Sunday, July 14, 2019


Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November Pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by SA paramilitary forces and civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities looked on without intervening. Sadly no one demographic owns the horrific efforts of a government, led by a dictator, an insecure, psychopath, narcissist, sadist who preys on the dumb, who thrive on bigotry and the desire to discover a scapegoat to wish away their own frail and feeble aspects of being human.

On Sunday, July 13, 2019, Trump will continue to follow the plans of his puppet master, the man to whom Trump owes billions of dollars, the man to whom Trump fears the amount of blackmail which will once and for all dissolve the mystic of Trump and the man who understands the hatred and bigotry this nation has never stopped incubating and sustaining. The racial divide is our Achilles heel, and Putin, understanding the weakness of democracy has devised a plan in which he caters to the Republican Party a group of men and women who use Jesus as a scapegoat, democracy as a prop, but enjoy the riches and wealth blackmail and money laundering provide. The Oligarchs will remain silent, as the Border Patrol and ICE Agents, behave in a manner reminiscent of the Brown Shirts and SS of Germany, rounding up, kidnapping and destroying the lives of families, whose only crime is to seek asylum and freedom.

The Dems will shout but do nothing except provide news bits. The MAGA’s will pretend that America has always been white, and a despot and want to be dictator, will proudly claim victory and claim he just had to cause murder, mayhem, and madness to protect America.

And all along the silence of this nation will be deafening, as it has been with the creation of Concentration Camps in our country. And we are ALL guilty as sin, for not stopping this demolition of democracy!