Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Godzilla Vs Mega-Monster

First there was Godzilla, a creature of magnitude and full of maligning mischief, always the monster to eat the flesh of humans. But then having an undefeated monster gets kind of boring; evil is bad but you need even a more bad-ass kind of super monster to at least go a few rounds. So the Japanese who created the Godzilla monster for viewing pleasure brought us the Mega-Monsters, Crocodiles, Squid, big enough to at least give Godzilla a run for his money.  At times these newer monsters were so abrasive , so much more fanatical that we even had a bit of pity for poor old Godzilla.

The wife of an Arizona pastor who predicted an “AIDS-free Christmas” if all gays were killed has condemned the Duggar family – as “worldly” liberals who promote a “false gospel.” The wife of Pastor Steven Anderson, who bars homosexuals and demands silence from women at his Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, said in a blog post she disapproved of the “deceptive” way the Duggars practiced their faith. “We have for years held and publicly stated that the Duggars are liberal and worldly, even as they are known for being ‘fundamentalists,’” Zsuzsannah Anderson said. “Maybe their beliefs are, but what they are publicly willing to take a stand for is weak and anemic.” “I believe that all pedophiles are reprobates, that they are unregenerate and in fact can never change, and that they, like all sexual deviants, should be executed as the Bible demands, lest they spread their abusive ways and corrupt more innocent lives,” Anderson said. (Raw Story)

Horror upon horror, being a Christian family who insists that the Lord created Adam and then took his rib to provide Adam with a side kick Eve, to provide sexual pleasures, cleaning of the house and all subservient maneuvers, to use her uterus until Adam is done pleasuring himself just doesn’t cut the Christian Crusader routine. Like Godzilla, being that kind of monster, is not BAD enough. Now another offshoot of Adam’s rib is darn tooting pissed that Mama Duggar and Papa Duggar are lame examples of lenient parents. You gotta be a Mega-Monster according to the newest generation of Adam’s rib, Zsuzsannah Anderson, and really, really go big on Christ and kill your offspring to show your Lord and Savior just how much love their is in your Christian heart. Pedophiles like Homosexuals are deviants and the only way Jesus Christ wants you to deal with that kind of Devil is to make him die, baby die! Jesus did not die for your sins if in fact you don’t kill the sinners around you. This time it is not the Japanese who have created larger then life monsters. nope it is the American Christian Evangelical Jihadists, at the ready to show us just how EVIL, evil can be! Wonder which monster is gonna win?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


TLC is not quite sure about the future telecasts of the family ruled by the husband (because he is an offspring of Adam) and the woman (an offspring of Adam’s rib) who following her Lord and Master, (her husband’s) interpretation of the Good Book is a beehive of baby making. The Duggars make moolah for the TLC Cable Company and it doesn’t quite matter how immoral or irresponsible their reality shows might be, the bottom dollar is the basis for all decisions. TLC is not new to this dilemma, nope they have harnessed the power of a Duck Dynasty ignoring homophobic, misogynist rantings and raving by Grandpa Quack and have waylaid his sleeping with minors and his disdain for a segment of the population of America by merely punting. Sadly there are still enough advertisers, viewers and Crusaders for Christ who clutching their abridged versions of the Bible and their unopened version of the Constitution who help the TLC Executives delay doing a very professional job in eliminating the riffraff from consistently demonstrating their only real talents of bigotry!

But then TLC is not alone in pretending that one man’s vice is another man’s version of God Forgives! Good ole’ (I can sell you anything because I say Jesus agrees), Mike Huckabee, and his compatriot, (Jesus speaks to me in my dreams and to my husband when he is selecting my wardrobe for me) Michelle Bachmann are miffed and mad as heck at the Gay bully’s who have, well made a mountain out of a simple molestation molehill. They both demand that bygones be bygones literally for Christ’s sake it happened so long ago; and Mom and her Lord and Master husband took care of it (they sent their sinner son to construct houses to you know work out his momentary digression, Jesus was carpenter and Josh was following in his footsteps.) Mike (ready to make a buck) Huckabee even went so far as to preach that had these been Biblical times the girls whose personal space not to mention bodies were invaded by Josh Duggar would be of the age to have intercourse anyway! No biggie here indeed.

As is usually the case with insecure, insincere religious soldiers there is always an excuse and of course a real enemy. Marriage we are told by these fanatical marching in goose-step to self proclaimed Prophets that if a true Christian couple commit adultery or infidelity as long as they find Jesus the institution of marriage might be dinged but not blown up. Have a same sex couple practicing monogamy and wham bam all hell is breaking loose and all marriages will collapse. And it is of course for the kids, so when a good Christian lad or lass fondles or molests his siblings or neighborhood friends, Jesus will not smite him, nope he will give umbrage and and let the sin melt away. Find a child molester who is of the homosexual variety and damn dude the Devil is making tracks in America. So many seem to be blinded by the bogus of sake oil salesmen so fearful that if they (the shysters) don’t keep the crusaders dumb reason and ration might ruin a good con. One has to wonder why TLC has not been more definitive in their decision making and why the hell Mike and Michelle have not actually been zapped to some other dimension.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Brought Us Closer To God

Life’s decisions are tough, for many facing forward finding roads of positive and precise are difficult adventures but worth the effort and energy. And then you have the Duggar Family, a bunch of soldiers for Christ who via the unrealities of reality TV are sudden spokespeople for morals and values following in the inspirational footsteps of the Duck Dynasty Clan. The Duggars have little tolerance for the life style of the homosexual and have made it clear that if in fact same-sex couples pretend to be loving spouses not only will the Christian family structure tumble and crack, but children will become lost souls because there is no real love unless it is from one mother and one father; you know all 19 kids and counting won’t have that one on one interplay. The Duggars are very rigid that homosexuals cannot raise a healthy child, insisting that Christian values are the only way to succeed. And then you have one of the 19 kids named Josh Duggar raised by a Mom Christian and Dad Christian in a very heterosexual Christian house and Joshie not only molests a few girls in the neighborhood but then enjoys the pleasures of his own sisters. How the fuck did that happen? Following the philosophy of the Duggar Clan, Mom or Dad must certainly be a homosexual! 

However I digress, it also seems that Daddy Duggar tried to pray away this criminal act and without a moment’s thought to the inappropriate sick or criminal behavior of one of the 19 Clan dismissed the whole thing as the Devil made me do it moment. Normally I would NOT rant about Joshie’s transgressions,(seeming that it is a private family matter) but since the Duggar’s are almost always commenting on my life style as a Gay man and the lifestyles’s of same-sex families I have to wonder aloud where does the hypocrisy end and the truth begin. Josh has issues, he has human issues not Gay nor Straight issues. Joshie’s behavior should have been addressed and MOM and DAD needed to help Joshie face the consequences of his actions instead of pretending that the Devil will be defeated by God and all will be better. As far as we know Josh is a heterosexual man, and as far as the Duggars are concerned heterosexual’s NEVER EVER demonstrate ANY behavior that would infringe upon the rights and welfare of the child. Yet at least twice in his life with at least a dozen girls, young Josh Duggar son of heterosexual Christian MOM and DAD Duggar molested a whole bunch of girls.(maybe they were homosexual girls).

Joshie has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council, acknowledging he sexually molested underage girls including some of his sisters, calling his conduct inexcusable.The Family Research Council is a hate group which has never used the words inexcusable when harassing and discriminating against the LGBT community, no they demand that all homosexuals be burned at the stake. There are no words like inexcusable by the Family Research Council when it comes to the Gays, but then like all faux Christian groups hypocrisy is the 11th commandment, so looking the other way for one of their own IS Gods’ way. Imagine, not hard to do when families like the Duggars insist you are either God’s crusader or you are not. If TLC has a reality show about Adam and Steve raising a bunch of kids, and one of their brood was found to be a child molester, One Million Moms, Sean Hannity, every Evangelical snake oil salesman, even Bobby Jindal would be drooling from their mouths insisting that real justice be done, that the End Days would surely be arriving by NOON tomorrow. The response from the TLC, SILENCE, the response from the Duggars “…it has brought us closer to God.” 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Please, Piyush, please!

Here in America a land of immigrants, a man’s family can run away from an oppressive county, embrace the wonders of democracy, find a new nation whose principles are to welcome ALL to a land of plenty and then in complete ignorance decide that the welcome his family received is not necessarily the same warm fuzzy feeling anyone else should expect. Piyush “Bobby” Jindal T-Publican Governor of Louisiana and really, really wanna be the next president of the United States is a bigot, a homophobe and a horrible example of immigration gone bad. He loves to pander to the most insane, inane and idiot element of a terrible American demographic identified as the T-Publican base of voters. You know the inbred, Christian Crusaders, who believe the world is maybe 6000 years old, the Earth is the center of the universe, and men walked with the dinosaurs and of course women are chattel and collateral.

Piyush Jindal decided that if his majority state T-Publican led legislature did not have the balls to be bigoted enough then he would have to add an extra pair of testicles and outlined the following order in a statement: “This Executive Order (The Freedom of Religion) will prohibit the state from denying or revoking a tax exemption, tax deduction, contract, cooperative agreement, loan, professional license, certification, accreditation, or employment on the basis the person acts in accordance with a religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.” Piyush is the kind of Christian who thinks his God speaks to him filled with the rhetoric of hate, and that he was chosen to become a General in some kind of army to establish a Christian law which of course supersedes any constitutional order separating the church from the state. Piyush thinks that the more you define yourself with the vitriol of ignorance and bigotry that somehow you have defined the American dream. Imagine if you will for one moment, Piyush roaming the back bayou's of Louisiana without his private state patrol at his side and one of the constituents Piyush is pandering to only sees this dark skinned man walking by, don’t you wonder how Christian law would prevail?

Piyush joins the fraternity of T-Publican politicians who read an abridged Bible, carry the Constitution next to an assault weapon but are too busy being bigots to read it, and who knows that keeping the stupid dumb and free of facts provides an opportunity to thrive in a nation where truth never sees the light of day. As a child of immigrants you might think that Piyush would understand the promise of finding a nation that embraces equality; but apparently catering to the cowards is much more fulfilling. Please, Piyush, please!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Turn Gay

Whenever there is some kind of natural disaster in California those Evangelical Christian self selected Jesus spoke to me in a dream snake oil salesmen are at the ready to declare God has punished this too liberal to be an American state because it somehow caters to the Gays. So naturally an earthquake, a drought and maybe even a famine suit the evils doers just well! After all a vengeful God is the dreamiest of Gods to worship. Somehow though when tornados rip apart ultra conservative states like Oklahoma, Kansas or Texas, the sellers of slime are as quiet as a church mouse. When hurricanes rumble through Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana and mass devastation is too numerous to mention the quiet from those with whom Jesus chooses to communicate is utter silence. Amazing how hypocrisy attacks the faithful!

According to conservative radio host Sandy Rios, Amtrak engineer Brandon Bostian’s sexual orientation was “a factor” in Tuesday's train derailment that killed eight people and injured more than 200. Right-wing news sites have hastened to point out that Bostian, who campaigned against California’s ban on same-sex marriage, appears to be Gay. “I don’t know," (Rios added), "but I think it is something to be discussed and I think it’s a factor and I doubt you will hear it anywhere else.” (Huff Post Media) Rios is also a Fox News contributor and the director of government affairs at the American Family Association, which has been labeled a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Rios has often expressed like her other snake oil salespeople that all she doe and say is often times prompted by her personal relationship with Jesus and a few private conversations she has had with while sleeping.

There is always some connection by heterosexual evangelical Christian dream receivers from Jesus, as to all the evil done in the world must be caused by homosexuals. There is never ANY reflection , recall or consternation when of course bad things happen because of the heterosexual. Missouri House Speaker John Diehl (R) has resigned after admitting to sending sexual messages to an intern, saying he made "a serious error in judgment.” "the Missouri affiliate of the Family Research Council celebrated GOP House Speaker John Diehl after he filed an anti-gay marriage amicus brief with the Eighth Circuit Court," and had "sponsored a bill to ban gay-straight alliance clubs in public schools.” The Missouri Family Policy Council praised Diehl "for demonstrating moral leadership and true integrity in standing up for the sacred institution of marriage and the family values of the people of Missouri," as Right Wing Watch reports. "The state affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention thanked him for 'fighting to defend biblical marriage.'"  So one of the clan from the crusaders of Christ has found fame from once frowned upon devilish behavior; now I am curious as to some how the homosexuals will have been the root cause for him do this…And I wonder now if suddenly this behavior will turn him Gay?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Homosexual

As if the life of ALL human beings is of little concern, as if the action of making love, being in love is of little concern, as if one life’s value is not considered as valued as another,  once again as always the bane of existence for those so pitifully ignorant of life, so empty of conscience, so small in purpose or place, MUST find an enemy for their own disillusioned life and blame the homosexual.

“If you do it [in the Gambia] I will slit your throat,” “[I]f you are a man and want to marry another man in this country and we catch you, no one will ever set eyes on you again, and no white person can do anything about it.” (Yahya Jammeh, the virulently anti-gay dictator who has ruled the Gambia for the last decade.)(Think Progress) Texas House lawmakers are expected to consider a measure as early as Wednesday that could be used to protect child welfare service providers who want to force kids into discredited gay conversion therapy programs. The bill also protects providers who deny minors access to birth control or abortions. (HuffPost Gay Voices) A California attorney has proposed ballot initiative that advocates the murder of gays and lesbians and has stirred outrage in the state. He will need 3600 signatures to present for the initiative to be permitted on the ballot. Called unconstitutional, and perverse, its legitimacy is still being debated in the courts of California. (HuffPost Gay Voices)

Blaming it NOT on the hate from being human but rather the word of God, it matters NOT who in the world you are or from which country you call home, you are nothing but a soldier in an army of a God who chooses the vile, prefers the vitriol, loves the vengeance of vilification so proudly as to continue your march forward with little conscience. Somewhere along the way be it your parents, your clergy, your own inability to find fact you have discovered that an enemy makes you feel stronger, that a scapegoat keeps you safer and that as long as you have your boot heel on the heads of others you think you will make it to the top of the hill first. Deny, destroy, punish, and murder thine enemy you know it is correct because someone said it was God’s own word. It makes you feel much stronger to think you can weaken anyone you fear. When all else fails and you cannot live a purposeful life blame it on the homosexual.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Nothing else?

Nothing defines American Evangelical Christianity better then using the words murder or kill…the Gays. Kind of sort of brings out the Jesus in Christ when the Christian Crusaders avenge the mere mention of equality and fair for those deemed to be the disciple of the Devil, by the self proclaimed deviants of Christ. An obscenely anti-LGBT video game uploaded to the digital game store Steam this week has drawn widespread condemnation after encouraging players to shoot gay and transgender people to earn points. The game, called "Kill The Faggot," is modeled after a first-person shooter. Players earn points for killing gay characters, and receive a bonus if they hit a transgender person, which prompts a message reading "Transgender Kill" to flash on the screen. Players are penalized for shooting "straight" targets, and during gameplay, a voiceover repeats statements like "straight pride" and "whoops, I just dropped the soap.” The Game was created by Randall Herman, a California video game developer and Christian shoe promoter. Herman told the outlet he made the game by himself and that it was removed from the site within two hours, before calling the gaming community "overly sensitive and easily offended.” (HuffPost Gay Voices)

Nothing more refreshing then to be reminded just how disingenuous those pretending to speak for a murder loving God can be while hiding behind their own inhuman inadequacies.  Use your Evangelical Christian God as a buffer to hide your own bigotry, pretend that you are a mere puppet of Christ while actually being the one pulling your Lord and Saviors strings,showcasing and demonstrating your own hate. A recent anti-homosexual Sunday sermon by Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church… "Here's what the Bible says, Leviticus 20:13, 'If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.' And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the Bible all along.” "Because if you executed the homos, like God recommends, you wouldn't have all this AIDS running rampant,”(USA Today)

I am, among the many attributes in my life, a man who happens to be a homosexual. And the devout, devoted Christians who swear that life is the most important gift God has given us are at the ready to take up arms and kill me. You don’t know me that well, well then what about your Gay and Lesbian son’s daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, best friends, are you ready to sit back and watch the Christian Crusaders take to arms and kill them, because in some mangled maligned, moronic fit of hate the Crusaders believe the closer to God you are the more you murder for him? Laughing at the idiocy of the insecure is no longer funny. Pretending that these goons will go away is foolish. Thinking that no one pays attention to the rants and raves and call for murder is not good enough. We have T-Publican presidential aspirants declaring war on the Gays if we are permitted to marry. We have T-Publican Evangelical state legislatures prohibiting service to the Gays. We have sermons preached to crowds of homophobes insisting that the only true Christian is the person with an assault weapon in his hand to do God’s work and rid this nation of evil. Is there nothing else but to define Christianity in this nation in the year 2015 then murder?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Whose Ten?

Lots of Christian religious double speak going around within the T-
Publican Party, Bible thumping has reached a new fervor, so lets take a 
look at just how the T-Pubs actually celebrate the 10 Commandments.
#1-You shall have no other Gods before Me. Except Rafael Cruz who 
made it clear that his son Ted was among the evangelical Christians who 
are anointed as "kings" to take control of all sectors of society, an agenda 
commonly referred to as the "Seven Mountains"  Perhaps a new son of 
God for President.
#2-You shall not make idols. Except reality stars or defunct country 
western singers like Phil Robertson who hate the Gays but loves
underaged drunk girls, Jim-Bob Duggar who believes in husband and a 
wife always pregnant or Ted Nugent who needs some drugs, guns, and 
teen aged girls to feel like a man.
#3-You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Unless of 
course that God is not the one you as a Christian prefer, you know the 
one who whispers in the dreams of Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee and 
Michelle Bachmann.
#4-Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. Only of course if you 
are of the 1% who insist that work will make you free but never out of 
debt because minimum wage keeps your juices flowing and hunger is 
always a perfect incentive to work, even on the Sabbath.
#5-Honor your Mother and Father. But let them know that they are 
nothing but “takers” if and when they request their paid for social 
security checks at 65. make sure you tell them just how selfish they are 
not to work until they are at least 71 or die on the job.
#6-You shall not murder. Unless it is to shoot an abortion doctor at a 
Planned Parenthood Clinic, a black kid for being black, or those pesky 
Gays if they are permitted to say “I do”.
#7-You shall not commit adultery. Unless of course you are politicians 
Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, Marc Sanford,  John Ensign,Pastors Sam 
(Benny) Hinn or Jimmy Swaggart.
#8-You shall not steal. Perhaps however if you were Richard Nixon, 
Lewis (Scooter) Libby,Michael Grimm, Duke Cunningham or the CEO 
of every bank too big too fail during the Bush/Cheney Administration.
#9-You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Forget all of 
that if you work for FOX News, false witnessing is highest form of 
Christianity and American for the guys and gals who just love to incite f
ear, fictionalize the truth, and elect a scapegoat for the day.
#10-You shall not covet. Unless of course you are after the wealth of the 
Koch Brother’s, Sheldon Adelson, anyone named Walton. Don’t want 
the same things that the Bush’s, Romney’s, Cargill’s Mellon’s  you are 
not American royalty. Don’t find fault with new breed of ultra wealthy 
people like Exxon-Mobile, Monsanto they were just born that way.

Lots of Christian religious double speak going around within the T-
Publican Party, Bible thumping has reached a new fervor, so lets take a 
look at just how the T-Pubs actually celebrate the 10 Commandments.
#1-You shall have no other Gods before Me. Except Rafael Cruz who 
made it clear that his son Ted was among the evangelical Christians who 
are anointed as "kings" to take control of all sectors of society, an agenda 
commonly referred to as the "Seven Mountains"  Perhaps a new son of 
God for President.
#2-You shall not make idols. Except reality stars or defunct country 
western singers like Phil Robertson who hate the Gays but loves
underaged drunk girls, Jim-Bob Duggar who believes in husband and a 
wife always pregnant or Ted Nugent who needs some drugs, guns, and 
teen aged girls to feel like a man.
#3-You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Unless of 
course that God is not the one you as a Christian prefer, you know the 
one who whispers in the dreams of Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee and 
Michelle Bachmann.
#4-Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. Only of course if you 
are of the 1% who insist that work will make you free but never out of 
debt because minimum wage keeps your juices flowing and hunger is 
always a perfect incentive to work, even on the Sabbath.
#5-Honor your Mother and Father. But let them know that they are 
nothing but “takers” if and when they request their paid for social 
security checks at 65. make sure you tell them just how selfish they are 
not to work until they are at least 71 or die on the job.
#6-You shall not murder. Unless it is to shoot an abortion doctor at a 
Planned Parenthood Clinic, a black kid for being black, or those pesky 
Gays if they are permitted to say “I do”.
#7-You shall not commit adultery. Unless of course you are politicians 
Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, Marc Sanford,  John Ensign,Pastors Sam 
(Benny) Hinn or Jimmy Swaggart.
#8-You shall not steal. Perhaps however if you were Richard Nixon, 
Lewis (Scooter) Libby,Michael Grimm, Duke Cunningham or the CEO 
of every bank too big too fail during the Bush/Cheney Administration.
#9-You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Forget all of 
that if you work for FOX News, false witnessing is highest form of 
Christianity and American for the guys and gals who just love to incite f
ear, fictionalize the truth, and elect a scapegoat for the day.
#10-You shall not covet. Unless of course you are after the wealth of the 
Koch Brother’s, Sheldon Adelson, anyone named Walton. Don’t want 
the same things that the Bush’s, Romney’s, Cargill’s Mellon’s  you are 
not American royalty. Don’t find fault with new breed of ultra wealthy 
people like Exxon-Mobile, Monsanto they were just born that way.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

one nation...under MY God

Why is it throughout the chapters of history of the United States, the Christian Crusaders organize into action against issues of freedom or equality when they are at stake for Citizens the Christian militia consider to be the enemy. Ministers, preachers, pastors stood with Bible in hand swearing that these would be the last days on Earth if the Negro was even considered anything less then God had planned, as being a sub-human. Chapter and verse were read and sermons were yelled by the men of cloth who swore God would smite this nation for ignoring his PLANS, separate and not equal. These colored folk had supernatural powers, don’t you know, if a Negro male even looked at your white woman his sperm could travel great distances and she would become pregnant. If they sat next to you the pure white skin granted to you by Jesus, might fade and who knows what color hue it could turn. If they drank from the same water fountain as you and a minutia bit of dribble fell onto the water well, well no telling what kind of animal disease you would certainly come down with. Be afraid the Christian army declared you are messing with God, and then some obscure passage from an abridged New Testament would be read as evidence thereof.

When women demanded the vote, the Christian militia went into a new war effort. What good woman would want to be an equal to her lord and master. She was property the descendent of the rib of Adam not the other way around, read Genesis for God’s sake. God gave her a womb so she could ingest her husbands seed and procreate. He knew knew how to keep her safe, earn a living and by God he was the smarter of the two, remember, God created Adam and then his chattel. Pastors brought out the Bible once again to defame and call fraud the wishes of women who were acting like the self righteous witches of Salem. Too much time being on equal status will only emasculate the man, turning his household into a living hell. And what about the children, that hussy will be too busy voting or Heavens forbid working to want to lay down with her husband and make one baby after the other. It will bring on the End of Days for certain, as God never intended for females to do anything but tend to her family. Once again the Bible kept next to the rifle would emerge and a big thou shalt not was read!

Suddenly the races might consider intermarriages and Holy Hell was declared and the Christian Crusaders were outraged. Read the Bible they shouted, nowhere does it say a Black man could should or would marry a white woman and GOD FORBID have intercourse. If God had intended the races to be mixed he would have created all humans as one color! The Founding Fathers, sons of Christ, made sure this anti-Christian mayhem never took place that is why under advisement from General Jesus Christ they made the blacks as slaves. The End Days were now a SURE thing, messing with God’s creations, maligning HIS eternal plans, procreating children with colored blood! So many passages and verses were shouted that it seemed as if a heavenly hurricane was coming forth on earth.

And now the Christian militia is at it again, this time it is not only the cowards who use Christ as a scapegoat, but politicians pursuing a poisonous policy to divide and conquer. As if any of these humans would be approached by a loving God they swear that Jesus as informed them that same-sex marriage, is the work of the Devil. Eager to wage a deadly war, calling for the murder and killings of homosexuals, these Godless gladiators are insisting that over their dead bodies will the United States of Christ even consider a homosexual an equal to the heterosexual. Of course quoting their ever bogus Bibles sifting through pieces and parts these Crusaders pat themselves on the back for fermenting fear and loathing. Not on my watch watch, they swear clutching their guns. Will the horrors of history once again repeat itself in the United States?

Friday, May 1, 2015

another AMEN

I don’t speak Spanish…but I do speak Jesus,” Mike Huckabee (maybe a potential T-Publican presidential candidate, but a 100% snake oil salesman). The next line Pastor Huckabee should have said is I don’t speak American Democracy but I speak American Theocratic Fascism. He might then add I don’t speak equal rights but I speak double standard. He might finish with I don’t speak for the Everyman/Woman but I speak for the fearful homophobe, racist and misogynist pretending to be a Christian.  Mike Huckabee is a scary individual because he believes Jesus speaks to him and the Jesus that speaks to him hates almost every possible minority demographic in the United States.

Mike Huckabee is a creative con man. Like most con men the Reverend Huckabee knows exactly how to prey on the fears of the ignorant, the people who believe they are the herds only smart enough to be led by a shepherd. He knows how to inject a vengeful Jesus, the kind of God who intrinsically is terrified that any one with a bit of individualism is the enemy. Huckabee is like the the nasty Puritans who at the first sign of an independent female in the 1600’s needed to  set her afire. Too many questions irritate Huckabee and he in turn preaches that those questions interfere with the power of the Lord. The Good Book is all we need and Preacher Huckabee made it clear with another statement in which he, acting like a true anarchist, said, if even if the Supreme Court grants same-sex marriages as law the states should ignore those Devil influenced Justices because Jesus is the only Supreme and Jesus has told Mikey he hates those Gays! Statements like Huckabee’s (to ignore the laws of the land) were made in preparation of the Civil War and quoted by George Wallace as he decided to act as judge and jury denying the Negro entry to the university system of Alabama.

Be prepared America, if snake oil salesmen like Huckabee get their way there will be a whole lot of exceptions to the Constitution. Huckabee is insistent that this is a Christian nation, and one that Jesus founded and planned. He will have no room for the Catholics their leader having the audacity to consider women equal to men when it comes to wages and he says words like Climate Change. Mikey will tolerate the Jews pretending that he cares about Israel, as long as those pesky Jews all immigrate to Israel so the Rapture can begin, (read the book of Joel for clarification) and he will sure as hell follow the simple rules of Militant Islamics like ISIS and behead those long bearded kneeling to Muhammad terrorists. Snake oil salesmen have charm and charisma, they entice the stupid to remain dumb and always say the name of Jesus as if once that is stated nothing else counts. Huckabee says he doesn’t speak Spanish but he sure doesn’t speak American either!