Wednesday, March 31, 2021

2nd Vaccination

 So, for today, just a brief blog. Not because the same old shit is falling faster than a Jewish Light Laser with bad diarrhea…or a Florida Douchebag named Gaetz thinks by trafficking an underage female across state lines will make people stop wondering why HE a single guy adopted a son, who has grown up to be quite the looker… or Teddy (Jesus Loves Me Yes Know) Cruz, is NOW calling the deplorable conditions of migrant children Biden’s cages but remained silent as they were rounded up and separated! 


BUT all of that will have to wait and my snark and sarcasm will just boil and bubble as might witches brew in a cauldron…BECAUSE, today Wednesday, March 31, 2021 (OR IS IT JUST THE 15TH MONTH OF 2020) Joe and I received our second round of Moderna Vaccinations…


Thank you, President Joe Biden. Fuck you the Other Guy…and oh yeah for those who prefer pain over pleasure, FUCK you for being too stupid to save your own lives or the lives of those you call family!


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My Aunt Meercy

 For me, Passover has always been the one Jewish holiday, which inspires and inspired me to actually seek the wisdom of the universe, and try my hardest, to become introspective. Maybe, as a child, Passover was always a springtime celebration (even when it snowed in March or April, and I had to shovel the entire sidewalks of the row of houses we had lived because I was the boy and boys did those kinds of things), added to that, so many gray and dark features of nature actually began to tease us with hints of color; insisting that what might have seemed dead, was only dormant. I know, my mother was her most creative with her talent for baking and cooking, and no matter how she feigned fatigue, Passover Seder was indeed her opening night, and the aromas of her special touch still resonate in the part of my brain that still drools thinking of her culinary abilities.


There always seemed to be promising during Passover, hiding in plain sight, but obviously begging to be found; and as a young kid, I searched for it, no matter how large or small, grabbed it and tried my best to understand it. I have been suffering, like so many from PTSD in the form of Trump, HIS SWAMP CREATURES, HIS ENABLERS, HIS DIRECT ASSAULT ON THE HEALTH AND WELFARE FROM HIS DENIAL OF COVID, and although I smiled with the election of Biden-Harris, the toxicity of the Republicans and their Domestic Terrorist Base of 1% Donors, still makes me feel sick. So, during this Passover holiday, I needed to inhale, breathe so hard that my ribs almost cracked; hoping to find, as my breath seeped all the way down to my toes, some answers, some HOPE, and INSIGHT! And I did…


…My Aunt Meercy, my mother's youngest sister, who at the time I thought looked like Doris Day, was as cool as Auntie Mame, and my favorite relative, was always THERE for me, even when I didn’t realize I needed someone to be THERE FOR ME. Aunt Meercy introduced culture and the arts to me. She explained that not everyone is creative, but ME, Gerry Buncher, was damn well, one of the most she had ever known. Aunt Meercy also would beg me to always draw past the lines, and if necessary make up my own lines. She also told me, one day you will FINALLY see yourself, not as others wish you to be but as you NEED TO BE. And Aunt Meercy also said, and I quote… “Some people insist on Evil because it is easier to say yes than to fight and find fault. You, are not like that, and you must, with all your might fight against the failures of the frail and feeble.” Every time I rant and rave and try my hardest to call out those whose joy is to bring misery, I remember my Aunt Meercy even more. And being that it IS Passover, I am even more aware of from whence I came and who I should become!

Monday, March 29, 2021


 It is Passover. As I eat everything Matzo, trying hard to ignore the many years of guilt from my mother, as to what is and what IS NOT Pesach approved, I randomly think about those earlier eons when the story of Passover had been in the present, rather than a tale, of the past. So, naturally, subjects related to Egypt, creep into my mind as I either spread jam on a piece of Streit’s unsalted Matzo (I know, many of us have our favorite brand) OR as I once more combine Matzo and eggs for breakfast, counting down the mornings until this holiday ends! I had been watching the news when I chomped into the Matzo (somehow it always seems stale) when I noticed Teddy (I see Jesus in my house), Cruz, all dressed in his going to war against Young Immigrant Kids at the Texas border, having some kind of assault rifle as he was dressed like a duck hunter!


As an aside, a real HUMAN said: “They like to pretend the Rio Grande is dangerous so they can get all gussied up in their fancy camo gear & ride in boats with guns,” said Annie Hartnett, a writer. “Here’s me and some friends birdwatching on the Rio last weekend. It’s not dangerous. There is no crisis. Great birdwatching, though!” (The Independent) I digress, so…back to Egypt and thoughts about Pharaohs and power. Pharaohs had power and harems and wanted to maintain their power wanted to seem more macho and masculine, so just to keep any real man from becoming more of a stud; Pharaohs also had a plethora of  EUNUCH’S (A eunuch is a man who has been castrated. Throughout history, castration often served a specific social function. The earliest records for intentional castration to produce eunuchs are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BC.


It dawned on me, just then, when Teddy (Please insult my wife and father, as I insult my kids) Cruz (and his 17 other Texas Republican INSURRECTIONISTS who joined him in playing Militia), that in fact, he and all of the ass licking, turd munching GOP spineless self-loathing Republicans, such as Little Lindsey, Randy (I wanna be a real doctor) Paul, Josh (Lets storm the Capitol) Hawley, Tommy (forget I have an Ivy League degree) Cotton, Jimmy (Shower, what shower) Jordan Matt (My dad has money and I now have no DUI charge) Gaetz (et al) HAVE BECOME EUNUCH’S in the please pick me, pick TRUMP HAREM! I mean think about it…enjoy another piece of Matzo!





Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chiller Theater

 Saturday night, Pittsburgh 1950’s 1960’s, choose a decade but just remember to watch Channel 11, {at the time called WIIC} at 11:30 pm, right after, on Channel 2, where the news host, Bill Burns would ask, “Its 11:00 pm, do you know where your children are?” The children, at least my younger sister and I in the Buncher house, were sitting on the sofa, surrounded by two afghan blankets {even in the most humid and hot summers} having tightly closed all of the curtains, so the possibility of any creature, monster or alien peeking in was IMPOSSIBLE. We prepared all kinds of snack, and POP {soda for those not familiar with Pittsburghese.} I, being the older brother and {back in those days it was necessary to demonstrate male machismo by being the brave one}, made one last effort to see if the back door was locked, the scary curtains in the dining room, which overlooked both the most horrifying alleyway AND the 15 steps which led to the MOST terrifying cellar…another Pittsburghese term for basement…,{especially during the night} were SEVERLY TIGHTLY SHUT! I also turned off any unnecessary lights {to avoid having to do it later that night} and my little sister’s and my journey into the world of CHILLY BILLY CARDILLE, began as we focused intently on CHILLER THEATER! Yes, our parents warned us we might have nightmares, BUT at the time THAT was a well worth risk!


At first Chiller Theater had one HORROR/MONSTER/ALIEN/CREATURE movie, which usually ended around 1:00 am, {which anyone of ANY knowledge of EVIL} understood was a scary time NOT to be in bed; because, HONESTLY, MONSTERS love MIDNIGHT. And one day out of the blue Chiller Theater had double features…OMG/Holy Shit…my little sister and were of course forced to stay up till 2:00 am and ANYONE WITH SENSE would have been fast asleep because at that hour even ZOMBIES were free to roam {and these were not the Walking Dead Zombies or the George Romero, The Night of the Living Dead Zombies}, but the kind that became Zombies from something called VOODOO!


My sister and I held on to one another once the second movie ended and the National Anthem with the Flag flowing in the background, began, announcing the end of that day's televised program. It was about 17 steps to our second floor, but be it 1:00 am or 2:00 am, 17 steps in the dark, offered any lurking monster a chance to grab you before you could safely get under the protection of your blankets!


I have never stopped watching HORROR movies. I knew and know, they were the creatures of a wild imagination. That was then, but RECENTLY, ever since 2016, I no longer have to watch Chiller Theater genre movies to see CREATURES, I sadly just either watch the news or read, online about REAL MONSTERS… and here are a few who give me NIGHTMARES and DAY-MARES…Trump, Dumb and Dumber Trump, Lauren Boebert, Teddy (I See Jesus) Cruz, Little Lindsey, Tucker (I Will Invite Fascism to the US) Carlson, Margorie (Jewish Space Lasers) Taylor Greene, Moscow Mitch, Dandy Randy (I Swear I Am Some Kind of Doctor) Paul, Jimmy (Wanna Take a Shower) Jordan, Matty (I Only Adopt Young Men as My Son) Gaetz… and these horrific THUGS are not going away, even in the light of day! 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Elaine Chao

 "Such vicious, unconscionable acts of violence cut at the very core of our country and the values on which it was founded. As we await the findings of a thorough investigation, the critical work to combat the haunting rise of hatred against the AAPI community must intensify with the immediacy this latest tragedy commands." "My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims of the attack in Atlanta," Chao said in a statement first provided to CNN.


Former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao (during the Trump Administration) as well as the wife of Senator Mitch McConnell (who during the entire Trump Administration was Majority Leader of the Senate), has suddenly found Jesus, OR a much better PR Firm, hoping to disavow any and all COMPLIANCE AND ENABLING of the myriad and vicious, purposefully intended Racial Agenda of her former INSURRECTIONIST Bigot in Chief the Reality TV Show Russian Asset TRUMP! It seems Ms. Chao, would prefer WE THE PEOPLE forget and forgive her total lack of concern for Racism while she gladly remained a part of the Trump Swamp.


How convenient, NOW, to become one of those rats supposedly jumping the sinking ship of Bogus, Bigotry, and Bias; thinking no one will remember ME as I stood silently behind the man who called the Coronavirus, the Chinese Flu, Kung Flu, The Wuhan Flu and continuously berated the Chinese and those who somehow looked Chinese for the pandemic reaching the shores of America. Elaine Chao also had been the brunt of attacks on her hubby Mitch, by Trump for being the daughter of rich Chinese, friends of the Chinese Dictators. Elaine Chao not once complained about quitting her job. Elaine Chao did absolutely nothing to try and influence her husband (Majority Leader, to pass more inclusive racial laws. Elaine Chao, sat by silently as Black Lives Did Not Matter under the leadership of Mitch and Trump. Elaine Chao continued to work as hard for the GOP and Trump as possible.


And only on January 7, 2021, the day after the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, Chao submitted her resignation effective January 11, 2021. Ain’t nothing this CON ARTIST can say or do NOW, to reshape her image as just one more TRUMPSTER now hoping the rest of the world has amnesia!




Friday, March 26, 2021

on time

 While my siblings and I were young, mainly in the 50’s and early ’60s, every Jewish Holiday, dinner, was held in our house. We lived in a row house (now poshly marketed as a quaint townhouse), two bedrooms, and on the second floor, my room was the third room, but imagine a large walk-in closet (kind of fitting at the time perhaps, considering my need to remain in one); one bathroom (OMG, three sisters, my mother my father and me, how in the world could that ever be a thing), a living room in which once entering the house you WERE almost in the middle of the room, a dining room, small enough for six of us to almost sit around the table, but magically made larger with the addition of two table leaves, (semi-warped from decades of trying to squeeze them in place) thus extending the table to the perimeters of the allotted square footage of the room, and a kitchen where, once, more than three people stood, could have been considered a sweatshop. Back in the day EXTENDED FAMILIES, was a wonderful norm, and that extension, due to my mother’s amazing warm heart included neighbors who had little to no family members to share the joy!


Passover, according to my mother, was either too late or too early. Too early, the flavors, the aromas, the concoction of three entrees, four salads, matzah ball soup, home-baked Pesach desserts, would waft throughout the house and fog up the still in place winter windows, which sounded like they were functional, but similar to the leaves for our table, had not quite fit perfectly; or too late and the same windows minus the winterized addition, (and still not replaced with the screens, because in Pittsburgh, snow could fall all the way into May), would be open, permitting any flying creature to join us for Seder!


Passover begins, on the evening of Saturday, March 27, 2021. And as I grow melancholy, trying to still memorize the millions of tasks and chores, tastes and fragrances, kisses hugs, layers of ruby red lipstick kisses on our ‘SUCH SWEET PUNIM’S from great aunts, hardy handshakes, and odorous smell of cigars from our great uncles, and ‘HOW MUCH TALLER CAN YOU POSSIBLY GET (as a note, I am still 5’7”), the frantic rush to and from neighbors freezers and refrigerators, worries that the seven-layer Jell-O-molds once out of the fridge still had seven layers…and FINALLY the first night of Seder, MY MOTHER, smiling and insisting ALL OF THIS WAS NOTHING, JUST ANOTHER DAY… I sigh, I sob, tiny tears of satisfaction but sadness also! I am not certain if PESACH will arrive early or late this year, but I do know, how thankful I am for the MIRACLE of having experienced that part of my life, with the people who taught me to love, respect, have empathy, and compassion for the world in which I live!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Three Fools


Mitch McConnell Is Shocked the GOP Gets Accused of Voter Suppression Just Because It’s Trying to Dramatically Limit Voting. Emboldened by Trump’s Big Lie, Republicans have proposed more than 250 bills to curb voting. As Chuck Schumer asked his GOP colleagues on Wednesday, “Why are you so afraid of democracy?” (Vanity Fair)

I might imagine the shock McConnell is most astonished by is the fact that he actually has a heart, and lungs, making him seem to be human. I might imagine, the shock McConnell, is most astonished by is that toxic ooze does not seep from his pores every time he sweats. One man, not elected by a majority of Americans, played by his puppet masters identified as Domestic Donor Terrorists, this creature has been able to control the misfortunes and maliciousness and malfeasance and misery of this nation, and GET THIS…is rewarded by his DOMESTIC ANARCHY LOVING DONORS FOR FUCKING UP AMERICAN LIFE!


During Tuesday’s hearing on gun violence—in the wake of two mass shootings in the span of a week—Senator Mike Lee explained that the party refuses to restrict access to guns because it would infringe on the rights of minority communities. This new and bizarre argument for doing nothing to try and prevent gun violence in the U.S. follows the standard ones trotted out by Republicans every time the discussion of stronger gun control measures comes up, which include, as New York magazine notes, “New laws wouldn’t have prevented this”; “It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun”; and “Guns protect our freedom,” among others. Elsewhere in anti-gun-control arguments that make no sense, Senator John Kennedy told Fox News on Tuesday, “In my judgment, we don’t need more gun control, we need more idiot control.” (Apparently, Kennedy liked this line so much that he essentially repeated it.) (Vanity Fair)


Senator Lee actually approved the INSURRECTIONIST’S attempt using massive weapons of war as a kinder and patriotic manner in which ONE might support a disappointment in Democracy working, but not working in favor of the FOOL, Trump. Senator Kennedy has had his head up Trump’s ass for the past four years and was not embarrassed to insist that without courage, and of course plenty of weapons, how else might on Patriot let other Patriots know how they feel. And just for the record, McConnell, Lee, and Kennedy, have been stalwart warriors to nullify the efforts of the majority of voters who managed to cast their vote for Biden, and from whom 70% want GUN REFORM. But all three ENEMIES OF THE STATE, are paid by the Gun Lobby, the Right Wing Fascists, and the 1% Uber Wealthy to make certain Democracy FAILS!





Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Ted At it Again

 At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence, one day after a gunman killed 10 people in a Colorado supermarket and after last week's shootings of eight people in Georgia, a combative Cruz said gun control does not lessen crime, “it makes it worse.” “What happens in this committee after every mass shooting is Democrats proposed taking away guns from law-abiding citizens because that's their political objective,” Cruz said. (Austin-American Statesman)


14 killed - August 20, 1986 – Edmond OK

23 killed - October 16, 1991 – Luby’s Cafeteria In Killeen, Texas, 

13 killed - April 20, 1999 – Columbine HS -Littleton CO

12 killed - July 29, 1999 – Home and Neighborhood - Atlanta Georgia

32 killed - April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech – Blacksburg VA

10 killed - March 10, 2009 – Domestic - Kinston Alabama,                                          

12 killed - July 20, 2012 – Movie Theater – Aurora CO

27 killed - December 14, 2012 – Sandy Hook ES -Newtown CT

14 killed - December 2, 2015 – Inland Regional Center -San Bernardino CA

49 killed - June 12, 2016 – Pulse Night Club -Orlando FL

58 killed - October 1, 2017 – Mandalay Hotel -Las Vegas NV

17 killed - February 14, 2018 – Marjory Stoneman HS – Parkland FL

11 killed - October 27, 2018 – Tree of Life Congregation -Pittsburgh PA

23 killed - August 3, 2019 – Walmart Store -El Paso -TX

8 killed – March 16, 2021 – Spa/Massage Parlor – Atlanta GA

10 killed – March 22, 2021 – King Sooper Grocery Store – Boulder CO


Teddy, TEDDY, ted…One might ask if you have no shame, but what a waste of breath to spend on that question and of course upon YOU. A grifter, a goon, a moron, and most of all a manipulating, Soldier of Fortune, choosing the ONE battle you wish to fight for the fiercest, that of becoming President. You demonstrate loathing for all in your life be it your wife, your daughters your father. Pretending that Jesus actually makes house calls and spends time chatting with the entire Cruz Klan might is appalling to most religious people, but as the Snake Oil Extraordinaire you have managed with your snark, smirk, and sliminess to bring out the BIGOTS/BOGUS/and BIAS to anoint the same snake oil at your feet. Sixteen examples Rafael Cruz Junior, of death and dying, because YOU would rather place your own fame and fortunes above the DOOM and DESTRUCTION of the rest of America. One might wonder how do you face yourself in the mirror…BUT I understand the Devil takes on various portraits so HE can avoid seeing himself and actually burning in a painful HELL! 















Tuesday, March 23, 2021

seems way too familiar

 Here it goes again. First the thoughts and prayers! Then those who can only offer thoughts and prayers, and nothing else, will pretend, that NOW is not the time to talk about GUN VIOLENCE AND GUN MURDER because to do so is just too filled with emotion to make any sense. Oh yeah, and THEY will add, to begin IMMEDIATELY, to discuss how to stop people from KILLING others, is too soon, and disrespectful toward the victims and victims' families. And they will, with a straight face, insist, LATER, WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS LATER…you know maybe after the NEXT MASS MURDER RAMPAGE!


Death by GUN, any gun from a GLOCK to WEAPONS OF WAR, has been a PANDEMIC way before COVID-19 and if you take a closer look, the folks who ALSO want to deny that the CORONAVIRUS is even a thing, are mostly the same people who pretend, only good guys and gals have guns, and will never use them to do anything but SAVE THE SECOND AMENDMENT! 


Here it goes again, just like BEFORE, talk, yelling, miniature copies of a never-read Constitution will be held in the same hands as Assault Weapons and the Bible, and somehow, Jesus, the Founding Fathers will be invoked, as evidence why MURDERING PEOPLE IS OKAY! Many of these creeps will be dressed in MAGA outfits, Good Nazi Uniforms, Proud Boys Paraphernalia, Symbolic Confederacy Enemy of the State Garb; and of course, have the Cadre of Republican Anarchists making certain only LEFT-WING DEMOCRATS  and the non-existent ANTIFA are to blame. And with bated breath, the REST OF US, will wait and wait and wait…



Monday, March 22, 2021

LIES, lies, LIES

 "You can't pray a lie." Mark Twain…“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato…“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” ― Benjamin Franklin


The Trumpian Circus has remained alive and sadly WELL! The clowns are decorated in their GOP greed and grift, OR in their FANCY FOX Anarchy attire! The BIG TENT is of course a showcase for anyone Republican or anyone FOX. Deceit, Lying, INSURRECTION, Pretend, and of course, finding just enough “I’m With Stupid,” folk to fill the audience helps the Snake Oil Sales People to remain rich, remain relevant, and remain ever so revolting and repulsive!


So now, it seems that whatever EVIL had been cast upon this Earth by Trump and his REPUBLICAN AND FOX ENABLERS, is suddenly a SHANDA ( YIDDISH WORDS: Misbehavior by a particular Jew or Jewish group that leads to embarrassment among the broader Jewish community.) And LO AND BEHOLD, even though all the trouble and irresponsibility WAS the direct result of the GOP and Trump, it IS as if none of this MESS happened before Joe Biden was elected as President!


We all know EXACTLY what LIES are being told, but I must list some of them just to release the ANGST choking my gut. IMMIGRATION at our Southern Border (Because building a wall, sending in ICE and the Border Patrol never happened)…MINORS, trying to escape tyranny and death (Because life must be so horrific that caring adults must try and save the lives of their children)…COVID deaths and masks and social distancing (Because, God Forbid caring about anyone but yourself seemed to be the Christian Way, and of course written in some Constitution…STIMULUS money, (Because suddenly it has dawned on the GOP not enough or not delivered soon enough…ANTI ASIAN VIOLENCE, (Because you know calling it the Chinese Flu or the Kung Fu, was just being funny)…VOTER FRAUD, (Because of it NOT happening the Republicans lost, so NOW the same losers must INSIST that VOTER FRAUD become legal so they can return to embracing FASCISM)… A half truth is a whole lie. ~Yiddish Proverb…






Sunday, March 21, 2021

Takes A Village

 According to the Internet source Wikipedia, the famous African proverb: 'It takes a village to raise a child! ' originated from the Nigerian Igbo culture and proverb 'Oran a azu nwa', which means it takes a community or village to raise a child.


Yeah, we know, that when Hillary quoted that phrase, all kinds of poison emanating from the vile underbelly of the Republican Party, and especially the White Evangelical Christian Nationalists of America pounced upon her; saying OMG (they had the audacity to use the word God), Hillary is a SOCIALIST! How dare anyone demonstrate empathy or sympathy values and concern, they reminded us, it's just so NON-CHRISTIAN and UN-AMERICAN! BUT, as they complained about that VILLAGE, the same HYPOCRITES, insisted that THEIR VILLAGE impose THEIR imprint on the rights of women and their reproductive body parts, the rights of who people could or should love and marry, and of course their interpretation of gender and biology demanding there be BATHROOM POLICE!


And now, the same, WE WILL NEVER BECOME SOCIALISTS AND CANCEL CULTURE IS THE DEMON SEED, insane and inane fools have decided that masks, social distancing, vaccinations, and science are just a part of the agenda to make America weak. Images from South Florida's spring break season offer little hint a deadly virus is still running rampant in the country. In the past week, there was an average of about 54,600 new cases and more than 1,000 virus-related deaths reported every day in the US, according to Johns Hopkins University data. (CNN). All I ask IS, can we find our own village, we the people who actually can extend intelligence, love, and kindness, beyond the barriers of JUST FUCKING STUPID!


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Be A Crocus

 Having lived on the West Coast, for almost 35 years, I had acclimated, to seasons of hot, humid, arid, and bragging about how on Thanksgiving Day, I was wearing shorts and a T-Shirt, and for New Years I reluctantly put on long pants and a long sleeve shirt, even when the temperature was in the 70’s. I grew up in Pittsburgh and spent my first 38 years thinking four seasons meant, snow in May, humidity in September, getting dressed for Trick or Treat, in October only to have your best costume EVER, be covered with a winter’s coat a scarf, and of all things boots! Wondering when spring would arrive, only to have summer heat immediately smother the hopes of breezes and blue skies. I of course exaggerate, and to this moment of my life, my recall and remembrances of Pittsburgh remain romanticized and really important.


I am now living on Cape Cod, back east, back to REAL WEATHER. Am I totally excited when the high is below freezing, or snow falls in deep inches; maybe not, but it was a choice, and living in a place I find as my form of Nirvana, removes the negatives which may now and then pop up. 


But today, because it was a warm 43 degrees (I remember living in Pittsburgh and when suddenly in February or March, the temperature was in the 40’s we pulled out shorts), I took a walk, minus the scarf, sweater, and ski cap which makes me look like a garden gnome. I decided the sun was bright enough, no clouds in the sky, and FUCK politics for just this moment; and I would reestablish my commitment to Mother Nature. And I did so, and I did so with a smile and a sense that for NOW, let the Madness be consumed by Basketball, and peace and tranquility find me! And what I found, instead were the tiny blossoms of crocus etching and reaching out from piles of snow and mud, eagerly embracing a new life, a new breath. I stopped, and actually, instead of smelling the flowers, I SMILED at the flowers. And as I did so, a wave of melancholy wafted over me, and for a brief moment, I felt my mother hold my hand as she did when I was young, and say ever so gently to me, “Life can fool you, it can seem dim and dull, gone and forgotten, but just look at the effort and energy these crocus attempt to blossom. Their time may be short, but it is the promise they bring them, that no matter how DIFFICULT, just continue to live!” Spring is here, and my love for my mother has never wavered. And in these days when we have no idea what may or may not come next, be a crocus!

Friday, March 19, 2021

How low

 Earlier this week, the FBI arrested two men and charged them with attacking U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick with an unknown chemical spray during the Jan. 6 riots. Charging papers allege that one of the men said to the other, “Give me that bear sh--,” before later spraying a substance into Sicknick’s face. Sicknick died Jan. 7. Capitol police have said Sicknick “was injured while physically engaging with protesters.” A cause of death has not been determined. (Washington Post)


My Aunt Meercy was a working single woman in the 1950s. She, of course, like too many females at the time had a limited choice of employment, and no matter her intelligence, or talent, basically could have been a teacher, a nurse, or a secretary; since she was not a housewife! My Aunt Meercy was a very smart lady, smart enough to understand how men needed to believe they were the dominant gender, and by listening, and applying their tricks of the trade, right back at them, my Aunt Meercy became quite a player to reckon with in the world of business. “Foolishness is a folly for the feeble,” she would say. Stupid becomes the soup of the day, and the more the dumb drink it, the more they become accustomed to its taste and eventually taste nothing; BUT they continue to drink it and the monotony of meaninglessness is all they recognize. Being the one nephew she adored she would spend time with me, woman ‘splaining men; informing me that when I become in the position to make choices, I should always position myself to have enough choices to make. 


I read with great worry, how choices are being made, mostly by men, and how so many women seem to want to follow in the footsteps of these insecure jerks, who, are truly stuck within their soup of the day, and are content with never being content. It is now bear shit, abuse a fellow human with bear shit, as if doing so can or will make more of a man of you as if there is more to be made of you when all you can conjure up is attacking the sane with insanity.  I worry because it seems that the foolishness of the feeble is becoming domination by the dumb.  And the question ever since Trump has been how low are we going!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

just stupid

 “National Ophthalmology Board,” an entity Dandy Randy Paul founded. While Dandy Randy continues to present himself as “board certified” the NOB has been out of business since 2011, and in any event, does not under Kentucky law permit him to advertise as “board certified.” (Washington Post)


As a human and as a human who is an American, I have no use for someone as a low-life, scheming, hypocritical, minus morals and values as Dandy Randy Paul, but he happens to be the Junior Senator from Kentucky (Ya gotta wonder what toxins are actually in their well water because the Senior Senator is Moscow Mitch) and sits in judgment of way too many laws and bills, and history-making decisions, that indeed threaten the well-being of my life and the lives of those I love.

So, when Dandy Randy Paul, consumes way too much oxygen within the Senate Chambers, challenging science and medicine (as if HE, and HE alone has any intellectual capacity to do so, I cringe. And on Thursday, March 18, 2021, Dandy Randy Paul, once again wore the sign that said, I AM STUPID!

"You're telling everybody to wear a mask, whether they've had an infection or a vaccine. What I'm saying is that they have immunity, and everybody agrees they have immunity," Paul said. "What studies do you have that people that have had the vaccine or have had the infection or the vaccine are spreading the infection? If we're not spreading the infection, isn't that just theater? You've had the vaccine and you're wearing two masks, isn't that theater?" (CNN)

"No, it's not — here we go again with the theater. Let's get down to the facts," Fauci responded, telling Paul that the studies he cited "look at in-vitro examination of memory immunity" and pointing out that the authors "specifically say, 'this does not necessarily pertain to the actual protection, it's in-vitro." (CNN)


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

how to describe

 OH NO, NOT again, OR is that NOT ONCE again, again? OH my, Hate, Hypocrisy, Hyperbole, Horseshit, Happenstance, Half-Assed, Liars, living off the less intelligent, as might parasites or the zombie virus, inheriting the already empty minds, and poisoning the already toxic wasteland inside a half-baked cranium? A continuous ceremony of conspiracy, contemptuous, corruption, creating chasms and chaos; only to hide the truth, fact, and hope. No one within the ranks of the Republican Party, not even the ever less so often Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mittens Romney, or Lisa Murkowski, have truly stood above the fray of frazzled fiction, false narratives; selected, groomed, gleaned and SURREPTITOUSLY garnered to gain traction as THE NEW AMERICA!


So now the Trump Border Wall and Internment or is it the Building of Concentration Camps on the Border and the total destruction of family units of people who happen to be of brown skin BY THE TRUMP SWAMP THINGS, is SUDDENLY Biden’s fault. The bombing of Asian Businesses, the outright physical violence against Asian Americans because Trump pronounced COVID-19 as the Chinese Flu, or the Kung Flu, is Biden’s fault. The lack of honest interpretation BY TRUMP, of the contagion of COVID, the dismissal of safety protocol to remain healthy such as social distancing and masks, BY TRUMP is to be forgotten, but when the vaccine is FINALLY available to all, any and all dubious misdirection is to be forgiven and now its Biden’s fault not to thank TRUMP! And The Jim Crow Show (laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.) is making a sad but triumphant return, because IT IS BIDEN’S FAULT, that people of color and minorities voted within the laws of a true Democracy! I grow so weary, so leery, so weak and badgered, bothered and quite bewildered. I thought 2020 ended…but somehow Mother Nature has lost her groove or verve or is just sick and tired of this shit and has extended a fucked up 365-day nightmare into a few more months. As I wrote this I wondered how to capsulize all that is happening NOW!


Obvious: easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.

Obtuse: who is mentally "dull" or slow of mind easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.

Oblivious: not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.

Offensive:  rude or hurtful behavior, not respecting common standards of behavior.

Officious: assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.

Odious: extremely unpleasant; repulsive.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

kind of maybe Ironic

 It might be kind of ironic if the Republicans actually had the capacity and intelligence to embrace irony; rather than romance ignorance and date arrogance. But nonetheless, it seems that while the majority of GOP dominated state LEGISLATURES choose an Anarchistic and Fascist way of governing, (you know limiting which populations can and should vote) to eliminate votes from people of color or potential votes for the Democrat Party; ONE-THIRD of Republican’s (mostly white men) say they will not get vaccinated. One might first say, ‘WHAT THE FUCK,” but after learning that these are Republicans we are discussing, one THAN might say, “BOY ARE THEY FUCKED UP!”


YUPPER’S KIDDIES, trying their best to pretend, SPITE is a scientific maneuver and motivator to show the BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION, that no matter what, they are not really in office; the GOP voter, has planned a form of both homicide and suicide as a GOTCH’ revenge. So, as the GOP losers ALL OF THEM WHO CONSIDER LIMITING THE RIGHT TO VOTE, for anyone, Not a Good Nazi/An inbred MAGA/A Fan of an Elitist Born Into Wealth, FOX Entertainer, named Tucker/A Q Forever Where Conspiracy Theories Must Remain Toxic in Your Mind…The Flat Earth, We Can Never Win without Gerrymandering…Jesus Would Want It This Way douchebags insist that COVID is still a hoax, a Chinese Virus, and perhaps the real answer IS BLEACH!


So, let us be CLEAR, on the one side, the GOP is trying desperately to null and void the votes of Americans, and on the other side, unbeknown or better, having no capacity to comprehend whatsoever; that NOT taking the vaccine is a death call for YOU and YOUR REPUBLICAN KLAN…THESE idiots are happily eliminating their own CULTISTS potential to remain alive and vote in the next election. It might seem ironic, but that gives these morons more credit than they are worth!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Sent Away

 During my career as a Group Worker, I had the opportunity to direct various Day and Resident Camps. The ability for any child to experience nature, the environment, and a bit of freedom and self-discovery can be a milestone within their lives and provide memories to last their lifetime! HOWEVER, as often is the case, some kids, are not quite ready to leave mom or dad, the assumed safety of their home. Many perceive the ride on the bus, the actual commitment of saying goodbye for now, as, meaning a goodbye forever, and to trust a stranger, as a scary experience. I can remember the first days of Camp, as traumatic events, not only for the first-time campers but for the first-time Parents of the first-time Campers. It was all in good faith, sending your kids to camp, but the experience of leaving your kids, or your parents, takes faith, and oftentimes, it begs the question can I do this!


It is with those memories of loading the busses to head out to the campground, the look of concern on the faces of both the adults and the kids, the unknown journey, the saying goodbye, for NOW, from which I MUST consider, the anguish and horror, motives and worries that BOTH the children of the migrants and the parents of those children must be facing. For the families going to camp, it was just for two or four weeks, a quick farewell and then a HOMECOMING. It was a social work experience, a chance for their kids to mature, to learn social skills…For the families at the Southern Border, IT IS A CHANCE FOR THEIR KIDS TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE, PERHAPS TO SURVIVE. And there IS no given timetable for a return, NO set list of do’s and don’ts. NO counselor or Camp Director calling home with an update on the status and welfare of the precious cargo sent away!


How dare the Christian White Nationalists, the entire Republican Charade and Façade of Elected Officials, the Pro-Lifers, (except if that life has brown or black skin,) refuse, reject, deny access to this country. I can only imagine, the torment and torture, these families go through, to decide, how to keep their children safe, healthy. I know, when my kids went to camp, how wonderful the day was when they returned home, sharing a summer’s worth of joy. But I knew my kids would return. To be that Parent on the Southern Border, and to say goodbye, and not know when you might say hello, all because you hope for a better life for the love of your life, is unimaginable, and unfathomable! 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

What a fool believes

 “When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.” ― William Shakespeare, King Lear  

“A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool.” ― Moliere

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” ― Bertrand Russell


I remember learning the word Bipartisanship. (Sometimes referred to as nonpartisanship, is a political situation, usually in the context of a two-party system (especially those of the United States and some other western countries), in which opposing political parties find common ground through compromise. I believe it was back in the late 50’ when JFK had been debating Nixon, on TV of all places. My father a Policeman and a believer in the Labor Movement, and a life long Democrat, explained, as the youthful JFK stood beside an already crypt-keeper doppelganger, Nixon, that if NIXON should win, forget any chance of cooperation, this man is a liar, and just a Partisan. My father added, “You can tell because when Nixon talks he never moves his lips. It’s like a badly dubbed foreign movie, it makes you think they are saying the right words, but in fact, it’s not even their voice or the same language you speak!” My father, who at the time was walking a BEAT PATROL, added, when I walk the neighborhoods, it is easy to discover the people who wish to find something in common with you, look you in the eye, move their lips, and talk to you, not at you. I then asked, well if you are not a Partisan, like Nixon, what is the word for that?” “BIPARTISAN, my father added, “Or maybe just a fool, it depends on how much YOU ARE WILLING TO LET THE OTHER GUY GET AWAY WITH?”


Once again, pretending that history is a negotiable figment of imagination, and that has lived throughout its miserable reign, from once upon a time to right this minute; is being used as a form of “GASLIGHTING,” by the GOP. The GOP has been successful abiding by the motto, “A SUCKER IS BORN EVERY MINUTE, and most SUCKERS in politics are Democrats; and these suckers will play by the rules, even as, right before their own eyes the rules are ripped apart, written with invisible ink, and nothing but empty words. There is great BOO-HOO-HOOING from the GOP that President Biden, wants to go at running this country without any input from Moscow Mitch or Kevin Mar-A-Lago McCarthy, and the bad boys and girls are pissed. FINALLY, (with the Dems ya’ never know how long smart will last,) HOWEVER, some Dems are saying, “NO BIPARTISANSHIP, if once upon a time and until now, you were a part of the “Big Lie”, causing and almost too close for comfort INSURRECTION. DAMN, it's good to hear smart people talking!


Saturday, March 13, 2021

an enigma or a con

 co·nun·drum: a confusing and difficult problem or question.

e·nig·ma: a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

A conundrum is like a puzzle, or a riddle, or a problem ~ which needs to be solved or is at least solvable. An enigma, however, is more of a mystery or mysterious phenomenon, which may or may not be solvable.


January 6, 2021, an INSURRECTION a plot a plan a ploy to overturn our government by a tyrant, anarchist, loser, and demented fool, in which HE, as might any cult leader fearful of losing control of power, demanded HIS cultists to storm the Capitol and in doing so, permitted the murder, hanging, torture of anyone from the COPS, to the Politicians, who might stand in the way! And even as the majority of Republican lives literally and figuratively HUNG in the balance, to this day, the same fools still flock to Mar-A-Lago, trying to kiss the ring of the MOB BOSS who placed a HIT on most of their heads!


March 2020, denying any and all truth or science, medicine or common sense, the HACKED INTO OFFICE, HACK, demurred and demanded that NO ONE PAY ATTENTION TO THE DEATH AND DYING COMING TO AMERICAN SHORES. Insisting that bleach or hydroxychloroquine (a malaria drug) will be the true answer to the perhaps dozen or so cases, of the Chinese Flu, Trump failed to tell the truth to the public he admitted to knowing, and eventually also, received a vaccine, which HE never promoted the value of; and a year later this nation has witnessed 2.9 million cases, and 532,000 deaths. And yet, not one Republican in the Senate or House has tried to assist in the health and welfare of the people and economy of this nation, for fear, that doing so, might infringe on THEIR OWN HEALTH AND WELFARE of remaining in power. A power, one has to IMAGINE, does not belong to THEM but to their MOB BOSS!


I mention these well-known FACTS, BECAUSE, EACH DAY, my taxpayer dollars go FOR flights from DC to Mar-A-Lago, by Republican Cowards, EACH DAY I hear the lies about how too much money in the pockets of the NON-1% will be wasted on drugs alcohol, gambling, EACH DAY I hear how NOW anyone TRUMP demands respect for their efforts to THWART COVID, I WANT TO SCREAM. And then to calm me down I play the name game, are these FOOLS presenting a conundrum, an enigma, or just showcasing how bad a really lousy douchebag of a person can behave!






Friday, March 12, 2021

One day more or less

 I took a day off from ranting and raving, posturing and pouting, writing a blog, and pretending that Bull Shit, was not falling from the sky like nuclear waste, acid rain, or toxic waste from fossil fuels. So much to notice, and yet, yesterday, I refused to look, for no other reason, except, I just could not open my eyes, and clutter my brain. I knew that the NEWS would flow and flounder, reek of raw sewage, spread like the first scratch of poison ivy upon the flesh; but as far as Thursday, March 10, 2021, was concerned, all that STUFF could just rain, but not on my parade.


But one day away from the fray, news less and thus noiseless, avoiding the slightest hint of Republican hypocrisy, Republican denial, Republican pompous pretend righteousness, Republican repugnancy,  just meant that reentering the fray included THAT MUCH more Bull Shit upon which and into which I had to tread, to try and steer my moral compass in the right direction! (Not the Right Wing of Political folly).


So, while I was gone, Texas Republicans, are planning mass extinctions, by not extending mask instructions…Trump claimed credit for COVID Vaccine, rather than the murder of over 530, 000 Americans…NO single Republican desired to assist the public in regaining their health and welfare, and instead just played politics with the lives of even the fools who voted them into office…Republican Domestic Terrorist Donors seemed happy to provide more dollars to people like Marjory Taylor Greene and Josh Hawley because inciting a riot to murder policemen is a seemingly Republican value… HMMM. All I seemed to miss was more death and dying on behalf of the GOP, kind of sad!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Repulsive Republicans reacting as irresponsible cowards, considering above all else, their own pensions, and priorities before the PRIORITIES of a nation drawn into INSURRECTION, by their Party of Partisan Piranha’s and kowtowing and catering to the wasteland and wonton wishes of Trump. 



5 COUNT ‘EM 5, sad, sick, sycophants, so afraid to deter a deranged demented demigod, and ACTUALLY try to save DEMOCRACY, from the infliction and infection they enabled, Roy Blunt, of Missouri, as well as Sens. Rob Portman of Ohio, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Richard Shelby of Alabama and Richard Burr of North Carolina;, have announced their plans to retire from the Senate by 2022. Pathetic pieces of patronizing putz’s these obsolete and privileged white guys are quitting their day job’s too afraid to fight for the Constitution, from the same group of INSURRECTIONISTS, for whom they catered, and wasted the fortunes of our nation. And as they fade into their sunset, remember, these enablers of INSURRECTION will gain access to that TERRIBLE SOCIALISTIC Twilight Zone, upon which they told their voters, was a BAD, BAD, THING. We The People, for whom they never gave one shit, will pay for all the government perks retired Senators gain and gain and gain.


Glad to see them go, of course, BUT, one might have hoped, all 5 of them would have had the honor and values we might have wished for our politicians and watch them FIGHT ON, and FIGHT HARD to save democracy. But then again, what do we really EXPECT from the GOP! 


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Against and For

 The Trump tax law also lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, providing a windfall for corporations. Deficits shot up in the wake of the 2017 supply-side tax cuts. ... those deficits will continue to stay high -- the opposite of tax cuts paying for themselves. The GOP tax cut did not pay for itself, as promised, nor did it deliver a sustained ... But in hindsight, it looks more like a costly lump of coal. ... The added cost to the deficit so far is estimated at $2.3 Billion (NPR/Forbes)


BUT: The Republicans in Congress ALL gleefully voted in favor of these gifts to the rich, pretending that down the road, the rest of us would see the light at the end of the tunnel. The only problem was in the fine print, all the rest of us would have to dig the entirety of that tunnel, dig the hole for the outlets, and take turns running the tread mills to keep that light working, while the 1% spent their new found dollars on themselves!


Biden’s American Rescue Plan (Covid-19 Relief Bill) allocates money for vaccines, schools, small businesses, and anti-poverty programs such as an expanded child tax credit that would mean new monthly payments to many parents. will include Direct Payments-Unemployment Benefits-Child Tax Credit-Paycheck Protection Program-Education Payments-Public Health-Industry Support-Rental Assistance. It will cost $1.9 trillion. (NPR) 


BUT: Republicans are expected to universally oppose the bill, arguing that they were effectively shut out of the process. Republicans are expected to universally oppose the bill, arguing that they were effectively shut out of the process. The large majority of recipients will NOT be the 1% or 2% Domestic Donor Class, aka (those who have contributed to the coffers of any or all GOP politicians) or the Domestic Donor Terrorist Class aka (those who have continued to fund and finance, and fiscally support groups of Proud Boys/MAGA/Good Nazi’s and the Trump Swamp Creatures)


One might wonder if we lived in a real-world why there is even a debate as to good or bad, right or wrong, or even why stop here, BECAUSE, tomorrow is of no value if we cannot survive OR live for this day!



Monday, March 8, 2021

100 crazies

 So this happened in Boise Idaho, a state and city known for Militiamen, MAGA maniacs, QAnon Cultists, Proud Boys, Good Nazi’s and of course White Nationalist Evangelical Christians who think their freedom is of priority as they make GREAT effort to dismantle the FREEDOM for anyone who IS not THEM. It seems the SELF IDENTIFIED heterosexual couples, 100 of them to be exact, brought their children to the center of town for a MASK BURNING ceremony; to protest their lack of freedom in spreading the COVID-19 Pandemic. You know, the death, dying, doom destruction of the lives of the almost 800,000 dead Americans and their loved ones IS NOT A PRIORITY, because none of those expendable people are related to these SAVAGE INHUMAN MILITIA, at the ready to protect the Fascist dreams of TRUMP!


MASK BURNING, BOOK BURNING, SCIENCE BURNING, FACT BURNING, TRUTH BURNING. And somehow, these HETEROSEXUALS  are permitted to have kids, and no one IS concerned!

Captain Hooks

 Who's the swiniest swine in world?

(Captain Hook! Captain Hook!)
Who's the dirtiest dog in this wonderful world?
(Captain Hook! Captain Hook!)
Captain of villainy
Murder and loot
Eager to kill any
Who says that his hook isn't cute!
(It's cute!) (Captain Hook’s Waltz/Peter Pan/Leonard Bernstein)


Evil and Captain Hook was proud of it. He bragged about being the slimiest, dirtiest, most vile, and add any other synonym to this list and Captain Hook would be one PROUD BOY! (HINT-HINT)


A 1950 musical adaptation of J. M. Barrie's 1904 play Peter Pan, this children’s story reminded us of good versus bad, seeking places of comfort, and the perils and privileges of growing up, or NOT! My Senior Class performed this play and I still have fond memories of the production. So the music remains as a moment in my time when youth was still full of altruism and potential.


But as I watch the list of potential Trump Wannabe’s from the Republican Party parade around the nation or almost seem to fornicate from the Mob riddled halls of Congress, pontificating their hypocrisy and heresy, or is it really Horse Shit; I think of all these INSURRECTION loving men and women as nothing but a 2021 version of 1904 villain who in 1950 sang a song promoting himself as the worst of the worse. Let US ALL pay close attention to the “the swiniest swine, dirtiest dog, and Captain of villainy in this modern American world! All these folks ready to lie, ready to try and rewrite history, ready to stab most of America in the heart, and ready to emulate the insincere Fascist/Authoritarian machinations of Trump: Teddy My daughters made me do it) Cruz-Randy (Minimum wage makes you lazy) Paul-Little Marco (please don’t let Ivanka primary me) Rubio-Tricky Nikki (I meant to insult you but you heard me, so I didn’t mean to) Haley-Tom (I will just call Iran and pretend I am the President) Cotton-and Josh (INSURRECTION is cool) Hawley. BE AFRAID AMERICA…VERY!


Sunday, March 7, 2021


 Bupkis means absolutely nothing. It comes from the Yiddish bobkes, meaning nonsense or nothing, and it emerged in English during the early 20th century. It began as North American Jewish slang, but it's now used more broadly, often for humorous effect. 


Families, I am certain to have something, I call THOSE DAYS! They are not the celebratory moments of birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc., etc., etc…But dramatic, almost written by a really awful writer of fiction days, that have either caused family members to NEVER speak to one another again or are cherished as the day swear words were spoken aloud for the first time, or maybe the day you realized your mother actually knew how to fart!


It was 1955, I was seven years old, our family was at the Synagogue, for a cousins Bar Mitzvah. My Grandma Braff who usually wore dresses of non-description decided this time she would try something in yellow. A colorful dress on my grandmother was a cause for celebration. My grandmother had a younger sister Cecelia, a “real looker,” so the family would say, back in the day. Her favorite color in clothing had been red. For this Bar Mitzvah, in May (and in Pittsburgh, finally no snow and spring actually arrived) it seemed both ladies tried something new. BUT neither sister told the other about their new ideas in fashion. OH MY GOD! In the Lobby of Pola Zadik Shul, when the two attempted to greet one another, my Great Aunt Cecelia, went CRAZY! She said, and to this day I still recall, because, as she began to foam at the mouth, my mother pulled me so hard, to get away from her, that my elbow seemed to snap, “You Go Home Now and Change, I Am The Younger One, Who Should Wear Yellow!” Gasps, hands over mouths, shushing, filled the echo chamber of the Shul. My Grandma Braff stood her ground, her ruby red lipstick held firm, ignoring the spittle coming out of her mouth, replied, “But I Am The Prettier One…YOU GOT BUPKIS.”


President Joe Biden FINALLY demonstrated less restraint and upon hearing about the states like Texas, Mississippi, Kansas, and South Dakota lifting any kind of sane or health or welfare, or scientific restrictions regarding COVID, he called those Governors NEANDERTHALS. (Poor NEANDERTHALS, had much more sense than these Republican Governors). And of course, the GOP, having no recourse, or intellect, or medical or scientific facts, decided that Joe Biden hated anyone who voted for the GOP Governors of those states, and twisted his words as actual insults to the people. And when I read the accounts of JUST HOW MEAN AND NASTY, these NEANDERTHALS called President Biden, all I could say to them was, YOU GOT BUPKIS!


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Think About That

 There has been a LONG list of Republican Congress People during the last four years, who have demonstrated that they value their own lives, future, and rewards over and above any call of duty for the average American. We all, all of us who understand good from evil, altruism from self-serving, can provide a long list of men and women, who have displayed a lack of love for country, but a whole lot of hate and loathing towards our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Democracy. Sadly, as each day begins, more and more Republicans provide less and less values and morals. Many prefer to treat a majority of the population as an enemy, and the minority, as cultists destined to die and wither, due to a sheer lack of ethics, empathy, and emotion.


I must mention, an insidious monster, Senator Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin, who by some miraculous circumstance back in 2016, won his state nomination, by almost the same exact numbers as did Trump. Somehow, both Ronny and Trump became surprised victors and won by a small majority, you know, before anyone SUPPOSED that an election HAD been rigged, by the Russians. Ever since that election, Ronny, a once-proud Tea-Bagging Republican, and now a MAGA-loving maniac, HAS concocted more CONSPIRACY theories, QAnon nonsense, and a distaste for democracy, preferring Fascism as a better way to govern.


On Friday, March 5, 2021, Johnson decided to play a game Senators love to provide for the public (a game where no real People’s Business is performed, rather a snake oil version of pure pathetic politics paraded around.) The Senators in the midst of a Pandemic, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Homelessness, Helplessness, Hopelessness…all need to get their 15 minutes of fame, and play the LETS FUCK WITH THE PUBLIC AND ADD AS MANY AMENDMENTS AS WE CAN, just so the peons and peasants think any government assistance is BAD! Johnson had a few of his clerks read the entire American Recovery Plan aloud, which took 10 FULL HOURS. This fucking, useless, showboat and Trump Ass Licker, was PROUD of a delay. It took a comment by a NY Times Reporter that made me want to SCREAM even louder than I might, hearing about this scam. The reporter said, (I will paraphrase) during the 10 HOUR Delay, caused by Johnson, most likely 900 more people died of COVID-19! Think about that Wisconsin, and Americans…THINK ABOUT THAT!

Friday, March 5, 2021

once more

 Ignoring any reason or rationale, EXCEPT, that if the Democrats want IT DONE, once again as always the Republicans WON’T DO IT AT ALL. It matters NOT, if running water is no longer running in the state of Mississippi, and that COVID vaccinations are less than on target, but to appease the most uneducated, conspiracy theory morons, living in a state who still considers themselves a member of the Confederacy, Governor Tate Reeves, has lifted restrictions on wearing masks and social distancing. HOWWWW-DEEE, this Governor, as most elected Republican politicians insists that safe drinking water, especially in predominately African American communities is not his responsibility, but the fault of local municipalities, where those leaders just happen to be black. And as far as the Chinese Virus goes, THIS douchebag Governor, declares that in his state, come hell or high water, death or dying, MISSISSIPPI IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!


Now, NEVER one to be shy about demonstrating HIS complete ignorance or is it arrogance, thinking that because he is one of the wealthiest of the current crop of cut-throat Senators, Republican Ron Johnson (The Guy who said, since there were no guns, that he witnessed, how could there has been an INSURRECTION, and he was certain everyone carrying a Trump Flag and wearing a MAGA hat were those naughty Antifa’s mimicking the Good Nazi’s and Proud Boys)…believes that 1.6 trillion dollars in the American Recovery Plan is JUST PLAIN NO GOOD, and will turn this nation into nothing but a SOCIALIST LOVING EVIL PLACE. Of course, letting the top 1% pay little to no taxes with the Trump Tax Cuts suited Ronny’s tastebuds just fine…but that was because it was a GOP goon who suggested that idea.


And then of course, for me, the real kicker, or is it a kick in the ass, are the Moderate Dems, who are now complaining that perhaps the house and Senate should sloooooow down their attempts to assist Americans with health, welfare, employment, shelter, and food, BECAUSE, they say, just passing these GOOD FOR ALL AMERICAN’S BILLS, without the input from the Republicans is just too partisan. WHAT, HUH, SERIOUSLY! Evil is as evil does, and evil knows no boundaries, or is the word I am looking for STUPID!