Monday, March 8, 2021

Captain Hooks

 Who's the swiniest swine in world?

(Captain Hook! Captain Hook!)
Who's the dirtiest dog in this wonderful world?
(Captain Hook! Captain Hook!)
Captain of villainy
Murder and loot
Eager to kill any
Who says that his hook isn't cute!
(It's cute!) (Captain Hook’s Waltz/Peter Pan/Leonard Bernstein)


Evil and Captain Hook was proud of it. He bragged about being the slimiest, dirtiest, most vile, and add any other synonym to this list and Captain Hook would be one PROUD BOY! (HINT-HINT)


A 1950 musical adaptation of J. M. Barrie's 1904 play Peter Pan, this children’s story reminded us of good versus bad, seeking places of comfort, and the perils and privileges of growing up, or NOT! My Senior Class performed this play and I still have fond memories of the production. So the music remains as a moment in my time when youth was still full of altruism and potential.


But as I watch the list of potential Trump Wannabe’s from the Republican Party parade around the nation or almost seem to fornicate from the Mob riddled halls of Congress, pontificating their hypocrisy and heresy, or is it really Horse Shit; I think of all these INSURRECTION loving men and women as nothing but a 2021 version of 1904 villain who in 1950 sang a song promoting himself as the worst of the worse. Let US ALL pay close attention to the “the swiniest swine, dirtiest dog, and Captain of villainy in this modern American world! All these folks ready to lie, ready to try and rewrite history, ready to stab most of America in the heart, and ready to emulate the insincere Fascist/Authoritarian machinations of Trump: Teddy My daughters made me do it) Cruz-Randy (Minimum wage makes you lazy) Paul-Little Marco (please don’t let Ivanka primary me) Rubio-Tricky Nikki (I meant to insult you but you heard me, so I didn’t mean to) Haley-Tom (I will just call Iran and pretend I am the President) Cotton-and Josh (INSURRECTION is cool) Hawley. BE AFRAID AMERICA…VERY!