democracy in hopes that SHE would NEVER try to run again! Has it occurred to you one person above all else scared the shit out Comrade Mitch MCConnell, that he decided to commit treason and perform anarchy, JUST to keep her from power….

Why is it the Dems are ALWAYS the last to realize the power we possess… why is that the Dems pay no attention to the world around them, like perhaps looking at just how frightened the Republican candidates were regarding Hillary’s run for office…She didn’t ask for the attention, THINK hard about it…she was pushed into so many spotlights that those bright lights stopped blinding her…YET, the Dems became blind, and deaf and dumb, listening to every conceivable fable and foible…just because…well, to be honest it was Hillary. The GOP knew hoe great of a president Hillary would have been. Vladimir UNDERSTOOD Hillary’s abilities, that why he fought so hard to deny her access to the American public as president.

Please don’t tell me Bernie or Elizabeth, or Senator Harris in 2020. This nation has done nothing so far to remedy the mistakes, the hacking, the interference, the buying and selling of democracy from 2016. It won’t matter who the Dems nominate, because as Dems we think there is always someone better, more inclusive, better suited…had we stopped our internal blame and bickering and been focused on the prize, as had the Russians and Mitch McConnell, Trump would be in prison or locked away in the Kremlin, and the angst and animosity felt by the more intelligent of this community would have faded away. Hillary the one to win, except everyone but the Dems understood that! 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

wowza, wowza

…Wowza, wowza, read all about it…the Russians did in deed hack the election in 2016…wowza, wowza, the hacking by the Russians did effect the results in some states…wowza, wowza, 2016 defied almost every single scientific polling and wham bam the Republicans maintained their majority in the House and a slight majority in the Senate…wham bam ma’m Mitch McConnell risked the seat on the Supreme Court by denying President Obama a mere nomination to the Judiciary, what foresight, what political courage by MCConnell, what a payoff, McConnell must have made from Putin…step right up, the Republicans are hesitant to tarnish the good name of Trump, so they have denied any and all true investigations into Trump and Co’s allegiances with the Russians…GOP American hero’s or GOP American Jihadist’s…right this way…one by one the Trump Administration hires attorney’s…two by two the attorney's hire attorneys…justice is blind, and anyone Trump hopes the rest of this nation remains BLIND also…

Nothing to see here say the Trump Administration…”what, me worry” tweets Trump why would we fix the election process when there is nothing wrong with it, I won… the sky is falling shout the Dems as they also brag about special elections and how this time , just by saying it, we are going to beat those GOP bastards…we must make sure we win in 2018…the Russians hacked into the polling stations in 2016…nothing has been into place to stop it in 2018…Dems the sky isn’t falling it has, so get your head out of you asses and replace the sky…the blame game shout the Dems…Nancy, Nancy, bo, Bancy, Nancy…Pelosi must go, she isn’t helping us win…lets all be moderates, America loves moderates, except when they vote for Conservative Republicans…

…More revelations than found in the Bible regarding Trump and Republican collusion…rapture for trump and Republicans, cause its easier to screw the Constitution than to abide by it…thous shalt not’s have become thou sure as hell will…as long as one side demands we play by the rules, while the other side breaks them and breaks them…talking heads delighted to discuss, never ever talking the real shit, just stuff they make up…TV entertainers pretend they forecast the news but just invent it…and real journalists are hardly heard from, or when finally found..talking heads with nothing but their own agenda debate the truth…Ladies and gentlemen, may I present 2018, right around the corner, but this years model will definitely look like its predecessor 2016…You go Vladimir, you go…

Friday, June 23, 2017

objects in mirrors

Parading themselves as concerned for their Constituents, pretending that a real voter’s voice matters, Senator Collins from Maine and Senator Murkowski from Alaska demurred as delightfully as one would expect and without moving their lips so the words coming forth could be heard, but only in a whisper (because these Senators know audio and video have a half life longer than radiation) peppered the Press with a well this Health Bill is not quite up to snuff, and before we vote on it, some changes must be made. Collins and Murkowski like dressing up as the Moderate Wing of the Republican Party…offering just enough resistance to hopefully fool their more intelligent Republican base, but not enough to offend the Tea Baggers/White Supremacists/ and of course Christian Conservatives. These two Senators like to say what the people want, then do as Mitch McConnell directs them. Don’t be fooled, the objects in this mirror are a lot closer to Comrade McConnell then they let on!

Rand Paul and Ted (The Prophet) Cruz, were quite pissy, it seemed to them that something is rotten in America if ALL of its citizens should have affordable health care. Surely for Cruz (with whom he has had dozens of conversations with Jesus), it is not the right Christian Conservative principle to let people be healthy, and for Rand Paul, if you want to suffer and die, it is not the government’s position to intervene, (except of course if you are a female and want an abortion). Both Senators have an image to live up, albeit that image was destroyed by Trump during the primaries. So Cruz and Paul will sigh and stammer build up just enough FOX News 15 minutes of fame, so the stupid who support them will believe both Senators actually care. But…don’t be fooled the objects in this mirror are a lot closer to Comrade McConnell then they let on.

Wealthy talking heads on TV the ones who can purchase really good health care are doing their best to pretend the Trump Health Care debate, is a DEBATE. They pretend that for the past 8 years, Comrade McConnell has gotten what he wanted always at the expense of the American always on the Expense account of the Corporations are are suddenly more important people. The Senate needs a 50 vote with of course Mr God Loves Me Best VP Pence breaking the tie. So Comrade Mitch McConnell will permit a few Senators to act the boisterous bull shitter’s, but, Mitch knows he calls the shots. the Talking Heads will pretend that this is not a done deal…but life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has never been a concern for the Republicans, so why start now.  Warning all Senators may look larger than life, but they all are a lot closer to Comrade McConnell!

willing to try

In Iowa, trump held a rally for his 2020 presidential campaign (nothing says living in your own head like Trump) Knowing that his base will always be there for him as long as he feeds them racism/ fear/xenophobia/lies upon lies and makes them the victim of some unforeseen enemy, Trump is at his best. He once said, while on a camping trip in 2016 , he could stand in Times Square and tell people to kill foe him and they would…perhaps not the same words but the SAME intent. And for all the crazy, delusional mental illness circulating in his sick mind, this was honesty at its best. Why i mention this is, that while in Iowa for his announced 2020 Campaign trump looked at the audience and with great glee told them, (I might imagine very few were part of the top 10% of income earners for this nation, that he likes poor people, but would never hire them because, well they are stupid, its rich people who rock (again perhaps my verbiage is absit more dramatic, but still it makes the same point Trump intended to make while ignoring his cadre of Wall Street Cabinet appointees and Advisors. Not a boo, but trump was bathed in APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE!

So, America, and DEMS and and anyone else who sees that a naked Emperor is not only ugly but a hinderance to the future of democracy, be worried….NO be REALLY worried, because his base, no matter how sadistic and hurtful he may be to them, loves them some Trump. They ain’t gonna give an inch, even when they have no health insurance, their coal furnaces stop working, their kids stop going to schools, and their food stamps run out…They ain’t gonna budge when the Russian language becomes the official dialect for the good ole US of A…they ain’t gonna even notice that slavery, not the kind for just the colored folk, makes a come back…If we want to change this nation and try to restore it back to some kind of democratic norm…WELL then folks it ain’t gonna be with any one who agrees, with Franklin Graham who once said, that Trump is a Christian in Training, or who agreed with Paul Ryan who insisted Trump is learning to president, cut him a break. We are fucked folks, if we think removing Trump from office begins with his supporters. Nope, Nada, No Way, they will fight every step of his removal…and what worries me most is just what kind of fight they are willing to try!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

In the name of

‘In the name of religion,’ has found footing in another part of the world, claiming, of course the  most innocent of victims, children. The country of Yemen is in the throw of a long Civil War, one side being supported by the Iranians, and the other side financed by Saudi Arabia (Yes that same Saudi Arabia from which Trump did the magic sword dance and promised a 12 billion dollar gift of fighter jets) Iran and Saudi Arabia each use their version of Islam as a means to appease their God who it seems is NEVER mightier than the people who don’t pray the same way each of the waring governments approve of. Of course the kids from Syria are still dying but that is old news and now the the US is a puppet satellite of the Russian government, there is nothing to see in Syria. Kids dying, kids suffering, kids in pain but hey their parents decided to believe in Muhammad, the other and darker skinned guy from the Middle east. Wrong choice, let your kids die!

In Christian Kingdom, America we have our own issues. Jesus is the king of this nation, but like the Muslim countries, there is not just one way to demonstrate your love for him, actually it depends which Jesus you prefer because according to American Jesus handlers there is the right way and the you don’t stand a chance in Heaven way! The kids in Flint are suffering and dying, some sooner than others and many in a most insidious and painful way, all from the fact that they are a minority and of color , and Jesus, according to many a Southern Baptist, was following his Father’s understanding that the color of your skin makes a big difference in who is loved and how they are loved. The below poverty line kids not just the children of immigrants (those over zealous brown skinned lower life forms) but the white kids of Appalachia, the Ozark’s, anywhere in Florida/Alabama or Mississippi and of course Tornado Ally, are also malnourished. Now the Christian Conservatives of this nation will insist that their Jesus did not become God by inheriting the Lords last name, nope that Jesus, had to work his way up from poverty. So for these Conservative Christian Crusaders of America, Jesus only loves you when you pull yourself up from your bootstrap…too bad you can afford the boots, the ain’t Jesus’s responsibility to assist you. After all Jesus chose Trump to lea his nation and even Trump said last night in Iowa, I will not poor people, they can’t be leaders…i am only hiring the rich, you know bankers from Wall Street, the kind Jesus would be proud of.

‘In the name of religion, and using that phony con, the GOP is trying to eliminate the lives of Americans, you know the rift-raft the folks who should die cause they can’t pay for health insurance/medications , the kind of people THEIR Jesus would never like. ‘In the name of Religion’ humans can act like Gods pretending that they are doing so to save their God. When is enough enough!

Jason's Guns

The thing about Republican politicians is a simple THING: if something bad happens to them, no matter how horrific, unbelievable, awful, sinful, insidious that THING had been to the average American, IT never mattered BECAUSE, that THING wasn’t personal enough.

Today, Jason Chaffetz, one of the most hypocritical and self serving of current GOP douchebags, rumored to have some kind of financial ties to a few Russians, was JUST bedside himself regarding the shooting of Rep Scalise during the GOP baseball game practice.

Jason Chaffetz, wants protections from guns. According to Mr Chaffetz, it JUST isn’t right that anyone can shoot at a politician…HUH! The man whose Party’s answer to school shootings is just give the teachers guns…the man whose Party’s response for gun violence is no back ground checks…the man whose Party thinks Assault weapons, silencers and multi capacity ammunition is the American Way…this man who has voted and voted and voted for MORE guns, with less restrictions, SUDDENLY  thinks, guns ONLY used at politicians should have some kind of restriction… it was like that time when Ronald Reagan’s health issues with Alzheimers became public (after all he was JUST the president and none of us were supposed to know how ill he was), and suddenly Nancy decided that stem cell research was NOT a bad thing after all… The Republicans bathe inn hypocrisy, they feed upon it, they could care less if they are called out on it and will like Trump call it a witch hunt.  Jason Chaffetz is alarmed it seems that now other people, not just Right Wing people want to use their Second Amendment Rights, and NOW as he is leaving Congress, believes we have a gun problem…OMG!

McConnell's Collusion

McConnell’s Collusion, may BE a conspiracy theory, but somehow it seems too coincidental to not take a second look at. I mean who would have EVER considered for more than one laughable moment that a Reality Blow Hard Lying Loser would have been elected to the office of president. Come on we had Nixon/Reagan/Bush/ America, one might have thought realized just how important of a position President of the United States of America SHOULD be. So, let me ponder on the wiles, wit, guiles and gaul, selfishness and self-serving motives of one Comrade Mitch McConnell, the guy who I believe sold out is country to Vladimir Putin!

Comrade Mitch, is a smart man, intelligent enough to understand the Constitution, of course not to abide by it, but to twist it and turn it almost as an attack dog against his opponents. He did so beautifully while the Minority Party in the Senate, and then as is pure perfect Comrade Mitch ignored it while the Majority Party. He has leaned the art of double speak and lives off of hypocrisy, as a Vampire thrives from blood. No double standard is too difficult for Comrade Mitch, and he could give one shit if any if you call him on it. Insects, vermin, are to be stepped upon and squashed, and Comrade Mitch decides when to step hard. Comrade Mitch is a perfect example of why term limits are necessary and a more perfect reason why they will never happen; he has the power, and has little use for the people who are not anointed Corporations. Why Comrade Mitch was able to con two presidents into having his wife Elaine Chao  appointed as Labor Secretary (scandal haunted her tenure) and now Transportation Secretary. Mitch has a nick name, as a turtle, have you paid attention just how slow his Party has been on anything Russia, anything illegal by Trump!

But I digress. Here is how I believe McConnell has colluded with the Russians. The entire world including the GOP candidates for president knew Trump would never ever win the Party’s nomination. The debates grew heated, names were called, and the front runners were certain Trump, the Idiot had no chance even with a base of ignorant Tea Party fools. So, one might have imagined that when President Obama nominated Merrick Garland, (a kind of middle of the road lets find consensus man) as a candidate for Justice,  even the many Republican Senators agreed, thinking that when Hillary won her candidates would be further to the left. But not Comrade Mitch, he held out, and out and out. Comrade Mitch, I believe had been in talks with the Russians maybe even before they had blackmail on Trump. After all hacking the DNC meant that it wasn’t too difficult to hack the RNC. Comrade Mitch’s refusal for a sure thing with Merrick Garland only meant he was holding out for a MORE sure thing. Hack the 23 states election commissions, change the vote so the Senate and the House would retain the Majority. Prop up Trump (the thing McConnell didn’t realize is how empty Trump was and how hard it is to even reason with an idiot). Begin the decimation of checks and balances, feed off the dollars of the billionaires, become your own tycoon and fuck the American people. And wait, get the Ultra Conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, when NO one ever believed it could happen. McConnell’s collusion, think about it, think about Mitch McConnell’s refusal to work not ever, NEVER with the Dems, why…because Mitch knew just how sophisticated, savvy and insidious Putin’s plan to demolish democracy was…McConnell’s collusion fit Mitch like a shadow, and now THAT shadow haunts all of us!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

the sixth

Since all I know is that every other email from the DNC, DSSC, anything with the letter D on it has been that my matching gift, my extra $3, my one last minute gift would make a crucial difference in the Georgia 6th Congressional District race. Perhaps my contribution did help as the once 20 point Republican lead was lessened to a mere 5 or 6 points. OR maybe my extra donations did nothing, as every time I suggested how the DNC might work the crowd, or exactly how was my money being spent, or hello tell me more about the race other then “this time we have Trump shaking”, I received no response. But damn it, the DNC knew how to communicate with me when it was money they were after.

Here is my beef. No one seems to be in charge of any kind of strategy wishing the powers that be at the DNC. It seems like it is a private club. The RNC is a private, for members only club but they keep their base marching to same drum beat telling them to be afraid, never embrace difference, and always find a scapegoat. The RNC message sucks, but at least it is a message. The Dems/Liberals/Progressives are just that a whole lot of everybody, we like it that way and if we are that way then there needs to be a grown up in the room to handle all of this. How about some follow up DNC, in each and every Congressional District you were certain we would win. How about stopping the grandstanding ahead of time shouting, we got them worried, and finally looking back at how they weren’t worried and won.

The fools in Georgia are gonna be sore when it comes to health care, remind them of that, the folks in Montana are gonna find their jobs exported or non existent, tell them about them. Remind the fools that if they were so smart as to NOT vote for their own welfare, her is what their District is going to look like. BUT please Dems, stop bragging about future races with our fully following through on your failures to win. And just for a little conspiracy idea…seems to me awfully close for a race like that, how do we know NO one tinkered or is the word HACKED the results, just thinking out loud!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Steve Kornacki

I have acclimated to the LA weather, and have shed the rough and tough Pittsburgh climate I knew as a youth. So, today, it is 85 degrees and too hot to hike outside, so I have acquiesced, listening to the excessive heat warnings from each and every LA weather person and decided to finish my workout using the treadmill in the gym. Nothing for me is more boring than indoor cardio on a piece of equipment surrounded by people who refuse to sweat, because after all it is LA. CNN and MSNBC are the two cable networks on the wide screen TV’s and as much as I have tired to avoid talking heads, I was actually intrigued by Steve Kornacki’s performance art as he gyrated, jiggled, shimmied with excitement trying to explain the numbers and the polling behind the RACE OF THE CENTURY in Georgia’s sixth district. It seems the Dems believe that their candidate Jon Ossoff has a chance to break the red tide of history for that district hopefully beating Karen Handel, the person who finds Planned Parenthood a non necessity, and who now has become a fan of TrumpCare. One problem for me, with this race is how the Dems talk the talk about Mr ossify winning this district, but aside from a constant barrage of just send in three more dollar emails from the DNC, I have no idea what the Dems are doing to win. Overtime I send an email of inquiry I get no response to my question but yet another URGENT just sen $3.

This rant is not about the Dems and their unknown plan to take back the House of Representatives (Too big of a mystery for them to solve I am sure), this rant is about the obvious, which no one seems bothered by. It seems Steve Kornacki (A really good guy with honest intentions) understand percentages, numbers, patterns etc, ll of the guideline which at one time could help predict a politicians winning path…BUT, no matter how sincere Mr Kornacki is (As he almost masturbates explaining voting in Georgia), he is forgetting the ONE thing that proved him wrong and caught most Americans off guard (Not Mitch McConnell and his Republican Comrades) during the Presidential Election…that is and was the Russian hacking into the variety of states polling stations. Not one word has been mentioned as to how we will fix this HUGE mistake, NOT ONE word. So as I used the treadmill at my gym, being the only person who permitted himself to sweet in public in LA, I had to laugh. There was Steve Kornacki once again, telling us how this race could come down to the finish line…EXCEPT…he forgot to mention that the Russians probably will move that finish line and way they wish as they did when they stole the election for Trump. 

Who's On First

Who’s On First: A comedy sketch by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello
At one point in the routine, Costello thinks that the first baseman is named Naturally:
Abbott: You throw the ball to first base.
Costello: Then who gets it?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: Now you've got it.
Costello: I throw the ball to Naturally.
Abbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.
Costello: That's what I said.
Abbott: You did not.
Costello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.
Abbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!
Costello: Naturally.

With each new day America faces the crisis called Trump. With each new day we find that Trump is under investigation, then a few hours later someone representing Trump demands that we believe Trump IS NOT under investigation, then we receive a Tweet and suddenly the investigation is on again. Who’s on First, I ask… With each new day the Liar in Chief IS still sitting in the Oval Office, still able to act the Imperial President and sign Executive Orders redoing anything with the name Barack Obama on it, and still calling the shots because of the GOP being held hostage by Russia, WHO if they tapped into the Dem websites, NATURALLY got a lot of goods from the Republicans, while hacking away!

With each new day we witness the death of a democratic institution once based on checks and balances be drained by less access to the Presidential Press Secretary, by the GOP leadership hiding in the shadows concocting laws without the opposition party privy to any information, cabinet members taking loyalty oaths to Trump rather than this nation, and Republican Congress People placing party before Country. Who is in the White House matters, when he throws a curve ball it matters, when he swings out it matters…none of this is NATURAL, and NATURALLY should to become the norm…I ask Who is on First?

Monday, June 19, 2017

13 million

CNN reports that at least 13 million struggling to feed themselves in this nation. I have not read the fine print, but I am sure if I spent the hours necessary to read it I would find no trace of the the current crop of people in Congress, with Democrat and Republican on that list. I am sure if I spent the time pursuing the study, not one name of a the pay to pray preachers (Con Men) oops I mean preachers, like Osteen, Robertson, Graham, Falwell Jr just too name a few appear on that list. I bet no one cannot member serving in any Cabinet position in the past two decades would be listed. Imagine one person struggling to have at least one healthy meal. In LA and in most cities, major or not, it really isn’t hard to imagine what hungry people look like; just meander down any major thoroughfare and when you are finished shaming the folks asking for food, look at them and consider that inspire of whatever brought them to the streets, they are hungry.

13 million families. It is always good to use the word families, rather than individuals, (first of all the 13 million number would increase and secondly, something more sacred smothers your emotions when you say families. It might be because YOU are from a family or the word family resonates with the American of this nation like Apple Pie,Motherhood and the Flag.  Now hungry families can’t be the same as those street people. Or in fact it could mean the same thing, as in why did they have so many kids when they couldn’t afford to feed themselves, or as in maybe they should just eat the basics, or as in, poor things, i would not want my family to starve.

13 million families struggling to feed themselves in this nation. Who are they, does that matter? Why, does that matter? Could they have avoided this horrible situation in the first place? I have my own family to worry about? If they find God He will intervene. If they continue to vote for the values and morals of the GOP like will get better for them. Talking heads will clear the air regarding this hunger situation. Isn’t this hunger situation a made up issue, after all isn’t CNN fake News. 13 million families times at least 4 in a family is at least 52 million. But then hey the 23 million who  who might be kicked off of affordable health care by Mitch McConnell and his Legion of Doom, seems pale in comparison.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

I ran track in seventh and eighth grade while at Linden School. I was the skinny kid, with more ribs showing than most humans, and for me the dashes were the greatest kind of race ever. I was the either the starter or the finisher for the four team baton relay. Depending on which other elementary school, with which we were competing I was used to tear up the true in the beginning or ride to victory on the last lap. I moved on from athletics to theater, and doing my twenties I had the greatest time sharing my talents as director/choreographer/ and one year as a Playwright directing teens in Musical Comedy productions. For my track meets, my teen plays, I was always made more confident as my father sat on the bleachers or in the reserved first row. I was proud of my accomplishments, but grinned even wider when I saw my father cheer me on or wipe a tear from his eye as my name was mentioned.  His dreams were big, but they had been reigned in by his parents, his plans were wonderful, but somehow the time of his youth was bad timing for his future. My dad, never denied my my adventures, he only cautioned me on looking ahead before I stepped into the fray. try it he would say, but know that trying it did not mean it would be right the first time, but that why we try, so we do better the next time around.

My father was alive for my first child, a son, the new king of the Buncher Family. We had the Bris, and this had been the third time I had really been witness to my fathers tears. The first was sitting in front of the TV watching Walter Cronkite explain to us about the Cuban Embargo and the ramifications of a nuclear war. My father in his solemn voice telling his children, I will protect you. the second time we watched as JFK’s coffin was marched down Pennsylvania Ave, with my father reminding us, good cannot be destroyed. This time my father held his grandson, with my hand around my fathers shoulders, and as my dad did so, he cried, telling me real happiness comes from a place you never knew existed, until its time to cry! My daughter, was born and the honor we could provide my father was his name, so she will always be surrounded by him.

Two kids later, a father myself, I cry at almost every beautiful moment in their lives. I worry when I see dishonesty creep toward them. I want to be a super hero whenever they seem distressed. It isn’t easy, its isn’t hard it IS wonderful to be a father. Time, sometimes is heavy, hard to wear to move from day to day when the burden of responsibility covers your body.I was a son, I am a father, I just hope, when the time comes and I am a memory, it is something that brings joy to my kids!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Just Call Saul

They tell us there is nothing to see here. They go on Fox and Friends (an  amazing reality show where humanoid balloons, each day, are pumped with just enough helium to keep them from flying off into the Twilight Zone) to insist that any bad news is Fake, any good news is always TRUTH and when the good news turns ugly that ALL along the good news was just a ploy. This merchandise of BS is bought and sold and the minions or is it lemmings of hate, racism, and the Flat Earth theory remain satisfied.THEY of course are anyone or anything Trump. Always swearing the truth is out there, but never actually demonstrating where out there it might be living, they continue to uncover new villains, enemies of the state, and of course women who want power over their reproductive lady parts, homosexuals, people of color and the ever popular immigrants are the really, REALLY bad guys!

They tell us  Communism is bad as in Cuba, but Communism is good as in Russians hacking our polling places and politicians emails. They insist that guns don’t kill, except when the gun is pointed at a Republican. They tell us they are Pro Life, but not the life that needs food to live upon a clean climate to breathe, and of course any kind of medical care for the Pro Life to grow into Older Life. They tell us to trust in them but hide behind newly planted laws denying us access to free speech and witnessing them doing their jobs.

We have been told, spoken at, lectured to and treated like stupid children. Why, because of course THEY are Trump and he, as anyone remembers who voted for him or hated Hillary because we knew way too much about her, is the BEST, the Better, Most, and the Most-ess. Now it seems that Trump and anyone Trump is teaching us another lesson, its called Lawyering Up. Suddenly the most FAB and coolest thing to do if you are Trump or anyone or anything Trump, you hire yourself a LAYWER…not just any kind of Just Call Saul kind of lawyer, but the folks who charge at $1000 an hour. THEY have told us, there is nothing to see here…isn’t time we all stop being blind!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Pence the Innocent

So it seems Mike Pence, Pence the Innocent, got himself a LAW-YER! Indeed, the VP who knew nothing, was taken aback by anything Russian, who only showed up to meetings after they were ended, this guy got himself not only a LAW-YER, but a high priced and heavy hitter kind of suits guy.

Mike Pence, Pence the Innocent, has always been very vocal about how even with the Constitution and the supposedly bit of history (Unproven to men like him people who read Briebart, folks who love them Alex Jones, and FOX & Friends patriots,) that this is not a Christian nation, still believe that any laws of the land comes from Jesus. Not just any Jesus mind you, not the Jesus that the Pope believes in, but the Jesus who voted Republican/loves punishment/is a member of the NRA and was a banker. When Mike the Innocent Pence was Governor he sited Jesus’s commandments as reason for his restrictive laws against, homosexuals/women/ and of course the ever popular immigrant. Mike, the Innocent Pence never left a anti anyone bill unsigned without suggesting that he was doing it for Jesus.

Cool huh, this IS still America and we still CAN believe in a God, a powerful force to delineate good from evil, and we still CAN not believe in a God, and believe that good and evil is a human choice…no argument from me. BUT here is the THINGIE, if Mike, the Innocent Pence is so sure that Jesus has his back, how come Mike the Innocent needs a LAW-YER to represent him. Surely Mike, the Innocent is a good guy, doing good things, the kind of good things his Lord and Savior has commanded him to. HMMM, question for ya’ Mike the Innocent Pence, how come you didn’t hire Jesus if you are so innocent?

A Lesbian

Crystal Griner, David Bailey Capitol two Police officers are credited with saving Rep. Steve Scalise life, the majority whip who was shot in the hip, on a Virginia baseball field Wednesday morning. Two anonymous people suddenly famous, two people doing their job, even when that job placed their lives at jeopardy.  But here is the interesting thing, one of those anonymous people, now considered a hero happens to be by birth a Lesbian, as in she prefers a person of the same sex to date, to love and in this case marry. No big deal of course, because even God knows how many homosexuals are just anonymous ordinary people, preferring their same-sex as partners, who, when the time comes can risk life and limb in the protection of others, even if the other is not a homosexual.

Rep. Steve Scalise has spent most of his legislative career making mockery of the rights and freedoms of the LGBT community. He believes that “it just ain’t Gods way”, the way the LGBT community want to live their lives. he has joined in sponsoring bills to limit the freedoms and equality of the LGBT community in the United States, and has cited his Scripture as the basis for his homophobia masking it in Americana, except America was not and is not a Christian nation.  Rep. Steve Scalise has spent time on the floor of the Congress and of course in his home district of Louisiana to preach just how UnAmericanly Christian the LGBT community is, and just what a degenerate group of people they are, and how with their Gay agenda might actually be undermining the foundations of this nation. Oh, yeah and the time, Steve Scalise spoke at a White Nationalist fundraiser with David Duke, Rep Scalise proudly reiterated his hatred. (When asked about meeting with David Duke, Mr Scalise provided a Jeff Sessions answer as in I have amnesia)

I could give a shit about who, both Capitol Police, Crystal Griner, and David Baily love and normally would praise both for just being good Americans, but it seems Rep Scalise, and his GOP homophobes did care, and have made it very difficult for anyone else not to care. Just and FYI. Kind of reminds that time when Archie Bunker needed a blood transfusion and the matching donor was a black guy, Archie thought at first that the black guys blood would ruin his being a Caucasian, only to discover all it did was save his life. And that is the thing, Crystal Griner saved lives, but she might still have beg for her own life of freedom if Rep Scalise and his Christian zealots get their way!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Second Sessions

Jeff Sessions is ‘purdy' angry with America right now, because he was certain that his intentions were as patriotic as could be by the mere fact he wanted to show up and speak his mind to the ‘Merican’ public sitting in front of a Committee from which lots of his best of friends are among. Jeff Sessions wanted the ‘Merican' public to know he is a man of his word and a child of Christ and being both, no one has the right to tarnish his reputation except for himself. He wanted to speak his mind, as long as his mind ‘membered’ the exact details. Why, he, Jeff Sessions, even argued how could he speak to that part of his mind that plumb did not ‘member’ certain events or certain people. After all don’t all Russians look alike anyway, so you can’t blame him if he met with three of them thinking they were all the same person. Come on y’all!

And then the AU-DACITY, of that woman of color to speak so fast as to make Jeff Sessions forget which part of his truth was going to be a lie. He even said God blessed him and gave him the will to speak, so let him speak. But that Senator Harris, why that gal had the gaul to ask him a simple yes or no question, a simple show me the guidelines you are referring to and doncha’ know all that truthie’ stuff was damn confusing. Jeff Sessions even said, he didn’t want to be called a liar, cause in his heart and the heart of Jesus, Jeff Sessions don’t lie, unless it is necessary. And if it was necessary to lie, it wasn't the patriotic thing to do, anyway, covering up for the Russian president!

We have to repeat this whole Jeff Sessions confessional hearing. We have to watch as the Republicans tried in vein to look the other way, the way of alternative facts. We have to listen as Jeff Sessions did his double speak, saying he don’t want to lie, so don’t make him do so. We have to remember that Trump will not be impeached, sent to jail, held accountable for any of his anarchist, treasonous, and criminal activity as long people like Jeff Sessions continue to tell the naked Emperor he is till wearing magnificent gowns!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

political terrorism

Well, thank goodness, we finally have name for it when a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat goes as berserk as right wing white supremacists…Talking Heads have supplied us with a new term Political Terrorist. Phew, I was worried that crazy Dems shooting up politicians could happen without naming the ailment. Of course the guy who was able to posses a long gun with multiple rounds of bullets that kill people is a criminal, of course he was wrong in either his attempt to murder, or scare a bunch of Republicans. He needs to be removed from shooting people, and his ability to purchase a gun (which kills) or ammunition (which kills) should be presently revoked. Damn, what cool Talking Heads calling him a Political Terrorist. Why Republicans are appalled that someone (especially, those snowflake Dems) would revert to their 2nd Amendment Rights to change government, these Republican looked into the camera as if poo was not dripping from their noses from kissing the ring of the NRA and said, we make change via the ballot not the bullet. HMMMM…

Political Terrorism, how come when voting rights are blocked, polling places dismantled, voting hours diminished, Voter ID laws enforced do we not call that Political Terrorism? How come when names of voters (who most often come from districts where people of color vote) disappear we don’t use the term Political Terrorism? When Republican controlled state legislatures create voter  disenfranchisement policies is that not named Political Terrorism. HMMMM…

Why hasn't the Russian involvement with not only hacking the DNC and almost any Democrat candidate personal email been called Political Terrorism? Why haven’t the Talking Heads and the Republicans faced the camera with their sly lying grins and called out Vladimir Putin as being a Political Terrorist for hacking into almost 37 different state’s voting machines? HMMMM…So let me get this straight, Political Terrorism is only a thing, when a Progressive/Liberal/Dem takes the law into his own hands and of course uses an easy to get any time you want gun, but Russian interference, Republican collusion into our democratic process is just a pipe dream created by the Dems who can’t accept the fact that Hillary lost? Wow, we do live by alternative facts and reality don’t we!

Little Jeffy

One more thing, regarding the reality show, held by the US Senate…Little Jeff Sessions, the guy who told the Senate Committee he will be as honest as the Lord permits him to be (Why do most liars believe if they invoke their Lords name, any lie told is NOT really a lie, just a mere fib)…Little Jeff Sessions who got the ‘schpilchas’ (nerves, in Yiddish), whenever that mean lady of color Senator Harris had the audacity to demand he answer her questions…Little Jeff Sessions, the guy whose memory lapses seemed to be timed just like the outages from Spectrum Cable Company, (You every time the good part is about to happen, the cable goes out) but suddenly that same power seems to reappear whenever the commercials are on, (Like Trump is Good for America, Russia is not bad for America)…Little Jeff Sessions, the con, the liar, the conniver, is THE ATTORNEY GENERAL of the US.

Little Jeff Sessions, carry’s the highest authority to keep the this country’s citizen covered by the law. Little Jeff Sessions, has the power to jail, impede the freedom of, detain, and send in the marshals, to arrest any American citizen who, like Little Jeff Sessions… conveniently invokes the Lords name to lie, instantly discover amnesia to forget and intends on committing covert actions against this nation. The reality show which has become the norm for the Republican Party is worrisome. Little Jeff Sessions is a laughable character, but Little Jeff Sessions is truly a Big Man with lots of scary BIG authority. The longer HE, the longer HIS Emperor is Permitted to NOT wear clothes, the longer we pretend this only a reality show, people like Little Jess Sessions will grow and grow and GROW!

Senator Harris

Dear Jeff Sessions, were there just too many Russians you had met with causing you to forget if you had spoken with or met with even one, or maybe all of their names sounded the same with an ski at the end? had you met in just too many darn back alleys, Jeff Sessions, that your mind just couldn’t place the where and when you met with the Russians? And Jeff Sessions, did the bad ass Senator Harris make you nervous because, when you usually lie, you are in the company of fellow white sons and daughters of the Confederacy and a woman of color is so intimidating?

Dear John (The Maverick) McCain, you had no fear of women when you selected a mama Bear, or Moose, (whatever the fuck she identifies as now a days) to be your VP. Why you let your people place her on the ballot most likely thinking she is purty white female and as a Republican purty white female, she will know her place and be as subservient as a woman should be. But Johnny, twice you have become so flustered when Senator Harris displayed the audacity to seek the truth from the little lying elf Jeff Sessions and James Comey. You still carry that stink of losing to Obama, and for some reason, can’t understand just how Hillary is so much more popular than you. So John McCain you try to interrupt, telling that strong woman of color, Senator Harris to be respectful. Respectful, bull shit Senator Maverick, you and your GOP comrades are trying to steal democracy from America. You are the perfect poster child for term limits.

Dear Senator Harris, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE never stop fighting for justice, truth and democracy. The White Men of a Certain Age GOP Senators know how to fight off the lack of back boned male Democrat Senators, but they are besides themselves when women actually demonstrate the use balls. It seems the Senate loves being a Good Ole Boys Club, please Senator Harris, tear down each and every brick.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Now what

Why the sudden flurry of in fact the Russians did declare war on democracy, and were able to hack into individual states polling stations? REALLY, did anyone take a look at how magically just enough of certain states Electoral College votes disappeared from Clinton and reappeared under Trump? State’s with viable, smart, intelligent Senators losing to the tried in true Republicans whose only claim to fame was being a GOP. Suddenly, every suspicion we knew was true, which anyone and everyone pooh-poohed as a conspiracy theory is finding footing. Of course the Russians were savvy enough to understand Trump as president wold be a shallow victory. What Putin needed was just enough of a majority for Trump to ruin America in a slow and steady manner, just like the poison he so remarkably places in the food of his own enemies watching them die a slow and sluggish death.

And here is the kicker America, most of this was done with the assistance of the leadership of the Republican Party. If you paid close attention near the end of the Republican campaign, every one found a way to either support Trump loudly or very tepidly, but to the person they became players in a declaration of war against democracy. I believe not all Republican politicians are to blame, but the GOP is like a cult, you either listen to every word the leader commands or you may find yourself on one of those unemployment lines the GOP loves to create.

Of course we were hacked, we were hacked harder and stronger than first imagined, but worse than that, once it was imagined, I believe leadership of the Dems calculated just how much devastation would be created if we discovered just how null and void the results for the past election were. The Russians declared war on democracy, no need for nuclear weapons, not when the weapons of greed, gluttony sufficed, and they both were just enough for men like McConnell, Pence and Ryan to salivate over and seemingly masturbate to. So, we will find the truth about how we were had, and I truly wonder then what…HONESTLY, what happens next. Lets stop pretending folks this will get better, it is just getting started.

Monday, June 12, 2017

(Unusually) Usual

On Sunday, June 11, it dawned on me as dawn was actually approaching Los Angeles, that life had become (Unusually) Usual. I was up at 4, I was the first shift of volunteers for the Resist March and had to be at my post on Hollywood Blvd between Highland and La Brea. In tourists terms that high priced block has some of the more famous and truly talented names in stars for the Walk of Fame. I arrived at my volunteer location around 5:45 and witnessed the last of the homeless citizens being gently evicted from their make shift spaces and persuaded to find another location to spend the rest of the morning. The men and women helping with removal of a simple fact of life (homelessness) had jackets adorned with the words (Curtesy Patrol), Time must have been of the essence as most of the empty boxes which had for a moment been dinner or lunch were left in place, and a few very ragged blankets and i suppose outerwear were still bunched up in as cozy of a manner possible (when one sleeps on the streets). 

When I arrived on one of the most famous busiest boulevards in LA, I noticed that at each end of Hollywood, Highland and LaBrea piled next to one another (as if to form a wall) were very large dump trucks almost inter locked like Lego’s, standing next to the trucks were men and women dressed in military fatigues, I thought they were the National Guard, but was assured by another volunteer they were only the LA Sheriff Department. The volunteer also told me this is (their combat outfit, just in case). I waited for my Volunteer Leader and as he reminded me via text, I could identify him as he would be the person (wearing angel wings and very high pink shoes and a large pink hat). My volunteers back in my communal worker days usually would be identified by wearing their I Am a Proud Bubbe, T-Shirt, or I love Katz’s Deli red T-Shirt. The volunteers for the Resist march met and out major job was to direct the participants toward the start of the 3 mile march and to answer any questions possible. We had the usual contingency of the LGBTQ community, but what intrigued me most were the families who wanted their kids to be a part of a community that seemed a bit different to what their family structure was like but at the same time kind of the same…you know, (Unusually), Usual.

The March finally kicked in, we had about 30 thousand marchers and for the next three miles we chanted, we sang and we all had an opportunity to shout loudly about resting a man in the Oval Office, who has little regard for human and civil rights. Of course along the way we met the Evangelical Born Again protestors who seemed to believe they owned God, and their God was going to send us to Hell. An interesting side note, a few of the crowd stopped and actually said hello, using the first names of the protestors, reminding the crowd that Howard and Edward have been regulars art the Pride events in the past. We finally hit our destination, and the Resist March ended and the speeches began. For a brief moment, I stood in the center of WEHO, my kids with me, my husband holding my hand and I looked around understanding that I was (a part of a majority), and how wonderful was that. Then the moment flittered away and I realized moments like that in this day and age are (Unusually) Usual. It is the day after LA Pride, and there are so many wars to be won!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Happy Pride

Today is the Resistance March in LA. Instead of a parade to celebrate Pride, we will march. I am volunteering, not sure what my responsibilities will entail, but I will be included with the voices of many who somehow feel we have not been heard. When Trump came to power, I realized that being quiet was no longer an option. When my election was stolen by the Russians with the collusion of the GOP I knew that silence could only equal death. When my freedoms became optional, my expected equalities became debatable, when my mere existence as an American suddenly was to be decided by the whims of a paid for politico, whose bribes from lobbyists weighed more than my civil rights, I understood that if not now when!

Lies, and bull shit, alternative news, facts as fancy, NOPE, that will not do for me. Trump will not change, he can’t, he is that mentally ill, that to change is impossible.  It is the Republican Party who must be willing to make the changes. It is those who believed the Republican party as Patriots, only to find them as allies of Vladimir Putin, who must insist on change. And I am tired of waiting as the Dems play by the rules as if the Republicans and the Trump voters actually care for any rules.  Each day we grow closer to anarchy, and a dictatorship which will eventually affect even the whitest of male citizens in this nation.

Today will be a few hours of my life in which I can shout, scream, vent, but actually be heard regarding the silencing of democracy in this nation. I am not sure why many I know have not made their voices heard regarding the sheer degradation and destruction of our nation…so today, I will be loud and I will be proud. Happy Pride!