Thursday, June 30, 2016

Eye for an Eye

An Eye For An Eye, today ever the bombastic buffoon, Donald Trump made it clear that he can make America not only Great Again, but Safe Again. Of course the only details we got or for that matter or EVER get is that he has a plan that will be Better, Bigger and the Most effective to go out and get An Eye For An Eye. One has to wonder just whose Eyes he has his Eyes on to do just that?

We know he didn’t see Eye to Eye during the Viet Nam Conflict he somehow had is eyes for his deferments. Maybe he thinks his sons have and Eye for war, after all they know how bag a few animals on a controlled safari. Maybe he can ask the White guys who like parade around his speaking engagements as they cary their NRA cards their swastika’s, and their WhitenHoods,  and of course ‘Merican guns. These guys usually have a good eye for PlayStation War Games and all the other sit in front of your TV and pretend you are a bad ass soldier games?

We are all tired of terrorism, there is never a rational reason for it, and usually the perpetrators think they are doing it for a God. (If God of course is an Arab he is a bad God, if he is that White Guy born in Bethlehem his Jihadists are good). We are all tired of hearing that theme music as each News Outlet gives the newest attack a tittle. We are all tired of hearing about how many are dead, until we actually get the real numbers of the dead. We are all tired of the talking heads who are certain of the motives until they are proven incorrect. We are all tired of the blame game which only increases ratings, and more blame. We are all tired of this time we will learn some lessons (Do we ever learn any lessons if every time all we hear is THIS TIME WE WILL LEARN MORE LESSONS). We are all tired of partisan reporting, when on front of our eyes we ALL see the dead and the injured. And aren’t we ALL tired of people like Donald Trump never offering resolve, but drip dropping more fuel for more flames?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hashtag Nervous

It is difficult not to at least read one or two Tweets from Donald Trump. Of course now playing a shell game, we most likely won’t be reading many more Tweets from Trump, because you know, “He is becoming more presidential, like” . So his TEAM, his surrogates will handle it. (A monkey’s ass is still a monkey’s ass). When Donald was relegated to just poop on the Republican base, he was the best, better, most and most-est with his Twitter Account. And if you had read the juvenile Tweets Trump is so sweet on posting you should have followed a pattern with each hashtag. Donald Trump is so shallow he even gives away his next move, thinking that if he calls out someone in a negative way, then of course that person cannot really be taken seriously if they come back at him with the same name calling. It’s that childhood game we all played, but stopped doing so when we matured, “I Am BUT What Are You.”

Think about it for a moment, when Trump used words like #Lyin’, he wanted to make sure no one caught on to his lies. When he would call out some for #Crazy, he wanted to certainly let the public know he ain’t nuts. When he called anyone #Cheatin’ he hoped no one would mention his real estate holdings or Trump University. Trump is a narcissist,and smart Americans should look closely at the next hashtag he uses, because most likely he is afraid he might be found out the fraud that he is. Narcissists are overly insecure, so always attempting to be on the offense is their motive of operation.

So now Donald Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen (A Jewish guy you White Supremacist, and Neo Nazi’s) has begun to hashtag for his client using the word “Murderer”. Knowing Trumps track record of trying to fend off the foe before they discover more about him, one has to wonder! #Nervous

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

No truth

The situation in the U.K. is nothing short of chaotic. The country voted to leave the European Union last week and has since plunged into disarray.

Amid the turmoil, the right-wing leaders of the movement for a British exit from the E.U., or Brexit, have quickly begun to retract the promises they made to their supporters.
Brexit advocates previously insisted leaving the E.U. would allow the country to better fund social services, strengthen the economy and control immigration. Now, they claim their promises were misunderstood, or were not even promises at all. (Salon)

Kind of sounds like Mitch McConnell, and Paul Ryan as they proclaim that Donald Trump will become more presidential like, so ignore what it is you assumed you heard him say. He may have sounded like a Bigot or Racist, or Misogynist or Xenophobe, he was trying to con the base of the Republican Party, he will become a new man. Trump’s promises, say Ryan and McConnell were misunderstood, and not really promises at all. As the Republican Con Artists ALWAYS remind us…”We will tell you when anything, then change the story to suit our needs.” Always read the fine print before buying anything sold by a TV shyster, or a Republican politician!

Baby Christian

“I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.” James Dobson Evangelical Christian and founder of Focus on Family. With that Donald Trump has been born again, and his adulterous ways, his greed, his gluttony, his bigotry, his selfish behavior, have been cast asunder and might even be flowing like raw sewage in the Jordan River. James Dobson likes to adhere to the unknown 11th commandment which simply states “Thou shalt commit hypocrisy when politics come before God.” 

Unlike Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Rick Perry, Jesus DID not make a midnight call and whisper in Trump’s ear “Run Donald Run”. Actually, as Jesus approached Trump Tower he was stopped by security for looking too much like one of those ISIS terrorists. When security asked Jesus what was under his robe, Jesus had his assault weapon but forgot his NRA membership card, Security reminded him Trump Tower, or at least the parts of Trump Tower where Born Again Donald live are Gun Free Zones. Jesus was also wearing a mezuzah around his neck, and the only Jews permitted in Trump Tower are his recently converted to Judaism daughter Ivanka Trump Kushner,Sheldon Adelson and any other self loathing Jewish billionaires.

For many religion is a joy, a gift, a way to reflect on the beauty of the world around them and give thanks to a higher power (A God), from whom they believe created the universe. But men like James Dobson and the other Evangelical Southern Baptist Pastors who praise the Lord when a homosexual is beaten up, and know the only tears Jesus sheds are of happiness when a homosexual is murdered,religion is a weapon…a knife, a rope, a bomb and of course an Assault Weapon able to massacre at least two dozen people at a time. Behold, a Star shines bright in Manhattan! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Alas Babylon

Alas, Babylon is a 1959 novel by American writer Pat Frank. It was one of the first apocalyptic novels of the nuclear age The novel deals with the effects of a nuclear war on the fictional small town of Fort Repose, Florida.The novel's title is derived from the Book of Revelation "Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come." There is a character in the book who has contemplated building a nuclear bomb shelter, something very realistic during the Cold War, but hesitates, because even though he understands the consequences of being unprepared should the Atomic Bomb drop, he refuses to believe it might be inevitable. Once the first Atomic Bomb is dropped over Miami, and this character sees the mushroom cloud, he runs into the space in his basement, the place he was going to build the Shelter, and begins to get delirious from the the true fact that NOW it is too late to save himself.

At first he was a joke, but a joke that helped the news networks make lots of money by covering his every nonsensical action and reaction. He was a ratings giant, he could say the worst things about groups of people, be laughed at, but never confronted for his bigotry. Then one by one he insulted, insinuated and infuriated the Clown Car of Republicans running for President (The group who shared the same Racism, Misogynistic, Homophobia and Xenophobia as him, but pretended their bigotry was more Christ like), and one by one appealing to the Republican base, he demolished the Clowns and the Clown Car. The media still delighted in his antics, they permitted him to hardly be challenged and presented a bunch of Republican talking heads who were drowning in their affection for him. If anything, he understood, that fear, loathing, and victimization of others was his trump card. He continued to be courted and cared for, until the pundents, politicians, and of course the media realized it was too late to stop him. He of course is Donald Trump. 

The character in Alas Babylon, saw the writing on the wall, the world back in the day was dangerous, smart people were not in charge, angry, men took the reign of power promising a better world once the world was torn to shreds with an Atomic Bomb, but the character in Alas Babylon hesitated, denied and finally succumbed to his own ignorance. On Sunday, June 26, a White Supremacist Group held a rally in California, feeling buoyed by Donald Trumps’ rhetoric and the lack of rhetoric to stop hate from the majority of Republican elected officials, the American Nazi’s, the Neo-Nazi’s the KKK have begun to claim this nation as only THEIR country. The jets carrying the nuclear missiles have been set free, they are looming large over America, you have to wonder if there still is time to build that shelter?

Friday, June 24, 2016


Once again we witness how fear, loathing, and of course ignorance of the facts triumphs when those who know nothing but hate are motivated to vote against their own interests. Like drinking the Kool-Aid at Jonestown, like occupying the Malheur National Park with the Bundy Clan, like the murderers in Helter-Skelter following Charles Manson, like viewers of FOX News, the less informed about fact but fully poisoned by bigotry have done what most cult members do and implode. The Brits can do as they wish, but the lesson to be learned of their exit from the EU is as long as a perceived enemy is made real in the eyes of the self imposed victims, then stupid will rum rampant. If anything, Trump is a prime example of a marketing man a con artist who knows EXACTLY how to cater to those who place blame on anyone else but themselves. Today Britain and their Nationalism first vote has started the ride to the past, when The Fatherland preached to its citizens Germany First! Lots to be worried about in the United States as Donald Trump pounds the xenophobic drums declaring America First. Will this nation meet Britain as we slide backwards into a pool of blood?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Born Again and Again

The TRUMP-LICANS, have a new con for their current Con Artist, this is a con the TRUMP-LIKINS are sure America will buy. Now that Trump is reading from a teleprompter, with words written by Conservative luminaries, and now that he has new handlers, men and women who are more main stream Republican shysters, we are assured by the talking heads that Trump has changed. We apparently are told the old Trump just had to say those nasty Bigoted, Racist, Xenophobic, Misogynist, Anti-Immigrant rhetoric words, because after all it was Trump’s way to win the hearts and souls of the White Sheet Wearing, Cross Burning, Swastika Loving, NRA Murdering T-Publican base. We are now told ALL OF THAT was’t the real Trump. Trump, using the terms of the Evangelicals who have embraced him has been BORN AGAIN!

BORN AGAIN, something the Evangelicals decide makes any kind of hate disappear, any kind of sin removed, any kind of bad stuff evaporate, but only if you are a White Person who believes the money you receive from the government is due you because after all Jesus was White and he discovered America. The Evangelicals think they can live with this newly BORN AGAIN Trump, ignoring some simple facts, that Trump has been married three time, has a child out of wedlock and his daughter converted to Judaism; and oh yeah, Trump was the only T-Publican candidate not visited by Jesus and urged to run for President. The same Trump who also said, he really doesn’t need Jesus because Trump knows more and much better than Christ.

So the latest con, from the TRUMP-LIKINS, is that we are to believe because, now that Trump is scripted and has more professional people making decisions any and every THING from his past was just a joke. And if we buy that, WE THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, then the joke will truly be on us. I am curious, EVANGELICALS, how many times can a person be born again, and again, and again?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


For those of us who have studied history and acknowledge that their might be lessons to be learned from that history, also realize that any regime headed by a dictator, or a so called president who came into office via very restrictive voting, have a whole lot to worry about with this current TRUMP-LICAN political party. First we have the presumptive Party candidate Trump, denying access to his campaign toward the media he just doesn’t like, and now we have the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (the third person in ascendency to be President of this nation), banning the media in the House Chamber. 

Speaker Ryan is a coward and he knows that if the American people actually witness how ineffective his party is at creating laws, many might actually be pissed off enough to say ENOUGH. The TRUMP-LICANS love to brag about how Gun Laws will do nothing to curb Gun Violence. But who the Democrats ask the TRUMP-LICANS to vote on any measure it seems the backbones of ALL the TRUMP-LICANS goes missing. Speaker Ryan likes to strut his stuff as the GO-TO-GUY, but when it is time to GO TO HIM, he hides in the dark and keeps the American Democracy in the dark also.

PRO what

Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan and his band of TRUMP-LICANS have no problem in convening the Representatives when it comes to yet another vote to repeal Affordable Health Care, but the same sinister, TRUMP-LICANS just can’t face the crowd and vote up or down on sensible Gun Control Laws.  Maybe because denying Affordable Health Care actually does something for Pro Life, and stricter Gun Laws are against Pro Life. In the bizarre world of the Evangelical/Christian Conservative/TRUMP-LICANS everything is opposite! You have to wonder!


"Do do that voodoo that you do so well," the words of the song, "You Do Something To Me.” (By Cole Porter). Now, the gang of Christian Evangelicals all pious and pompous, at the ready to burn down an abortion clinic, or praise Jesus for massacring the Gays, the ones who blame poverty on soulless citizens, the people who believe Jesus was the the first member of the NRA have embraced the thrice married, if my daughter was not my daughter I would be dating her, I have a child out of wedlock, Donald Trump. Michelle Bachmann, a Crusader against single parents (Except Bristol Palin), the lady whose husband was kicked out of women dress shop (He does all his wives clothes shopping) because they don’t like that kind, the person and the lady who reminds us that at least three times Jesus visited her during her sleep and told her “You Go Girl”, is one of a dozen Evangelical Christians surrounding the ever moral-less and value stunted Donald Trump, to help him understand their version of the words from God.

One might be chagrined, but then this IS America 2016, and it is not your grandfather’s or your father’s kind of nation any longer, so any act of surprise or disgust that the so called good guys with not only an assault weapon, but their Bible in their possession have decided that hypocrisy no matter how blatant or callous is what makes Jesus much more Christ like. (Just ask theEvangelical Pastors who not only prompt and urge the deaths to Gays but also post just how much Jesus would approve.

Trump has the powers of a voodoo priest, he used it with the Republican base, he used it with most of clowns running for president from the Republican Party and now he has the “Jesus Loves Me, Yes I Know”, crowd of crazies slurping at his tiny hands! This is worth a double snap and a few Amen’s!


We pray, have moments of silence, we light our candles, we sign petitions, but what happens when our prayers aren’t answered, the silence reverts back to noise, the flames of the candles flicker for the last time and die, and all of those petitions go into the garbage…I will tell you WHAT happens… the NRA comes to the rescue and spends a few more millions to buy our Senators. How many more times will we, the American public remain passive, listening to the excuses that the 2nd amendment means we are permitted to murder…that if every good guy HAD a gun the bad guys would cower in a corner…that Republicans are tough on terrorists, except when the terrorists want to purchase a gun…or as some NRA coconspirators to murder have TWEETED, “God Bless the NRA for making America safer.”

We can’t vote the bums out of office because most of the bums come from very red states gerrymandered to keep the process of democracy from taking place, or from states with severe Voter ID laws (Laws from which the Supreme Court has agreed are the American way to vote), so the minorities who might have the ability to vote the bums out don’t have the access to the voting booths to do so.

Isn’t it time for all of us to ACT-UP and ACT-OUT. Isn’t it time to forget the vigils, and actually honor the victims of gun violence and protest at the offices of the NRA accomplices (Congress)  You know the ones who by doing nothing and permitting the murders to happen are nothing but ACCOMPLICES! Isn’t it time, if WE really have had enough of the double talk by mostly the Republicans and a few cowardly Democrat puppets, to talk back, talk loud and ACT-UP! ISN”T IT?????


We pray, have moments of silence, we light our candles, we sign petitions, but what happens when our prayers aren’t answered, the silence reverts back to noise, the flames of the candles flicker for the last time and die, and all of those petitions go into the garbage…I will tell you WHAT happens… the NRA comes to the rescue and spends a few more millions to buy our Senators. How many more times will we, the American public remain passive, listening to the excuses that the 2nd amendment means we are permitted to murder…that if every good guy HAD a gun the bad guys would cower in a corner…that Republicans are tough on terrorists, except when the terrorists want to purchase a gun…or as some NRA coconspirators to murder have TWEETED, “God Bless the NRA for making America safer.”

We can’t vote the bums out of office because most of the bums come from very red states gerrymandered to keep the process of democracy from taking place, or from states with severe Voter ID laws (Laws from which the Supreme Court has agreed are the American way to vote), so the minorities who might have the ability to vote the bums out don’t have the access to the voting booths to do so.

Isn’t it time for all of us to ACT-UP and ACT-OUT. Isn’t it time to forget the vigils, and actually honor the victims of gun violence and protest at the offices of the NRA accomplices (Congress)  You know the ones who by doing nothing and permitting the murders to happen are nothing but ACCOMPLICES! Isn’t it time, if WE really have had enough of the double talk by mostly the Republicans and a few cowardly Democrat puppets, to talk back, talk loud and ACT-UP! ISN”T IT?????

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Johnny Boy

When he was a younger man John McCain, put country before self and served in the military to fight in Viet Nam. Anyone who fought the war in Viet Nam was courageous, and brave. John McCain came home from the Viet Nam War and decided to continue his country before self and ran for public office, again kudos for doing that. John McCain is a Republican, but back in the day he referred too himself as a maverick, a guy who does not follow just one party line(One more big congrats for any politician who can actually say and do that). Then John McCain became Senator McCain once twice and perhaps too often. Things changed and no longer was McCain a country first kind of guy but a me first kind of douchy politician.

Senator McCain wanted to be president. He selected a Vice presidential candidate no one really knew, including his own team. No vetting, no extra time to consider, no problem in selecting the potential second most important in this nation; because it was all about John McCain anyway and what would Sarah (We know nothing about her)Palin really do to harm the campaign, let alone America? Senator McCain lost the bid for president (Thank goodness), and never ever apologized to America for unleashing a seething hypocritical idiot on this nation. After John McCain’s failed attempt to become president, he became embittered, angry and challenged. It seemed during the run of MCCain/Palin many main stream Republicans were forced to drink tea with arsenic in it. And much to Senator McCain’s surprise the Republicans of Arizona wanted more Tea. So, once again with John McCain placing himself before country, just to survive, John McCain had to steer his car to the right and Senator MCCain acquiesced and catered to the lowest common denominator the Tea-Republicans could find, their base. John McCain had a scare as a conservative talk jock almost knock hi out of the running. 

This time around (McCain serves as the poster child for term limitations for Senators), McCain is running ever more scared to keep his throne in the Senate, and has decided to embrace TRUMP. TRUMP is full of conspiracy imagination (The only way TRUMP can exist), and Johnny McCain has joined the TRUMP train. (Remember that TRUMP called Johnny boy a loser because he was captured in Viet Nam). Having little to no cern for country and ONLY concern for himself, Johnny boy has decided that President Obama is responsible for the mass murder in Orlando. The connection Johnny boy made was we pulled out of Iraq too soon thus giving ISIS the motivation to thrive. (One has to wonder how long a war must go on till someone wins). Of course like any cowardly republican, Johnny boy said he misspoke (it is misspeaking, or you took me out of context or you edited the video). So I wonder, isn’t it time the Dems/Liberals/Progressives use the same ammo as the Republicans and come up with our own conspiracy ideas. If you follow McCain’s line of reasoning, one might say to Senator McCain: If you hadn’t been caught and made a prisoner, perhaps you could have killed a few more Viet Cong, and maybe if you hadn’t been caught one of them could have been Ho Chi Minh that you killed and thus stopped the North Vietnamese from winning the war. HMMMMM!

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Question: “How many TV Talking Heads does it take to solve our messy current events?” Answer: None because all they are heads and none them have a heart! Question: “How many Republicans does it take to pass any Safer Gun Legislation?” Answer: “Only those who running for office from Blue States and those states which don’t have Restrictive Voter ID laws. Question:  “How many Republican elected officials once they are interviewed by anyone but FOX, complain because they were asked to tell the truth about their Bigotry, Racism, and over all Hate, and then complain that they are now the Victims?” Answer: All of them! Question:”How many Republicans will use the words terrorism or Assault Weapons when a white Guy shoots kids, or adults?” Answer: “Only those brave enough to spit in the eye of the NRA! Question: How many more colored ribbons will we wear in our passive acts of anger?” Answer: “A whole lot more until we stop wearing ribbon and begin to actively stop the madness?”

Pursuit of Guns

27 million dollars, 1 Democrat, 54 Republican Senators, each bought and paid for by the NRA. Because of Wayne La Pierre NRA CEO, (When was it we elected him to office) and his purchase of these 55 Senators even if you can’t fly (Because you are on a Terrorist watch list), because of Wayne La Pierre (When did he run for the Senate) you can purchase an assault weapon at a gun show due that infamous Gun Show Purchase Loophole. BECAUSE of the cowards in the Senate all Republicans and one Democrat, murder is alive and well in the United States.

The Republicans want to ban abortions, ban same-sex marriages, ban food stamps, ban Affordable Health Care, ban an affordable minimum wage, ban immigration, ban renewable energy, at the same time DEMANDING they are Pro Life. BUT when it comes to banning ANYTHING with the word GUN in it, it is immediately Un-Constitutional and UN-Christian. How in the world is this POSSIBLE! Easy answer indeed, politicians are for sale, politicians only care about their careers, corporations are people, and most politicians are hypocrites. Isn’t it time we all started to ACT UP and ACT OUT. If things continue the way they have for the past decade, our Constitution will have to be edited to say “…Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Guns…”

Senator Sessions et al

Senator Jeff Session Republican of the nation state of Alabama had little difficulty in the past saying the words homosexual and transgendered. Why he would stand in front of the parishioners of almost any Evangelical or Baptist Church and say how the homosexual or transgendered can’t use the bathroom, the bedroom or make use of a marriage license. But somehow when Senator Sessions was asked about the massacre and murders at Pulse NightClub, Senator Sessions became tongue tied, and all he could muster up was that the Pulse was a young person’s club. The words Gay Bar just seemed too difficult for the Senator from Alabama. Senator Session’s is as big a con as Donald Trump, the guy Senator Sessions vehemently supports, and Senator Sessions realized exactly when to use the words homosexual and transgendered; when those two words are followed by sinner. Senator Sessions knows his so called religious crowd of stupid would not tolerate in their Christian minds that Gay people are worth talking about even when they are dead.

Senator Sessions is from the nation state of Alabama where the Republican Governor, Robert Bently, the Republican Speaker of the House, Michael G Hubbard, and the Republican Chief Justice, Roy S. Moore are under investigation for criminal acts and ethic violations, of course Republican Jeff Sessions had nothing much to say about his corrupt politicians, because being a Republican Senator Sessions was following the Ronald Reagan 11th Commandment of “Thou shalt never talk shit about another Republican no matter how heinous a crime they may commit.’’ And remember Ronald Reagan never spoke about the AIDS epidemic, believed in the land of ‘trickle down economics’, and of course stated to the American public that even though his head told him to participate in the Iran Contra deal his heart was never behind it!

I chose Senator Sessions to blog about because currently the Senator is latest “This is a Christian nation politician to demonstrate just how empty of values he and his fellow Jesus Bless America Republican cronies have become. Senator Sessions is a proud Trump Republican, he can vocalize on the ills of the other but finds it so difficult to reflect on himself and his political party. It was a Gay Bar where people were murdered, they were murdered by a homophobic religious zealot using an Assault Weapon. All Senator Sessions had to say is one more mass shooting, one more homophobic knee jerk reaction, one more time the Republicans are weak in governing this nation. But then Senator Sessions is like all of his Republicans compadres, and no honest words will ever be spoken.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

AN Act of

Living in America in 2016 a land where compromise, facts and truth are becoming more difficult to both discern and and discover I am want to try one more time and embrace all three. To start I must admit that I am an American, I was raised in a Reform Jewish home I was born Gay and I embraced a Liberal and Progressive form of politics. I want to be clear where some of my thought processes originated and perhaps my bias’s. I have come write many a blog where i vehemently disagree with people I believe who have different opinions then me, and now I want to reach out and understand why. It is almost like visiting another country where you do not speak the language but wish to immerse yourself in the local countries to better understand what they say. So to better assist me in my thought process, here are a flew questions:

If Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans insist that same-sex marriages defy God’s purpose to keep the sanctity of family life, I really would like to know how these same people justify supporting a presidential candidate TRUMP who is one his third wife after having and adulterous affair with another woman and having a child out of wedlock? No judgement by me on TRUMP sewing his oats, just a need to understand how that type of marriage is okay in God’s eyes. If Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans believe that life begins the moment the egg and sperm unite, what seems to be the difficulty in permitting that life to have affordable health care, live with a family who can afford shelter, food and and education, and not worry that a good guy may suddenly turn into a bad guy and use his assault weapon to murder, in the name of God? I also want to know why Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans seem to go crazy when an Imam shouts from his holy pulpit to kill, murder and maim, but when an Evangelical Pastor urges his Congregation to murder, kill and maim, he is embraced by Tea-Party Republican candidates, but gets a rousing A-MEN at the end of his sermon? And finally I want to better understand how Evangelical Tea-Party Republicans define a Muslim who commits mass murders as a terrorist, but seem to think when white Christians murder elementary school kids, movie goers, patients at Planned Parenthood Clinics and Black Church’s those good guys with guns are ONLY mentally ill?

I want to make sure when I am critical of the Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans and all they say and do I understand why. I am not of the Christian faith, nor am I a registered Tea-Party Republican, so I am sincerely asking is there an 11th Commandment or rules in the Republican rule book that say hypocrisy is an act of God?


I understand good intentions, we are human and most of us, believe our good intentions carry some weight, but mostly, I believe our good intentions only remove a weight from our own shoulders, and honestly do not go any further. On Monday, Joe and I attended a vigil for all of the individuals murdered or placed in harms way at the Gay bar in Orlando, Pulse. Joe had finally reached his limit of understanding of yet another rampage with an assault weapon and thought perhaps with our good intentions we should attend this vigil. We live in West Hollywood and the Mayor of our city, and a few of the City Council Members were there. The Mayor was pleased, with her good intentions of calling this gathering last minute, and was happy to see the meager showing of perhaps 40 people. The Mayor of West Hollywood and Council Members were in attendance, and yet we were all told to stand on the sidewalks, no effort to close that part of the Boulevard, no attempt to anticipate a larger crowd, and no attempt at anything but good intentions. We listen to the officials who click and clamor resting their speeches assuring us they are grieving along with the nation. Then we are told to call our representative, (who has already is a proponent of better gun laws), and we were given a whole bunch of web sights to search for MORE information. All of this was done with good intentions. Then we had our perfunctory moment of silence, followed by the ever handy candles to light. We were told by one speaker raise your candles high and say we are one and never again. All said and done with good intentions.

The vigil was over and the spokesman said lets now go into Mickey’s a gay bar where the vigil was held, and lets play music and of course drink. Monday night for me was nothing but an emotional waste of time; the politicians did their we love the Gays routine, some people from WEHO said we are proud to be Gay, we silenced ourselves and lit our candles. And nothing else happened or in my mind will happen. Today on Facebook I see wonderful pictures the LGBT community and some straight friends with the rainbow flag in the background saying we are Orlando. All of this is with good intentions. No argument about the intentions but sometimes good intentions are not enough.

I want to know what happens when the moment of silence ends, and all we hear is cacophony of noise. I want to know what happens when the flame of the candles evaporate, all we see is the din of darkness. I want to know when we finish our prayers with AMEN, does God say back attacha, and we go on with our lives. I want to know why we don’t ACT UP. I want to know why we ring our fingers moan to our friends, complain about the hypocrisy of the those who think life begins at conception but death is no big deal? When HIV-AIDS infected millions of homosexuals, we as a nation looked the other way, until some brave souls in NYC decided to ACT UP. One more massacre,one more scapegoat, one more moment of silence, one more candle lit, one more prayer said,and what do we get….to do it all over again. It is time for all Americans to ACT UP, be loud, to demonstrate to participate in Civil Disobedience, and to not only be brave, but ACT brave! As long as we remain passive the bully will win. It is time to ACT UP AMERICA!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Nothing Donald Trump says or tweets is of meaning, but since he is the presumed nominee, it seems many Republicans more interested in their party then the country find it hard to actually criticize Donald for being the fool he is. But Trump made a comment about banning ALL Muslims. Yes, many current terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Muslims, and we should all be wary of those who believe terrorism is the enemy. But I have to wonder out loud if any Muslim commits and act of violence and the assumption is that ALL Muslims are bad, what do we do about the Christians?

When a Christian bombs a Planned Parenthood Clinic, or decides to murder an abortion provider…when a Christian fire bombs Black churches…when men wearing white robes and swastika’s on their arms intimidate, harass and beat up anyone who they deem the enemy…when county clerks decide that marriage is only between a man and woman…and when Pastors stand at their alters and encourage the death of the LGBT community…ALL under the name of the Savior Jesus Christ…should we as a nation behave as Donald Trump requests we do with Muslims…SHOULD WE BAN ALL CHRISTIANS? 


Silence = Death was a term used by ACT UP to demonstrate how the government of the United States reacted to the early years of HIV AIDS. The silence was deafening and too many men and women died because of that silence. Once again innocent Americans have died from the use of an Assault Weapon and all we get from the Republican led House and Senate is silence. All the Republican politicians can offer whenever lives are taken by Assault Weapons is of course to offer prayers (What kind of God is just satisfied with prayers), and of course the perfunctory moment of silence.What I wonder is what happens when the silence ends…wait I know, just the sound of bullets ricocheting off of the bodies of the innocent.

“I was just following orders”, a very common plea heard by the German soldiers when the Allies finally took back the landscape of Europe. It was never the German soldiers fault to maim, or murder, nope there was a higher power who forced them to behave like heathens. The majority of Republicans in Congress have used the same excuse of “following orders” for doing nothing but permitting Americans to die by then use of deadly force. The Republicans are told by their bosses the NRA that guns don’t kill, only good guys use guns correctly and that any background check is either un American or better yet Un-Christian. The perfect soldier for the NRA, Senator Mitch McConnell has openly admitted his bosses don’t want any discussion on limiting Assault Weapons, and the Senator from Kentucky moves his lips just the guilty German soldier did, “I am just following orders.”

The GOP never has a problem in saying the words Transexual when they need to worry about bathrooms, The GOP never has a problem in saying the word homosexual when it comes to marriage equality or adoptions, but suddenly with the mass murder of 49 individuals of which the majority were Gay, suddenly the GOP can not say even mutter the letters LGBTQ. Amazing how eager the GOP was to deny equal rights to a segment of this nation, and so able to identify them as such; but almost every the Republican politician has not found he or she able to say it was Gays who died at a Gay bar.

Did you hear about the Imams who shout that homosexuality is sin worth killing the sinner. We all know those Muslims are nothing but sub-human beings. But did you bother to hear about Pastor Kevin Swanson who said it was a good thing that 50 Sodomites died Pastor Steven Anderson who said homosexuality is a sin and such a bad one that death is the only answer, or Pastor Franklin Graham who proudly announced that we all should follow Vladimir Putin’s example of punish, jailing and maybe murdering homosexuals. Did you hear about the Christian religion being the more moral, the better one then Islam?

Monday, June 13, 2016


“There are millions of them already out there, so I absolutely wouldn’t [propose a ban] because people need protection… The bad guys will have the assault rifles and the good people will be standing there with a BB gun.” It would prevent innocent people from protecting themselves.” Donald Trump

I don’t know about you, but if my neighbor owned an assault weapon, one of the last words I would use is innocent, instead I might find the word paranoid more suitable. One of the last words I would use is good people instead I might consider ill adjusted people. One of the last words I would use is protection I think crazy fits much better. Oh yeah, and one of the last things I WOULD ever do, is vote for Donald Trump.

Did you hear

Did you hear the story about a Muslim who walked into a Gay bar in Orlando, of course with his necessary assault weapon, who decided to murder as many homosexuals, because his God, couldn’t stomach the thought of two men or two women kissing. And did you hear how this Muslim was immediately referred to as a terrorist. And did you hear how the Trump Republicans responded by insisting that the Islam-ban would have made America safer. Did you hear about the White Christian guy who packed his necessary assault weapons and a few other explosives, traveling from Indiana to celebrate Gay pride in West Hollywood, he wanted to to make a bang up entrance. This White Christian guy from Indiana knew that his God, was cowering in some dark section of Heaven fearful that the homosexuals might destroy the Christian religion. And did you hear how this White Christian was JUST a deranged and disturbed individual. And did you hear anybody from the Trump Republican Party call him a terrorist?

Did you hear the story about how guns don’t kill? And did you hear the story how the Trump Republican Party politicians all bought and paid for by the NRA know that only good guys own guns? And while you were listening have you heard ANY proposed new laws to actually state that good guys with guns can easily murder innocents as bad guys with guns? Or have you heard that GUNS DO KILL?

If you are Black in America and you carry an assault weapon you are a thug. If you are of the Muslim faith in America and you carry an assault weapon you are a terrorist. If you are a Caucasian American and you carry an assault weapon you are just keeping America safe and are called a Patriot. Did you hear any Trump Republican Party politician actually say enough is enough we MUST do something, ANYTHING to stop our love affair with the gun? Of course NOT!

Friday, June 10, 2016


A Republican senator from Georgia David Perdue seems to have called for American Christians to pray that God kills President Obama.
“In his role as president, I think we should pray for Barack Obama. But I think we need to be very specific about how we pray,” he told the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference on Thursday.“We should pray like Psalm 109:8 says, that says, ‘let his days be few. And let another have his office,’” he said. For those of us who don’t read the New testament for such moral and valued thoughts, this prayer continues that a pox not only be on the president, but his entire family and the generations that follow. Because Senator David Purdue is from the very red state of Georgia and is not running for office this election year, NO REPUBLICAN TALKING HEADS HAVE CONDONED HIM. This kind of racism and hate is cool, because after all it does not affect who will be sitting in the Oval Office.

The Republicans have gone bat shit crazy finally deciding that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is wrong, not because of the moral-less and value-less meaning behind it, but in fact that the media which usually has just laughed at Trump is making this an issue, and it is an issue which may have an impact on the race for the White House.

Republican/Conservative/Christian bigotry arrived on the steps of Pennsylvania Avenue, the day Barack Obama took office. There have been a slew of cartoons, derogatory comments about the Black Family and apes, about lynching the guy in White House and disgusting racist commentary about the First lady and her daughters. Not one Republican bothered to stand in front of CNN and appeal to the senses of the mob that vote GOP and tell them this is not how America works. But this year, because the racist remark by Donald Trump may affect the politicians calling themselves Republican there is a hue and cry. And while these hypocrites are lamenting the lameness of Trump they still vow to support him and NONE OF THEM have asked that Trump make a public apology. 

Mr Speaker

Speaker Ryan,
Why is it the only honest comment you have to make about your support for Donald Trump is about your dislike for Secretary Clinton? Placing party politics ahead of the nation, pretending that since you displayed disdain for Trump’s racism is reason enough to continue your support for him, and worrying more about your career then being concerned for the millions of Americans for whom Trump has disregard just makes you as creepy, and hypocritical as all the GOP guys and gals Trump has conned. The saddest thing Speaker Ryan is that your judgement is based on sheer politics and YOU, buddy, are the third in line in the ascendency to become president.

You were supposed to be the ‘Golden Boy’ the go to guy who would help the GOP grow and become inclusive. You were the guy with strict morals and Christian values, what happened Paul? You want smaller government, but you still want to intrude on a women’s right to choose. You want the fetus to grow and become a living person, yet you shame the living Americans wallowing in poverty wanting at least one hot meal,pontificating that if you can’t earn the money to eat then starve. You yell and scream that because Barack Obama is president, that you JUST can’t, yet, introduce any legislation to remove affordable health care; all you have done so far is try and repeal it. You insist that guns are not the problem, you have no idea of the history that immigration has played in forming this nation, and just has you have just done with the dummy Donald, you kowtow to the morons within your party who most likely could not pass a ninth grade civics course let alone a New Citizens Test.

I would ask, Speaker Ryan, have you no shame, but so far as the head honcho in the House you certainly have demonstrated just how deep the bottom of the barrel is. I wish I was a TV reporter for a few minutes and really ask you a few questions to see if you do have a heart and or a conscience. I would ask you Mr Ryan, if you had insulted a person based on his family’s ancestry, and finally realized what a dope you were for doing such, WOULD YOU APOLOGIZE. I wonder Paul Ryan if you WOULD apologize, why you might do so. And then Mr Speaker I would ask you, if you would apologize, how come before you backed Donald Trump’s candidacy you didn’t insist he apologize. Shame on you Speaker Ryan, but then again you are behaving just like our current crop puppets calling themselves Republicans.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

repeating history

In Germany as the Brown Shirt bully’s were beginning to declare that the Semites were truly a cause for the economic woes of the Fatherland, many rich Jewish families felt that because of their personal wealth, they might be exempt from the bias and bigotry their less financially and unfortunate Jewish brethren should endure. Somehow it seemed that having more money could make the difference between freedom or consequences. Eventually, as history demonstrated, the same very prominent Jewish families of wealth, unless they were able to flee Germany, became the victims and enemy of the state just like their poorer Jews.

Bernie Marcus and Sheldon Adelson are two American billionaires, both successful business men, who also happen to be Jewish. Both Bernie and Sheldon have decided to support a candidate for the office of president, who has been and is still supported by White Nationalists, The American Nazi Party, The Aryan Nation and the Ku Klux Klan, groups of men and women who believe that the United States would be a whole lot better off if we rid this nation of the Jews. Somehow, for both Bernie and Sheldon, Donald Trump’s message of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia have little or no cause for concern because Trumps message of lowering taxes, eliminating any obstacles for businesses to send their money to off shore accounts, and to de-regulate the banking industry are more important. Like the wealthy Jews of Germany the assumption for Bernie and Sheldon is we are above all that hatred.

The GOP is standing firmly behind Donald Trump, after all he is their Party’s standard bearer, and any good Republican understands that Party comes before country. The GOP, always good at ignoring history and pretending that what was and is on audio or video is just a liberal press being partisan, now hopes the rest of the nation (not their ignorant and bigoted base) will forget about the old Trump and will embrace the kinder, gentler new Trump. Bernie and Sheldon, think that their wealth will trump their religious backgrounds and the anti-Semites of this nation won’t sniff their Jewish blood but instead consider these two Jewish guys one of them. Whether we like it or not, whether we want to believe it or not, history does repeat itself, especially for the very selfish. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Today I voted

Today I voted, I live in a state where there are no restrictive voter ID laws, I live in a community filled with diversity. Today I voted but along the way to the polling station I passed a few people, living on the streets, asking for food, men and women with dirty clothes and much more interested in just surviving then Feeling the Bern, or Helping Hillary. They didn’t vote,they can hardly cope the only hope for them today is the compassion of the rest of us to make the correct decisions.  

Today I voted, I grew up with parents who told me it is a privilege, honor and responsibility to participate in the ‘American Way’. Today I voted and this is the first time I can remember just how precious this opportunity to decide my future via politics really was. I didn’t vote for the lesser of two evils, I did not vote out of spite, I voted because I see not only the long term view, but realize how important the immediate future looms. I witnessed citizens along the way to the polling station who have no voice, and I wondered is this foreshadowing for the rest of us?

Today I voted, I was proud to do so. I voted knowing if we don’t unite and find common ground, then there will be no ground to stand upon which will support many of us. 

Monday, June 6, 2016


As I was out driving trying to finish up some weekend chores, I had ben listening to NPR. There was a two part interview, asking a staunch Republican writer his thoughts on supporting Trump and the president of the Nursing Association of California on supporting Sanders. The moderator began with the Republican who said, he is dismayed with Donald Trump for a large variety of reasons, and now especially Trump’s racist remarks against the Federal Judge hearing the Trump University fraud case. The NPR moderator asked the simple question to his Republican interviewee,will you vote for Tump. The Republican writer, sighed and said he is not sure, but the reason he might vote for Trump, EVEN WITH ALL HIS NEGATIVES, is that at least having a Republican in the White House should be a step forward to help with the Conservative agenda. When the President of the California Nursing Association was interviewed, the moderator asked her if Bernie Sanders does NOT win the Democrat nomination would you support Hillary. The interviewee said, why would I. The moderator asked don’t you think supporting the Democrat nominee would assist with the Democrats winning the election in November. The Democrat interviewee responded, and for what purpose would i do that.

After hearing this interview, with the thoughts and philosophies coming from both sides of the aisle, I had an A-HA moment as it dawned on my why Donald Trump has a big chance to become president of the United States. It seems the enemy of the Democrat Party does not lurk in the red states, FOX News, or the Limbaugh radio shock jock, but from within the Democrat Party itself. Too often, the Dems believe that principle alone will save the day. And if it doesn’t save the day today, well too bad, we will have to save the day another day. The Republican politicians and pundents as ruthless, gutless and immoral as they understand that seizing the day NOW is how they hold the rest of the days hostage. The Democrat’s want to seize the day, but refuse to find compromise, thinking that compromise makes them weak; almost saying we will seize another day.

I am glad Bernie Sanders has shed more light on topics that have remained in the dark way too long, but I am sad that both Bernie and his believers think that spite, obstinance, and refusal to give in even a little make more sense then fighting the wrong enemy. If Donald Trump succeeds and becomes president, I wonder what the Feel the Bern followers think will happen to their Revolution. It has taken President Obama almost 8 years to get any legislation completed,even though he was elected twice with a large majority of votes. President Trump and a majority Congress of Republicans will destroy many of the freedoms, equality and values we have finally come to enjoy and will repeal almost anything that permits ANY minority from pursing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If the Feel the Bern revolutionaries believe sitting back in protest will aid in seeking their goals, then from where I sit they are dumber then the Tea Party fools who support Trump.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Wicked

In the Wizard of Oz, we meet two characters who have great impact on the future of the citizens of Oz and accidental tourists, one is the Wizard, and the other is the Wicked Witch of the West. L. Frank Baum, the author of the Oz, had two different personalities in mind when he wrote his children’s novel, both characters filled with their own insecurities and implied narcissism. Perhaps if Mr Baum were alive today, we would see that in fact both characters could easily be played by one person, that person being Donald Trump. The Wizard of Oz, was and is a con man, somehow his latest con caught up with him, but building a wall (In the form of a curtain, he somehow was able to confuse the simple folk of the Emerald City to believe he was indeed magical and mystical. The Witch, was cunning, her existence was based on painting and containing all the power possible, while trying her darnedest to rid the land of her perceived enemies. 

The Com Man hid from the truth, until he finally meet his match when four others wanted him to be honest and do the thing he said he could. The Witch however, was a bit smarter then the Con Man, she created an army of Flying Monkeys from those who knew no better then to trust her. Everyone in Oz was terrified that the Witch would seize control. We first are aware that the only thing the Witch feared was a random house falling upon her and crushing her. Donald Trump has enlisted his Flying Monkeys, those who would never want to be on the receiving end of their own bigotry, racism and stupidity, who instead to the calling of the bully for fear that they might be the next ones to be bullied. We watch the plight of four characters who only want the basics in life, a heart (compassion), a brain (the ability to think and become free), courage (the need to stand up for yourself knowing you are not different), and a home (a place of love), and how mistreated they were from the Con Man and fearful they were of the Witch. That is until by happenstance, a bucket of water falls on the head of the Witch and she melts away.

Donald Trump knows he is insecure, he understands that the only way to live his life is to squash the life out of anyone before they can step on him. He seems fearless and so far the media in this nation have not challenged him. The band of clowns running against Donald trump from the GOP were no match for Donald because they too had no idea (like Dorothy and her pals) that all it took was some water to destroy the facade of fear. FINALLY, Hillary has found her bucket of water and has begun to pour it over Donald’s head. Mr Trump squirmed, tried his best lies, his best bogus, his best bullying tactics but one the past few days only demonstrated his own lack of courage, his missing heart, his stupidity, and his distaste for love. It is time, as the characters in OZ discovered, to see the weakness in the Wicked Witch of the West (Trump), and not only pour on top of head one bucket of truth, but open the entire dam!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Think Again

Karl Rove knew that men suffering from narcissism were empty portals devoid of val conscience. He was a masterful puppeteer, not interested in the welfare of anyone but himself. He found himself a muse named George Bush, primped him aimed and also pimped him filling his head with bigger, better, and best. You are a wealthy guy I assume Karl said to George W, you need a new toy to play with, let me take you to the toy store. Knowing nothing but privilege, and having had a daddy who in George W’s case was born before him, little Bush junior was ready. I can run a baseball team, so being president of the United States will be a cake walk. Peppering George W with falsehood about Georgie’s capabilities and knowing how much a narcissist is devoid of anything but ego, Karl Rove mangled and managed to convince a compassionate conservative would suit the needs of a nasty nation. Karl Rove was the puppet master but pulling the strings was not exactly the answer, so Rove hired a henchman to become the ventriloquist, Dick Cheney. Cheney would whisper the words as Georgie Junior , empty and dumb recited them. A rich spoiled brat  used to getting his own way became president, and the world as we knew changed for the worse almost immediately. 

Donald Trump is similar to George W Bush but even a bit slower and less intelligent. Twitter which allows for few words and many words not in the English discourse is the way Trump speaks, name calling and adolescent behavior is his most articulate way of communicating, and lying his ass off is a means of stating his purpose. Like George W, Donald Trump is empty but he can brag bigger, better and more boisterously then most and knows how to build facades from which to hide behind. Those who think using Playstation makes them soldiers, who believe that paying preachers to speak to God make them holy, who honestly recite the mantra FOX is fair and balanced, and who hate themselves but blame the Black guy in the White House for their failures, love them some Donald.  The GOP, having no moral and values, only contempt for real democracy , knew that Bush was loser, know that Trump is a bigger loser, but are savvy enough to understand their man in the White House will in fact Trump everything else.

And then we have the Dems, who love to ALWAYS shoot themselves in the foot. Principles must be maintained, and if you don’t respect my description and definition of what a true Progressive/Liberal/Democrat is, I will F you over. Dems, seem to believe it is my way or no way at all. Hillary is not the lesser of two evils, she is not a liar (unless you believe everything fraudulent the GOP and FOX News say about her). The Dems who say, just wait something will stick, live in a world of third party candidates, who only diminish the Dem vote, or only want a demagogue to be their party leader. There is one evil and that is Donald Trump. The GOP understand that Trump offers bigotry, racism, misogyny and xenophobia but “Hey, lets just get him into the White House, who cares if we are hypocrites” The Dems want blood, they want revenge, not on the GOP but upon themselves. Bernie or Hillary, fine, with candidates say words like inclusion, equality, minorities fair and justice. But the Dems seem to think site will win the day. We as Dems need to think again!

Thursday, June 2, 2016


So a man who thinks affordable health care is not an American value…who believes poverty is because you are lazy…who considers a minimum wage a give me…who wants a smaller government except in the bedroom and bathrooms…who is not quite sure there is enough science to prove global warming…who swore a pledge to block anything Obama has just fallen on his knees in front of the King (Trump) opened his mouth wide and said give it to me I am yours. So a man who always speaks of morals and values but has demonstrated none of them, has kowtowed like every other unscrupulous Republican before him paying homage to a bigot, racist, xenophobe, misogynist anti immigrant and placing party politics before the welfare of the nation. Is anyone at all surprised Paul Ryan said he will vote for Trump…ANYONE!