Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Here is the thing about democracy…when you permit the citizens of a country to contemplate a run for the office of president, you can and should expect ALL types of individuals to do so. In a democracy you still need a whole lot of money to declare your interest, but you can be an actor, a reality star,a snake oil salesman,a shifty politician, a son of a wealthy billionaire, a college drop out, a beauty queen and a complete douchebag as well as someone who actually has read the Constitution and knows that Moses is and was not the father of this country. The idea however should be that because this IS a democracy when you run for the highest office of the land you actually should make an attempt, even if it is feeble to represent all of its countrymen and women. No demographic should feel slighted by your intent when you run for president, and all sectors of the nation should at least feel you have a teeny tiny interest in their well being. So far this nation still has a semblance of democracy albeit stricter voter ID laws, gerrymandered districts, Citizens United and FOX News, so while we still can bathe in the idea that democracy works it would be nice to embrace candidates who actually care about ALL of the people.

And then today in this democracy a person like Donald Trump joins the ranks of the free citizens of the United States announcing he too wants to be the CEO of America. And just like the other announced candidates and those still toying with the affections of a T-Party voter base of racists, Christian crusaders, homophobes and those suffering from xenophobia, he wants to become the president not for everyone, but for a select group of Patriots who of course all need a common enemy to feel more Americanized. The Donald made it very clear just who was welcomed in a nation in which he would become president and exactly who would be part of a caste system defining them as the untouchables. The Donald wants to become president of this democratic nation, but if he should become president, he joins the ranks of the other T-Pubs in demolishing democracy for women who believe they should have power of their own reproductive rights, the LGBT community, immigrants, laborers who want a decent wage, and anyone who believes in Islam. The Donald may or may not have real intent on becoming the next CEO of America, but his words and deeds in attempting this marketing ploy will reek great havoc on democracy as he divides and conquers dealing with fear, loathing and avoiding truth and honest.

Look closely at The Donald and the array of committed and soon to be committed T-Pubs (fondly known as the clowns in a clown car), and make a list of the groups of people they either want a separate but equal bunch of laws, definite laws to deny equality, and laws that will only protect the newest category of hum the Corporations. Church is State, the Supreme Court is obsolete, immigrants need not apply, give the rich tax breaks and everyone thrives, black live don’t matter, health care if you can afford it, and little ladies rape is a good thing. The Donald may seem like the biggest buffoon so far to announce his intentions, but the list he tops is filled with men and one woman of the T-Pub sort who if elected will do their very greedy, grimy best to destroy whatever flicker of true democracy still stands. Here is he thing about democracy, it has survived for over 239 years, but it certainly seems on the precipice of destruction with yet one more self-serving clown entering the clown car.

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