Friday, June 26, 2015

Bristol the Pistol

Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), announced in a blog post Thursday that she is pregnant. Palin wrote that she shared the news "sooner than I ever expected due to the constant trolls who have nothing better to talk about." Palin wrote that the pregnancy "has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family" and asked for privacy."Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one," Palin wrote. "At the end of the day there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side, and I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace.” (Huff Post Politics)

Dearest Bristol, what pistol you are Bristol! Hon, you love yourself some menz, and it don’t matter if you say I do standing in front of the minister before you you say I will do you to the man laying next to you on the bed. You go girl a second child out of wedlock, what a record for the daughter of a Grizzly Mama who swears that only daughters of single parent Negro mothers or daughters of same-sex couples are raised to bare bastard children. Now I have to wonder, Bristol do you really just ignore your parents instructions on morals and values or do they just spout all those Christian right wing tirades for sound bytes on FOX or the gun totin’ Wal-mart shoppin’klan lovin’ evangelicals who have never read the Constitution or for that matter the Bible? Or Bristol, Hon do you believe your own hype that somehow because your mother is the queen of stupid you are the princess of dumb?

Now you say the trolls will be out for you…you ever wonder why you are so damned defensive when you are called out for behavior you and your pistol packin’ Mom love to call out other folk for? Hypocrisy must be a special Palin gene!And then of course Bristol Hon suddenly you are a victim…you had sex out of wedlock,no one coerced you, you did not choose abstinence or protection and you got pregnant…no victim there except maybe common sense! You see Bristol it isn’t so much as trolling as it is letting you know your shit does smell, it smells as much as your mother’s if not more. Oh yeah Bristol, Hon the Candies Foundation paid you $262,500 to be its to be its abstinence ambassador, I just wonder when will you be paying them back for being more of an ambassador for unprotected sex?

And finally Bristol how convenient to bring God into this matter, he may be by your side, but but he had to step aside when you decided that his preachings (according to your Mama) were nothing but Sunday sermons and you were certainly not going to Sunday school when you decided to schtoop. Of course God loves you because you are human, an immature human at that, you enjoyed the sex but apparently nothing your heterosexual mother and father said (I am not sure they said anything) resonated with you about enjoying the sex with a pill or a condom. You take that dignity with you Hon, but I wonder when you will finally learn that all the poor folk, the LGBT folk, the people of color folk, also have dignity, even when they make some bad decisions. Bristol you certainly are a pistol!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A flag is not a flag

The rainbow flag commonly the gay pride flag and sometimes the LGBT pride flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements.It has been in use since the 1970s. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the flag is often used as a symbol of gay pride in LGBT rights marches.(Wikipedia). It’s inception, its purpose, it symbolism is simple a group of Americans strive for equal rights, equal protection and an equal share of the American life. And now the voices of the cockroaches who love to travel in the cracks, dark, dank crevices of religious fascist evangelical christianity have erupted insisting that if the Gays can have their flag then certainly the southern belles and their beaus should have equal access to their flag. A flag is not a flag, is not a flag.

The "Stars and Bars" flag, currently the subject of controversy, was actually the battle flag of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. After the Civil War war ended, the symbol became a source of Southern pride and heritage, as well as a remembrance of Confederate soldiers who died in battle. But as racism and segregation gripped the nation in the century following, it became a divisive and violent emblem of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist groups. It was also the symbol of the States' Rights Democratic Party, or "Dixiecrats," that formed in 1948 to oppose civil-rights platforms of the Democratic Party.(NPR) The “Stars and Bars” flag was symbol of the perseverance of inequality,denial of freedom and a disregard of civil rights. And now the anarchists who swear that fact is nothing but Progressive fiction, that only white lives matter, that Jesus was not only the first Commander and Chief of the United States, but the general of the Confederate States are ready with their Second Amendment rights to replace another rights of any other people but themselves. A flag is not a flag is not a flag. 

When discourse turns into dribble drabble, when common sense is drowned out by commotion, there is NEVER any real attempt to problem solve rather to create more problems. When there is no real answer except you are a racist, a homophobe, a religious fascist, you grab at straws hoping to throw out enough phobias and fears to excite the lowest common denomination of a base of voters paranoid and perplexed. The rainbow flag was created to be inclusive, to interject all citizens into the American melting pot. The “Stars and Bars”, was meant to exclude, to deny to showcase a bully pulpit from which not everyone is or will be equal. A flag is not a flag is not a flag!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

flagging it

An enemy of the nation if he is a German, a Japanese, a member of the the old Soviet military complex of nations, a Viet Cong, a North Korean, a Muslim he and the flags he has flown are considered foul, nasty, items of war that have no place on the cement plazas of federal buildings, no place to fly high on the ground of state capitals…and yet if the enemy was a white guy surrounded by his white bride, living in the South all eager to follow Christ’s preaching that the Negro race is and was designed to be inferior and thus considered slaves his flag is pure, it is the American way and it deserves to be cherished and honored. And yet, those who consider themselves ascendents of the Mayflower the true Americans who were really never immigrants because this nation was their manifest destiny, wail and cry and find nothing wrong, nothing Un-American about languishing and loving them the flag of the Confederacy. Purity to them is when inequality runs rampant, and you can identify and enemy and refuse he or she freedoms. For the hypocrites clutching their Bibles assault weapons white hoods and robes, it is a bad day in America because one historic sign of anarchy is hopefully being taken away.

Confused and all full of consternation, the T-Pubs are now all over the place trying to either back track on their call for the wonders of a Confederate Flag, or continue their obstinate and obtuse demand that the Civil War was their bit of history where real democracy in the form of tyranny took place, so keep that flag flying, damn it! Heroes’ to many of the T-Pubs were the generals and foot soldiers who waged war against an America which tried to believe that equality was meant for all. Taking down the flag some hard core anarchists insist is hurting the souls and foundations of good white folk whose ancestors believed that Negro’s had a place in nation but not at the same water fountain, or at the back of the bus, or not in my neighborhood. For the hypocrites who have never read real books of history, whose own family dynasty owned humans as slaves , who attend churches where the their God is of white color and blond hair or who just watch FOX just listen to Limbaugh America will never be the same without the reminder of a waring nations flag flying high.

So, this week we are debating something which seems to simple to decide. All these years after a Civil War, after march-ins attempts at desegregation, after permitting people of color to be considered like the rest of white America we are STILL talking about the flag of an enemy nation having a place anywhere but in the dens of Racists, the caves of the stupid, the homes of the fearful, the enclave of people too terrified to admit their own failings. And when and if all states realize how Un-American is is to fly the Confederate flag are we conning ourselves into believing equality will finally find it way?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Governor Haley

Governor Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley of South Carolina is an Indian American, her parents are from India, and she has no problem with her state flying high the Confederate Flag. I am not sure if Governor Nimrata Haley realizes that if her parents had somehow found themselves on the shores of South Carolina say, anytime between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War she certainly would not have had the opportunity to run for Governor, and most likely she and her family would NOT be welcomed as citizens with equal rights. The men and women who chose anarchy over democracy, tyranny over freedom at no time in their miserable anti-US loathing cared for those of darker skin then their beloved Caucasian race. The Confederacy was created by God you know the blond haired Jesus whose Dad wanted nothing but slavery and destitution for the races of people NOT white. Governor Nimrata Haley lives in the land of delusion, she surrounds herself with hypocrisy, the Confederate Flag she so defends is sponsored by people who once they re-gain power will say, lady go to the back of the bus, this space is reserved for Whites only!

Governor Haley, shame on you for pretending that out of one side of your mouth you are appalled at the horrific death of the innocent, while the other side of your mouth you only speak T-Bagging politics the kind that loves to lie, forget facts and are paid for and bought by insidious individuals who really hate the foundation of this nation. Your T-Bagging patriots hate equality, they desire the days of lynchings, white robes, shoot outs at high noon, and really, Haley honey hate those of us whose skin is not the purist of white. You may feel safe Governor Haley for now, but I wonder if you ever do take the time to consider what might happen when voter ID laws are strictly enforced, when the Supreme Court is truly 9 activist homophobic, racist, misogynist Evangelical Christian Justices…do you think your state of South Carolina will find a place for you or your darker skinned offspring? Such a hypocrite Governor Haley pretending that the Confederate Flag is like a warm fuzzy recollection of the past when i  fact it is nothing but a nightmare of venom, stupid, hate and inequality. Governor Haley how much more of an idiot can you become?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

let me get this straight

So let me get this straight…
A white man walks into a black church with a gun, having told his friends that he is tired of the blacks raping white women, he confessed to the police that he intended to murder some blacks BUT all of the T-Pubs running to become president of the USA think this was only a war on Christianity…The Southern States decide that black lives don’t matter and that God had intended for the Negros to be slaves, so they band together and create their own nation and wage war on the United States. They lose that war BUT somehow their flag of anarchy still flies high above some stare capitals and the only reply we get is, this is a part of who we are, by  sitting US Senators and US Governors…When T-Bagging activist judges on the Supreme Court decide that racism is long gone and dead, especially because we elected an African-American president so they begin to end the laws protecting minority voters these Justices are considered good Americans…BUT when  other Justices speak openly about the division between church and state and equality insisting that same-sex marriages are no different then opposite-sex marriages, the T-Bagging base cry Communism and want them impeached.

So let me get this straight…
Jeb was supposed to be the less slimy Bush, the one with heart, soul and perhaps an IQ above 80, but he flounders and farts out answers about right and wrong, and now just like his brother’s war in Iraq being a good thing or a real good thing, is not quite sure if a white murderer who said he wanted to kill blacks is a racist…The henchmen for the NRA the ones who only have read the Second Amendment in the Constitution and for that matter an abridged version think the Pastor of the Charleston Church is the real culprit for the death of his congregants because he advocated for sane gun laws, so he will go to Hell, but not the guys in white hats and assault weapons.  Rick Perry another person with little personal insight describes the murders in Charleston as an accident and is all pissed that the President is acting out and all too hissy because he (Obama) is tired of homeland terrorism as being the norm, and Ricky Perry wants to be the next Bubba President for ALL Americans.

So let me get this straight… we have an election in 2016 and there are at least two dozen men and one woman who believe an abortion ban should begin at 20 weeks, taxing the poor to pay the rich is a good thing, that Corporations are People, that church is state and church has dominion over state, that another war is the answer to all wars preceding yet another war, that immigrants have never been a part of the history of this nation, that a foreign nation waging war against the USA should still have its flag towering over state capitals and its generals should be considered hero’s, that voter fraud exists, that women have no ownership over their bodies and that black lives DO NOT matter…and they ALL have a GREAT chance to win a seat in the Oval Office…Let me get this straight…this IS Ameirika???????!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Is there an Amen?

Steve Douchebag, um er I mean Doocy of FOX and Fools, damn I mean Friends, began the charade of describing the murder of blacks by a white kid as nothing more then a hit job on Christians. Stevie was then joined by his terribly white paper mache of puppeteer Friends, all ringing their Jesus was a blond haired man also with pure as white skin, cronies lamenting that a white kid walking into a an all black church with a gun has nothing to do with racism. The conversation, from a war on Christians then swiftly moved to a lesson in life in which had the pastors and their Jesus loves me when I have a gun parishioners actually had a gun the man who hated Christians would have been slaughtered from the Holy Tabernacle. Wham bam slam the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost would have reloaded their assault weapons and sent angels to float the Shootin’ pastor on their shoulders. Do I hear an Amen!

People murdered in cold blood sitting in a church praying and talking about God in a city in a state where a defeated foreign nation a nation established for the overthrow of the United States  still has its flag flowing freely at the state capital. People murdered in cold blood and neither that states Governor, nor its two US Senators could find themselves saying the words black people were killed by a white man who made it very clear he did not like black people, so this must be a racist inspired event. Instead the conversation focused on a war against Christians, the Second Amendment must be upheld, and this stuff happens. People murdered just because they were black and since it was a white kid who murdered them cold blood, there is nothing to get alarmed about, and oh yeah this must have something to do with either the Progressives, the Homosexuals, the Kenyan president and of course the war against the White Christians.

Steve Douchebag and his entertainment reality stars sat around their set showcasing their furrowed brows and incessant hypocrisy insisting that we don’t need facts to figure this out we need hate, fear and loathing. Steve Douchebag and his cohort of clueless fools found fodder in fiction and began a tale of terror that maybe it was blacks who once again were murdered, but perhaps Amerika, (the Amerika that believes the Earth is 6000 years old dinosaurs were cave pets, women should just be seen and not heard, and oh yeah if you read the Bible close enough you will see that Jesus had 100% rating from the NRA,) if you really want to be worried know that there is a war on Christianity! People were killed in Charleston,American citizens were murdered for nothing else but being black! Is there an Amen for that?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

the enemy of the state

Curiously we hear about how ISiS and their Islamist militants are the true enemies of the state. The leadership of ISIS defies the glory and the grandeur of democracy and insist that theocracy, Islamic theocracy, is the true order of the new world. No need for an elected group of leaders who say words like freedom, or equality…nope men are the leaders, women their chattel, God the supreme general, and all things written in the Quran, at least the Quran used by the self proclaimed Jihadists of Mohammad, the only laws necessary to lead the sheep. And our T-Pubs who reminisce over the Bush saga of wars, the Cheney span of lies and deceit, the Bush/Cheney reign of torture insist that the enemy of the state are those who show disregard for the Constitution and the heritage of the United States.

Curiously we have a ship full of fools vying for the nomination of the T-Publican Party presidential nomination who use ISIS and their Islamist militants as reason why they should be elected. We will be safer they proclaim as they hold a Christian Bible in their hands next to both the license to conceal a weapon and the actual concealed weapon. Their God it seems has anointed them either in a dream or via a direct conversation to become the next president of the USA, and their God has certain criterion from which HE has selected them. These ship of fools passengers tell us that Jesus never intended for all men and for that fact women to be equal when he signed the Constitution. Jesus, these repugnant rascals insist, died on the cross so same-sex marriage would never happen in the USA, knew that rape was a gift of life, and of course never ever wanted the dark skinned humans to mate with the light skin humans. These passengers on the ship of fools knew that Jesus founded Amerika to make sure that ONLY the Christians, the ones who will need not pack their baggage for the Rapture, will survive because they hate, loathe, and truly understand that Church is State, and State is Church.

Curiously, we now have half a dozen announced and soon to be announced clowns ready to board the T-Pub ship of fools who love to shout that ISIS is bad, but in fact are creating their own religious war in which NOT the Quran is the law of the land, but the New Testament is the final word on how we govern Ameirka. This group of Christian Crusaders have disdain for democracy as perceived by the Founding Fathers, but have great love for some imagined bit of history in which the Puritans wreath actual soldiers of the Revolutionary War. This group of fools believe that the shit of ISIS stinks but the poop falling from both their mouths and asses is pure and fragrant. Curiously much of the American public is distressed with the evil empire of ISIS and insists on wearing blinders to whole lot domestic enemies. Curiously we seem to ignore the evident and prefer the imaginary. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Here is the thing about democracy…when you permit the citizens of a country to contemplate a run for the office of president, you can and should expect ALL types of individuals to do so. In a democracy you still need a whole lot of money to declare your interest, but you can be an actor, a reality star,a snake oil salesman,a shifty politician, a son of a wealthy billionaire, a college drop out, a beauty queen and a complete douchebag as well as someone who actually has read the Constitution and knows that Moses is and was not the father of this country. The idea however should be that because this IS a democracy when you run for the highest office of the land you actually should make an attempt, even if it is feeble to represent all of its countrymen and women. No demographic should feel slighted by your intent when you run for president, and all sectors of the nation should at least feel you have a teeny tiny interest in their well being. So far this nation still has a semblance of democracy albeit stricter voter ID laws, gerrymandered districts, Citizens United and FOX News, so while we still can bathe in the idea that democracy works it would be nice to embrace candidates who actually care about ALL of the people.

And then today in this democracy a person like Donald Trump joins the ranks of the free citizens of the United States announcing he too wants to be the CEO of America. And just like the other announced candidates and those still toying with the affections of a T-Party voter base of racists, Christian crusaders, homophobes and those suffering from xenophobia, he wants to become the president not for everyone, but for a select group of Patriots who of course all need a common enemy to feel more Americanized. The Donald made it very clear just who was welcomed in a nation in which he would become president and exactly who would be part of a caste system defining them as the untouchables. The Donald wants to become president of this democratic nation, but if he should become president, he joins the ranks of the other T-Pubs in demolishing democracy for women who believe they should have power of their own reproductive rights, the LGBT community, immigrants, laborers who want a decent wage, and anyone who believes in Islam. The Donald may or may not have real intent on becoming the next CEO of America, but his words and deeds in attempting this marketing ploy will reek great havoc on democracy as he divides and conquers dealing with fear, loathing and avoiding truth and honest.

Look closely at The Donald and the array of committed and soon to be committed T-Pubs (fondly known as the clowns in a clown car), and make a list of the groups of people they either want a separate but equal bunch of laws, definite laws to deny equality, and laws that will only protect the newest category of hum the Corporations. Church is State, the Supreme Court is obsolete, immigrants need not apply, give the rich tax breaks and everyone thrives, black live don’t matter, health care if you can afford it, and little ladies rape is a good thing. The Donald may seem like the biggest buffoon so far to announce his intentions, but the list he tops is filled with men and one woman of the T-Pub sort who if elected will do their very greedy, grimy best to destroy whatever flicker of true democracy still stands. Here is he thing about democracy, it has survived for over 239 years, but it certainly seems on the precipice of destruction with yet one more self-serving clown entering the clown car.


“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead”-Thomas Paine (English-American activist)

Fox & Friends "psychiatrist" Dr. Keith Ablow wants you to know that the now-resigned NAACP chapter president who apparently lied about being black (and, more importantly, seems to have fudged her own history in an attempt to sell that story) is because the Gays. “I’ve been saying for a long time we could find ourselves at this moment,” Ablow said on Monday morning. “I’m not judging folks who put forward a transgender position — Caitlyn Jenner and the rest. But, I did note that when you decide that a genetic reality is not reality, if this woman believes to her core that her identity is that of a black woman, one could argue, not me, but one could argue that she should be accepted according to her quote ‘racial identity.’” Dr Keith Ablow

Dear Keith,
One has to wonder, aloud and hopefully collectively what kind of education you received while in school, and even more so, how someone could have received that education and become so utterly stupid. Sadly you have become a side show cartoon for making the T-Bagging Republican claim that college is useless, how reality TV creates clowns as heroes, and exactly just how unbelievably ignorant the audience of FOX Entertainment has become. Now I know Keith, the Gays have been blamed for everything from drought in California, to leading the Devil and his brigade of demons against Christ, to bringing on the End Days to even Josh Duggars molestation interests with his sisters. We have an agenda, according to you and your cronies and now it seems we have the Super Power to let really stupid selfish people lie about their identity. Of course Keith you never provide any real scientific evidence of your claims because well for two reasons Keith, you knew if you searched for some you would immediately be called a snake oil salesman and secondly you know just how STUPID the FOX Entertainers and their audience of the living dead really are, so a sham any sham just makes you more famous. I love how you be the fair minded doctor never actually accusing the Gays of bad things, but the way you wonder out loud slanting the one sided possibilities is on of the best flim-flam tricks in the book. (Too bad Manhattan was already sold to the Indians for a few trinkets, you might have found yourself richer then that lying blow hard Bill O’Reilly.)

Ahh Keith what is it you fear about the human nature of others? Were you raised without compassion, taught that hate best defines God or just decided that being a con artist on FOX could bring you all the material delights you think you need to be happy? Once again you have shed a dismal light on the profession of psychiatry, but indeed a very bright and bold glow for the STUPID!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

when democracy dies

On Sunday June 15, 2015 my husband Joe, my daughter Dani and her girlfriend Sarah, my just like a son friend, Scott and two new friends, Alicia and Jen and I walked to Santa Monica Boulevard to participate in LA’s LGBT Pride. We passed same-sex families, opposite-sex families, kids whose eyes sparkled at the fact that no police officer was going to arrest them for being Gay, drag queens, bears, sissy boys, buff women, people of every skin color the city of Los Angeles affords. The parade was a lo-oooong event so our group decided to find our way to the LGBT Festival trying to beat the rush. Along the way we found large signs, a few bull horns, the words Fag, faggot, sinner, sin, pervert emblazoned on placards either in the hands of the hecklers or carried by a bunch young kids (amazing how easy it is to teach hate).All of these Jesus hates you words were arts and crafted to be juxtaposed next to a very white blond haired Jesus Christ giving us the middle finger. The Evangelical Crusaders were slathering at the mouths and one had to wonder while the hot Gay boys and the sexy Lesbian ladies passed by was there also a boner or two popping up from the men and maybe a big smile from the women protesting?

This so far is America where democracy still (who knows how much longer) prevails and supposedly free speech and demonstration is permitted. So as annoying as these Jesus hates you but loves me for hating you hypocrites were, our group jeered at them but tolerated their noise. I was looking closely at the faces wondering if in fact a little later when the parade was over one or two might pretend that they needed to protest on one of the dance floors? (What is it they say he or she who doth protest too loud). But as I began to enter the Pride Festival watching the participants gather I had to wonder, what if…

What if these Christian zealots actually got their Jihadist way and indeed the United States  become a Christian nation? What if these people who have never read the Constitution or for that matter the New Testament actually were able to elect one of the T-bagging blame the Gays, Feminists, the Blacks, Immigrants and the Pope presidential candidates with a veto proof Senate and House permitting the nomination of religious activist judges like Scalia and Alioto…what would happen. We have witnessed in other Theocratic nations that democracy dies, freedoms end and free speech costs you your life. There might be a Christian Pride parade but nowhere on the premises would you find an LGBT group of protesters, nope Theocratic is a damned dictatorship and there is great fear of dissentand of course free speech.  Our group of family and friends entered the Festival I smiled acclimated to the raucous atmosphere but I wondered what happens when democracy dies?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Loving Day

Jan. 14, in Montgomery, Ala., newly elected Gov. George Wallace, a Democrat, stepped up to a podium to deliver his inaugural address."segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever,” The Governor wanted the South to rise again, and proudly wore the Confederate stripes on his newly pressed suit jacket and had perhaps his white robe and hood tucked away beneath his Brooks Brother shirt and suit pants. the Governor was doing God’s business, not any God of course but the Jesus God he believed did not create the Negro population with the same respect as the whites. The Jesus God who could, would and certainly should usurp any of the nonsense that the Founding Fathers may have faltered over when they foolishly decided that separation of Church and State made for a better democracy.

Today is a day known as Loving Day. Loving Day is an annual celebration held on June 12, the anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision Loving V. Virginia which struck down all anti-miscegenation laws remaining in 16 states citing "There can be no doubt that restricting the freedom to marry solely because of racial classifications violates the central meaning of the equal protection clause.(Wikipedia). In June 1958,Mildred and Richard Loving returned to their home in Central Point, Virginia. Mildred was unaware, she said, of her state's "Racial Integrity Act," a 1924 law forbidding interracial marriage—After getting married in Washington, DC, in June 1958, just over a month after the Lovings' homecoming, police raided their place at 2 a.m., arrested the couple, and threw them in jail. Leon Bazile, a judge for the Caroline County Circuit Court, convicted them on felony charges. "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay, and red, and he placed them on separate continents," the judge wrote. "The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”(Mother Jones) Once again Jesus had the power to decide the laws of the United States, and once again an official elected in a democratic nation refused to acknowledge the power of the Constitution preferring the bigotry of HIS Bible.

June 11, 2015 North Carolina’s Anti-Gay Marriage Bill passed as prominent majority of Christian Confederate T-Bagging Crusaders voted on a bill  that declares that protecting civil servants’ right to discriminate on the job is more important than anything else. All a magistrate need do under the bill is declare that she holds a religious objection to issuing a marriage license to a certain couple, and she can legally turn them away. (SLATE) Under this Christian nation-state bill, bigotry and bias trump Constitutional rights, equality and refuse to ignore what once was a standard of separation of Church and State. Now in the Christian nation-state known as North Carolina, you as a civil servant can recite your God’s racism or homophobia and deny the marriages of same-sex couples and interracial couples. Hate is alive in North Carolina and the Bible,not just any Bible but the one whose God is sure homosexuals and people of color are evil triumphs over something as passé as the Constitution. Smart people learn from history, the stupid never do.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Annie at it again

The Republican nominee for president needs to focus on attracting white voters and stop reaching out to minorities, conservative pundit Ann Coulter said Monday on “The O’Reilly Factor.” "The way Republicans win is by driving up the white vote," she told the Fox News host. "It is not by appealing to women or Hispanics or blacks. In fact, those groups are going to start fighting among one another …(Huff Post Politics) Ann Coulter really, really, really doesn’t take herself seriously, she knows she is the lead chauffeur driving a clown car of Republican presidential hopefuls but the scary thing about Ann is the fact that the average FOX News loving, minority hating, T-Bagging so called T-Publican base thinks next to Sister Sarah Palin, Ms Coulter is pure genius!

The amazing thing about some of the so called pundents of T-Publican-ville is that they honestly know they are snake oil salesmen at the ready to grift you out of anything good for you. They also know the average intelligence of those who buy every word coming from their overzealous BS mouths takes root because the T-Bagging crowd love them some baloney on their big sandwich of bogus and bigotry. Annie Coulter would be a nobody if she ever spoke the truth, but she is Queen of the Racist, Homophobe, Misogynist, Xenophobic Jungle where the natives thrive on vile and have a feeding frenzy on fiction. Like a vampire, Annie sucks the sense and sensibility from the lungs of lemmings oh so ready to run off a hill and die.

Annie Coulter is like an addict, she craves attention and when that attention begins to follow the actual other clowns in the T-Bagging party, she has the urge to create a newer scam, one that of course seems so appalling, so ridiculous but so appealing to the idiots who need to find a scapegoat for fear that they might be found the victims of a bully instead. Once again, Ann Coulter is at the ready to speak the stupid.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Scary clowns

So I wonder, (and of course worry a bit), do the Koch Brothers and the foray of T-Bagging candidates calling themselves Christian Evangelical American potential presidential candidates really think that their next generation and for sure the next generation of  their own children are actually NOT going to suffer the consequences of climate change?  Do the Bozo’s who pretend that fossil fuels are NOT the work of the Devil but instead the wishes of Jesus Christ who of course died a Capitalist/Banker will make their children and grandchildren and perhaps great grandchildren breath healthier, live longer and have the Earth forever as habitable? So I wonder when the T-Bagging/FOX News loving/fear mongering/haters of anyone not like them want to vote for THEIR next Christian president, do they even imagine what kind of fiasco awaits with regards to the environment/climate and Earth itself? Or, like the clown car of puppets,owned and operated by greedy billionaires is that so called T-Bagging Republican base so baseless and ignorant tending to their own selfish immediate needs continue to have the wool be pulled and pulled and pulled over their eyes?

So I wonder (and of course worry) when the T-Bagging Evangelical candidates pretend that they are both for Family Values and Pro Life do they ever really imagine what responsibilities might follow once the fetus is born aside from it having its own attorney? When T-Bagging state legislatures make it a crime to feed the poor, or cut back on food stamps because poverty is a punishment, or play act their little diddy in trying to stop any kind of affordable or universal health care do they really believe little Freddy Fetus, or Zelda Zygote if not born to a wealthy family will even be around after their first year? And if they do survive that first year what kind of love will the abusive dad or the rapist or even Uncle Grandpa Daddy provide for them? How do the T-Bagging, we love life, zombies think these Fetus’s and Zygotes will be educated? Certainly not in the Communist collective know as Pre-School or the Socialist deviancy called Day Care. And while the T-Bagging morons believe that the economy is still trickling down,using that as an excuse to hire only minimal wage workers, or to deny maternity leave, or to refuse to at least stop the gap from the we have it all to the you are a useless fools, will the presidential hopeful marionettes all snug in the republican clown car even consider just how third world this first world country has become?

So I wonder (and of course worry), just which sect of Christianity will become the official religion of the new USA or maybe it will be called the Confederated Christian States of Regan? We have some Catholic potential presidential candidates who love a good Mass, but Heck even Hell they are getting hell because the Pope has the audacity to say Jesus would be pissed at the way the T-Baggers are pissing all over the Earth. We have the Evangelicals who love them some good Duggar kids and seem to think the stricter the father, the more subservient the wife and of course the more porous the vagina, the more equality will thrive of course for the male species, And the group of Christians who quote that Jesus’s love is greater when their is abuse in the family. Then we have the mega-church evangelicals, who reassure us that the Jesus who talks to them in their sleep, the Jesus who loves him some good material goods or the Jesus who was the Founding Father figure of the Founding Fathers, who really believes if it ain’t Christian it ain’t American. So I wonder,(and worry of course) when will a majority of Americans really begin to believe that the clowns running for president from the T-Bagging Republican Party are not the belly laugh kind of creature but scary, boggy men gremlins and goblins that come into your room at night and steal your breath away! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham is the son of a preacher man, Billy Graham, I mean Reverend Billy Graham, his dad loves the title Reverend.  The Rev, who loves himself some JESUS was not too fond of the Jews however and said the following in private in1972 to the oh so moral Christian president, Nixon,, ’’They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff, {the Jews}’' Mr. Graham said on the tape, after agreeing with President Nixon that left-wing Jews dominate the news media. The Jewish ''stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued, suggesting that if Mr. Nixon were re-elected, ''then we might be able to do something.’’(NY Times) Franklin Graham learned a lot about the business of Christian Crusades and like most rotten apples that fall from a very sick tree he laid in wait to take root and in turn take time to talk Godspeak in a very evil way. Franklin learned that the Jews are not quite Christian enough to really take a place in the dominance of America. Franklin recently commented that perhaps Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was notnChristian enough when he said “Those who support same-sex marriage consider her an ally in their fight to toss God's Holy Word aside. ... let's pray that Justice Ginsburg's eyes would be opened to the truth of Scripture and that she would not be deceived by the arguments of those who seek to impose their 'new morality' on our nation.” (Huff Post) But I digress.

Very recently Wells Fargo Bank has been airing a commercial in which two women, we first see them separately (not doing any kind of LESBIAN STUFF), are learning sign language. We find out eventually these two women are adopting a young deaf girl. The two women are introduced as her new mommies and each mother has learned how to sign some very uplifting and supportive sentences.They areTWO MOMMIES! Being the son of a heterosexual preacher man, who learned early on that the God his father talks to in his sleep (don’t they all) is not only a fearful deity but quite scared that the homosexuals if permitted to demonstrate any kind of love might reek total havoc over Evangelical Christianity, Franklin Graham is having none of this kind of family value. Franklin Graham is calling on Christians to boycott corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. And he says he’ll do his part by moving all the bank accounts for his two ministries out of Wells Fargo because of its featuring a lesbian couple. (Charlotte Observer). Always interesting how churches become Mega with mega amounts of money!

Franklin, Franklin, Franklin so pestered and pissed about two women who want to adopt a young girl who most likely is up for adoption because she is deaf, all the women want is to create a loving family,(and it was scripted commercial) but you in JESUS’s name will have nothing of it. HOWEVER Franklin, Wells Fargo Bank has been accused of: Wells Fargo & Co. targets black and Latino borrowers for more costly home loans than their white counterparts in the Chicago area (Bloomberg Business) Struggling homeowners continue to encounter problems with Wells Fargo, Those problems include lost paperwork, endless delays and wrongful denials on loan modifications(SF Gate) Wells Fargo will pony up $175 million to compensate more than 30,000 minority borrowers who were allegedly steered into riskier, more expensive loans during the heyday of the housing boom(US News)…BUT none of those accusations and actions even brought you a moment of contemplation to remove your dollars. Your Jesus it seems has no problems with stealing from poor families, but has it out for those who wish to create, and support loving families. Pure American Christian hypocrisy Franklin, and you mange to get rich off each and every bit of bull shit you try to sell.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Sister Sarah

When Sister Sarah Palin begins to talk in tongues, dismantle the English language so it sounds like something spoken by citizens of Jupiter, uses more run on sentences then most people might attempt in a life time; when Sister Sarah Palin begins her seemingly drug induced trip as she stands either in front of TLC, FOX or Discovery TV cameras or sits at her desk dictating her meandering thoughts on Twitter or Facebook, to some subservient assistant who believes that indeed Sarah is Grizzly Mother…you know that the person she is pretending to defend has to be might guilty of the immoral or mistrusted machinations of their own, but certainly also must have acted just as Sister Sarah has done and does herself. 

Be it a Duck Grandpa drooling over some young females, a pedophile House Speaker, a brother loving him some of his sisters, or an aging rock star who believes the best sex is that of an underaged girl, Sister Sarah is at the edge of outrage not at the perpetrators, but at the Progressive, Liberals, Socialists who have the audacity to highlight the hypocritical behavior of Christian Crusaders. Sister Sarah when coherent will inform the public that the final call of bad behavior is up to Jesus, but just in case he is looking the other way, she will dutifully do his bidding and tell the real sinners to shut the fuck up! Good children of Christ, says Palin, can err now and then because their intentions of molestation were founded somewhere in the Bible she keeps as she sits on her front porch with an assault weapon, a moose’s head and her binoculars focused on seeing Russia. No one knows God better then the bunch of hooligans who shout his name LOUD and LONG!

When Sister Sarah Palin decides she is here to protect you, you need to run as far away as possible, because Sister Sarah Palin uses the black hole in her brain to talk and once she mentions your name you are pulled into an oblivion with no return!

Just because

Just because you have sworn to the world Jesus Christ spoke to you while you were sleeping or while you were saluting the American Flag or while you were supporting bigoted anti Gay businesses and begged you to run for the office of president from the T-Bagging Republican Party does not necessarily suppose you actually should. Just because you proudly think immigrants are so unAmerican as to have never had any purpose in creating the history of a nation of immigrants like the United States, or that same-sex marriages are a sham refusing to address the amount of times white heterosexual Christians have either remarried or had a dozen infidelity affairs certainly does not mean you know the first thing about running for president from a T-Bagging Republican Party. Just because you can hate like Hannity, over exaggerate like O’Riley, confuse the truth like Kelly, act the parasite like Palin or falsify anything related to the facts like all of FOX Noise does not mean you are ready for that seat in the Oval Office, nor should seek the nomination to run, baby run from the T-Bagging Republican Party. Just because you are a hero for a pitiful morose, mangled group of people who believe the Earth is maybe 6000 year olds, dinosaurs were household pets of Adam and Eve, the sun actually does rotate around the Earth, climate does not change cause Jesus said so, or that Grandpa Duck, Brother Josh, Teddy Nugent are not only super stars but victims of the too intelligent liberal bully’s NEVER EVER justifies your ability to be Da’ Man who can push that nuclear button and destroy the world just so you can bring the Rapture that much sooner and finally God Bless ‘Merika! 

Just because you disregard your own wife, daughter or mothers personal rights insisting that rape is at the calling of God, and babies belong to anyone but the woman carrying them, or that poverty happens because of laziness and has nothing to do with tax policies enhancing the pocket of the rich while decimating the poor, or that affordable health care for all is a sin that Jesus while carrying his assault weapon would never approve of does not mean should become the next presidential candidate from a very T-Bagging Republican Party.

There are about two dozen men and one woman clamoring to find their way to the bottom of a pit of a murky, miserable, mind-numbing marauding voter base, who base their voting power on finding the biggest bigot, the most raucous racist, the meanest misogynist or the heinous of homophobes. In America of 2015 to win the T-Bagging Republican primary you purposely must hate as loud as possible, create enemies of those who believe in a separation of church and state, and of course be loud and proud shame the poor, praise the rich, deny science and destroy dignity. Scary times in America.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

11th Commandment

Whenever the Evangelical Christian T-Pubs get into anything messy, the messy that creates tar balls, icky sticky green gel, or the kind of name calling usually reserved for the mouths of the Evangelical Christian T-Pubs toward others, anytime there is real insidious behavior filled with some illegality and a whole lot of illicit motivations; anytime this happens you know it REALLY is a serious offense because one of two things happens…there is an immediate silence from the guilty party then followed by Jesus has forgiven me so fuck off…OR there is a special interview on FOX entertainment. The reality stars who pretend to be anything but the racist, homophobic, misogynist, anti-true democracy clowns they are get into a whirling-dervish frenzy, proclaiming that the offender is the real victim, and had it not been for the Progressives, the Homosexuals, the Blacks, the Feminists, the Haters of Christ no one would really be an eeny-meany bit pissed off or even have noticed. Hypocrisy it seems is the 11th Commandment for the Evangelical,Christian Crusaders and their bigoted bevy of ass licking foot soldiers.

If a child from a family of 19 raised by parents who believe women are one huge elastic vagina, girls must always be the sinner if lusted after by their brother or another male, and constructing houses solves all problems of the male libido commits a heinous action, he of course is just a vessel of God, and God will of course pat him on his little penis and say, you broke none of my laws. On the other hand however, there need not be any overt action toward a young girl or boy but the mere fact that one is a homosexual or transexual, the Evangelical Christians know for certain the intent is there to lust and lunge and God has no tolerance for any of that shit! Sinning ain’t sinful as long as you were raised by a white mom and dad who scared you straight! Hypocrisy is the 11th Commandment and the Duggars and FOX fanatics know it all too well.

Ted Nugent loves his sixteen year old girls, Grandpa Duck Dynasty loves him some teen aged pretty white girls, Josh Duggar likes his sisters and all three have been praised, pushed and promoted by FOX Nonsense as the real deal. Even when the digressions of these individuals have been made public FOX idiots don’t back down, no indeed, they demand real justice be brought against those who are the Un-Christ like pointing their demon fingers. As sad as the folks at FOX who provide the inane and insane irrelevant facts and poisonous fiction are, the sad souls who have become The Cult in their inability to want truth to be told ave even more pathetic. The 11th Commandment holds great weight with the self proclaimed Christian Jihadists, because with hypocrisy there is never any need to look inward.