Thursday, June 25, 2015

A flag is not a flag

The rainbow flag commonly the gay pride flag and sometimes the LGBT pride flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements.It has been in use since the 1970s. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the flag is often used as a symbol of gay pride in LGBT rights marches.(Wikipedia). It’s inception, its purpose, it symbolism is simple a group of Americans strive for equal rights, equal protection and an equal share of the American life. And now the voices of the cockroaches who love to travel in the cracks, dark, dank crevices of religious fascist evangelical christianity have erupted insisting that if the Gays can have their flag then certainly the southern belles and their beaus should have equal access to their flag. A flag is not a flag, is not a flag.

The "Stars and Bars" flag, currently the subject of controversy, was actually the battle flag of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. After the Civil War war ended, the symbol became a source of Southern pride and heritage, as well as a remembrance of Confederate soldiers who died in battle. But as racism and segregation gripped the nation in the century following, it became a divisive and violent emblem of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist groups. It was also the symbol of the States' Rights Democratic Party, or "Dixiecrats," that formed in 1948 to oppose civil-rights platforms of the Democratic Party.(NPR) The “Stars and Bars” flag was symbol of the perseverance of inequality,denial of freedom and a disregard of civil rights. And now the anarchists who swear that fact is nothing but Progressive fiction, that only white lives matter, that Jesus was not only the first Commander and Chief of the United States, but the general of the Confederate States are ready with their Second Amendment rights to replace another rights of any other people but themselves. A flag is not a flag is not a flag. 

When discourse turns into dribble drabble, when common sense is drowned out by commotion, there is NEVER any real attempt to problem solve rather to create more problems. When there is no real answer except you are a racist, a homophobe, a religious fascist, you grab at straws hoping to throw out enough phobias and fears to excite the lowest common denomination of a base of voters paranoid and perplexed. The rainbow flag was created to be inclusive, to interject all citizens into the American melting pot. The “Stars and Bars”, was meant to exclude, to deny to showcase a bully pulpit from which not everyone is or will be equal. A flag is not a flag is not a flag!

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