Wednesday, July 31, 2019

my love

There can no longer be permitted any confines and constrictions, contradictions, or the will of someone to choose the truth or consequences of love and how it is defined. How and whom, where and when, how deeply, longingly, and honestly you love is a unique feature, nature provides, and is nurtured by integrity, empathy, emotion, soul and conscience.

Love is love, and only when YOU are in love can you tell the truth from the false, the real from the fake, and no matter what, human beings, acting as a demi-God, try as they may try to promote their own sick agendas and propaganda…YOU are the true owner of the love you give and receive.

Joe is the love of my life, my husband, and I am his husband, and the family we have created IS blessed by my God, my Family, my Community, and for me that is all that matters. And for all of the Americans who have never really experienced true love because they have been TOLD how to love, and thus who are afraid of mine…what a pathetic lot you have become, and what an even more pathetic lot in life you are stuck with.

As the Hebrew saying is stated: Ani L’Dodi, V’Dodi Li…I am my Beloved and My beloved for Mine
In this time when hate abounds, we all need to let those we love, to understand it is without restriction, be it self-imposed by some false punishment of a loveless religious ritual or one inching closer by others who know nothing but rot and ruin. I love you Joe one man to another man, and will fight to my last breath, anyone who thinks our love is not as special and eternally as equal as the universe permits!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse, and they all lived together in a little crooked house (By Mother Goose)

Name the crooked man of the moment: Be he trump a psychopathic, systematic liar and Russian Agent. Be he McConnell and old pal of Putin, but newly discovered Russian asset. Be he Barr a leech on the anus of the Orange Turd who would rather enjoy self-gain and fuck the rest of the nation. Be he Kushner, a Rat who owns rat infested properties learning how to be the Big Rodent from both his Father and Father-In-Law. Be he Adelson, Be he Marcus, Be he Miller a bunch of Jewish men whose family histories were filled with the miseries of being the OTHER, denied and dismissed. Be he Graham, Be he Falwell Junior, believing that if Bull Shit is said with your head lowered, hands crossed and loud AMEN at the end it actually came from Jesus! Be he Hannity, a dumb shit but much smarter than Trump, knowing that the MAGA love lots of Fascist Trope, and Hannity is the best at delivering it and has the ratings to prove so. Be he every GOP Senator whose pockets are open, but mouths remain closed. Be he every House Member who understands that fair and equal eliminates their chances to be elected, but hacked and gerrymandered are the winning touches.

OR be He a she…Be she Conway a collection of toxic waste, coal ash and rot all kept in place under blond hair. Be she Blackburn able to overlook the ruptures of the democratic process by defying logic and demonizing democracy. Be she HUCKABEE, nothing more than a part of a human centipede inhaling shit and exhaling even more bile. Be she a wannabe princess, named Ivanka, smart enough to sit on daddy’s lap but dumb enough to think she is welcomed anywhere else. Be it, Laura, with white teeth, white skin, white privilege, imagining how just the color white makes you so supreme. Be she Melania, with her Be Best, but if not Be Selfish and Be Blind unless it has bling!

Every day the road becomes more and more crooked and we may soon come to that apex in the road where there can never be any turning back!

Monday, July 29, 2019


And now it is Elijah Cummings, it matters not exactly who the newest villain maybe, but as long as they are OF Color, and brave enough to call out Trump for the atrocities he created, is in the midst of creating and the innuendo of scapegoating from which he inhales and exhales, he or she will become Public Enemy Number One…to disguise, to defray, deny, and defraud the people of America, and embrace, enhance, and entertain the minority of voters who only survive on a daily deluge of bigotry, bias and bogus. Look the other way, the Snake Oil Salesman says, look at the OTHERS…it is their actions to become concerned about, NOT MINE!

Finally out of the closet, no, not Lindsey Graham, but the Compromised Agent Closet is Comrade Mitch. We all knew he was anti-American, anti-Constitution, and anti-Fair and Honest, but now in the Time of Trump is fine and dandy to shout out loud that Hacking into our democratic voting process is OKAY, that embracing the criminals of Putin’s army of Oligarchs is THE AMERICAN WAY, or should I say the Republican Way…and new on the front of treason and dictatorship is the Senator from Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn, a lady gerrymandered and hacked into office herself, who one might watch closely as becoming the replacement candidate for VP in the 2020 GOP ticket for President. Senator Blackburn along with the cadre of spineless cowards, even with mounting and mounting evidence, feels it is OVER-REACH to spend time and money in fighting foreign invasions into our Democracy! (Pay her enough money, as McConnell has and is receiving and she has no problem resurrecting the Soviet Union, with the USA becoming the next Soviet Satellite sight. We are fucked, and SO fucked, because each day another subpoena is ignored, another Pelosi Avoidance dance is done, and Trump now publicly announces he can do whatever he wishes to…and so far has been proven correct!

Yesterday, my husband Joe was strolling along the beachfront of North Truro, magnificent views of Mother Nature, still a bit healthy on the edge of Cape Cod, the 57 hues of blue, the dunes shifting, shaping swirling with sand, the wind bellowing and behaving providing just enough ahh’s and oh that is nice, and the creatures calling the shoreline home racing back and forth. And then he spotted a bit of reality, aside from the nature embracing as best it could this part of the world. Waving proudly, waving with caution, but waving in defiance, was a White Flag, with the wind-worn letters of RESIST. How wonderful! But I worry each and every day how much longer, good can and will triumph over PURE ROTTEN EVIL!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

we still have concentration camps

“If you build it they will come.” This misquoted line is spoken by Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner, in the film Field of Dreams, directed by Phil Alden Robinson (1989). While wandering in a cornfield, Ray Kinsella hears a strange whisper: "If you build it, he will come." ... (original story by W.P. Kinsella). Either version, you gotta’ build it, (in the first place) for good or bad, for right or wrong…and once it is finished HE or THEY will come…either on their own, because they have no other choice, or oftentimes because the power of a government which once worked, for the people, NOW cares less about the people, and HAS decided that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, can only belong to the Leader/the Chairman/the King/the Emperor…

Trump built Concentration Camps on American soil! We can dance around the intended naming of these Camps, but anyone (and usually the MAGA’s are the exception) who has a slight bit of intelligence and had read history, should ably identify the overcrowded, cement, caged cement block buildings as camps wherein the concentration of people has over-reached its humane limits, and while trying to survive life inside have limits of anything that resemble freedom.

The one positive about Trump and his cohorts of misery and bigotry is how well they can fool the media into moving on to another story and ignore the REAL problem. Now Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore are of greater concern to the Media than the continuous and inhumane conditions, WHICH Trump created on purpose, and for no other reason than trying to please his voter base by demonstrating HATE and LOATHING for the perceived other. America has hated its poor and people of color, and oftentimes of certain religious orientation since its inception…nothing correct about that, and IT has honestly never been dealt with, with honest attempts…BUT for Trump, it is a decoy, a default, a way to defer attention from HIS CREATION OF CONCENTRATION CAMPS in this nation. Baltimore and almost every other major urban space in this nation have to continue to be better regarding housing. It, however, does take not only city leaders to address this problem, but the OWNERS of dirty, roach and rat-infested structures, like the KUSHNER COMPANY, and the SLUM LANDLORDS, like JARED KUSHNER. 

For me it is simple…if Trump is uncomfortable for his responsibility in building Concentration Camps, he can as he always does, write one more Executive Order and end the misery…and he can in the situation with Baltimore, pick up the phone, tell his son-in-law to walk a few steps into the Oval Office and remodel and rebuild all of the concentration camps like buildings Jared and his family own.  But as usual, the Media will forget the misery and sheer anti-democracy Concentration Camps built by Trump and just focus on the newest feud between Trump and someone of Color! 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

summer recess

That poorly overworked and overwrought United States Congress is taking a summer break… it must be like a sweatshop in the Capitol Building, having to welcome lobbyists with one hand and placing the bribery checks with the other hand, placing the blackmailed money in offshore bank accounts.  And conspiring with Oligarchs and their Putin stolen money HAS to be exasperating…I mean how many times can you shake your head and say “DA”…without getting a cramp in your neck. And I mean, how many times can you protect Trump and NOT lose a little bit of your spine…why if the Congress stayed in their offices and actually did some work for the people, at the same time committing crimes for the Trump Crime Family, all Republicans would end up losing at least 12 inches in height due to their spines imploding upon themselves.

Now the Supreme Court has agreed to let Trump spend the Defense Department on a Wall, and I am certain anything left that even sounds like Obama Care will be gone, and the MAGA hat-wearing “I love to be kissed when you are fucking me”, morons, will soon wither and die, because they will soon discover that Affordable Health Care IS and WAS OBAMACARE! 

So Nancy Pelosi says she knows what she is doing, but during the six-week hiatus of talk, talk, talk, yadda, yadda, yadda, seemed to prove otherwise. It seems Trump is still lying, stealing, playing golf, and his children are ripping off the taxpayers, and his Cabinet is still ripping apart their departments, and Putin is pulling the puppet string, and Sean Hannity is ‘splaining policy, both domestic and foreign!

And I am still receiving emails SCREAMING at me that my not sending an extra $25  to Beto or Biden or Warren, or Kamala or the DNC is why Trump will win the election in 2020…OH DEAR GOD!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Fire Ants

My first Tropical Storm, there I was living in Houston, Texas, at least 15 feet from the Braes Bayou a strange concoction of a cement path for water flow (a path for a river if you might), primarily intended by humans to re-direct a natural current to become more urban, more convenient. Having spent my previous entire life in Pittsburgh, all of the glories of nature I had the joy of loving than complaining about were the feet of snow, that fell in the winter, the Snow Days when, even for Pittsburgh too much white stuff on the ground, actually grounded EVERYTHING, and as kids life was a winter wonderland. 

When the rains fell beginning as inches then rushing and swooshing into feet, the Braes Bayou began to fill with water and almost anything and everything, swept downstream in what now looked like white-water waves, and a current of rushing items which had no time nor inclination to say move out of my way began forming, and growing, and finally about 25 feet later rising above the top s of the Bayou! It was both scary, but being MY FIRST ever Bayou Flood, a bit intoxicating in a weird way. The deluge stopped, and the infamous weather people, just local, because those ‘daring young men and their flying machines’, as an old refrain from a song ran through my head …there had been no Weather Channel) did not warn us of the Dangers of Bayou Flooding 101! So out I ventured to the half-inched soaked sidewalks just to say to my family back in Pittsburgh, look at me in a Bayou Flood.

Wearing my hiking boots (what a putz), and a pair of shorts, of course with my windbreaker, I trudged along the water’s edge, filled with amazement, dodging any metal item floating by (I hadn’t remembered when I received my last tetanus vaccine), and had a gay old time swooshing and wading upon the edges of floodwater (DIRTY, DANGEROUS, and I found out DECEIVING flood water). I splashed away what I thought was an interestingly large group of bark and tree limbs, thinking to myself, “isn’t that interesting.” That was until the bark started to change formation and crawl up my leg. I discovered something called Fire Ants, and learned that to survive, the climb upon on another when their underground habitat is flooded and float on the current.  Like a pack of predators, these ants survive, and will bite, sting and injure any living creature in its way. I ended up with my legs swollen to my knees and discovered if I had played in the water a bit longer I might have suffocated and drowned. Fucking ants, kicked my ass.

I watched the Mueller Fiasco, as long as I could stand looking at stupid morons, I mean FOX and Sean Hannity (our real Secretary of Defense), clones, begin to pile up upon one another (Gohmert, Chabot, Gaetz, Jordan and of course Devin Nunes) and ignore the security of this nation, but instead, try their best to survive so they could continue to stay in their NEST of Fascist/White Nationalist/Gerrymandered/Oligarch/anti-democracy propaganda and Bull Shit. I watched these treasonous lemmings and my legs started to itch, and all I could think of was the Fire Ants, moving swiftly, and trying to destroy EVERYTHING in their way…no matter the consequences. When I was in Houston I had to receive another tetanus shot to stop the poison...I am not sure what vaccine we have available to stop this Zombie Plague of the GOP Fire Ants!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

blind eye

And now what? A freak show, permitting politicians to prepare their material for advertisements, when they run for office again! Glimpses of finger-pointing, name-calling, high pitched voices, low guttural sounds, 15 minutes of shame 15 minutes of watching mime’s pretending to speak, a reticent Mueller, looking more like a deer in headlight, wanting the car to crush him, or a Mueller so focused toward right and wrong, he managed to zig or zag in the just the last minute. Did he seem demoralized, was he demonized, did he look drained? 

I often wonder how blind people understand the complexity of color. Is seeing red an imaginary idea when someone gets angry? Is blue just an empty emotion you feel? And if you are envious can you actually see the green? Do those words have any meaning when you really can NOT understand the symbolism? Have they wasted communications in which you, the sighted person, try to convince those who cannot see to look anyway? And look at what, exactly!

Truth is told, truth is lied about. Lies are nurtured, but are they natural? If you NEVER want to believe, and as a three-year-old might do, hold your breath until the person telling you WHAT TO believe goes away or you pass out and still refuse…then who is right and who I wrong!

My America has been traded for blackmail, for gluttony, for greed…My America, which never really grew beyond its adolescence has begun to rot. On Wednesday, July 24,2019, there was a slight chance that change for the better might emerge. I fear, that instead, we have been charred, and the dying embers of democracy are slowly but certainly turning to charcoal ash, which will be blown to the wind.  Who can we turn to when one side refuses to acknowledge that our nation’s freedoms, equalities, opportunities and inclusion for all have been bought and sold, and the other side, hell-bent on absolutely everything and absolutely nothing, is spinning like whirling black hole?

We all win or we all lose, there is no more middle upon which to concede a victory!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

out there

Listening to the report from Special Counsel Mueller has been one of the most difficult things I have pushed myself to do in a long time. So far, as the GOP insists, Robert Mueller is the GUY who is the criminal and seems to be the GUY on trial. The fevered pitch, the snark, the sarcasm, the lack of eye contact, or the glare down from each and every 15 minutes of fame grabber from the Republican Party is appalling, disheartening, and sound as would anyone trying to hide the truth from being told. 

The Dems, some, at least have taken the Telenovela, intonation out of their voices and have asked some basic questions, pertaining to the integral parts of the Mueller report, some Dems, also begging for their 15 minutes of fame, need to become more human and less banshee, and not mimic their GOP enablers of Trump!

As for Mr. Mueller, I amaze at his patience, and his desire to understand the question, read the passage, ask again for clarification, before he answers a question. The demeanor of Mr. Mueller is admirable. Not anyone, we have found should or could be a Special Council…but in complete opposite land, we are witnessing that in America anyone, no matter their low intelligence level, lack of any education in governing or the Constitution, can become a member of Congress OR worse a president of this nation.

As the tag line from the X-Files reminded us with each episode “The Truth is Out There,” but within the administration of Trump and his greedy, gluttonous, bigoted and hate-filled enablers, the truth seems to be as far away as the outer reaches of the universe!

Can Do

“I got the horse right here The name is Paul Revere And here's a guy that says if the weather's clear
Can do, can do, this guy says the horse can do If he says the horse can do, can do, can do” (Fugue for the Tin Horns/Guys and Dolls/Frank Loesser)

Could be another “Honest to God Day, in America”, or maybe just another day in America where God is still a chump and the bad guys are guessing God is just one more “Bookie at the Race Tracks”, getting his tips from even lower forms of life, counting their own money while robbing from the poor and paying the rich!
Robert Mueller is to speak to Congress…he has already been given a kind of Chairman Kim Jong-Un kibosh from one of the most ardent enemies of democracy Attorney General, (oops) I mean Trump’s personal attorney William (Roy Cohn) Barr. Mr. Mueller among his many talents tries to play fair, within a game whose rules change with the passing fancies and felonies of phony politicians, bloviated by a pompous guy sitting in the Oval Office, and encouraged to lie, as do the lemmings waiting for their next paycheck from Russian operatives known as Oligarchs, the Party of the GOP.

I tell you, Paul Revere, Now this is no bum steer It's from a handicapper that's real sincere Can do, can do, this guy says the horse can do. If he says the horse can do - can do - can do. Paul Revere. I got the horse right here. (Fugue for the Tin Horns/Guys and Dolls/Frank Loesser)

Might be that final slippery slope into Authoritarianism/Fascism/Plutocracy, or call it anything you wish, but it ain’t, as the old adage used to go…” your father’s Oldsmobile,” or as we in 2019 sadly sigh, America’s Democracy! Trumps’ Guilt, and that of his entire Cabinet/Family/Foreign Enemies of the State/almost every Conservative Schlock Talking Head/and FOX News has been painted in the colors of the red MAGA hats, the White Hoods and Robes attached to ropes eager to lynch, the hands held high with the Nazi’s of America (none of them good), shouting death to anyone who is not as pure (or is it as purely evil and insecure as they are!) AND still supported by the Christian Evangelical Taliban only wishing for this nation to become a Theocracy, or wealthy Jewish families fooled by the fables of love for Israel, and of course tax breaks, and the ever so self-flagellating Gay and Lesbian Log Cabin Republicans, who swear that as long as you THINK you are rich enough you too will never have to wear a Pink Ribbon!

Robert Mueller can do, or will still hold on to some principle, supporting a Constitution which now a days is only used to wipe off the orange shit, shat by Trump, similar to like the newly permitted drainage of raw sewage and carcinogens into the rivers (and bizarrely enough the water supply for the heartland of those who shouted “lock her up”, and now go back from which the country you came.” Please, Mr. Mueller, you might our last great hope for TRUTH TO PREVAIL…I am betting you CAN DO! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

you are right

My Grandma Braff, at the age of 15, told her parents, she would not agree to a pre-arranged marriage, there are somethings, she would go on and tell her grandchildren, as she sipped her glass of Peach Schnapp’s, you know are right for you and somethings which others TELL you are right for you, which (then she would do the pooh/pooh/pooh pretend spit) which are WRONG! I remind you, she would add, looking around to see if my mother, her daughter, was in ear range, most information and advice your parents provide, make great sense and are said to protect you, but there are certain feelings only YOU understand, and NEVER ignore them. 

This kind of conversation, was rare, as was the Peach Schnapp’s cocktail hour, but my Grandma Braff’ advice did float around when we played Gin Rummy (in which she always cheated), or when she decided that more Dill was necessary to make the chicken soup REAL chicken soup! Even the last weeks of her life, when she was growing tired, and she would nap more often than not, she would ask if her cheeks were rosy enough, and we would hand her a mirror. Often times, my Grandma Braff looked pale, and had a large tube of RED lipstick at her night table, “Lipstick”, she would insist, “Is the Gin Rummy of rouge, it is shinier, prettier, and you can never be worried about using too much.” She would use too much, and her daughters would gently use their fingers to spread out the hue, to make their mother look as beautiful as a lady should!

I write this short piece regarding my Grandma Braff, as a soothing sort of meditation, as I listen or read or watch the maniacal, menacing machinations of Trumps collaborators who would love to see this nation turn into a Theocratic Plutocracy with fringes of Fascism. I write about my Grandmothers inclination that when something is wrong ONE must fight…and I write as I watch Jews, the people who I thought shared my history as a Jewish person, begin to worship false idols, and bathe in gold and delight in wealth, no matter the cost of freedom, equality …and spit on the graves of their own ancestors. I write this, as I witness American families whose own parents or grandparents fought wars against dictator and government regimes whose disdain for personal freedoms grew outrageous and threatened the mere moments of life. I write this because I want our nation even in its most dire and seemingly doomed days of soon death, to realize we must change, we must persevere, and we must not let an empty, useless, selfish, narcissist psychopath and his army of flying monkeys, change the world in which WE live, but worse than that the world the next generation of our friends and family will inherit!

Monday, July 22, 2019

words and phrases

In 1972, George Carlin released an album of a stand-up comedy entitled Class ClownOne track on the album was "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," a monologue in which he identified these words, expressing amazement that these particular words could not be used, regardless of context. At the time, the words were considered highly inappropriate and unsuitable for broadcast on the public airwaves in the United States whether radio or television. As such, they were avoided in scripted material, and bleep censored in the rare cases in which they were used. Broadcast standards differ in different parts of the world, then and now, although most of the words on Carlin's original list remain taboo on American broadcast television. The list was not an official enumeration of forbidden words but compiled by Carlin to flow in a comedy routine. Nonetheless, a radio broadcast featuring these words led to a U.S. Supreme Court decision in FCC v. Pacifica Foundation that helped define the extent to which the federal government could regulate speech on broadcast television and radio in the United States.

During the McCarthy, Commie scare words such as “are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party…” Americans fell prey! The Government needed enemies and used IT’S words to scare the shit out of a nation, in order for that nation to fall in-line and become faux Patriots, based nothing but innuendoes and lies. During the Viet Nam War, the government used IT’S words, parsed by Nixon and his White House henchmen such as “love it or leave it,” when much of the public realized the war we were fighting was nothing more than a political ploy to save some politicians professional purpose. Lots of words, and in our lives current decade of doom and destruction against democracy and demagoguery “…take a knee, lock her up, Russia if you are listening what about those other emails…” have been used. And each and every time a phrase is shouted, sounding like a Preacher from the Mount, millions of mindless, minions, filled with less fact and more fiction, and who must truly in their hearts hate, begin to believe the propaganda and that in fact THOSE phrases are like a virus, and by shouting them you can become immune from some made up, illness!

Authoritarians, love to rile up a frenzied fearful pack of fools, always avoiding real concerns of health, wealth, food, heat, living conditions, equality, and freedom, replacing them with invented core value of hate FOR the other…you are not like me so you must be the other, it is the other’s fault for my own miserable life decisions, without the other I will be better off, and of course This Land Is My Land, and the other is taking it away from ME. Now the Trump Crime Family and his Crime Enablers, want to change the subject from Fascism to a form of being an Anti-American, by using words to describe the dishonest, lying, racist, bigoted, and enemy of the democracy, used by Trump and Associates…and like lemmings, the insecure, inept, uneducated, loon, loves the idea of hypocrisy, and longs to establish its doublespeak and double standards, for any REAL STANDARDS…and once again the bad guys using their phrases of fear are winning…keep the dumb dumber, please the wealthy by making them richer, and pretend you are doing ALL of this for Jesus! History is so yesterday, and when it repeats itself, no one wants to be seen wearing out of date clothing!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

doing it again

Delighting in deceit, he deploys his best demigods, to destroy the truth, and replace it with a demonstration of utter defiance, devoid of any value, but full of the piss and vinegar which his devotees devour, and delight in shouting bravo, bravo! The Press, forgetting their own folly the first time around, hunts and sniffs for droppings of pure demented demands, empty of fact, endless with denials, and certain the raise the cockles of some who STILL have their own hidden bigoted views of those they too, deem the OTHERS!

The boggy man no longer hiding in the closet, needs not the dark of night, to slide and slither, scaring the innocent bystander but has gleaned the knowledge that although what he speaks is pure soured shit, smothered in the humidity of hate, he can find the daylight to deploy the good that democracy can offer to destroy all that democracy dares to stand for. The Media melts like butter, to pretend outrage, yet, over and over and over again provide enough Talking Heads, to debate the bull shit, that the words of the dictator begin to find meaning. And the meandering minions of ego struck “please pick me” candidates, caring little more about their own goal in life to become president, and if not that, to become the next household name, try to defy the Tweets, the temperament, the intentional terror of Trump, in doing so just make his useless rhetorical become larger than life.

The Trump Team is smart enough to know that if you leave enough bread crumbs, they will follow you. The Witch in Hansel and Gretel understood that good can be powerful, but its weakness is to play second banana to bad. Lay the bread crumb, let the innocent follow them and once they pick the last piece of bread crumb and the oven door behind them is slammed shut, for the moment, right before they are sacrificed…they recognize that their own choices not to fight fire with fire have now caused them to burn to death! “Send them back”, Love it or Leave It”, “Don’t take a knee”, “Lock her up”. Pick the poison, eat it, and soon you too die!  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Chiller Theater

Growing up in the ’50s, there was plenty of “schlock,” locally produced television programs. The special effects usually included strobe lights, the off and on button controlling the lights, recorded clasps of thunder, and an occasional high pitched shrill, from some UNSEEN female voice. Add plenty of deep-throated moans, a few growls, and tons of Halloween styled costumes with eerie intro music and suddenly it was time to be SCARED. Even with ALL of the attempts to encourage the strange and supernatural, the added element, was the imagination, of the viewer, motivated by the host of some horror show, asking simple questions such as: “Did you just hear some noise from your basement?” “Have you locked your doors?” “Are you certain, that was not just a shadow, look again, if you dare to,”  I remember to this moment, even as I write my Blog, just how terrified, my little sister and I would become, hiding under an afghan, with pillows hand just in case we needed to quickly close our eyes. I recall, half an hour, before watching that scary television show, going through the rituals of tightly shutting the curtains, walking to the back kitchen door, locking and unlocking it than locking it again, making sure the door to the basement was firmly shut…it was Saturday night in the 50’s and we were not getting ready for SNL, but better yet; ‘Chiller Theater’, on channel 11, with its host Chilly Billy Cardilli! My little sister was prepared, even with warnings from our parents we might have nightmares, and with instructions, that no matter how afraid we might be, we had to make sure the lights and television were turned off before we walked a dozen steps to the second floor. And after watching ‘Chiller Theater’, those dozen steps, and the mere eight feet from the light switch to those dozen steps seemed endless, and my younger sister and I KNEW SOMETHING was waiting to GET US, maybe not this night, but SOON!

There are fears we all encounter, some with lasting effects causing a disruption in our formative years, or those which still haunt us from childhood to adulthood. Then, of course, there is that momentary imagined fear, of IS the monster watching us, only to fall asleep and having forgotten, that is the monster had been near IT to must have fallen asleep and forgot to do IT’s job.

I long for the days of ‘Chiller Theater’ and the “schlock-shock.” Those were times when I knew I could seek safety and comfort. My gut hurts, it hurts, it turns, it shakes and it constantly connects with my brain, making me wonder, will this fear, I feel, as an adult, the fear that our nation HAS indeed reached a no turning back point in its brief history, and that in fact history is repeating itself, and we ALL of us have a real MONSTER, named Trump, who will only be satisfied when two things happen…he sucks out our souls and turns us into flesh-eating creatures at the ready to devour our own.  If this IS a nightmare, I want to wake up! If this IS that shadow moving closer and closer, I am as afraid as I was when I was a kid in the ’50s!

Friday, July 19, 2019

go back

When you are an American and you tell people “to go back to the country from which you came” you are a RACIST or in more 20thmid-century terms a FASCIST…
When you deny you really meant what you said, which IS “you should go back to the country from which you came”, you are a RACIST, A LYING RACIST, AND A FASCIST IN WAITING…
When you begin to act all huffy, and insulted that someone you know actually said, and actually meant “you should go back to the country from which came,” you are a REPUBLICAN RACIST, AN AMERICAN AGENT FOR RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE… 
And even if you have never truly studied history, nor opened a history book because your Bible is all the history you need to know, and you attend any MAGA rally and in total delight, shout, in harmony, “you should go back to the country from which you came” you are an IDIOT, MEMBER OF A CULT PRETENDING TO BE OF CHRISTIAN VALUES OR MORALS, and still a RACIST…
And if you remain SILENT and are an elected official, and say absolutely nothing regarding the statement, “you should go back to the country from which you came,” you are a COWARD, a NON-PATRIOT, a PAID PUPPET for LOBBYISTS, and were born with the disability of having no spine, no guts, and of course no conscience…
And if by chance, you are of the Jewish Faith, whose ancestors COULD NOT go back to the country from which they came, because either they were murdered in that country, driven by freight trains to a Concentration Camp to be used as slaves or fodder for the Gas Chambers in some other country, or barely escaped the country from which they came…and if you happen to be of the Jewish Faith whose ancestors did come to this country, FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY, to survive, and you became wealthy, and you still support those who say, “you should go back to the country from which you came” you are a DISGRACE, a SELFISH, SELF-SERVING FOOL, and to be blunt using the language YOUR ancestors spoke in the country from they, came…A PUTZ, A SCHMUCK, and a human being who believes money is more important than life itself…

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Condolence

Today I write a blog, as I if was sending a note of sympathy to a dear friend or family member upon their loss of a loved one, whose terminal illness, FINALLY claimed a life, loved and revered by the survivors. It’s a note that acknowledges those who tried every newly acclaimed physician, every ingenious treatment plan, any and all drugs available, those who helped the patient to thrive, not just survive; but in time discovered the illness was terminal. I also write to the friends and family members who resisted the truth, who pretended the patient would miraculously recover; for them, this was just a phase, something that would and should lead to a happily ever after…but didn’t! Today, I feel the bitterness of loss, knowing that maybe if the patient hadn’t smoked, hadn’t been gluttonous, hadn’t had to suffer the invisible signs of addiction, or mental illness, sometimes alone, sometimes afraid, and most times too ashamed to ask for help. Today I write regarding the enablers of that patient, ignoring the medical truth but pursuing their own agenda’s, for fear that the weakness THEY suffered from would be discovered, and their pride and ego would be found nothing but a fraud.

Our nation has and is permitting anarchy to reign as free as the now poisonous waste poured into the streams and rivers from corporations more interested in profits, and their shareholders than the environment. The art of deception, deceit, corruption, contempt for the Constitution and a revolting retrospect of what and where religion belongs in our nation and our hearts have become so overpowering, that I also continue this blog as if I were writing a letter of condolence for a nation, filled with past flaws, but almost had a chance for a better tomorrow.

I am tired of the Kellyanne’s, the Lindsey’s the McConnell’s Evangelical Preachers, selling out their love for Jesus to be paid off by activist Christian Judges, and for my own religious, Jewish wealthy donors whose disregard for their own families struggles and the denial of all historical pogroms generations of their lineage suffered. I am tired that to be brown or black, is as a target, to be randomly arrested or thrown into American Concentration Camps. And I so tired of pretending that the Democratic Party actually knows what they are doing…while IN FACT, they are ONLY, once again acting out the wishes of the Trump-Republican Fascist’s!

In the past few months, my family has lost four members, people we loved who died for a variety of reasons. I have not truly cried, or sulked, but I have been depressed and sullen; for their losses and NOW for what I witness as a Terminal Death of MY country. I suffer from whatever “The Trump Syndrome” a name the psychiatric profession has tried to identify. But more than that I hurt and hurt deeply that America has never resolved its disdain and distrust of the imaginary OTHER.  I write this blog with a heavy heart!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

what is YOUR Ethnicity

“Are you OK with a Racist President, Republicans?” by the editorial board of the Charlotte Observer, Newspaper.

During a question-and-answer session with journalists outside the White House, Kellyanne Conway was predictably asked about Trump’s tweets, and specifically what countries the president suggesting the American citizen congresswomen go back to. Conway, paused a beat, and shot back to the reporter: “What’s your ethnicity?” “Ummm…” the reporter hesitated, “why is that relevant?” “Because I’m asking you a question,” Conway interjected. “My ancestors are from Ireland and Italy.” “My own ethnicity is not relevant to the question I’m asking,” the reporter replied. “No, no, it is,” Conway said. “Because you’re asking what [Trump] said about ‘originally.’”(Slate)

DEAR KELLYANNE: Ireland’s population was nearly halved by the time the potato blight abated in 1852. They knew little about America except for one thing: It had to be better than the hell that was searing Ireland.
 The refugees seeking haven in America were poor and disease-ridden. They threatened to take jobs away from Americans and strain welfare budgets. They practiced an alien religion and pledged allegiance to a foreign leader. They were bringing with them crime. They were accused of being rapists. And, worst of all, these undesirables were Irish. (History Station) AND DEAR KELLYANNE: "These sneaking and cowardly Sicilians, the descendants of bandits and assassins, who have transported to this country the lawless passions, the cut-throat practices, and the oath-bound societies of their native country, are to us a pest without mitigation. Our own rattlesnakes are as good citizens as they…  Lynch law was the only course open to the people of New Orleans to stay the issue of a new license to the Mafia to continue its bloody practices." (PRI)

So, KELLYANNE, you empty aphid on the ass of a microbe, sharing nothing but hate, vile and of course lies, most likely worth seven-digit figures paid for by ALL people of America whose unique ethnicities actually have made America Great…not Again (because this time around people like you just shit all over it). Maybe we should discuss your ETHNICITY in length. How you have not just imploded from all of the dangerous toxins inside your façade of a body (are you not really a Pod Person), is simply amazing!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

love it or leave it

And one more thing…as I get ready for the day…wondering whatever else the…distractions Trump will offer, to mangle the realities of this nation! It just doesn’t matter to Trump what he says or does, he has no sense of time because he has always been permitted to live in a bubble, protected by the wannabe’, the grabbers and grifters, and empty users who understand that empathy is not actually a positive trait, but a rut in the road to greed and gluttony.

“Love it or leave it,” ahh yes during the Nixon created Viet Nam War the chant of “Love it or leave it burned brightly on the tubes of our television sets. Good guys would go to war without question, and bad guys were Communists, the enemy. Die for the nation but never truly know why. So now four women of color WILL become the face of the Dem Party, and if you love America and are white, you too will recognize that dark pigmentation is evil so you will follow the orders of an Orange man. No affordable health care, paying more in taxes while the wealthy won’t, poor drinking water, air control, and an environment full of toxins, all okay because the Caucasian Emperor has fed you the line, that black and brown people telling you differently don’t love this nation. And if you have never ever found favor within yourself, you too will chant, “Love it or leave it,” even if you have provided not one iota of energy to make this nation a place of equality!

And for the laugh line is Little Lindsey Graham calling the four women of color, Communists…this deserves a bold and in all Caps WTF. Communist…Putin hacks the elections, Oligarchs pay McConnell money to build factories in Kentucky, the NRA has received dark money from various Russian agencies. Trump has followed almost every Russian Military plan to screw America, and many GOP leaders disagree with our own Intelligence Agencies of Russia’s past involvement in our elections and our current election process. But now it is becoming the 70’s and you either “Love it or leave it!” 

Then, Now, Tomorrow

“No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices.” 
Edward R. Murrow“Have you no sense of decency, sir?” ― Joseph N. Welch
 “In the blood-heat of pursuing the enemy, many people are forgetting what we are fighting for. We are fighting for our hard-won liberty and freedom; for our Constitution and the due processes of our laws; and for the right to differ in ideas, religion and politics. I am convinced that in your zeal to fight against our enemies, you, too, have forgotten what you are fighting for.” ― Julia Child
“Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party”1947-57  Stock question to those called before the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities.
Trump issued a series of tweets on Sunday about the congresswomen, urging them to “go back” to the countries of their ethnic origins. However, three out of the four were born in America. Trump’s tweets were quickly condemned, with CNN going as far as to label them “racist  Sen. Lindsey Graham called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other female representatives of color “a bunch of Communists” Monday on “Fox & Friends,” earning his statements four lauding tweets from President Trump.Mr. Trumpwas asked by a member of the media if it concerned him that many people considered his tweets racist and that “white nationalist groups are finding common cause with you”. He replied: “It doesn’t concern me because many people agree with me. All I’m saying, they want to leave, they can leave. Now, it doesn’t say leave forever. It says leave if you want.”
Silence from the Republicans, Blessings from the American Christian Taliban, Wealthy Jewish Donors shelling out more money for Trump’s love of Israel (not American Jews), White Nationalist Newspapers and Blog providing a hearty Heil to Trump, The KKK resurging with a curious omen of more people of color in the South found dead, and churches burned. The Log Cabin Republicans will pronounce once again, it is about the economics not how and who you love. The Dem Leadership will demand bi-partisan apologies, and more subpoenas (receiving none) However many men and women running for the office of President will explain how if THEY are elected things will change, never once explaining that  IF means something is done to stop Russian hacking, and most importantly win a large majority in the Senate. And a liar, money launderer, a puppet of Putin, thief and a man suffering from forms of narcissistic psychotic paranoia remains in office…because the GOP remains SILENT! 

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Chipmunk

It is about a 3-tenth of a mile (I know because I own Joe’s hand me down Apple Watch) from our home to the very top of knobby, knotted, rutted, rippled road, complete with the disarray of weeds, rotted pieces of once proud branches, pebbles from places on sailors could once imagination traveling, and serious slivers of sand from the dunes, beaches and property called Cape Cod. I walk the road each and every day, on my way to catch the Shuttle Bus on Route 6A from Truro to Provincetown. The road reminds of one of those special traces of land we used to take our First-year campers at Emma Farm Camp, a place with its own precious and particular stories.  By now, this first paragraph speaks of privilege, one some say I have earned or grew old enough to enjoy, or perhaps is a teeny tiny piece of my psyche!

Yesterday, as I trudged up the hill, I saw halfway along the walk, a tiny chipmunk, lying, right between the safety of the left side of the road and the safety of the right side of the road. I stopped. Of course, it had been hit by a vehicle, but there it was between a place he had to go, and perhaps, the safety of his home. I stopped and felt a long, deep crane inside my gut-grabbing at whatever invisible conscious lives there, just trying to pull it from its roots, and sadness of such thickness overcame me. I knew not this chipmunk but did know that within its brief life, there was a purpose, wanting peace, and then danger in finding both. I found some leaves bent over and said to the chipmunk, and my God, I cannot let this innocent creature just lie in the middle of the road. I moved the chipmunk, found a few more branches placed them over its tiniest of body, looked up to the heavens and all around because I believe my God can be everywhere, sobbing like I had never cried before, just said: “rest in peace”.

I am having lots of Trouble Understanding the Ugliness, the Bigotry, the Hate, and the sheer lack of Empathy in the world of Trump. I carry a weight of such political madness deep in my heart, it is frightening. Innocence can be destroyed in minutes, never to be returned or mended, I really hope there is a place in the universe for that tiny chipmunk, who only wanted to survive!

silence, total

Dressed in their ties and suits (and don’t be surprised, if once a week Kellyanne does not send a squad of Border Patrol or ICE agents into their home’s to check if the ties say Trump Made in China), and their dresses with just the right touch of Russian Red Saudi Arabia Blue, and the Whites of Kim Jung-Un’s eyes, the cowardly coven of clowns pretending to BE ALL THAT and MORE bite their tongues, pull out their backbones, and pour acid on what may be left of their souls. Republican politicians ALL becoming the litter box for a soon to be DICTATOR of the US, ALL becoming fodder for the most pathetic of people to have EVER been created from the decedents of vile, venomous, evil demons…Trump.

From Mittens Romney, John McCain’s angry ex-lover, Lindsey Graham, Marco cry baby Rubio, to whomever YOUR GOP Senator happened to be hacked into office, NOT A ONE HAS the conscience, the guts, the used to be American decency to tell Trump YOU ARE the enemy of the state. The minions of MAGA, like cockroaches in a very dark and dank NYC tenement house apartment once the lights are turned on, are at the ready to crawl ALL over these men and women, who have reduced themselves to useless taxpayer paid servants of Emperor Trump!

A new form of enemy, we know, those of us who care, I no longer include the intelligent, because as long as Trump pretends he is a friend of Israel/continues to cut taxes, so that only the peasants pay them/depletes the environment for profits/ and of course only ordains Federal judges whose hypocritical beliefs that their Bible beats the Constitution on the laws of the land…those whose intelligence used to matter, are the same putty in Trump’s Hands as are the sad sack orange manure lickers of the Republican Congress. But Trump's handlers are a smart group of Nazis’, they know the GOP will remain silent a UNITED kind of SILENT. They also know that the Dems will demonstrate outbursts of infighting, and confusion will reign within the Dem Party. If history books are ever written after Trump’s second administration, these see  hear and speak no evil against Trump treasonous Traitors will have volumes written about them.

Hate works wonders when the response is silence

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November Pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by SA paramilitary forces and civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities looked on without intervening. Sadly no one demographic owns the horrific efforts of a government, led by a dictator, an insecure, psychopath, narcissist, sadist who preys on the dumb, who thrive on bigotry and the desire to discover a scapegoat to wish away their own frail and feeble aspects of being human.

On Sunday, July 13, 2019, Trump will continue to follow the plans of his puppet master, the man to whom Trump owes billions of dollars, the man to whom Trump fears the amount of blackmail which will once and for all dissolve the mystic of Trump and the man who understands the hatred and bigotry this nation has never stopped incubating and sustaining. The racial divide is our Achilles heel, and Putin, understanding the weakness of democracy has devised a plan in which he caters to the Republican Party a group of men and women who use Jesus as a scapegoat, democracy as a prop, but enjoy the riches and wealth blackmail and money laundering provide. The Oligarchs will remain silent, as the Border Patrol and ICE Agents, behave in a manner reminiscent of the Brown Shirts and SS of Germany, rounding up, kidnapping and destroying the lives of families, whose only crime is to seek asylum and freedom.

The Dems will shout but do nothing except provide news bits. The MAGA’s will pretend that America has always been white, and a despot and want to be dictator, will proudly claim victory and claim he just had to cause murder, mayhem, and madness to protect America.

And all along the silence of this nation will be deafening, as it has been with the creation of Concentration Camps in our country. And we are ALL guilty as sin, for not stopping this demolition of democracy!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Visit

Mikey Pence along with his mother (his wife Karen), took a visit to one of the Concentration Camps in Texas (we are supposed to refer to them as Detention Centers (FUCK that shit). He brought Little Lindsey Graham and the ever-useless Mike Lee from Utah. As the cameras panned this overcrowded, overpopulated Concentration Camp, minus restroom facilities, sleeping areas, areas of hygiene, all of the fucking Senators, trying to be less businesslike, meaning no ties, but wearing their we mean business blazers, had their arms crossed across their chest looked around as if they were deer in the headlights of a Semi-Truck about to smash into them. Men pushed to edges of chained lined fences with an array of that silver shit used when a plane crashes to keep some passengers from dying, were all we saw. The United States of America is committing Crimes Against Humanity.

Trump could give a shit, as could all of his ass lickers, called the Republican Party. No word from the Evangelicals who will fight to the death for that six-week-old fetus. And then Mikey Pence, the mother fucker of mother fuckers had the audacity to Tweet that he and the Second Lady (Second Lady of the Third Reich), we're pleased with the humane treatment and condition of the inmates, and the physical presence of the Concentration Camp!

Hey Karen, how do you look at your kids and grandchildren, and not turn into salt? Hey, Karen, how do you pray to your Lord and Savior and not have your tongue fall out of your mouth! Hey, Karen have you no shame whatsoever! I will say it AGAIN…EVERY SINGLE DEM politician MUST go as a group to these Concentration Camps and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…I could give a shit who the next Dem nominee becomes because while he or she is parading all across America, men, women, and children are dying.

Oh yeah and suddenly we discover that the Border Patrol had a private Facebook Page to insult and brag about the suffering of those in the Concentration Camps. Each and every one of those inept insecure ass wipes should be fired, and many most likely held on trial for their abuse! I will NOT let this nation become Trump’s toilet!

Friday, July 12, 2019

hypocrisy bucket

Gee whiz, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned/was fired/promised Trump he would quit in return for keeping the Epstein/Trump and young girls trysts secret, for a big money laundered payout placed in some offshore bank…all I know is Mr. Acosta certainly did not resign due to his impeccable morals or values…because if they had existed none of this “slap on the wrist” would have occurred in the first place. Gee whiz, Trump who bragged about anything and everything when it comes to women, and his ability to touch, kiss, watch them undress, date his own daughter, and the numerous rape and molestation accusations from dozens of females, just is another drop in the HYPOCRISY BUCKET!

Gee whiz, another scathing report regarding the Concentration Camps in America, in which we hear about molestation, abuse, lack of quality food and even worse appropriate health care, and yet whether or not it will happen, here we go again awaiting a major ICE sweep of human beings who happen to have sought refuge in this nation, (Yes some illegally, but yes, they are still human). And all we got is a bunch of politicians providing America with the game of “show and tell”. The politicians visit the Concentration Camps are denied access, are all aghast, leave the Concentration Camps and kids and parent (all HUMANS) are still in cages. Oh yeah, but there is time for the Dem candidates to discuss their future plans on Immigration…but FUCK, people are suffering NOW. Is there nothing that EACH and EVERY Dem politician can do to march on the camps and DEMAND access…IS Trump truly the Rocket Man Chairman Kim.

Flint kids and their families are still suffering from lead poisoning…nothing is being done about hacking the 2020 election…850 men and women are still debating on stage how they will change America, all the while Mitch McConnell is the acting president, and NOTHING, FUCKING nothing is CHANGING! How much more can we take, should we accept, and when do we find real change…the kind that provides humanity once again in America?

Thursday, July 11, 2019


“Helplessly hoping her harlequin hovers nearby Awaiting a word Gasping at glimpses of gentle true spirit he runs Wishing he could fly Only to trip at the sound of goodbye.” (Helplessly Hoping/Stephen Stills)

And another wealthy guy, with plenty of money, in the company of other wealthy guys, many who participate in the same kind of sport (after all catching women is still considered sport among some demographics in this nation and world), is slapped on the wrist, only to perhaps face the real-life consequences of those less financially fitted, and finally (Ya’ never know when a sad sack misogynist named Trump will abuse something called and Executive Order, which nowadays seems more like the Orders from the King…and dismiss Mr. Epstein’s behavior as too long ago to count) The Dems have set their sights on Secretary of Labor Acosta, (another guy who thinks gals are a dime a dozen and who the fuck cares if they are too young, if attached to their bodies is a vagina)…who is AS slimy in HIS own way as most members of the Trump Crime Cabinet. Think Betsy DeVos and the money her privately owned adoption agencies are racking in from kidnapped children who happen to be brown. (Amazing how so many people hate that brown skin, but when they seek to adopt children, the color brown is like the new white). But I digress, and once again wealth has its priority, and who gives a fuck about anyone WHO is not a WHOSE WHO!

And then of course, The American Taliban Christian Evangelicals response to all of this is either silence, or as some hardcore, Jesus has sought me out to  be his confidant snake oil salesmen of rancid religion are saying…if it was a bunch of homosexuals raping and molesting boys, the left side of the political aisle would be cheering Epstein on!

No mention of the young girls' emotional state, no condemnation in the name of THEIR supposed Lord and Savior, no mention of morals and values or just the humanity of it all…but complete acceptance from a group of people who place dollar signs on all they touch, and loathing and hate toward those they deem less than!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Today is about a FEW THINGS, almost like the THINGS that go bump in the night, leaving one nervous because maybe the water heater just exploded, worried that the pile of dishes nestled on the kitchen sink wobbled a bit too far to the left or right, or that the Ouija Board actually did contact some spirits left behind rather than waiting for you in the living room.

THING ONE: Anyone in the political leadership of the Democrat Party…WTF, either Trump has broken the law or hasn’t…either you actually say the word IMPEACHMENT loud enough to believe in it, or you shut the fuck up and stop teasing the American public with something that makes you as wishy/washy as Mitt Romney when he spoke about his own Massachusetts version of Obama Care and said it wouldn’t work. And for the Chair People of the House of Representatives to STOP with the subpoenas…the folks with the truth regarding Trump WILL NEVER speak the truth, so either arrest them, spend the wasted time pretending there is still a balance in power, and throw one lawsuit after the other against them. 

THING TWO: Media, please stop using the word Constitutional Crisis, as if since the day Trump was illegally hacked into office via an attack on this nation’s democracy, our Constitution already cracked open wide. And why the Hell do you still even attempt to quiz Trump regarding his own take on anything or anyone related to his Crime Administration/Cabinet/Family or Circle of Friends, when all you are going to receive are more lies and denials. To whom are you proving a point, his MAGA maniacs, his Evangelical hypocrites, his Tax-Free Mega Wealthy Donors. What is the point to play the game gotcha, when in fact Trump’s response is only Fuck You!

THING THREE: DNC, OMG, WTF, it will never matter if a Democrat wins the Presidency as long as Oligarch Mitch McConnell is the Leader of the Senate, and the majority is still GOP. We are back up to at least two dozen presidential candidates, and ALL of them so far HAVE not provided the motivation or the popularity of the Democrat Party. Work amongst yourselves, not against yourselves, and have ALL of the wannabe Presidents sit down and decided, who best and how best to beat Trump…knowing full well, nothing has been or will be put into place, to stop Russian interference, voter fraud, and polling fraud will remain rampant via the Republican Party, and forget the polls, they are meaningless, because half the people polled lie, or don’t even vote.

And THING FOUR (there are many more of course), Stop sending me emails, telling me to send another $3, or because of me one or another candidate is going to lose because I missed sending he or she a birthday greeting along with a $25 birthday check. And get real, DNC, get to understand each state has the need for their own unique messaging, stop talking and start listening…and Speaker Pelosi, you are morphing into Minority Leader Schumer, and that is a really bad thing! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Back in the day, and we are talking the time between the Flintstones and the Jetsons, around the early ’60s (it is now marketed as Mid Century…and that was last century damn it) my cool friends and I (back in the day your friends had to be cool, because YOU certainly were COOL), we played a very queer game (queer as in unusual, not Gay or Lesbian or Homosexual, but queer, when that word was still a non-political word to use), in which you read a normal sentence and of course ended it with the word while in bed with…for example who were you last washing dishes with…while in bed!!!! We thought we were so Avant-Garde… like I said queer! We would sip our wine, the wine was cool also, even though spending more than $10 on a bottle was considered extravagant. We would have our Fondue (Oh my God fucking Fondue, even with its own contraption from which you made it, made from Brie (I had no idea cheese other than American had a name) and play this cool (really queer, now that I reminisce game.)

But it seems that some of society NEVER learns from history, the good stuff nor the queer stuff, and by doing so WE all suffer the consequences. So I am bringing back the same game where you either say a sentence or a word but this time you end it with Trump. There is no joy in my life when it comes to the politics of this nation, but I must try to replace the angst with a little bit of queer! (Again, in 2019 I am a proud man who owns the word QUEER, so I am not being UN-Politically Correct). So let’s play the game called it end with TRUMP!

Money Launderer…Trump, Liar…Trump, I would have sex with my daughter if I could…Trump, some of my best friends have fucked underaged women…Trump, I am Putin’s puppet because he has Pee Tapes and I owe him billions…Trump, my entire Cabinet is either under indictment or soon will be…Trump, I love to FUCK not only women but the stupid ass inbred redneck Americans who think that Jesus was not only the First president of the USA but the First member of the NRA…Trump, my wife was fucking stupid to think she actually conned me, now she is stuck with a no binding contract…Trump, I have a few kids, but only remember the name of the one for which I have wet dreams…Trump. I have no idea what the words EMPATHY, EMOTION, or PATRIOTISM mean…Trump. I have created a new corporation and will make it as successful as my university, airlines, casinos, and steaks, but this time it is called America but soon I will change the name to…Trump.

Oh, I could go on and on and on…now it is your turn! Have fun be queer, heterosexual queer or homosexual QUEER! 

Monday, July 8, 2019

huh, no really, huh

Kevin McAleenan, the acting director of Homeland Security (acting because A), Trump never abides by the law and actually replaces those he fires with an approved appointee, and B), because this douchebag is truly both acting the part a man with leadership abilities, except for digging deeper and deeper up Trumps ass, but also his skills in telling the truth are far and few between the Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone) swear, by God, that the hubris and hubbub regarding the deterioration, destruction, and denial of human rights in the Concentration Camps on our Southern Border are hogwash, and fake new news made up by people who really don’t know the REAL CONDITIONS!

HMMMM! The REAL CONDITIONS, you mean as in actually permitting members of the Congress to visit, to inspect, to speak with the prisoners held captive…you know those pre-schools aged to teenaged brown skinned asylum seekers! OR even better permitting the Media to pan the interior, interview the caged animals… Oh Kevin McAleenan, you must have your degree from Trump University majoring in Kellyanne Conway College, with a minor in HUCKABEE Media BS.

Our nation has Concentration Camps. We are treating human beings as if they were no more than cattle just waiting for slaughter in run down, overcrowded cement stalls with just the correct hue of silver fencing to brighten up the place. Laura Ingraham thinks it’s like summer camp, I am not certain Kevin McAleenan if you have kids, but maybe you and Laura could have a play date, leave your kids overnight in one of those “IT AIN’T AS BAD AS YOU MAKE IT SEEM” Concentration Camps. Hell is too good for you, you douchebag, way too good!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Is that all

“Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is”(Is That All There Is/Leiber and Stoller)

Now the DHS is worried that conditions in the Concentrations Camps along the Southern Border are REALLY, dangerous to the health and welfare of the kidnapped children trying to survive…But then Trump has taken yet another Tax Payer vacation to play golf…The Border Patrol and ICE agents are just following orders, and rounding up more asylum seekers, but did have the Fourth of July as a day off to celebrate a revolution which was supposed to bring freedom to a new land…Almost three dozen Dems are vying for the title of Presidential Candidate for 2020, pretending that since absolutely nothing, did I say NOTHING of real value, has been put in place to stop the Russian Invasion AGAIN of our voting systems and our polling places. The KKK, Nazi’s, and White Supremacy are a thing again, actually common verbiage in today’s conversation, and no Republican has spoken negatively about the hate, racism, and anti-everything and everybody these groups bring to this nation! The Trump/Kushner Klan are doing deals with nations, traveling on Tax Payer money, and fucking the Constitution and the people of America as they consider America a branch of the Trump Corporation!

As usual, the Dem leadership is becoming afraid of their own shadow and trying to silence the few brave souls in Congress who want to treat the Republicans in the same snarky way the GOP handles the Democrats. Ringing of fingers, Talking to Talking Heads, Making pronouncements full of words but no meaning or power behind them, the leadership falls, stumbles and almost gets sea sick with their flips and their flops on a STRONG OFFENSE toward the malicious, illegal, immoral and malignant disregard Trump has for the laws of the land.  Oh yeah and one more story after another regarding just how stupid Trump is (as if we didn’t know), how his friends either have sex with underage girls, launder money or pay no taxes, and how the SPAWN of DON hoping they too can follow in the steps Kim Jong-un, whose rise to power ONLY happened because his grandfather claimed to be President for Eternity.

“Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is”(Is That All There Is/Leiber and Stoller) Cause if this IS the present, then the future is a bleak, bleak black hole leading to HELL!